
asterismoi mean, basic email client with PGP? browser? multimedia player? is that working? cannot find a list of apps or reviews eyt00:00
=== Shehrazad is now known as ElixirVitae
usr13StaticLNX: sudo service networking stop && sudo service networking start00:00
kostkonasterismo, also there various posts about new and current touch apps on http://iloveubuntu.net00:01
asterismothanks kostkon00:01
wheatthinStaticLNX, work?00:01
kostkonasterismo, np00:01
StaticLNXstatic@LNX:~$ sudo service networking start00:01
StaticLNXnetworking stop/waiting00:01
usr13StaticLNX: sudo service networking stop && sudo service networking start00:02
wheatthinjust go up to network manager in the gui and click the thing off00:02
StaticLNXstatic@LNX:~$ sudo service networking stop && sudo service networking start00:02
StaticLNXstop: Unknown instance:00:02
wheatthinthen with the settings in interfaces set, type   sudo ifup eth000:02
wheatthinor reboot and it'll come up on it's own00:03
=== beer is now known as Guest80302
usr13StaticLNX: sudo ifconfig eth0 ; ifconfig eth0 |grep inet  #Do you see the proper IP now?00:05
usr13    ^^^^^^^^^   (Correction)00:06
wheatthinusr13, I already helped him00:07
usr13wheatthin: Ok. Good.00:07
asterismokostkon, in this site https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps , if i understand well, the applications are not yet developed right?00:07
usr13wheatthin: Thanks.00:07
kostkonasterismo, they aren't finished yet, true00:08
kostkonasterismo, there is #ubuntu-touch if you want to join00:08
=== oh is now known as Guest94101
asterismook thanks00:10
Smaughey all, I just installed ubuntu 12.04 desktop on a computer.   When I turn it on, the log in page comes up.  When I log in, it seems to hang.  It shows the background and my mouse and nothing else.  The desktop never comes up.  Thoughts?00:12
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: try ctr+alt+f4 or f5 to get to a terminal window to check what is going on...00:15
Smaugsoy_el_pulpo: when I bring up the terminal window, it reads "[my computer name] login: ".   then I enter my password, and I am logged in.  does this mean that the graphical display didn't actually log me in?00:17
usr13Smaug: You have to give user-name and password.00:18
usr13Smaug: (if you are in tty4 or tty5, you have to log in separately.)00:18
Smaugokay so that is expected behavior00:18
usr13Smaug: Yes00:19
Smaugusr13: soy_el_pulpo: what can I do to "check what is going on"?  I can handle the command line but am sure how to debug this.00:19
StaticLNXty wheatthin00:19
wheatthinyup you're welcome00:19
=== daniel is now known as Guest36866
MobPhoneGuys got this crazy thing going on00:20
ClassANetworkHello, I have a few questions regarding remote desktop if anyone has the chance.00:20
MobPhoneTrying to add a user I get only one out two names allowed00:20
Smaugi'm running apt-get update, upgrade maybe that will help00:20
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: that you can login there, on the terminal00:20
usr13Smaug: After that, apt-get upgrade00:20
MobPhoneAnyway to fix this00:20
soy_el_pulpoyou can do a top or a ps to see which proccess is consuming resources...00:20
fbiondipnothing yet00:22
usr13MobPhone: How are you adding user?  sudo adduser MobPhone   ?00:22
MobPhoneusr13 look at picture press00:22
usr13MobPhone: sudo adduser user-name-here00:23
usr13MobPhone: (Supply user name on same line.)00:23
=== Utente_ is now known as Kyan
=== Kyan is now known as Kyan[
Kyan[someone alive?00:25
=== iTails is now known as ClassANetwork
usr13MobPhone: Well, I see that you are in a root enabled terminal so just omit the sudo part.00:25
th0rKyan[: no00:25
Kyan[i've somethin' makin me crazy00:26
Kyan[i bought a smart pc from samsung and i'm unable to put ubuntu on it00:26
ClassANetworkHello, I have a question regarding remote desktop on Ubuntu.00:26
Kyan[even disabling the secure boot, no external drive seen by bios00:26
usr13Kyan[: Why is that?00:26
usr13ClassANetwork: Ask it.00:26
ClassANetworkWhen I connect to the remote desktop after installing xrdp, and connect via RDP-any, I only get a blank unity desktop and no sidebar00:26
Kyan[usr13, this smartpc has as default os windows 800:26
Skavusr13 ok but than the user can't login why00:26
ClassANetworkjust the wallpaper.00:26
Kyan[i tried to use unetbootin for the usb stick00:27
Kyan[and also a microsd00:27
Kyan[nothing is working00:27
ClassANetworkIs there something I need to configure or do I need to create a dedicated account for remote desktop?00:27
_userrif my current pwd is /home/userr/doc/     .and in current pwd have 2 file (d1.doc and d2.doc). how to make a file zip contain these files with command shell?00:27
usr13Skav:  What user can't login where?00:27
Kyan[i can what can i do to install it?00:28
_userrjunior23 you  can't say that in this channel00:31
Skavusr13 check msg please00:31
Kyan[usr13, some ideas?00:31
_userri'm repeat my question ,if my current pwd is /home/userr/doc/     .and in current pwd have 2 file (d1.doc and d2.doc). how to make a file zip contain these files with command shell?00:32
Kyan[_userr, dunno00:32
=== tyler is now known as Guest12739
DrekiDoes anyone know of an application that could be used to make a professional looking spreadsheet like this?: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6781003/EvE/Quick%20Reference%20Sheet%20by%20Korgan%20Nailo.pdf00:34
Guest12739I was using OpenSUSE with separate home partition and installed ubuntu to / while leaving /home alone. I would prefer to use Ubuntu default settings rather than OpenSUSES(which are being pulled from my /home folder). how can I get rid of these settings?00:34
Corey_userr: zip stuff file1 file1 will create stuff.zip00:34
FishsceneDoes anyone remember the name of the clock "visualizer" that showed a map of Earth and where the sunlight was hitting and where it was night? It updated in real time.00:34
_userrcorey thank you,00:35
_userri try it00:35
Guest12739Dreki: Openoffice calc should be able to do that. You would just need to color it the way that you want.00:35
junior23this channel no is crime card?00:35
Corey_userr: No worries.00:35
junior23i leave :D00:36
DrekiGuest12739: thanks00:36
wheatthinMakes me happy to help00:36
=== citric- is now known as citric
wheatthinjunior23 I don't want you to curse in here..00:37
wheatthinthis isn't the place for it00:37
FishsceneI'm looking for something kind of like this, but for Ubuntu: http://www.softsia.com/screenshots/Sunlight-Map-Desktop-Clock_3bm5.png00:38
FishsceneJunior23 left >.>00:38
_userri'm support ethical hckr00:40
wheatthinumm ok00:40
wheatthindo you have a problem?00:40
_userrfor this time, just to learn any ting00:43
usr13_userr: Hide and watch.00:43
wheatthinuserr, if you want, hang out in #ubuntu-offtopic00:44
Gallomimiaseem to have a problem with apt-get upgrading my kernel version... http://pastebin.com/bJSFNntB00:44
Gallomimiaoh. i performed my upgrade and ran into a usual /boot out of space problem. i cleared space but can't get things to fix themselves :(00:45
wheatthinGallomimia, did you use an out of repository package?00:45
Gallomimiano sir00:45
wheatthinGallomimia, try doing   sudo dist-upgrade00:45
wheatthinlet it sort it out00:45
Gallomimiai should mention this is 12.04 LTS... server edition00:46
_userrwheatthin what do you mean?, that i mean i'm learn for ubuntu enviroment00:46
Manson_BHHello Guys, I just make a burrada deleted one folder .. very important. How can I retrieve it? (Ubuntu)00:46
usr13Gallomimia: sudo apt-get upgrade linux-image-server00:46
Gallomimiaapt-get dist-upgrade00:46
GallomimiaE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.00:46
Gallomimiasame error usr1300:47
wheatthinsudo apt-get dist-upgrade doing same thing?00:47
usr13Gallomimia: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^00:48
svetterapt-get -f install00:48
Gallomimiaalso apt-get -f upgrade linux-headers-server00:48
reisioso dist-upgrade is like, 12.04 to 13.04?00:48
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.00:48
Gallomimiaalso apt-get -f install00:48
usr13Gallomimia: So, how did  you get to this point?00:48
reisioand update only re-synces the sources.list00:48
reisioexcept in English all those words mean the same thing00:49
Gallomimiai ran apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade and it spat out /boot partition is full00:49
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade00:49
jribGallomimia: do you have space now?00:49
svetteri d advise to fix your problem first before dist-upgrading. apt-get -f install will restart the apt process where you left it00:49
usr13Gallomimia: Ahhhh so remove an unused kernel or 200:49
_userrwheatthin thx for tips, i have try it (about zip ), it result is:adding x.txt (stored 0%)00:49
usr13Gallomimia: uname -a   #Not that one.00:49
wheatthinsvetter, I thought -f was for force?00:50
Gallomimiaalready did that usr1300:50
Dr_willisor was it -f = fix  ?00:50
Dr_willis -f = Fablous ;P00:50
Gallomimiaf = oh f*ck00:51
=== space is now known as Guest18557
wheatthinwatch the language plz00:51
usr13Gallomimia: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image*list    #For a list00:51
Gallomimiawell. it does. always what i'm saying when i use that option00:51
usr13Gallomimia: Did you use apt-get to remove them?00:51
usr13Gallomimia: If not, do so now.00:51
Gallomimiausr13 i always try but it doesn't seem to work right00:51
Manson_BHGood Night ... deleted a folder very important someone could help me get it back?00:52
Manson_BHforemost is the best option?00:52
usr13Gallomimia: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image*list  | pastebinit   #Show us the resulting URL00:52
_userrhow to defragment in ubuntu?00:52
GallomimiaManson_BH: i think it's gone for ya00:52
wheatthin-f is fix 0.o.. well call me wrong :P00:52
usr13_userr: No need to.  (That is handled for you.)00:53
wheatthinuserr man fsck00:53
Gallomimials /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image*list  | pastebinit00:53
GallomimiaThe program 'pastebinit' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:00:53
Gallomimiaapt-get install pastebinit00:53
Gallomimiaso i do that and it says the same error message. apt-get appears to be broken00:53
FloodBot1Gallomimia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:53
Manson_BHGallomimia: ok, I'll make a clone of the HD and I'll try thanks.00:54
shareUbuntu sucks00:54
usr13!paste |  Gallomimia00:54
ubottuGallomimia: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:54
_userrusr13, wheatthin, thx00:54
wheatthinshare, keep your opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic00:54
Gallomimiathe list shown by that command is extensive00:54
Gallomimiavery long00:54
sharewheatthin: keep your recommendations to yourself00:54
usr13Gallomimia: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image*list00:55
usr13Gallomimia: Paste it and show us URL00:55
wheatthin!ot | share00:55
ubottushare: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:55
usr13Gallomimia: uname -r    #Show us00:55
wheatthinwork, not good to be logged in as root00:57
Gallomimiathis is not the computer i'm sitting at. this is a vps in the cloud00:57
wormwheatthin: I am just too lazy to add a new user XD00:58
Gallomimiarunning a root command line makes one exceedingly careful throughout the day00:58
Gallomimiaso, usr13 i am of the opinion that i should learn something about telling apt-get to properly delete old kernel packages00:59
Gallomimiai've had it happen for me a time or two, but not always00:59
usr13Gallomimia: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6*00:59
wheatthinGallomimia, have you tried   sudo apt-get autoremove00:59
wheatthinand autoclean?01:00
OptimizedCoderI have a question abt a tiling mgr (i3) that I installed - I notice it has created a i3.desktop under /usr/share/xsessions - however my .xsession doesn't use it - Can I edit it to use i3 to try it out (it's currently set to unity-2d)01:00
Gallomimiado that all the time01:00
_userrif my loop0 is  /dev/sda5/disks/root.disk    . if i want to move root.disk in /dev/sda6/disks/  , is it make problem?01:00
Gallomimianone of this is fixing anything01:01
Smaugusr13: soy_el_pulpo: so after a very long apt-get upgrade, I restarted my computer and the problem persists.  I run top, and it seems the processes taking up memory are compiz, oneconf-service, Xorg, nautilis, gnome-settings, nm-applet, python, update-notifier, bluetooth-apple, colord and more.  compiz takes up 2% mem, none take up more than that.  Does that provide any useful information?01:01
wheatthinGallomimia, sudo apt-get -f install01:01
usr13Gallomimia: dpkg-reconfigure linux-server01:01
Gallomimia linux-server depends on linux-headers-server (=; however:01:01
Gallomimia  Version of linux-headers-server on system is
Gallomimiai think that might help usr1301:01
Smaugi am not certain what many of those services are01:01
Smaugcertainly it doesn't seem like my computer is running out of resources01:02
Gallomimiabloody irc client/bouncer not working :@01:02
_userrsorry i'm add note . if my loop0 is  /dev/sda5/disks/root.disk    . if i want to move root.disk in /dev/sda6/disks/  , is it make problem? sda5 and sda6 are using fat3201:03
OptimizedCoder_userr, the loop0 root.disk IS your WUBI install01:03
jribGallomimia: do you have space now?01:04
usr13Smaug: Try Unity 2D  (I think you can select it when logging in.)01:04
OptimizedCoder_userr, you might need to be careful moving it around - follow the WUBI specific guides01:04
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: clock on the "gear" icon right net to the login01:04
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: maybe your machine requires special drivers for the video card...01:05
KowGallomimia: to remove old kernels i normally do a "dpkg --get-selections | grep linux" and then manually remove old linux-headers and linux-image-generic by "sudo apt-get purge <package1> <package2> ..."01:05
wormI am having a problem on my network connection - I can't connect to any of my wireless networks. However, aircrack-ng works correctly and I can still catch data packages to decrypt my wifi password.01:06
wormIt seems strange.01:06
wheatthinworm, your wifi won't work while in scanning mode01:06
usr13Gallomimia: dpkg -r linux-image-2.6.32-21-server01:06
SmaugI am selecting Ubuntu 2D from the gear now01:06
usr13Kow: http://pastebin.com/SkKLbi6b  #He has a list.01:07
Smaugusr13: soy_el_pulpo: hooray it comes up!  thank you guys.01:07
=== Sir-Litepool is now known as litepool
usr13Smaug: NP01:07
=== litepool is now known as sir-litepool
Smaugthank you for being here and being helpful01:07
Kowoh dear01:07
=== sir-litepool is now known as Sir-LITEPOOL
Smaugwill it be the default now or should i set it as the default somehow?01:07
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: still need to find out why it did not work...01:08
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: look for restricted drivers...01:08
Smaugsoy_el_pulpo: alright, how should i do this?01:08
wormwheatthin: I have disabled the mon0 interface but the wireless connection is still not working. kernel message said that authentication with xxxxxx timed out.01:08
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: click on the ubuntu icon, top left01:08
wheatthinworm is it up?01:08
Gallomimiausr13 what do all the numbers mean?01:08
soy_el_pulpotype driver01:09
soy_el_pulpoand something will appear..01:09
KowGallomimia: look into installing ubuntu tweak and use that. It's a GUI frontend to keep your sytem clean and would wipe those old kernels with just a couple of clicks01:09
wormI can see it with ifconfig.01:09
soy_el_pulpo"additional drivers" I guess...01:09
usr13Gallomimia: What?01:09
_userroptimizedcoder thx for sugestion. but if want free from wubi(not depend with wubi), can i move it manuallly.01:09
wojtex_could someone say my nick? I want to test notifications...01:09
usr13Gallomimia: Did you remove one of them?01:09
wheatthinwojtex_, negative01:09
wormwheatthin: The kernel message has even told me the frequency... It should be up.01:09
wojtex_thanks, it works :)01:09
usr13Gallomimia: If so, remove a few more.  (Start from top of list, http://pastebin.com/SkKLbi6b )01:10
wormAnd ifconfig shows it too.01:10
Kowholy cow there are still 2.6 kernel packages on there :P01:10
Dr_willisOptimizedCoder,  the default window maanger session is set in .dmrc  if you select it in lightdm, it should save the default to that file. then 'startx' should then start that session01:10
OptimizedCoder_userr, typically whatever bootloader you have GRUB/GRUB2/Syslinux is going to be looking at that location for the root.disk - It's not going to be happy if you move it around and not tell it that it has been moved. Bad things can happen.01:10
wheatthinworm, if mon0 is disabled then try using network manager01:10
Gallomimiadpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-image-2.6.32-21-server, only the config01:11
Gallomimia files of which are on the system.01:11
usr13Gallomimia: At the most only leave 2 or 3 (you only need one, the one you are using now).01:11
wheatthinGallomimia, did you try my suggestion?01:11
Smaugsoy_el_pulpo: yup, additional driver01:11
wormwheatthin: which one? I am using the one on my gnome-shell.01:11
Gallomimiayeah wheatthin. long before i showed up in here01:11
OptimizedCoderDr_willis, I just want to give i3 a try (surpassing unity)01:12
Smaugthe driver is not activated01:12
Smaugso i will activate it now i suppose...01:12
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: activate it....01:12
OptimizedCoderDr_willis, where does lightDM even come into the picture here>?01:12
soy_el_pulpoyou suppose right01:12
wheatthinworm, gnome-shell as in gnome 3?01:12
usr13Gallomimia: df   #See what you have, (or don't have).01:12
KowGallomimia: I have one more list for you to pastebin, "ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-headers*list"01:12
wormwheatthin: Yes. I love that.01:12
wheatthinme too.. Umm in network-manager up there01:12
wheatthinwhere it says wi-fi01:13
=== Sir-LITEPOOL is now known as Sir-Litepool
wheatthinclick it01:13
wormwheatthin: Yes. It shows a list of wi-fi networks found.01:13
HeyMan7-CloudHey, who knows about CrossOver?01:14
HeyMan7-CloudAnd the ia32-libs bug01:14
reisioHeyMan7-Cloud: you?01:15
somsip!helpful | reisio01:15
somsipreisio: either help, or don't. Those sort of comments are not welcome here01:15
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: will it blend?01:16
Smaugsoy_el_pulpo: restarted, logging in now...01:16
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: normal way01:16
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: if you get stuck go to a terminal an reboot via cli, I am sure there is a more fancy way to do it...01:17
_userrsorry , my connection is disconnected just now,01:17
HeyMan7-CloudHere's another way of putting it - How do you install ia32-libs into Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit? I keep getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775750/01:18
Smaugyeah i restarted the normal way.  so i tried to log in using normal ubuntu (what I assume is 3D), and some stuff came up.  a document I created on my desktop shows up, a bar on the lefthand side with icons shows up, but that is it. nothing inthe upper right, and I can't select the icons on the left01:18
Smaugi can't select anything01:18
Smaugit's like it got a little farther and then stopped01:19
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: let it zimmer...01:19
Smaugha ok01:19
reisioSomeguy123: huh?01:19
reisiosomsip even01:19
_userroptimizedcoder ,ok.thx. maybe first step i'm not move method, but just copy it, and before i'm reboot, i'm edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg (i'm change old root.disk path) , is it true?01:19
_userror false?01:19
usr13Gallomimia: You might need to replace -r with --purge01:20
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: nothing?01:20
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: I meant simmer01:21
reisioHeyMan7-Cloud: what version of Ubuntu?01:21
usr13Gallomimia: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image*list01:22
OptimizedCoder_userr, Like I said, I don't know much on these. you might want to follow official docs01:22
_userrok thx, no problem .don't attention that.01:22
Smaugsoy_el_pulpo: nothing01:22
usr13Gallomimia: (Let's see what you have now?01:22
soy_el_pulpomove the mouse all the way to the top....01:22
_userri will try to follow official docs01:23
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: maybe you have a bigger screen that the one you see in reality01:23
_userrthank you01:23
OptimizedCoder_userr, Are you using GRUB01:23
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: it happened to me a couple of times01:23
Smaugi see the gray bar at the top01:23
OptimizedCoderOptimizedCoder, If so, as kthe grub guys01:23
_userroptimizedcoder yes, i'm using it01:23
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: mmm so it is missing something..01:23
Smaugtime to go back to 2D for debugging?01:23
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: try changing the resolution via ctrl+alt+plus or minus....01:23
Gallomimiausr13 this is recent yes01:23
usr13Gallomimia: And go to top of list and do:  dpkg --purge linux-image-3.0.0-16-server   #If linux-image-3.0.0-16-server is at top of list.01:24
reisioHeyMan7-Cloud: and you're on amd64?01:24
usr13Gallomimia: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image*list    #Show us what is there *now*01:24
Smaugack, already restarted, okay I'll log in to 3D again and change resolution as you suggest01:24
HeyMan7-CloudI'm using 64-bit But, not amd, intel01:24
wheatthinamd64 means 64bit01:25
soy_el_pulposmue: and that is the end of the rope for me, I do not use gui a lot01:25
Smaugyour suggested keyboard shortcuts have no effect01:25
soy_el_pulpoSmaug: and that is the end of the rope for me, I do not use gui a lot01:25
usr13Gallomimia: (As opposed to http://pastebin.com/SkKLbi6b which is what you had when you started.)01:25
Smaugalright.  using 2D is probably better on my resources anyway rigtht?01:26
Smaugthank you for your efforts01:26
wheatthinnot really :)01:26
soy_el_pulpono problem... also you can try other ubuntu variants...01:26
soy_el_pulpo!lubuntu | Smaug01:26
ubottuSmaug: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:26
wheatthinSmaug, what's the problem with getting ubuntu 3d aka unity 3d?01:27
Gallomimiadpkg --purge linux-image-2.6.32-34-server01:27
Gallomimiadpkg: warning: there's no installed package matching linux-image-2.6.32-34-server01:27
reisioHeyMan7-Cloud: okay, why is it you want to install ia32-libs?01:27
Gallomimials remains unchanged01:27
Smaugwheatthin: my desktop hangs01:27
wheatthinreisio, to have multi-libs01:27
usr13Gallomimia: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image*list    #Show us what is there *now*01:27
HeyMan7-CloudTo be able to use CrossOver01:27
Smaugi see icons and a file i put on desktop but nothing else when I log in01:27
wheatthinSmaug, hangs how?01:27
Smaugand can't click anything01:27
Smaugthough i can move my mouse01:27
Smaugalso I see the gray bar at the top but that is it01:27
_userroptimizercode thx, i will learn it, and follow official,maybe need time,.01:27
reisiowheatthin: he said crossover, nice try :p01:27
usr13Gallomimia: (Or just look at the list yourself.)01:27
wheatthinno launcher bar?01:27
Smaugif launcher bar is the icons usually found in the upper right, then that is correct01:28
KowGallomimia: try this "sudo apt-get purge linux-headers-3.2.0-34-generic linux-headers-3.2.0-34 linux-image-3.2.0-34-generic" no quotes. that should work.01:28
Kowand after that command you will be about 5% of the way to removing all the old kernels from your system :)01:29
wheatthink.. Smaug I'd suggest deleting your ~/.config folder and relogging in01:29
usr13Gallomimia: Look at the list.  (linux-image-2.6.32-34-server  is *not* on the list.)01:29
Smaugwheatthin: k, will try01:29
usr13Gallomimia: dpkg --purge linux-image-2.6.32-24-server01:29
HeyMan7-CloudDoes CrossOver not work?01:29
Gallomimiayup. nothing since 3.001:30
Gallomimiayes it agrees with you usr1301:30
reisioHeyMan7-Cloud: what is it you want it for?01:30
usr13Gallomimia: Again, go to top of list, work your way down.01:30
HeyMan7-CloudRunning Windows apps in Ubuntu01:30
Gallomimiathe command to remove them is dpkg --purge ??01:30
wheatthinHeyMan7-Cloud, use wine01:31
usr13Gallomimia: Stop when you get to  linux-image-3.2.0-45-generic01:31
usr13Gallomimia: Yes01:31
wheatthinHeyMan7-Cloud, wine is free and still constantly maintained01:31
usr13--purge  removes  everything,  including conffiles01:31
reisioHeyMan7-Cloud: yeah, why not use Wine01:31
wheatthinthat's all crossover-linux is01:32
HeyMan7-CloudIt won't install01:32
wheatthinit will.. what's the errors?01:32
wheatthinHeyMan7-Cloud, you try installing it via apt-get?01:32
wheatthinlemme see the output01:33
HeyMan7-CloudI've told you the errors before but here,01:33
HeyMan7-CloudHere is the terminal error - http://pastie.org/805341001:33
Smaugwheatthin: deleted ~/.config folder, logged in, same prob01:34
ewi_try to install those packages individually HeyMan7-Cloud01:34
wheatthinSmaug, then I'm guessing it didn't get installed all the way, or you partially updated and it got all messed up01:35
ewi_maybe apt-get autoclean01:35
Smaugi installed from a 12.04 cd, clicked yes to 3rd party and no to internet updates, and then when I installed it I apt-get'd01:35
wheatthinapt-get'd what?01:36
usr13Gallomimia: Did you say that the kernel you are using now is 3.2.0-44-generic ?01:36
HeyMan7-Cloudwhat do you man ewi_01:36
usr13Gallomimia: uname -r  #Check again to make sure.01:36
ewi_"sudo apt-get install gnome-exe-thumbnailer" HeyMan7-Cloud01:36
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usr13Gallomimia: uptime  #Tell us what it says.01:37
OptimizedCoderok, I"m asking this again - I have the i3 package (wm) installed - I notice it has created a i3.desktop under /usr/share/xsessions - however my .xsession doesn't use it - Can I (safely) edit it to use i3 to try it out (it's currently set to unity-2d)? Does .dmrc need to be changed as well?01:37
HeyMan7-Cloudewi_: And, what does that do, exactly?01:38
ewi_it installs a package that wine needs01:38
usr13Gallomimia: If  uname -r   returns  "3.2.0-44-generic", you might want to stop when you get to linux-image-3.2.0-43-generic01:38
HeyMan7-CloudI'll let you know if it works01:39
usr13Gallomimia: uptime  #Tell us what it says.01:39
HeyMan7-Cloudewi_: The cmd you asked me to run worked but, wine still does not install01:41
usr13Gallomimia: At any rate, when you get to linux-image-3.2.0-43-generic, you will most certainly have freed up enough free space in the /boot partition.  Use command   df   and see.01:41
lauratikahow can i test if HD has any trouble or is dying with a usb intallation?01:41
ewi_you should notice HeyMan7-Cloud that the error you get now is one line shorter than before01:41
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wheatthinanybody know the current kernel version?01:41
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somsip!info kernel-image | wheatthin01:42
ubottuwheatthin: Package kernel-image does not exist in raring01:42
ewi_so pick the next package that is not automagically installing and manually install it.  for example,  "sudo apt-get install kde-runtime" HeyMan7-Cloud01:42
zykotick9somsip: linux-image perhaps?01:42
HeyMan7-Cloudoh, i'll try that, thanks ewi_01:42
somsip!info linux-image | wheatthin01:42
ubottuwheatthin: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB01:42
usr13lauratika: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775790/01:42
somsipzykotick9: yeah - no coffee today :/01:43
wheatthinsweet got it :)01:43
Gallomimiausr13 the boot partition has enough free space now. still the error remains.01:43
usr13Gallomimia: What error are you getting now.01:44
usr13Gallomimia: uptime   #Tell us what it says.01:44
Gallomimiaoh gawd get away01:44
Gallomimia12 days01:44
usr13Gallomimia: What error are you getting now?01:45
HeyMan7-Cloudewi_: What about this line: http://pastie.org/805395001:45
Gallomimianothing has changed, apt-get -f install says the same old same old01:45
Gallomimiapurge command doesn't seem to work01:45
Gallomimiaor im forming it wrong01:46
ewi_"sudo apt-get install wine1.4-i386"?01:46
HeyMan7-CloudDoesn't work01:46
usr13Gallomimia: Paste the error(s)01:46
ewi_maybe you need to try a different PPA HeyMan7-Cloud?01:46
HeyMan7-CloudHow would one do that01:47
ewi_are you trying to get netflix to work?01:47
HeyMan7-CloudI'm trying to install wine01:47
Gallomimiahttp://pastebin.com/X0ZgkwMz apt-get -f install01:47
ewi_HeyMan7-Cloud: http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu01:47
ewi_make sure your PPA is current01:47
HeyMan7-CloudIt is01:48
ewi_try installing 1.501:49
HeyMan7-CloudError also01:49
HeyMan7-CloudI'll paste it01:49
HeyMan7-Cloudewi_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775799/01:50
wheatthinGallomimia, sudo apt-get purge linux-server && sudo apt-get install linux-server01:50
ewi_HeyMan7-Cloud: paste /etc/sources.list01:51
psusiI don't think you can get netflix to work on linux since they use some Scumsoft DRM crap called silverlight01:51
Gallomimiawheatthin will you describe what that does? i think the channel would like to know before they execute it01:51
wheatthinpsusi, yeah there's a tutorial on google for it, but it's a cruddy workaround01:51
Gallomimiausr13 i read you01:52
ewi_it works...01:52
wheatthinGallomimia, it'll remove the linux-server image, and reinstall only one01:52
Gallomimiawhile the server is running? sounds dangerous01:52
wheatthinnot unless you reboot in between01:52
wheatthinif you reboot inbetween, then it's dangerous01:53
wheatthinuntil then, kernel will remain in memory01:53
usr13Gallomimia: Do you see where it says, "Version of linux-headers-server on system is"?  Ok, from what you told us earlier you are running kernel version "3.2.0-44-generic".  If that is the case, why is it you *still* have kernels installed that are newer?  i.e. 3.2.0-45 and 3.2.0-48  I'm not sure what you've done, but you may need to reboot in order to straightnen the situation out.  Maybe someone else can make some sense of the situation, see http:01:53
HeyMan7-Cloudewi_: I really need to install ia32-libs01:53
ewi_HeyMan7-Cloud: you have a file it's /etc/sources.list show it01:54
Gallomimiausr13 do you think the system is bootable right now?01:54
ewi_ok, then install01:54
usr13Gallomimia: I really don't know.01:54
HeyMan7-CloudDoesn't work01:54
Gallomimiai'd rather trash the entire system after recovering what's valuable.01:54
Gallomimiathan trying to reboot it01:54
lauratikausr13 what i want to check if is the HD is defective, does not have any OS installed and im running ubuntu from a usb01:55
wheatthinonce your install your new kernel, it'll be fixed01:55
wheatthinafter reboot01:55
HeyMan7-CloudSources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775809/ ewi_01:55
Gallomimia48 just got installed01:55
Gallomimiait went boom and broke on this update01:56
usr13Gallomimia: It probably is, *but* when new kernels are installed, the system *tells* you that a reboot is needed.  Your sysop has ignored that and continued anyway.  Maybe someone elese here has better advise for you, I dono01:56
ewi_sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa HeyMan7-Cloud01:56
ewi_sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa HeyMan7-Cloud01:56
ewi_"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa" HeyMan7-Cloud01:56
Gallomimiaactually i've noticed a large disparity between when things should tell me when the system needs a reboot and it never tells me to reboot it01:56
wheatthinGallomimia, if you don't, then how will the kernel crap take place?01:57
wheatthinGallomimia, do what you want, listen, don't listen.. I'm done01:57
usr13Gallomimia: "a large disparity"?01:57
b4tn3tHello.. I need some advice for my VPS, I using Ubuntu 13.04. but something weird when I enter uname -r command. it give me wrong version..01:58
HeyMan7-Cloudewi_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775814/01:58
Gallomimiausr13 as in it never tells me when i need to reboot. motd is broken in its entirety01:59
wheatthinHeyMan7-Cloud, just wine01:59
Gallomimiathe sysop is me, and im a total amateur. it's messed up i tell you. better to prepare for a reformat01:59
Gallomimiain any case, what wheatthin suggested has fixed something01:59
usr13Gallomimia: ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-3.2.0-45-generic.list  #Tell us what the date says.01:59
HeyMan7-Cloudwheatthin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775817/02:00
hellohey guys, i used linux live usb creator to get the net install of ubuntu on a usb stick, but every time i try to install it, it installs it the system on the chip, not the computer.02:00
ewi_HeyMan7-Cloud: ^^wheatthin "sudo apt-get install wine"02:00
Gallomimiajune 5th :/02:00
FloodBot1HeyMan7-Cloud: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:00
michaelahi i got this message when i tried to update ubuntu 12.04 after installing yacy "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."02:01
usr13Gallomimia: The system should have been rebooted June 5th02:01
Gallomimiashoulda coulda woulda... :/02:01
Gallomimiathis is a game server. people are playing02:02
usr13Gallomimia: And then again on what ever date the kernel was installed.02:02
Gallomimiaand i don't have any proper scripts to restart everything on reboot. im a bad sysop :P02:02
usr13Gallomimia: That's ok.  You are learning.02:02
Gallomimiai am. its fun as hell02:02
ewi_"sudo apt-get autoremove && apt-get remove --purge wine && apt-get install wine"??02:02
usr13Gallomimia: kernels are inportant.  ;)02:02
Gallomimiayeah. i am very confused about the difference between debian stable and ubuntu02:03
Gallomimiakernels twice a week with ubuntu02:03
Gallomimiadebian, quarterly?02:03
ewi_different maintainers Gallomimia?02:03
usr13Gallomimia: I'm afraid I've told you all I know, (we have wandered into philosophy).  ;)02:04
Gallomimiawith different aims. im trying to ask "why" really02:04
b4tn3thei All..02:04
Gallomimiated talks on philosophy :)02:04
xanguaGallomimia: this is an interesting artitle about that http://raphaelhertzog.com/2011/11/17/people-behind-debian-mark-shuttleworth-ubuntus-founder/ other than that it woud be offtopic /join #ubuntu-offtopic02:06
helloubuntu net install keeps installing the system on the usb. any way to get it to install on the actal drive?02:06
wilee-nileehello, Use the something else option and manually install, point it at the area you want ubuntu.02:07
xanguahello had that kind of issue with a netbook, you have to select manual instalation so you can manually set the partitions in the hd02:07
vectrahello              point the installer to the HDD02:07
HeyMan7-CloudIt failed ewi_02:07
wilee-nileehello, This happens when the usb is read as sda rather then the HD so look carefully.02:07
ewi_which part HeyMan7-Cloud02:08
thunder1212is there any way i can auto connect to mobile broadband02:08
helloi did a manual install and formatted the disk, still wont install on my drive. i know the chip is sda, but, i dont know where else to tell ubuntu to install the system on sdb02:08
HeyMan7-Cloudhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5775841/ ewi_02:08
ewi_maybe try to remove all wine from synaptic and then try to reinstall... i'm not sure HeyMan7-Cloud02:09
wheatthinkI'm back.. worked for me :)02:09
wilee-nileehello, sda would be a harddrive not chip02:09
ewi_try one command at a time HeyMan7-Cloud02:09
hellosda is the chip, not the hard drive. sdb shows as 500gb, sda 1. sda is for sure the chp02:09
ewi_"sudo apt-get autoclean" "sudo apt-get remove --purege wine"02:09
ewi_chip hello?02:10
wilee-nileehello, You are wrong but oh well, good luck.02:10
hellomy usb stick02:10
helloim telling you, im not wrong.02:10
hellothats what it shows02:10
HeyMan7-Cloud"Package 'wine' is not installed, so not removed"02:11
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ewi_doesn't sound correct hello... paste your "fdisk -l"02:11
wheatthinHeyMan7-Cloud, no, but I think you tried installing a different program that wasn't in the repo02:12
helloi will. right now its downloading first set of files02:12
wheatthinwhich is a dependency of wine02:12
HeyMan7-CloudI'm using sudo apt-get install02:12
ewi_open synaptic package manager and remove all wine affiliated programs?02:12
HeyMan7-Cloudnot software center02:12
ewi_then try again02:12
wheatthinHeyMan7-Cloud, that's what he meant software-center02:13
ewi_sudo apt-get remove --purge wine*02:13
ewi_yeah, whatever not text based package manager.. search for wine a uninstall all02:13
HeyMan7-CloudIts not installed02:13
HeyMan7-CloudHow come we cannot just install ia32-libs?02:14
ewi_and your sure you ran"apt-get update"02:14
ewi_then install it HeyMan7-Cloud.. whatever works02:14
HeyMan7-CloudIt doesn't02:14
ewi_then that's why.. i don't know.. i don't use linux so that i can use windows software02:14
HeyMan7-CloudThat's what i'm asking, I need that to install so I can use CrossOver. You're helping me with wine02:15
wheatthincrossover isn't supported by ubuntu.02:15
holsteinHeyMan7-Cloud: crossover is a commercial product. i would seek support with them02:15
HeyMan7-CloudWhy is it not supported02:16
wheatthincause they don't maintain it02:16
wheatthinHeyMan7-Cloud, did you try installing it before and it get stuck?02:17
HeyMan7-CloudWine or CrossOver02:17
holsteinHeyMan7-Cloud: it *is* supported.. by the maintainers of crossover.02:17
HeyMan7-CloudCrossOver works02:17
HeyMan7-CloudI used the .bin installer02:17
HeyMan7-CloudIt just needs ia32-libs02:17
thunder1212any way i can enable auto mobile broadband02:18
holsteinHeyMan7-Cloud: you should be able to find what you need in the repos02:18
b4tn3tI read it on ubuntugeek dot com.. Crossover can be runned using wine02:18
michaelahi i got this message when i tried to update ubuntu 12.04 after installing yacy "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."02:18
HeyMan7-CloudCrossOver is pretty much wine02:19
wheatthinHeyMan7-Cloud, so did you try to install ia32-libs?02:19
wheatthinand it failed right?02:19
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wheatthinso use your .bin installer with --uninstall02:19
wheatthinand try wine again02:20
buuDear ubuntu friends how do I make it show me iphone pictures?02:20
HeyMan7-CloudBut, why won't ia32-libs install02:20
wheatthincause your crossover is preventing it02:20
wheatthincause it's out of sourced02:20
HeyMan7-CloudHow, crossover needs it02:21
wilee-nileemichaela, Does it give you missing key info?02:21
wheatthinHeyMan7-Cloud, because it wasn't built for this platform02:21
IdleOneHeyMan7-Cloud: what is the exact error you get when trying to install ia32-libs?02:21
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helloanyway, im looking at manually partitioning the disk, and, sda is my 1 gig flash drive, sdb is my actual hard drive02:22
Kyan[can someone help me with bash scripting?02:22
Kyan[ive made a script02:22
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helloany way to switcht hem around or something?02:22
IdleOneKyan[: #bash can02:22
michaelawilee-nilee: under details it just says yacy02:22
Kyan[can i paste it 2 you in query?02:22
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HeyMan7-CloudIdleOne: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775866/02:22
Dr_willishello,  why do you think you need to move them around?02:23
IdleOneKyan[: Please don't PM people assuming they can help you. I told you that #bash can help with bash scripting02:23
wilee-nileemichaela, When you add a repo without a key you will get that warning.02:23
FoShizzWhen I try to log in, all that happens is the screen flashes then I go back to the login screen. I think its X related. What do I delete?02:23
Kyan[ahhh ok02:23
b4tn3tHeyMan7-Cloud just try $ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch02:23
hellobecause when i format sdb, it still installs ubuntu on the sda, which is a flash drive02:24
holsteinFoShizz: i would try as a different user, and confirm.. then, if you can login as the new user, you know the issue is in the /home directory somewhere02:24
IdleOneHeyMan7-Cloud: sudo apt-get -f install02:24
Dr_willishello,  you can tell it exactly where to install in the installer dialogs.02:24
HeyMan7-CloudWhat's with the "$" b4tn3t02:24
hellowait, where is that!?02:24
Dr_willishello,  under the advanced 'somthing else' options02:24
michaelawilee-nilee: how do i get this key02:24
FoShizzI can login as a guest. I've had this problem before and it has somthing to do with x.02:24
Dr_willistheres only like 2 buttons at that stage. ;)02:24
buuI've attached the iphone via usb device and it tells me [4324776.831850] ipheth 2-1.1:4.2: Apple iPhone USB Ethernet device attached02:25
b4tn3tno no it's just current shell sign.. as user or root02:25
Dr_willisFoShizz,  your user setting/configs are breaking somthing. login at the console, and move/rename your config files (.config dir) and other .Dirs to some backup name or location and try logging in again02:25
buuCan anyone give me a clue as to how to browse its files?02:25
Dr_willisFoShizz,  also try removeing your .Xauthority file if its owned by root02:25
FoShizzyes .Xauthrority thats what it was!02:26
FoShizzbrb im going to try it02:26
Dr_willisrunning GUI apps via SUDO  and not GKSUDO   - can screw up that file02:26
HeyMan7-Cloudb4tn3t IdleOne http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775870/02:26
wilee-nileemichaela, Not sure, generally when you add repos where you get that info should have that as well.02:26
b4tn3tHeyMan7-Cloud : apt-cache search ia32 << what the output?02:27
IdleOneHeyMan7-Cloud: this is on ubuntu?02:27
HeyMan7-CloudIdleOne: Yes, 13.0402:28
wilee-nileemichaela, If you had missing key info usually seen in a sudo apt-get update you could use that to get the key, if this is the problem.02:28
IdleOneHeyMan7-Cloud: check your software sources in Software Center,  make sure that the Universe repository is enabled02:28
HeyMan7-Cloudb4tn3t: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5775874/02:28
FoShizzwhere is .Xauthority located?02:29
holsteinFoShizz: if you can login as guest, and other users it has to do with your /home directory02:29
FoShizzbut where is .Xauthority located?02:30
holsteinFoShizz: you can remove all the files in your /home directory.. the .hidden config files.. login... test.. then put back what you need02:30
FoShizzi know it has somthing to do with x02:30
michaelawilee-nilee: i didnt see it when sudo apt-get udate02:30
holsteinFoShizz: it doesnt.. if it did, the guest user wouldnt boot X02:30
holsteinFoShizz: you can test as i said to confirm02:30
madpropswhat is that command that prints the ubuntu logo? :d02:31
FoShizzok how do i remove all my /home files?02:31
FoShizzjust /rm02:31
buurm works02:32
holsteinFoShizz: i would just move them out of the way with a file manager in the new user i made to test with.. or with gksudo a filemanager02:32
holsteinno reason to delete everything02:32
michaelawilee-nilee: i think i need to authenticate this pacage how wold i do that02:33
HeyMan7-CloudIdleOne: Software Sources won't open02:33
FoShizzso simple cut/paste the entire /home or just the contents?02:33
wilee-nileemichaela, My guess is that you are missing a key, you might look to see on the web about this or the maintainers.02:34
HeyMan7-CloudIdleOne: It's enabled02:34
holsteinFoShizz: idealy, just what is broken, but since you dont know that, i say, move *all* the .config files.. the ones with the dots, and login and test.. replace what you need, such as the ones for your web browser...02:34
wilee-nileemichaela, I'm  not sure yacy is even in the repos so not supported if so, just a heads up is all. ;)02:34
IdleOneHeyMan7-Cloud: not sure how to help you. I suggest you contact Crossover support.02:34
michaelaok thank wilee-nilee02:35
b4tn3tso do I02:35
b4tn3thei friends I need some advice for my VPS02:35
FoShizzdo i just gksudo filemanager in tty?02:36
holsteinFoShizz: you do whatever you feel comfortable with... gksudo is for running GUI apps, so that wont work from tty02:36
FoShizzhow do you reccomend moving it?02:37
Dr_willisFoShizz,  tty? if you mean the console, there are console/text based file managers like mc02:37
FoShizzim fine with anything02:37
Dr_willisor learn to use the command line. ;)02:37
FoShizzmidnight commander is preinstalled?02:37
buuDr_willis: Hey there, any idea on how to get pictures off an iphone4 via ubuntu?02:37
Dr_williswhy do you need to remove all of your home?02:37
linux_is_my_heroanyone tried to install a brother MFC on ubuntu?02:37
Dr_willisbuu,  see if the iphone has an app like airdroid perhaps?02:38
Kyan[how can i do to remote control my home pc?02:38
FoShizzjust the .configs02:38
buuDr_willis: I guess =[02:38
Dr_willisbuu,  or email them to yourself/dropbox/other services02:38
buuDr_willis: I was really hoping it would mount properly02:38
Dr_willisFoShizz,  so use the command like commands to delete what you dont want.02:38
buuThis claims it supports it natively somehow02:38
Dr_willisbuu,  i never use the cables any more. not even on my android phone02:38
Dr_willisFoShizz,  if .Xauthority is owned by root. 'sudo rm .Xauthority'02:39
Dr_willisFoShizz,  for non root owned stuff you can use 'mv' to move them to some backup dir - in case you want them back02:39
Dr_willismkdir backups02:39
Dr_willismv .config backups    (i think)02:39
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FoShizzno file found dr_willis02:40
Dr_williswhat did you type EXACTLY and whats your current path>02:40
FoShizzim in the X11 dir02:41
FoShizzi typed it right02:41
Dr_willisFoShizz,  X11 dir? whats the EXACT path.02:41
FoShizzsudo rm .Xauthority02:41
Dr_willis.Xauthority is in your users home02:41
FoShizzoh ok02:41
Dr_willisls -al /home/yourusername02:41
holsteinno need to remove them.. just move or rename til after you test02:42
Dr_willisThis is when the old addage 'the most dangerous thing to a ubuntu box is the end user'  seems to apply. :)02:42
Dr_willisI have NO idea why you think you need to be in /etc/X11/02:42
holsteinyeah.. the issue is not in there if other users work fine02:42
FoShizzwhat does 'la' mean?02:43
holsteinFoShizz: the issue will be in the config for unity or xfce.. or whatever02:43
FoShizzCool Dr_willis it worked thanks for your help!02:44
FoShizzThanks for your help too, holstein02:44
rosco_ydoes anyone know how to tweak the screen geometry in 13.04?02:46
linux_is_my_heroim trying to install one of two required files (ia32-libs or lib32stdc++) so i can install my printer & scanner drivers, and I am getting an error that I don't quite understand :-(02:48
rubsHello! anyone knows some sort of color themes for XCHAT02:49
historubs: /j #xchat02:50
historosco_y: xrandr02:50
histo!xrandr | rosco_y02:51
ubotturosco_y: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:51
Dr_willisrubs,  the xchat homepage has some info on that last i looked.02:52
BALTA00hi, anyone who speak spanish?02:52
BALTA00alguien que hable español?02:52
Dr_willis!es | BALTA0002:52
ubottuBALTA00: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:52
histoFoShizz: l = long listing format -a = list all including files begining with .02:52
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rosco_yhisto: Thank You!02:56
hellohey guys, just finished the net install, but noticed the boot loader was installed on the flash drive (sda). can i manually install it on sdb?03:02
Dr_willisthere was a dialog during the install  that had a pull down where to install it to.03:03
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Dr_willisI Belive after wards in the installed system you an also do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' and it will ask where to install to.03:03
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Dr_willisif you are booting the flash drive. you would want to keep grub on the flash drive03:03
switchinghow do i install all of the tools in oracle jdk 7 at once, instead of doing it one at a time as described here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55848/how-do-i-install-oracle-java-jdk-7#5596003:03
Dr_willisthat way it wont mess with the windows boot loader if you remvoe the flash drive03:04
helloi am not booting the flash drive, everything is installed on my hard drive...03:04
Dr_willishello,  weird that it installed to the flash then.. since you booted from the flash03:05
jswagnerhello: you can set bootloader position during the install (on the screen where you configure your partitions)03:05
Dr_willisor did you even use the flash at all?03:05
jswagnerfixing it post install, I don't know off the top of my head03:05
Dr_willisguess you could boot from flash, then remove flash, then do the command above. ;)03:06
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Dr_williskeep the flash for a backup boot device03:06
helloreconfigured thegrub, seems to be working03:08
rubsDr_willis thank you!03:10
azazel91anybody know of a good html editor or ide that idents code03:10
azazel91is that free?03:11
somsipazazel91: er...all of them? You want heavy, full featured GUI or quick simple text editor?03:11
jbarkyup, vim you can set tab spaces, width etc.03:11
hejkivim is the best, however it has semi-steep learning curve03:12
buuYAY VIM03:12
somsipazazel91: then look at the likes of netbeans, eclipse. Middle ground is maybe gedit and geany. fast and simple is vim. Not a full list of course03:12
azazel91so can you give me a link to it03:12
buuI have a better question, how do I get photos off an iphone4?03:12
hejkialso from the heavy end, i believe QtCreator works for many people as well03:12
Neozonzanyone has any ideas for black screen before grub with blinking cursor03:13
hejkibuu: by paying gazillions in $ and sacrificing your first-born to great god Steve!03:13
Neozonzother then nomodeset03:13
Neozonz(initial install)03:13
jbarka link for vim? just open a terminal and type vim03:13
jbarkor vi03:13
azazel91so its already pre instaled?03:13
somsip!who | azazel9103:13
ubottuazazel91: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:13
buuhejki: this video claims ubuntu supports it natively =[03:14
Kuroshitaugh link?03:14
azazel91do you guys mean sudo apt-get install vim03:15
hejkibuu: i was being sarcastic :)03:16
hejkibuu: not helpful, anyhow, off i go03:16
buuhejki: =[03:16
xanguabuu: ubuntu does...and after a while a new iOS version is released and the support is broken...and so on with every ubuntu/iOS release neverending story :)03:16
Ari-Yangazazel91, apt-cache search vim03:16
Ari-Yangthen sudo apt-get install whatever-thing-you-want-from-the-results03:16
azazel91which of those vims is it03:17
joeytwiddle_azazel91: grab vim-gtk too.  if you decide vim hurts your head too much, you could try cream ;)03:17
Ari-Yangvim-gtk is the frontend, right?03:18
jbarkif you have a standard ubuntu installation, it should already be installed03:18
Ari-Yangazazel91, open up terminal and type vim03:18
joeytwiddle_right Ari-Yang03:18
somsipazazel91: if you are having this much trouble finding vim, you may find using it to be a bit difficult. A simpler editor might be better for you03:18
joeytwiddle_nono, throw him in at the deep end!  sink or swim!  :D03:19
azazel91so what editor(one that indents please)03:19
Ari-Yanglol azazel91 you're better off googling to get instant answers for this03:19
Ari-YangI'm sure you can find a page that has all the info you want03:19
somsipazazel91: I've recommended 4 to you earlier. There are a lot.03:19
psusivim is the devil... emacs for the winz03:19
joeytwiddle_azazel91: try geany then.  i never used it but i heard someone likes it03:20
azazel91i already got netbeans but thats just for major programming languages03:21
buuxangua: so do I do need to do something special to enable it?03:21
joeytwiddle_it can't indent HTML?  :o03:21
azazel91i want one that indents html/css and web design languages03:22
somsipazazel91: you have one - netbeans03:22
azazel91so are you sure it indents03:22
somsipazazel91: SHIFT ALT F03:23
Ari-Yangazazel91, why not just download and test them out yourself?03:23
Ari-Yangboth VIM and emacs03:23
somsipAri-Yang: though I agree with your recommendations, I think it's best to give realistic advice for the user here...03:24
Dr_willisvim is worth learning the basics of - because its almost always avaiable in some form or another. Handy for rescue operations  or working on other systems which may not be what you are used to.03:26
Ari-YangI have VIM myself, will probably get vim-gtk cuz I like GUI for text editing03:27
Random833Dr_willis: when are you not going to be able to scp the file out, edit it, and scp it back in?03:27
Random833or edit over sshfs with your favorite local text editor, if you're feeling fancy03:27
somsipDr_willis: I know that, you know that, and Ari-Yang knows that. But maybe azazel91 should be working up to that as his skills increase03:27
Dr_willisRandom833,  i just use  the sshfs  thing :) so i dont need to scp it back and forth.03:27
Random833also you know what else is available? ed. and it has a lot less basics than vi.03:27
Dr_willisI recall some dos edit, clone ages ago. :) but  not seen it in years on linux03:28
Dr_willisfte was a handy editor thats often overlooked also.03:28
Random833fun fact, there's an edlin clone that runs on linux03:28
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azazel91so which vim is it vim gnome/vim tiny/vim athena/vim gtk/vim nox03:29
Random833azazel91: what desktop environment are you using?03:29
Ari-Yangazazel91, run sudo apt-get install vim vim-gtk03:29
Ari-Yangthen it will install the required deps too03:30
Random833if you're running gnome, you probably want vim-gnome, otherwise vim-gtk03:30
slackin#pugbot needs 1 to start now! (UrT version-4.1.1)03:30
azazel91im using ubuntu 12.0403:30
* Random833 isn't altogether clear on what the difference is tbh03:30
jbarkazazel91: did you try typing vi in a terminal window?03:30
somsipRandom833: usually, they are compiled with support for slightly different options03:31
azazel91jbark what next03:31
somsipit begins...03:32
rafaelsda español?03:32
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code03:32
rafaelalguien habla español?03:32
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cobalt237Running 12.10 x64 bit my internet just stopped working and now I can't ping my router even though I have an IP address from dhcp03:32
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:32
Guest20882anyone here speak spanish?03:32
somsip!es | Guest2088203:33
ubottuGuest20882: please see above03:33
Neozonzanyone wanna help me get my network card wokring on ubuntu?03:33
cobalt237What's strange though is if I ping my router, I only get one response back03:33
=== Guest20882 is now known as BALTA
jbarkazazel91: if it opened, you should see VIM -Vi IMproved03:34
jbarkif that worked, you have vim.03:34
joeytwiddle_you forgot to tell him :q he won't be back for hours03:36
BALTAanyone who can help a Windows user who want change to linux?03:37
utfans05BALTA: whats your question?03:37
BALTAI have a AMD FX PC with 16gb of RAM03:37
BALTAI want a nice desktop03:37
BALTAwhat distro is good for start?03:38
Kyan[where is the ubuntu keymap?03:38
Kyan[what folder?03:38
Kyan[im from precise03:38
FloodBot1Kyan[: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:38
utfans05BALTA: depends on what you want. ubuntu is a great start for learning.03:38
HeyMan7-CloudHey, I recently updaded to 13.04 and .sh files no longer run as a program03:39
HeyMan7-CloudHelp  plz03:39
jbarkBALTA: try out knoppix if you just want to play around03:39
azazel91well i installed vim using apt get and dont know where it is03:39
jbarkknoppix is a CD based linux OS that will not install on your windows PC.03:39
utfans05jbark: BALTA could also use the live version of ubuntu03:40
BALTAI have installed ubuntu 12.0403:40
jbarkutfans05: yes, I always forget about that for some reason.03:40
BALTAI tried to change the appearance, but I made a mess03:41
utfans05BALTA: what did you try to do?03:41
BALTAI removed the bar that was left03:42
Dr_willisand how did you remove that?03:42
SARCHello. I have been able to disable tty2-tty6 in /etc/default/console-setup and /etc/inittab.  How can I disable tty7 (so that pressing Ctrl+F7 does nothing instead of showing a black screen)?03:42
azazel91is vim gtk it?03:42
Dr_willisazazel91,  'vim' is a cli app. vim-gtk might be the name of the gtk/X gui one.03:42
BALTAand Install Cinnamon entorne03:42
Dr_willisazazel91,  try tab completion.03:42
BALTAand it's not look nice03:42
Dr_willisBALTA,  cinnamon can break ubuntu,  i suggest just using the normal ubuntu desktop03:43
azazel91what you mean by tab completion03:43
Dr_willisBALTA,  try removeing cinnamon.03:43
Dr_willisazazel91,  bash FUNdamentals..     comman<tab>   on the cli.. fills in command names and other info03:43
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:43
BALTAhow i can remove it?03:43
Dr_willisBALTA,  how did you install it?03:43
BALTAI don't remember, I folow a guide from google03:44
BALTAusing command03:45
Dr_willisfind the guide.. and hope it has a Uninstall section..03:45
BALTAlet me check if i can find it03:45
Dr_willisOr if its a new install..   just reinstall.03:45
azazel91dr willis how did you install vim03:45
Dr_willisazazel91,  normally 'sudo apt-get install vim' I dont use the X versions of vim.  i just run it in a terminal03:46
jbarkBALTA: do you remember if you used apt-get install cinnamon?03:46
BALTAyes, I use a comand like it03:46
azazel91i tried that and it says that it got the newest version03:47
cobalt237If I can get just one ping back from my router does that indicate something wrong with the routing table?03:47
Dr_willisazazel91,  so the exact issue is?03:47
Dr_willissudo apt-get --purge autoremove cinnamon      (from that askubuntu guide)03:47
Dr_willisfor removeing cinnamon03:47
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Guest59774sup people03:48
weizhao"Last_SQL_Error: Error 'Duplicate entry *** "  !   anyone help?03:48
Dr_willishttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1987942   11.10 How to remove cinnamon and use Unity03:48
azazel91well i tried what ari yang said sudo apt-get install vim dtk03:48
Dr_willisazazel91,  what was the EXACT command you used?03:48
azazel91sudo apt-get install vim-gtk why03:49
azazel91is that not the gui03:49
Dr_willisand did you try typing 'vim-gtk' in a terminal?03:49
Dr_willisor 'vim<tabkey>'03:50
azazel91it says command not found03:50
Morph4mejust has to type gvim in terminal to pop the gui  after installing vim-gtk03:50
Dr_willisperhaps its called gvim then - i dont use the X guis for vim.03:50
somsipweizhao: better of ni the #mysql channel03:50
Dr_willis!find gvim03:50
jbarkazazel91: I think vim-gtk is for kubuntu03:50
ubottuFound: vim-gnome, vim-athena, vim-gtk03:50
Global_Radiodoes anyone know how to get a simple clock screensaver for ubuntu? i'm not picky about the type of clock or any other details, though seconds would be a nice touch.03:51
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Dr_willisGlobal_Radio,  check out xscreensavers package03:52
azazel91so ari yang was wrong03:53
nerdtronmy 1st time here in the irc03:53
Dr_willisgtk is using the gtk libs.. its not 'for' kubuntu. its Just VIM with a GTK widgits03:53
somsipnerdtron: this is the ubuntu support channel. Do you have an issue or are you just looking to chat?03:53
Global_RadioDr_willis, i have downloaded that. which one tells time?03:53
jbarkDr_willis: thanks03:53
Global_RadioDr_willis, thanks btw for your response :)03:54
Dr_willisGlobal_Radio,  theres dozens of screensavers you can download as part of the xscreesaver packages.. use the package manager to search03:54
azazel91so which vim is it if its not gtk03:54
Dr_willisvim-gtk is VIM with the GTK GUI widgit set..03:55
Morph4meazazel: assuming you have install vim-gtk ....an example to open  syslog in the vim gui ....type in terminal : gvim /var/log/syslog03:56
Dr_willislooks like any of the GUI vims are called gvim03:56
Dr_willisor they make a link from gvim to their real vinary03:56
azazel91so how do i put it on the unity panel03:57
Dr_willisrun it from a terminal, right click, pin to panel03:58
Dr_willisis one way03:58
Global_RadioDr_willis, do you mean to say that there are tons of packages that i can download that will add screensavers to xscreensavers?03:58
Dr_willisGlobal_Radio,  yes. searching the package manager  tools will show that.03:58
Global_RadioDr_willis, what is "package manager tools"?03:59
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)03:59
Dr_willisor the large SOFTWARE CENTER icon03:59
mogajI am getting internet disconnected regularly ... am unable open websites here are the details http://ubuntuone.com/4qI6VD10nUN01lSdh8DuYX   please guide me04:13
madpropsanything better than comix? hopefully not qt04:13
Global_RadioDr_willis, are you still here?04:14
Zero_koolwhats happening?04:14
Global_Radiodoes  anyone know if there's a program that will display a live working clock in terminal, as a simple line of text?04:15
Global_RadioNOT date04:15
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holsteinmogaj: are the windows boxes using the same settings?04:15
holsteinmogaj: looks like you have edited the file that says "do not edit this file"..04:16
mogajholstein: how can i check ?04:16
somsipGlobal_Radio: use date and a format string, eg: date +"%H:%S"04:16
mogajwill ipconfig enough?04:16
somsipGlobal_Radio: then just wrap it in a loop to keep updating it regularly04:16
holsteinmogaj: what is http://auticmatic.com/ ?04:16
holsteinmogaj: is that a typo?04:17
mogajholstein: i did not put that ... it was there in the results04:17
Global_Radiosomsip, how do you wrap it in a loop?04:17
holsteinmogaj: thats not in my results.. im on stock 12.04.. what are you using?04:17
somsipGlobal_Radio: like this http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-infinite-loop/04:18
somsipGlobal_Radio: or http://is.gd/aEOILC04:19
mogajholstein: this internet issue has been persisting for the past week ... i couldnot get correct response from any one ... initially there was no /etc/resolv.conf file  .... but i used this echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null by some guidance at this IRC channel but it did not resolve right now i am stuck here ... can you guide me to configure this properly?04:20
uwrythembox is garbage hopefully it goes away next release04:21
uwworst program04:21
uwi mean, really terrible04:21
holsteinmogaj: i would undo what ever you have done.. you have typos in there and links to addresses that dont exist such as http://auticmatic.com/04:21
splinter701i like audacious for audio programs uw04:21
holsteinmogaj: i would load up the live CD that you installed from, so you can see that its not A. the hardware and B. the operating system.. then, you can move on to who or whatever broke your setup04:22
mogajholstein : undo does that should i delete /etc/resolv.conf file?04:22
holsteinmogaj: it means, i suggest that you *cafefully* review exactly what you have done, and undo it04:22
uwsplinter701, does audacious play lists and stuff?  I'm looking for a program like foobar for linux but nothing is close04:22
splinter701yep, you can roll your own lists04:23
holsteinmogaj: if that was editing that file that says "do not edit this file", then, reverting that would be a great first step04:23
splinter701actually uw, audacious is often compared to foobar, it seems to be the closest equivalent04:23
Global_Radiosomsip, what is the bestway to get a precision CLI clock with seconds?04:23
uwsplinter701, hmm i honestly never heard of it, however i check it out as I'm interested now04:24
arooni-mobileis there something that functions like kalarm (i can have pop up modal messages at specified times)?  without installing kalarm?04:24
arooni-mobileis there something that functions like kalarm (i can have pop up modal messages at specified times)?  without installing kalarm (its pretty bulky since i'm using unity).  using ubuntu 13.0404:25
arooni-mobilesorry for repeat04:25
somsipGlobal_Radio: search on google I guess <shrugs>04:25
Global_Radiosomsip, did you just tell me how to do it?04:25
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splinter701uw, yeah its not as well known as it doesnt com prepackaged with the major distros04:25
mogajholstein: i undid the changes made to head file ... i also created /etc/resolv.conf fiel ... do i have to delete it too?04:27
holsteinmogaj: i would undo the changes you have made04:28
armin-    public string default_background {get; set; default = "#2C001E";}04:28
armin+    public string default_background {get; set; default = "#000000";}04:28
holsteinmogaj: you can always refer to the log of this channel if you forget what advice a volunteer gave you04:28
arminhardcoded ubuntu colours. when i see stuff like that, i reach for my gun.04:29
mogajholstein : how can i look at the logs?04:30
holsteinmogaj: this is where i get when i search "ubuntu irc channel logs" http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/04:31
mogajholstein: thankyou04:31
holsteinyou can go by the date.. or, sometimes you can just search a nick, or a phrase04:31
Programmer_http://youtu.be/sE_sS_5MbXU i love my school04:31
jaybravoRunning 13.04, random freezing. What logs might help?04:40
jaybravoNo keyboard combos can get out of the freeze.04:41
Dr_willisssh in and check dmesg output perhaps.04:42
Dr_willisif you cant ssh in, then the system is tottally frozen,  if you can ssh in. it may be a X video driver issue (most common cause)04:42
Seven_Six_Twojaybravo, if you've had the pc for more than a few months, blow out the fans and heatsinks with compressed air.04:44
jaybravoIts a thinkpad x220. Pretty recent build and new laptop.04:46
Seven_Six_Twojaybravo, did you try to get to tty as well as the sysrq codes?04:47
jaybravoIts usually firefox that seems to cause it. Or maybe a web site i'm on04:47
Seven_Six_Twojaybravo, the mouse cursor freezes as well?04:47
mogajI am getting this error 'sudo resolvconf -u resolvconf: Error: /etc/resolv.conf isn't a symlink, not doing anything.'  how to recify this?04:47
jaybravoMouse works. Function keys can alter sceen brightness04:48
deezedjaybravo: yes, what about ctrl+alt+F2? can you get to the tty2?04:48
Seven_Six_Twojaybravo, during "freeze"?04:48
Seven_Six_Twojaybravo, that's not frozen. What isn't responding?04:49
jaybravoNo, on fn pg up/down04:49
deezedjaybravo: can you try to debug from there?04:49
jaybravoI will.04:49
Hexxehhas Ubuntu been confirmed to boot on a 2013 Macbook Air yet?04:49
Seven_Six_Two what's fn page up?04:49
deezedSeven_Six_Two: a shortcut maybe04:49
jaybravoFn key is thinkpads command key04:50
Seven_Six_Twojaybravo, and that's the only thing that doesn't work during the freeze?04:51
jaybravoFn f4 puts it to sleep fn page up brightens etc04:51
jaybravoOnly thing that does work04:51
Seven_Six_Twoor the only thing that does work?04:51
deezedjaybravo: yes. which desktop are you using?04:51
jaybravoThat and the mouse04:51
XxEDDARDxXhey yall04:52
jaybravoIm might see if xfce causes the same problems04:52
XxEDDARDxXhow's it going04:52
Seven_Six_Twojaybravo, can you try alt+ctrl_f1 next time it happens, and check both top and dmesg to see if you can figure out what's going on. note high processor usage and memory limits.04:52
Seven_Six_Twojaybravo, you can issue "sudo service lightdm restart" to reset your login.04:53
deezedjaybravo: yes, and also trying the other desktop can be usefull to know where is the problem04:53
deezedjaybravo: Seven_Six_Two, just if he is using lightdm...04:53
jaybravoI'll give it a shot. But that combo usually doesnt work either04:53
Seven_Six_Twodeezed, true, but it's default04:53
jaybravoI'm goig to see if i can ssh in from my desktop next time04:54
jaybravoWierd, that only thinkpad utils work04:55
Seven_Six_Twojaybravo, ssh in first, and use watch "dmesg | tail -20"04:55
Seven_Six_Twothen try to cause freeze04:55
jaybravoIts a complete lock out04:56
jaybravoSeven_Six_Two: I will try that. Thx04:57
deezedjaybravo: also you could try to update, if you didnt do it yet, and then debug, or boot as a recovery mode and try to repair broken packages04:57
=== Mayazcherquoi is now known as Mayzie
KillcraftDoes anyone know if you convert video files to iso on devede and then burn them to a dvd will the dvd play in a standard dvd player?05:01
deezedKillcraft: yes it will if you burn it properly as a video dvd, not as files05:03
splinter701depends on the software you use killcraft05:04
splinter701i havent had much success doing that, but some people say it works05:04
Killcrafthow do you burn it properly as a video dvd?05:04
mogajhow can i download ubuntu 12.04 with updates till now to install in system which has no internet connection?05:04
KillcraftI was just going to use brasero05:04
splinter701i'd say give it a try, blank dvds are cheap05:05
deezedKillcraft: brasero is fine. just open brasero and create a video project05:05
KillcraftOkay, thank you :)05:05
deezedKillcraft: dont do it from a file manager05:05
rudolf_hi all05:06
rudolf_I am not able to control screen brightness using my function keys and neither from settings.05:07
rudolf_I tried editing the brightness file in /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:00.0/backlight/acpi_video0 but still no effect.05:08
rudolf_The brightness file is getting edited by function keys and by slider too but the brightness doesnt change. I have sony.05:09
zykotick9mogaj: i'd see "/msg ubottu foo" with foo equal to aptoncd & offline.  good luck.05:09
scorpoanyone here?05:12
rudolf_sorry got dc05:13
rudolf_CoreISP did you say something?05:13
rudolf_or anyone?05:13
rudolf_There are two files name brightness and actual_brightness there and both hold the same valu and both are getting changed by function keys but still there is no effect on the brightness.05:14
scorpoI'm looking for some assistance in installing Ubuntu to a USB drive, with the entire install being encrypted.05:14
rudolf_Why would one want the installation to be encrypted?05:15
Ben64to be difficult to recover05:16
scorpoBecause the person I'm making it for needs security.05:16
rudolf_Scorpo needs security for what? For installing?05:16
scorpoNo, I want the entire USB dirve containing the Ubuntu installation to be encrypted.05:17
scorpoI understand that I need the "Alternate Install DVD". Can someone please tell me the latest version of Ubuntu that I can get the alternate install dvd for, and where to get it?05:17
scorpoI want it to run on a 32 bit system.05:17
rudolf_But why should the installation media be encrypted? I mean what sensitive data can it contain?05:18
scorpoI'd rather not get into the reasons, thanks.05:19
rudolf_Just asking out of curiosity. Sorry.05:20
scorpono problem.05:20
scorpoIt's a bit of a long story.05:20
rudolf_okies :)05:20
scorpoBasically I don't want another person poking around in any of the files whatsoever. System files or otherwise.05:20
mogajhi what does this mean "resolvconf: Error: /etc/resolv.conf isn't a symlink, not doing anything" ... how to rectify this?05:21
bassshello, whats the fastest way to transfer files over the local network from one machine to another ? i've tried scp it gave me a 100kb/s speed05:21
scorpoSo rudolf, are you able to assist me?05:21
deezedmogaj: hey, have you came here about 30 minutes ago?05:22
aeon-ltdbasss: anything not secured would be faster05:22
splinter701basss you could use samba05:22
deezedmogaj: asking about freezing thing?05:22
mogajdeezed: no05:22
bassssplinter701: is samba supported originally by linux/unix ?05:22
mathfreakbasss: vsftp. If the files are very large, use an external HD05:22
rudolf_scorpo, no..Sorry05:22
mogajdeezed: why do you ask?05:22
deezedmogaj: so it seems that somebody had a problem just like yours05:23
scorporudolf, okay, thanks anyway.05:23
splinter701basss yeah there is a package for it in the ubuntu repos05:23
mogajdeezed: i am having problem with internet05:23
splinter701you can configure it with /etc/samba/smb.conf05:23
basssmathfreak: does it require an ftp server ?05:23
bassssplinter701: okay05:23
deezedmogaj: are you using unity? and do you have any problem with freezing commands?05:23
bassssplinter701:  thanks05:23
deezedmogaj: what is exactly your problem?05:23
mogajdeezed: using unity ... not having freezing commands05:24
mathfreakbasss: vsftp is what I would use to turn a computer into an FTP server.05:24
scorpoI'm looking for some assistance in installing 32-bit Ubuntu to a USB drive with the entire install being encrypted. I understand that encrypting the entire install is an option on the "Alternate Install DVD". Can someone tell me where to get this, one the latest Ubuntu version is that is availabe on the Alternate DVD?05:24
mogajdeezed: no problem with freezing commands05:24
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deezedmogaj: ok so what is your problem?05:24
mathfreakbasss: So no. You don't need a dedicated FTP server to use vsftp.05:24
scorpoI'm looking for some assistance in installing 32-bit Ubuntu to a USB drive with the entire install being encrypted. I understand that encrypting the entire install is an option on the "Alternate Install DVD". Can someone tell me where to get this, oand whatthe latest Ubuntu version is that is available on the Alternate DVD?05:24
scorpo(sorry, corrected spelling errors)05:25
deezedscorpo: there is nothing on ubuntu's official website?05:25
scorpoNot that I was able to find.05:25
scorpoIt talks about how to install to a USB drive, but not on encrypting the drive.05:25
mogajdeezed: http://ubuntuone.com/4qI6VD10nUN01lSdh8DuYX the problem05:26
mathfreakscorpo: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads You can download an alternative image torrent file here.05:26
deezedscorpo: have you tried to use one of the options there, burn a normal dvd, boot from it and try an alternate install from there?05:26
scorpomathfreak: thank you05:26
basssmathfreak: ill give it a try05:27
basssmathfreak: thanks05:27
mogajdeezed: right now i am bactracking the problem ... initially there was no resolv.conf file in /etc from there i am starting05:27
scorpodeezed: yes, I tried that. It only had the option to encrypt the home directory, not the entire drive.05:27
HeyMan7-CloudHey, I got a problem, when I recently updated to 13.04 I cannot open .sh files as programs anymore.05:28
mathfreakWhere's a good channel for me to ask questions about learning how to make Linux kernel modules?05:28
mathfreakHeyMan7-Cloud: Are the executable permission bits set?05:28
wilee-nileescorpo, the alternative is a net install now, however  believe you can encrypt with the live installer.05:28
HeyMan7-CloudAs in "allow executing as a program"05:29
scorpoHi wilee-nilee. I'm not sure what you mean by a "net install". Could you elaborate? Is that still something you download and burn to disc and then run it to install Ubuntu?05:29
mathfreakHeyMan7-Cloud: I believe that's the option.05:30
deezedmogaj: ok. Sorry to ask stupid questions, but have you tried to update, dist-upgrade, or repair broken packages?05:30
HeyMan7-CloudThen yes, its checked05:30
scorpowilee-nilee: On the live installer it had the option to encrypt, but I believe that was only if I was intalling to my hard drive, not my USB flash drive.05:30
wilee-nileescorpo, Net installs are you get a 25MB or so iso that links you to the repos to install from. More choices like servers...etc, much like the original alternatve, the net install has been around as long as the rest I believe.05:31
mogajdeezed: right now i am planning on reinstalling as updates upgardes did not work but i would like to know how can i download ubuntu 12.04 with all the updates till now?05:31
wilee-nileescorpo, The encrypt is for the install point t where you want usb or HD does not matter.05:31
jcrzaHey guys. Has anyone actually managed to get the wifi working on 12.10 (or is it .04) on surface pro?05:32
mathfreakHeyMan7-Cloud: Hmm... no clue.05:32
scorpowilee-nilee: I see. Sounds like I missed something during the install process then.05:32
jcrzaI saw/followed all the guides but no luck.05:32
deezedscorpo: cant you just install it normally and then encrypt everything with another software?05:32
scorpowilee-nilee can you tell me where I could find one of these net installers?05:32
jcrzaI got wpa_gui to start and it connects to my network but I get no IP05:32
HeyMan7-Cloudmathfreak: Because it won't run it in terminal and you cannot 'make' terminal load it05:33
scorpodeezed no, you can't encrypt after-the-fact on the boot partition.05:33
wilee-nileescorpo, THat link earlier has the net install. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads05:33
deezedmogaj: the problem about get the all the last updates is that sometimes they are pretty new, like from yesterday. So I would advise you to get the ubuntu 13.04 which is probably the one with most last updates by default05:33
mathfreakHeyMan7-Cloud: What sorts of commands have you tried on running your script?05:33
=== HeyMan7-Cloud is now known as HeyM-Cld
deezedmogaj, otherwise you could just install 12.04 and wait for one day to get internet somewhere else maybe, and then update. its not thaaat bad05:34
jcrzaI just got klined for asking for help :( what's that about?05:35
scorpowilee-nilee ohhhhhh, sorry, I get it now! I thought those had something to do with networking or running a server or something. I misunderstood what they were.05:35
scorpowilee-nilee thanks for clarifying!05:35
jcrzaJust trying to run ubuntu on a surface pro :\05:35
wilee-nileescorpo, No problem, good luck.05:36
mathfreakHeyM-Cld: I guess what I mean is, have you tried "bash <filename>.sh", "sh <filename>.sh", or "./<filename>.sh" on the command line yet?05:37
HeyM-CldNo, lemme try it05:37
Dr_willisheh, makes me wonder how else he could have tried running it. ;)05:38
HeyM-CldIt works :) Now, how do you make that automatic?05:39
HeyM-CldLike when I click it05:39
mathfreakHeyM-Cld: Well, what I believe should be happening is that when you tick the box to "allow executing as a program," that should happen automatically.05:40
deezedlol =)05:40
mathfreakHeyM-Cld: I'm not sure why it's not doing that. Try right-clicking the file and see what sorts of options it brings up.05:41
Kuroshitahttps://launchpad.net openid seems to be down, can anyone else verify?05:41
HeyM-CldMaybe a bug05:41
wilee-nileejcrza, Here is some info. http://askubuntu.com/questions/265644/dual-boot-surface-pro-with-ubuntu05:41
mathfreakHeyM-Cld: To double-check, can you type "ls -l" into the command line in the directory where your .sh file is?05:42
Kuroshitaerror I'm getting on askubuntu is "No OpenID endpoint found. "05:42
wilee-nileejcrza, More here. http://www.geek.com/microsoft/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-the-surface-pro-1539262/05:42
HeyM-CldHow do you set the directory in terminal05:43
somsipHeyM-Cld: cd05:43
michaelahi dose anyone have any experience with bitmessage i went on the bitmessage irc and got no one is familiar with ubuntu05:43
splinter701i just installed bitmessage05:44
splinter701hadn't heard of it before today, but the instructions on the wiki seemed pretty clear05:44
mathfreakHeyM-Cld: cd <directory path goes here>05:46
HeyM-Cldmathfreak: Here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5776182/05:46
HeyM-CldI'm trying to run xwom.sh05:47
michaelasplinter701: so have i my question is do you have to run the command every time you use it or can i run it as a native app05:47
splinter701as far as i can tell you have to run it from the command line using "python bitmessagemain.py"05:48
rudolf_Does anyone have any idea how to change the brightness?05:48
splinter701just script it if you want a desktop icon05:48
rudolf_I googled but couldnt find a working answer.05:48
mathfreakHeyM-Cld: Huh... that should run without issue (at least on Unity, I think)05:48
rudolf_Everyone is asking to edit the brightness file but it doesnt work.05:49
HeyM-CldYeah, Like I said before it worked on 12.1005:49
michaelasplinter701: can u send me a link showing me haw to do that05:49
true_techieis it possible to upload a folder to an ftp server from the terminal?05:50
HeyM-CldHey k1l_05:51
splinter701this is the command: cd $HOME/PyBitmessage/src/ && python bitmessagemain.py05:51
splinter701taken from: https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Compiling_instructions#other_Distros05:51
mathfreakHeyM-Cld: Yeah, sounds like the behavior changed. I'm not sure how to change that.05:51
basssmathfreak: any idea how to get vsftpd working on ubuntu ? i'm having a problem with authentication05:52
mathfreakbasss: What's the issue?05:54
michael__bgl doido05:55
basssmathfreak: im getting asked for username and password, im using my username on the pc & its password05:55
basssmathfreak: i get the following reply "ftp: Login failed"05:56
mathfreakbasss: Hmm... Did you edit the conf file for vsftpd?05:56
mathfreakbasss: I usually follow this guide when I set up vsftpd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51829305:56
mathfreakbasss: It sounds like the relevant line you want to look at in /etc/vsftpd.conf is "#local_enable=YES"05:57
basssmathfreak:i'll check it out05:57
Dr_willisevil ftp. ;)  Wheres the people yelling  'use ssh/scp!'06:02
mathfreakHaha, by the way, do you know which channel I should go to for asking about linux kernel modules?06:03
Dr_willisperhaps #kernel06:03
Dr_willisdepends on what you are asking also. ;)06:03
mathfreakI'll be asking about how to get modprobe to know about module dependencies. I'm gonna write two modules for an assignment.06:04
Dr_williskernel Development... /me hides06:07
=== Aww is now known as EvilAww
benbloomis it possible to break a ext4 disc by filling it too completely?06:21
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benbloomI have an external usb drive which I had filled to within a few hundred MB (640G drive) and now I cant seem to mount it06:22
nerdtronbenbloom: plug it in and type lsblk06:23
nerdtronand also sudo fdisk -l06:24
nerdtronpost the output here06:24
benbloomlsblk for the drive is sdi      8:128  0 596.2G  0 disk06:25
benbloomDisk /dev/sdi: 640.1 GB, 640135027712 bytes06:26
benbloom255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 77825 cylinders, total 1250263726 sectors06:26
benbloomUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes06:26
benbloomSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes06:26
benbloomI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes06:26
FloodBot1benbloom: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:26
benbloomDisk identifier: 0x0000000006:26
rudolf_Do i need to install drivers for my nvidia graphics card or are they preinstalled?06:30
rudolf_Maybe the brightness control isnt working due to absence of proper drivers.06:31
splinter701the open source drivers are in the kernel already06:32
splinter701you can install the proprietary ones from nvidia to (maybe) get better performance and control06:32
raulshsomething weird happened06:33
rudolf_ok...thanks splinter70106:36
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benbloomnerdtron: http://pastebin.com/mg1BEXtH06:38
nerdtronbenblom: Disk /dev/sdi doesn't contain a valid partition table - what was the last thing you where doing before this happened?06:40
benbloomnothing with regards to that drive06:43
benbloomI had all my drives mounted via aufs and automount (sshfs). I was moving a lot of data around on other drives, but I can't see how it would touch that one nerdtron06:44
benbloomI had just filled the drive with large media files but I cant see how that should mess with partition table. the drive was formatted in ext406:45
Jordan_Ubenbloom: Filling the filesystem won't corrupt it, and as you said, wouldn't touch the partition table, so that's just a red herring. Check the drive's S.M.A.R.T status to see if the hardware is going bad.06:47
benbloomhow do I check that? Jordan_U?06:48
Jordan_Ubenbloom: You can check the drive's S.M.A.R.T status with gnome-disks.06:48
firefox66it is right to as for xubuntu in this room06:48
kostkon_firefox66: yes06:48
benbloomis there a CLI way to check it Jordan_U?06:48
Jordan_Ufirefox66: Yes, you can ask questions about any Ubuntu flavor here, but the folks in #xubuntu might be more knowlageable about XFCE stuffs.06:49
firefox66how can i mount iOS (iphone 3GS v6.0) ???06:49
firefox66i use libimobiledivice06:50
firefox66but it possible to mount in thunar ???06:50
firefox66in ubuntu 12.04 i just plug and play, it auto mounted in nautilus, in xubuntu ???06:51
Jordan_Ubenbloom: Yes, "sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdi"06:51
sereis ubuntu going to switch over to iproute2 instead of ifconfig anytime soon?06:52
benbloomJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/BYkR6v6c am I boned?06:57
Jordan_Ubenbloom: "184 End-to-End_Error        0x0032   095   095   099    Old_age   Always   FAILING_NOW 5" http://kb.acronis.com/content/9119 So it doesn't look good at all. Can you also pastebin the output of "dmesg"?07:02
benbloomJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5776330/07:06
Jordan_Ubenbloom: I expected to see IO errors, but I don't. Still, all evidence points to your problems being hardware. Do you have all important data from this drive backed up?07:11
benbloomno backups Jordan_U07:13
elisa87hi how can I install ubuntu 13.04 on top of an already installed windows 8?07:14
drivelightsdual boot or erase win8 partition?07:14
Jordan_Ubenbloom: Hopefully you've learned your lesson about that now. Do you have a drive large enough to contain a complete image of this failing (or possibly already completely failed) drive?07:15
MonkeyDust!dualboot | elisa8707:16
ubottuelisa87: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:16
benbloomI do have space for  a complete image07:16
MonkeyDustelisa87  mind: UEFI / GPT is a pain07:17
Jordan_Ubenbloom: Then I highly recommend you use GNU ddrescue (not the similarly named but inferior dd_rescue) to make a full image of the drive, from which you can attempt further recovery.07:18
benbloomthanks Jordan_U. i'll give it a shot.07:19
Jordan_Ubenbloom: You may be able to recover all of the data on the drive, you may be able to only recover some of it, and of course anything in between (including being able to recover some files but not know their filename, making actually determining what the files are difficult).07:20
Jordan_Ubenbloom: Sorry, I meant to also include that you may not be able to recover anything :(07:20
benbloomyeah. i figured. thanks again Jordan_U07:21
Jordan_Ubenbloom: You're welcome. Once you have the image finished, you can use testdisk/photorec (or other similar tools) to try to recover the data. There is also a small chance that ddrescue will be able to read the blocks containing the partition table better than a normal read (currently failing) and that the image will be mountable, using kpartx to create devices for each partition.07:23
benbloomhmm. it's all just a bunch of large +5G video files.07:24
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mrguserhi all07:28
mrguserHi isika07:29
Jordan_Ubenbloom: That's good, as video files have nice headers which tend to make them easier to recover if the filesystem is unusably corrupted.07:29
benbloomand it's fewer files to sort through!07:29
elisa871Should I format my partition in Windows with exFAT or NTFS if I want to install Ubuntu 13.04 alongside with Windows 8?07:30
benbloomany recommendations on a good self powered HC usb drives? I'm disappointed that the Seagate Freeagent Pro only lasted 2 years07:30
mrguserHow can i hack wifi from my e63?07:30
mrguserHow can i hack wifi from my e63?07:31
ubottumrguser,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/07:31
MonkeyDustmrguser  how legal is that?07:31
mrgusernot legal just i try with my wifi07:32
mrguserHow i crack my wifi any busy plz tell me07:32
MonkeyDustmrguser  the channel does not support people doing illegal things07:32
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splinter701technically doing penetration testing on your own network is not illegal07:34
splinter701and it wouldn't be illegal for us to provide him with that knowledge07:35
xnoobplaying with minimal ubuntu 13.04 in virtualbox, installed lxdm and openbox but hell its messed up, so i removed lxdm and changed to gdm, still messed up with openbox, so i use xfce..why openbox is sux?07:36
acerimmerxnoob, openbox doesn't suck.  your virtualbox experience depends on your graphics card and settings AND guest additions configuration ...07:37
splinter701xnoob, thats not really a constructive question, if you actually need help you should ask here, if you just want to complain there are plenty of other places to go07:37
acerimmersplinter701 "crack MY wifi" sounds legit?07:37
xnoobacerimmer which means openbox is not so "lightweight for low specs machine" as they said07:38
splinter701acerimmer, i'm definitely not saying he was legit, but we cant prove he is not legit. He just types in bad english07:38
acerimmersplinter701, point taken07:39
dcraighe wasn't too legit to quit07:39
acerimmerdcraig, Hammer don't hurt 'em!07:39
splinter701now I have to google to see if that is a song lol07:40
acerimmerxnoob, if openbox is the ONLY desktop environment that renders poorly, I'd be inclined to agree with you.  If other DE's have also been funky, I'd look at your settings07:40
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dipraHow Unity can shutdown computer without password, but `shutdown now` needs to be run by `sudo`?07:53
Zeevmaybe coz unity runs under administrative privileg07:54
acerimmerdcraig, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Please_Hammer,_Don%27t_Hurt_%27Em07:54
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dipraZeev: If unity is run under administrative level, why it asks password for other tasks as in installing software?07:56
acerimmerdipra, is there something specific you're trying to accomplish?  or might this conversation be continued in #ubuntu-offtopic?07:57
splinter701unity doesnt install software, apt-get and software centre do that07:57
MonkeyDustdipra  because changing anything on your system requires the password, that's called "security"07:57
anevhey guys, just wondering, i used ubuntu and ddrescue in an attempt to recover a 500gb hd which only managed to recover 8gb.. would this be expected for a drive which didn't have a lot of data? i.e. will it only cover what data was present and skip empty sectors or should i be expecting an image size the same as the drive?08:20
vltanev: ddrescue doesn’t care abnout “used” space08:20
vltanev: There’s no such thing as “a lot of data”.08:21
vltanev: (just ones and zeros)08:21
anevvlt: that's what i thought, so i was expecting an image size approx 500gb even just filled with empty bytes08:22
vltanev: What did you do, what did you expect, what happened instead?08:23
dipraacerimmer: I want to write an script to shutdown computer by one click without `sudo` password; I've already heard in our lug that it can be done by D-But, I couldn't find anything on my searches, I thought maybe unity approach be useful?!08:23
dipraMonkeyDust: Shuting down is deeper changing in the system, why it does not require password?08:23
mrguserjoin "nimbuzz"08:23
=== szx` is now known as szx
mrguseri want to hack wifi from my nokia e63 how i do??08:24
anevvlt: i firstly attempted to copy all data without retrying to splitting sectors using 'ddrescue --no-split /dev/<dev> file.img file.log'08:24
anevvlt: this yielded file.img which is only 8gb in size08:25
anevi expected the image file to be the same size as the drive08:25
vltanev: What does `blockdev --getsize64 /dev/<dev>` tell you?08:25
anevvlt: i don't have the image file here with me - it's at home atm08:26
anevi can check that later though08:26
anevi had left it running over night and only had a quick check this morning08:26
szxwhere do I report fglrx bugs?08:27
vltanev: Ok. Maybe there was an error message, no space left on target device, or something similar.08:27
ubottuszx,: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:27
anevvlt: the output from ddrescue suggested it completeted without errors08:28
anevalso the log file had no indications that there were issues either08:28
anevvlt: i have 750gb free on that filesystem i was writing the image file to.. plently of space08:28
vltanev: Then please check the source device size08:28
anevvlt: ok. thanks for the info - i'll check it out this evening08:29
sara_nhi guys can any1 guide me count this pattern in multiple files ,  http://pastebin.com/sLU4NEZc08:30
sara_ni have tired grep , fgrep all fail to find this pattern08:31
anevsara_n: grep "\[babies\] Processing" files* | sort | uniq -c ?08:31
sara_nanev thanks but these are unique items i have to count them in one file at a time and then total08:32
sara_noutput should be something like . line 1 count: 100 , line 2 count : 2 ,  and then it traverses next file08:33
DovregubbenHoly crap, there's a lot of people here08:35
Dovregubbenanyone awake?08:36
acerimmerDovregubben, yes.08:37
DJonesDovregubben: Lots of people awake, just ask your question and see if anybody is around that knows the answer08:37
Dovregubbennice handle Ace :-)08:37
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
Dovregubbenwhat a guy08:37
DovregubbenHi DJones08:37
acerimmerDovregubben, smeg...08:38
DovregubbenI'm a Debian user, but I know that Debian isn't for everyone so I recommend Ubuntu to other people08:38
DovregubbenI just installed Ubuntu 13.04 on a friend's laptop08:39
DovregubbenI've never seen it before08:39
Dovregubbenam I the only person who thinks it blows?08:39
sara_nhi ActionParsnip can uguide me how to count this pattern in multiple files ,  http://pastebin.com/sLU4NEZc08:39
ubottuDovregubben,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:40
DovregubbenSo.... now I'm trying to figure out how to install Gnome08:40
acerimmerDovregubben, should be in the software center08:40
DovregubbenI tried that08:40
Dovregubbendidn't find it08:40
acerimmerDovregubben, if not, enable the repos or use CLI08:41
IdleOnethe package is called gnome-shell08:41
DovregubbenI also tried "apt-cache search gnome"08:41
Dovregubbenisn't that just a terminal?08:41
Dovregubbenenable repos???08:41
Dovregubbenit's not in the main repo?08:42
acerimmerDovregubben, it's in universe08:42
IdleOneDovregubben: it is, apt-cache show gnome-shell08:42
Dovregubbenso, universe isn't enable be default08:42
acerimmerDovregubben, indeed not08:42
IdleOneacerimmer: yes it is08:42
acerimmerIdleOne, ?  I standz corrected08:42
* Dovregubben has a strong and growing suspicion that IdleOne is a troll08:43
IdleOneI have a strong suspicion you are the troll08:43
k1l_Dovregubben: gnome-shell is called what you think is gnome3. gnome 3 is actually just the basis behind the shell.08:43
DJonesDovregubben: You just install UbuntuGNOME rather than Ubuntu and then add Gnome https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME08:43
IdleOnechannel ops tend to not troll the channels they op in08:43
fungus_alright so i need the drivers for intel 855gm chipset on lubuntu 13.04... tried everything and pretty annoyed08:43
* acerimmer ... boom! headshot!08:43
acerimmerfungus_, is there a .deb?08:43
fungus_to be completly honest with u i just got into linux 2 days ago08:44
k1l_Dovregubben: and keep in mind that gnome2 is no more supported by gnome. so you will need to look out for a new desktop08:44
fungus_however im begining to think that im in way over my head08:45
acerimmerfungus_, OK.  so you need the graphics card drivers?08:45
acerimmerfungus_, probably, you're not.  take a breath, and let's trouble shoot08:45
fungus_ive tried many different versions of ubuntu and lastly lubuntu... no luck08:46
fungus_apparently thees alot of trouble with the chipset08:46
ubottufungus_,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:46
DovregubbenDJones: I'm not going to reinstall from scratch08:46
Dovregubbenthat was the longest install I've ever experienced08:46
DovregubbenA typical Debian install takes like an hour08:46
DovregubbenI swear, this new Ubuntu install took like 4 freaking hours08:47
IdleOneDovregubben: no need, install gnome-shell and you will have the default gnome desktop, same as in debian.08:47
Dovregubbenacerimmer: IdleOne was lying, universe is not enabled by default08:47
acerimmerDovregubben, thanks.  moving on ...08:48
fungus_i have lubuntu 13.04 manually updated kernel... my screen res is only 1024x768 and flash plays green and purple in mis sized window08:48
DovregubbenI enabled universe and multiverse and ran "apt-get update"08:48
fungus_wallpaper is blotchey08:48
IdleOneDovregubben: I don't like being called a liar. the universe repo is to enabled by default.08:48
Dovregubbenthanks for your help :-)  hopefully that's all I needed08:48
DovregubbenIdleOne: it used to be08:48
Dovregubbenit's not in 13.0408:49
acerimmerfungus_, do you have a hard line internet connection?   if so, plug in, run the additional drivers tool and the driver should appear08:49
ActionParsnipfungus_: how did you update it manually?08:49
fungus_sudo apt-get dist-update08:50
fungus_i thik...08:50
ActionParsnipfungus_: that's fine, what video chpi do you use?08:51
fungus_intel 855gm08:51
RemsSsSalut a tous08:51
ActionParsnipfungus_: if you boot the older kernel, is it ok?08:51
ubottuRemsSs,: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:52
RemsSsright, i am sorry08:52
fungus_no was bad on other thats why i updated heard it helped lubuntu run much faster08:52
fungus_tried sudo add-ap-repository ppa:glasen/intel-driver08:53
fungus_update and than sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel08:54
fungus_404 cant find so cant install new reverts back to old08:55
fungus_how do i look up the status of my graphics card and driver for card?08:55
fungus_from my undertanding its set to vespen08:57
ActionParsnipfungus_: not all PPAs support all releases08:57
fungus_or something like that08:57
fungus_last time i looked drivers werent even installed08:57
ActionParsnipfungus_: that PPA only supportsup to Quantal08:57
fungus_idk im lost08:57
ActionParsnipfungus_: intel drivers are part of a default install08:57
fungus_but its not08:58
ActionParsnipfungus_: reboot and hold SHIFT and select an earlier kernel to boot f=to08:58
ActionParsnipfungus_: dpkg -l | grep intel | grep xserver08:58
ActionParsnipfungus_: that is your video driver08:58
ActionParsnipfungus_: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display    you will see driver=something08:58
fungus_rebooting holding shift08:59
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fungus_k that didnt do anything09:00
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fungus_my dad told me not to use linux09:05
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Coreyfungus_: So don't?09:08
fungus_well i hate windows09:08
bhaveshfungus_: then don't use windows09:09
fungus_thought this would be fun09:09
Coreyfungus_: If it's not your machine, you shouldn't be doing an OS swap. :-)09:09
fungus_how can i get this driver?09:09
fungus_it is my machine09:09
fungus_thats why im doing it09:09
Corey"Drivers" in the traditional sense don't exist on Linux.09:09
CoreyThey take the form of kernel modules.09:10
bsbxHey I have the busybox initramfs problem after booting, I used a Debian disc to get shell but is it harmless doing fsck.ext4 -f when the drive is encrypted?09:11
fungus_wifi dropped09:15
fungus_so how about enabling 3d rendering... i think i read that the kdm or something was off by default09:15
fungus_does the fact that the screen on my laptop is cracked and i have vga enabled using external monitor?09:17
fungus_i can get higher res on monitor but it doesnt hold... shakes a bunch09:18
fungus_laptop is max 1024x76809:19
fungus_before in windows could take the lappy to 1600x120009:20
fungus_i tried downlaoding the intellinuxdrivers installer09:20
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DovregubbenOh... intel video in linux always blows09:21
fungus_from the website? but when i run the tests and begin installing rivers it fails at 90%09:21
histoDovregubben: no problems here iwth it09:23
fungus_apparently everyone with these chipsets in the forums had problems but i can quite understnd how they fixed it09:23
histofungus_: which chipset?09:23
fungus_intel 855gm09:24
histofungus_: what sort of problem are you having with it?09:24
bsbxI have Ubuntu LTS with full disk encryption. After boot I'm taken to Busybox (initramfs). I tried fsck.ext4 -f /dev/sda1 which is boot partition but that didn't work and the other partitions are encrypted. How do I solve this?09:25
sramhi i am unable to start mysql-workbench gives me this error " ImportError: cannot import name MAXREPEAT"09:25
histofungus_: and what version of ubuntu?09:25
fungus_1280x1024 max rez flash plays half window size in green and purple walpaper blotchey lubuntu 13.0409:26
phospheneHi! I've had problems installing nvidia drivers for a GT330M card on my acer laptop. I just wanted to ask if anybody knows if that card is supported? I've tried using "-current" and proprietary drivers without sucsess. -Thanks09:27
histo!xrandr | fungus_09:27
ubottufungus_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1209:27
somsipsram: that looks like a python import error. I found this on SO. Could it be related in any way to what you were doing before the error? http://is.gd/7l9neY09:28
histofungus_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html09:28
histofungus_: second link09:28
_JuJuBeeI cannot locate the app that manages my power settings. My screen does not shut off anymore.09:30
bsbxWhen I try to run fsck.ext4 -f on the decrypted root partition it says "device or resource busy while trying to open..." both for /dev/sda5 and /dev/dm-0, no one ever ran fsck on an encrypted drive?09:31
EADGWhich file in /dev/ controls the sound volume?09:33
fungus_makes a little sense09:34
fungus_not much09:34
fungus_im not using devian though09:34
_JuJuBeeI set the turn screen off after 30 minutes in brightness and lock, yet my screen never shuts off.09:34
bsbxProblem solved, I was trying to fsck the physical lvm volume when I should be doing it on the logical volume.09:35
bipulHello I want to conduct a Vlc streaming in between two host computer(Ubuntu) via SCTP ptrorocol. any one has any idea?09:39
phospheneHi! I've had problems installing nvidia drivers for a GT330M card on my acer laptop. I just wanted to ask if anybody knows if that card is supported? I've tried using "-current" and proprietary drivers without sucsess. -Thanks09:39
fungus__but now im balls deep lubuntu is my only os and dad wont let me reinstall windows cuz he told me linux was stupid09:40
fungus__i wanna prove him wrong but im lost09:40
fungus__i have a nice new doorstop09:40
Dovregubbenfungus__: last time I had a problem with an intel video chip (different distro) I ended up installing an older version and getting it mostly working09:41
Dovregubbenit was stilly unstable..... froze up once or twice a month09:41
fungus__ok how do i dongrade from 13.0409:42
Dovregubbenwipe it and start from scratch09:42
DovregubbenI typically use net-install images09:43
Dovregubbenrather than downloading a whole CD image09:43
histofungus__: the second link I posted... explains howto use xrandr to increase your resolution if you aren't seeing the proper modes09:44
histofungus_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-change-display-resolution-settings-using-xrandr.html09:44
DJonesfungus__: As Dovregubben said, you'll need to reinstall if you want to go back to an earlier version, downgrading isn't supported09:45
houserThis: "sudo find / -iname "*" -exec grep 5844 {} +" searches everything in the computer for content 5844, but it prints all the time grep: /xxxxx/xxxxxx: Is a directory. How can i hide that annoying output?09:51
kjellskiI'm looking for a VNC client that has an option to scale the server sides resolution into a fixed size client side window, without having a gui(I just need the window). Unfortunately xtightvnc is not capable to do this, neither is vncviewer09:51
kjellskihouser: grep -v is your friend ;)09:51
houserkjellski: uhhm that just prints way more output09:52
ElectricPrism1are there any demos of Mir yet? I'm really excited to see it in action09:52
ActionParsnipElectricPrism1: #ubuntu+1 may know too09:53
kjellskihouser: sorry, I ment to let you pipe the output you've got again into grep, telling it with the -v switch what to ignore...09:53
kjellskihouser: grep --help:  -v, --invert-match        select non-matching lines09:53
DJonesElectricPrism1: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/05/unity-8-gets-demoed-on-mir-looks-impressive-already I'd also suggest asking in #ubuntu-mir as far as I know you can install it from http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/ to test and see what it looks like09:54
rymate1234I just installed kde with sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:55
rymate1234How do I enable / install the alt+f2 kde search popup09:55
DJones!mir | ElectricPrism109:55
ubottuElectricPrism1: Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir09:55
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pii3_Hi i have dell latitude e6500 , before i installed ubuntu 10.04 LTS today i upgrade to xubuntu 12.04, with proprietry driver, my resolution is not more than 1280x800 in nvidia-settings09:58
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ActionParsnippii3_: did you install the driver before or after the upgrade?09:59
pii3_i remove ubuntu 10.04 and install xubuntu 12.0410:00
pii3_that was not a real upgrade10:00
rymate1234I just installed kde with sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, how do I enable / install the alt+f2 kde search popup10:00
ActionParsnippii3_: ok, if you run nvidia-settings  do you get any warnings or does it just load?10:00
pii3_my graphic card is Nvidia Quadro NVS 160M10:01
ActionParsnippii3_: try:   sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf      set the resolution you desire in the file and reboot10:01
pii3_then screen will strech but resolution not change10:02
stuartaany ideas why my system which is set to only take lts releases keeps telling me there is a new non lts release?10:03
stuartait was upgraded last night to 12.04.0210:03
PabI need some help setting up a vnc server to a ubuntu 13.04 machine without a monitor, I enabled VNCServer option in lightdm.conf and I can connect to the greeter screen without problems however the resolution and color depth is too low, how do I change this resolution?10:07
torbeojoin #ubuntu10:07
ActionParsnipPab: what is the reason for the connection, there may be a sleeker solution to what you are trying to achieve10:10
pii3_any help please ?10:10
ActionParsnippii3_: I gave you a solution, did you try it10:10
Pabthe reason is to be able to use this machine without a monitor10:11
ActionParsnipPab: yes but use it to do what?10:11
pii3_yeah i add modes to monitor section of xorg.conf, restart but it just strech the screen but not resolution10:12
pii3_do you any other way to chagne resolution from xorg ?10:12
ActionParsnippii3_: set a higher DPI10:13
Pabmostly as a file server and maybe backup over the network if I can get it tow ork10:13
pii3_its on 1680x105010:13
ActionParsnipPab: then install openssh-server, you will get an SFTP server and you can log on as the user you log inwith already10:13
ActionParsnippii3_: at what DPI?10:13
ActionParsnipPab: or install samba and configue share using smb.conf   no need for VNC there...10:14
PabI already have openssh server installed thats how I'm accessing right now but I would like to have an option to acess the desktop too10:14
pii3_it seems that i dont have DPI set10:14
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ActionParsnippii3_: set it in the xorg.conf file10:15
ActionParsnipPab: but for what reason...?10:15
pii3_this is what my xorg file looks like before changes: http://pastebin.com/Pn3HLut310:16
Pabno special reason just to have that option available10:16
ActionParsnippii3_: run:  gksudo nvidia-settings    and set the res to something, then click 'Save to X config file'10:18
ActionParsnipPab: makes the server less secure, unecessary services running10:18
ActionParsnippii3_: here is mine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5776702   note the DPI part and the resolution being set etc10:19
Pabits for a home network I dont plan to make it available over the internet10:19
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pii3_ActionParsnip, I should add resolution for screen and DPI for monitor10:20
GodricglowI am installing python dependencies and have a proxy authenticated network, while setting proxy I need to use "@" in pass, which bash is not accepting... I have tried /@ but that didn't work too. what should I do10:20
ActionParsnippii3_: if you use the nvidia-settings app ran using gksudo you can set the res and those lines will be generated.10:23
ActionParsnippii3_: you can add the DPI as you wish10:23
eCurrencycan somebody help me with getting "bitcoin --daemon" to start at bootup under webmin? I've tried everything  can think of10:24
eCurrencyI installed "bitcoind" using webmin... and now I'm trying to put it in "Bootup and Shutdown" and it won't work10:25
Zeevhow can I start gui app and not lock up the terminal, e.g. like windows' "start" command10:26
histoZeev: log out?10:29
histoZeev: if not screen has a locking feature10:30
histoZeev: sorry missread wow....10:30
Zeevno I'm in xterm and I want to launch firefox but stay in xterm10:30
histoZeev: firefox &10:30
histoZeev: background the process with the & symbol10:30
g-a-r-r-ywhere is my friend here10:31
Zeevsometimes when I try sudo gedit & I end up never seeing the gedit window10:31
acerimmerg-a-r-r-y, this is tech support ...10:31
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somsip!gksudo | Zeev10:32
ubottuZeev: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:32
qwdI did an update but got a message that /boot is full, so I removed all other kernels. Then I rebooted and have 3.2.0-41-generic, but when I try to update again I can't see the new kernel. How do I upgrade when the update program doesn't show anything new?10:33
Zeevk thaks10:33
eCurrencycan somebody help with starting program at bootup?10:34
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DJones!ask | eCurrency10:35
ubottueCurrency: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:35
kjellskiIs there any VNC client that has a command line option for scaling the window size? xtightvnc and vncviewer don't have one...10:36
rudolf_Which download manager do you guys use??10:36
acerimmerrudolf_, apt-get ...10:37
kjellskirudolf_: for what kind of downloads?10:37
rudolf_acerimmer, for downloading files from websites10:37
bazhang!info aria2 | rudolf_10:37
ubotturudolf_: aria2 (source: aria2): High speed download utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.16.1-1 (raring), package size 1465 kB, installed size 4096 kB10:37
rudolf_Ability to download videos from sites would be a great feature.10:38
bazhangrudolf_, then get one of the browser plugins, like video download helper10:39
rudolf_okies...so aria2 will be great as a download manager?10:39
bazhangrudolf_, try it and see10:39
rudolf_And for videos etc I'll get a plugin.10:39
rudolf_ok...I just wanted your opinion. You are experienced guys. :)10:40
eCurrencythanks ubotto...10:40
eCurrencyI think10:40
vnc786every time i do apt-get purge/install i get this http://pastebin.com/wdsZpFKj recently my apt-get was broken so i copied source.list etc from working machine now i am able to download but how do i get rid of this error10:41
eCurrencyALL: If I type "bitcoind --daemon" at the command prompt, how do I set this up as a startup service at reboot?10:41
wheatthineCurrency, did you use the deb package to install it?10:42
eCurrencyinstalled it with webmin10:43
wheatthinhow about    sudo service bitcoin start10:43
wheatthinmight be bitcoind10:43
eCurrency@wheatthin, I'll try that now10:43
eCurrency(yes, bitcoind)10:44
eCurrency@wheathin, if I put it in webmin's "Edit Upstart Service" should I include "exec" ?10:45
DJones!webmin | eCurrency Be aware that webmin isn't recommended or supported for Ubuntu,10:45
ubottueCurrency Be aware that webmin isn't recommended or supported for Ubuntu,: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.10:45
sanglv2chào mọi người10:46
eCurrency@ubottu, seriousl? oh no....10:46
sanglv2em là mem mới10:46
wheatthinDJones, I told him that yesterday, but he doesn't listen10:46
sanglv2mong mọi người chỉ giúp10:46
ubottusanglv2,: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList10:46
acerimmersanglv2, greetings10:46
vnc786any help on this http://pastebin.com/wdsZpFKj10:47
Naithello there!10:47
acerimmerNait, greetings10:47
LittleBusterhello, is it possible to see which Hard Drive is actually working?10:48
LittleBustere.g.: /dev/sda, /dev/sdv etc10:48
Naiti need some help to set group and owner to a folder! how can i do??10:48
jribLittleBuster: you mean which are mounted?10:48
jrib!permissions | Nait10:48
ubottuNait: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:48
wheatthineCurrency, I told you last night to install it via software center or apt-get10:49
Naitjrib, thnx :)10:49
LittleBusterno, jrib, which has read/write acces10:49
LittleBusterAnd it's about the Drive not any mounted partition10:49
eCurrency@wheathin, when I do I still can't get it to... you know what... Im going to kill it all and start over again...10:49
jribLittleBuster: see the output of « mount » and check permissions on the file(s) you care about10:49
eCurrencywhats the "software center" ?10:49
eCurrency@wheathin, I'll uninstall it from webmin...10:50
gordonjcpeCurrency: erk10:50
gordonjcpeCurrency: don't use webmin10:50
eCurrencylol "erk"10:50
gordonjcpeCurrency: *ever*10:50
LittleBusterI care about the activity of /dev/sda, /dev/sdb itself10:51
eCurrencyok - so don't use webmin... :\10:51
wheatthingordonjcp, he can use webmin, just don't install crap via webmin10:51
eCurrencyOk, don't install crap with it...10:51
jribLittleBuster: why? What are you trying to accomplish/determine exactly?10:51
eCurrencyOnly started usingit because I can't figure out anyway to get this %&*@^%# service to start at boot10:52
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.10:52
wheatthineCurrency, it would have been setup automatically via software center or apt-get10:52
eCurrency(is <ubottu> a bot?)10:52
jribeCurrency: yes10:52
LittleBusterI'm just interested in how my LV is working. Have a LV with 4 active Drives10:53
jribLittleBuster: LV?10:53
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eCurrencyI'm going to go uninstall bitcoind out of/with webmin (since I used it to install) - then I'm going to type "apt-get bitcoind"10:53
wheatthinsudo apt-get install bitcoind10:54
LittleBusterjrib: i had set up a volume group with 4 physical volumes an one logical volume10:54
jribLittleBuster: ok, but as far as I know, asking whether something is read/write only makes sense in the context of mount options and permissions10:54
eCurrency@wheathin - ok, last line reads: "Setting up bitcoind (0.8.2-precise1) ..." now what?10:55
wheatthinnow you configure it10:55
eCurrency(I should've used "sudo" ?but I'm already root10:55
wheatthinif it needs it10:55
eCurrency(it doesn't need t be)10:55
wheatthinthen it's running.10:55
eCurrencythe 1st command would be "bitcoind --daemon" -10:56
wheatthinit's already setup10:56
eCurrencyBut if the server goes down, it won't restart10:56
stuartaLittleBuster: your can look at the lvm metadata in /etc/lvm/backup which will tell you which extents are on which PV and thus which drives are active10:56
wheatthinyes it will10:56
gordonjcpwheatthin: webmin is too problematic10:56
eCurrencyits not running because I don't see the process and when I type "bitcoind getblockcount" I get an error10:56
wheatthingordonjcp, either way, he didn't install it using webmin, so it doesn't matter10:56
gordonjcpwheatthin: if you want something that will turn your configuration files into a scrambled fragile mess, have at it10:56
eCurrencyI don't get that error if I type "bitcoind -daemon" then run the count10:57
LittleBusterjrib: iostat was what i was looking for.10:57
eCurrency bitcoind getblockcount10:57
eCurrencyerror: couldn't connect to server10:57
jribLittleBuster: doesn't iostat give you statistics?10:57
wheatthineCurrency, sudo service bitcoind start10:57
wheatthindon't try to run daemon when there's no need to10:57
eCurrencyif I type "bitcoind --daemon" - then run the blockcount, I get the blockcount10:57
jribLittleBuster: reading up on LVM a bit there does seem to be "lslv" which gives information about logical volumes including read-write permission10:58
rudolf_hey bazhang I see aria2 is a command line utility. :|10:58
LittleBusterjrib: watch -n 1 'iostat' is exactly what need.10:58
jribLittleBuster: ok10:58
wheatthinin the terminal type   man bitcoind or find a tutorial to configure it10:58
eCurrencyso I can put that "sudo service bitcoind start" in rc.local and it will start bitcoind ?10:58
wheatthinlisten.. it's already in rc10:59
jribeCurrency: you should not put service commands in /etc/rc.local ...10:59
eCurrencywheathin - there is no configuring10:59
wheatthinyes there is.10:59
eCurrencyok, I'll read the man10:59
eCurrency@wheathin from the man "   -daemon11:00
eCurrency              Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands11:00
wheatthineCurrency, did you read the man already?11:01
eCurrency@wheathin reading...11:01
wheatthineCurrency, don't ask until you do.. lol11:01
eCurrencyI already have the .conf set up... it connects to the network and gets the blocks with no problem - "when its running"11:01
gordonjcpeCurrency: what kind of graphics cards are you using?11:02
wheatthineCurrency, ps aux | grep bitcoind11:02
eCurrencyIm looking at 51 processes.. none of them are bitcoin11:03
wheatthinjust type it~!11:03
eCurrency@gordon, its a hosted server11:03
eCurrency@wheathin: heres the reply:11:04
eCurrencyroot     12483  0.0  0.1  15192  1352 pts/0    T    14:59   0:00 man bitcoind11:04
eCurrencyroot     12582  0.0  0.0   6460   716 pts/0    S+   15:03   0:00 grep --color=auto bitcoind11:04
eCurrencythats all11:04
wheatthinthen it's not configured right11:04
wheatthintry with just bitcoin11:05
eCurrency(Im not sure what else needs to be configued. I did the same them on ubuntu as I did one centos and I ran a mining pool and all worked fine) 1 sec11:06
eCurrencyI'll type that command11:06
eCurrencyroot     12483  0.0  0.1  15192  1352 pts/0    T    14:59   0:00 man bitcoind11:06
eCurrencyroot     12636  0.0  0.0   6460   716 pts/0    S+   15:06   0:00 grep --color=auto bitcoin11:06
wheatthinwas that before or after you installed it with webmin?11:06
wheatthinerr apt-get11:06
eCurrencywhat I just showed you? After apt-get11:07
wheatthinand where did you configure it?11:08
eCurrencyyou set up the .conf file in .bitcoin - thats all11:08
wheatthinlook for bitcoin.conf throughout the system11:09
ubottunannina: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:09
wheatthinlocate bitcoin.conf11:09
eCurrencywhereis ?11:09
fionnanWhen I type Alt Gr + ; I get a …  , anyone know how I can turn this off?11:10
eCurrencythat is all11:11
rudolf_Can aria2 support multiple downloads?11:12
bazhangrudolf_, what does the manpage for it say11:13
rudolf_I can download only one file with one terminal. :|11:13
* LargePizz Picture of my whore ex-girlfriend naked for your enjoyment: http://imagetwist.com/9x3zece21oyg11:13
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=== EnBenjamin is now known as benjamino
bazhang!ask | aqw22ss11:16
ubottuaqw22ss: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:16
thunder1212hi i have purchased a windows 8 laptop how can i use ubuntu on it it does not have any option to boot from live usb11:16
DJones!uefi | thunder121211:16
ubottuthunder1212: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:16
acerimmerthunder1212, no way a NEW laptop doesn't have the usb option11:16
thunder1212acerimmer: what if one deletes the entire hard disk space?11:17
ActionPa1snipthunder1212: are you wanting to remove Win8 completely?11:18
wheatthineCurrency, it says in some forums that you might need to create a crontab for it to start after booting11:18
thunder1212ActionPa1snip: can i get it back if i want?11:18
wheatthin!crontab | eCurrency11:18
ubottueCurrency: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto11:18
acerimmerthunder1212, we seem to be talking about 2 different things.  You said you couldn't boot from the usb ... ?11:18
thunder1212acerimmer: yes11:19
rudolf_bazhang, yeah there is an option -j to set multiple concurrent downloads.11:19
acerimmerthunder1212, make and model of your computer?11:19
rudolf_Bazhang, but do I need to copy the download link everytime and input it to aria2c to start the download?11:19
thunder1212acerimmer: asus11:19
rudolf_Dont you think it is a bit lengthy? Or there is some other easy method??11:20
thunder1212acerimmer: without cd drive11:20
acerimmerthunder1212, precisely my point.  that thing DOES have the boot from usb option.11:20
thunder1212acerimmer: but when i start the system i dont get any option f2 or f10 or f12 to select boot deivice?11:21
thunder1212acerimmer: it just starts with asus logo and then windows 8 login screen11:21
acerimmerthunder1212, there's a display during power on/self test that tells you exactly what key you need to press11:22
acerimmerthunder1212, and read your documentation.  if you ever have to reinstall win8 you need the same info.11:22
eCurrencyWhere you read that at?11:23
thunder1212acerimmer: ok will try again will be back..11:23
ActionPa1snipthunder1212: sure, use backups etc11:23
thunder1212ActionPa1snip: ok11:23
wheatthineCurrency, https://bitcointalk.org/11:23
wheatthinlook there for more info11:23
wheatthineCurrency, since it has no startup/init for the program, one must use a crontab to automatically start it11:24
eCurrency@wheathin checking.11:25
eCurrencysee! I knew I wasn't crazy... EVERYBODY I know starts it with "bitcoind --daemon"11:25
eCurrencyor if you're going to send command via json you use bitcoind --server11:26
=== root is now known as Guest98335
wheatthinNot good to be root in irc11:27
Ben64!rootirc | Guest9833511:27
ubottuGuest98335: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.11:27
gordonjcpwheatthin: although it is fun setting your IRC username to "root" and watching the IRC net-nannies pitch a fit11:28
kostkon_Guest98335: nick already taken11:28
pumpihi. I want to add some words into a text-file with "echo". but every word should be its own line. how can I do this with echo with one command??11:28
eCurrency!webmin | ecurrency11:28
ubottueCurrency, please see my private message11:28
wheatthingordonjcp, I doubt it's the case11:28
gordonjcpwheatthin: undoubtedly11:28
eCurrencyThats how that was done!11:29
jribpumpi: use \n and pass -e to echo11:29
jribpumpi: echo -e 'foo\nbar'11:29
wheatthineCurrency, so, if you need to use webmin to create a crontab for you, then by all means do it, but don't ask for our help11:29
ActionPa1snipeCurrency: gnome-schedule is a GUI for cron ,it is beneficial to learn how to edit contabs in terminal though11:31
vnc786how do i get rid of this "dpkg warning files list file for package...." whenever i do apt-get install or purge11:31
pumpihi JRIB. Thank you very much !! :-D11:31
eCurrency@ActionPa1snip - thanks... I'm on a hosted server... I wouldn't have access to gnome-scedule, or would I?11:32
wheatthineCurrency, how would he know? you'd have to check with your host11:33
eCurrency@wheathin - I thought it was apparent that I was newb with ubuntu - didn't know if it was something standard... ok11:34
wheatthinwell if you aren't on a desktop environment, then it wouldn't be of use11:34
ActionPa1snipeCurrency: if you install it and have an X server on your client then yes. Again, learn cron. It's not hard11:34
ActionPa1snipeCurrency: plenty of guides around. The file even tells you what each colomn means11:35
manjushCan anyone tell me ,what does a disk store in shared disk architecture?11:35
eCurrencyOh no... I've set plenty of crons in cpanel... until I got sick... but only did it at the command prompt a few times... no biggi11:36
eCurrencyand thanks wheathin11:36
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eCurrencywondering if it's worth it to tackle installing ruby - always run in to problems with gem bundlers blah blah11:37
th0reCurrency: when I use cron I create a file cron.txt and put the commands in there. Then I can load it with (iirc) crontab -L <filename>. Makes editing a command a lot easier11:38
eCurrencythanks @th0r11:38
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dahzhello, is there a way to look at vine videos on a pc? https://vine.co/v/hBrJrXzFuMH11:42
wheatthindahz, on a pc meaning ubuntu installation?11:43
dahzwheatthin: yes11:43
wheatthindahz, try googling it?11:43
acerimmerdahz, install a video download plugin, capture, save, play ...11:44
wheatthinI'm watching a vine video on chrome, in ubuntu, so yes dahz11:44
clustyi am getting some grief from apt complaining signatures are invalid for one of the main repositories11:45
clustyany idea how I can re-fetch signatures ?11:45
dahzok actually it didn't work with chromium but it did with firefox11:45
wheatthindahz, try with chrome :)11:45
wheatthinor download the plugin whichever one it is11:46
ss_hazeI have question about ubuntu software - kdenlive, and how to make titles be in front of the video, or overlay.11:49
ss_hazeI have to use transitions, but none of them make my title appear in front of the background video11:51
ss_hazeI even made a transparent picture, I guess I should use inside maker of the logo11:54
acerimmerss_haze, might also ask in ubuntustudio11:55
linuxuz3ris antartica bigger than eu?11:57
jrib!ot | linuxuz3r11:58
ubottulinuxuz3r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:58
ubottulinuxnewb2,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:58
DJoneslinuxuz3r: Looks like you're in the wriong channel for that question11:58
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linuxuz3ris wayland finished?12:05
linuxuz3ror is it still in beta12:06
skaCan I safely remove plymouth from a server?12:07
sfxcchow i installl binutils for debian lenny ?12:07
linuxuz3rsfxcc, try #debian12:07
sfxcci tried12:07
sfxccno answer12:07
auronandacesfxcc: that doesn't make this channel debian support12:08
sfxccno but its on debian it works12:08
sfxccis the same12:08
skaIs Lenny even being maintained?12:08
sfxcci nee to install binutils how i do it12:09
rudolf_Why does terminal not complete the file name when TAB is pressed? :(12:09
DJonesrudolf_: That would suggest that there are two files with similar names and it doesn't know which one you want to tab-complete to12:10
auronandaceor you made a spelling mistake12:11
mrj0nes@ sfxcc have you tried sudo apt-get install binutils12:12
rudolf_DJoes, its is not so...There is only one file by that name.12:13
rudolf_DJones, it is doing...sorry...It was my mistake.12:16
rudolf_Forgot the case sensitive thing...new to case sensitive environment.12:17
[]Tsukasa[]Migrating a few ubuntu server boxs from ESXi 3.x to Hyper-V and having issues getting them to boot. I'm guessing a kernel/driver issue since they are being move to new hardware under a new hyper-visor?12:17
DJonesrudolf_: That catches a lot of people out12:17
rudolf_I'll adapt very soon, DJones :)12:18
rudolf_There are so many emails in my inbox that thunderbird hangs everytime I open it.12:29
skaRemoving ftp also removes ubuntu-standard...12:33
ActionPa1snipska: why would you remove ftp?12:37
skabecause it isn't needed and poses a security risk12:39
ActionPa1snipska: for the sake of 239kb, can't you keep it?12:39
ActionPa1snipska: ftp is the client, its not an ftp server12:39
ActionPa1snipska: cli ftp client12:39
skatrue, but it can be used to DL malware.12:39
ActionPa1snipska: so can a web browser12:40
skaNo web browser on this one, except w3m12:40
ActionPa1snipska: you could remove the execute bits I guess, but its not needed12:40
ActionPa1snipska: w3m IS a web browser..12:40
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skaWhat about gcc and g++, should I leave those on too?12:41
ActionPa1snipska: if you need them, sure12:41
skaActionPa1snip: do you harden servers much?12:41
ActionPa1snipska: the steps you are taking will have minimal gains12:41
ActionPa1snipska: you'll need to look into apparmor adn polkit etc, those will benefit you more in hardening the box12:42
skaTrue, but a gain is a gain.12:42
skaAll security guides and people say to remove all unneeded packages.12:43
ActionPa1snipska: could make a group called ftp and give it group ownership to the ftp binary, you can then add users to the group whom you wish to have access to the binary12:43
skaDoes apt need ftp?12:43
jpdsska: Well, start with installing a minimal set of packages.12:43
jpdsska: No..12:43
skajpds: I think we did, but ftp doesn't seem to be needed (for example).12:44
ActionPa1snipska: you can check the dependancies on packages.ubuntu.com etc, or rdepends may show you12:44
skaBut it is needed with "ubuntu-standard"..12:44
SuperLagis there a history of what packages you've installed with apt-get?12:44
ActionPa1snipSuperLag: /var/log/dpkg.log12:44
jpdsSuperLag: /var/log/apt/history.log12:44
jpdsActionPa1snip: No.12:44
ActionPa1snipSuperLag: shows a log of all installs and removals12:44
skaWhat is rdepends.. I don't see it as a command or package.12:45
Piciska: apt-cache rdepends12:45
ActionPa1snip!info rdepends12:45
ubottuPackage rdepends does not exist in raring12:45
Picior apt-rdepends if you need a lot more detail.12:46
ActionPa1snipthats the one12:46
SuperLaghmm... those list dependencies too.12:46
SuperLagI'm trying to figure out just the ones that I requested12:46
skaThings like dosfsutils look innocent enough, but it could be used in ways that help attackers.12:47
jpdsska: Well, if they have a shell on your box, you're pretty much screwed anyway.12:48
jpdsska: Focus on keeping them out of the box.12:49
skajpds: if they have a normal shell, thats not good, but its not as bad as root.12:49
jpdsska: That didn't make sense.12:49
skajpds: do you ever use bastille?12:49
jpdsska: No.12:49
naithello , i tried to install chrome and I've had this error! http://pastebin.com/Mxf60JpB12:50
jpdsska: But I know of it, but I prefer to harden things in other ways.12:50
BluesKajHiyas all12:50
skajpds: any guidelines or online outline of how you harden?12:51
jpdsska: No.12:51
marianne_Has anyone had success buying a PC preloaded with ubuntu?12:55
jpdsska: But focussing on things like an ftp client binary isn't the way to do it.12:55
jpdsska: In my opinion, far better to just block outing FTP access at a firewall level.12:56
olivierrrdoes anyone here know where I can find usage stats of Ubuntu? or downloadstats for the iso's?12:56
skajpds: My experience is that the layered approach works very well. All possible layers are effective, including access, and minimizing utilities that are not needed.12:57
jpdsska: True, but if the person has shell access, then they can run any exploit that comes out on the system.12:59
skaTrue, but we don't allow shell access.12:59
jpdsGreat, so the ftp binary isn't an issue. :)12:59
skaUnless they hack the admin account :)13:00
jpdsThen you have bigger problems/should be using ssh keys. :)13:00
ActionPa1sniptinfoil hat collector :)13:00
icerootwill everything from proposed be part of the main/updates repos later? or are there packages which will be only on proposed all the time and not going to main/updates?13:00
jpdsiceroot: Packages from proposed move to updates, if they validate successfully.13:01
jpdsActionPa1snip: Security is the reward of unceasing vigilance.13:01
ActionPa1snipjpds: but there is a level where it becomes comical13:02
icerootjpds: ok, thank you13:02
eCurrency@wheathin - that cron command worked like a charm. I rebooted the server and the cron ran the --daemon command and the blockcount is back on track! Thanks13:03
skajpds: Sometimes automated bots use things like ftp, gcc, g++ and other tools to install and propagate.13:03
Soelenhello, I am loosing connection to my ubuntu server every 5 minutes all of the sudden! And I don't know why13:04
Soelen/var/log/kern.log says something about kernel: [14248.385796] r8169 0000:01:0a.0: eth0: link down13:05
Soelenand the link is getting up after 2 seconds again, what could this cause?13:05
JoeSomebodyi asked this in ##linux, was relatively pointless, can netflix work in linux? so if they do not know, or are hoarding the answer, i shall try everywhere else13:08
auronandace!netflix | JoeSomebody13:09
ubottuJoeSomebody: If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop13:09
reisiohugo: doesn't do anything :)13:18
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travisimohey guys, I just did a fresh install of the latest Ubuntu.  I am looking for two things.  first:  a good way to test graphics card/drivers.  second:  which drivers should I use?  I have an Nvidia gtx 660 ti13:20
gelswipdoes anyone know what would cause my gnome panels to keep growing like this http://i.imgur.com/i8Al6PH.jpg13:21
SuperLagjpds: Duh. I said I was trying to figure out just the packages I requested. Well, I didn't read far enough down the history.log to see that it had exactly what I was looking for. :)13:22
rymate1234/opt/splashtop-streamer/SRFeature: error while loading shared libraries: libcelt0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:24
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: run:  sudo updatedb; locate libcelt0     you may need to make a sylink to humour the application13:24
Kyan[someone knows how can i know the input device name of my actual keyboard?13:25
=== Multiply is now known as multiply
FloodBot1rymate1234: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:26
reisioKyan[: cat /dev/input/by-id/foo13:26
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: you could symlink the files you gave to the other lib folders.13:27
Kyan[reisio, "file not found"13:27
reisioKyan[: foo is a placeholder13:27
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: or try: cd /opt/splashtop-streamer       then run the app13:27
travisimohey guys, I just did a fresh install of the latest Ubuntu.  I am looking for two things.  first:  a good way to test graphics card/drivers.  second:  which drivers should I use?  I have an Nvidia gtx 660 ti13:29
ActionPa1sniptravisimo: does your CPU have an inbuilt GPU too?13:29
travisimoit does, but I have the intel GPU disabled in BIOS13:29
rymate1234ActionPa1snip, tried cd and run, no dice13:29
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: you could add the folder as an extra lib folder, or symlink to the folder with the other .so files13:30
rymate1234nvm, found out how13:30
=== Kyan[ is now known as Kyan[AFK]
rymate1234turns out there was a .desktop file in that folder13:31
rymate1234and the command to launch is "python /opt/splashtop-streamer/SRStreamer.pyc"13:31
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: and it sets up stuff ok, right?13:31
rymate1234seems alright now13:31
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: sweet13:32
rymate1234yeah, works perfectly :D13:32
rymate1234apart from audio streaming13:33
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: seems like a media server to hold files, you can then connect etc13:34
rymate1234oh, god, audio streaming streams audio about 2 notes lower13:35
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rymate1234ActionPa1snip, its remote desktop for ipad13:35
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: why do you need the full desktop?13:35
rymate1234spotify without premium13:36
abdelhello please can someone tell me how to install kodak i1320 scanner (driver and software) in ubuntu 13.0413:37
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: there is a remote control python app, you can then install the remote control app and control what is playing :)13:37
ActionPa1snipabdel: kodak hates linux, i doubt you will get it working13:37
ActionPa1snipabdel: I suggest you check the openprinting.org site13:38
abdelso u mean its not possible to install kodak in liux13:38
ActionPa1snipabdel: there may be a compatible driver but otherwise no13:38
ActionPa1snipabdel: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-843710.html13:39
ActionPa1snipabdel: there is the famous 'kodak letter'13:39
ActionPa1snipabdel: conversely, HP love Linux13:39
rymate1234ActionPa1snip, i doubt the remote control streams music13:39
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: not from PC to tablet, is that what you mean13:39
abdelok thanks13:40
ActionPa1sniprymate1234: could use plex, or a media player that can stream from samba etc13:40
travisimohey guys, I just did a fresh install of the latest Ubuntu.  I am looking for two things.  first:  a good way to test graphics card/drivers.  second:  which drivers should I use?  I have an Nvidia gtx 660 ti13:41
marianne_travisimo: did you load the 'additional drivers' from the dash?13:42
travisimoI have went there and selected the NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library from nividia-313-updates13:43
tenagliahi all13:43
adamk_travisimo: And is the driver doing everything you want it to do?13:44
tenagliawhat is the sanest way to install ubuntu server on a remote box without possibility to setup a dhcp/tftp server?13:44
tenagliaI alreay have RHEL installed and have access as root13:44
definityanybody here got a command to formate a drive in NTFS?13:44
marianne_travisimo: I have always used 'current' as my selection13:44
travisimoI dont know yet.  I just want to know that it is utilizing it to its full extent.  I am going to install steam soon.  is there a good benchmark I can use?13:45
adamk_travisimo: The best benchmarks are the programs you are going to be actually using on the computer.13:46
travisimok, I am installing steam now13:47
ActionPa1snipdefinity: I'd use Windows OS, there may be a command in ntfs-utils but as NTFS i sproprietary to Microsoft I would use their OS to make the partition13:48
definityActionPa1snip: I thought microsoft was FAT3213:48
BluesKajdefinity, if you were running W95 , fat32 would be fine13:50
ActionPa1snipdefinity: FAT32 is not MS specific13:51
abdelcan sane work in place of kodak13:52
mndohi, i am trying to prevent the installation of a package (openvpn) i tried doing a echo "openvpn hold" | dpkg --set-selections but it is still possible to apt-get install openvpn, is there a way to block it?13:52
andyweuse apt-pinning13:54
andyweedit /etc/apt/preferences and add your package there13:54
skaFor some reason, ssh has no entry in rcN.d.. but it starts..13:54
andywethis will prevent the installtion ...Package: <nameofpackage> Pin: origin "" Pin-Priority: -113:54
skaIs ssh started in a different way????13:55
Asad2005How can i change font style liferea 1.8 unity desktop13:55
songohi adam13:57
songo_no1 likes u13:57
songofaG ETTT13:57
FloodBot1songo_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:57
songodie jus die13:57
songocleverbot rape lik jimmy13:57
rymate1234both of you13:57
rymate1234stop arguing13:57
songoshut it bastard13:57
songosex is wat u need13:58
rymate1234this is a public channel13:58
songour gay13:58
rymate1234with 1720 people in here13:58
songohaha gay13:58
rymate1234please respect other people13:58
gordonjcp!ops | songo13:58
FloodBot1songo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:58
ubottusongo: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!13:58
rymate1234yay got splashtop working properly13:59
rymate1234sadly means I have to use gnome13:59
ArneLurkI'm having EUFI problems. Win7 x64 install not being detected by 12.10 x64 (both in UEFI mode)14:01
skaWhen I run sysv-rc-conf, ssh is not listed in Runlevels 2,3,4,5.. Is that correct if I need ssh??14:01
devgruhello everyone14:02
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devgruI'm having trouble getting the background in Ubuntu Unity to work, the dashbar and everything works great except the wallpaper area looks pixelated and the windows drag14:03
devgrueverything works fine with gnome314:03
skaI guess ssh isnt governed/started/stopped by sysv anymore..14:04
StaticLNXska: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/openssh-server.html14:04
paulbanksanyone here using the proprietary amd driver for his/her radeon hd graphics card ?14:05
reisiopaulbanks: probably someone is14:05
jribska: it's managed by upstart.  What do you want to accomplish?14:05
reisioska: IME if you try the sysv way, you get information14:05
skajrib: I want to verify that SSH will come up with a reboot.14:06
jribska: did you install it through the repositories?14:06
skaall normal14:06
jribska: then by default it will be started14:06
skajrib: is thare any util that shows what service are started then?14:07
skaincluding upstart and sysv14:07
jribska: no, but you can check your upstart configuration in /etc/init (and also read the ssh.conf init script because it provides a way to disable it in /etc/default)14:07
ArdethianGuys, does anyone know of a reason why my Ubuntu 12.01 gets stuck sometimes after going to sleep mode? Its happening ever since I started working there and im the one who installed the OS, so its a new installation. Any ideas?14:07
jribArdethian: there's no such thing as 12.0114:08
Ardethianmy bad.14:08
reisiotry another graphics driver14:08
skajrib: thanks.. I am 90% of the way there, I was just looking for a tool that tells me what services will be started in state runelevel 2.14:08
jribska: there is no such tool; you have to consult the configuration files yourself14:09
skaok,... I guess it was nice when all was known via sysv-rc14:10
linuxuz3ris selinux available in 12.0414:11
jrib!selinux | linuxuz3r14:11
ubottulinuxuz3r: SELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor14:11
reisioI'm sure you can utilize it whether Ubuntu makes it simple or not14:11
linuxuz3ris selinux backdoor for nsa14:12
linuxuz3rjust curious14:12
Picilinuxuz3r: What do you think we're going to say?14:13
narcosHi all. I'd like to grant a user the ability to reboot a machine. The user has sudo access, but I don't want to be prompted for a password14:13
readyjarnarcos: What's wrong with a password?14:13
jribnarcos: is the user logging in through a desktop manager like lightdm?14:13
narcosreadyjar: Scripts are bad at typing passwords14:13
narcosSo, I want to remote reboot these boxes via ssh. I've setup keys so I can send commands without entering a password, but I can't send the reboot command14:14
babilennarcos: Read sudoers(5) and use NOPASSWD for reboot -- The example section even has an elaborate example that covers reboot for groups of people.14:15
jribnarcos: you can configure sudo to not prompt for passwords with specifc commands as babilen points out14:15
jribnarcos: also, make sure you use "sudo visudo" to edit sudoers, don't edit it directly14:15
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linuxuz3rdo you trust selinux or nsa14:20
linuxuz3rshould i trust them14:21
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songowhat is this/14:21
reisiolinuxuz3r: it's all open source, and heavily audited14:22
auronandacesongo: welcome to the ubuntu support channel14:22
reisiowhether you want to boycott it for other reasons is entirely up to you14:22
songooh well GO DIE14:22
linuxuz3romg reisio apparmor is selinux?14:22
reisiolinuxuz3r: no it isn't14:22
songoquit everyone or else14:23
reisiosongo: hrmm?14:23
songoi will find u and kill u all14:23
songoif you dont quit14:23
songothis group14:23
reisiosongo: :)14:24
linuxuz3ris he still there14:24
* ActionPa1snip stays14:26
simonsimcityHi, guys14:27
ArneLurkis it possible to just install ubuntu on another HDD or SSD (than e.g. Win7) and dual boot using the bios? Because it's probably cheaper than me wasting time on this UEFI dual boot problem14:27
simonsimcityI have some problems with GIT since updating to 13.04 ..14:27
simonsimcityI always get the following error:14:28
simonsimcityfatal: unable to access '/home/$user/.config/git/config': Permission denied (where $user is my username)14:28
auronandaceArneLurk: if it allows selecting which disk to boot from then yes14:28
simonsimcityBut the file as 777 permission and in addition is owned by the account I call this command from using SUDO ..14:28
ArneLurkauronandace: Yeah, it's F12 on my gigabyte board. Shows all bootable devices in both UEFI and non UEFI I think14:29
simonsimcityAnyone has an idea why the file still is not accessible by GIT, even so it's 777?14:29
somsipsimonsimcity: try in .git14:30
simonsimcitysomsip, it's a bared repo ...14:30
somsipsimonsimcity: that was maybe a bit too cryptic. Check the files under the .git folder for bad permissions14:30
mm12hey all wsup14:30
theadminsimonsimcity: Is the whole path accessible, though? That is, is .config owned by you and readwritable, same for /home/$USER/?14:30
somsipsimonsimcity: if it is a bare repo, there are no files to have permissions....er, right?14:31
jribsimonsimcity: it's strange for 1) that file to be 777 and not have more sane permissions and 2) for you to be using sudo in this situation14:31
simonsimcityjrib, Maybe you just don't know what I do :)14:31
jribsimonsimcity: k14:31
ArdethianGuys, does anyone know of a reason why my Ubuntu 12.04 gets stuck sometimes after going to sleep mode? Its happening ever since I started working there and im the one who installed the OS, so its a new installation. Any ideas?14:31
mm12which do i download for my machine its 64 bit.. ubuntu 12.04lts  or ubuntu 13.04 whats the difference14:31
silv3r_m00nhi there, i need to run a program in 13.10 that cannot run beyond 12.1014:32
silv3r_m00nhow ?14:32
somsipsimonsimcity: sorry - I appear to have come in halfway through the conversation. I'll read back first...14:32
somsipsimonsimcity: so what command are you running under sudo to generate the error message?14:32
mm12which is more stable...12.04lts or 13.04?14:32
theadminsilv3r_m00n: 13.10 is not supported. And, if the program isn't supported above 12.10, you likely can't run it anyways.14:33
simonsimcitysomsip, jrib, theadmin, to explain the whole situation: I had a git auto-deployment working, based on a bared repository.14:33
X200simonsimcity: I think that it's a git bug because I found multiple defects open on that issue http://www.redmine.org/issues/13631 https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46037014:33
ubottubugs.gentoo.org bug 460370 in Development ">=dev-vcs/git- unable to access '/root/.config/git/config': Permission denied" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:33
silv3r_m00ntheadmin: i mean, i need to run on 13.0414:33
simonsimcitySince updating from 12.10 to 13.04 I get the error, that the file is not accessible anymore.14:34
theadminsilv3r_m00n: Same answer -- except the unsupported bit. You can try to download the package file from packages.ubuntu.com and install it with dpkg yourself, but it will likely not work.14:34
simonsimcityX200, me too, but that are just warnings - not errors.14:34
narcosbabilen, jrib: Ok I'll go read those docs, ta++14:34
X200simonsimcity: maybe you should try a newer version of git14:34
jribmm12: they are both stable releases.  12.04 is supported for 5 years after release and 13.04 for 9 months from release.  12.04 was released in april 2012.  13.04 was released in april 201314:35
silv3r_m00ntheadmin: what does it mean to install ubuntu in a chroot ?14:35
somsipsimonsimcity: so what is the command that is being run under sudo that causes the warning/error?14:35
theadminsilv3r_m00n: Eh... Probably too complicated of a process, try using a virtual machine (virtualbox etc) instead14:35
somsip!test | babilen14:35
ubottubabilen: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )14:35
mm12oh ok thanks jrib14:35
Diggethey guiz14:35
babilensomsip: Is there anything in particular I can do for you?14:35
somsipbabilen: meant for someone already gone14:35
simonsimcitysomsip, One example is: "sudo -u www-data git config --global" ... just to try if the user is able to read the config-file.14:36
silv3r_m00ntheadmin: virtualbox is too much , need something on same system14:36
mm12so its better to hanve 12.04lts14:36
DiggetI love ubuntu.14:36
theadminsilv3r_m00n: Oh. I see. Well, chroot basically means installing to a folder on your HD and then using the "chroot" command to access that install.14:36
simonsimcityX200, how can I get hands on a newer git-version if it's not in the repo? :) Maybe a stupid question - but still ...14:36
theadminsilv3r_m00n: I have no idea how to do that with the Ubuntu installer though14:36
X200simonsimcity: try the git ppa https://launchpad.net/~git-core/+archive/ppa14:36
DiggetMy skype will NOT start14:37
somsipsimonsimcity: sudo -u does the command as root. so you don't get the environment for the user. That may be affecting it. http://is.gd/LsrJEu14:37
DiggetI have looked all over14:37
mm12so i have to pa for this??14:37
babilennarcos: Just simplify the setup in the EXAMPLES section in sudoers(5) -- It should be relatively straightforward to get it running with a combination of NOPASSWD and suitable user/group specification.14:37
DiggetI need help14:37
silv3r_m00nDigget: then run skype from terminal and see what error message it shows14:37
theadminDigget: Run the "skype" command in terminal and provide the output on http://paste.ubuntu.com and link us14:37
somsipsimonsimcity: sorry - ignore me. It' slate. I think I'll butt out of this14:37
theadminmm12: Pay for what?14:38
mm12for the program14:38
babilennarcos: I also just realised that I answered this question in #ubuntu -- It might or might not work in Ubuntu (I run Debian and typically provide help in #debian) -- That being said: I would be surprised if Ubuntu changed that.14:38
X200simonsimcity: here's an explanation on how to add a ppa http://askubuntu.com/questions/4983/what-are-ppas-and-how-do-i-use-them14:38
Diggettheadmin when i run it from terminal it works14:38
theadminmm12: What program?14:38
Diggetbut not the icon14:38
theadminDigget: ...odd.14:38
mm12ubuntu 12.0lts14:38
jribbabilen, narcos: should be the same on ubuntu14:38
theadminmm12: Wha? No, that's just a donation page, you can click "Not now, take me to the download"14:39
theadminmm12: And use it for free14:39
mm12ahh ok thanks14:39
somsip!info node.js14:39
ubottuPackage node.js does not exist in raring14:39
babilenjrib: Yeah, I would have been *very* surprised if not, but thought that I mention it. (I hate making wrong assumptions)14:39
SARCHello. I have been able to disable tty2-tty6 in /etc/default/console-setup and /etc/inittab.  How can I disable tty7 (so that pressing Ctrl+F7 does nothing instead of showing a black screen)?14:39
DiggetMy sound on skype is like retarded14:40
Diggetits all crackly14:40
mm12can i use windows ultimate and ubuntus next to each other14:40
theadminDigget: Now that we can't help with... Skype does have certain sound issues on some systems, but it's closed source so the Ubuntu team can't fix it. You may want to bug Microsoft about i14:40
reisiomm12: yup14:40
theadminmm12: Sure14:40
Diggettheadmin alright then im good now14:41
theadminDigget: By "we" I mean the channel here14:41
mm12or a differenct drive14:41
simonsimcityX200, Adding ppa, using the link you sent me, doesn't work .... I have no GUI available on that machine, neither do the commandline options work ...14:43
mm12wow this is coming down fast ....14:44
mm121.5 kb/s14:44
simonsimcitytheadmin, you wrote, that the path should be accessible as well ... why does GIT then complain about, that the file is not readable?14:44
X200simonsimcity: can you access the file without a problem (without using sudo)?14:45
theadminsimonsimcity: Because if a part of the path is not accessible, then neither is the file. I mean, technically, it does something along the lines of fopen("/home/username/.config/git/config", "r");  and just goes from there, the error is probably based on the file and not where exactly in the path the permission issue is14:45
floogyHi, It seems, that I got issues with my vpn routing. I can ping a particular ip, but I cannot rweach it with my browser14:46
GreekFreakhi all14:46
simonsimcityX200, theadmin, I can access the file by the current user (without sudo), but cannot use "cat" to open it by the sudo'd user ...14:46
GreekFreakI am trying to generate an SSH key pair, but I notice that I already have relevant id_rsa and id_rsa.pub files. If I want a new key pair (as I do not know where this is used), do I simply create 2 new files?14:47
theadminsimonsimcity: Pwehe. Well, check the world permissions on all the folders of the path14:48
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simonsimcitytheadmin, now, the user (the one I use in sudo) has access to the full path and the file but still can't access it ...14:49
vltHello. If you wanted to playback a list of audio files with customisable crossfades, so that on key press the next (or a certain selected) track immediately fades in, for example, in 150 ms while the currently running fades out in 750 ms, what would you use? Any idea?14:49
simonsimcitytheadmin, what does it mean if "ls" puts out something like this?14:50
simonsimcityd????????? ? ? ? ?            ? git14:50
reisiovlt: programmatically? I'd probably use a script and mplayer14:50
theadminsimonsimcity: I'd say it means unknown permissions and access times14:50
theadminsimonsimcity: ...and size14:51
theadminsimonsimcity: Meaning it has no access to the file, most likely14:51
simonsimcitytheadmin, It's missing the permission "executable" for the folder :)14:52
theadminsimonsimcity: Oh, that'd be the problem, yes14:52
* genii tries to remember if simonsimcity has his ubuntu install on an NTFS filesystem14:52
georgetsomorning guys14:52
georgetsoneed help please, need a bash script to put content of uptime command to specified file14:53
georgetsosomething like echo uptime >> /tmp/a14:53
theadmingeorgetso: uptime > filename14:53
jribgeorgetso: what's wrong with the command you just gave?14:53
georgetsotheadmin: should be in a bash script so I can cron it14:53
simonsimcityNow, that I set the path to o+rx and the file to o+r, I can cat it by the sudo'd user ...14:53
=== versi is now known as kalkov
theadmingeorgetso: Uh... Put that in a bash script?14:53
theadmingeorgetso: The command wouldn't change anyway14:54
vltreisio: Could you give me an example for just one non-symmetrical crossfade between two audio tracks?14:54
simonsimcityAnd the rest works as well! Nice! thanks, theadmin and everyone else :)14:54
=== epsilonorion is now known as Guest12716
geniigeorgetso: To make a clean file every time use the > to append an existing file use the >>14:55
ActionPa1snipgeorgetso: uptime | tee -a /path/to/file.txt14:55
georgetsotheadmin: such an idiot i am14:55
georgetsothanks guys, you are so nice!14:55
geniiActionPa1snip: Ah, right, if he's calling it from a user login14:56
ActionPa1snipgenii: I just like tee :)14:57
ActionPa1snipgenii: and tea :D14:57
gasperjoin #asterisk14:59
gasperjoin / #asterisk14:59
Ari-Yang/join #asterisk14:59
mm12how big is the installation size14:59
ActionPa1snipgasper: /join #asterisk14:59
ActionPa1snipgasper: irc commands always have a leading slash15:00
ActionPa1snipgasper: leading slash, remember15:00
mm12help its telling me installation size is 18gig is that right15:01
phschwartzif I have a script that I want to run for every network device when it comes up, I would add the script to /etc/network/if-up.d/ correct?15:01
ActionPa1snipmm12: installation  size of what?15:02
theadminphschwartz: Correct.15:02
mm12of ubuntu 12.04lts15:02
gundashey all, is there a way to pause a process im running in terminal on a remote server send it to run in the bg and close my terminal?15:03
mm12i ran inside windows15:03
theadmingundas: You're looking for screen15:03
gundasi would have to currently stop my process though?15:03
phschwartztheadmin: ty15:03
Fieldygundas: yes15:03
LiveWire195Hi all15:03
theadmingundas: Yeah, you'd need to stop it and run inside screen, I'm not sure there's another way... Actually, there should be, hit Ctrl-Z and disown 1, then exit15:04
Fieldythen you start screen and start the process. you can re-attach later and while disconnected it continues to run15:04
LiveWire195Any recommendations on reading material via PDF that I can look into before I dive into ubuntu15:04
jrib!manual | LiveWire19515:04
ubottuLiveWire195: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/15:04
gundasso just ctrl+Z and type disown 115:04
LiveWire195Much apprieciated15:04
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LiveWire195I've been with windows for a decade and want to take the plunge to a stronger OS15:04
jribgundas: ctrl-z, bg, disown.  Not sure that the bg will happen automatically...15:05
ArneLurkI'm still trying to install Ubuntu x64 UEFI next to Win7 x64 (undetected, apparently normal?). Pondering risking the "Something else" install but I don't know how to partition the space I left properly and where to put the boot thingy... I'm here now: http://androidarts.com/photo/Ub1210x64install.jpg15:05
gundasjrib: i did a ctrl+z and this bg15:06
gundasand the script output is still streaming15:06
gundasbut i just shut it down15:06
jribgundas: i'm not sure what your question is now15:06
gundasand then logged back in and when i do a ps aux | grep it pops up15:06
gundasso i guess its running in the background ? does a ctrl+z and bg15:07
gundasrun the process in the background?15:07
jrib!enter | gundas15:07
ubottugundas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:07
jribgundas: yes, ctrl-z will suspend the process and bg will resume it in the background15:07
LiveWire195!download ubuntu15:07
jribgundas: but it's still a child of your shell15:07
gundasjrib: so that means?15:08
theadminLiveWire195: Downloads are at http://www.ubuntu.com/download15:08
ezra-sgundas, he means if you close your shell it will be killed, but I am not sure about that one15:08
jribgundas: it means if you close your shell, your process will get sent sigint probably15:08
LiveWire195I'm already on it :) 3 mins left15:08
gundasjrib: ok well i just killed it to be safe. so i can now use screen to run it and be safe?15:09
jribgundas: sure15:09
ezra-sto run something in the background "nohup command &"15:10
ActionPa1snipgundas: its how UNIX manages processes, processes spawn other processes and become parent processes. The mother of all processses is init which is PID 1 :)15:10
gundasjrib: so should i do screen as root or a user (root more safer?15:10
ActionPa1snipezra-s: hohup makes the parent PID be init, not ideal15:10
ActionPa1snipezra-s: you just need the & to background it15:10
jribgundas: probably as user15:10
ezra-sActionPa1snip, I didn't know about that one, please define, PID to be init15:11
holsteingundas: as a general rule, only do root when necessary15:11
ActionPa1snipezra-s: but the shell you run it from will be the parent, so if you close the terminal, it will kill its children15:11
jrtappersIs the way cameras tag photos for upload proprietary, or is it a standard between manufacturers that software on ubuntu can read?15:11
ActionPa1snipezra-s: PID is the process ID, PPID is the parent PID15:11
ezra-sActionPa1snip, I know what pid is, I mean I don't understand the expression "running with nohup will make the pid be init"15:12
mm12how do i install ubuntu inside windows or from boot up15:12
jribjrtappers: you should be able to read it, search about "exif"15:12
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LiveWire195mm12, if you burn it to a disk and run it. I'll give you the option to install along side windows15:12
jrtappersjrib, Thanks, so its just an exif tag for 'upload to X'?15:13
guest_48Hi, I am on ubuntu 12.04 live cd and got problem with installing ttf-ocr-a. This package is depending on fonts-ocr-a which is not found.15:13
mm12ok how much room does it require15:13
jribjrtappers: not sure what the context is for "upload to X"15:13
bazhang!wubi | mm1215:13
ubottumm12: Wubi allows you to install or uninstall Ubuntu 12.04 LTS from within Windows ( version 7 or earlier ) in a simple and safe way. Wubi is INCOMPATIBLE with UEFI, Windows 8 Certified computers, and Windows RAID arrays. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for more information. File wubi bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug15:13
LiveWire195I'm not exactly certain.15:13
LiveWire195Less than five gigabytes15:13
ActionPa1snipguest_48: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?15:13
LiveWire195how do you MD5 test it15:13
jrtappersjrib, I made some photos tagged, so this is a 4.8MB game of spot the difference15:13
babilenmm12: fwiw, I really wouldn't recommend to use wubi, but to install Linux (Ubuntu I guess) on a separate partition.15:14
guest_48I downloaded .deb package (ttf-ocr-a*.deb)15:14
jribjrtappers: so what do you want to do now?15:14
gordonjcpis wubi even still supported?15:14
jrtappersjrib, Thanks, i'll take it from here, just wanted to know that it wasn't a prop standard that would waste time trying with15:15
jribguest_48: don't download .deb, just use apt-get or your favorite package manager to install from the repositories15:15
guest_48jrib: I did try that, but the package wasnt found.15:15
guest_48https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/i386/fonts-ocr-a this link says it was pulled down15:15
jribjrtappers: oh ok.  Yeah, most image viewers should display the data and there should be at least a few command-line ways to get at it (e.g. exiftool)15:15
jribguest_48: are you on precise?15:16
jcrzaAnybody get wifi running on the surface pro? I was reading all the top google results yesterday, I feel like I tried everything15:16
jcrzasupposedly it works somehow, but I haven't got it to15:16
jcrzaI can connect to a network but I never seem to actually get an IP15:16
ActionPa1snipjcrza: can you ping
jribguest_48: do you have the universe repository enabled?15:17
guest_48jrib: I didnt changed sources, wondering what is the defaults for live cds.15:17
g-a-r-r-yhello pls am looking for aa friend i chat with about WHM15:17
holstein!ot | g-a-r-r-y15:17
ubottug-a-r-r-y: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:18
jribguest_48: you'll need to enable the universe repository if it isn't enabled15:18
ActionPa1snipg-a-r-r-y: try #ubuntu-offtopic15:18
jcrzaActionPa1snip: network is unreachable. I had to use wpa_gui to do it15:18
jcrzanot the pinging, but the connection15:18
guest_48jrib: anyway I need the package(s) for offline install15:18
holsteinjcrza: if it were me, i would use an access point with no password to test15:19
utusanguest_48: just get the fonts-ocr-a deb from where you get the ttf-ocr-a15:19
jcrzaholstein: there's one nearby, I'll try now15:19
jrtappersjrib, Looks like it is prop,             -                 Maker Note          |26092 bytes undefined data15:19
guest_48utusan: tried, no luck: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/i386/fonts-ocr-a15:19
DimtarI have a question about a PSU and I dunno where to ask, can anyone help?15:19
holsteinjcrza: i would use a "known good" one.. one that i setup with a spare router for testing.. that i know works.. you connect to that one, and you dont know its working.. unless you do..15:19
gordonjcp!ask | Dimtar15:19
ubottuDimtar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:19
gordonjcpDimtar: unless it's not directly ubuntu-relevant15:20
jcrzaholstein: I know that the four networks I've tried work. Three are mine, one is not15:20
gordonjcpDimtar: maybe #hardware?15:20
DimtarI'll try there, thanks15:20
slackin_BAHAHAHA Obvious hacker, 1up protecting hackers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvBYt4fqx9A Read the comments, hilarious. Blantent wall hacks, terrible shot, terrible player, but see's threw walls. lololololol15:21
jcrzait's a driver issue or something. But the workarounds I tried don't seem to work 100%15:21
mm12is ubuntu taking over windows 8...15:21
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jcrzaIt's sooooo damn close. I mean I can connect to a network now but not get an IP15:21
ActionPa1snipslackin_: relevant to Ubuntu support?15:21
gordonjcpmm12: ooh, they brought out a new Windows?15:21
bazhangslackin_, wrong place15:21
holsteinjcrza: im just saying, if the one you arc connecting to to test with no encryption is not yours, and it doesnt work, you cant assume why, since you dont know that the internet works on that access point15:21
slackin_ActionPa1snip, damn it, wrong network, im going to disconnect from freenode, sorry guys, my bad :( <315:21
jcrzaholstein: I do know it works though, I used it for a week or so when I moved here before I got set up. I know who's it is15:22
holsteinjcrza: if you feel it is a viable test, use it...15:22
jcrzawpa_gui says I'm connected15:23
jcrzabut the IP is blank no matter what network.15:23
utusanguest_48: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/i386/fonts-ocr-a/1.0-4ubuntu115:24
holsteinjcrza: you could elaborate as to what hardware you have, and what you have tried, and see if a volunteer can help15:24
guest_48bingo http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/fonts-ocr-a/15:24
=== Mike is now known as Guest30454
jcrzaholstein: It's the surface pro, as I've said a few times. Ubuntu 12 or 13 on the surface pro, both have the same issue15:24
jcrzaIt's a missing firmware/driver thing for the marvell card in it, but supposedly the workaround fixes it15:25
jcrzathough I haven't managed to15:25
jcrzaI was hoping someone in here happened to have a surface pro and had done it15:25
holsteinjcrza: i would open a terminal, and find the chipset for the hardare and report it here15:25
jrtappersjrib, Is there a way to get the data from an unknown tag?15:25
guest_48utusan: nice, no idea where i failed15:25
holsteinjcrza: lspci from a terminal15:25
jcrzaholstein: will do!15:25
utusanguest_48: from the page you gave, click on the version col15:26
jribguest_48: you can use http://packages.ubuntu.com .  Make sure you are grabbing the version correct for your ubuntu version.  Also, see ubottu15:26
holsteinjcrza: its not missing firmware.. a driver *is* being loaded.. you would need to blacklist that driver potentially.. thats is what i am refering to for what you have tried.. for exmaple.. "i have blacklisted this module via this link and tried this driver from here"15:26
jrib!offline | guest_4815:26
ubottuguest_48: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD15:26
jribjrtappers: I don't know about that15:27
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jrtappersjrib, I have got it to an unknown tag in the marker note15:27
jrtappersI just need it to give me the data, but it just says 4 unknown bytes15:28
jribjrtappers: you're using exiftool?15:28
jrtappersjrib, exif, il try exiftool15:28
lifeboyAnyone that uses pptpd and successfully authenticates agains /etc/passwd?15:28
* guest_48 likes the pipe syntax for ubottu15:28
gordonjcpjrtappers: jhead maybe?15:28
lifeboyAnyone that uses pptpd and successfully authenticates against /etc/passwd? I get "The remote system is required to authenticate itself but I couldn't find any suitable secret (password) for it to use to do so."15:30
gordonjcplifeboy: it doesn't authenticate against passwd15:30
jcrzaholstein: Here's the lspci for the surface pro http://pastebin.com/kKFR403f15:30
cobalt238Is there a way to reset the routing table to the configuration at install?15:30
Asad2005How can i change font style liferea 1.8 unity desktop15:30
gordonjcplifeboy: it authenticates against chap-secrets15:30
jcrzafor anyone else reading.. can't get wifi working on that15:30
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
holsteinjcrza: you *can* get wifi working.. its got issues.. and those issues are?15:31
ActionPa1snipjcrza: try a wired connection15:31
jcrzaholstein: It doesn't actually work ever15:31
jcrzaActionPa1snip: no cat5 port15:31
lifeboyAccording to /etc/ppp/pap-secrets (the comment text at the top), with mgetty it does.15:32
jcrzaActionPa1snip: and I don't have one of those usb to ethernet thingys15:32
ActionPa1snipjcrza: no inbuilt ethernet port?15:32
lifeboygordonjcp: Is that only applicable if mgetty actually dials a modem?15:32
jcrzaActionPa1snip: indeed. It's a tablet computer15:32
holsteinjcrza: you might have to get a compatible device.. the wifi device you have will not be guarnateed to work with linux from microsoft15:33
ActionPa1snipjcrza: some tablets have ethernet15:33
jcrzaActionPa1snip: I guess, but this is basically an ipad with a bigger processor, 4 gigs of ram, and a fan15:33
holsteinjcrza: im not saying you cant make it work... im just saying, it doesnt have to. thats not the agreement you have with the vendor15:33
jcrzaholstein: sure, It just seems like by some voodoo some have made it work :(15:33
ActionPa1snipjcrza: are there guides online?15:33
ActionPa1snipjcrza: could try ndiswrapper15:33
jcrzaThat's been mentioned a few times15:33
jcrzaI haven't tried that yet, I tried the other ways, haven't found a guide for that15:34
holsteinjcrza: ask them. but, they do not have to share with you why/how.. nor do they have to have the *exact* same hardware15:34
holsteinjcrza: you can have rev4, and they have rev2.. and microsoft can change those anytime for any reason15:34
jcrzaholstein: true enough I suppose15:34
holsteinjcrza: just because someone says "i have the *exact* model you have" doens mean its the same hardware..15:34
holsteinjcrza: no.. its not "true enough".. this is *fact*15:35
ActionPa1snipjcrza: why buy a microsoft device to then install Ubuntu, surely an OEM unbranded thing would have a better chance15:35
lifeboygordonjcp: Would you pls look at my file http://pastebin.com/Qgb02VuS ?15:35
holsteinjcrza: http://askubuntu.com/questions/257362/ubuntu-12-10-wifi-is-not-working-hp-dv6-7084la this is your *exact* wifi chip, correct?15:35
jcrzaholstein: Yeah, revision 415:36
holsteinjcrza: have you revied that link before?15:36
holsteinjcrza: when you search in the future, search by that chipset, not that model of tablet..15:37
FearMyLordJesusRepent for the kingdom of God is at hand!15:39
ActionPa1snipFearMyLordJesus: please don't. This is support15:39
holstein!ot | FearMyLordJesus15:39
ubottuFearMyLordJesus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:39
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FearMyLordJesusMatthew 4:415:39
jcrzaholstein: I didn't see that link, it didn't come up for hte model. Thanks for the advice, I'm gonna look around15:39
ActionPa1snipFearMyLordJesus: nobody cares as, again, this is support15:40
jrtappersjrib, I have found it, in an undefined marker, that converted to ascii starts "Facebook"15:40
[Nerdz]#join /symfony-fr15:44
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craigbass1976How do I know which ~/.ssh/known_hosts entry is which address?15:52
Asad2005I have installed community themes but when i go to appearance settings nothing there except the original 3 or 4 themes15:55
Asad2005Do i need to logout/login?15:55
ingweheloo anyone have WHM here?15:55
BluesKajingwe, WHM?15:56
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:01
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ActionPa1snipAsad2005: worth a shot16:02
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mr-richI'm having an issue with Ubuntu 12.10 on Virtual Box. Just did a massive update (204 updates) and now the desktop is totally hosed. Keips popping up this screen that says I'm running in "low-graphics mode" ... tried all the options to try to recover - nothing works. Tried going to low graphics - hangs on a console screen - tried going to a login prompt - hangs on a blank console screen. Any ideas?16:03
ActionPa1snipmr-rich: if you log in as guest, is it ok?16:03
ActionPa1snipmr-rich: have you tried making an xorg.conf file.16:04
mr-richActionPa1snip: Doesn't get that far ...16:04
ActionPa1snipmr-rich: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and you can log in there16:04
ActionPa1snipmr-rich: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77775916:04
mr-richActionPa1snip: No logon screen ... goes directly to the low-graphics screen. Pressing ctrl-alt-F1 key stroke doesn't get passed to the VM ...16:05
ActionPa1snipmr-rich: then use root recovery mode16:05
mr-richActionPa1snip: How is that done?16:06
ActionPa1snipmr-rich: hold SHIFT at boot16:06
vibhorcan anybody help me setting up IRC on LAN16:06
ActionPa1snipvibhor: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/irc-server.html16:06
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krhi everybody!16:08
krwho knows the Russian channel on ubuntu16:10
k1l_!ru | kr16:10
ubottukr: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:10
mr-richActionPa1snip: Ok ... got into recovery mode menu ... already tried dpkg to try to repair broken packages ... didn't work ...16:11
mr-richActionPa1snip: what next?16:11
ActionPa1snipmr-rich: make the xorg.conf file, may help16:15
IszakI'm trying to run a start up script (system v style/update-rc.d) after postgresql, but I'm unable to determine what config I should set to run after postgresql, any suggestions?16:16
whoeverhi all, just installed vmware , should there be a vmware group in /etc/group16:16
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware16:16
ingwecan anyone setup zeus for me here?16:17
whoeveri already have vmware installed16:17
ActionPa1snipwhoever: dos it not give additional steps needed?16:17
ezra-swhoever, why do you ask if it should be in a group or not, have you tried using it?16:18
gordonjcplifeboy: that's probably okay16:19
gordonjcplifeboy: I've never had to touch pap-secrets16:19
ActionPa1snipezra-s: I use vmware on esx boxes, not ubuntu16:19
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ActionPa1snipezra-s: any youtube videos on installing and configuring vmware on ubuntu?16:23
whoeverActionPa1snip: no16:23
jpdsActionPa1snip: Sorry, you can't use Ubuntu for the host when you're using ESX.16:23
ezra-sActionPa1snip, all I used is vmware player, it's simple and easy to install16:23
whoeverezra-s: because when i launch every time, i am prompted for a root password, and vmware will run the kernel modual updater everytime16:24
ActionPa1snipezra-s: i'd say virtualbox was simpler, nice easy gui16:24
newbie007ubuntu doesn't use the term "16:24
ActionPa1snipjpds: i know.... just saying that's what I use16:24
newbie007ubuntu doesn't use the term "Spins", what does Ubuntu call other versions of ubuntu?16:25
ActionPa1snipnewbie007: releases16:25
ezra-swhoever, have you read the messages carefully, it could be because a needed module is not being loaded when you launch it, or you haven't ran configuration yet16:25
ActionPa1snipnewbie007: most distros call it the 'next release'16:25
ActionPa1snipnewbie007: kubuntu and ubuntu are flavours of ubuntu (not sure how official that is)16:26
ezra-swhoever, If I recall well, one part was installing, and the other was configuring, which asks a series of questions and compiles needed modules for your kernel16:26
whoeverezra-s: it  will sucessfully complete16:26
wookeyhas anyone else seen a problem with loads of apt-cache-cleanup.pl processes stacking up on a machine running apt-cacher?16:27
ezra-swhoever, is it vmware player? or vmware-workstation?16:27
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ActionPa1snipwookey: are there bugs reported?16:27
whoevereshlox: i got it working, it that the kernel mod updater is running every launch , which seems odd and it sucessfully compleets16:27
wookeyI've get about 70 of them nominally taking 160Mb each16:27
newbie007I'm looking for the Plasma Active desktop. Seems I have to install something else then add it as a package.. is that right?16:27
whoevereshlox: workstation16:27
wookeyActionPa1snip: I haven't found anything relevant just yet16:27
ActionPa1snipwookey: sounds like a bug to me16:27
wookeywas just asking about to try and pin it down inorder to report something more useful than 'my machine has gone crazy but I've no ide awhy - it used to work'16:28
ezra-swhoever, please refer to http://www.vmware.com/pdf/desktop/ws90-getting-started.pdf for information16:29
MrKBdoes Ubuntu 12.04 come with HPLIP?16:29
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MonkeyDust!find hplip16:31
ubottuFound: hplip, hplip-data, hplip-dbg, hplip-doc, hpijs-ppds16:31
Sabioti have a quick question, how can i check to see if  my gfx card was detected16:31
SabiotXubuntu 12.04 LTS16:31
MrKBMonkeyDust: Where are those search results from?16:31
MonkeyDustMrKB  ubottu finds them in the repos16:32
MonkeyDust!info hplip16:32
ubottuhplip (source: hplip): HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 3.13.3-1 (raring), package size 85 kB, installed size 424 kB16:32
andre_plso I've installed the oracle7 jdk using the webupd8 ppa's, but when I try to run a .jar which depends on JDK features (JRE is not sufficient) I get the following stack trace: http://pastebin.com/2UUDaC1H  am I doing something wrong wrt some environment vars or something?16:32
MrKBMonkeyDust: So how do I install it? USC?16:32
MonkeyDustMrKB  yes, like you would install any other package16:33
MrKBMonkeyDust: ok cool, thanks. Wasn't sure what you meant by repos16:33
MrKB<-- Linux n00b :)16:33
MonkeyDustMrKB  repos (repositories) are the software sources16:34
MrKBMonkeyDust: Did a search for HPLIP on USC and all I found was HPLIP Toolbox. Not sure if it's the same thing? Also it says "Note that all GUI utilities are based on Gt (KDE) GUI environment. There are currently no equivalent utilities based on GTK (GNOME)."16:35
MrKBIs that a problem?16:35
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MonkeyDustMrKB  in a terminal, type       sudo apt-get install hplip16:36
MrKBMonkeyDust: Thanks for the command. It seems to work but actually what it outputted was "hplip is already the newest version." so I guess it does come with Ubuntu lol16:39
MrKBWhat's the difference between USC and apt-get btw?16:39
brx_MonkeyDust, i was watching 'clive' the other night16:40
k1l_MrKB: softwarecenter is a GUI program that uses apt-get in the background16:40
mr-richHow do I re-install xorg from cli?16:40
MrKBk1l_: So then why did USC not find hplip and apt-get did?16:40
tucemiuxanyone knows where the hardware compatability list for ubuntu can be found?  I'm looking for a firewire card16:41
sienezhi. what does it exactly mean if 2 users are in the same group? I always thought, if I have a file with group permissions read and write, then every user in the owner's group can do so. however it's not the case. anyone know why?16:41
whoeverezra-s: here is what runs every time i launch and i did apply the patch http://communities.vmware.com/thread/401004?start=0&tstart=016:41
k1l_MrKB: dont know if there was an error or smth16:41
MrKBOh ok16:41
MrKBdoes anyone use Synergy in here? The client keeps crashing on me on 12.0416:42
MrKBMostly when I press key modifiers from what I've noticed (Alt, Ctrl, Windows key)16:42
MrKBk1l_: Just did another search for hplip on USC, this time it showed up. You were right. XD16:43
informatykLinux is the best!16:45
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MrKBMonkeyDust: The version of hplip I have is 3.12.2 and the latest one from the HPLIP website is 3.13.5. Should I update from site or is there maybe a reason why apt-get doesn't have the newest version(s) listed?16:50
ProducedRawhow do I override a package in the official repositories with a custom one? I'm trying to follow this guide: http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/Puppet_Ubuntu  but attempting to install puppet yields:   # apt-get install puppet  -->   puppet : Depends: puppet-common (= 3.2.1-1puppetlabs1) but it is not going to be installed\n  E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.     I have tried  install --fix-brok16:51
ProducedRawWhat is the correct solution for this and why does apt suck so much?16:51
wheatthinProducedRaw, why not try out ppa?16:51
holsteinProducedRaw: apt may not be the issue.. i would run "sudo apt-get update" and share the output here via pastebin16:51
ProducedRawwheatthin: it's an old version which doesn't support the features I need16:51
ProducedRawI've already tried update/upgrade to no avail16:52
holsteinProducedRaw: if you added a PPA, that is likely the source of breakages. not apt16:52
wheatthinProducedRaw, are you sure it's the only one16:52
holsteinProducedRaw: share the errors from "sudo apt-get update"16:52
PiciProducedRaw: What release of Ubuntu are you running?16:52
ProducedRawPici: 12.0416:52
ProducedRawrunning update again..16:52
wheatthinahh another github16:53
wheatthincan break things16:53
ProducedRawwheatthin: another github?16:53
PiciProducedRaw: Do not attempt to install lucid packages on precise.16:53
Ari-YangProducedRaw, if you're trying to install a program from github, and already installed it from ppa or software-center16:53
Ari-Yangyou uninstall the one form the software center or ppa first16:53
ProducedRawlet me try correcting that16:54
krhi everybody16:54
PiciWhat? this is a gist. it has nothing to do with installing things from github.16:54
Ari-Yangoh, my bad16:54
elisa87I am trying to mkfs but it's not working http://paste.ubuntu.com/5777664/ any idea? Device size reported to be zero.  Invalid partition specified, or partition table wasn't reread after running fdisk, due to  a modified partition being busy and in use.  You may need to reboot to re-read your partition table.16:54
PiciProducedRaw: You may want to see their updated documentation as well: http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/puppetlabs_package_repositories.html#for-debian-and-ubuntu16:54
ProducedRawPici: thanks16:54
irong33kthe new ubuntu 13.04 has bugs,........16:57
holsteinsimpleirc: ask if you have a question. this is not chat16:57
irong33kwho has tried the new hotot twitter client on ubuntu 13.0416:57
holsteinirong33k: apply all upgrades and test.. share any errors in as much detail as possible if you want help16:57
simpleircanyone has twitter?16:58
holsteinsimpleirc: whats the issue?16:58
ActionParsnipSimpleirc: many16:58
ProducedRawthanks guys, that fixed it for me16:59
holsteinProducedRaw: apt is working fine now? with the inproper sources removed?16:59
ProducedRawholstein: yup :D17:00
ActionParsnipSimpleirc: 500 million users apparently17:00
MrKBok I have my HP printer all setup inside 12.40, it's printing perfectly. Now...how do I share it through my network so my Windows PCs can print to it? XD17:02
benediktIs pulseaudio included in ubuntu if i install with the Mini image?17:02
MrKBHPLIP has no support on this17:02
holsteinMrKB: samba is where i would start17:03
MrKBthanks holstein17:03
DJonesMrKB: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu17:04
MrKBthanks DJ_HaMsTa17:04
ActionParsnipBenedikt: I don't believe so17:04
holsteinMrKB: i set it up ages ago.. windowsXP and ubuntu 9.10.. http://ubuntu-help.blogspot.com/2011/03/share-ubuntu-printer-with-windows-7.html might help17:04
MrKBthanks :D17:05
holsteinbenedikt: its minimal.. you can add what you like17:05
ActionParsnipMrkb: or allow external systems to connect directly to cups :-)17:05
* MrKB doesn't know how to do that17:05
holsteinMrKB: i didnt see the link DJones gave.. i would go there first17:05
dosequishey all - I have a joystick with 8 buttons. I am wondering how I can create extra (virtual) buttons i.e. by holding down 1 button (mod key) for example - any ideas or pointers?17:05
MrKBholstein: That's where I am. I did open yours in another tab though. Thanks again17:05
hakuninHi, I'm trying to figure how to get runit to run a service on boot, if that service is setup under a regular user in /home/john/service17:06
benediktholstein: holstein if i plan on installing X.org (and Xmonad), would that bring in pulseaudio?17:06
holsteinbenedikt: you can check.. you will select to install, and you will see a list..17:06
rderhello. can someone help with a quick question?17:07
MrKBdon't ask if you can ask, just ask. :)17:07
DJonesMrKB: This is the page I was going to link you to, https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/samba-printserver.html have a look at that and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/samba-fileserver.html for instructions on how to install samba17:08
benediktholstein: is setting up pulseaudio as easy as setting up the pulseaudio package? (i had a traumatizing experience with OSS long ago, and i've kept away from meddling with audiosystems. typing that out, i'm guessing it is so simple17:08
MrKBthanks DJones17:08
holsteinbenedikt: if you dont feel comfortable setting up the system, use a prebuilt iso.. otherwise, get the mininal, and ask for specific assistance from the volunteers here, or the appropriate channel17:09
KaiForceCan anyone tell me how to delay startup for an init.d script so that a service that it depends on starts first?17:09
holsteinbenedikt: i have found it quite easy to setup pulse.. just installing the packages bascially17:09
rderOkay. So i'd like to use Ubuntu on my work computer but am unable to reformat any of my drives.... So if i use a live version of a  USB drive-  does that function like a contained system in the sense that I can save and work with files on the flash drive using it both as a OS drive and data drive?17:09
ArneLurkIf Ubuntu 12.10 x64 installer doesn't detect Win7 x64 (UEFI) can I go ahead and install anyways "something else" and hope that grub finds win7?17:10
daftykinsrder: if you either install to the flash drive or make it a persistent live CD, it will17:10
holsteinrder: i would just install ubuntu to USB17:10
SonikkuAmericaArneLurk: Try 13.04 instead, if you can.17:10
ArneLurkWill do.17:10
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rderawesome. thanks much.17:11
ArneLurkit has a live version right? Maybe I need a new unetbootin to find it in the dropdown menu17:11
daftykinsrder: you can use 'unetbootin' on Windows to create the flash drive with persistent Ubuntu on, or just install to it as mentioned17:11
holsteinArneLurk: just download the iso, and point unetbootin to the 13.04 version17:11
ArneLurkAh, right17:12
DJones!uefi | ArneLurk Have you also had a look at this documentation,17:12
ubottuArneLurk Have you also had a look at this documentation,: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:12
benediktholstein: there is a dedicated channel for mini.iso?17:12
elisa87do you know what's wrong with mkfs.ex2 ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5776124/17:13
holsteinbenedikt: not that im aware.. its quite minimal.. i was just suggesting, wait til you have a problem.. you have not tried setting up pulse yet17:13
KaiForcerder: another option is to boot from that USB drive and then mount a second drive or partition that you could then write to.17:13
ArneLurkDJones> yes, all my google links are purple onthis subject17:13
DJonesArneLurk: No worries, just thought it was mentioning the link17:14
ArneLurkgdisk says the partiton table looks okay if I'm reading it right17:14
switchinghow do I make lightning the calendar that GNOME uses when I click on the time?17:24
switchinginstead of evolution?17:24
arunbabuI had a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04. I tried to install vlc with sudo apt-get install vlc. But im getting error E: Unable to locate package vlc17:32
kostkon!info vlc precise17:32
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.5-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (precise), package size 1374 kB, installed size 3395 kB17:32
MonkeyDustarunbabu  type     sudo apt-get update     then retry17:32
uvalahello, I cant reach anyone at #choqok channel (twitter-identica client)..might anyone here have to do with it maybe?17:34
uvalaI am a ubuntu user17:34
MonkeyDust!ask | uvala17:35
ubottuuvala: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:35
arunbabuMonkeyDust: it seems to be working. Mind telling what happend behind screen?17:35
ejvhe asked a question already MonkeyDust17:35
uvalaall right, thank you MonkeyDust..choqok doesnt update the timelines17:35
uvalathis is the problem17:35
uvalacan anyone help me with choqok not updating the timelines please?17:36
ActionParsnipUvala: do other applications update ok?17:36
MonkeyDustarunbabu  you first have to synchronize your pc with the repos. update does that. then you can install or upgrade17:36
holsteinuvala: are you using the most current version from the repos? if not, try that.. try as another user to remove your config from the equation17:36
ActionParsnip!info choqok17:36
ubottuchoqok (source: choqok): KDE micro-blogging client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 1051 kB, installed size 3728 kB17:36
DJonesuvala: I don't know if this is related, but twitter disabled the api that allowed connections & timelines to update a couple of days ago, so quite a lot of twitter clients have broken17:36
uvalaActionParsnip, I think so.17:36
elisa87can someone please tell me why can't I format /dev/loop0 ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5777790/17:37
ActionParsnipUvala: try others.  If they don't work either it's more than the client17:37
uvalaDJones, thank you for the information, I didnt know it..I'll try to check if it is the reason17:37
uvalaholstein, I dont know how to apply your second suggestion, but I'll check if I have the most recent version17:38
DJonesuvala: For info https://dev.twitter.com/blog/api-v1-retirement-date-extended-to-june-11 I used to use polly but thats broken now, I've had to resort to Friends17:38
arunbabuMonkeyDust: Thanks!17:38
ejvuvala: if you can't reach anyone in the irc channel, you can try banging on their development mailing list here: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/choqok-devel17:38
holsteinuvala: you can make a new user.. login, and test.. or, remove the config for the application from your /home17:38
uvalaholstein, thank you, I'll try that!17:39
uvalaejv, thank you! :)17:39
ActionParsnipElisa: try mk2fs on the file then do the loop stuff17:40
holsteinuvala: for the record, i think its what DJones suggests17:40
ActionParsnipElisa87: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-add-swap-on-ubuntu-12-04 shows the file system being made on the file then used17:41
ActionParsnipElisa87 : I think you did it backwards :-)17:42
suoreHello, i want to install ubuntu and what option to select. 13.04 or 12.04LTS17:42
elisa87ActionParsnip:  what do you mean that I did it backward?  can you also look at this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5776124/17:42
SonikkuAmericasuore: Have you decided on a flavor?17:42
uvalaActionParsnip, other applications update, i.e. RSS feed reader17:42
MonkeyDustsuore  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff17:43
holsteinsuore: you can try them both live.. start with 13.04 if you dont want long term support17:43
elisa87you mean I should do the mk2fs on the mona61713.img ?17:43
suoreI hear that in 13.04 is newest Unity, and is fastest.17:43
ActionParsnipSuore: I'd go for LTS as you are clearly new to the OS17:43
holsteinsuore: a fact is that 13.04 is newer17:43
uvalaholstein, it is not the latest version I have.17:43
suorei have middle-end PC, so maybe fastest Unity to be better.17:43
uvalaholstein, I will check synaptic for the latest one17:43
ActionParsnipUvala: that's a different service17:43
elisa87SonikkuAmerica: can you help me please? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5776124/17:43
uvalaoh, you meant that way, ActionParsnip..17:44
suoreso check for me :) as 12.04 have same Unity version so i install Ubuntu.17:44
uvalaI will try with a newer version now17:44
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: According to that you smashed your disk - which means no partition table!17:44
ActionParsnipUvala: try other Twitter apps with your account17:44
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: Have you sic'ed GParted on it?17:45
elisa87SonikkuAmerica:  which command I have missed and in which line?17:45
holsteinsuore: 12.04 is an older version of most everything.. 13.04 is the latest.. if you want the latest, use the latest.13.04.. if you want LTS, use 12.04.. you can try them both live17:45
elisa87no ,,, I am trying to create a bootable disk image . just that for my simulator SonikkuAmerica17:45
ActionParsnipSuore: 12.04 has Unity2D which uses fewer resources17:45
salma__I have problem adding nodes to the maas server, has anyone done this before?17:45
uvalaActionParsnip, I got it now, yes, I will try now17:45
suorei downloading 13.04 :) i want have all newest17:45
ActionParsnipSuore: 13.04 is no longer supported after January 2014 but 12.04 lasts til April 201717:46
th0rActionParsnip: are those dates correct?17:46
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0417:46
ActionParsnipTh0r https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases17:47
suoreWindows XP is too old, Windows 7 not working good ( drivers work bad, sometimes booting 10-20 minutes and crash, at Windws XP is all great) so i want try Ubuntu.17:47
suoresomethig new and fresh17:47
ActionParsnipTh0r: yes. Quantal has 4 months more support than Raring17:47
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: What kind of simulator requires a .img file?17:47
th0rActionParsnip: sorry...my bad17:47
elisa87https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=gem5+disk+image&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 SonikkuAmerica17:48
johnjohn101it's ok, when 13.04 support is gone, 13.10 will be there!!17:48
holsteinsuore: for what you mentioned above, i might test the hardware.. ubuntu/linux is great, but its not "magic".. if you have bad or broken hardware17:48
ActionParsnipTh0r : never understood people upgrading from Quantal to Raring.  Makes me chuckle17:48
suoreat Windows XP works all great... like rocket :P.17:49
suorebut is old :P17:49
morpheous_need a little bit of assistance, looking to find out how to access the firewall through system settings in Xubuntu17:49
suoreand bought SSD HDD17:49
ActionParsnipJohnjohn101: oh absolutely but even when 13.10 dies Precise will still be supported :-)17:49
holsteinmorpheous_: you can use ufw.. i think there is a gui, gufw17:49
holstein!info gufw17:49
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 13.04.0-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 229 kB, installed size 1178 kB17:49
SonikkuAmericaelisa87: Well, lemme think about it while I eat lunch. bbs17:49
suoreand for some minutes installing SSD HDD at my PC :P17:49
suorei installing*17:50
suoreW XP no see SSD17:50
morpheous_Thanks Guys <3217:50
salma__I have problem adding nodes to the maas server, has anyone done this before?17:50
ActionParsnipSuore: XP is offtopic here17:50
suoreActionParsnip,  :)17:50
suigenerisI created a ssh key with ssh-keygen -t rsa, sent it with ssh-copy-id, but the remote server is still asking me for password17:51
ActionParsnipSuigeneris: did you cat the file to your users key file on the server side?17:52
holsteinsalma__: i would elaborate.. what problems? what errors? otherwise, it will not help to repost17:52
suigenerisActionParsnip: no, I sent it with ssh-copy-id like I always did17:53
ActionParsnipSuigeneris : then you missed a step17:53
suigenerisActionParsnip: ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/id_key.pub server to be precise17:53
fully_humanHello. I've build a custom kernel and am trying to follow the helloworld driver program at http://www.xml.com/ldd/chapter/book/ch02.html. However, I get ane rror saying "linux/module.h: No such file or directory" If I add the -I/usr/src/linux-headers-3.8.13-custom+/include I get an error saying "asm/linkage.h: No such file or directory" Chasing that includes down I have a bunch of other errror messages that probably won't even17:54
fully_human fit on pastebin. Any suggestion? Thanks.17:54
FloodBot1fully_human: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:54
IamTryingHow to have Chrome Canary on my Ubuntu? https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/browser/canary.html17:54
salma__holstein: I have 3 blades using 1 as server and the other 2 are compute nodes used ubuntu 12.04 server and added the nodes to the maas server17:54
holsteinfully_human: i would try a more general linux channel.. otherwise, use the stock ubuntu kernels17:54
salma__the nodes are added but the commission fails17:54
ActionParsnipSuigeneris : yes but you need to put that text in your user's config.  Simply copying the file is not the whole process17:54
uvalachoqok version in synaptic is the older one that I have (1.2), can I somehow install 1.3. via command line?17:54
fully_humanholstein: Okay, thanks.17:54
uvalafrom the project website?17:54
holsteinuvala: there will be instructions, but i would confirm that it addresses the issue before bothering with it17:55
salma__holstein: do you have any sugesstion?17:56
holsteinuvala: there are ppa's such as https://launchpad.net/~adilson/+archive/experimental , but i would do more research before adding the ppa or custom version17:56
suigenerisActionParsnip: I thought ssh-copy-id did exactly did that. besides, I compared remote server's .ssh/authorized_keys to my .ssh/id_rsa.pub17:56
holsteinsalma__: fails how? what are the error messages?17:56
coviWhat's a good way to add some human-friendly description to a .csv table? I asked because the actual tables have several fields, and I am not sure if putting all of the description in the top left field (with other fields of that row left blank) is the right way to do it.17:57
ActionParsnipSuigeneris : cat the file and append it to  ~/.ssh/authorized_keys217:57
salma__holstein: the web interface for the maas server just says "Failed tests"17:57
salma__holstein: Do I have to have ubuntu desktop installed on the each node before adding them to the server?17:58
ActionParsnipSuigeneris : www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html17:58
holsteinsalma__: i have no idea.. i would run the basics. check ip's.. see that the machine can see each other.. check the server channel, and see if there is a maas community support17:59
ActionParsnipSuigeneris : then in your ssh server disable password login.  Be sure you have some sort of access incase it's not right17:59
salma__hostein: Thanks!18:00
uvalaActionParsnip, I tried Turpial, and got login authentication error with 2 accounts.18:01
MrKBhow do I read entries in syslog?18:01
KaiForceCan anyone tell me how to delay startup for an init.d script so that a service that it depends on starts first?18:01
MrKBSynergy says that it logs messages in syslog18:01
ActionParsnipSuigeneris : could even stay logged in then try a second connection after the key configs are in18:01
MrKBlast time someone was helping me troubleshoot problems, he had me copy stuff from the syslog to a syslog.txt file on my desktop18:01
MrKBis that the only way?18:01
ActionParsnipUvala: then its probably not the application18:01
holsteinKaiForce: is this helpful? http://askubuntu.com/questions/9763/init-d-script-startup-problems otherwise, try a server channel18:02
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ActionParsnipMrkb: users can read logs most times18:02
suigenerisActionParsnip: still no :S18:02
ubuntu22Can anyone tell me how to add canberra-gtk-modules to $GTK_MODULES18:02
MrKBActionParsnip: Where do I read it?18:02
CMOSteveexcuse me, is anybody here familliar with UPS power supplies and setting them up to work with linux/ubuntu?18:02
uvalaso that means there is no Twitter client available for ubuntu right now?18:02
ActionParsnipMrkb: for what application???18:03
MrKBit says it logs stuff to syslog18:03
holsteinCMOSteve: i would purchase one with linux support.. or one that is known to work18:03
ActionParsnipUvala: there are many twitter clients18:03
user____sudo avahi-daemon results in failed to create a server:invalid domain name18:03
KaiForceholstein: that is helpful, thank you.  awesome username btw.18:03
ActionParsnipMrkb: and how was I supposed to know it was for synergy?18:03
user____any ideas18:03
holsteinKaiForce: cheers18:04
MrKBActionParsnip: I said it. You must have missed it :-\18:04
suigenerisActionParsnip: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic).18:04
ActionParsnipUvala : I suggest you check service on the twitter side as well as username and password18:04
uvalaActionParsnip, I am referring to DJones' information that Twitter disabled clients.18:04
uvalaActionParsnip, I can login and use twitter from the browser.18:05
holsteini use twitter from the browser.. but, have you tried other clients in linux?18:06
holsteinuvala: ^^18:06
CMOSteveholstein: i fear you may be right. my UPS appears to be one of the companies most generic models, and interfaces with the Generic USH HID drivers, so therefore it seems bleak. however, Windows does pick it up OK and there is one in the servers network. is there a Windows based NUT implementation i could hook and send events with to the linux box?18:06
uvalaholstein, I've just tried Turpial, and received auth error18:07
uvalawhile logging in18:07
holsteinCMOSteve: nothing about linux/ubuntu is preventing something native from working, or that windows based one from working.. but, there is no way to guarantee that here in this channel.. you would need, ideally the support of the vendor18:07
holsteinuvala: that is not "twitter is broken in all linux" then.. that is just what it is.. auth error18:08
CMOSteveholstein: ty18:08
uvalaholstein, then I will try installing the latest choqok18:08
holsteinuvala: what would i do? consider trying that ppa i linked, or read about the latest version of twitter clients and the issue DJones mentioned18:09
BitWraithI have an Ubuntu 12.04 install here. I'm not sure how long ago this began (it's not a computer I use/maintain often) but I noticed today that it can't shutdown cleanly.18:09
holsteinuvala: ideally, twitter would either not have broken it (assuming thats what happened), or provide you with a fix.. if you can wait patiently, assuming that is the issue, a fix may come to the packages, *if* it can be implemented18:09
holsteinuvala: otherwise, i dont think twitter guarantees linux support.. though, it works fine for me i the browser18:10
BitWraithI stopped the x server and shut it down via "halt" at the terminal... it gets to "system will halt now" and just hangs there.18:10
holsteinBitWraith: are you up to date with upgrades? did you recently upgrade? can you try booting an earlier kernel version and see if it shuts down?18:10
BitWraithI don't think it gets to the point where it would normally shut off, because the filesystem requires checking18:10
uvalaholstein, which would be better for installation, ppa or the tar package via sourceforge?18:11
BitWraithLinux ubuntu 3.2.0-48-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 6 19:43:26 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux <-- the aforementioned box is running this kernel atm18:11
BitWraithholstein, how far back should I go?18:12
BitWraithI believe it's been updated within the last week. I can try the previous kernel and see what happens.18:12
holsteinuvala: ideally, the one that has the fix.. but, you should be able to find that information without actually installing.. there might not be a "fix", since there is technically nothing wrong with the clients.. assuming the server side changes are what broke it18:12
uvalaholstein, i installed ppa..18:12
holsteinBitWraith: i would try the next one back.. then, go one from there18:13
uvalaholstein, I'll give the new version a try :)18:13
Ph0sphene hi! I have a problem installing nvidia drivers for a gt330m on 12.04 64 bit. could anyone tell me wether it is possible to use this card?18:13
DJonesuvala: Any sucess? The only standalone client I've found that is working is Friends on Ubuntu18:14
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto18:14
holsteinPh0sphene: ^^18:14
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uvalaDJones, I hope..I'll see it in a minute18:14
uvalaholstein, should I manually remove the older version? or how do I get to the new version now?18:15
holsteinuvala: i would make sure i know how a ppa works... i would want to add that ppa, update the sources, get the latest version, and know how to revert18:15
holsteinuvala: what would i do? google around with that *specifi* version # and see if a fix is there18:16
Ph0sphenei tried that, but with no sucsess. x started in 640x480 and nvidia controlpanel said there was a problem18:16
holsteinuvala: that pacakge via PPA is built before the date DJones mentioned18:16
BitWraithholstein, now I'm really confused... that box just shut down correctly.18:18
BitWraithI applied a couple updates just now, but none to the kernel...18:18
holsteinBitWraith: so the kernel upgrade is likely the issue18:19
BitWraithIn any case, it seems to be working.18:19
holsteinoh.. its shutting down normally in the latest kernel?18:19
holsteinsome fix must have come in then...18:19
BitWraithNo, it just shut down correctly using the same kernel that would not shut down correctly the last two or three times I tried it18:19
=== Will_ is now known as Guest35249
BitWraithThe updates I just applied were only to X and the flash player... lol18:20
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:22
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
babyswizzplease why cant i install a package using the terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/5777918/18:28
ejvbabyswizz: exactly what it says, there's another process using it18:30
modernbobbabyswizz: because the updater is running18:30
uvalaholstein, new version doesnt update, either. I receive this error in both: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5777923/18:30
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babyswizzejv: thanks18:31
ejvbabyswizz: this should go without saying, but track down what application / process is trying to perform an update (dpkg), kill it, and rerun that install command.18:32
babyswizzejv: I had synaptic package manager running thats why18:32
ejvmakes sense ;)18:33
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SpindizZzy_toohi all :)18:34
SpindizZzy_tooi noticed hotot stopped working18:35
SpindizZzy_tooanyone got another good twitterclient ?18:35
SpindizZzy_tooit's for 12.04 LTS18:35
morpheous_When i do apt-get update, i get a list of errors saying it is unable to connect, I open USC and no packages can be found18:35
Linda72Help! I'm trying to install Ubuntu using an empty SSD, but this message pops up: http://pastebin.com/F4nDS8HL What do I do?18:35
daftykinsLinda72: what kind of computer?18:36
daftykinsLinda72: and was it previously Windows 8?18:37
Linda72daftykins: Just a regular PC.18:37
Linda72daftykins: Yes.18:37
daftykinsso, desktop? by a brand?18:37
Linda72daftykins: No, built at home.18:38
daftykinsah ok18:38
daftykinssounds like the SSD was used before?18:38
daftykinsin another system18:38
Linda72daftykins: Yes, but I've erased it.18:38
Linda72It should be empty. What do I do?18:38
daftykinsLinda72: not enough it seems :) ok two choices, either you can boot into the full liveCD and use gparted to finish completely deleting the disk, or you can just say yes there18:39
ArneLurkI have an intel Mobo but my Ubuntu 13.04 iso says AMD... is that a problem?18:39
Linda72daftykins: What do you recommend. Why?18:39
daftykinsby 'deleting the disk' i mean erasing any and all partitions18:39
daftykinsArneLurk: no amd64 works on both Intel and AMD18:39
wheatthinamd64 only means 64bit18:39
ArneLurkOk. Strange18:39
daftykinsLinda72: i would boot the 13.04 liveCD if that's what you have and run gparted to nuke the disk18:39
Linda72daftykins: I'll try. Hold on. :)18:40
morpheous_When i do apt-get update, i get a list of errors saying it is unable to connect, I open USC and no packages can be found . Xubuntu 12.0418:40
daftykinsmorpheous_: are web browsers working on that system?18:41
morpheous_daftykins, im on here with it, i just did a fresh install18:42
MonkeyDustmorpheous_  type      sudo apt-get update|pastebinit      and paste te url here18:42
Linda72daftykins: Is "Try Ubuntu" the same as "LiveCD"?18:44
daftykinsLinda72: yep18:45
Linda72daftykins: Is "yep" the same as "yes"?18:46
Linda72Just kidding. :)18:46
daftykinsLinda72: :P18:47
Linda72daftykins: Be right back.18:48
daftykinsLinda72: same here, i'm going to make a coffee so give me a shout when you're ready to continue!18:48
mmercerhey guys, which version of ubuntu was upstart first implemented in ?18:49
ravenno-ip client manually installed on 12.04 - does not update the ip after several reboots - any ideas?18:49
holsteinraven: manually installed? from where? maybe the maintainers of the package can help you..18:50
holsteini remember using ddclient https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS#ddclient18:51
ravenholstein, tar.gz on no-ip.com18:51
holsteinraven: sure.. i would just ask them for support.. otherwise, try something from the repos18:52
ravenholstein, which client is able to work with noip?18:52
holsteinraven: i have dyndns.. i have used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS#ddclient as i said18:52
holsteinraven: otherwise, i would try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS#no-ip18:53
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elisa87how to find PCI-e version in Ubuntu command prompt?18:56
wheatthinlspci should show what's in the pci-e18:57
wheatthinbut to show the version, I'd look the motherboard up18:57
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daftykinsGuest64314: hi18:59
rd_Hi. Trying to install a persistent Ubuntu on a flashdrive. Downloaded an Ubuntu iso. Have virtual box. I want to make part of the flash Fat32 and the rest ext3 for the 'os' and 'data. Recommendations?19:00
daftykinsrd_: are you the one that asked earlier?19:00
rd_yup I am19:01
daftykinsrd_: unetbootin not doing it?19:01
rd_well. am i able to format a the flashdrive while booting from it?19:01
MonkeyDustrd_  use gparted to create partitions on the flash drive, one fat, the other ext19:02
daftykinsrd_: nah you'd want a Windows/Linux host OS19:02
MonkeyDustrd_  what OS are you in now?19:02
rd_windows 719:02
rd_i have vbox and was thinking of running ubuntu on it then format the drive from it?19:03
MonkeyDustrd_  the use a windows program to create partitions19:03
MonkeyDustrd_  better ask in ##windows if such program exists, to create partitions on a flash drive19:03
rd_suggestions for some windows/linux file format type?19:04
MonkeyDustrd_  ext4 for linux19:04
ArneLurkSo, neither 12.10 or 13.04 can detect my Win7 x64 install. Looks like I have no choice but to install using the "Something else..." option19:07
holstein!uefi | ArneLurk is this relevant to your situation?19:07
ubottuArneLurk is this relevant to your situation?: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:07
holsteinArneLurk: you can always just manually partition what you want/need19:08
daftykinsArneLurk: are you booting in UEFI mode or legacy?19:09
ArneLurkI partitioned as gpt and gave windows 66% of SSD. Installed Win7 64bit from DVD19:09
=== DocGrooveAway is now known as DocGroove
rd_last one: any ideas why a Usb can't be recognized in Oracle Virtual Box image using ubuntu 12.4?19:11
ArneLurkThe partitions left by Windows do show though. I'm booted from USB in UEFI mode. Using x64 Ubuntu 13.04 and persistent storage19:11
rd_*usb drive19:12
holsteinArneLurk: and you reffered to the uefi wiki?19:12
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ArneLurkholstein: I've read a whole bunch of threads with people having similar problems, but haven't found a way to make it show up19:13
daftykinsArneLurk: you partitioned manually? so is windows installed in EFI mode?19:13
holsteinArneLurk: the way in the wiki is to do it maually.. where you are just now getting to, AFAIK19:13
ArneLurkYou can see the efi type in my screenshot there19:13
daftykinsArneLurk: no, i can see some manual partitioning :D did you install Windows in EFI mode or not?19:14
holsteinArneLurk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#Installing_Ubuntu_in_EFI_mode19:14
delacOn Raring (+ GNOME3 PPA) using gnome-session-fallback 3.8.0-0ubuntu1~raring1. But wasn't it announced that 3.8 would not have fallback mode? Does anyone know if that decision has been reverted or why there is such backage on GNOME3 PPA?19:15
ArneLurkYeah, I think I first tried mbr partitioning, but then I had to redo it as gpt. The reason for this was that the Win7 DVD needs to be on gpt iwith UEFI boards, so I had to reboot the optical in UEFI mode.19:15
ArneLurkI'm now booted into UEFI USB mode.19:15
holsteindelac: ppa's are not necessarily officially supported. i would ask the maintainer of the PPA19:16
marianne_hi, I need to install MS Silverlight for chrome or Firefox...running ubuntu 12.0419:16
marianne_is there a command line where I can do the install from19:16
daftykinsArneLurk: that leading 1MB unused looks like an issue to me19:16
holsteinmarianne_: ask microsoft, but im pretty sure its not supported in linux.. are you trying to use netflix?19:16
holstein!netflix | marianne_19:16
ubottumarianne_: If you use Netflix, there is an unofficial solution for using it in Ubuntu detailed in http://www.compholio.com/netflix-desktop/ - bug reports in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop19:16
catcheris there something in ccsm that will darken/transparentify unfocused windows?19:16
marianne_holstein: trying to run a D & D character builder19:17
cortexmanwheeee http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/19:17
delacholstein: I have the impression that GNOME3 PPA is pretty official (could be wrong)19:17
usr13For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.19:17
ArneLurkdaftykins: daftykins made a single partition for windows using gparted. the 1mb empty space was the recommended setting. I'm told grub goes there.19:17
=== DocGroove is now known as DocGrooveAway
k1ldelac: officially form gnome, but not from ubuntu?19:18
holsteindelac: ask them.. but the gnome packages in the repo *are* official..19:18
daftykinsArneLurk: the EFI should've been there at the start. you should've used Windows setup to specify a smaller partition. i'd start again19:18
holstein!ppa | delac19:18
ubottudelac: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:18
marianne_usr13: unable to locate package19:18
holsteindelac: note the warning19:18
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holsteinmarianne_: AFAIK, microsoft doesnt support linux with silverlight. but you can ask them, or try that link i gave about netflix and see if you can use whatever work around is there for silverlight19:19
ArneLurkdaftykins: I was told to use gparted to set up the single initial partition for windows (windows split it into 3). There are so many guides on this...19:21
holsteinArneLurk: that is a partition editor you are looing at19:21
holsteinlooking at19:21
daftykinsArneLurk: i have no idea why someone would tell anyone to do that, other than if they're inexperienced19:21
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usr13!info moonlight-plugin-mozilla19:21
ubottuPackage moonlight-plugin-mozilla does not exist in raring19:21
ArneLurkThe screenshot is from the "install ubuntu" thing. I'm in the Try environment19:21
usr13I suppose moonlight has been deprecated19:22
usr13Or just discontinued19:23
marianne_usr13: it's ok, it's on my Mac, but really like my ubuntu box better...19:23
delacholstein: If the owner chain of the teams goes to Mark himself, can it be considered official PPA?19:24
holsteindelac: ?19:25
holsteindelac: when the packages are officially i the repos, they will be19:25
holsteindelac: the PPA is for newer versions out of the version19:25
usr13marianne_: Moonlight:   http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/download.aspx19:25
holsteindelac: you can get newer versions backported, maybe..19:25
delacholstein: yes yes, but that was not the point. I'm just wondering why that one particular package even exists since it has been announced that it wont19:26
holsteindelac: you'd need to ask the maintainers.. gnome or the ppa maintainers.. no volunteers here likely know, and its pretty much OT19:27
k1ldelac: to asnwer your origin question: gnome revived the fallback/classic because redhat(the company behind gnome) needs that for their enterprise installtions19:27
delack1l: oh, interesting info. do you happend to know how long they maintain it? for 3.10 too?19:28
k1ldelac: maybe ask in #ubuntu-desktop19:31
daftykinsArneLurk: can you link me to the guide you followed for this manual partitioning for Windows idea?19:31
ArneLurkNo, I was told by "some guys on IRC". I'm on an SSD so I'd rather not reinstall unless I have to, but maybe I have to.19:32
ArneLurkI read it somewhere too, but I forgot where19:33
delack1l: where did you find this piece of information. Cant find a word of it with google...19:33
daftykinsArneLurk: the extra writes aren't going to take a year off its' lifespan ;)19:34
ArneLurkMore like 2 days.19:34
k1ldelac: http://searchdatacenter.techtarget.com/news/2240185580/Red-Hat-discloses-RHEL-roadmap  but we are drifting into offtopic. ask the maintainer of that PPA which ist _not_ a regular ubuntu repo19:35
tobiasBoraI've a problem with the package avconv: when I try to convert a file into mp3 I've a wrong time which is displayed after in all my programs (Amarok, dolphin...) which is about 29mn instead of 3mn. Does anyone know how I could solve this ?19:35
ArneLurkSo, I wipe the drive? Just kill the partition table? Then let windows at it again, but use the win installer to make a 80gb partition and leave 40 unallocated...?19:35
daftykinsArneLurk: i would yep19:36
ArneLurkWindows does boot for me by the way.19:36
daftykinsArneLurk: well you could just manually partition in Ubuntu's installer, it's up to you19:36
ArneLurkjust drop the 1mb at the start? is that the only problem?19:37
ArneLurkOr I could try the "Something else" and hope that the boot loader finds it's way19:38
ArneLurkif it doesn't work, I reinstall everything.19:38
daftykinsa typical EFI install puts the EFI partition at the very start19:38
daftykinsArneLurk: yeah sounds like a good plan19:38
ArneLurkHmm, it's sda2 for me19:39
ArneLurkobviously this is an SSD so the physical location shouldn't matter...?19:39
catcherIs it possible to configure the compiz "dim inactive" plugin?  It's ignoring my settings for brightness & transparency, and I'd like the fade to be much faster.19:39
delack1l: ok. although, that classic mode mentioned in the article is not same as fallback. it's just few shell plugins.19:39
daftykinsArneLurk: yes, but i mean start as in first partition19:39
k1ldelac: you will not get the gnome2 desktop back. the fallback/classic mode ist the best you can get.19:41
ArneLurkdaftykins > I have that drop down list for the boot loader, just /dev/sda and I can put it on /dev/sda2 which is the 104mb efi partition19:41
delack1l: that is what I thought. So why is there then? :)19:42
daftykinsArneLurk: i've a feeling if you chose /dev/sda you'd be able to boot Ubuntu and not Windows - and if you chose sda2 you'd be able to boot Windows and not Ubuntu :D but both would be fixable19:42
k1ldelac: see the article i posted and my comment from above.19:43
delack1l: fallback and classic mode are not the same thing on 3.819:44
ArneLurkdaftykins: "fixable" huh? Like, telling grub to use sda2 via some... chain?19:46
kimxhey guys how xen server operates on ubuntu19:47
kimxUHM......GUYS CAN I GET HELP?19:48
holsteinkimx: no caps.. whats the issue?19:48
holstein!volunteers | kimx19:48
ubottukimx: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:48
kimxyeah how does xen server operates on ubuntu?19:49
vltkimx: like normal19:49
holsteinkimx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen19:49
kimxi'm sorry about but u've gotta help me guys com'on19:50
k1ldelac: they switched the names since the stoped the fallback since they use llvmpipe for 2d-only desktops19:50
k1lkimx: yes it does.19:50
holsteinkimx: ? did you see my post about volunteers? and about xen?19:50
adamk_kimx: In fact, no one has to help you. And acting entitled is going to turn people poff.19:50
k1lkimx: if you want a more specific answer ask a more specific question19:50
kimxi mean how?19:50
holsteinkimx: did you read the link?19:50
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holstein!xen | kimx19:50
ubottukimx: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen19:50
delack1l: yes, so they did19:51
kimxokay how does the xen server operate?19:51
holsteinkimx: the link i gave will tell you.. did you read it?19:51
ArneLurkOh? The Ubuntu boot loader is about 30mb? That's what I see Windows 7 use (33mb). I'll try directing the boot device towards window's sda2 then...19:53
kimxplease to understand more does it operate same as an cybercafe?19:53
vltkimx: What us your real question?19:54
kimxis it a  cybercafe?19:54
gQuigsI'm trying to debug the indicator-messages applet in 12.04.  (tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingAyatana with no luck)19:55
holsteinkimx: what are you trying to do? xen is what it is.. the link i gave explains it..19:55
gQuigstrying to get better logs for this bug, but the logs don't seem to exist: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/119230019:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1192300 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "prompts for permissions on startup when username is both local & networkauth" [Undecided,New]19:55
kimxuhm...sorry..can u give the name of a cyber client you have idea of that works with linux and ubuntu machines19:57
adamk_What is a "cyber client"?19:57
trismgQuigs: if you can switch to the gnome fallback session, then you should get ~/.cache/indicator-applet-complete.log19:58
kimxi am opening a cyber and less ideas about the stuff19:58
daftykinskimx: where are you from? there may be an ubuntu channel for your language19:58
gQuigstrism: oh.. there isn't anyway to turn that on in Unity/2d?19:58
holsteinkimx: what are you trying to do? a wifi hotspot? *every* wifi router is a wifi hot spot.. http://www.dd-wrt.com/site/index has hotspot software baked in, though its OT here19:58
kimxCameroon Bamenda19:59
daftykinsholstein: he's asking for a good OS to manage a new internet cafe19:59
trismgQuigs: no way that I'm aware of19:59
daftykinsisn't it obvious =|19:59
olivierrrI'm writing an article about open source, could anyone recommend where to look for usage data of Ubuntu?19:59
ArneLurkI'm trying to manually partition. I have 8GB ram and a SSD. How does this affect Swap partition size. I'm told it will be rarely used with that much ram.20:00
olivierrr@ArneLurk: Wouldn't use SWAP on SSD20:00
kimxholstein: how can you control access with hotspot wifi?20:01
ArneLurkThis is a new Samsung 840. I'm told it last 10+ years with 10gigs a day write.20:01
holsteinkimx: a password.. but this is not a router channel..20:01
holsteinkimx: there are wifi routers, hardware answers to your question.. also, the firmware i linked is an option20:01
ArneLurkolivierrr: If I make no swap partition, swap can't be used?20:02
kimxin case the user has exuhsted the time usage20:02
trismgQuigs: although bug 815715 has an interesting workaround, wonder if it still works20:02
ubottubug 815715 in unity (Ubuntu) "glib logging from unity-panel-service is never seen in ~/.xsession-errors" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81571520:02
holsteinkimx: the firmware i linked above, ddwrt, has that functionality baked in20:02
holsteinkimx: the devices i reference you can purchase have that20:02
daftykinsArneLurk: yeah don't create swap.20:02
olivierrr@ArneLurk: if you've got 8GB RAM you won't need it anyway20:03
gQuigsthanks trism, I got logs via fallback..20:03
ArneLurkThat leaves me 40 gig for just / and /home then. Recommended ratio?20:03
OerHeksArneLurk, you only need swap for hybernate, else you can reduse swapiness20:03
olivierrri don't have a swap partition on my SSD, works fine20:03
ripthejackerwhat is the x-ayatana-desktop-shortcut in the launcher .desktop file?20:08
ripthejackerand what is the difference between Action and x-ayatana-desktop-shortcut?20:09
ripthejackerI cannot find any documentation on this20:09
trismripthejacker: it was for the quick lists in the launcher before Action was added20:09
ripthejackerso what's the difference between them?20:10
ripthejackertrism: actions and x-......20:10
ripthejackerhas actions replaced the other command?20:10
trismripthejacker: there is no difference, except one is an ubuntu extension...we used the x-ayatana before action existed20:10
ripthejackertrism: oh I see. Which one is the ubuntu extension?20:11
trismripthejacker: yes basically, although I think x-ayatana is still honored for the moment since some .desktop files in 13.04 still have it20:11
ripthejackerok I getit20:11
ripthejackertrism: thanks for the information20:12
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com20:12
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ArneLurkwhich file systems do I select for mount point / and /home respectively?20:17
RonnieSince a few days my flash videos in firefox and chrome are laggy/choppy. I think its since the flash update a few days ago, but im not sure. Putting the old flash version back did not solve the problem. Any ideas?20:17
holsteinRonnie: flash is just going to always be an issue.. are you using chrome? or chromium? chrome is the *only* way to get current flash in linux20:17
elisa87E: Unable to find a source package for rootstock20:18
Ronnieholstein: i use chromium, but it was working good a few days ago20:18
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holsteinRonnie: you can try the actual chrome browser then as a troubleshooting step20:19
gQuigsRonnie: it could also be video driver related, what video card do you have?20:19
gQuigsRonnie: do videos work fine in Totem/VLC other video player20:19
holsteinelisa87: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootStock "Note that RootStock has been deprecated and is no longer maintained, and it's generally recommended that people start with an ubuntu-core image and tailor it to their needs"20:19
RonniegQuigs: intel (4500M i tought, not sure)20:19
Ronniedownloading chrome...20:20
jkitchenis there a link to a howto or something for rebuilding a newer version of a package?20:20
jkitchenI want to bump the patchlevel of ruby on my system and make a package out of it (wide deployment)20:20
holsteinjkitchen: typically, its per package, depending on what is needed by the package20:21
yrushicompile from source20:21
Ronnieholstein: is the 64-bit capable of playing flash?20:21
jkitchenyrushi: that's not sustainable across 100+ machines20:21
holsteinRonnie: AFAIK20:21
jkitchenholstein: is there a generic overview though so I can get started?20:21
jkitchenI don't even know where to begin, and building packages is a huge subject :)20:22
jkitchenjust looking for a starting point, not necessarily a step-by-step howto for my specific package20:22
jkitchenyrushi: ok, thanks, I'll check that out.20:23
DiamondBoy1979i need help installing Ubuntu.its giving me a error message.can someone PM me and help me through this please20:24
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xangua!pm | DiamondBoy197920:24
ubottuDiamondBoy1979: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:24
ripthejackertrism: one more doubt what's the difference between the %f and %U params in the desktop file?20:24
Ronniesoftware center keeps loading when opening the chrome deb file :(20:25
Legimetdpkg -i20:25
Legimetjust run sudo dpkg -i on the deb file20:25
Ronniethe Legimet20:26
trismripthejacker: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html20:27
DiamondBoy1979ok when i install ubuntu it wont install says cannot install into C:\ubuntu there is another file or directory with this name.Please remove it before continuing. For more in formation, please see log file: c:\users\fred\appdata\local\temp\wubi-12.04-rev727.log20:27
Legimet!thanks | yrushi20:27
ubottuyrushi: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:27
sasukehi guys20:28
xanguaDiamondBoy1979: you'd be best with a real install, wubi isn't even incluided in latest ubuntu already20:28
DiamondBoy1979i tried downlaoding and installing 13.04 and it wouldnt install on my computer20:28
elisa87can rootstock create disk image for x86 or it just can create disk image for ARM?20:29
gordonjcpDiamondBoy1979: what happened when you tried?20:29
DiamondBoy1979i click Ok in the error message and it disappeard and wouldnt let me install it20:29
holsteinelisa87: did you see my post about root stick?20:29
holstein16:19 < holstein> elisa87: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootStock "Note that RootStock has been deprecated and is no longer  maintained, and it's generally recommended that people start with an ubuntu-core image and tailor it to  their needs"20:30
Ronnieholstein: its a bit better in chrome, but still not as it was before20:30
elisa87ah ok so it just creates disk image for ARM ... I wish there was sth like rootstock for creating x86 disk images ... holstein20:30
RonnieLooks like a driver issue then20:30
DiamondBoy1979hmmim gonna try downloading ubuntu 1320:31
holsteinRonnie: i was about to say, its not a driver issue20:31
Ronnieholstein: what did you think?20:31
holsteinRonnie: if its better, then its flash related.. facts are, intel drivers are usually pretty good, and flash is notoriously bad20:32
MagicarpI installed ubuntu via the amd64 bit ISO. Whenever I attempt to install an amd64 package I get the message it's the wrong architecture. I can install i386 packages20:32
LegimetMagicarp: run uname -a20:33
holsteinMagicarp: i would confirm that it is 64bit.. look in the terminal.. uname -a20:33
Magicarppidgin crashed20:33
Legimetbut run uname -a in your terminal20:33
Ronnieholstein: but if its flash related, why is chrome not playing the video smooth?20:33
jpmhmy system uses and as its DNS servers .  However, something is using port #53, what is it?20:34
holsteinRonnie: ? becuase flash doesnt support linux very well20:34
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MagicarpLegimet it says 'i686 athlon i686' (my CPU is a FX6300)20:35
Legimetso you installed 32-bit20:35
holsteinMagicarp: thats not 64 bit20:35
LegimetMagicarp: you probably downloaded the wrong iso20:35
bgardnerjpmh: See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers20:36
adamk_jpmh: By default, Ubuntu runs a local caching name server.  Are you sure it's not actually being used? What does /etc/resolv.conf show?20:36
MagicarpLegimet the iso was called 'ubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64' was that not the right one?20:36
Legimetit is20:36
Legimetbut you have the 32-bit somehow20:36
clarleI dual-booted Ubuntu + Windows on my laptop, but it recently crashed. I removed the hard drive and placed it in an enclosure, but now I'm only able to access my Windows files. How can I access my data on the Ubuntu partition again?20:37
MagicarpDoes the 64bit installation even have the ability to install 32bit?20:37
jpmhadamk_: yep - sure enough - is there some easy way to stop that20:37
adamk_jpmh: Never looked into it, so I don't know.20:37
jpmhadamk_: ty20:38
sasukeclarle: it might be grub problem. You can restore with live cd20:39
chmrrWhy does http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2013/CVE-2013-3567.html list Lucid as EOL, and not provide an update?  Doesn't the server edition still have until 2015?20:39
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-3567)20:39
wyvernhello guys20:40
sasukeclarle, try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair20:40
clarlesasuke: Thanks, I'll check it out! Appreciate the help.20:42
sasukeclarle, np20:43
j0llyr0gerhi i want to ask if i can do with unity network manger to have both wlan0 and eth0 connected and to have intenret from wlan020:45
Fuzzlescan i get 13.04s opensource drivers in 12.04?20:45
holsteinj0llyr0ger: is this what you are asking ? http://www.howtogeek.com/116409/how-to-turn-your-ubuntu-laptop-into-a-wireless-access-point/20:45
LegimetFuzzles: what drivers?20:45
FuzzlesLegimet, graphics20:45
LegimetFuzzles which one?20:46
holsteinFuzzles: maybe via ppa20:46
the_eye_j0llyr0ger, yes you can. Configure gateway only for wlan0.20:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:46
FuzzlesLegimet, the opensource drivers that work out the box20:46
Legimetfor which graphihcs card?20:46
Fuzzlesradeon hd 387020:47
holsteinFuzzles: that link i gave should be relevant, as well as https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates and other PPA's20:47
BALTA00Cual es el canal de ubuntu en español?20:48
BALTA00spanish chanel20:48
holstein!es | BALTA0020:48
ubottuBALTA00: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:48
LegimetFuzzles: actually you want xserver-xorg-video-radeon, not in that PPA20:48
j0llyr0gerthanks the_eye is there any option in network manager for that?20:48
sasukehi how can i get graphics drivers for ubuntu . My drivers are " Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller ".20:49
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FuzzlesLegimet, what would i use then?20:49
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holsteinFuzzles: xserver-xorg-video-radeon is the suggestion.. but those are not from "13.04" as you asked20:49
Legimetit is in 13.0420:50
holsteinmight be similar, or the same for 12.04 though AFAIK20:50
Legimetbut not in the ppa20:50
holsteinFuzzles: are you on 12.04?20:50
LegimetFuzzles: maybe you could download the deb from 13.0420:50
holsteinsasuke: then intel drivers should be included, and working by default.. is that not the case?20:51
Fuzzlesholstein, no but i want to install it in replace of my 13.04 install but the opensource drivers in 13.04 allow me to play stam games last time i tried 12.04 it didnt20:51
Fuzzlesholstein, i want to know before i install20:51
whirlybirdhello. i am not sure how to phrase this. i would like to copy/clone a bootable ext 4 ubuntu 13.04 hard disk onto an lvm ext 4 hard disk with the new set up still being bootable. is this possible? and sorry for phrasing this poorly.20:51
holsteinFuzzles: steam suggests a PPA.. i would ask them for support20:51
BALTA00how can i Share files with windows? I'm using Ubuntu 12.0420:51
gotwighow can I install a glibschema with autotools20:52
sasukeholstein, ok20:52
holsteinBALTA00: samba, ssh, ftp.. dropbox..20:52
Legimet!samba | BALTA0020:52
ubottuBALTA00: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:52
Fuzzlesholstein, they normal say get from atis site but when my kernal updated the kernal crashed20:52
Legimet!bye | ubottu20:53
ubottuLegimet: Au revoir!20:53
ArneLurkI did the Ubuntu install and it does indeed just boot right into Ubuntu since I pointed to the dev/sda2 boot loader partition windows made20:53
trismgotwig: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9090055/how-to-use-gsettings-in-my-own-gtk-program20:54
holsteinFuzzles: the ppa that steam suggests is what i was using in 12.04..20:54
ArneLurkI can either try a "repair" or format the drive and do a new windows install20:54
Fuzzlesholstein, can you point me to this with a link plz?20:55
holsteinArneLurk: you just want to add the windows os to grub? try grub repair20:55
holsteinFuzzles: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/xorg-edgers as well as the other link.. as well as the steam documentation20:55
gotwigtrism, thank you very much20:55
ArneLurkholstein: yeah! I get this at hte software center?20:55
holsteinhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve Fuzzles20:55
DaughainCan someone here help me write a script, or is there somewhere else I should ask?20:56
holsteinFuzzles: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=5452-IOSM-147420:56
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FloodBot1don_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:56
holsteinDaughain: depends on the topic.. just ask, and see20:56
holsteinArneLurk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair or you can try just running "sudo upate-grub"20:57
DaughainI want tpo write a script to run as an executable from the desktop to launch 2 other scripts.20:57
ArneLurkThanks! I'll try!20:57
holsteinDaughain: i have used "run in terminal" shorcuts on the desktop20:58
DaughainHow do I do that?20:58
holsteinDaughain: i literally right clicked and just made it happen.. elaborate as to what you want, and see if any volunteers can help you with the specifices20:59
Ben64don_: stop that20:59
DaughainOk, thanks holstein20:59
Fuzzlesholstein, that all for intel ill just have to use 13.04 till the next lts comes out20:59
holsteinFuzzles: its not20:59
don_Testing a morse code plugin20:59
holsteinFuzzles: you can see the other drivers listed in the ppa's mentioned..21:00
Ben64well don't21:00
Ben64this channel is for ubuntu support, you can make your own channel for that kind of stuff21:00
holsteinFuzzles: steam suggests that ppa for 12.0421:00
don_What channel can i use or what server?21:00
ArneLurkholstein: sudo update-grub said found linux image and found initrd image... what's the latter one?21:00
holsteindon_: make your own and test what you like21:00
Fuzzlesholstein, even with ati?21:00
holsteinFuzzles: check the PPA. you see the ati drivers listed there21:00
holstein!ati | Fuzzles21:01
ubottuFuzzles: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto21:01
geniiArneLurk: initrd is the initial ramdisk with a small root and drivers that loads before filesystems are mounted, etc21:01
Fuzzlesok ill try them21:02
ForSparePartsI have an Ubuntu VM (VMWare) that was automatically created with 1GB of memory and 1GB of swap space, and I want to increase the virtual RAM allocation. Is there an easy way to up the swap space to match?21:02
ForSpareParts(and if not, how bad would it be to run with 2GB RAM, 1GB swap?)21:02
gordonjcpForSpareParts: people still use swap?21:03
ArneLurkgenii> I see. sudo update-grub only gave 2 entries. I was expecting to see windows there.21:03
ubottuciccio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:03
zykotick9ForSpareParts: well, forget hibernation (but if that's not an issue.. probably won't matter)21:03
ForSparePartszykotick9, Yeah, don't need hibernation for this.21:04
zykotick9ForSpareParts: i wouldn't think so.  then 2GB physical and 1GB swap will work fine...  it's probably a pain to delete and recreate the swap partition - i'd imagine.  but i don't use vmware, so you'd know better.21:05
ForSparePartsgordonjcp, It was part of the default configuration. Is it no longer generally used? If so: why?21:05
gordonjcpForSpareParts: it's not as important as it once was21:05
gordonjcpForSpareParts: even very cheap computers have practically limitless memory21:05
debian-n00bquestion.. I recently installed 13.04 on a system with 3 monitors running Radeon HD 5750. But when i disable mirroring the unity windows manager crashes and won't display the menu bar at the left  of the monitor21:05
ForSparePartszykotick9, I'm rather new to VMWare myself, but the impression I get is that it'd be a REAL pain.21:05
debian-n00bany ideas?21:05
gordonjcpForSpareParts: the very cheapest crappiest PCs have hundreds or even thousands of megabytes ;-)21:05
ForSparePartsgordonjcp, Ah, that makes sense. Though I wouldn't underestimate my ability to run up RAM usage. Chrome + IntelliJ IDEA can take up, well... lots.21:07
gordonjcpForSpareParts: :-)21:07
DaughainI'm running 12.04, and right clicking doesnt give me any options that might help. Any other ideas?21:07
gordonjcp!anyone | debian-n00b21:07
ubottudebian-n00b: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:07
debian-n00b I recently installed 13.04 on a system with 3 monitors running Radeon HD 5750. But when i disable mirroring the unity windows manager crashes and won't display the menu bar at the left  of the monitor21:07
debian-n00bwow.. so not helpful ..21:07
ArneLurkholstein: Cool, I think the repair detected windows... here's the generated paste paste.ubuntu.com/577835621:07
gordonjcp!patience | debian-n00b21:08
ubottudebian-n00b: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/21:08
gordonjcpdebian-n00b: it's pretty quiet in here just now21:09
gordonjcpdebian-n00b: it might we worth hanging around for a bit21:09
ArneLurkholstein: Though boot-repair complains that the boot partition is too far from the start of the drive and that I should move it using gparted.21:09
ArneLurkYes! I think someone is getting a virtual hug!21:11
ArneLurkIt works! Whooo! I've never been so glad to see windows...21:13
DiamondBoy1979Ok im getting the same error message like i did with ubuntu 12.04 but i did remove that log file.21:17
ArneLurkThanks for the help guys. I just wanted to say that because you guys probably never hear it.21:19
daftykinsArneLurk: so what happened in the end? installed grub to sda2 and only Ubuntu worked?21:19
ArneLurkyeah. I pointed the boot loader to sda2 rather than the base of the SSD, and only ubuntu loaded (really fast I might add)21:20
ArneLurkthe sda2 partition was the efi boot thing windows had made. Then I ran boot repair and just clicked okay on the stuff21:21
daftykinsArneLurk: ah well all's well that ends well21:21
ArneLurkApparently the bios doesn't care that it's not at the start of the drive (with an SSD, does it matter?)21:22
zlatanhi to all, did anyone have a problem with fglrx driver that causes flickering screen?21:22
ArneLurkIt did give me 2 boot options for windows though. A short one and a long one, both "UEFI"21:22
gQuigs debian-n00b: does it prompt you to report a bug?  sometimes the process of reporting the bug/finding the report leads to a workaround21:23
debian-n00bgQuigs: it does once compiz crashes ..21:23
debian-n00bgQuigs: the weird this is worked fine w/ disto 12.04 LTS21:24
DaughainI'm trying to run a shell script from desktop, my problem is that it closes the term window, and cancels the running server that I need. Any ideas?21:24
debian-n00bbut after upgrading .. it broke.. :(21:24
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DiamondBoy1979Ok i have went and deleted the log file and im still unable to install ubuntu 13.0421:24
gQuigsdebian-n00b: that's not so weird, it's just a regression (albeit a bad one)21:25
gQuigsthere have been some pretty big changes to compiz for various reasons (better gaming, etc)21:25
BOT666is there any fix for adding AIM accounts to Empathy in 13.04? still getting the blank window and no way to enter account details.21:26
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guerillagorilla 21:27
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cortexmanwhy does Lucid have gcc-4.1 and gcc-4.3 but not gcc-4.2?21:28
BOT666any idea how to enable the window switcher in 13.04 using cairo-dock? works fine with unity, but not with cairo21:30
rohanmy Sony laptop with nvidia optimus card runs very hot (much more so than windows). are there any good ideas on what to try?21:31
daftykinsrohan: i wouldn't be surprised if it's forcing the nvidia chip on at all times, are you using any of the optimus project attempts?21:32
rohandaftykins: i thought so too.. i am just not sure how to mitigate it. I learnt about bumblebee today, but i haven't started using it21:33
rohanI'm afraid that the binary blob driver will break suspend/hibernate and other good stuff21:33
daftykinsrohan: yeah that was one of them, i'm not sure if that's the very latest. nvidia proprietary? likely X will stop working21:35
daftykinswell maybe not with bumblebee21:35
rohandaftykins: oh, it's a good thing i asked then. what other things are out there?21:35
rohandaftykins: also, why would X stop working with nvidia driver? is there some known bug?21:36
daftykinsrohan: i'm not sure, i own an optimus laptop but i've never tried it beyond a livecd of ubuntu once that just booted into intel only mode i think21:36
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daftykinsrohan: well the way optimus works is that the nvidia chip can't draw to the display directly, Linux doesn't know that so tends to break i think21:37
daftykinsrohan: i could easily be wrong as i've not tried in a long time21:37
EaglemanIf i use rsnapshot over ssh, how will the backups be made? will the local server copy files from a remote server to the local server, or will the remote server copy files to the local server?21:37
jribEagleman: depends on your setup?21:39
=== Leinad is now known as Guest56206
Eaglemanjrib, so i can setup a remote server to copy files to my local server ( hourly.0 daily.0 ... )?21:40
jribEagleman: I tend to have rsnapshot run on the server I want the backups to end up on, but I think you could set it up either way21:40
Thenoobestanyone ?21:46
jribThenoobest: hello21:47
gordonjcp!anyone | Thenoobest21:47
ubottuThenoobest: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:47
Thenoobestguys i need halps =( if anyone can tell me how to install java 7 update 25 on 12.04 lts i ll be forever in debt with you21:47
thurstylarkI just installed ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, and now my monitor says the signal is out of range. Is there any way to fix that blind?21:52
chaotixhi...  can someone help me to get Super Maryo Chronicles running?  it is in the software center...  when i double click to open it, my screen flickers and resizes so that i have 2 black bars on the sides......   i entered it into a terminal, 'smc' the package name of the game, and got this output...  http://pastebin.com/qkAnUBit21:53
chaotixany help is much obliged21:53
L_Messiah.isup litepool.eu21:53
L_Messiahwrong chan21:53
mutantedpkg-reconfigure -a  => segmentation fault .. sweet21:54
SaikiHelloeveryone. I am trying to change my apache2 port, how do I do that?21:55
daftykinsSaiki: possibly in /etc/apache2/apache.conf or /etc/apache2/sites-available/default21:56
daftykinsSaiki: but you may want to read up on Apache's docs to see the best-practice method21:57
fusbwhat do i do if i cant login as root or user?21:59
Saikidaftykins: I just thought of something.. my old VM has the ports changed lol21:59
mutanteSaiki: can also be /etc/apache2/ports.conf , you can search for the string "Listen" to find it21:59
SaikiNameVirtualHost *:8021:59
SaikiListen 2121:59
FloodBot1Saiki: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:59
k1l!root | fusb22:00
ubottufusb: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:00
mutanteSaiki: the Listen part yea, but this is an odd setup, people would expect FTP on 21 :p22:00
mutanteSaiki: yea, both, that must match in NameVirtualHost as well or you could just use *22:00
Saikimutante: it's for a private circle, so I don't really care :P22:01
SaikibutI can change it from 21, but is that correct22:01
mutanteSaiki: i recommend something high like 8080 or whatever over 409622:01
fusbkll: i recently installed linux disto and added a user after that i added the user in sudo, and then this happend22:01
houkouonchi-homeanyone famililar with netboot/nfsroot? I am having a problem where the kernel gets an IP but then when the initramfs starts it does dhcp and its timing out...22:02
mutanteSaiki: yes, changing that number is what you are looking for22:02
mutantedon't forget to restart it after22:02
fusbso i dont know why this hsppend22:03
k1lfusb: what happend?22:04
k1lfusb: there is no root account enabled on ubuntu. so you cant login.22:05
brokenxubuntucan someone help with an xubuntu problem, the main chan's dead22:05
Saikimutante: well.. that is the right structure though, yes?22:06
fusbok i dont ubuntu but i think it is the same, i trying login as my new user but i cant an either as root22:06
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: just ask22:06
k1lfusb: that is a ubuntu channel. please ask in the channel for that linux you use sind other distros handle that differently22:07
mutanteSaiki: the numbers you use in "Listen" and in NameVirtualHost must match22:07
brokenxubuntumy xubuntu won't load/connect to any sites even tho I have a 4bar connection22:07
fusbthis happend after i configured visudo22:07
mutanteSaiki: ie you cant have 21 and 80 at the same time22:07
k1l!apt-get | Ari-Yang22:07
ubottuAri-Yang: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)22:07
Saikimutante: ok, maybe it was just 21 goofing it up22:08
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: you're typing from a different computer then i assume?22:08
mutanteSaiki: try 8021 instead22:08
boxIs Ubuntu Desktop bloated?22:08
brokenxubuntudaftykins: my xubuntu laptop is next to me22:08
mutantebox: yea22:08
brokenxubuntudaftykins: and look at the main bar on top: http://imgbin.org/images/14259.png o.O22:09
k1lbox: do you have a actual ubuntu support question?22:09
fusbreally so i cant get get help just bcus i dont use ubuntu? i thought other have exprienced the same22:09
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: two of them, interesting. also a crash icon - do you have a correct IP on the interface with ifconfig / iwconfig in a terminal?22:10
SonikkuAmericafusb: What do you use then?22:10
k1lfusb: ask in ##linux if you dont want to contact the distros support22:10
brokenxubuntudaftykins: what?22:10
brokenxubuntuthe red thing is an update notification daftykins22:11
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: oh ok, looked similar. are you familiar with IP addressing to check the above?22:11
brokenxubuntudaftykins: no22:11
brokenxubuntunot at all22:11
SecretFireis there a way to set up a dual boot with windows after installing ubuntu without messing up grub22:11
brokenxubuntuSecretFire: do you have the ubuntu install cd?22:12
k1lfusb: #archlinux is the way to go.22:12
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: ok is there an easy way you can take screenshots off and put them online? if you open the terminal program and run 'iwconfig -a' and 'ifconfig -a' separately22:12
brokenxubuntuSecretFire: install windows, partition as needed, then boot from the ubuntu install cd and run "update-grub"22:13
Saikimutante: 95 is unsafe?22:13
brokenxubuntudaftykins: I can screencap and move it onto this pc and upload22:13
SecretFiremakes sense22:13
Saikimutante: I don't really want high or common ones22:13
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: cool, sounds good.22:13
brokenxubuntuSecretFire: understand?22:14
SecretFirebrokenxubuntu  : yes but how does the live cd update the install? the changes  don't save do they?22:15
mutanteSaiki: you can check what is what in /etc/protocols,  95 sounds ok thouhg22:16
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fusbhos do i fix the problem if we imagined tha i have ubuntu22:16
brokenxubuntuSecretFire: "update-grub" does it to the HDD22:16
SecretFirebrokenxubuntu : ok22:16
SecretFireI understand22:16
=== multiply is now known as Multiply
brokenxubuntudaftykins: http://imgbin.org/images/14260.png22:16
lorkWhy would my new Dell XPS 8700 desktop be unable to connect over eth0 but able to connect over wlan0?22:16
ixiohi is there some kind of one line LAMP install command or is it a case of installing each package individually?22:16
k1lfusb: stop asking here. the solution differs with the other distro used.22:16
SecretFirebrokenxubuntu : Ive been able to do it before up to the partitioning but couldn't figure out how to restore grub22:17
brokenxubuntuSecretFire: as I said, install windows as you would, then boot into the ubuntu cd and do update-grub22:17
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: if 192.168.254.x is correct for your network, that looks ok - you can confirm with whatever computer you're on now (what OS does it run?)22:18
k1lixio: with taskel there is: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP22:18
brokenxubuntudaftykins: windows 7 enterprise22:18
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daftykinsfusb: your user+root one, i'd hold down shift and boot into recovery mode instead22:18
lorkSecretFire:  you may need to run grub-install to install grub22:18
=== SuupaaSonikkuAme is now known as SupaS-USA
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: ok, if you run 'cmd' from the start menu and type 'ipconfig' it should show your wireless/LAN connection uses 192.168.254.x as well22:18
ixiothanks k1l22:18
=== SupaS-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
brokenxubuntudaftykins: command prompt is blocked22:19
fusbkll: you havent give any solution to the problem.22:19
k1lfusb: ask in #archlinux for arch support. thanks22:19
Saikimutante: The requested URL /index.html was not found on this server. (I'm lookign at index.html on the machine)22:19
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: ah, is it connected wirelessly too?22:20
mutanteSaiki: well, success, it listens on your port:) this is totally separate22:20
brokenxubuntudaftykins: no, ethernet22:20
mutanteSaiki: do you actually have an index.html ? You need to check for DocumentRoot in your configs and make sure it's right22:20
wilee-nileebrokenxubuntu, Just for information a update-grub from a live cd without a chroot does nothing.22:20
brokenxubuntuI did it on mine before22:21
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: ok if you right click the network icon -> network and sharing center then where it says "Connections: Local Area Connection" click that22:21
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: you should now have a window you can click 'details' in which will show the same info?22:21
brokenxubuntudaftykins: http://imgbin.org/images/14262.jpg22:22
resizt0rugh, i still havent figured out how to share my external usb hard drive with my windows network22:22
Saikimutante: apache.conf?22:23
Saikimutante: I'm configurign this as root22:23
* Noskcaj is away: school22:23
k1l!away > Noskcaj22:24
ubottuNoskcaj, please see my private message22:24
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: ok can you go back onto the xubuntu PC and screenshot (you can open 3 terminals and screenshot them all in one go) 'route -n' and 'cat /etc/resolv.conf' and 'nslookup google.com'22:24
Noskcajk1l, i did that. xchat went full retard, that is all22:24
lenzHey guys.22:25
mutanteSaiki: more like /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/something22:25
Bentley1hey all, just installed the latest ubuntu updates this morning, and google chrome is constantly pinning one of my cores, even if it's just a single incognito window (no extensions, etc). Anyone else seeing this lately?22:25
mutanteSaiki: this is in a site config22:25
brokenxubuntudaftykins: re-message me that when I'm back, gtg22:25
daftykinsbrokenxubuntu: just highlight me if you can22:26
SonikkuAmericabrokenxubuntu: Your Xubuntu is broken? I'll invite ya to #xubuntu !22:26
SonikkuAmerica(Just go ahead and /join)22:26
brokenxubuntuSonikkuAmerica: i already asked in that channel22:26
SonikkuAmericaNo answer? That's uncommon.22:26
Saikimutante:Ithink I found it. rebootignthe pc to check (toolazy to reset services)22:26
jbark_Seems like everyday my system is freezing and is unrecoverable22:27
brokenxubuntuI FIXED IT22:27
jbark_I ssh in from another pc22:27
jbark_[drm:i915_hangcheck_hung] *ERROR* Hangcheck timer elapsed... GPU hung22:27
mutanteSaiki: rebooting is more work than restarting services :p22:27
jbark_[drm] capturing error event; look for more information in /debug/dri/0/i915_error_state22:27
mutanteSaiki: only reason to reboot are kernel upgrades :p22:27
=== Multiply is now known as multiply
jbark_how do I view information from /debug/dri/0/i915_error_state22:29
^MikeI want to start a good backup strategy now that I have some external media to use. Is bacula overkill for a simple laptop? Ideally, I want incremental backups to save space, plus periodic full backups, so if the incrementals are damaged, all isn't lost.22:29
usr13jbark_: cat ?22:29
khyrahi everyone! What book/books have helped you the most when it comes to Linux/Ubuntu? I'm looking to improve my Linux skills/understanding... Any suggestion is awesome, thx!22:29
jbark_cat /debug/dri/0/i915_error_state22:30
switchingwoah.. installed GNOME in ubuntu, and GNOME works fine, but now unity is having major graphical issues.  When I drag a window around it repeats itself (if you know what I mean) and when I minimize a window the animation movement of the window doesn't disappear.  help!!!22:30
SonikkuAmerica!ot | khyra, you wouldn't think this was the case, but22:30
ubottukhyra, you wouldn't think this was the case, but: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:30
switchingalso, the sidebar also repeats itself22:30
jbark_no such file/directroy22:30
SonikkuAmerica!poll | khyra, also22:30
ubottukhyra, also: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:30
kitlerdaftykins, its brokenxubuntu, i fixed it22:30
daftykinskitler: restart or? :)22:31
Saikimutante: ok, there we go :)22:31
kitlernah, i made a new admin user and it worked perfect22:31
kitleri'm backing up my home and removing the old user22:31
Saikimutante: it's my choice as a web server ona  laptop22:31
jbark_look like it's in /sys/kernel22:32
switchingapparently installing multiple desktop environments is a bad idea :(22:33
kitlerswitching, tea22:33
daftykinsswitching: bad things can happen ;)22:33
switchingkitler i guess i learned the hard way haha22:33
kitlerummm.... I tried to run apt-get update and "kitler is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported."22:34
switchingit's ok though cause I prefer GNOME 3 over unity22:34
daftykinskitler: sounds like all you had to do was delete your user's network config folder22:34
switchingdaftykins apparently so22:34
kitleroh, can i go back and just do that somehow?22:34
Ari-Yang<switching> apparently installing multiple desktop environments is a bad idea :( ---> I might uninstall cinnamon...22:34
switchingari-yang why?22:34
daftykinskitler: yes shouldn't be too hard22:34
Ari-Yangbecause I don't use it and it's just sitting there22:35
kitlerdaftykins, how?22:35
switchingari-yang didn't cause any problems though?22:35
switchingif anyone has successfully installed GNOME 3 and unity side-by-side then I definitely did something wrong.22:35
Ari-Yangswitching, not really, although it gave me minor tearing with videos I d/led.22:35
Ari-YangI blame compiz22:35
daftykinskitler: check out: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/22367/where-are-networkmanagers-wifi-settings-stored22:35
switchingari-yang i see22:36
Ari-YangI use E1722:36
switchingari-yang i am scared to try out other desktop environments now, cause unity is completely unusable22:36
kitlerdaftykins, can i just delete /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf22:36
MonkeyDustswitching  install a different DE, logout, change, login22:36
Ari-YangI haven't used unity ever since I installed cinnamon (which was last year) lol22:36
daftykinskitler: i'd try deleting the individual network's config first22:37
kitlerwhere are those located/22:37
switchingari-yang you know in windows when it freezes and you can drag windows around and it repeats itself? that's what happens.22:37
daftykinskitler: my link answered that22:37
* kitler is reading22:37
switchingmonkeydust do you think that will solve my unity problem?  GNOME is working fine22:37
Ari-Yangswitching, oh22:37
Ari-Yangswitching, might as well give it a try22:38
switchingari-yang but what if it messes up GNOME?22:38
MonkeyDustswitching  i missed the part that you want to kep unity22:38
Ari-Yangswitching, did you using any proprietary driver?22:38
Ari-Yang* are you using22:38
Ari-Yanglike fglrx22:38
switchingmonkeydust more that I want to fix it.  I installed GNOME and it broke unity22:38
Ari-Yangif you are, I wouldn't be surprised it's the cause of it22:38
MrKBevery time I restart my computer, I have no wifi again. And I'm forced to run these commands to make it work:22:39
MrKBsudo modprobe -rfv rtl8192cu22:39
MrKBsudo modprobe -v 8192cu22:39
FloodBot1MrKB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:39
switchingari-yang system76's drivers22:39
MrKBdie FloodBot122:39
Ari-Yang....which is what?22:39
switchingari-yang system76 is a custom linux laptop company that writes drivers for its own products22:39
kitlerdaftykins, /home/kitler/.gconf/ has the "apps" and no "system folder'22:39
Ari-YangMrKB, try wifi proprietary driver? I lost wifi once a week until I switched to the proprietary driver.22:40
MrKBI am on one22:40
MrKBI had to compile it myself22:40
MrKBgot it from Realtek site22:40
btcquantHowdy - need some help with UFW (firewall).22:40
daftykinskitler: if you see the wireless network name config as that page suggests in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ i'd delete that22:40
switchingalright well i learned my lesson: one desktop environment at a time.22:41
switchingty for the help though everyone22:41
Ari-Yangswitching, why not uninstall gnome?22:41
btcquantWant my local net to be able to access everything - as if there was no firewall for internal machines.  Used command "sudo ufw allow from"  But still get a lot of things blocked.  Any ideas?22:41
switchingari-yang because i like gnome22:41
Ari-Yanglogin to unity, open up terminal, and uninstall gnome22:41
Ari-Yangthen restart-oh22:41
Ari-Yangdid you get it from a ppa?22:41
switchingari-yang i want both to work22:41
switchingari-yang yes i believe so22:42
Ari-Yangwas it a trusted up-to-date ppa?22:42
switchingari-yang dang i don't remember what ppa i used22:43
switchingari-yang is there any way to check?22:43
Ari-Yangcheck software sources and see if you can spot it from the list22:43
mintpcdaftykins, i re-logged into my original admin account and it workds22:44
switchingari-yang is that the right one?22:44
Ari-Yangswitching,  well tbh I don't know then..... maybe somebody else who's more experienced can help.... I say idle here for a while22:45
switchingwill do22:45
switchingari-yang i might have to leave for a bit but i will stay logged in22:45
g3xcan someone help me i screwed to kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill the idle task ubuntu 13.0422:46
switchingari-yang that is the official ppa right though?22:46
switchingthough right?*22:46
Ari-Yangyeah, it looks like it22:46
mutanteSaiki: heh, ok, i didn't expect an apache to be on a laptop,  but whatever works22:46
suoreIm now runing ubuntu22:48
th0rg3x: if I am not mistaken, that makes no sense22:49
suorebtw. how to run .sh files, as i clicking is opened by gedit22:49
mojtabaHi, I would like to know that, is it possible to use rsnapshot on a shared host?22:49
trismsuore: in 13.04?22:50
SonikkuAmericasuore: [ sudo chmod +x nameofshellscript.sh ] then [ ./nameofscript.sh ]22:51
suorea Ok ok22:51
trismsuore: in dconf-editor, org.gnome.nautilus.preferences executable-text-activation, try setting it from display to ask or launch22:51
mojtabaHi, I would like to know that, is it possible to use rsnapshot on a shared host?22:53
suorea ok thc22:54
suoreat Win.... BACKSPACE  backing up to catalog, how do it on nautilus/ubuntu22:54
=== andrea is now known as Guest66097
skulltipusing ubuntu 12.04, what's the safest way to update cmake version 2.8.7 to version 2.8.8 ?22:57
SecretFirebrokenxubuntu : while i try to install windows after resizing a partition and creating an ntfs partition, windows said that it needs a gpt filesystem, not sure how to proceed23:03
zlatanhas anybody solution to: after installing fglrx, screen is flickering?23:04
Ari-Yangzlatan, fglrx is a horrible driver23:05
Ari-Yangyou're better off with the open source one23:05
Ari-Yangit gave me loads of tearing......23:05
SecretFirehow can i create a gpt filesystem in orer to install windows dual boot23:05
phoenixyzthere are two packages with linux headers preinstalled ("all" and amd64) version. when compiling the current vanilla kernel as a package i only get one header package (amd64). why is that?23:06
theadminSecretFire: You'd need to recreate the partition table for that. You *can* convert an MBR to a GPT, but it may be unsafe23:06
=== g_byers is now known as gbyers[Away]
BALTA00anyone know how i Can add Glass Windows in my ubuntu?23:07
samuelho do i install programs?23:08
daftykinssamuel: open the software centre23:09
benbloomargh, does this (http://paste.ubuntu.com/5778651/) mean my root partition has a physical problem? (lsblk: mmcblk0p1 179:1    0  14.9G  0 part /)23:09
zlatanAri-Yang, yep, but then I can't play my steam games ;)23:10
samuelso impressed of new windows23:10
Tex_NickBALTA00:  see if this helps ... http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/ubuntu-tips-and-tricks.htm#Set-Aero-Glass-Effect ... if i understand what you mean that is23:12
daftykinsbenbloom: run disk utility to check the disks' SMART info23:12
BALTA00Thanks, I have other question.23:12
BALTA00it is possible to lower the bar?23:13
samuelhow do i access D :\ files if i have made my ubuntu installation in D?23:13
wilee-nileesamuel, This a wubi install from windows?23:14
samuelyeah it is wilee-nille23:15
Tex_NickBALTA00:  this is a MUCH newer linf tor that ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/249830/how-to-get-aero-glass-effect-in-unity23:15
theadminsamuel: Then they're under /host23:15
samuelcan i access host?23:15
wilee-nileesamuel, You are using a install that s just a file in windows, you can access windows from it and windows to it, however not many use wubi, it has basically been discontinued, not much help really.23:15
Tex_NickBALTA00:  "lower the bar" ??? please explain what is the bar ?23:16
benbloomdaftykins: this is an sd card. not sure what 'type' to give smartctl23:16
wilee-nileeyou can access both OS from each other basically I believe. samuel23:16
daftykinsbenbloom: oh sorry thought it was an HDD/SSD23:17
benbloomI assume that SD cards dont have SMART?23:17
=== VoX is now known as vox
* mintpc is back23:19
samuelwhat ip moderm specifications do i need for ubuntu?23:19
mintpcHow do i register my nick?23:20
daftykinsmintpc: join #freenode and ask23:20
theadminmintpc: /msg nickserv help register23:20
Tex_Nickmintpc:  to register your nick with freenode server see this ... http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration23:21
=== mintpc is now known as masterblaster
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as SonikkuAmerica[N
=== SonikkuAmerica[N is now known as S-USA[NYLoco]
daftykinsbenbloom: hmm you could fsck it from a liveCD i guess23:24
=== S-USA[NYLoco] is now known as SonikkuAmerica
benbloomgood idea. I can remove the SD card and fsck it from my other PC23:25
Ari-Yang<zlatan> Ari-Yang, yep, but then I can't play my steam games ;) ---> ah fair enough, gl on finding a fix/workaround23:27
Ari-Yangoh, he/she quit >_>23:27
daftykinsAri-Yang: doh23:28
Ari-Yang...didn't notice23:28
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know the IRC channel for the ubuntu server?23:28
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theadminmojtaba: #ubuntu-server23:29
Tex_Nickmojtaba:  #ubuntu-server23:29
mojtabaThanks all23:29
samuelthnx admin...ubuntu is so sophisticated23:37
resizt0rcan someone help me share my external hdd on my windows network23:37
resizt0rwith kubuntu 13.0423:38
Ari-Yangresizt0r, asking here is fine, but I also recommend asking in #kubuntu (just in case it's more active there)23:38
resizt0rahh, didn't know it had it's own chan23:39
Ari-Yangno worries23:39
resizt0rdoesn't appear to be very active23:39
samuelprompt admin to help out23:40
resizt0rit seems like going to the share tab in properties and selecting to share it would do the trick23:40
resizt0rotherwise what is the checkbox even there for23:40
resizt0ri don't understand that23:41
daftykinsresizt0r: look up a guide on SAMBA though mostly.23:42
resizt0rive looked up about 50 of em23:42
daftykinsresizt0r: installing it and writing a simple config would get you started.23:42
resizt0rive been looking them up since yesterday when i got out of work, and all day today after getting out of work23:42
resizt0rits installed23:42
cordorany proper way to set LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH?23:43
Tex_Nickresizt0r: see if this helps ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/106558/map-ubuntu-drive-to-windows-machine23:43
daftykinsresizt0r: have you got your HDD connected and mounted to a path?23:44
resizt0rits set up to automount23:44
daftykinsresizt0r: by UUID hopefully. then Tex_Nick's link should sort you out23:44
resizt0rthis is the only changes i've made23:45
resizt0rin fstab file23:45
daftykinsresizt0r: as long as your user can read+write to /media/Backup/ that'll be fine23:46
resizt0rit cant23:46
resizt0ri cant change the permissions from root to a username23:46
resizt0ri've tried 1000 times23:46
resizt0ri even tried it using the chown and chmod commands someone told me to do23:47
daftykinswhen you do those do you do that to '/media/Backup' ?23:47
resizt0ri did23:47
cz21anyone know how to get the search box to stay open in geany when you control-F to search for something and hit the next button?23:47
samuelany wamp server software for ubuntu...pls help23:48
geniiresizt0r: That's because you can't change the permissions of a root device like a partition since the permissione get remade every boot by udev. You need to make a folder under there and chown -r that folder, then use that23:48
daftykinsdaftykins: so what does the output of 'ls -la /media' show you?23:48
Znooseysamuel, it is called lamp on linux23:48
resizt0rlike a folder that links to the drive?23:48
resizt0ri dont get it23:48
samuelhow do i access it znoosey?23:49
Gabbozsamuel, LAMP23:49
Znooseysamuel, just google lamp23:51
daftykinsresizt0r: can you run the above in a terminal and pastebin it?23:51
mimzyMy battery indicator isn't showing up on 13.04.23:52
resizt0rthe above?23:53
resizt0rthat  smb -a username?23:53
daftykinsresizt0r: lol just realised i somehow highlighted myself, hrmm23:53
daftykinsresizt0r: so what does the output of 'ls -la /media' show you?23:54
samuelwhats a video downloader in ubuntu?23:54
histosamuel: you can sudo tasksel  to install the lamp stack if you want.23:55
histo!lamp | samuel23:55
ubottusamuel: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.23:55
histosamuel: video downloader for what youtube?23:55
geniisamuel: For Firefox, I like the addon of DownloadHelper.23:56
samuelyeah histo23:56
histosamuel: youtube-dl23:57
wilee-nileesamuel, I would be careful with that wub it is an unstable install, however if you like t you can trandfer it to a partition23:57
resizt0rwindowsshare is jsut an empty folder that showed up during trying to follow another worthless guide23:57
histowilee-nilee: wubi isn't necessarily unstable23:57
daftykinsresizt0r: yeah it's definitely locked to root owned. i've a feeling what you added in /etc/fstab could be wrong, but you could try 'sudo chown <your username>: -R /media/Backup' then pastebin the last command again / just check if it changed23:57
ZigndHey guys check this out (https://www.youtube.com/user/itcuties?feature=watch) do you really thing those girls knows what they are saying?23:58
wilee-nileehisto, I believe we are helping a user that has no recognition of a wub from a full install, you have to not take every word here as an exact, I think you know what I meant.23:58
Ari-YangZignd, this is support channel, I recommend #ubuntu-offtopic23:59
ZigndOhh sorry man.23:59

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