
Orokusakianyone know how to insert a module automatically? I have tried /system/etc/init.d/90userinit.. this runs some commands, but not modprobe as of saucy.. the developer preview worked this way.. I have also recompiled and used init.tenderloin.rc and that doesn't seem to work either.. fustrated.. buy you a beer?00:01
asterismohi people00:11
asterismoi want to know the set of applications that is shipped with ubuntu touch in the current version00:11
asterismoi'm planning to install it in a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 p3113, at least the rarinig build, the newer is not quite working yet00:12
asterismois there any email application (with PGP support), media player and basic apps?00:12
RAOFThere isn't an email application.00:18
RAOFBut there are a bunch of basic apps.00:19
stgraberogra_, slangasek: ueventd in a polling loop, does that ring a bell?00:19
stgraber(polling fd=4 which is apparently a socket, I'm assuming netlink)00:22
slangasekstgraber: yes00:24
slangasekstgraber: I think I filed a bug about this; killall ueventd worked to let it respawn without the loop00:25
slangasekanyway, it's an android bug, not high on my list until we have an android source package :)00:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 1190792 in touch-preview-images "ueventd in a busy loop on container-flipped image" [Undecided,New]00:25
stgraberslangasek: ah, simple enough to workaround then, thanks00:26
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stgraberslangasek: could you pastebin /data/misc/wifi/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini?00:55
slangasekstgraber: from the N4?00:55
stgrabertrying to bring up the wifi by hand, the kernel complains about that file being missing00:56
stgraberslangasek: yep00:56
stgraberas part of my loop-mount setup, I wiped /data, so that may explain why it's working for you and not for me (or I'm simply missing whatever usually generates it)00:56
slangasekstgraber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775722/00:56
slangasekah :)00:56
stgraberand success, I've got wifi!00:59
stgraberso apparently something is supposed to copy /etc/wifi/* to /data/misc/wifi/ when Android starts, except that this part never happened on my phone...00:59
* stgraber tries with a completely blank /data, see if it populates in that csae01:00
stgrabernope, that doesn't help... oh well, I'll just hack around it for now and have the pre-start script copy those over01:01
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stgraberslangasek, rsalveti: so if you want to play with read-only loop-mount for nexus4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775889/02:34
stgraberthat'll grab the various files from cdimage, generate a 1.3GB system.img file, push that to the data partition and flash a new bootimg02:35
stgraberworks fine here, except for wifi which I need to manually tweak to get started and unity which doesn't start for some reason (the hybris tests all pass though)02:35
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brian_Hi All.03:31
brian_I have a Galaxy Note II and would love to finally have Ubuntu running on it.03:32
brian_Is it possible yet?03:32
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arunprasadrhello folks :) where can i find the source code for all core apps(including browser)?06:14
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diwichi, how do I enable wifi? Right now I'm on Nexus 4, saucy image, and no networks showing up in the indicator.07:01
dholbachgood morning07:01
diwicfixed it (thanks askubuntu!)07:12
brian_Hi All. I have a Note II and was hoping I could install Ubuntu on it. Is that possible or is it not ready yet?07:16
tvossmzanetti, can you point gema to the ubuntu touch bug tracker?07:22
popeyGood morning07:23
popeytvoss: which component?07:23
tvosspopey, making calls07:23
mzanettitvoss: huh? bugs.launchpad.nat?07:25
jussidoes ubuntu touch not have a messaging client? or how do I see messages... ?07:43
seb128jussi, there is a messaging indicator07:45
seb128jussi, the phone-app should do sms and stuff07:46
seb128jussi, friends-app does social protocols (facebook, etc)07:46
jussiseb128: hrm, phone app doesnt seem to have any messages at all. how does that work? I just see keypad and a contacts key.07:48
popeyat the top, swipe across to conversation view07:48
seb128jussi, the header bar with the title, swipe left/right07:49
jussithanks seb128 and popey07:50
seb128jussi, yw!07:50
seb128hum, is the phone-app working for others on the saucy grouper image (classic one, not the container flipped one)07:56
seb128bah, gallery gives a white screen only as well07:56
popeyseb128: not many apps are working on grouper for me07:56
popey(just flashed with todays daily)07:57
popeyin fact i have yet to find an app that works07:57
seb128popey, calculator was working for me07:57
popeynot for me07:58
diwicseb128, popey are you trying with the flipped or unflipped saucy images?07:58
seb128diwic, unflipped07:58
popeythe one that comes from phablet-flash, which I believe is unflipped07:58
seb128I think07:58
diwicthe flipped still seems to be in eternal reboot mode for me07:59
seb128diwic, the one from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/07:59
didrocksseb128: quite simple, just adb shell in the device07:59
didrocksseb128: if / looks like an ubuntu FS, you are in the flipped one07:59
diwicseb128, the unflipped is in /ubuntu-touch-preview and the flipped in /ubuntu-touch I think08:00
seb128didrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5776423/08:00
diwicseb128, anyway my Nexus4 arrived yesterday evening, and it seems to work with the flipped image, so now I can start working on enabling something, finally :-)08:01
didrocksseb128: yeah, this is androidish :)08:01
seb128diwic, great!08:01
seb128didrocks, what I though, well it's broken for some reason :/08:01
* seb128 ponders going back to raring image08:01
popeyseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/119206808:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 1192068 in touch-preview-images "No applications start on grouper with latest unflipped image" [Undecided,New]08:07
popeymaybe confirm?08:07
seb128popey, done08:08
kalikianaso… why is shell access not part of the install, but hidden in the release notes?08:16
kalikianaI literally followed every link until I saw it by chance08:17
popeykalikiana: you mean ssh installation?08:19
kalikianapopey, adb shell would've been enough08:19
kalikianamore specifically the part how to get into the ubuntu shell08:19
popeyare the release notes not a typical place to put it?08:19
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ReleaseNotes#Accessing_the_device_over_ADB seems pretty clear08:20
* popey shrugs08:20
kalikianaunder release notes I would expect things like "3g is hosed" or "app missing"08:20
kalikianathe "release notes" in this case are more like first steps after install08:21
kalikianaI'm not saying it's not cleary, it's simply not what the page claims to be08:22
popeyyeah, i can understand that08:22
popeymaybe it needs an "Install" page, a "PostInstall" and "ReleaseNotes"08:22
kalikianathe first half of the "release notes" page is what should be "PostInstall"08:24
kalikianaafter that come the actual release notes08:24
kalikianalike known issues, device specific and that stuff08:24
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Autistic Pride Day! :-D08:31
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ogra_stgraber, nice ! integrating your code should be easy ...08:53
brian_Is there an OS ready for Note II yet?08:55
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didrocksogra_: ++09:58
didrocksnice and thanks to avoid me writing such a similar email :)09:59
* ogra_ hasnt used a mail signarute in years .... but is inclined to put "life is not a kindergarten" into his signature ...10:01
didrocksheh, would be appropriate :)10:01
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vadiUbuntu Touches Qt Creator is failing to find phonon... is this version of Qt Creator intended as a replacement or a supplement to the original?11:18
popeyvadi: not sure I understand, you're using qtcreator on ubuntu (what version?) and it doesn't find your phone? (which phone?)11:20
vadiHey. Using Ubuntu 12.04. I've been using Qt Creator to develop Qt apps, and installed the Ubuntu Touch stuff as I'd like to play with that. Because I now had two icons in the dash (I installed the qt creator originally from a .run installer), I uninstalled the official one11:21
katieanyone know how to fix this issue when flashing a phone -- 'Error when downloading, ensure connection' -- ?11:21
vadiI'm trying to build a project I have (unrelated to touch) and it is failing to find phonon, the media framework of qt, that the project requires11:21
vadiIs it using Qt 5 by chance? I heard that was removed there11:21
popeyvadi: ours is built on qt5, yes11:22
vadiAh ok, so I should have kept the old11:22
vadiAlso in the Welcome tab, when I click on the Develop tab, I get a whole lot of unresponsive windows opened. Is this known?11:22
vadiAbout four of them...11:23
popeyI have seen that before, yes11:23
popeyI had to clear out my .config/QtProject folder to fix that iirc11:23
vadiHaving these two side by side might prove difficult, huh11:24
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tvosszsombi, ping11:32
zsombitvoss: pong11:32
tvosszsombi, mind pinging me the blueprint for the alarm service11:33
zsombitvoss: sure, in a sec11:33
zsombitvoss: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/sdk-system-alarm-api11:33
tvosszsombi, thanks :)11:34
zsombitvoss: welcome :)11:34
aquariusdid I see the other day that the web browser is now in the archives?11:42
aquariusogra_, what's the package name? maybe I'm just blind11:46
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# apt-cache madison webbrowser-app11:46
ogra_webbrowser-app | 0.20daily13.06.14-0ubuntu1 | http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ saucy/universe armhf Packages11:46
aquariushttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=webbrowser-app ?11:47
aquariusshows nothing...11:47
aquariusum. what's ports.ubuntu.com? :)11:47
popeythat site shows nothing for saucy at all aquarius11:47
aquariusoh, OK11:48
popey(I looked too)11:48
aquariusalso, that means it's only in saucy, so nm :)11:48
ogra_and packages.u.c doesnt show armhf iirc11:48
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* aquarius builds11:49
aquariusnice, new web game works in the browser.11:51
aquariusapart from not showing web fonts, but that's not a total crisis :)11:51
pmcgowanhey aquarius hows it going11:52
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aquariusso far, well :)11:58
aquariusspeaking as a bloke who has been working for himself for 12 hours so far. Even I can't screw it all up that fast ;)11:59
tvossaquarius, hey dude :)12:01
aquariusheya tvoss!12:03
tvossaquarius, how goes?12:04
sergiusensogra_: just saw your last two comments, going to do that now12:04
ogra_sergiusens, great12:05
ogra_sergiusens, i think i have an idea whats wrong though ...  but would be good to have you confirming that assumption via adbd in the initrd12:05
aquariustvoss, so far, pretty well, I think :)12:09
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xnoxogra_: where abouts does the android-rootfs build lives these days? i'm after latest/greatest/saucy one.12:15
xnoxogra_: as in all the compilation rules & magic.12:16
ogra_xnox, you mean the binary images ?12:16
ogra_see the porting guide ... its all included in the repo12:16
xnoxogra_: compilation from source to binaries.12:16
ogra_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting is how you build it12:17
xnoxogra_: ok, thanks, reading.12:17
ogra_but for the package we habe a tarball of the repo12:17
xnoxogra_: and that's everything we'd want to build using the android cross-toolchain?12:17
xnoxas a normal deb?12:17
ogra_so what you want as a first step is add a debian dir to that ...12:17
ogra_then have debian rules  call . /build/envsetup.sh ...12:18
ogra_and after that iterate over the four subarches calling "brunch $subarch"12:18
ogra_the build will be trivial12:18
ogra_at least the initial build12:19
ogra_the binaries we need should all end up in the out/ dir then12:19
xnoxogra_: sounds similarish to how the cross-toolchain is built.....12:20
ogra_(which would be system.img recovery.img and ramdisk.img per arch)12:20
ogra_(would be good to just dump these into /usr/lib/$packagename-subarch/12:20
xnoxogra_: and the export tarballs are generated from the repo checkout?12:21
* xnox likes repo checkouts.12:21
ogra_somehow, yeas, not sure how exactly though, rsalveti does that, he can surely tell you12:21
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sergiusensxnox: can you login to hespiridium?12:23
sergiusensxnox: building android is basically, repo sync; source build/envsetup.sh; brunch $device12:25
sergiusensxnox: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/touch-preview-images/phablet-build-scripts/view/head:/ubuntu-touch-build12:25
xnoxsergiusens: permission denied. is that the gitweb instance? i'd like to have access to that.12:25
xnoxsergiusens: well sure, it's just I wanna now build it using packaged toolchain ;-)12:26
sergiusensxnox: yeah, that's where all the git repos are12:26
* xnox goes to poke is12:26
sergiusensxnox: no one works directly on the server though, just in case :-) But feel free to login asking IS and snoop all you want12:26
xnoxsergiusens: push access?12:27
sergiusensxnox: yeah, you would get push access :-)12:27
xnoxsergiusens: i'd like to push the cross-building toolchain git repository & repo manifest there....12:27
sergiusensxnox: today only rsalveti and myself have that12:27
sergiusensxnox: wait, why the toolchain?12:28
xnoxcause launchpad doesn't support git & it's in github at the moment.12:28
sergiusensxnox: oh, so not packaged still12:29
xnoxsergiusens: well, it's the debian source package.12:29
xnoxsergiusens: gcc-arm-linux-androideabi from ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test at the moment.12:29
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ogra_xnox, well, we would like it to use the packaged binary of the toolchain12:29
xnoxogra_: sure.12:29
ogra_so it doesnt become a part of the build12:30
sergiusensxnox: we are doing some crazy pull-lp-source and pull-lp-bin magic for stuff that's packaged12:30
sergiusensxnox: I would prefer we still pull the source package manually for now and then modify the build repo to pick it up from wherever it's installed12:31
xnoxogra_: i don't have any git hosting at the moment. so i'm thinking where to store it. cause i dislike github. I fully understand that we do not want to bootstrap toolchain during android build, and instead simply build-depends on gcc-arm-linux-androideabi fromt eh archive.12:31
ogra_ah, k12:32
xnoxsergiusens: no. apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-androideabi and use it from /usr/bin/. Not pull-lp-source nor build anything.12:32
sergiusensxnox: perfect12:32
* xnox could use git.debian.org mrah.12:33
bfillertvoss, Kaleo : hangout? content picking..12:33
sergiusensxnox: just got confused with the mention of adding it to the repo manifest12:33
xnoxsergiusens: gcc-arm-linux-androideabi has it's own minimalistic manifest to pull correct bionic & headers.12:33
xnox(5 repos only)12:33
xnox+ android core/build machinery12:34
tvossbfiller, I asked the guys to skip this week, all were good12:34
tvossbfiller, will work with gusch to answer questions and iron out issues12:34
tvossbfiller, next week as usual12:34
sergiusensxnox: ok, as long as the default build isn't modified, it's all ok... feel free to push and maybe provide an alternative manifest12:34
bfillertvoss: ok, jamie and tyler and I are on12:35
xnoxsergiusens: yeah, I'm hoping to host two new git repositories on there and that's all.12:35
sergiusensxnox: perfectly fine with that12:36
xnoxdo we have gerrit yet?12:38
sergiusensxnox: not yet12:38
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* ogra_ uploads the last fix to make grouper work in flipped12:47
xnoxogra_: \o/12:50
ogra_now its just manta thats missing12:50
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Black_Mageanyone knows about bluetooth support with nexus 4?13:05
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nik90ckpringle: sry to disturb, could you check with jouni regarding the visual desings?13:28
ckpringlenik90: he isn't online?13:28
nik90ckpringle: I was told they would be handed over on friday13:28
nik90ckpringle: no I cant find him in this channel13:28
jounihnik90: heya13:30
nik90jounih: hi13:30
nik90jounih: I was just wondering on the progress of the visual designs13:31
jounihnik90: the designer's back from holiday now, we should be able to push the timer and stopwatch designs end of today13:31
nik90jounih: ah nice. Would that been an update to your existing branch?13:32
nik90the one where we got the clock designs?13:32
jounihnik90: yep, i'll push to my branch, the same one as before. Do you want me to drop you an email once it's there?13:32
nik90jounih: yes that would be nice13:34
nik90jounih: I also had another question regarding the icon assets like the delete icon13:35
nik90jounih: or would that come as part of a general package for everyone?13:35
jounihnik90: Kaleo should know more about when the icon theme is landing and how to use it13:37
jounihit will be a general theme for everyone to use13:37
nik90jounih: ok13:38
ogra_sergiusens, aha ... echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/panic13:38
ogra_that should prevent the reboot ...13:38
ogra_(not sure if the kernel panicing tears down adbd though, i'd rather have the script execution held while adbd is running than poking off the last resort function of the kernel)13:39
ogra_(it blocks fine on grouper and moguro here, not sure why manta is so different)13:40
guschjhodapp: ping13:47
seb128did anyone look packaging/adding qtsystems (https://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qtsystems) to the touch image?13:48
ogra_seb128, i guess thats a question to the sdk team ... bzoltan etc :)13:51
seb128ogra_, does they read this channel or do I better chase them somewhere else? ;-)13:52
JamesTaittvoss, mhr3: ping re X-Ubuntu-Touch in the .desktop file.13:52
tvossJamesTait, about to jump on a call13:52
ogra_seb128, well, i guess i just pinged bzoltan above :)13:52
seb128ogra_, bah, can't win ... after reboots and reboots I've working apps on grouper, but no onscreen keyboard :/13:52
bzoltanseb128: We have qtsystems in the qt5-proper PPA13:52
ogra_seb128, bah13:53
ogra_bzoltan, can that move to the archive ?13:53
JamesTaittvoss, no worries, it can wait. :)13:53
seb128bzoltan, is that going to be added to the default set of packages/the image at some point?13:53
tvossJamesTait, cool13:53
seb128bzoltan, I would like to use it to get the disk space infos for the system settings info panel13:53
davmor2seb128: grouper is nexus7 right?13:53
ogra_seems to be a saucy specific issue there ... i have the same (mis)behavior on flipped13:54
esigolothere is any progres log or dev status for the final release?13:54
ogra_esigolo, there are weekly updates to the mailing list13:55
esigoloogra_: i'm following I just wondered if there was a website or something13:55
bzoltanseb128:  I do not know the distro policy, but you know the qtsensors, qt3d, qtlocation, qtfeedback, qtconnectivity, qtsystems, qtpim, qtwayland modules are not released officially with the Qt5, so they are just our packages made from the git source13:55
pmcgowanseb128, is there an interface in qtmobility for that?13:55
davmor2seb128: what I found helped was to open the browser,  click on the url, so the keyboard came up and then reboot, I found it more reliably brought up the keyboard in dash then.  The other thing let the n7 boot then give it 30-60 seconds for everything to display before actually unlocking it13:56
ogra_bzoltan, well, we have the others in the archive, no ? (at least we dont use any qt related PPA anymore) so it should be possible to bring in qtsystems too13:56
pmcgowanseb128,  QSystemStorageInfo13:56
seb128pmcgowan, yes, but from what I found on google, qtmobility is for qt 4.813:56
davmor2seb128: I found that if you open it as soon as the display appeared it played up13:56
seb128pmcgowan, and qtsystems is what is recommended for qt513:56
bzoltanseb128: I have the qtsystem from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ppa13:56
seb128bzoltan, I will try that, thanks!13:57
pmcgowanseb128, right13:57
seb128davmor2, thanks for the tips, will try that13:57
bzoltanogra_:  I really do not know why it is not in the archive ... I just made an apt-cache policy ... Mirv could tell us, but he is off for two weeks (bugger)13:58
sergiusensogra_: manta is based out of a newer AOSP codebase13:58
ogra_geez, eho approved that !13:58
ogra_*who even13:58
seb128bzoltan, ogra_: that can wait for Mirv to be back13:58
bzoltanseb128: we even provide the qtsystems5-examples13:58
seb128bzoltan, I will use the ppa meanwhile, thanks!13:58
ogra_sergiusens, ah13:58
davmor2seb128: n7 seems to play up far more than the galaxy nexus for me13:59
seb128davmor2, weird, the onscreen keyboard works in the browser, not in the app lens though13:59
ogra_yeah, that might explain ...13:59
bzoltanseb128:  good luck and feel free to ping me if something is wrong13:59
seb128bzoltan, thanks, will do13:59
davmor2seb128: :) told you13:59
ogra_davmor2, definitely13:59
sergiusensogra_: echo "initrd: starting adbd for debugging" >/dev/kmsg || true14:02
ogra_well, that obviously showed up in your demsg14:02
davmor2ogra_, sergiusens: any idea when 3g/phone signal strengths will land?  There are a few things that are missing but can be worked around however you're 3g not working due to signal strength isn't obvious till you move 3 feet away from the big steel post and it works fine :)14:02
ogra_the prob is that it actually moves on after this14:02
sergiusensogra_: yeah, true :-)14:02
ogra_after adbd it should just stop ...14:02
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ogra_and it does so on grouper and maguro for me ... i tested that code on both beforee uploading14:03
ogra_apparently manta moves on and in the end kills /init (of the initrd) and doesnt find /sbin/init since it didnt find the disk14:03
mhall119popey: you should get some core app developers on UUPC14:05
ogra_(and i expect "echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/panic" to not help with that)14:05
* popey looks at nik90 14:05
sergiusensogra_: hmm... I think I found the issue, abootimg is lying to me14:11
ogra_oh ?14:11
sergiusensogra_: abootimg -u says it updates nicely, but I just grabbed it again and it wasn't updated14:11
ogra_oh, thats evil14:12
sergiusenslet me go with a create14:12
ogra_it usually complains loudly if there are issues14:12
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sergiusensogra_: ok, going to recovery to get the last_kmsg was the wrong thing it seems14:18
ogra_oh, why /14:19
sergiusensogra_: look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5777232/14:19
sergiusensogra_: grabbed it with adb wait-for-device shell cat /proc/last_kmsg|pastebinit14:19
ogra_yeah, looks fine that way14:20
ogra_but it still reboots i guess ?14:20
sergiusensogra_: yeah system watchdog timer reset14:20
* ogra_ doesnt get why wait wouldnt work, thats a posix function14:20
sergiusensogra_: wait did work it seems14:21
ogra_i'll try to rework the adbd part after the standup so it is an actual panic function, probably that helps14:22
ogra_oh !14:22
sergiusensogra_: going to give you adb wait-for-device shell cat /scripts/touch|pastebinit14:22
sergiusensogra_: I added a logline after the wait14:22
ogra_adb shell find /dev -name userdata|pastebinit ...14:22
ogra_see what that gives14:22
sergiusensogra_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5777239/14:23
ogra_ah, we have it twice14:23
ogra_i know what to do then :)14:23
aweogra_, why are there .bootimg-<device> files in the daily-preinstalled folder?  Are these required or just side-artifacts of the build?14:28
ogra_side artifact and helpful for hacking them14:28
sergiusensawe: you don't need them, they should be inside of the .*armel.*zip14:28
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ogra_awe, just ingore them14:28
awesergiusens, that's what I figured, but never safe to assume...14:29
ogra_*ignore too :)14:29
mhall119ricmm: still having those weird app loading/osk problems on nexus 714:32
mhall119on saucy-15 build now14:32
ogra_same on flipped saucy ...14:32
ogra_works every nth boot14:32
ogra_and looks like a race ...14:33
mhall119can't find any pattern to when it does and when it doesn't14:33
popeymhall119: i added checkers to the collection ppa and updated the metapackage14:34
mhall119I've also noticed that taps on the OSK in the dash are falling through to the launcher icons under it again14:34
mhall119popey: \o/14:34
mhall119popey: is that 2-player, or with an AI?14:34
popeyi didnt realise till after I uploaded it, that it has a 2 player option14:35
mhall119nice too14:35
mhall119ricmm: it does seem that the OSK and app issues might be separate issues though, sometimes the keyboard works and the apps don't14:35
mhall119though I can't recall a time when the opposite was true, that apps worked and the keyboard didn't14:37
ricmmmhall119: ok, we are working right now on enabling certain things that will make this a non-issue14:38
ricmmalso, once the new notifications land this should be automatically fixed14:39
ricmmstay tuned today for such developments14:39
* mhall119 is very curious about how the notifications are fixing this14:39
ricmmthe notifications are the culprit, they try to register something out-of-sync with the app manager which causes it to crash mid-way while the shell is coming up14:40
mhall119ah ha!  now it makes sense14:40
ricmmwhich makes it discard the session observers the shell holds, so it never gets the events of apps being started14:40
mhall119so when can we expect this?14:40
* mhall119 isn't opposed to compiling a few packages from source14:41
zsombitvoss: ping14:42
ricmmmhall119: today perhaps14:42
tvosszsombi, pong14:42
zsombitvoss: could we have the tomorrow's alarmmeeting ~30 mins or 1h earlier?14:42
rsalvetistgraber: awesome, will give that a try today, thanks!14:43
mhall119ricmm: I'll keep hitting F5 on the changelog URL then :)14:44
ogra_rsalveti, its so trivial that i was tempted to just implement it :)14:44
zsombitvoss: otherwise I can be there for 30 mins only :(14:44
mhall119tvoss: zsombi: would it be possible to get work items for the alarm API assigned to milestones so we can know when they might be ready?14:44
tvosszsombi, let me see what google cal says :)14:45
tvossmhall119, sure14:45
mhall119thanks tvoss14:45
zsombitvoss: okay, thx :)14:46
rsalvetiogra_: :-)14:47
rsalvetixnox: why do you need git access?14:47
* ogra_ triggers the flipped build that should make grouper fully work now 14:47
rsalvetiunhappy about tracking the package in bzr?14:47
rsalvetior you really need to track that in git?14:47
* mhall119 kisses ogra_ 14:47
* ogra_ kisses mhall119 back14:48
ogra_so much love here today :)14:48
xnoxrsalveti: https://raw.github.com/xnox/manifest-gcc-arm-linux-androideabi/master/default.xml14:48
* awe wishes we stick to hugs14:48
mhall119yeah, those are less awkward14:48
rsalvetixnox: oh, ok, so you need to run repo against this manifest and such, right?14:49
xnoxrsalveti: that's the manifest for debian source package of gcc androideabi cross-toolchain. I could track it in bzr, but that would be cumbersome to maintain.14:49
xnoxrsalveti: correct.14:49
davmor2ogra_: to bring some balance to the channel I hate you all for being so damn good at you jobs.....oh man failed at the last hurdle ;)14:50
rsalvetixnox: sounds good, we can push your repo there, but you'd need to ask is permission to push it via ssh14:50
rsalvetixnox: and yes, the tarball is created after a clean repo sync14:50
xnoxrsalveti: i think #is gave me permissions now.14:51
rsalvetixnox: cool, just please be careful when pushing stuff there :-)14:51
xnoxrsalveti: ok, about the tarball. is there a magic target or something?14:51
davmor2seb128: did you have any joy with the keyboard on the n7 in the end?14:52
xnoxogra_: rsalveti: at the moment i noticed that brunch builds, well everything. but are all .img needed for flipped container model? e.g. the userdata.img ?14:52
ogra_xnox, we need system, ramdisk and recovery14:53
rsalvetixnox: the dump contains the needed files to build all the 4 targets (just missing the binary blobs)14:53
seb128davmor2, I plugged an usb keyboard14:53
ogra_cheater !!14:54
xnoxogra_: ack. /me ponders if i'll trick the build system into building just those images.14:54
ogra_xnox, i would bother with the build system for the start ...14:54
rsalvetiyeah, don't worry about that unless you really need to customize it14:55
ogra_xnox, we can talk again in 15,.04 ....  after you sorted the debian/copyright file14:55
xnoxogra_:  =))))14:55
ogra_getting the stuff packaged and building as is should be really quick ... but the surrounding work is hell14:55
xnoxogra_: as Dan Brown's fans would say, specifically which of the Dante's 9 circles of hell you refer to here =)14:57
ogra_after taking a look you will realize that all of them are involved :)14:58
ogra_just a licensecheck over the whole tree sould give you an impression14:58
xnoxwell i've seen half of main rebuilt in the scrollback.14:59
stgraberrsalveti: current known issues with that script is unity not starting (unity8 segfaults) and the wifi not coming up automatically (I'm planning to add a one-line change to the Android wlan script to fix that one)15:00
ogra_stgraber, it does come up on normal flipped (afaik)15:00
ogra_so we should (eventually) research whats different there15:00
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davmor2seb128: well there is always one with a thinking out of the box idea isn't there :)15:01
seb128lol, yeah ;-)15:02
rsalvetistgraber: seg fault is interesting, weird15:05
seb128davmor2, btw, I think that was you that was mentioning the screen blinking every now and then when the device is suspended? did you ever open a bug about that?15:05
stgraberogra_: right. AFAICT something in Android is supposed to populate /data/misc/wifi with the content from /etc/wifi at boot time. But for some reason that doesn't happen here, so I have to manually do the copy, then I can load the firmware just fine...15:07
davmor2seb128: Erm I have no idea I think I went to but had no idea what to file it against.  Let me double check though15:07
ogra_stgraber, thats done by the factory reset function of recovery15:07
seb128davmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview/+bugs15:08
ogra_stgraber, we should see if we can rip that info out there at build time and kind of integrate it in our installer15:08
seb128davmor2, report here in doubt ;-)15:08
davmor2seb128: ah nice /me bookmarks the page15:08
seb128davmor2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/118786715:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 1187867 in touch-preview-images "Screen doesn't stay powered off on suspend" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:09
ogra_we'll hopefully have in-archive bugs soon15:09
seb128davmor2, in fact seems like it's reported and you commented on it15:09
ogra_only a few packages left in the PPA15:09
seb128ogra_, what component would you bug about this one?15:09
ogra_or kernel15:09
ogra_actually i noticed that the screen isnt really off15:10
davmor2seb128: yeap that would be why I couldn't remember filing it mhall119 beat me to it :)15:10
stgraberogra_: not sure that's it though (but certainly something we should look into). mako.rc contains:15:10
stgraber    # Workaround for conn_init not copying the updated firmware15:10
stgraber    rm /data/misc/wifi/WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini15:10
stgraber    rm /data/misc/wifi/WCNSS_qcom_wlan_nv.bin15:10
stgraberbut I'm not seeing anything that creates those file, so I'm not sure how they're supposed to appear post-boot when init is removing them right after /data is mounted...15:11
ogra_recovery should create them15:11
stgrabersure, but then they'd be removed by android at boot time15:11
ogra_i guess looking at the google script that does a plain android install might help15:11
stgraberthe two lines I pasted earlier come from the init script in post-fs-data15:12
ogra_there should be something creating them in the device specific init15:12
stgraberindeed there should be, just not seeing it ;)15:13
mhall119kenvandine: ping15:14
stgraberogra_: ah, there's a comment referring to conn_init, maybe that's what's usually creating those (not sure why it wouldn't be called though)15:14
ogra_just looking at the code here15:14
ogra_seems that copies it in place if the files dont exist15:16
ogra_and it is called from the init.rc15:16
mhall119Kaleo: hey, are you still working on a way to get commandline args from a QML component?15:17
stgraberogra_: before you ask for it, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5777396/15:17
ogra_stgraber, heh15:18
ogra_looks fine15:18
stgraber[    5.871265] fs_mgr: No entries found in fstab15:20
stgraber[    5.871356] init: fs_mgr_mount_all returned an error15:20
stgrabernot sure if that could be related (some condition not being met in init as a result of that)15:20
stgraber(those come from dmesg)15:20
kenvandinemhall119, pong15:20
ogra_stgraber, well, we can rip fs_mgr out of the init.rc dont worry15:22
mhall119kenvandine: hiya, couple of things15:22
mhall1191) Did you see my screenshot on discourse about the system settings app on a nexus 7?15:22
stgraberogra_: yeah, that's probably a good idea, we're not really using it anyway15:23
kenvandinemhall119, not yet15:23
mhall119and 2) does/will the Friends backend service update the messaging menu in Touch?15:23
mhall119kenvandine: http://test.ubuntu-discourse.org/t/system-settings-for-ubuntu-touch-development-is-underway/225/15?u=mhall11915:23
kenvandinemhall119, ah...15:23
kenvandinewhat version?15:24
kenvandinei think i fixed that yesterday15:24
mhall119of system-settings?15:24
kenvandineit was too wide for the n415:24
mhall119whatever was available to install last night15:24
kenvandineupdate today :)15:24
AskUbuntuUbuntu Touch on Samsung galaxy Nexus yakjuxw 4.2.1 | http://askubuntu.com/q/30974915:24
stgraberogra_: I'll try to add a bogus entry in fstab, see if that makes it happy ;)15:25
ogra_either that or just use the same code we use to rip ubuntu_chroot out of init.rc15:26
ogra_(unless thats hardcoded in init.rc)15:26
mhall119kenvandine: it could use an icon too :)15:26
kenvandinemhall119, yeah15:28
kenvandinewe know :)15:28
kenvandinemhall119, if you install signon-ui from saucy-proposed, you can add/remove accounts too :)15:28
mhall119kenvandine: ah, yes, it fits perfectly now15:28
mhall119kenvandine: now I just need my social network notifications in my messaging menu15:30
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kenvandinemhall119, yeah yeah... :)15:30
mhall119and google UOA setup15:31
Asad2005My nexus 4 build is JDQ39, where can i get the official image to download in my pc just in case ubuntu installation fail15:31
ogra_there is a link on the install wikipage iirc15:33
stgraberogra_: do you have code for the mount_all command in init?15:33
stgraberogra_: I'm wondering if the fact that we don't mount the /data partition means that post-fs-data is never triggered which would explain why the rest never happens15:33
ogra_stgraber, in the initra.fs-tools-ubuntu-touch package15:34
* tvoss is happy to read this: http://www.ubuntu.com/phone/carrier-advisory-group15:34
ogra_i'm just about to change that to make nexus 10 work with flipped though15:34
ogra_oh, wait, you mean the android init ? no i didnt touch the android side at all (and would like to avoid that as much as possible, fearing to break any binary blob assumptions)15:35
stgraberogra_: I "think" I may have a way around that, trying to now. Replacing the "mount_all fstab.mako" call by a "trigger post-fs-data" call15:37
Black_Mageanyone knows about bluetooth support with nexus 4?15:43
rsalvetitvoss: cool!15:43
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sergiusensricmm: https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/mir/+build/472374615:47
stgraberogra_: right, so removing the mount_all line fixed the error in dmesg but didn't resolve the wireless issue...15:48
sergiusenstvoss: what is that?15:49
sergiusensgoes and posts on g+15:49
stgraberslangasek: can you paste a "ps faux" of you phone? I want to see if I'm missing some android services here15:51
apwin the touch browser, when you flick up the URL bar there is such a small separation between the end of the URL and the (x) that is is impossible (for me at least) to get the text cursor to the end of the URL to add characters to it15:51
apwis this known or should i file a bug15:51
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jounihnik90: I've pushed the new designs for the clock app now15:57
jounihnik90: lp:~jounihelminen/ubuntu-clock-app/designs15:58
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stgraberogra_: hey, so where do you currently turn the rootfs tar.gz into the zip file? I'm looking at where to hack to get the new .tar.xz stuff on cdimage (alongside .tar.gz and .zip for now)16:13
ogra_stgraber, thats a script in my home dir on  nusakan16:13
ogra_stgraber, /home/ogra/utouch-android/do-zip-android16:14
ogra_it uses all the stuff in that dir16:14
ogra_(and was supposed to land in livecd-rootfs once the updater-binary is in the archive16:14
stgraberogra_: ah, ok, so probably not where I want to add my stuff. I think I'll change livecd-rootfs/live-build to generate the .tar.xz for the touch images16:14
ogra_yeah, livecd-roofs already has code for the initrd generation, just add it before that stuff16:16
slangasekstgraber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5777557/16:21
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stgraberslangasek: thanks16:22
stgraberslangasek: ok, so I'm indeed missing some stuff here, so some trigger in init.rc didn't happen. Will look into that after lunch16:22
ogra_stgraber, slangasek, there are device specific partitions sometimes /efs for example ... might be the n4 uses such stuff16:24
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slangasekogra_: sorry, context?16:25
ogra_compare the mount output on both16:25
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ogra_slangasek, stgraber has issues in his loop setup16:25
slangasekthe n4 doesn't have a /efs16:25
ogra_on the android side ?16:25
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /proc/414/mounts|grep efs16:26
ogra_/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/efs /factory ext4 ro,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 016:26
ogra_gnex definitely does16:27
slangasekyes, N4 does not16:27
stgraberogra_: I'm pretty confident the partition list is correct, my initrd mounts all the partitions that I commented in the fstab and all of those are passed (bind-mounted) by LXC. But I think that the fact that they are pre-mounted is preventing some trigger from happening and causes some services to never start16:27
stgraberI've been reading through Google's documentation of their init system and now have a reasonable understanding of how that stuff works and where I may be stuck16:28
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rsalvetistgraber: I think there might be some post fs mount events in the init script16:49
rsalvetiwhich is probably not called in your case16:49
rsalvetiinit.rc:on fs16:50
rsalvetiinit.rc:on post-fs16:50
rsalvetiinit.rc:on post-fs-data16:50
stgraberrsalveti: everything appears to be called but the late_start class16:50
AskUbuntuTerminal app on Ubuntu Touch nexus 4 | http://askubuntu.com/q/30977016:50
rsalvetistgraber: hm, weird16:50
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rsalvetithe class is started by some other actions16:52
rsalveticlass_start late_start16:52
stgraberrsalveti: tracked it down to "on nonencrypted" not being triggered. Adding a one line change to fix that now16:52
stgraberrsalveti: ok, fixed, that worked16:52
rsalvetion nonencrypted16:52
rsalveti    class_start late_start16:52
icy_are there news for ubuntu touch and the gs3?16:53
stgraberrsalveti: testing an updated version of my script now, hopefully that'll fix most of my current issues16:54
rsalvetistgraber: cool16:54
stgraberrsalveti: got the shell running!17:00
rsalvetistgraber: awesome!17:01
rsalvetiship it17:01
stgraberjust need to add some code to move /home/phablet to writable storage17:01
rsalvetistgraber: are you mounting /var/log/ as tmpfs?17:01
stgrabernope, bind-mount it to writable storage17:01
rsalvetiok, cool17:02
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stgraberrsalveti, slangasek: updated version, now boots with working wifi and the unity shell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5777764/17:27
slangasekstgraber: what's 'axel'?  Never heard of this :)17:28
stgraberslangasek: download splitter, that's what I used for cdimage as it tends to be slow otherwise. It opens 10 http streams for that file which usually is good enough to use all the bandwdith I have here17:30
stgraberrsalveti: hmm, although I see the list of wifi networks I can't seem to connect to them (don't get prompted for the password). Testing phone calls and SMS now, see if that part works.17:32
rsalvetihm, wonder if the nm package was updated in the archive17:33
rsalvetican you use nmcli directly?17:33
rsalveticyphermox: ^17:34
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stgraberrsalveti: oh, I have an idea, I guess having /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections read-only doesn't help ;)17:35
ekcexis anyone working on a ebook reader for touch?17:50
stgraberrsalveti: calls and sms work, wifi is much happier too though for some reason can't associate but that may be related to my weird wifi setup17:52
rsalvetistgraber: ok, good progress then17:52
aweogra_, flipped looks pretty good on maguro, although only if I manually run ofono17:55
ogra_hmm, weird17:55
aweI'm going to the version we landed yesterday with the SIM retry logic17:55
aweogra_, two other issues a) reboot & shutdown aren't reliable, and I have to pull the battery sometimes and b) the phone is running *really* hot ( and there are lots of kernel log messages about it )17:57
aweogra_, that said, SMS in/out, phone calls in/out work17:57
aweas does 3g17:57
aweogra_, oh yea...one other issue... the ringtone sounds pretty bad/occasionally distorted17:57
ogra_we might still miss some interlinks/permissions in /dev17:57
ogra_yeah, sound still has issues it seems, on the grouper i dont even get the volume control17:58
awelots of ALSA/pulse errors in syslog17:58
ogra_i fear we clash with alsa UCM profiles that we ship in the distro17:58
ogra_maguro matches one of the pandaboard versions here ...17:59
ogra_there are still udev vs ueventd issues we need to solve over time18:00
ogra_but its awesome that it works at all18:00
aweogra_, I'm going to take a look at the radio log next, and then will move on to mako18:00
ogra_i think mako is far more racy (i wish i had one i could use for working to easier weed that out)18:01
awealso need to try and figure out why things don't work if started by upstart, but I want to see if mako works at all18:01
aweogra_, have you asked for one?18:01
awemaybe even a short-term loaner?18:01
ogra_well, i asked for "a phone" prior to the sprint ... and got a maguro :)18:02
awemight not be a bad investment ( ChickenCutlass...nudge, nudge )18:02
aweogra_, anyways nice work18:02
ogra_thanks, and thanks for testing !18:02
aweogra_, one last question... is there a foolproof method to shutdown?  I'm concerned about mako 'cause I can't pull the battery ( which is what I've had to do several times w/maguro )18:04
ogra_reboot -fp18:04
ogra_(force powerdown)18:04
ogra_also if you need to get into bootloader/recovery ... upstarts reboot understands  that with the -f switch18:05
ogra_(reboot -f bootloader .... or recovery)18:05
ogra_after all the broken shutdown/reboot stuff is a bug though ... not yet sure if it is kernel or upstart18:05
ogra_(could also be that the container keeps it alive)18:06
aweogra_, have you looked into the heat issue?  This is the first time I've actually felt the glass getting hot...18:09
ogra_not yet, no18:09
ogra_i dont use the radio here, mine doesnt get hot18:10
slangasekogra_: sweet, the latest flipped image does work on grouper... of course, it also spits out a lot of kernel detail to the console now, looks like maybe we should re-enable plymouth? ;)18:12
ogra_oh, wiwo, thanks for testing, i hadnt even started to rsync18:13
slangasekhmmm, and also we ought to have a 'quiet' argument18:13
slangasekbecause when powering on the screen, it flickers to text console and shows a bunch of text :P18:13
ogra_oh ?18:13
ogra_it didnt do that here with yesterdays image18:13
slangasekit does here18:14
slangasekthat's part of the new stuff, right, and not something I've accidentally done here?18:14
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ogra_i can point the console somewhere else ... grouper has the prob that it needs an actual console to boot with linux18:14
slangasekI don't think it's wrong to point the console to tty1, it's just wrong to have things spewing /to/ the console18:15
slangasekdoes this kernel support 'quiet'?18:15
ogra_i havent tried if it actually needs an existing device or if having a value for console other than "none"  is enough18:15
ogra_dunno, i would expect most kernels do ... it certainly doesnt have apw's loglevel patch though18:16
ogra_so even with quiet there will still be stuff printed18:16
slangasekhmm... quite a lot, yes18:16
slangasekright, enabling plymouth still makes it unhappy18:19
ogra_slangasek, it wouldnt if you would run consiole_setup in the initrd18:20
ogra_(that fixes plymouth)18:20
slangasekwell, one thing at a time18:20
ogra_all plymouth initd hooks/scripts are diverted18:21
ogra_so you can just set FRAMEBUFFER=Y18:21
ogra_and update it18:21
ogra_that makes it run console_setup18:21
slangasekapw: ogra_ says there's a loglevel patch missing for the grouper kernel, that would have something to do with the console spew on boot?18:22
nik90thanks jounih, will look at the designs18:22
slangasekinteresting; console=tty7 works for the kernel, then panics shortly after upstart starts18:26
* ogra_ wonders why his bip instance just died18:32
slangasekit was frightened by the netsplit?18:32
ogra_ah, there was one ?18:33
ogra_i thought it was the mentioning of apw in the channel that scared it somehow :)18:33
ogra_since it immediately died after your ping :)18:34
aweogra_, so reboot -fp doesn't shutdown the system.  ;(18:35
aweit caused a reboot, which aborted, followed by a second reboot which was successful18:35
ogra_try poweroff -f then18:35
aweare you tracking bugs yet?  If not, I was planning on writing up my results in an email...18:36
davmor2ogra_: to annoy the living hell out of you, did it work?18:36
slangasekI'm not sure 'reboot' honors '-p'18:36
ogra_yeah, it used to years back18:36
slangasek'halt -fp', 'shutdown -fp now', 'poweroff -f'18:36
ogra_you could turn reboot into poweroff with that18:37
slangasekright, back before it was upstart and Keybuk read the spec :)18:37
ogra_yeah :)18:37
awepoweroff -f seems to have done the trick.  Now let's see if it boots on a power on...18:38
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cyphermoxrsalveti: no, NM wasn't updated in the archive18:38
rsalveticyphermox: yeah, stgraber found the issue18:39
rsalveti /etc/ was mounted as ro18:39
aweogra_, it won't boot after 'poweroff -f'.  ;(18:40
awethis is why I'm gonna be super-careful when testing mako18:40
* slangasek blinks18:41
slangasekwhy would that stop it from booting?18:41
awecause it didn't shutdown/poweroff properly?18:41
ogra_there is code in the bootloader that also triggers the charger animation for example ...18:41
awepulling the battery is required at this point18:42
ogra_so it can well be that you make it go stuck ...18:42
ogra_and the n4 is pretty hottid if you have to take out the battery18:42
awewhich is why I'm skittish about mako.  I guess as long as I don't ever reboot it, I'm fine18:42
rsalvetiyou can hold down the power button with mako18:42
rsalvetiyou cannot remove the battery, but there's a hardware reset18:42
aweto what?18:42
aweDidn't we have problems with mako before which required pulling the battery?18:43
rsalvetiright, that's different18:43
aweI don't think we ever root caused it?18:43
rsalvetithat was the battery running out of battery completely18:43
rsalvetiand not being able to charge enough to boot the system again18:44
rsalvetiwas probably a hardware issue18:44
* awe hopes rsalveti is right, but will still try to avoid rebooting mako while flipped18:44
ogra_teboot should work fine18:46
awes/rebooting mako/powering off mako via the command line/18:48
ogra_slangasek, i dont think we should bother much with flddling with plymouth though ... i think there are too many option switched on in out kernel18:49
ogra_when i asked rtg to enable the HW console he switched on a ton of other tty related bits, i was planning to go through them to get the same behavior as on all other android kernels we have18:50
ogra_*options switched on18:51
slangasekwell, I'm not worried about plymouth per se right now18:52
slangasekI'm worried about the junk being printed to the console18:52
ogra_i could add a quick hack to kill off the backlight (and power it back on at container startup) ....18:54
ogra_but that leaves you with a black screen for quite some time18:54
ogra_not sure thats much better18:54
barrystgraber: i fixed the infloop and now i'm getting a proper signature error.  try to fix the sig on the blacklist file and let's see if it works18:55
JCBirhello friend can any one tell is ubuntu is available for micromax a11618:56
sergiusensJCBir: !devices18:57
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices18:57
JCBirit only says for All Nexus devices i am form india and using micromax handset a11618:59
JCBircanvas HD A11618:59
JCBirits not for any other android18:59
stgraberbarry: try now19:00
barrystgraber: sweet! works perfectly19:02
barrystgraber: it's a little slow getting the xz files.  maybe that's expected.  i need to plumb in some feedback in verbose mode19:02
aweogra_, now I'm getting an insufficient permissions error when trying to adb into the phone.  Any ideas?  Another race?19:05
ogra_no, thats on the PC side19:06
ogra_adb kill-server; sudo adb start-server19:06
ogra_i heard reconnecting the cable helps too19:06
aweogra_, thanks...fixed19:07
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Michael0285-3453Can anybody help me please? i'm trying to install ubuntu phone on a galaxy nexus, but get stuck after phablet-flash -b19:20
CPCookieManQuick question, if I have Android booted, but Ubuntu Phone deployed, how do I get it to boot Ubuntu Phone?19:20
CPCookieManI'm trying to port to the Galaxy Nexus LTE (toro).19:21
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CPCookieManIs there something I should be putting into init.rc?19:23
pmcgowanMichael0285-3453, whats the problem?19:26
Michael0285-3453Device detected as maguro Download set to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview//daily-preinstalled/current Starting new HTTP connection (1): cdimage.ubuntu.com Starting new HTTP connection (1): cdimage.ubuntu.com Download directory set to /home/michael/Hentede filer/phablet-flash/saucy-16 Retrieving files The device needs to be unlocked for the following to work Flashing system to /home/michael/Hentede filer19:27
CPCookieManWell, is the device unlocked?19:28
pmcgowanthat all looks normal19:28
CPCookieManWhen you boot, under the Google logo, do you see a lock?19:28
CPCookieManGuys, I'm so close to Ubuntu Touch, I just need to know the command that actually starts it instead of Android.19:29
pmcgowanMichael0285-3453, you need to follow the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install exactly19:29
ogra_it replaces android ... if your install worked it would boot into ubuntu touch19:29
ogra_so something wasnt installed properly19:30
Michael0285-3453i really think i did19:30
CPCookieManogra_ I'm porting, I needed to leave full android in tact so that the system would even boot.19:30
Michael0285-3453it should be unlocked and i also tried factory reset/data wipe19:30
pmcgowanMichael0285-3453, so after you got that message did the phablet-flash exit?19:30
ogra_CPCookieMan, well,  there is no way to run ubuntu touch under android19:30
CPCookieManOk, but could someone send me their init.rc that boots Ubuntu Touch?19:31
Michael0285-3453the device just goes into fastboot mode19:31
Michael0285-3453and i get that error19:31
CPCookieManParts of my radio are APKs, that's why I've left Android intact.19:32
ogra_that wont work19:33
CPCookieManWhy not? I'm pretty fluent in Linux, I'd think it should. I am just missing the code that makes it start Ubuntu Touch.19:34
pmcgowanMichael0285-3453, the device needs to be booted into android or ubuntu for phablet-flash to work19:34
pmcgowanMichael0285-3453, fromt he bootloader can you get it to still boot into android19:35
CPCookieManFine guys, I'll figure it out myself...19:35
Michael0285-3453pmcgowan thank you very much for helping me. Yes i can boot into android19:36
Michael0285-3453but the device simply restart itself19:36
pmcgowanwhen does it restart, after it boots?19:37
ogra_CPCookieMan, the code is in the repo tree that you used to build your android image19:37
ogra_(on phablet.ubuntu.com)19:37
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Michael0285-3453no during phablet-flash -b19:37
Michael0285-3453it just seems that i'm so close19:38
pmcgowando you see it copy to the sdcard on the device?19:38
Michael0285-3453no, i don't think so19:39
Michael0285-3453It all goes very fast19:39
CPCookieManYou can output to a log if you'd like to see it slower19:40
pmcgowanyou have the output in your terminal? you can put it in a pastebin?19:40
Michael0285-3453this i what follow phablet -b19:41
Michael0285-3453Device detected as maguro Download set to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview//daily-preinstalled/current Starting new HTTP connection (1): cdimage.ubuntu.com Starting new HTTP connection (1): cdimage.ubuntu.com Download directory set to /home/michael/Hentede filer/phablet-flash/saucy-16 Retrieving files The device needs to be unlocked for the following to work Flashing system to /home/michael/Hentede filer19:41
slangasekogra_: yeah, I want us to fix the root issue here and get the text off the console :)19:42
slangasekogra_: we should at least issue a 'clear' before starting the container anyway, to clean up any residual console output; we already do this for lightdm on the desktop19:42
ogra_slangasek, right, that measn a bit of time to invest into disabling option by option and test the kernel19:42
slangasekwell, are you sure this isn't just a matter of apw's loglevel sauce patch?19:43
slangasekthat seems like what 'quiet' is supposed to do, and that's an Ubuntu patch19:43
ogra_no, we dont have any console output in unflipped19:43
ogra_but upstart wants a hardware console to talk to ... and tegra doesnt offer one in the android defconfig19:44
ogra_so i asked rtg_ to enable that ... but there were like 20 options enabled additionally in that patch19:45
ogra_i would also like to get rid of /dev/tty[0-9] again ... we dont need them at all19:45
slangaseksure; my question is why passing 'quiet' at boot doesn't suppress the kernel output, because that's what 'quiet' is supposed to do - which depends on an Ubuntu patch19:45
ogra_wellm quiet quietens to info level ... the ubuntu patch makes that critical level19:46
ogra_our patch just quietens a bit more19:46
rtg_slangasek, 'cause its not applied to the Nexus kernels. we have almost none of the distro SAUCE patches backported to these kernels.19:46
ogra_but that will not quieten dircet printfs ... of which the android drivers are full19:46
slangasekso I think we want that patch brought in19:47
ogra_(since there is no console usually)19:47
slangasekogra_: ugh, that's horrible19:47
ogra_yes, it is19:47
ogra_android ...19:47
slangasekI wonder if vt.handoff=7 would do anything on the N719:47
slangasekor just explode19:47
rtg_slangasek, start a bug against linux-{maguro,mako,manta,grouper} so we don't forget.19:48
ogra_slangasek, try it :) its just an abootimg away :)19:48
pmcgowanMichael0285-3453, sorry then what after flashing files? that will take some time19:48
slangasektrying now19:48
CPCookieManSo they're building with saucy now?19:50
webcommanderWhy cant i download and install ubuntu touch on my nexus 419:50
slangasekogra_: do you want to pre-emptively add 'quiet' to your boot options?  Since it ought to be there anyway19:50
CPCookieManwebcommander, You'll have to give us more than that.19:50
ogra_slangasek, we can, but thats moot once we have the console removed again19:51
ogra_as is the whole quiet patching imho ... once i'm done with manta and have it booting i'll go over the kernel options and make it behave right again19:52
slangasekogra_: wait, where do you get removing the console?19:52
slangasekit's just been added19:52
slangasekdo you mean you want upstart changed to work without a console?19:52
ogra_slangasek, no, i dont want the framebuffer being used19:53
ogra_as it is on all other android based kernels19:53
slangasekok, so where do we point the console?19:53
slangasekI thought we had no other options on grouper19:53
ogra_i'm surprised that surfaceflinger works at all to be honest19:53
slangasekrtg_, ogra_: bug #119230919:53
ubot5bug 1192309 in linux-manta (Ubuntu) "nexus kernels need to support kernel 'quiet' option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119230919:53
ogra_we dont want fbcon ...19:54
ogra_and we want to get rid of everything thats not needed to make upstart happy, what we enabled was way to much19:54
ogra_i just didnt have the time yet to go over that19:54
slangasekdisabling fbcon makes sense, but then, where does /dev/console go?19:54
ogra_but imho the grouper kernel needs to behave exactly the same as all other android kernels19:55
slangasekthat's what upstart breaks on - /dev/console spitting errors19:55
slangasekthe other android kernels have a console somewhere other than the main tty19:55
ogra_well, it doesnt on maguro, mako, manta19:55
Michael0285-3453pmcgowan sorry, i'm not sure what that means. I dont't think it writes any files to the device. The android system is still intact. Could it be that the device is not rooted?19:55
CPCookieMancd ..19:55
ogra_nothing has fbcon19:55
slangasekI'm not talking about fbcon19:55
slangasekI'm talking about */dev/console*19:55
ogra_and i'm pretty sure we can get grouper to do that too19:55
slangasekmako boots with console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8.  What's the equivalent for grouper?19:56
pmcgowanMichael0285-3453, it must be, if you go back into android double chekc the device setup instructions19:56
ogra_ /dev/console usually points to some virtual debugging device19:56
slangasekso why did the grouper kernel get changed to enable fbcon, instead of doing this?19:56
ogra_usually /dev/ttyFIQ019:56
ogra_(had to look it up)19:57
ogra_because it didnt work there and upstart fell over19:57
ogra_but what we enabled was to much19:57
pmcgowanMichael0285-3453, it needs to be rooted with usb debug turned on for adb to work19:57
ogra_we dont need 150 ttys and we dont need fbcon19:57
ogra_the point is that someone needs to go through thse options, disable one by one and find when upstart falls over to find the one option we actually need out of the 20 that were enabled19:58
pmcgowanMichael0285-3453, if I understand you right, it says flashing the files then the command exits ? otherwise it should copy the files to the device and that takes time19:58
Michael0285-3453pmcgowan usb debug is turned on but i'm not sure if it is rooted19:59
slangasekogra_: um, the option that made upstart not fall over *was* fbcon, because that's what gives upstart a real device to write to that doesn't error out when used19:59
ogra_i doubt that20:00
slangasekogra_: if the conclusion is "we shouldn't use fbcon", then disabling the enabled options one-by-one doesn't help20:00
ogra_i think it was CONFIG_HW_CONSOLE20:00
ogra_but i didnt have time to test that tehory yet20:00
ogra_in any case what was enabled was way to much and i know that i could boot desktop images without any console output in the past20:01
ogra_so it must be possible on touch as well20:01
ogra_slangasek, the nit that worries me is that we behave different to all other kernels we have and that can cause probs later, so i want to go back as fasr as i can again20:05
ogra_and keep the change actually as minimal as possible20:05
esigolothe things are getting hot In São Paulo again20:11
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webcommmanderevery time i run the phablet-flash -b it runs for a bit and then says 40420:18
esigolowebcommmander: using proxy ?20:19
webcommmanderit identifies my phone type and then it says 40420:20
esigolois possible to say wich address to use but i can't remember the command i'm searching20:23
esigolophablet-flash -p cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch-preview/daily-preinstalled/current/20:26
esigolojust to see if it works20:27
webcommmanderok trying it now20:28
webcommmanderit says it does not exist20:30
webcommmanderthe directory does not exist20:30
pmcgowanesigolo, thats for local paths, need to use -u20:31
esigolopmcgowan: thanks my mistake20:31
webcommmanderstill does not work20:31
pmcgowanwebcommmander, do phablet-flash -u http://thepath20:34
pmcgowando you still get 40420:34
webcommmanderye 40420:35
mterryWhat are the changes (or source bzr branch) in indicator-appmenu in ppa:phablet-team/ppa?  I can't find any pointer in the changelog20:36
mterrysergiusens, ^ ?20:36
pmcgowanwebcommmander, you are doing this on the same system you are talking to me on?20:39
pmcgowanwebcommmander, you got me, phablet-tools version is 0.14daily13.06.12.1-0ubuntu120:41
sergiusensmterry: I think that's a Saviq thing20:41
mterrysergiusens, ok, you had uploaded the last two, so I jumped to you  :)20:42
webcommmanderhow do i check the version20:42
CPCookieManHave they updated it to use the Saucy files instead of the Raring files? That messed up a few of my scripts.20:42
sergiusensmterry: let me check then, but it might of been a copy20:42
mterrySaviq, if you're still around, what are the changes (or source bzr branch) in indicator-appmenu in ppa:phablet-team/ppa?  I can't find any pointer in the changelog20:42
Saviqmterry, dunno, don't even know if there are any20:43
Saviqrenato_, any pointers on that ^?20:43
webcommmanderi am updating the phablet-tools20:43
mterrySaviq, it's got a lot of changes, looking at a diff with saucy.  A lot of hud stuff, etc20:43
sergiusensmterry: if we need to start using the one from archives we can delete from the ppa20:44
pmcgowanwebcommmander, to check do apt-cache policy phablet-tools20:44
mterrysergiusens, well I didn't want to do that without understanding the differences / why we have the phablet one20:45
mterrysergiusens, but it's true that the one in the phablet ppa is uninstallable on saucy (links to libbamf3-0 which doesn't exist)20:45
mterryTrying to rebuild it, I got a ftbfs20:46
Saviqmterry, ah, if it's HUD changes, then tedg, can you help?20:46
tedgmterry, Not sure which version that is, but I think it's old.20:47
mterrytedg, 13.01.0phablet2 from 5/2?20:47
tedgmterry, Yup, super old :-)20:47
mterrytedg, OK, so saucy should be used in preference? I'll just delete from PPA then20:48
tedgmterry, Sure.20:48
renato_Saviq, sorry but I did not have any clue about that20:48
tedgmterry, I'd just say with everything archive should be preferred :-)20:48
mterrytedg, yeah...  but unity build scripts still use the ppa...20:49
sergiusensmterry: I can't find the quantal version we used, which probably means I just imported it from way back20:49
tedgmterry, Heh, can you delete the unity build scripts and tell Saviq to use debian/rules?  ;-)20:49
Saviqtedg, can you tell didrocks to land unity in distro ;P20:50
sergiusensSaviq: it already lands ;-)20:50
sergiusensunity 7720:50
Saviqsergiusens, good, then we can make sure we drop the build scripts tomorrow :P20:50
Saviqtedg, ^20:50
tedgdidrocks, Land Unity RIGHT NOW!!!  ;-)20:51
sergiusensSaviq: is that your blocker?20:51
Saviqsergiusens, that, too20:51
Saviqsergiusens, we can't land smart scopes support without that20:51
pmcgowantedg, I think its sudo land unity20:52
Saviqsergiusens, now we're only waiting for notifications, which will be done tomorrow20:52
tedgpmcgowan, Ah, yes!20:52
Saviqsergiusens, so yes, tomorrow we cut the cord to ppa:phablet-team for unity8 builds20:52
tedgsudo -u didrocks land unity20:52
AskUbuntuFlashing ubuntu on galaxy nexus from Windows pc | http://askubuntu.com/q/30990521:52
stgraberogra_, rsalveti, slangasek: alright, so there's nothing wrong with my changes and the wifi. It's just that the wifi driver or our wpa supplicant is unable to associate with my wifi. Running another AP without authentication on 5Ghz worked22:26
stgraberso http://paste.ubuntu.com/5778573/ works perfectly fine including wifi (at least as well as without my changes)22:27
mhall119hmmmm, I keep hitting refresh on the saucy-preinstalled.changelog, but it still stays at saucy-16 :(22:36
awestgraber, this could be another casualty of the driver-specific wpa_suppl code that Android ships, but we lack...22:56
awestgraber, we found 5g wi-fi performance to be very poor in general on the touch devices22:56
stgraberawe: well, what's surprising here is that it fails to associate on my 2.4Ghz network but works fine on a 5Ghz one, logs from the client/kernel and access point don't say much. The AP says the client never responded and the client says the AP kicked it out, hard to know what happened exactly...23:00
stgraberrunning Android's wpa_supplicant seems to be more reliable at associating, but once associated dhcp still won't work and it'll drop the connection after a few minutes23:00
stgraberI've got a dozen other mobile devices on that AP and they all work fine, so it's a bit weird but I'll wait for some more people to try the container-flipped nexus4, see if we can find patterns23:01
awedoes it work OK with the non-flipped nexus4?23:02
stgrabernever tried ;)23:02
awebaseline dude...23:02
stgraberthat phone must have run Android for a good minute, just enough to start adb and wipe it23:02
awestgraber, it's not necessarily the delta between our wpa_supplicant and Android's, I believe it's the lack of the Qualcom wpa_supplicant nl80211 driver library...23:04
aweand the similar BCM library on maguro23:05
aweanyways, I'm about to flash my nx4 with the flipped image, so I'll let you know how well it works out for me23:05
stgraberawe: ok, if you want to get the exact same thing I have, use http://paste.ubuntu.com/5778573/23:06
stgraberawe: that gives you flipped + read-only / with loop-mount23:06
awestgraber, at this point I'm just trying to get ogra_ feedback on his base flipped container images.  We need to ensure RILD and all of it's uglieness still works correctly.  So far it looks good, although start-up is still a bit racy23:09
awealso I managed to crash maguro once today, but in general I haven't see any badness coming from RILD ( at least on maguro ), which is good.23:10
mhall119does anybody know the reason we don't support CDMA but CyanogenMod does?  It it technical, legal, political?23:50
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mhall119I guess political and legal are kinda the same23:51
vadiHas anyone had luck downgrading back to qt4 APIs by chance?23:58

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