
=== jono is now known as Guest14995
dpmgood morning all06:09
dholbachgood morning06:35
nigelbHello dholbach, dpm07:17
dpmhey nigelb, morning!07:18
nigelbGood Morning07:21
dholbachhi nigelb07:40
nigelbdholbach: How're you doing?07:46
dholbachgood good - how about yourself?07:47
nigelbdholbach: Having a tiring day, otherwise ok :)08:35
* dholbach hugs nigelb08:45
* nigelb hugs dholbach back08:52
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dpmjono, I'll be 2 mins for the team call15:00
jonodpm, np15:03
jonomhall119, call?15:04
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jcastroelfy: IS is aware of your two tickets and are in progress16:00
elfyjcastro: cheers :)16:07
elfyalmost said awesome ... :p16:07
popey\o/ Awesome!16:07
balloonsjcastro, why does discourse use referrer links in emails? grr16:34
popeybecause they send via sendgrid?16:35
marcoceppiyeah, we're (me, because I'm lazy) is using sendgrid16:35
marcoceppiI'm working on a real email server so you can just reply via email16:36
balloonsohh marcoceppi that would be cool.. it's not a big deal, I stripped the ref link.. just annoying to see more and more of them. It's disconcerting from a user experience perspective. only a few years ago only people trying to scam you nested links like that.. now google does it on every search result (if you let them)16:37
popeyhippie ㋛16:41
jcastro<-- lunch17:40
jcastro<-- lunch17:44
jcastrowhoops, wrong channel17:44
pleia2I just thought you were very excited about lunch17:45
=== LordOfTime is now known as LordOfTime|EC2
jcastroI am18:11
jcastropleia2: ask me why!18:11
pleia2jcastro, why were you so excited about lunch?18:11
jcastrobecause I had like 7 tacos18:11
jcastrojono: this mcaffee video18:12
jcastrolol why does he have guns18:12
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
elfyjcastro: you got any idea where unity-lens-shopping has gone in saucy -  want to try and head a thread off before it degenerates ...20:06
aquariusmarcoceppi, I'm not seeing the webapps stuff at all. I went looking for the code, but the build progress compresses and minifies everything so I don't know whether it's not there or I just can't find it ;)20:30
marcoceppiaquarius: it's still there http://i.imgur.com/FEnjvDH.png20:33
marcoceppijust really hard to read :)20:33
aquariuslet me see if I can see that :)20:33
aquariusat the point at which the script runs, external.getUnityObject doesn't exist20:36
aquariusonce page load is complete, it *does* exist.20:36
aquariusso that's certainly a bug in my code20:36
aquariusclearly we need to wait for both Ember to complete (which we are doing) but also wait for the Unity extension to inject its object into window.external !20:37
aquariushrm. I do not know what to wait for, though.20:37
aquariusif I were a miserable sinner I'd just do a setTimeout.20:37
aquariusalso, this suggests that it works for marcoceppi because his computer is faster than mine ;)20:37
aquariusI'd ask the webapps team but they're too busy to help :(20:42
marcoceppiaquarius: it's good to know all this horsepower is good for something :P21:02
aquariusmarcoceppi, so... I am not sre what to do, now :(21:05
marcoceppiaquarius: well it doesn't need to be fixed right now. During tomorrow's maint window I can easily exclude the patch from the "build" process21:06
marcoceppiif that is indeed what is causing the problem with opera21:06
* marcoceppi still needs to verify that21:06
aquariusmarcoceppi, I'd be surprised if that's what's causing the problem (the script does check that its stuff is there rather than blowing up, which is why it just quietly doesn't work rather than exploding on everyone's browser)21:07
aquariusbut maybe I'm wrong and I did cause it, in which case certainly do exclude it :)21:07
marcoceppiaquarius: right, I haven't seen any bugs in upstream yet regarding this and I feel like people would be quite vocal. Once I unlazy myself and install opera I can do a bit more testing21:08
aquariustrivial although sinful fix: inside document.on("discourse:ready"), wrap the contents in setTimeout(function() { ... contents ... }, 5000) so it just hangs about for five seconds and *then* kicks off the webapps stuff, which should be enough time to convince the unity extension to do its stuff ;)21:09
marcoceppiI feel so dirty.21:10
jcastromarcoceppi: heh so it really was aquarius23:15
* jcastro pats aquarius on the back23:15
jcastrono worries man, this is why we prototype23:15
aquariushave we actually established that yet? :)23:16
jcastrogood to know you guys found the problem tho23:16
jcastrowell, with no popey around who else is to blame?23:16
aquariushey! marcoceppi is *guessing* that it's my patch which breaks it ;)23:16
aquariusI am yet to be convinced :)23:16
jcastrothe icon you picked looks nice in the launcher btw23:16
aquariusjcastro, oh, the webapps integration works for you, does it?23:16
jcastroit's going to be hot action when it works23:17
jcastrono, it doesn't23:17
aquariusheh :)23:17
jcastroI mean, it detected and installed23:17
jcastrono notifications or stuff yet23:17
aquariusah, right. I don't even get that.23:17
jcastrooh ok23:17
aquariusbecause when it tries to do its stuff, the Unity integration hasn't kicked in. For me, at least.23:17
marcoceppiaquarius: http://test.ubuntu-discourse.org/t/site-doesnt-display-in-opera-and-other-browsers/426/15?u=marcoceppi however, when I moved back to just trunk, opera still breaks23:26
marcoceppiI'm inclined to say opera is just a PITA and move on23:26
marcoceppiin any event, I just added if(external && external.getUnityObject(1)) {23:27
marcoceppipretty sure that should satisfy that23:27
aquariusmarcoceppi, I get a blank white screen in iOS Safari, too23:31
aquariuswhich might be considered more important tha Opera. :)23:32
aquarius(although Opera is important, man :))23:32
aquariusthat aside -- the external fix won't help, I don't think. The problem is not that we're not checking for external properly, it's that *when that code runs* on my machine at least, external.getUnityObject doesn't exist because the Unity chrome extension hasn't created it *yet*. Once the page is all loaded and everything, that object *does* exist.23:33
aquariusI don't know why the code doesn't work for jcastro, though.23:33
marcoceppiaquarius: so would it be better to just wait for on document load rather than ember as it appears ember blocks document from laoding?23:34
aquariusmarcoceppi, the problem is that that *requires* Ember to block document load.23:34
aquariusand I am not sure that it always does.23:34
aquariusand if docuemnt load fires *before* Ember.Application.ready, then we'll try and do the integration stuff before Ember properly exists, and thus epic fail.23:35
aquariusWhat we want to do is wait for *both* Ember.Application.ready *and* unity-creates-its-object23:35
aquariusbut there isn't an event for the second one ;(23:36

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