
=== _salem is now known as salem_
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pstolowskisil2100: ping08:06
sil2100pstolowski: pong08:09
pstolowskisil2100: hi! do you know what's the status of landing the latest stuff in S?08:11
sil2100pstolowski: we're really close, Ted submitted the (probably) final fix for HUD08:11
pstolowskisil2100: awesome, so today is likely?08:11
didrockspstolowski: what kind of fix can we expect for unity?08:13
didrocks(the scopes)08:14
didrocksbtw :)08:14
sil2100pstolowski: I would say so yes08:14
pstolowskididrocks: no fix, just a small feature in libunity that's required for phablet tree08:14
didrocksah ok08:14
didrockspstolowski: are the slow previews being worked on?08:15
didrockspstolowski: is it a server-side general issue?08:15
didrocksI see a lot of complains on *the* Internet :)08:15
didrocks(making even the default opening previews more frustrating)08:15
sil2100Yes, those slow previews make things really bad08:16
sil2100Since sometimes when I forget that you have to 'double-click' to open, the preview starts but loads really really long08:16
sil2100And it's made so bad that you can't really launch the app before the preview appears08:17
davidcallesil2100, didrocks: previews are actually faster with right click. Since, on a left click there is a delay waiting for a double click.08:17
pstolowskisil2100, didrocks: the problem with apps is with a software-center helper service, that is started on demands for previews (to five us additional data); it goes away automatically, and it's startup is expensive08:18
didrocksdavidcalle: hum, loading the images and loading the description takes up some seconds08:18
didrockspstolowski: ah, I think it's the main issue, is this daemon expensive?08:19
didrockspstolowski: or when we get results from the app lens, should we start it already?08:19
pstolowskididrocks: yes, it easly eats up > 100MB of ram08:19
pstolowskididrocks: and it's python08:19
didrockspstolowski: I think it's one of the main thing making the previews/100 scopes not as popular as it can be, do you know if anything is looked at for making the experience better?08:19
pstolowskididrocks: it's dbus-activated by 1st preview request, then it stays running for a few minutes08:20
didrocks(like starting it when hovering or whatever)08:20
pstolowskididrocks: yeah, I agree this sucks atm. and no, it's not actively being worked on now, but I'm sure we will get to it soon08:21
davidcalledidrocks, there used to be a fix for previews loading, where awhere preloaded.08:21
davidcalledidrocks, sorry, were preloaded*08:21
didrockspstolowski: should I raise that to Thomas?08:21
davidcalledidrocks, ugh. a fix, from dednick, that preloaded previews.08:21
didrocksdavidcalle: hum, I think it's really the apps scope case which is the worst, not really the others08:21
pstolowskididrocks: I'd say just open a bug and make it high/crit for now08:22
didrocksbut eating too much memory?08:22
sil2100Wellark, didrocks: HUD TESTS PASSED \o/08:22
didrockssil2100: \o/\o/\o/08:22
pstolowskididrocks: and set it to affect SC08:22
sil2100Once armhf gets published, I'll try publishing the stack08:23
didrockspstolowski: I'll do on both, apps scopes and SC08:23
didrockssil2100: sweet :)08:23
SaviqMacSlow, how are we re: notifications, can we land today? :)08:24
sil2100didrocks: libdbusmenu still building for armhf, but once that's done, I'll re-run indicators as well - then, unity should run as well, so we might have a green Head today even! Shock08:24
MacSlowSaviq, could not get the 3 tests going... also was held up by vala-related compilation errors under Saucy (but at least those I got sorted)08:25
didrockssil2100: you can rerun indicators already08:25
didrockssil2100: it will wait on it and run the tests08:25
didrockssil2100: zomg a green Head \o/08:25
SaviqMacSlow, can we help on the tests?08:26
MacSlowSaviq, and I can no longer see any notifications (with current Saucy) if I run the shell on my desktop...08:26
Wellarksil2100: :)08:26
SaviqMacSlow, :/, let me know if you need help08:27
MacSlowSaviq, first I need to see what/if notifications are also broken on the device itself...08:27
MacSlowSaviq, sure08:27
MacSlowSaviq, the recent state of saucy made things worse for me atm08:28
pstolowskididrocks: thanks08:29
didrockspstolowski: please, do not hesitate to edit the description (bug #1192081)08:33
ubot5bug 1192081 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu) "Previews for applications are really slow to display anything" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119208108:33
sil2100didrocks: hmm, did you re-enable -proposed for daily-release?08:45
sil2100didrocks: since indicators check failed because of "indicator-datetime : Depends: libical1 (>= 1.0) but it is not installable"08:46
didrockssil2100: I did so, let me look08:47
didrockssil2100: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+edit-dependencies08:47
didrockssil2100: maybe there is a trickery if the upload was done before the switch changed?08:47
sil2100Just to make sure - if a PPA has a dependency on -proposed, when the PPA is added to a system and packages fetched from that PPA, will the system also fetch the deps from -proposed then?08:49
sil2100Or do we have to enable -proposed explicitly on that machine as well?08:50
sil2100didrocks: ^08:50
didrockssil2100: people has to fetch it explicitly as well, the deps are only for build-deps AFAIK08:51
* tsdgeos finds out why the lvwph test failed in CI08:51
tsdgeosobviously there was a bug in the code :-/08:52
sil2100didrocks: ok, so hm, we need to add the -proposed dep to the daily-release otto machine then? hmm08:52
sil2100didrocks: since otherwise it won't find the libical dep08:52
nic-doffaySaviq, feeling better today?08:55
Saviqnic-doffay, yeah, thanks08:55
nic-doffaySaviq, good to hear!08:55
nic-doffaySaviq, can you recommend me anything from the blueprint to work on?08:55
didrockssil2100: ah, only the -check failed08:56
didrocksnot -build08:56
nic-doffayOr something else...08:56
didrockssil2100: yeah, fair point, mind pinging jibel? On other discussions :)08:56
sil2100didrocks: ok!08:59
sil2100jibel: ping!08:59
jibelsil2100, pong09:00
sil2100jibel: hello! So, we have a problem in the indicator's check job using otto - we would probably need -proposed enabled in that test machine09:01
sil2100jibel, didrocks: you guys think that would be ok?09:01
sil2100Basically indicator-datetime is built in our PPA, but probably it won't migrate from -proposed to the universe if we don't make a release09:02
didrocksI think it's needed for handling the transitions09:02
jibelsil2100, to enable proposed you can add a file that contains the repository in the directory packages/ of the testsuite09:09
jibelsil2100, for example create a file packages/proposed.repo that container the line: deb "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy-proposed main universe restricted multiverse"09:10
jibel(without quotes even)09:10
sil2100jibel: trying that09:12
jibelhm, actually there is a single testsuite for raring and saucy that'll be a problem if we specify a release :/09:14
sil2100Maybe we could somehow control this from jenkins?09:17
jibelsil2100, I suppose you need that now or can that wait end of afternoon? I'll have more time to fix this detail.09:24
* greyback moving to office, back in 3009:25
sil2100jibel: it would be best if we had that fixed as soon as possible, as many people are waiting for the releases09:25
jibeldidrocks, is there any test planned for raring in the coming hours?09:26
seb128sil2100, can't we just do a direct archive upload of indicator-datetime to finish the libical transition?09:26
seb128then merge the changelog in trunk09:26
didrockssil2100: do you need anything on raring or can we let jibel's playing? ^09:26
seb128and daily release09:26
didrocksseb128: we'll have the same issue tomorrow, as long as libical didn't migrate09:27
seb128didrocks, well, my understanding was that indicator-datetime was the only thing blocking it09:28
seb128didrocks, so it will move to release if somebody does a manual upload09:28
jibeldidrocks, if not I'll enable proposed temporarily then disable it until I've time to land a fix to support per release deb entries later today09:28
didrocksseb128: weird? IIRC, riddel uploaded it though09:28
didrocksjibel: yeah, let's do that09:28
seb128didrocks, ftbfs09:28
seb128didrocks, the pthread issue is fixed in trunk09:29
didrocksseb128: ahah, the same thing :)09:29
didrocksseb128: well, let's hack it now that we are close to release09:29
seb128if somebody upload trunks manually you should unblock libical09:29
didrocksjibel: please go ahead ^09:29
seb128didrocks, thanks ;-)09:29
didrocksyw :)09:29
Cimimzanetti, got a chance?09:30
sil2100didrocks: raring can wait ;)09:32
sil2100jibel: I'm leaving it in your hands! Give me a sign once it's all ok ;)09:33
jibelsil2100, done09:34
jibelsil2100, give it a try09:34
jibelsil2100, also I pushed a new feature that I wanted to release after today's runs to capture memusage, if any job fails let me know.09:35
CimiSaviq, well, I can move to something else while I wait reviews if you're ok09:39
SaviqCimi, jump over to the shell to make it theme-able09:40
sil2100jibel: thanks!09:40
CimiSaviq, chat?09:40
SaviqCimi, aren't we? :)09:40
SaviqCimi, mumble?09:40
CimiSaviq, :P09:40
sil2100jibel: will the raring checks work now as well? Or currently only saucy?09:41
jibelsil2100, only saucy09:43
jibelsil2100, there is no transition in raring that'd require -proposed I hope ? :)09:44
sil2100jibel: nooo ;)09:49
sil2100jibel: thanks!09:49
mzanettiCimi: sorry, no... I started a bit but didn't come too far as it was quite late already.09:53
mzanettiCimi: how would you like the review?10:12
mzanettiCimi: pastebin like last time? or everything via mail?10:12
Cimimzanetti, mail10:12
mzanettiCimi: ack10:12
Cimimzanetti, no rush, I'm looking at unity theming, then I leave for the afternoon and be back tonight10:13
sil2100bregma: hi10:35
sil2100bregma, dednick, pstolowski: I still see a lot of failures in unity... some of them might disappear if we use the new hud and bamf, but hm10:37
pstolowskisil2100: url?10:39
mzanettiCimi: done10:40
mzanettishould keep you busy for a bit :D10:41
mzanettiCimi: in the pasted code snippets, search for "REVIEW"10:42
Cimimzanetti, which one?10:42
mzanettiCimi: I've sent a mail with a combination of links and text10:43
Cimimzanetti, oh sorry, I always forget to keep tb running10:43
Cimimzanetti, had a quick look10:48
Cimilet's have a chat later when I'll be back10:48
CimiI'm going to take those photos, not sure how long does it take but I bet I'll be back before the end of the working day10:48
mzanettiCimi: ok10:49
mhr3sil2100, how does one get to the autopilot videos these days?11:03
didrocksmhr3: it should be fairly logical now :)11:04
didrocksmhr3: let's see if it is, let's say you want to see them on the intel run:11:04
didrockstell me if you find them in the artefacts and what's your thoughts11:04
mhr3didrocks, yea, i was on and didn't see the build artifacts link anywhere11:05
sil2100mhr3: you need to click on the given machine to see those11:06
didrocksmhr3: well, that's a jenkins thing, it's never on the testReport/ page11:06
sil2100mhr3: so you need to go back, go to the given machine and then you see the artifacts11:06
mhr3yea, yea, found it now, thx11:06
pstolowskisil2100, didrocks, mhr3: there is something odd about those test failures - videos are very short, there is no waiting etc. for results (which normally indicates results didn't show up on time) - instead they fail on AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_results'. If you look at e.g. unity.tests.test_shopping_lens.ShoppingScopeTests.test_application_scope_has_shopping_results, there are shopping results on the video11:32
mhr3pstolowski, i'm fixing that right now11:32
didrocksmhr3: you did find one root cause?11:32
didrockswooow :)11:34
Saviqdednick, hey, can you please look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-preview/+bugs?field.tag=saucy-regression11:36
mhr3being consistent involves a couple of branches :)11:44
sil2100mhr3: thanks!11:46
sil2100Let's get those reviewed11:46
sil2100pstolowski: ^ could you?11:46
mhr3sil2100, i think you can handle ;)11:46
nic-doffaypete-woods, pushed your comments to that branch.11:47
sil2100pstolowski, mhr3: btw. would it be possible for your team to assign one person that would look at the daily test results for unity every morning, making sure that nothing super-duper got broken?11:47
pete-woodsnic-doffay: cool, thanks!11:47
sil2100If, of course, there would be a test result ;p11:47
mhr3sil2100, do we really need to poll instead of listening for events (you pinging us)? :)11:48
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sil2100mhr3: well, theoretically the tests failing is a job for upstream, so you guys ;p We're only here to take care of releasing and maintainance of the tools11:49
sil2100mhr3: we're around to fix some other things like something packaging wise got broken or the tools failed and no tests got returned11:50
mhr3sil2100, yes, but this polling would span 5 teams, that's a lot of wasted time if one person from each team looks at the results only to find out that it's not their fault11:50
sil2100mhr3: well, I don't mind doing that, but anyway upstream is maintaining their own trunks, so just having one person open up a link for a check job every morning to see if something got broken recently in unity trunk wouldn't be such a bad thing, since this might speed things up11:53
dednickSaviq: sure11:54
sil2100mhr3: as for instance I have a lot of stacks to check right now, so for instance when I finally have a time to see that there are a lot of unity failures going on, you guys could have noticed that already much faster and it might have been fixed already11:54
mhr3sil2100, on the other hand it slows down other upstream tasks :)11:54
sil2100mhr3: true true ;)11:54
sil2100mhr3: just a something to consider11:54
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sil2100I wonder why CI failed for https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-lens-video/capital-s/+merge/17004811:59
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mhr3sil2100, let's fix that with next mp :)12:12
mhr3sil2100, ok, so this one fixes it - https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-scope-home/revert-120/+merge/17006012:15
mhr3didrocks, this was actually good test for the CI stuff, what does it do when it's in progress of merging a branch and that gets un-approved?12:16
sil2100mhr3: if the branch got picked up by the merger before we managed to reject it, it will merge it in anyway12:17
sil2100But the merger does one thing at a time, so in some moment's we'll be sure if anyting landed or not12:18
mhr3so let's hope we were fast enough...12:19
mhr3or rather ci slow enough :)12:19
sil2100didrocks: hm, when re-running with "CHECK_WITH_WHOLE_PPA", should I rebuild everything or use 'foo'?12:20
sil2100didrocks: for instance for the case of indicators12:20
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sil2100Trevinho: ping!12:26
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sil2100mhr3: so just a fix to the home lens is needed?12:38
sil2100fginther: ping!12:45
didrocksmhr3: I don't do, I didn't write the version 2. From what I experienced though, it's failing to merge :)12:57
didrockssil2100: depends, do you need to rebuild them?12:57
didrockssil2100: CHECK_WITH_WHOLE_PPA ignores rebuilding anything12:57
Trevinhosil2100: pong12:58
mhr3sil2100, right13:01
dandradermzanetti, would you have time to review this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/8_tryTest/+merge/16952713:02
fginthersil2100, ping13:02
mzanettidandrader: not right now. how urgent is it?13:03
dandradermzanetti, not urgent. np13:03
dandradertsdgeos, would you have time to review this one? https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/8_tryTest/+merge/16952713:03
tsdgeosah i saw it this morning13:03
mzanettidandrader: if you can wait, I can do it tonight or tomorrow13:04
mzanettiunless tsdgeos wants to have it :)13:04
dandradermzanetti, exactly :)13:04
sil2100didrocks: hm, not sure if a rebuild is needed, since indicator-datetime anyway depends on libical, so I would just want it to be fetched13:04
tsdgeoswhat's the "thing" in there? is there no change we can get that into upstream qmlscene?13:05
sil2100didrocks: but I tried re-running just with 'foo' and it failed fetching 'libical'13:05
sil2100didrocks: i.e. extra packages installed it said13:05
dandradertsdgeos, It's using the MouseTouchAdaptor13:05
sil2100Trevinho: hi!13:05
tsdgeosah, that's ours13:05
mzanettidandrader: +1 on the make tryFoo13:06
didrockssil2100: even with CHECK_WITH_WHOLE ppa?13:06
sil2100Trevinho: so, I see a commit in lp:bamf/0.4 (for raring) that was fixing some Makefiles for jenkins13:06
mzanettiawesome stuff, dandrader13:06
Trevinhosil2100: yes13:06
dandradermzanetti, thanks!13:07
Trevinhosil2100: ci and builder weren't working otherwise13:07
tsdgeosdandrader: would it be possible to split a bit more our changes (i.e. the use of MouseTouchAdaptor) and the "copied" qmlscene.cpp code (if there is any, i understand there is) so it's easier to "sync" in the future?13:07
sil2100didrocks: yes, I checked that, and from what I see it's still failing in the same way13:07
sil2100Trevinho: so that's necessary for everything to work, yes?13:07
didrockssil2100: oh interesting, let me have a look in a few with jibel13:07
sil2100didrocks: thanks!13:07
didrocksyw :)13:07
Trevinhosil2100: yep...13:07
sil2100Trevinho: ok, hm, is there a bug for this by any chance?13:08
dandradertsdgeos, you mean first bring in qmlscene and in a separate commit modify it to use MouseTouchAdaptor?13:08
dandradertsdgeos, although still in the same merge proposal?13:08
Trevinhosil2100: I didn't open, as I noriced when pushing something else, but i can add it if you want13:08
tsdgeosdandrader: no, i mean seperate files (that'd be awesomse so one could copy the new qt file) and/or more isolated places on the code, but i guess that's not really easy/possible since the main.cpp is even embedded there13:09
tedgsil2100, So it looks like HUD is good, no?13:10
sil2100tedg: yes, thanks! Awesome \o/13:10
tedgWoot!  /me does a happy dance13:10
sil2100tedg: we'll release everything today hopefully!13:11
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tedgsil2100, That'd be great, thanks for all the debug logs!13:11
sil2100hehe, thanks for the fixes ;) Finally this bug got squished13:12
dandradertsdgeos, hmmm, I'm having a hard time imagining how I could move our changes to a separate file... Anyway the diff is a couple of lines only. Quite minimal13:17
sil2100Trevinho: could you create a bug for that build-system issue?13:18
sil2100Trevinho: I think the SRU team would be much more happy with that then ;)13:18
sil2100Trevinho: I will modify the changelog to include that one, since I'm cleaning up things anyway13:19
fginthersil2100, pong?13:19
sil2100fginther: hello :) Sorry, missed your pong, too many blinking places13:20
sil2100fginther: but my issue already got resolved13:20
fginthersil2100, no problem13:20
Trevinhosil2100: fine, thanks for the head up13:24
Saviqnic-doffay, dednick, greyback standup13:31
SaviqCimi, ^13:31
greybackcoming, mumble stuck13:31
Saviqdandrader, ^13:31
mterrydidrocks, cyphermox: indicators stack has been failing for a while; I've got an interest in having libusermetrics land in saucy.  Do you think it's easier to fix the stack or manually upload the package to saucy first just to get it going through NEW, etc?13:46
didrocksmterry: we are quite close to get everything finally fixed13:47
didrocksso better to wait :)13:47
kgunnnic-doffay: infog looks kick-a on the device! i just updated to saucy ...and bam it was there13:47
sil2100didrocks: any luck with the indicator stack re-running with the whole PPA ;) ?13:47
nic-doffaykgunn, yeah. The colours will change again though, otherwise it's staying like that.13:48
mterrydidrocks, ok13:48
didrockssil2100: fix is deploying right now13:48
didrockssil2100: done, you can relaunch it :)13:49
sil2100Foo with whole, yes?13:50
cyphermoxfix the stack13:52
cyphermoxI'll go look at what's up with libusermetrics again13:52
cyphermoxmmkay I guess libical1 was added already13:53
cyphermoxperhaps not13:55
dobeyhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5774919/ <- anyone know why this would happen in lp:unity/phablet?14:00
devgruhello everyone14:05
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greybackSaviq: can I get your input on this API proposal: http://studio.sketchpad.cc/EEd2PSjTRn . HUD needs this API to maintain its own application stack internally.14:17
Saviqgreyback, about that - doesn't HUD only need a single app and not the whole stack?14:18
greybackSaviq: I recall asking tedg that, he maintained they needed the whole stack. tedg, can you confirm please?14:19
tedgSaviq, We use it to grab the menus in advance and pre-load.  It's an optimization, but one I'd like to keep.14:20
tedgSaviq, Not as much an issue on the smaller apps like the phone, but on things like the GIMP it can help quite a bit.14:21
Saviqtedg, mhm, got it14:21
Saviqgreyback, it feels like "Window(Un)Focused" is overkill, could we have "FocusedWindowChanged" with null for "going to dash"?14:26
greybackSaviq: no objection here14:27
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Saviqgreyback, app_uri is the app id?14:31
greybackSaviq: yes14:31
Saviqgreyback, looks sane, did you talk with Robert about this? at least in Mir the term seems to be Surface and not Window, not sure if that should be used here, too14:34
mhr3dobey, people here know stuff ;)14:34
Saviqgreyback, or Session, even (do we want menus per-surface/window or per-app?) tedg?14:35
tedgSaviq, Yes :-)14:36
tedgSaviq, We'll need that for the desktop cases.14:36
greybackSaviq: do we want to use their terminology though? Those are very display server terms14:36
tedgSaviq, For the phone cases they should be 1:1, but when we have to handle things with real window management, we'll need more.14:36
dobeymhr3: i asked in here, and nobody replied :(14:37
dobeyam i supposed to use lp:unity/phablet or lp:unity/8.0?14:42
Saviqdobey, lp:unity/8.014:44
tsdgeos_dandrader: so still want me to do https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/8_tryTest/+merge/169527 or someone is doing it?15:06
dandraderSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/phablet_developmentHasMoved/+merge/17010915:14
dandradertsdgeos_, please do review it15:14
dandradertsdgeos_, don't forget to claim it to have it clear that you got it covered15:15
mhr3Saviq, do we have any plan for abi breaks in unity-core? it's very much not doable to keep abi compatibility with a c++ lib... :/15:18
dandraderSaviq, btw, auto-landing will never approve it. can I just push it?15:19
sil2100Trevinho: any luck with opening that bug ;) ?15:21
Trevinhosil2100: oh, sorry... :)15:21
tsdgeos_dandrader: can't claim it, no button for that, maybe greyback did claim it?15:24
sil2100Trevinho: just a quick bug would be ok, we'll SRU it later ;)15:24
Trevinhosil2100: bug #119221615:25
ubot5bug 1192216 in BAMF 0.5 "Bamf is not building in jenkins due to missing coverage xml and xunit formatted tests" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119221615:25
greybacktsdgeos_: I didn't claim, just made a comment15:25
sil2100Trevinho: thanks! Adding to changelog15:25
dandradertsdgeos_, I'll just add you as a reviewer then15:26
dobeybah, lp:unity/8.0 is crashing with the exact same stack trace as lp:unity/phablet was, for me :(15:27
dobeyinside the moc-genrated plugin code :(15:30
Saviqdandrader, right, yea15:35
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olli_Saviq, ping16:07
Saviqolli_, pong16:07
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Saviqolli, sorry for not being there yesterday, something slapped me down flat16:07
olliSaviq, any word on the scopes?16:07
Saviqolli, we need to land notifications in sync with them, so that we can get rid of the phablet version of nux16:08
Saviqolli, the scopes support itself is ready16:08
Saviqolli, we're polishing up notifications16:08
Saviqolli, but I don't want to push it today, want to have a bit more time tomorrow morning to get everything into shape and land16:10
ollithx for the update saviq16:10
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mhall119mfisch: ping16:35
mfischmhall119: pong16:35
mhall119mfisch: I want to test your scopes tutorial code16:36
mfischmhall119: ha, once it works a bit better, sure16:46
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mhall119mfisch: of course, keep me in the loop and I'll jump on it as soon as it's ready16:52
mfischmhall119: ok, it's been slow going16:52
mhall119of course it has, it's C :)16:53
mfischit was far easier in singlet17:09
mfischmhall119: do you have calle's scope already?17:11
mhall119I have lots of his scopes, I'm on Saucy :)17:13
mhall119did you have one in particular?17:13
mfischhis example scope for openclipart17:13
mhall119http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpm/+junk/openclipart/files ?17:14
mfischno thats the C code17:14
mfischthis is the link I have17:15
mhall119mfisch: we should port Singlet to C :)17:18
mhall119call is Cinglet17:18
mhall119then laugh maniacally when people try to say it out loud17:18
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mfischmhall119: can you tell me how to stop Unity from changing my filters when the search completes?17:32
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mhall119mfisch: disable the smart scope service17:37
mhall119the smart scope service is what tells your dash what scopes to try17:38
mfischgah how do you open a URL in a browswer from C17:56
* mfisch checks glib17:56
dednickSaviq: ping18:04
dednickSaviq: i've moved the indicator-client and indicator files to a src folder off the root path. If that's alright, I think we should probably also move the other random cpp code in there as well (main, paths, MouseTouchAdapter, etc).18:06
mfischmhall119: lp:~mfisch/+junk/openclipart, I'm still fixing things though18:06
mfischmhall119: but it's semi-usable18:06
Saviqdednick, we should probably have a "data" top-level folder for the .indicator files, the .desktop file and such18:11
Saviqdednick, and +1 on src18:12
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mfischthat chnag just took down unity18:18
mhall119thanks mfisch, I'll take a look18:31
mfischmhall119: I have the preview image working, I need to make more fixes and i will push in a bit18:32
mhall119mfisch: david had a small GUI app that you could use to test scopes and see what they returned, do you know if that will work with these new C scoped?18:36
mfischnot sure, sorry18:36
mhall119didn't figure you would, but it was worth asking18:36
mfischI was told about libunity-tool for testing, perhaps that's it?18:37
mfischI just install the scope and service and run the scope by hand18:37
mhall119might have been, I don't remember the name now18:37
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mhall119that scope doesn't look so bad18:39
mhall119I mean, it's still C, but all things considered, not bad18:39
mfischmhall119: haha18:46
mfischmhall119: update it, the open URL and preview icon work18:46
mfischmhall119: for opening the icon, i'm doing a system to xdg-open, not pretty18:46
mfischbut functional18:46
mfischmaybe i'll add a download button18:47
mhall119mfisch: you should just be able to tell Unity to open the URI18:48
mhall119instead of calling xdg-open yourself18:48
mhall119that's how it used to be anyway18:48
mfischthere's a handle type called GOTO_DASH_URI which I thought would work18:48
mfischbut did not18:48
mhall119I think NOT_HANDLED tells unity "I didn't handle this, so you have to"18:49
mfischlet me try that18:49
mfischwhen I did this for the stock ticker, I did HIDE_DASH18:49
mfischmhall119: what about having a "Save" button and calling wget?18:50
mfischthat might be fun18:50
mhall119IIRC, HIDE_DASH means "I'm doing something with this, you can close the dash now"18:52
mhall119SHOW_DASH means "I'm doing some stuff, but want the Dash to remain open"18:52
mhall119not sure about GOTO_DASH_URI18:52
mfischwell I'll be18:52
mfischit worked18:52
mfischthanks mhall11918:52
* mhall119 puts on his lead developer cape18:53
mfischthink download or save might be a nice button?18:53
mhall119no, that kind of defeats the purpose of the dash being "you don't care where it is"18:53
mhall119but if you can copy the image itself into the clipboard....that would be interesting18:54
mfischI guess if I wanted to downlaod it, I can go through the browser18:54
mfischoh, thats probably 10k lines of C code or so ;)18:54
mhall119probably :)18:54
mhall119for the boiler plate anyway18:54
mhall119the actual functionality might be more18:54
mfischI think instead I'll clean up the code more so Sr planella can make a doc on it18:55
mhall119probably the right idea, yeah18:58
mfischmhall119: are you a qmake expert/18:59
mfischmhall119: I want to change the default CFLAGS18:59
mfischlead developer google gave me some ideas19:01
mfischmhall119: more updates, mainly compiler warning fixes, but also I dropped the system() call19:07
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mfischmhall119: do we want this packaged?19:27
mfischmay as well I dont have much else to do19:32
mfischactually it may be simpler without package cruft19:32
mhall119yeah, let's leave it without for now19:33
mhall119since it's going to be a tutorial on how to write scopes, not package them19:33
mhall119mfisch: what package do I need to get mrss.h includes?20:02
* mhall119 tries libmrss0-dev20:04
mhall119ok, that worked20:05
mhall119mfisch: but now I get:20:05
mhall119gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-Wnounused-variable’20:05
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dobeyanyone know why search doesn't work in lp:unity/8.0 on the dash home lens?20:28
mhr3dobey, cause it's disabled20:52
dobeyhow can i enable it?20:53
mhr3that is a good question20:54
mhr3i'd guess that it'll start working when all the pending branches land20:54
dobeyis that happening tonight? :)21:05
mhr3we wish21:18
mhr3but our wishes were not answered for the past couple of days21:19
tedgdobey, mhr3 forgot to leave sacrificial cookies on the alter of Santa.21:24
mhr3tedg, and on yours! :P hud test failures caused some delays too21:25
* tedg eats all the cookies! NOM NOM NOM!21:26
mhr3i'm starting to think that any plan should include extra 2 weeks of integration21:26
mhall119mfisch: hey man, I still can't get your scope code to compile, ping me when you're around22:08
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