
madeinkobaiaSee you all 8-)00:30
OvenWerkszequence: actually what  should do is make a copy of the /usr/share/applications directory and all it's files. I can link it in for testing.01:31
OvenWerksMenu testing that is.01:32
OvenWerksanyway, off to practice.01:33
smartboyhwHi guys:)10:19
cubgood morning/day/evening?10:21
smartboyhwcub, evening (6:22 PM)10:22
cubAh, I just came back from llunch10:22
smartboyhwcub, makes sense:)10:23
smartboyhwI'm in Hong Kong, IIRC.10:23
cubyeah, 6 hours difference10:23
cubSo, how did you end up using Ubuntu Studio?10:26
smartboyhwcub, a bit of video editing...10:26
cubcool, I'm just starting to learn video10:26
cubwhich app do you prefer?10:26
smartboyhwOpenShot or kdenlive. I used openshot but...10:27
cubany thoughts on cinelerra or lightworks?10:29
cubI'm using kdenlive as of now but was thinking about learning cinelerra, but have been told on occasion I shouldn't bother10:33
DarkErahi all14:24
smartboyhwHey DarkEra 14:27
DarkEraheya smartboyhw 14:27
DarkEracan we throw a party here?14:27
smartboyhwDarkEra, what sort of party?14:30
smartboyhwWe don't have some amazing things happening today...14:31
DarkErabirthday party :P14:31
DarkErabeing 40 now is not a amazing thing? lol14:31
smartboyhwDarkEra, for whom? You?14:31
DarkErayep :D14:31
smartboyhwHappy 40th birthday DarkEra !!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:32
DarkErahahaha... thanks buddy :)14:32
smartboyhwOvenWerks, zequence ^14:32
DarkEraLooks 18, Feels 14, Acts 8 ----> that makes me 40 :P14:34
smartboyhwWhat the heck....14:37
DarkErai always said that i never grow up14:39
cubCongratulations DarkEra !14:40
cubI'm 41 and still waiting for when I grow up14:40
DarkErathanks cub :)14:40
zequenceDarkEra: Happy Birthday!14:52
DarkErathanks zequence :)14:53
zequenceDarkEra: Big party?14:53
zequenceDarkEra: Do you live close to Bryssels btw?14:54
zequenceBrussels* :P14:54
DarkErazequence, no, just celebrating with my wife and kids. I'm living close to the Netherlands by the way14:54
zequenceI was thinking of stopping by Brussels on my wy to DebConf in August. madeinkobaia lives there, but he wasn't sure if he would be home14:55
DarkEraah i see :)14:55
zequenceWhen I turn 40, it will be the biggest 40 year party anyones ever seen. I'm just worried that I'll be completely straight edge by then14:56
DarkEradue the party i hope? loads of booze14:58
zequenceI've really lost the taste for alcohol lately. Kind of boring14:58
DarkErai loved drinking beer but had to quit due my psoriasis15:00
zequenceMy "problem" was I started doing condition training15:09
zequencerunning and cycling mostly15:10
DarkErazequence, yep. I have UV A light treatment now, still 2 to 3 weeks to go 3 times a week15:14
zequenceDarkEra: Sounds pretty bad. Is it only temporary?15:16
DarkEracan't be cured but reduced. There are times that it will get worse again like it was last April and May15:18
zequenceA friend of mine has that problem, but I never heard he had UV light treatment15:19
zequenceHe claims being a vegan helps15:19
zequencehe's sometimes vegeterian, sometimes vegan15:19
zequencebut, beer makes it worse?15:19
DarkEra5 or more glasses of beer per week can indeed make it worse15:20
DarkErathat's what i have read and heard from the doctor15:20
zequencehard to become an alcoholic then15:21
DarkErahahaha... yes it is :D15:22
smartboyhwGood night guys, got the past hour too busy on stupid symbols....15:28
smartboyhwpackage symbols I mean15:28
DarkEranight smartboyhw  :)15:31
* Noskcaj is away: school22:23

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