
binaryhermitSince it's obviously very busy in here, I have a stupid question.  Lubuntu 12.04 wasn't LTS.  Will 14.04 be LTS?00:46
Unit193I do think that's the plan, but only 3 year LTS.00:48
MonkWitDaFunkGot less than a year for the next lts release. I cant wait to see the OS be featured on refurbished computers at a thrift store i know of00:53
binaryhermitI don't see the point of 5 year LTSes if you have to upgrade LTS->next LTS01:00
binaryhermitunless you're doing fresh installs, I guess01:02
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MonkWitDaFunkThere is a reason why a user would use the older linux kernel. Im trying to remember what it is01:57
binaryhermitumm, bugs in current kernel?02:02
binaryhermitolder kernel using slightly less RAM? (though I emphasize slightly)02:03
MonkWitDaFunkAre bugs a common thin with the bsd type of operating system?02:07
MonkWitDaFunkIve never touched bsd02:07
binaryhermitI'm guessing that BSD and Linux are about equally buggy.  I've only used an OpenBSD shell account02:08
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binaryhermitThough I managed to almost take it down because bittorrent hits a BSD-only libc bug02:09
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MonkWitDaFunkOk. Commercial linux is the least buggy correct?02:11
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MonkWitDaFunkSuch as red hat02:11
Unit193Mint be time to move to #lubuntu-offtopic :)02:15
Unit193MonkWitDaFunk: You get paid support for it.02:16
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:16
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deed02392hi guys, I'm on lubuntu raring, looks like the iptables-persistent package is broken. any other recommended ways to persist iptables rules?17:02
deed02392i've read NetworkManager interferes with other common manual methods17:02
holsteindeed02392: i use ufw17:10
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:10
deed02392ok, thanks17:11
=== LordOfTime is now known as LordOfTime|EC2
Myrttiis there any way to make lxterminal to ignore keyboard shortcuts? or should I just give up and install terminator?18:49
Unit193Bug #1080116 is supposed to eb fixed, but if you hide the menu it's supposed to help with other alt commands.  I end up with xfce4-terminal.19:12
ubottubug 1080116 in lxterminal (Ubuntu) "Alt+<n> shortcut sends extra characters when switching tabs" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108011619:12
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follower I cant seem to rest my thumb in the bottom left corner of the new touchpad20:55
holsteinfollower: is that a question?20:56
holsteinfollower: what happens? is the behavior unwanted? what do you want to happen instead?20:56
followerits these new integrated touchpads. when i keep my thumb or index on the pad i cant move the pointer with me middle finger20:58
holsteinfollower: sure.. are you looking for a software solution to that? i dont think there will be one..21:00
followeri would like for it the pointer to move with finger and click with the other finger while that finger is still on the touch pad (without tapping)21:00
followeroh... it works differently on winblows. its identified as a elantech etps. is there a way to switch it to ps/221:01
holsteinfollower: i dont think that is possible, on a hardware level21:02
holsteinfollower: it works like that in windows?21:02
followeryes in windows im able to keep my index on the pad while using my middle finger to move the pointer. on lubuntu once a second finger is on there the pointer will not move21:03
holsteinyou should know going in that the hardware you have is guaranteed to work with windows support.. you have no such guarantee from the vendor for linux/ubuntu21:04
holsteinthre is nothing about ubuntu/linux preventing your touchpad from doing *exactll* what you want it to do21:04
holsteinfollower: this is something that is not going to be constructive or relevant to compare to windows.. since, the windows driver is supplied to you by an entity that is likely not going to supply you a linux driver21:05
holsteinfollower: you can, and are welcome to ask them21:05
holsteinfollower: what would i do? what i usually do is try a few different live CD's.. different kernel versions.. different distros.. i see if anything has "out of the box support"21:06
holsteini open a terminal and i run "lspci".. and i get as much information about the specific device chipset as possible, and i search for someone who has set the hardware up (the *exact* same hardware) in ubuntu/linux21:06
followerlove lubuntu had it on me old system. i just love the ubuntu lubuntu  thing21:06
holsteinthere could be a custom xorg.conf you can put in place to provide that support.. could be that linux can never provide you the support you are looking for21:07
holsteini would try main ubuntu, or xubuntu live.. different versions.. 12.04 if you havent tried that.. even the upcoming dailies21:08
holsteinyou might have different configs out of the box that you can learn from, and emulate in your current setup21:08
followerthe funny thing is that this system is also sold with ubuntu instead of windows.21:08
holsteinyou could also just waste a lot of time, and never get anywhere21:08
holsteinfollower: that *exact* hardware? the *same* chipsets? are there drivers at the site? is there a link (such as what dell does) to a specific ubuntu downoad?21:09
holsteinyou can download/install whatever they have, and install LXDE in that..21:10
followerthe website only contains windows drivers21:10
holsteinfollower: you are cross posting21:11
followeryou told me to ask in xubuntu21:11
followeror ubuntu21:11
holsteinfollower: no i didnt21:11
holsteinfollower:plus, you had already asked21:11
followersorry i must have mis understood.21:11
holsteinfollower: i suggested, and still suggest that you try teh live CDs for other versions21:12
followeri have all three DE21:12
holsteinfollower: there are *way* more than 321:12
holsteinfollower: that is what you misunderstand.. im talking about the versions21:12
followeri have ubuntu xubuntu as well as lubuntu21:12
holstein12.04 vs 13.04.. the upcoming 13.10.. whatever version the vendor uses21:12
followerjust trying to connect with people with a good xorg.conf21:12
holsteinfollower: you will want to connect with someone who had your hardware and you have not mentioned your hardware, or your xorg.conf in here, or the other channels21:13
holsteinfollower: here are the facts21:13
followerare you able to do what im trying to achieve.  i have elantech etps touchpad21:14
holsteinfollower: im still not sure i understand21:14
holsteinand, you can hsare more specifics about the hardware21:14
holsteinno one is going to be able to help you with what you mentioned the way you asked21:15
holsteini have this chip Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) and the screen freezes when i do so and so21:15
holstein^^ that is how specfic you need to be ^^21:16
holsteini get that information from running lspci, as i mentioned above21:16
holsteinyou can always put that information in a pastebin21:17
holstein!paste | follower21:17
ubottufollower: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:17
holsteinfollower: elaborate21:27
holsteinfollower: go to the channel for the operating system you are using and say "im using a toshiba such and such model with a so and so touchpad and its doint this, but i want it to do this"21:27
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.21:28
followerim using lubuntu and i have an asus x201e and on windows the im able to rest my index finger on the touch pad and to click with it while using my middle finger to move the pointer. now in lubuntu if i rest me index on the touchpad and try to move the pointer with my middle finger the pointer will not move at all21:30
holsteinfollower: thats how *all* my touchpads work.. but i dont use windows.. have you asekd asus about the model that includes ubuntu? have you looked to see what version of ubuntu ships with that device? have you confimred tha you are using the same one?21:32
followerubuntu 12.04 lts21:34
followerdamnit im using 13.0421:35
followeris there a way to downgrade??21:36
followerhowever i have lubuntu with unity desktop21:37
Unit193No, there isn't.  Lubuntu with Unity isn't really "Lubuntu"21:37
Unit193You looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch ?21:38
followeri use lubuntu. wifey uses ubuntu de when she logs in. easier for her21:42
followernot what im looking for unit 19321:43

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