
brainwashedpersonally I try to avoid all the mac os "enhancements" flooding the linux enviroment00:03
brainwashedjust take a look at Unity00:03
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:03
nagevI moved to Xubuntu a few days ago after having used Ubuntu since version 8.04.  It's so much faster, it's like I have a new laptop!  I love it.00:05
girl== just learning00:14
girl== k just figured out how to chat00:14
girl== I just installed VMware 3.1 (nothing newer installs on 32bit)00:15
girl== now I want to install a lite os  I picked xubuntu PrecisePangolin00:15
girl==anyone else running this?00:16
girl== no one?00:17
nagevi use virtualbox00:17
girl== thats my next try but i have been using VM in the past00:18
girl== so this chat thing...is it for asking questions?00:19
girl== K well then i will just wait for some one who has installed what i am installing..........00:20
girl==are other peolple chatting right now?  why dont i see a bunch of conversations going on?00:21
brainwashedgirl: did you encounter any problem so far? if now, go ahead and continue installing it00:21
nagevjust happens to be quiet on here at the moment. it does get busier.00:21
th0rEveryone is waiting for you to ask a question00:22
girl== i did a bunch of attempts trying to install ubuntu 12 only to find out that it doesnt install on VMware3.100:22
girl==i thought i would just chat while it was installing this new try with Xubuntu00:23
brainwashedyou will have to provide more details, "it doesnt install" just is not enough to be able to assist you00:24
brainwashedlike error messages00:24
girlon the documentation it didnt say how big a disk size i needed. te default is 20GB I think i should make it bigger, like 40GB?  I can only have that much left00:25
nagevgirl: you could also try the #vmware channel00:25
girl== oh? do i do that on this site?00:26
brainwashedjoining another channel?00:27
girl== right how do i do that?00:28
brainwashedtry  /join #vmware00:28
nagevgirl: i don't know what site you are on.  You would need an irc client installed, connect to freenode server, then join #vmware00:28
girl== It worked!!!00:28
girlthank you!00:29
brainwashedwoah, 418 people there00:29
nagevanyone know which dropbox to install in xubuntu?   the deb from the dropbox website or the nautilus-dropbox package in the multiverse repository?01:05
holsteinnagev: are you using nautilus?01:06
nagevno. i don't want to use nautilus and i don't think the nautilus-dropbox multiverse package requires it.01:06
holsteini have only used the one from the stie, but AFAIK, nautilus-dropbox is a plugin for nautilus01:07
Unit193nautilus-dropbox is the right one.01:07
holsteinUnit193: its just the plugin though, correct?01:10
Unit193holstein: No, it contains the plugin, but downloads and installs dropbox.01:10
nagevyeh that's what it did, i just installed it. thanks01:11
holsteini didnt think we could include it, but i guess its just going to get the one from the site anyways01:11
Unit193-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 39K Jan 30 14:07 /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-3.0/libnautilus-dropbox.so   isn't big enough to bug me, and I personally have thunar-dropbox-plugin installed too.01:11
Unit193holstein: It's kind of like flashplugin-installer01:11
holsteinright.. that makes sense01:11
Unit193(Quite different from adobe-flashplugin, though. ;) )01:12
nagevUnit193: which thunar plugin do you use?  this? : http://packages.crunchbang.org/waldorf/pool/main/thunar-dropbox-plugin_0.2.0-1_amd64.deb01:14
holsteini have used that one in the past01:15
Unit193Well, losely, yes.  I rebuilt against raring.01:15
=== iTails is now known as ClassANetwork
haljhonI'm trying Lubuntu right now... it seems interesting.01:42
haljhonhowever, I've found that I really much prefer Xubuntu at my office...01:42
haljhonIt's taken a while but I finally have a group of nerds that work with me and we all get to run our variants on "the perfect Linux work environment"01:43
haljhonI have an old contact from work that works for Canonical now01:50
haljhonI would suspect that he lurks around here01:50
haljhonlooks like it's nuclearbob01:51
girl== <brainwashed>  hey,   can u tell me how to change/add another channel?  i will write it down this time, i lost it cause the internet failed earlier02:02
nagevgirl: /join #channelname02:02
staybasedi'm using a macbook pro and have some issues.03:13
staybasedanyone here?03:14
staybasedcan you help nagev?03:16
nagevmaybe. what are the issues?03:16
staybasedi'm on a macbook pro03:16
staybasedmy keyboard may be messed up03:16
staybasedim on osx right now03:16
staybasedwhen I highlight something then type more the highlighted text will bring me mid-sentence and paste03:17
staybasedfor no reason.03:17
staybasedalso terminal was opening for no reason while i was typing.03:17
nagevthats odd. if you highlight something and then type it would usually replace whatever was highlighted.03:18
nagevtry checking the keyboard layout preferences03:18
staybasedI have xchat installed03:19
staybasedbut where does it go when it's installed?03:19
nagevin the internet section of the applications menu03:19
staybasedhow would I know that beforehand?03:19
nagevyou wouldn't necessarily know that, but it's somewhat logical!03:20
staybasedso I just need to search every time I install an application?03:21
nagevyou get used to it.  applications get categorised into submenus of the main applications menu.  other linux distros i have used do the same.03:22
nagevyou shouldnt need to search, just browse the menu.  you know xchat is not a game so it wouldn't be under Games, or Education or Development, so it is fairly logical.03:24
nagevI haven't used a macbook pro but I just checked the keyboard layout settings here in xubuntu and there is a setting for Macbook Pro so try setting it to that if not already selected.03:26
staybasedThere is a specific macbook pro setting nagev?03:39
staybasedalso the keyboard layout is a setting under the rat menu?03:39
staybasedyou're immensely helpful thanks so much.03:40
nagevApplications Menu -> Settings Manager -> Keyboard -> Layout03:40
nagevno problem03:40
pleia2it's a mouse :)03:40
staybasedapplications manager is under the rat?03:40
staybasedsorry, mouse.03:40
nagevwhat is the rat?!03:41
staybasedat the top left corner03:41
staybasedthe main menu03:41
staybasedok booting to xubuntu03:42
nagevbye, good luck!03:42
horsefaceim back on xubuntu03:50
horsefacewhat under settings manager do i choose?03:51
nagevthen Layout03:51
horsefaceThere's one that says just "Keyboard?"03:51
horseface(Intl) means intel processor?03:52
nagevInternational , probably03:53
horsefaceso I'm just Macbook Pro, not Macbook Pro (Intl)?03:53
horsefaceim in USA03:53
nagevI don't know.  I would try just Macbook Pro first, then the Intl if it doesn't fix your issue.03:54
horsefaceit's not fixing.03:54
horsefacedo youve any other ideas?03:55
nagevno, i'm afraid not :(03:56
holsteinbad hardware is my idea03:56
horsefacemaybe I should stick  with OSX until I get a thinkpad...03:56
horsefacewell shieetttt03:56
horseface wanted to use linux03:57
horsefacebut NO03:57
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages03:57
nagevwell if the keyboard works ok in osx it's likely not a hardware problem.03:57
holsteinyeah.. *if* it does.. does it horseface ?03:57
horsefaceIt does work in OSX03:57
horsefacethis is horrect itw it types if i dont co03:58
holsteinhorseface: which macbook do you have from the wiki i pasted?03:58
horseface8,2 is whatyou meAN RIGHT?03:59
horsefacegot to go to bed, also this keyboard is insanely out of line.03:59
holsteinif thats what the wiki says.. are you on 13.04? if so, try 12.04.. try them live.. have you applied al upgrades?03:59
holsteinhorseface: come back when you have more time to spend with one of the volunteers here.. cheers!04:00
horsefacehow do I check for updates?04:00
horsefacenight, thanks for helping me.04:00
holsteinhorseface: you can use the update manager.. or use the terminal.. you can run all upgrades and reboot.. maybe into a newer kernel with a fix for your hardware04:00
holsteinotherwise, i woud try 12.04 if you are using 13.04.. or 13.04 if you are using 12.04... try them live04:01
horsefaceI'm using xfce 4.1004:01
horsefacedon't know what xubuntu type04:02
horsefaceprobably the latest04:02
horsefacegoodnight again04:02
aibarrahi everyone!06:11
_JuJuBeeI cannot locate the app that manages my power settings.  My screen does not shut off anymore.09:30
_JuJuBeeHmmm brightness and lock?  But it is set to 30 minutes yet my screen never shuts off.09:32
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* genii tests15:29
dunpealWhy do hidden/minimized windows show up in my task switcher?18:16
Sysialttab? because you haven't set to not include them18:17
Sysisee window manager tweaks18:18
dunpealSysi: thanks, that was it :)18:20
dunpealSysi: I'm deploying multiple systems with this setting; is there a way to set it by script?18:21
dunpeale.g. by modifying some file on-disk?18:21
bladesandwichHey guys, is there anyone who can help me with some booting problems? I'm a newb with Linux18:22
Sysidunpeal: xfconf-query is possible to script, it'll take a little while for me to check it18:22
dunpealSysi: thanks, looks like it's xfwm4/general/cycle_hidden18:24
Sysiyeah, xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/cycle_hidden -s false18:27
dunpealyup, my conclusion exactly.18:30
dunpealI arrived at the exact same line18:31
SysiI love help cases that solve themselves18:31
dunpealSysi: btw, any idea which file on the disk xfconf-query is persisting to?18:31
Sysisome xml in ~/.config18:32
Sysithey can't be changed manually while logged in (possible to add to /etc/skel though)18:32
dunpealCool, thanks. Another thing I was wondering about: is there a way to focus on a Panel "item" using the keyboard?18:55
dunpealE.g. I'd like to focus on (and expand) the "Window Menu" widget, which is the first widget on my "Panel 0"18:55
Sysiyou can bind hotkey to that special widget but there's not general way to it18:56
Sysicommand xfce4-popup-windowmenu should open it18:57
dunpealSysi: very cool, thanks so much!19:02
nooooooI want to do the mentioned updates19:17
noooooosecurity updates and so on19:18
noooooobut it doesnt work19:18
nooooooRequires installation of untrusted packages19:18
nooooooThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.19:19
noooooowhats wrong here>?19:19
noooooohow to solve this?19:19
holsteinnoooooo: did you add untrusted sources? from ppa?19:20
holsteinnoooooo: run in a terminal "sudo apt-get update" and share the output via pastebin19:20
Unit193noooooo: Now can you share the error you'll see with   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ?19:24
holsteinyup ^^19:24
holsteinnoooooo: so? whats the error from running "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in the terminal?19:28
nooooooUnit193:  i dont want to upgrade my distribution19:29
nooooooim running 12.04 long term support19:29
nooooooim happy with it19:29
holsteinnoooooo: thats *not* what that command does.. feel free and search what that command does19:29
holsteinotherwise, run it in a terminal, as we suggest, and share the output19:30
nooooooah yes sorry19:30
holsteinits does *not* upgrade the distro to 12.1019:30
nooooooit seems to work19:30
nooooooits downloading right now ...19:30
* Unit193 blames update-manager.19:31
nooooooupdate manager is buggy??19:31
Unit193If you run it now does it still error out?19:32
noooooonow its installing the new kernel, no error until now19:32
holsteinnoooooo: dont interrupt the upgrade19:33
noooooo... grub ...19:34
nooooooldconfig deferred processing now taking place19:34
noooooonow the restar icon is in the tray19:35
nooooooseems that everything worked19:35
nooooooso ... welll19:35
noooooothe update manager is buggy19:35
holsteinwell, you seem to have experienced an issue with it19:36
holsteinyou cant say "its buggy", blanketly from that19:36
holsteini mean, you can.. but you are assuming.. its just one blip.. i wouldnt worry til you see it again.. cheers!19:36
Unit193If you see it again, I'd recommend filing a bug report.19:36
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:36
noooooothanks a lot for ur help!19:40
noooooosee ya19:40
dunpealIs there a command-line key to add keyboard shortcuts21:15
ochosiyeah, you can do it with xfconf-query21:16
TheSheepah, that21:16
* TheSheep forgot21:16
ochosibut it's not easier than using the UI21:16
TheSheepbut don't you need to know the scancodes?21:16
dunpealochosi: ease is not important. only scriptability is important.21:16
dunpealI like Xubuntu so much I'm switching EVERYTHING to it21:16
ochosigood plan21:17
ochosiyeah, actually you can also just copy the xml file in that case ;)21:17
ochosino need to script that21:17
dunpeal(see how I referenced two different Luc Besson flicks there?)21:17
dunpealochosi: sure, but that's not portable across versions.21:17
ochosiit's in ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml21:18
ochosiwhy not?21:18
dunpealit would clobber whatever is already there.21:19
ochosiright, i thought you want to set up 100 machines from scratch21:19
dunpealindeed, but the way I plan to do that is write a script that would run after a vanilla install21:21
dunpeali.e. "patching" a vanilla install, whatever that install might be21:21
dunpealI want to setup a ton of boxes right now, but then in a few months some folks would like to install 13.10 etc.21:21
dunpealanyways, I love XFCE so much, please never change it.21:22
Noskcajdunpeal, it will evolve whether or ot you want it to21:22
dunpealyou mean s/ot/not21:22
dunpealand nooooooo!21:23
dunpealeventually it will grow to be a big bloat like Gnome and I'll hate it.21:23
dunpealor it will start telling me how I want to use my computer.21:23
ochosii don't think it'll ever do that21:24
ochosianyway, even if people upgrade, why would you run that kb-shortcuts script again?21:24
ochosii mean kb-shortcuts aren't thrown away, they're in /home anyway21:24
dunpealnot upgrade21:25
ochosiand it doesn't look like anyone's gonna break the xfconf api anytime soon21:25
dunpealsee, John will join the company on November, and I'd have to setup a box for him. if all I have is an XML of the enhanced 13.04 shortcuts, all I can do is clobber the 13.10 one with it21:26
dunpealand hope it didn't add anything important / useful21:26
dunpealwith a script that works through xfconf-query, I just add the shortcuts to whatever 13.10 puts there by default.21:27
ochosiright, i assumed that you set your own shortcuts and don't care so much about the ones we decide for in xubuntu :)21:27
ochosidunpeal: anyway, i'm not sure whether the shortcuts are checked for duplicates21:28
ochosiso you might end up having to check them for conflicts anyway21:28
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dunpealochosi: yup, that I will, and if necessry I can change the script.21:29
=== xubuntu is now known as brokenxubuntu
dunpealI really love Xubuntu, it's just the right level of abstraction.21:30
brokenxubuntuGuys, my internet on my xubuntu is messing up, i have a 4bar connection, yet it refuses to load any pages21:30
ochosiyou can also use git to manage the xml file and just merge the 13.10 one in21:30
nukkebrokenxubuntu: do you have any other devices on which you could test your wifi connection?21:33
brokenxubuntunope, just my onboard wifi21:34
nukkemake sure it's xubuntu's problem first21:34
brokenxubuntuIt worked perfectly fine before21:34
ochosibefore what? :)21:34
nukkedid you update recently?21:34
brokenxubuntui tried installing aircrack, i removed it, i dl'd vlc, lxde (then removed)21:34
brokenxubuntunukke: no internet connection, can't update21:35
nukkeah. aircrack might've messed something up21:35
brokenxubuntunukke: see http://imgbin.org/images/14257.png21:37
nukkeah, ok, so it IS a problem with xubuntu (assuming all the other computers connect at the library are working)21:38
nukkeyou can IRC perfectly fine, right brokenxubuntu21:39
brokenxubuntuthey are, i'm on irc on the library desktop21:39
nukkewhat does it say when you click on "connection information"?21:39
brokenxubuntuwant me to screencap it?21:39
nukkenot necessarily. just make sure it's all filled up with numbers21:40
brokenxubuntuit is21:40
nukkeunder "driver", what does it say?21:41
brokenxubuntunukke: ff just does this: http://imgbin.org/images/14258.png21:45
brokenxubuntumy xubuntu just went full retard...21:56
brokenxubuntui don't know how,  but yea http://imgbin.org/images/14259.png21:57
dunpealAn interesting error I keep seeing, for example when launching xfce4-panel:22:14
dunpealFontconfig warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf", line 9: reading configurations from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.22:14
Unit193Did you install font-manager?  Remove ~/.fonts.conf and it'll go away. :P22:17
dunpealUnit193: apparently, I did not. should I?22:18
Unit193No, that's an example application that creates that file.22:18
dunpealit looks like the anti-aliasing settings I set through "Settings Manager"22:19
dunpeali.e. "Setting Manager -> Appearance -> Fonts"22:20
brokenxubuntunukke: any ideas?22:20
Unit193It currently works, but if you want that message to go away move the file to ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf but be warned that Appearance will no longer think that it's set.  I'd just ignore it.22:20
dunpealOK, if it works, I'll just put notice for everyone to ignore it. Thanks.22:22
* Noskcaj is away: school22:23
dunpealAny idea why the following silently fails?:22:25
dunpealxfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -p '/commands/default/<Super>m' -s "xfce4-popup-windowmenu"22:25
mikefrettExcuse me, I have a question. With so much confusion about Mir, Might anyone here be so kind as to tell me what Mir means for Xubuntu to put my mind at ease?.22:26
dunpealmikefrett: afaik, not much, which is one of the reasons I'm here22:28
dunpealbut I'll let one of the experts answer better.22:28
dunpealmikefrett: Mir is supposed to replace X, not the desktop manager. so in theory, one of two outcomes is possible:22:30
dunpeal1) Ubuntu derivatives (e.g. Xubuntu, Kubuntu) stay on X, i.e. nothing changes22:30
dunpeal2) The derivatives migrate to Mir, in which case nothing *should* change, at least not for the worse, barring bugs and such.22:31
mikefrettThank you, appreciate your answer.22:32
kitlerhow do I restore a user's network config to default22:35
dunpealmikefrett: No problem. Of course, if Mir is amazing, you may expect outcome 2 with end-user benefits such as better performance, stability, etc. But in any case, assuming no catastrophe, you're not supposed to have any degradation at the end-user level experience.22:36
dunpealAnd hopefully nobody would force a disaster like 3D Unity on us humble Xubuntu users ;)22:36
dunpealP.S. the xfconf-query above didn't work since there was a "custom" binding shadowing it22:45
Xxepicshot69xXSo I got help yesterday from someone who told me to set my keyboard settings to Macbook Pro, but it did not help. Thanks for the tip though.23:02
Xxepicshot69xXMy keyboard functions strangely in Xubuntu.23:03
Xxepicshot69xXAnyone here?23:03
Xxepicshot69xXI was told to come back when I have more time to be helped.23:04
Xxepicshot69xXDoes anyone know of my problem with the keyboarD?23:07
dunpealXxepicshot69xX: you definitely need to provide a few more details than that.23:08
dunpeale.g. "stragely" how?23:08
Xxepicshot69xXI meant strangely23:08
Xxepicshot69xXwhen I highlight something (not even necessarily copy)23:08
Xxepicshot69xXthe next time I try to type things23:09
Xxepicshot69xXthe last things highlighted will paste in a random place of the sentence23:09
Xxepicshot69xXhappens frequently, no way to use Xubuntu with it currently booted to OSX23:09
dunpealno idea, sorry. almost sounds like some buttons are accidentally pressed.23:12
=== mintpc is now known as masterblaster

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