
jbichahi, could you update edubuntu-desktop to depend on gnome-session-flashback instead of gnome-session-fallback?16:11
stgraberjbicha: that package doesn't appear to exist16:15
stgraberjbicha: or is it stuck in -proposed?16:15
jbichastgraber: it just landed in the new queue16:18
stgraberjbicha: ok. Is it just a rename or is there something different about it?16:19
stgraberjbicha: I guess we'll need to update all the matching strings, lightdm config, ...?16:20
jbichaoh I didn't think about all of that but yes16:20
jbichait's a complete rename, everything that says fallback should say flashback now16:21
stgraberright, so we'll need changes in 2-3 other packages then and carefuly think about how to deal with upgrades...16:23
stgraberso not something I'll do just now then, will try to find some time to look into that soonish16:24
Lexhello there17:32
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jbichastgraber: I guess we'd want to use dh-migrations for that and that it should be done in the gnome-session package20:20
jbichauh, I mean gnome-panel since that's where the session files are now21:32
stgraberit's a rather tricky migration, because you'll need to go and update the default session in any DM (at least lightdm for us) where it may be set and in any user's .dmrc or /var/lib/<whatever>/dmrc/...21:47
jbichawhere in /var/lib/ ? I was thinking only ~/.dmrc needed to be migrated21:51
jbichaedubuntu defaults to Unity right? otherwise there also is gsettings org.gnome.desktop.session session-name21:53
stgraberjbicha: we default to unity but if the user chooses the classic mode in our installer, we set it as the default session in lightdm, so we need to detect and migrate that too21:59
stgraberjbicha: I was thinking of /var/lib/AccountsService/users/* actually. But maybe just .dmrc is enough.22:00
stgraberjbicha: I had weird cases where .dmrc changes done while the session is open are overriden on logout by the previous value, so we'd have to test this to make sure it's reliable22:00

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