
=== _salem is now known as salem_
SergioMenesesballoons, around?01:24
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pittiGood morning05:29
elfyGood morning06:23
jibelgood morning07:14
asacso for http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2601/ i see that there is one error09:18
asacnow i wonder how to find the consoleouput/job of the error09:18
asachow do i navigate from there?09:18
asacTriggering a new build of eventstat-saucy-touch-armhf-install-idle-maguro #309:20
asacTriggering a new build of smem-saucy-touch-armhf-install-idle-maguro #309:20
asacbut: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/eventstat-saucy-touch-armhf-install-idle-maguro/ has no #3 :)09:20
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xnoxthat's public instance results. the in-progress builds can be viewed via vpn on the internal jenkins instance.12:54
xnoxballoons: ^12:56
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asacplars: any hint how to find out which 10 tests were run an which failed for http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2610/13:20
plarsasac: yep, those are the ones you and gema discussed recently. we added them and transitioned to using the saucy images13:21
plarsasac: the only test that's failing is the pwd/cd test, just due to a minor bug in the test. I submitted a merge proposal to fix it yesterday and I'm about to merge it13:21
asacplars: how can i see in the bug what those 10 tests are?13:22
asacerr in the job13:22
plarsasac: I'm linking it now (just got up, morning here, sorry)13:23
plarsasac: but it will take a bit of time before it cycles through to the dashboard13:23
asacis there no way to see which tests got run in the console?13:25
plarsasac: in the console?13:28
asac /console13:30
asacjenkins log13:30
plarsasac: if you mean the console output in jenkins, it will typically only have the raw log of the installation, and calling utah13:30
plarsasac: if you look at the yaml file in the artifacts though, it has the details of the test run13:30
asacok sorry ... guess i just need quick intro :) ... so if i go there: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-grouper-smoke-default/3/console13:30
asaci can see 2 jobs get run13:30
plarsasac: including all tests run, stdout/stderr, returncode, and all that13:30
asaci checked out those logs and they really run one test each13:30
asacbut that doesnt sum up to 9/10 (which is what i see on the dashboard)13:31
plarsasac: right, see https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-grouper-smoke-default/3/artifact/utah.touch-smoke-default.yaml/*view*/13:31
asacis that a magic url?13:32
plarsasac: no13:33
plarsasac: it's linked to in jenkins that way13:33
asacits not linked for me here: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-grouper-smoke-default/3/13:34
asaci only have https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-grouper-smoke-default/3/artifact/utah.touch-smoke-default.yaml13:34
plarsasac: click on artifacts13:34
asacwhich doesnt view inline13:34
plarsasac: then next to the yaml file, click view13:34
asacit doesnt have the /*view*/13:34
asacsecret box13:34
plarsasac: you can get to it with what you point at also, but it will download it instead... which also works13:34
asacfound it :)13:34
plarsit's the same file13:34
asacman thats not very intuitive :)13:34
plarsnot so secret, it's the link at the top :)13:34
plarsagree, it's not as intuitive as I'd like13:35
asacwell, but all i would expect from space is already there, inlined13:35
plarsbut we don't write jenkins13:35
asacso i wouldnt expect that this hides anything marginally different :)13:35
asacjust the view link basically13:35
gemaapw: do you have an eta on when your changes for the battery of the nexus 4 will be in the images?14:08
apwgema, checking ... but as we can install kernels manusally (and have to indeed) i don't think it hsould hold you up any14:10
gemaapw: it doesn't , I am just curious14:10
gemaapw: what holds me now is the apps behaviour14:11
gemaapw: but getting there14:11
apwgema, ok it is in the -3.11 kernel which is in the archive14:11
apwgema, not sure how to tell whether it is in the image other than installing it14:11
gemaapw: ack, I will do that14:11
gemaI need to upgrade anyway14:11
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asacplars: so after fixing the pwd/cd, will you rerun the tests?14:48
asace.g. to get stuff green?14:49
plarsasac: I can if you like, or they will automatically kick off tomorrow14:49
asacif its cheap, lets kick them off14:49
asacwho knows... maybe tomorrow there will be something else ornage :)14:50
plarsasac: as it is right now, the failure is tagged with a bug indicating what was wrong, and the bug is fix-released14:50
plarsasac: I also added a new test to check for presence of the UI14:50
asacso rerun :)14:50
asacif there is a new image with the fix yet14:50
asacnot sure how to figure that easily14:50
asacoh the fix was on infrastructure? then its just a rerun for sure14:51
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gemaapw: changes available in the new image15:58
gemaexcellent stuff15:58
xnoxI did not specify needs-building, yet my autopkgtest is currently building the package. That's exactly what it shouldn't be doing.16:42
xnoxwhy is that?16:42
xnoxplars: pitti ^ did something change in auto-pkg-testing?16:42
xnoxnevermind. I didn't specify package name to test =)16:45
xnoxplars: pitti: unping =)16:46
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asacplars: u said the code to show the details of what tests ran/succeeded/failed will land in dashboard today?17:29
plarsasac: I'm not aware of any plans for that, but I can talk to doanac and see17:30
plarsdoanac: is there any plan to parse the results and display testcase details in the dashboard?17:30
asacplars: nevermind. i think i misread what you said above17:32
asaci think linking the view directly would be helpful enough to get started17:33
asaclike direct link from: http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/smokeng/saucy/image/2610/ to a) https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/saucy-touch-grouper-smoke-default/3/artifact/utah.touch-smoke-default.yaml/*view*/17:34
asacand b) maybe to console log17:34
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Letozaf_balloons, Hi19:04
balloonsLetozaf_, hello :-)19:15
Letozaf_balloons, I received a mail from Olivier telling me that my merge request for calendar app could not be accepted  because there are conflicts when merging my  branch into trunk due to a recent renaming of the packages and that I  need to merge back trunk into my branch and resolve conflicts.19:16
Letozaf_So I renamed the ubuntu-calendar-app directory on my PC branched in a new directory ubuntu-calendar-app and copied inside the test files under the "emulators" directory and the "tests" directory, but I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5778030/19:16
Letozaf_balloons, can you help me solve this ?19:16
Letozaf_balloons, looks like an API problem19:17
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balloonsLetozaf_, sure thing19:20
balloonssince the upstream code changed while you were branching you need to rebase your branch19:21
balloonsthere's a command to do it in bzr, named aptly rebase I believe19:21
balloonsLetozaf_, that's a wild bug19:22
Letozaf_balloons, looks like I'm lucky with wild things :p19:23
balloonshah! Well something in autopilot appears unhappy19:23
* Letozaf_ is reading about bzr and rebase19:23
balloonsI must same i've not had to do it much19:23
balloonsjackson just did it.. if he was around he might have some insight19:24
balloonsregardless what you did achieves the same thing19:24
Letozaf_balloons, yes I also thought so, but I get that API version error19:24
balloonscare to push it to lp again and I'l try running it?19:25
Letozaf_balloons, ok just a second19:25
balloonsyour on saucy right?19:25
Letozaf_balloons, yes19:25
Letozaf_balloons, witch one do you want the old directory I renamed or the new one I branched again and where I get the new API error ?19:26
balloonsthe new branch :-)19:26
Letozaf_balloons, fine just a second19:26
Letozaf_balloons, https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-calendar-app/calendar-API-problem19:28
balloonsk, grabbing19:29
balloonswild.. why does autopilot want to install compiz?19:31
* balloons needs to re-install autopilot on the laptop :-)19:33
balloonsanyways since it was causing you issues on saucy I thought I'd try raring19:34
Letozaf_balloons, ok19:35
balloonsanyways, i'm presuming it's an autopilot bug19:36
balloonsLetozaf_, does autopilot list work for you?19:37
balloonsit's broken for me.. that's not a good sign19:37
Letozaf_balloons, no19:37
Letozaf_balloons, broken !19:37
Letozaf_balloons, same API vers. problem19:38
balloonshmm.. indeed, your missing the ubuntusdk.py file19:38
Letozaf_balloons, thought I copied it, let me check19:38
Letozaf_balloons, it's there in the emulators directory19:39
balloonsmake sure autopilot list sees everything ok without error.. assuming that works and it doesn't run, well then we can think about blaming the tool. but otherwise  :-)19:39
balloonsit's not in the branch you sent?19:39
balloonscheck bzr status19:39
balloonssee if it's included or not19:39
Letozaf_balloons, oh my! how did this happen ? I did something wrong... let me check19:40
Letozaf_balloons, thats funny I've got it, should I paste it in pastbin so you can copy it ?19:40
Letozaf_balloons, or what ?19:41
* elfy laughingly comments that he never does anything wrong with bzr 19:41
elfyballoons calls elfy a fibber19:41
Letozaf_elfy, a what?19:41
Letozaf_elfy, what is a fibber ?19:41
elfyfibs - like lies :)19:41
elfynot quite so "nasty: though :)19:42
Letozaf_elfy, yeah! checked on google :P19:42
Letozaf_elfy, :-)19:42
elfyI think I've managed to get my head around it now though :)19:43
Letozaf_balloons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5778129/19:43
Letozaf_balloons, even if I don't understand why it did not push that file, I was in the right directory when I pushed it19:44
Letozaf_balloons, weired :p19:44
balloonsLetozaf_, if you don't 'add' a file to bzr it's not tracked and won't be pushed19:44
balloonsjust add it and then commit, and then push it up to lp19:45
balloonsI can then pull the branch and get the update :-)19:45
Letozaf_balloons, oh right, let me do it19:46
balloonshehe :-)19:46
balloonselfy, how are you.. I'm so behind on merging, but I hope to get it going again today19:46
balloonsas I told Jackson I had to pause for a bit because of a sync bug19:46
Letozaf_balloons, done :p19:47
elfyballoons: I'm ok - I somehow got confused with a bunch of tests - but I think I've caught up now - there's a merge request from me for a fix to 2 I did19:47
elfygot my head around reviewing testcases as well19:48
balloonselfy, :-)19:50
Letozaf_balloons, I had downloaded the ubuntu-calculator-app to have a look at it and if I run autopilot list on it I get the same error, so it's for sure not related to the calculator app19:50
balloonsohh boy19:50
Letozaf_balloons, :(19:51
elfyballoons: mostly I'm pleased that once a bunch of merges go through - the xubuntu bugs will be closer to 25 than 35 :)19:53
Letozaf_balloons, I will reboot my notebook, never know just in case, be back in a few seconds...19:54
balloonsLetozaf_, ok so I see the issue19:54
balloonsNoskcaj, howdy sir19:55
Noskcajhello balloons19:55
balloonsLetozaf_, so I see the issue19:56
Letozaf_balloons, what is it ?19:56
balloonsit's a couple things.. one they renamed ubuntu_calendar_app to calendar_app so we need to update things19:56
balloonsthe second is you didn't copy __init.py__ (assuming there was one)19:57
Letozaf_balloons, argh!19:57
balloonsbecause there's an import for it in the main test19:57
Letozaf_balloons, the __init.py__ in witch dir19:59
Letozaf_balloons, there are 3 I think19:59
Letozaf_balloons, in the calendar_app dir, the tests dir and the emulators one19:59
balloonsyes, rather annoything how they use it don't you think20:00
balloonsbut, it's the one in the calendar_app dir20:00
balloonsit's the only non-blank one20:00
Letozaf_balloons, quite :P20:00
Letozaf_balloons, yes looks like I got three blank ones :(20:01
balloonsahh.. well then, they must not have done it. So I'm confused about the import in the main test20:01
balloonsCalendarTestCase is not defined20:02
balloonssee the import? from calendar_app.tests import CalendarTestCase20:02
Letozaf_balloons, no I was wrong, just a second...20:02
Noskcajballoons, on issue i've been seeing with the manual testcases: What is the correct format for the testcase description (the bit before <dt.>)20:03
balloonsNoskcaj, you can put any text you wish before the <dt> atm..20:03
balloonsthe biggest difference is the continuing of the old testcase naming before the <dt> vs not20:04
balloonsLetozaf_, ok..20:07
Letozaf_balloons, I checked, I have two blank __init.py__ files and one in the tests dir that is not20:07
Letozaf_balloons, I copied the __init.py__ file from the old directory (the one I re-named) in the "new" one, but the error is still there20:08
Letozaf_balloons, so maybe it's that not defined CalendarTestCase...20:09
balloonsyou still have to mod it slighty20:10
balloonsLetozaf_, notice they renamed things to calendar_app from ubuntu_calendar_app.. so rename things accordingly and the import should work, and thus the test should work :-)20:10
Letozaf_balloons, oh fine, sorry missed this, let me check thanks20:11
balloonsLetozaf_, no worries.. basically the define a class in the __init.py__ and there's some helper stuff in there20:12
balloonsthe __init.py__ is needed by python so that it sees the resulting .py file as a module.. it's one of those funny python things is all.. but I personally am NOT a fan of having code in __init.py__.. but then again I'm not a python hacker, so perhaps it's good practice20:13
Letozaf_balloons, I changed all the ubuntu-calendar-app in calendar-app but the error is still there20:25
balloonscan you push your __init.py__?20:26
Letozaf_balloons, yes20:26
Letozaf_balloons, done20:29
balloonsLetozaf_, k pulling20:30
balloonsLetozaf_, it looks ok now on this box.. I have to install the sdk now too, lol, so I'll need a moment to run20:33
balloonslet me look at the code though20:33
Noskcajballoons, you have at least 5 different merges for manual tests. when do you think you'll be able to start merging them?20:34
balloonsNoskcaj, I believe I'ved fixed the bug I had with syncing20:35
balloonsthat's what the holdup is :-)20:35
balloonsanyways, as soon as I finish with Letozaf_, i'll test it20:35
balloonsif it works I'll merge everything20:35
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:36
Letozaf_balloons, let me know20:36
Letozaf_balloons, you are on saucy are you ?20:36
balloonsLetozaf_, what error is it giving u?20:36
balloonsLetozaf_, I'm on my raring laptop for this :=)20:37
Letozaf_balloons, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5778285/20:37
Letozaf_balloons, oh so it might be a Saucy issue20:37
balloonsLetozaf_, that was the idea to check :-)20:38
Letozaf_balloons, I hope so, otherwise it means I've got something weired on my laptop :p20:38
balloonsLetozaf_, indeed.. most likely the merge could just go as-is20:39
balloonssdk almost installed :-)20:39
Letozaf_balloons, fine20:39
balloonsLetozaf_, seems fine here20:40
Letozaf_balloons, :)  on Raring right ?20:41
balloonsmerge it :-)20:43
Letozaf_balloons, ok20:43
balloonsare all your tests broken atm Letozaf_ on saucy?20:45
balloonsand your up to date?20:45
Letozaf_balloons, yes20:46
Letozaf_balloons, while you were checking the calendar-app20:46
Letozaf_balloons, I ran a sudo apt-get update and dist-upgrade and rebooted20:46
balloonsLetozaf_, ok, so it's worth filing a bug against autopilot20:47
balloonsand checking potentially to see if downgrading helps things20:47
Letozaf_balloons, ok so maybe before filing the bug I will check if the test works on Raring20:48
balloonsworked on raring for me, but sure :-)20:49
balloonsNoskcaj, ok trying to merge your first mp20:50
Letozaf_balloons, is it a problem if I do it tomorrow evening ? or will it be too late ? I am not sure I have autopilot on my Raring partition and20:50
Letozaf_balloons, I also have to update it20:50
Letozaf_balloons, it will take some time20:50
Letozaf_balloons, or shall I just file the bug ?20:50
Letozaf_balloons, and check the Raring downgrade tomorrow20:51
Letozaf_balloons, I am submitting a bug and will check the downgrade tomorrow20:53
Letozaf_balloons, bug number 119233320:56
Noskcajwrite it as bug 1192333 and ubot will respond20:59
ubot5bug 1192333 in Autopilot "RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v10.0 but the PyQt4.QtGui module requires API v9.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119233320:59
Letozaf_balloons, https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/119233321:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1192333 in Autopilot "RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v10.0 but the PyQt4.QtGui module requires API v9.2" [Undecided,New]21:00
Letozaf_balloons, going to bed :) 'night I will check the Raring downgrade tomorrow (I am quite sure it will work as it worked for you)21:01
balloonswhoa.. sorry, I guess I dc;d and it didn't send anything21:15
balloonshello sak21:15
saki have done some testing of the alsa package and everything turned out great.21:16
sakhello ballons21:16
balloonsNoskcaj, ok so anyways I was merging your stuff and asked if elfy and you could review some of the MP's21:16
Noskcajballoons, ok21:16
balloonsI'll merge them all right now :-) the sync is working again.. found one small minor issue that I fixed also after the first test21:16
balloonssak, wonderful.. no issues is a good sign :-)21:16
balloonsdid you see the bug njin found for it though?21:17
balloonsyou could try confirming it21:17
sakthere was a bug, the name is pavucontrol1191345)21:18
Noskcajsak, in IRC write bugs as bug 119134521:19
sakas far as mesa:X-staging, there are no 64bit packages.21:19
ubot5bug 1191345 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "all menu items are disabled with GTK 3.9.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119134521:19
sakok noskcaj21:20
balloonssak, no 64-bit packages? what do you mean?21:23
balloonsok, 2 down21:25
sakwhen i installed the ppa for ubuntu-x-swat, and updated my source list, i got an error stating this package was only 32bit compatible and that it did not have a 64bit version21:26
balloonssak, ohh.. it's having you install from ubuntu-x-swat?21:27
* balloons tries to remember21:27
sakno X-staging. ubuntu-x-swap is the name of the ppa21:30
phillwballoons: you have mail :)21:30
balloonsphillw, indeed I do :-)21:34
balloonssomething pressing you need?21:35
balloonsphillw, that's really cool method for using zsync21:49
balloonssak, I tried to respond to your posts but feel free to clarify in here if you wish21:52
balloonsthe beauty of realtime chatting :-)21:52
phillwballoons: I'll ask Jonathan if he will take the time to write up what is needed for a cron job, it would be minutes for him and hours for me :D21:59
balloonsphillw, lol indeed.. convert that conversation to a wiki page then just incorporate it into your sesssion22:03
balloonsleverage jonathan's help on making the page22:03
phillwballoons: I'm already on a capture mission for that :D22:04
phillwballoons: the only thing I really need to check out is if 'bog-standard' ubuntu has genisoimage as default? it is in lubuntu http://pastebin.com/Pg3RQAwH can  you check?22:07
* Noskcaj is away: school22:23
sakballoons, what do you need me to clarify?23:06
balloonssak, just what your question about providing info to developers meant23:14
balloonssee my mail :-)23:14

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