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stubCan anyone confirm that if I run relation-list in a peer relation hook, that it might be listing dying units?03:50
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noodles775mthaddon: Not sure if you review charmhelpers, but as per our conversation yesterday, here's an update for the salt support which doesn't install a daemon: https://code.launchpad.net/~michael.nelson/charm-helpers/depend-on-salt-common-only/+merge/17029811:42
mthaddonnoodles775: I saw the comment in the RT, thanks. I'll leave the review to wedgwood and others for charm-helpers though11:42
MarkDudeIs all off Juju's main code under Affero v1?12:38
marcoceppiMarkDude: yes, juju is licensed agpl12:46
MarkDudev1? not v3? marcoceppi ?12:49
marcoceppiOh, I'm not sure the version exactly12:50
MarkDudeWas that the license from the start12:50
marcoceppijuju-core is AGPLv312:50
marcoceppiso is juju0.712:50
* MarkDude can email on it. I have been wanting to put juju in Fedora- and have seen v1 be an issue12:51
MarkDudemuch easier, I can proceed now, I *might* need a clarification letter at some point so I could put it in the regular repos12:51
MarkDudeA few of the other parts are not compatible with all the legal restrictions on my side.12:52
MarkDudeBut as far as the main part- I feel juju- used in concert with Kickstart (scripts for the Anaconda installer) has awesome possibilities12:53
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maxiredHi everybody !13:00
marcoceppiHi maxired13:00
maxiredI'm trying to use "juju-gui", from cs:~juju-gui/precise/juju-gui-68 ,a dn i'm stuck on ""Connecting to the Juju environment"13:01
maxiredI'm not sur how to check that the juju API is running, any idea ?13:01
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jcastroMarkDude: you don't want that13:07
jcastroyou want to use cloud init13:07
jcastroit's in fedora13:07
MarkDudeAgreed, the cli client looks easy to integrate13:08
MarkDudethe rest of the licenses appear to work, and I have a list of Juju items ALREADY available for Fedora13:09
jcastrohow's the golang stack in fedora?13:09
* MarkDude expects no issues there13:09
MarkDudeWell major ones, possible small fixes needed13:09
* MarkDude started notes- and mostly saw a Affero v1 as issue- v3 means a bit of work on my side- but it should be fine13:10
marcoceppimaxired: what version of juju are you using?13:10
* MarkDude was reviewing the code. Looks like there is a really nice base to build off of13:11
* MarkDude has not so secret plan of linking (in idea only) juju charms and Kickstart13:11
maxiredmarcoceppi : I was precisly looking at this.13:11
maxiredi'm on 0.7 from ppa:juju/pkgs on the master node13:12
marcoceppiMarkDude: charms are licensed sperately from juju, you'd need to check each charms license if that was the case ;)13:12
maxiredbut look's like juju 0.7 from default repository has been installed by MAAS13:13
maxiredI'll try to change this13:13
marcoceppiAdmittdly it's been a while since i've deployed the gui with 0.713:13
ehghey - is there an OS X build of go-juju anywhere?13:14
marcoceppiehg: not for go-juju, not yet at least13:14
ehgmarcoceppi: ah, would it compile?13:14
MarkDudeThe charms themsleves are not as intereresting as what Juju could do for helping make a dev environment, or a few other things more technical13:14
MarkDudeBonus being we get to keep the awesome part of getting folks to dev- on the easy route13:15
marcoceppiehg: I don't see why not. I don't think there's anything platform dependant, but I'm not a juju-core developer nor do i own a mac to verify13:15
ehgcool, i'll get our CEO to try :)13:15
marcoceppiehg: Let us know how it works out!13:15
MarkDudeJuju is full of win. Charms made elsewhere may not work for various reasons - technical , license etc13:15
MarkDudeRoll out on installs of servers is a possiblity at this point13:16
* MarkDude is hoping to get a kickstart to create Juju- and go from there13:17
MarkDudeTy jcastro , marcoceppi , everyone13:17
MarkDudeBack to study, do I send my "formal letter of intent" (yay Juju rocks) to jcastro  or someone else ?]\13:18
jcastroa letter for what?13:18
jcastroI don't know where you hang out man, but we're ubuntu, you don't need a letter, just go do awesome stuff. :p13:18
maxiredMarkDude : I was wrong, i'm also running juju from ppa:juju/pkgs on the execution machine13:19
maxiredmarcoceppi : I was wrong, i'm also running juju from ppa:juju/pkgs on the execution machine13:19
AskUbuntuUbuntu 12.04 MaaS and JUJU's proxy issues | http://askubuntu.com/q/31015313:20
marcoceppimaxired: Well, that all _should_ work. There was a rudimentary api added to 0.7 for the gui13:20
* marcoceppi checks13:20
MarkDudeI know jcastro but despite the awesomeness of Fedora, every so often I need to do formal shit13:21
jcastrook let me know if you need anything13:22
MarkDudeSo I can forward to legal, and such- CYA on my side13:22
* MarkDude hates having to use his title, but has to in the formal letter13:22
* MarkDude really really wants to have Distros focus on our common themes- and juju has great possiblities13:23
MarkDudeUbuntu helps all of FOSS imho. and providing some concrete examples can help stop some sniping from at least a few troll types13:24
MarkDudeOh I should have an agreeable packager to help with this, so I can see about getting some momentum. Keep kickin ass Juju folks :D13:25
jcastrohey we do have some RPM packaging somewhere, but it's old and for pyju13:25
jcastroso not useful probably, just thought I'd mention it13:25
marcoceppijcastro: I'd rather pyjuju not end up in some rpm distro somewhere :P13:26
jcastrohah yeah, we can't even get rid of it in ubuntu13:26
jcastroit's gone from the saucy though!13:26
maxiredI got a process with " /usr/bin/python -m juju.agents.api --nodaemon --port 8080 --logfile /var/log/juju/api-agent.log --session-file /var/run/juju/api-agent.zksession --secure --keys /etc/ssl/juju-gui" , but not listening on 808013:27
gary_postermaxired, hi.  I'm one of the GUI people.  We test against pyJuju 0.7 at least a couple times a day, but not against MAAS.  We've had similar reports to this, but we have resolved everything we know about previously.13:27
gary_posterok that sounds promising/interesting.  this is on the GUI charm, I assume?13:27
MarkDudeWhere are they located?13:28
* MarkDude is aware the pyju is the OLD method13:28
MarkDudeWell we would look at pyju for reference, not to include :D13:29
gary_postermaxired, first question I'd have, if you've verified that nothing is listening on the gui charm on part 8080, is what you see in that logfile (/var/log/juju/api-agent.lo)13:29
gary_poster... *port13:30
maxiredgary_poster : thanks for helping. yep, nothing actually listening on that port.13:31
maxiredi'm am currently trying again, because there has bene previously an nginx on it13:31
maarten__When I do juju bootstrap, the bootstrap server does not have my openstack keypair and I can not log into it. What do I have to put to include the canonistack keypair?13:31
gary_posterok maxired.  there's a (closed) bug for this, which has had some conversation.  I don't think it has anything interesting but will go find it.13:32
gary_postermaxired, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1180095 <shrug>13:33
_mup_Bug #1180095: GUI charm may have difficulties working with Juju on MAAS <juju-gui:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1180095>13:33
maxiredgary_poster : thanks13:35
marcoceppimaarten__: You can add SSH keys to your environments.yaml file: http://askubuntu.com/q/205170/4113:39
marcoceppiWIth that format, you'd just put one public key per line13:40
marcoceppi(if you had multiples)13:40
maxiredgary_poster  : after a new deployment, the agent is listening, but i still stuck on "Connecting to the Juju environment"13:40
maxireddo you know how can i get logs from haproxy ?13:41
gary_postermaxired, I don't.  looking.13:42
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gary_postermaxired, benji has graciously offered to help13:45
gary_posterhe'll be around presently13:46
benjihi, maxired; I'm reading the backlog to get cought up13:46
maxiredhi benji ;) thanks for helping13:46
maxiredbenji : looks like it's working right now13:48
maxiredthe first connection to the websocket as been really long13:49
maxiredbut i could login the the web ui ;)13:49
benjimy work here is done ;)13:49
maxiredbenji , gary_poster and marcoceppi, thanks for helping13:51
marcoceppimaxired: glad you got it working!13:51
gary_postermaxired, benji, lol, excellent13:51
maxiredi'll check in the bug tracker, but looks like my probleme was a destroyed instance of 'wordpress' wich didn't remove the nginx13:51
gary_postermaxired, on the same box to which you deployed the GUI later, I'm guessing?13:52
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gary_posterok, yeah.  FWIW, effectively fixed in Juju Core AIUI, maxired.13:54
maxiredGood news i don't have to reproduce to be sure about that in order to fill a bug ;)13:56
maxiredany link to the commit/bug ?13:59
gary_postermaxired, https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/87226414:00
_mup_Bug #872264: stop hook does not fire when units removed from service <goju-resolved> <juju:Confirmed> <juju-core:Fix Released by fwereade> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/872264>14:00
gary_poster(I believe you destroyed the service, but I also am 90% sure that the issue is the same)14:02
fwereademaxired, gary_poster: we do not currently implement an uninstall hook, which is what I'd expect would actually remove such things14:02
fwereademaxired, gary_poster: we are currently working on containerization, which would let you *really* remove things, rather than just trusting to the effect of the putative uninstall hook14:03
maxiredgary_poster : thanks, i was looking for something more specific14:03
gary_posterfwereade, when you destroy a service, don't you do a lot more drastic clean up than pyJuju did up?  Or am I just thinking of containerization discussions?14:03
gary_postermaxired, ok, that's all I've got.  :-)14:03
fwereadegary_poster, we can do a lot more stuff in the DB; and we can actually guarantee that stop hooks will be run; but we don't go any further than that14:04
maxiredfwereade : I guess you are write. stoping could be not enough if things for example start at reboot ;)14:04
fwereademaxired, I would hope that a well-implemented stop hook would prevent the service from autostarting ;)14:04
gary_posterfwereade, gotcha, thanks.14:05
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jcastrojamespage: m_3: have either of you checked out that merge proposal from patrick hetu yet?14:17
jamespagejcastro, remind me again - which one is that?14:18
jamespagestub, you are terrifying me with all of the postgresql MP's you have in flight14:18
jcastrorick_h: hey so sinzui isn't around so you're the closest, tldr, some merge proposals aren't getting in the charm review queue14:18
rick_hjcastro: yea, there's a bug for that. Sec let me find it.14:19
rick_hhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/charmworld/+bug/1191823 jcastro14:19
_mup_Bug #1191823: Merge proposals are missing from the review queue <charmers> <charmworld:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1191823>14:19
rick_h"But ~charmers isn't requested to review this proposal, only ~mark-mims."14:19
rick_hjcastro: so not a lot we can do atm about it.14:20
jcastroso this is a workflow bug14:20
rick_hjcastro: yea, at least for now until we can get time to check out a better way to generate the list14:20
jcastrook so you know how we can "reset" a merge proposal to a non assigned to mims state?14:20
rick_hjcastro: moved to #juju-gui since aaron is there and he looked into it.14:21
jamespagejcastro, just fixed that14:21
jcastroright so basically after the first reviewer reviews it, and they ping pong, we need a way to stick it back into the pool instead of assignit to the first guy14:22
jcastrojamespage: oh awesome, so we just need to tell charmers when you're done you're first pass to do what you just did14:22
jcastrojamespage: what did you do> :)14:23
jamespagejcastro, requested 'charmers' review the MP14:23
jamespage'Request another review'14:23
jcastroack, found the docs, thanks, I'll send out a reminder and probably put this in newdocs14:25
stubjamespage: Big one coming up now I understand -broken/-departed hooks and can rewrite the horrible replication stuff14:25
jamespagestub, do you want to consolidate into a single merge proposal?14:26
stubjamespage: The ones in the queue will get the charm in the store actually working again14:27
stubjamespage: You actually prefer big MPs to smaller bite sized ones?14:27
jamespagestub, no - I just wanted to understand if whats in the queue is all valid14:28
jamespagetime order right?14:28
stubyeah - I use a bzr pipeline so they each depends on the previous14:29
stubhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stub/charms/precise/postgresql/charm-helpers/+merge/169487 is likely rubber stamp, a separate MP to avoid noise in actual work14:30
stubhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stub/charms/precise/postgresql-psql/devel/+merge/169851 is teensy14:30
stubhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stub/charms/precise/postgresql/bug-1190141-client-access-fail/+merge/169928 is also teensy and fixes the worst bug atm14:31
stubyeah, nothing to be scared of yet ;)14:32
fwereadervba, ping14:32
jamespagestub, there are two others in the queue14:33
jamespageno - just that one actually14:34
stubhttps://code.launchpad.net/~stub/charms/precise/postgresql/bug-1084263-fix-broken-hooks/+merge/169486 may give you a wtf moment. I think I based my implementation on a misunderstanding. But the approach works.14:34
stubThere is a test infrastructure one too14:34
stubBut nothing scary in there14:34
jamespagestub, OK - I'm completely confused14:35
jamespagestub, which one should I be reviewing first? charm-helpers?14:35
stubI'm not helping? ;)14:35
stubYes, charm-helpers14:35
jamespageOk - lemme start there then14:35
stubThat is just upstream code I've copied in from lp:charm-helpers14:36
jamespagestub, yeah - I see - you sure you want to include the entire project? and not just the python package?14:36
stubjamespage: I don't know if it matters. Whatever best practice is considered.14:38
jamespagestub, not sure we have one just yet14:38
stubPulling the whole thing gets the license etc.14:39
jamespageI know for the openstack charms we have been taking the approach of pulling in the bits we want14:39
jamespagestub,  see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/+junk/charm-helpers-sync/files14:40
stubI worry that will drift... people making their own little hacks. The PG charm already contains a hacked apon copy of charm-helper's ancestor.14:40
stubHow does that helper help with charm-store charms?14:41
stuboh, I think I see14:41
jamespageall charm-helpers-sync does is provide a standardized way to described which bits you want from lp:charm-helpers14:42
jamespageand syncs them into your charm14:42
jamespagestub, I'll push adam_g to get that included in charm-helpers itself14:43
jamespageadam_g_, nudge ^^14:43
stubRight. So I don't see any reason not to switch to that. I'll go with whatever mechanism is preferred.14:43
jamespagestub, I'd prefer to see that rather than a sync of the entire branch14:45
jamespagewedgwood, any opinions on the above?14:45
stubA point for the whole tree is it is easier to merge fixes back, perhaps.14:48
stubNah, ignore that14:48
* wedgwood reads backscroll14:50
wedgwoodjamespage: I've been doing my best to structure charm-helpers in a way that it can be included in pieces. +114:53
wedgwoodI envision it being packaged that way too. The cli, for example, might be a separate deb14:54
stubjamespage: Pushed that update anyway. Just running the test again (soon that will be tests, plural)14:59
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_mup_Bug #1192598 was filed: pyjuju provision-agent hangs and fails to provision instances <juju:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1192598>15:07
jamespagewedgwood, ack15:19
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jamespagestub, guess I should review lp:~stub/charm-helpers/bug-1191002-local-unit-relation-data first as that is where you are pulling charm-helpers from15:24
stubjamespage: turtles, all the way down15:25
jamespagestub, coolio15:25
jamespagestub, that branch also adds the data that the local unit has set on a specific relation right?15:29
jamespage(thats the bit I did not even know you could do until last week)15:29
stubjamespage: Correct15:32
jamespagestub, OK - that works for me - do you want to rebase using lp:charm-helpers now?15:32
jamespageI think that would be good hygiene15:32
stubIt has landed? Sure.15:32
stubjamespage: And done15:34
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jcastrocharm call in 5 minutes!15:55
marcoceppijcastro: do you have the URL?15:55
jcastrosetting it up now15:56
jcastrohey can one of you prep the etherpad for this week while I fire this up?15:56
jcastroif you want to participate15:57
jcastrohttp://ubuntuonair.com if you want to just listen in15:57
arosalesjcastro, I can work on the etherpad15:58
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jamespagestub, how worried are you about backwards compat with py-juju?16:54
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stubjamespage: I will be worried, at least to the extent of migrating our existing systems17:04
jamespagestub, destroy-machines in the tests is a juju-core ish - py juju does terminate machines17:05
stubright, ta. Might as well change that.17:08
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stubWhen I have a standard require/provides relation between client_service and server_service, is it possible for a unit in server_service to retrieve relation data set by other server_service units? From the server side, relation-list only appears to list client_service units and relation-get with the other unit listed explicitly seems to be failing.18:14
marcoceppistub: I believe that's what peer relations are for18:16
stubThis is relation state... it doesn't fit the peer relation18:16
marcoceppistub: Units of the same service don't talk to each other (normally) when it's service -> client relation18:17
stubOne of server_service is a master, and creates a user and password for the clients and publishes it to the relation with the client18:17
stubThe other server_service units ideally will republish the same information18:18
stubI'm confused as I think this worked before. It might be racy in some way though.18:19
* stub ponders about using the peer relation as a communication channel18:20
wedgwoodstub: you want relation-ids18:30
wedgwoodyou'll need the right ID to go along with the unit18:30
wedgwoode.g. (service a) <- myrel:0 <- database -> myrel:1 -> (service b)18:32
stubhmm... maybe I'm using the wrong relation id. That would explain why it used to work.18:33
MarkDudeWhere were the RPM charms? I have someone reviewing now18:54
* MarkDude knows they were done the old way with Pyju18:54
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