
DonVitoCorleoneHow to open port 80 so users can connect to my server and site ?00:32
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mpsanI just tried 13.04 LIVE and it loads and screen is just a bunch of lines and junk. Never had that before.02:49
mpsanOK, I will ask tomorow02:51
nerdtronhow do i get the latest kde release?03:07
BluesKajnerdtron, sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports , then update and upgrade03:09
nerdtronhow do i know the version installed on my system?03:14
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nerdtroni can't send to channel03:57
nerdtroni works here but not on the ubuntu channel03:58
silv3r_m00non ubuntu 13.04 i need to install the kdelibs4c2a package, which conflicts with kdelibs5-plugins package, is there any fix for it ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/110062204:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1100622 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "package kdelibs5-plugins (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/ktelnetservice', which is also in package kdelibs4c2a 4:3.5.10.dfsg.1-3ubuntu2.10.04.1" [Undecided,Fix released]04:22
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habuthere is a website which uses qr codes and google authenticator to login, is there a way i can have this app on pc? ubuntu?06:48
utfans05habu thats a really good question. ive never even thought of using a qr to login....06:49
tsimpsonI haven't heard of such a thing actually existing, but it would be possible to create07:11
tsimpsonit's just going to be rather niche, so that's probably why it doesn't exist07:11
habutsimpson: what about running android on an emulator to scan the qr codes?07:16
tsimpsonhabu: you'd need to give that emulator access to secure functionality (PAM), and I the security conscious wouldn't like the sound of that07:21
habuso you'd just buy an android device to secure your account?07:23
tsimpsonI could see using a phone to authenticate being more useful07:26
tsimpsonmaybe working over bluetooth07:27
utfans05bluetooth is not really secure tho....07:27
tsimpsonyou can put anything over bluetooth, just like TCP, including a security protocol07:28
habutsimpson: the phone isn't supposed to communicate with the pc; it's just used to scan a qr code and give you a password07:34
tsimpsonyou may as well just have the password printed on the screen in that case07:37
habutsimpson: no i think you get a private key on your phone with the google-authenticator app, and when you read the qr code with your phone, only your phone should be able to get the right value07:42
habui don't really know the protocol that they're using but that's the idea07:42
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heiner__So back after reboot. Installation of SDK change nothing, same error. Hope I installed the right one. It's AMD-APP-SDK-v2.8-lnx6410:28
heiner__No I search for the examples in the SDK10:29
heiner__Can anyone me give an advice where I find the SDK examples? (Sorry I'm not a developer.)10:31
BluesKajHey all11:16
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heiner__I found the SDK examples and tried a make. Didn't work.  Looks like a library is missing, but I didn't know which one. Erro mesage is: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL11:18
apacheloggerheiner__: you may want to get in touch with AMD11:25
GGGGEEOEsokrates, please use the public channel to ask questions!11:27
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EsokratesGGGGEEO: hi!12:04
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ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:52
luchoHi, i need a complete music player :/ amarok fails14:52
BluesKajlucho, clementine14:54
geniilucho: I myself like VLC or mplayer, others like Dragon Player or Clementine, etc.14:54
BluesKajvlc ftw , but i's not real playlist friendly , something a ,ot of ppl want14:55
BluesKajerr a lot of14:55
luchothx a lot, guys, but, i can active a my computer icon, on kubuntu 10.04?14:56
BluesKajhmm, 10.04 , dunno , look in your package manager14:58
smartboyhwlucho, um actually Kubuntu 10.04 LTS is unsupported anymore...14:58
smartboyhwI do recommend you to switch to 12.04.2 LTS.14:59
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kdefanyone know how to use grub?   if dual booting15:49
kdefif I install another distro, I want kubuntu's bootloader to load it... grub as is... so, when the other distro wants to install grub, do I just bypass it and not install grub or install grub to / or /boot or where?15:54
kdefI think I use 'update-grub' after15:55
d3cedut0someone could help me?15:56
BluesKajkdef, run sudo fdisk -l , find which partition is /dev/sda , it's usually the beginning of the drive and mbr , which is the best place to installit15:57
d3cedut0suddenly my kubuntu don't work again15:58
kdefBlue, but the new distro, I will experiment with so if I mess it up, I probably don't want it using the bootloader?15:59
kdefI mean, I should not install grub.... reboot into kubuntu partition and run 'update-grub?'16:00
kdefthat was the idea I had to do but I don't know if that is a good way16:00
kdefI think that way is just chainloading?   do I understand this right?16:01
d3cedut0network manager don't find the net system say That audio driver don't work and battery icon tool don't work16:01
kdefI have four partitions, one with windows and one that is booting kubuntu16:01
BluesKajkdef, you must have a grub iunstall16:02
kdefthe other two have distros what aren't working... there's problems so they either don't boot properly or there are problems once booted.... so, I was going to do a fresh install on them16:02
BluesKajis the windows partition at the fron tof the drive , sda ?16:02
kdefBlue, yes, I think it's installed in mbr ... it boots everything fine so far16:03
kdefBlue, yeah16:03
d3cedut0after 3 month divers suddenly stop to work16:03
BluesKajso grub is installed in the mbr , that's where it should be , so I don't understand the issue16:04
kdefBlue, maybe issue, I don't know... but, when I install a new distro, it will ask me to install grub.... so, if I do, won't it overule the bootloader that kubuntu installed?16:04
BluesKajd3cedut0, have updated / upgraded your install lately ?16:05
kdefso, if I mess up this OS, then I won't be able to boot :)16:05
kdefI thought I would keep kubuntu's bootloader to boot any new installs16:05
BluesKajkdef, only if it doesn't detect grub in the mbr , because that's where the new OS installer will look for it.16:06
kdefso, I thought I choose 'not to install grub' and then run command 'update-grub' in kubuntu?16:06
geniiBut how can you update something that't not installed? ;)16:06
d3cedut0hi blue, yes i tried but when it stop download (0kb/s)i've terminated it16:07
BluesKajgenii, he says it'sinstalled , he's worried abou ti being overwritten , then not finding grub again16:07
BluesKajd3cedut0, so your source mirrors aren't downloading updates ?16:08
d3cedut0it was started to download but after few minutes, when down rate was 0kb i stopped with a icon.. when i turni on notevole today don't work16:11
d3cedut0how to undo system to the time before last muon update16:14
d3cedut0is there anybody can help me with tris little driver problem?16:19
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BluesKajd3cedut0, the newtworking driver?16:23
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d3cedut0system say no network interface on16:25
d3cedut0BLUES network driver don't work tool.. it was the standard driver with kubuntu installing16:29
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geniid3cedut0: There is no "downgrade".16:35
d3cedut0o :( and how to downgrade the network driver?16:35
d3cedut0or how to use the default kubuntu driver16:37
mpsanMy 13.04 will not work in TRIAL mode but 10.04 does. What changed?16:41
d3cedut0hardware support this vers?16:42
ikhwan_cupumy pointer in laptop acer did not work !..i use ubuntu 12.0416:43
mpsanNew version screen comes up in graphics banding and you can not read ANYTHING. Starts OK with the music, but that is as far as it gets.16:43
d3cedut0ikwhan ever worked?16:44
d3cedut0mpsan check if ur vga support the kde version16:45
ikhwan_cupuyes, my scrool pointer in laptop acer 4720z16:46
mpsanOK, thanks.16:48
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d3cedut0ikwhan i think there is a problem with touchpad driver16:51
d3cedut0ikh try to digit touchpad in start menu,  and check if in synaptik config there is some to intresting16:59
ikhwan_cupuok..i will try17:03
d3cedut0ci sta qualcuno che non se ne sbatte la minkia17:07
d3cedut0Syslog: the permession of setuid helper is not correct.. how to fix?17:16
lordievaderGood evening.17:44
lordievaderHey d3cedut0, how are you?17:46
d3cedut0hi lord i feel so bad17:46
d3cedut0Hi pol17:47
pol_Hi ;)17:47
pol_I'm trying to stop X (Kubuntu 13.04)17:47
d3cedut0i've a problem with a failed muon17:48
pol_When I hit ctrl+alt+F1 and type in sudo killall kdm, it says : kdm: no process found17:48
pol_what do I do wrong ?17:48
pol_a failed muon ?17:48
pol_can't help you, i'm a big noob :(17:49
d3cedut0pol i neve tried to shutdiwn x sorry17:49
lordievaderpol_: You want to stop the lightdm service, since 12.10 Kubuntu uses lightdm instead of kdm. "sudo service lightdm stop"17:50
lordievaderd3cedut0: What do you mean with a failed Muon?17:50
fnpfarim testing this17:54
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )17:54
fnpfarim new17:54
lordievaderWelcome to the Kubuntu support channel, fnpfar ;)17:55
d3cedut0lord i mean That i stopped an update and after network don't find any device, audio service don't find device and i need urgently the ultrabook for an exam17:55
fnpfarHi :D17:55
lordievaderd3cedut0: What was it installing when you stopped it?17:56
d3cedut0a normal muon update17:56
lordievaderd3cedut0: You do not know what package?17:57
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lordievaderd3cedut0: Anyhow, do you still have access to a terminal?17:57
d3cedut0in the gui i cannoni saw What happened17:57
lordievaderd3cedut0: Ok good :), run "sudo apt-get install -f"17:58
d3cedut0dpkg was interruppe.... run sudo dpkg - - configura - a..... etc17:59
pol_ty lordievader18:00
lordievaderd3cedut0: Ok, run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"18:00
lordievaderpol_: No problem ;)18:00
d3cedut0now i typed apt-get install - f18:04
lordievaderd3cedut0: After you ran the dpkg command?18:04
lordievaderOk, and? Progress?18:05
d3cedut0i typed too an autiremove and now i reboot18:05
d3cedut0but if the net device not work can i restore the generic driver?18:06
lordievaderWith net device? You mean the network card? Is it a wired or wireless network card?18:07
d3cedut0Ahah :)  lord only an autoremove and all start as to usuale :-)18:08
d3cedut0thank you xD18:09
lordievaderd3cedut0: No problem ;)18:09
d3cedut0 incredible18:09
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ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )18:12
ed86542help me out pls, help me out pls. My system was running fine with default video drivers, then by accident I checked addtinional drivers and I saw a nvidia driver available, installed stable-recommended, restarted, my resolution 640x480, checked etc/x11/ there was no backup xserver, basicly renamed current xserver into backup, restarted, now my system is back to normal, full res, but in desktop effect there is xrender available and it has no effects or effects18:16
ed86542dont work, opengl doesnt not work anymore, when try to select it get a message "18:16
ed86542Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values.18:16
ed86542Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.18:16
FloodBotK1ed86542: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:16
ed86542how do I reeanble opengl compostion type?18:16
lordievadered86542: Can you open the nVidia Control Panel, does it give an error?18:18
BluesKajed86542, which additional nvidia driver did you install, check by typing  dkms status , in the terminal18:18
ed86542BluesKaj http://paste.kde.org/778088/18:20
ed86542lordievader the nvidai panel opens but it says You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.18:21
ed86542lordievader same as before18:22
lordievadered86542: Listen to BluesKaj, he knows a lot about fixing nVidia problem ;)18:22
ed86542thing is nvidia driver doesnt work so I just want to get back to my previous configuration with opengl so I can have the desktop effects18:24
BluesKajed86542, looks like you have a driver conflict , sudo apt-get install nvidia-current , then reboot18:25
ed86542BluesKaj allright gonna try this now18:26
ed86542BluesKaj it says nvidia-current is already the newest version.18:28
ed86542oh wait I think its working18:28
ed86542some effects started working after apt get auto remove18:29
ed86542but its still xrender, and I cannot select opengl18:30
BluesKajed86542, reboot18:32
ezra-sany alternatives similar to dolphin but capable of allowing me to play files from a samba share?18:33
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ed2346BluesKaj ok rebooted18:34
ed2346xrender still on and unable to select opengl18:37
BluesKajed2346, look in muon for the experimental nvidia driver, remove it , if it's shows installed18:39
ed2346ok removed18:43
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James_mHow can I enforce Kubuntu to set a specific sound volume when starting?19:02
James_mor in other words: how can I control the volume level from the command line?19:05
lordievaderJames_m: You can control the volume level through alsamixer or amixer.19:16
James_mlordievader: thank you, I'll give you the try19:18
James_mlordievader: OK, it seems to work19:23
kdefno one wants to suggest a dual boot with grub? :)19:37
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usr077hello, I installed Kernal 9 for Kubuntu and now when I install wireless dirver it says something like have a look at jokey.log ? so what's the problem ?19:53
BluesKajusr077, look in kmenu>system>additional drivers , there may be a newer driver available for your wifi chip19:57
usr077I tried to install it from there19:58
usr077but it says to me "have a look at jokey.log"19:58
usr077I never faced this before except when I upgraded to the kernal I have no idea why ?20:00
lordievaderusr077: Drivers are usually part of the kernel, so if you update the kernel drivers might break.20:00
BluesKajjockey is for graphics drivers20:01
usr077I unistall them what I did first I installed the new kernal okay, therefore I installed my wii driver from additional drivers but while it's installing I found this message " have a look at jokey.log"20:01
usr077jockey.log srry <<20:03
lordievaderBluesKaj: Jockey also does wifi drivers.20:05
usr077Yes ! But what's the problem now. what is the latest kernal's version ?20:07
BluesKajok lordievader , never had occasion to need jockey wifi drivers20:11
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fnrodhello, i have a question. I want my firefox download location to be a network folder, but i dont see it21:31
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mpsanver 12.10 OK, but 13.04 will not work in TRY KUBUNTU mode.21:51
mpsanAfter Toolbox icon comes up, display is junk.21:51
mpsanAnything I can do or just keep 12.1021:52
mpsanI thought I would get 5 answers by now.  :-)21:58
OxGOOSEHello, mates22:17
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