
cjwatsonHm, that was interesting, experimentally forcing signon-ui so that I could see which uninstallables it created said no new uninstallables and let it in00:01
cjwatsonI suspect partial-NBS doesn't behave the way I think it does00:01
infinitycjwatson: testing-ports seems to pick it up.00:22
infinitycjwatson: although, wait, all those problems exist for primary arches too.00:23
infinity(p11-kit promoted, BTW, don't bother doing it again)00:23
* cjwatson fixes a few more blockages in proposed-migration00:25
cjwatsongvfs (1.17.1-0ubuntu1 to 1.17.2-0ubuntu1)00:28
cjwatson    Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers00:28
cjwatson    autopkgtest for gvfs 1.17.2-0ubuntu1: FAIL00:28
cjwatson    Not considered00:28
cjwatsonwoo, progress00:28
infinitycjwatson: Speaking of partial NBS, we don't actually have a useful report for that, do we?00:28
infinity(Other than britney blocking migration, potentially)00:29
cjwatsonI think http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/saucy_outdate_all.txt should cover it00:30
infinityOh, fair point.00:30
cjwatsonAlong with other stuff00:30
infinityJust lacks the mind-numbing autopilot of the NBS report.00:31
cjwatsonBut cantor there looks like partial NBS to me00:31
infinity(Then again, I didn't even know about the NBS report for ages, and used to always work from outdate)00:31
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infinityYeahp, that backend does indeed look gone from ppc/arm00:32
infinityThough, with no changelog mention of same...00:33
infinitycontrol agrees, though.00:34
* infinity knocks it out.00:34
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ScottKxnox: I think your autopackagetest for python-qt4 is pretty pointless.  The more usual problem is sip4 has been updated and python-qt4 hasn't.  autopackagetest on python-qt4 doesn't really help.  One for sip4 that notices it's got a different API version would be useful.01:40
ScottKxnox: You'll also probably want to merge the new python-qt4 from Debian since it's needed for PyQt5, which I think is wanted in Debian.01:40
ScottKAlso, it needs rebuild against the new sip4 again since the API version wasn't set right on the first one.01:48
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andyrockLaney, yeah i can reproduce it too with nautilus 3.802:52
andyrocknot sure about nautilus trunk02:52
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pittiGood morning04:57
dholbachgood morning06:35
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m4n1shdidrocks: ping. as you requested me to file  a bug for zeitgeist sponsorship for saucy https://code.launchpad.net/~zeitgeist/zeitgeist/saucy-packaging-0-9-14/+merge/17024407:25
m4n1shhere is the full MP (thanks to ricotz)07:25
halfiehi, are there any plans to turn on "-fstack-protector-strong" in Ubuntu ?07:26
didrocksm4n1sh: excellent! it should appear on the sponsoring list, people getting their patch pilot shift should sponsor it!07:26
didrocksthanks :)07:26
pittihalfie: happened like 4 years ago07:26
pittioh, -strong; not sure07:26
pittimdeslaur_: ^07:26
halfiepitti, heh ;)07:27
m4n1shdidrocks: that is great07:27
rbasakmdeslaur_: please could you consider bug 1192367? Seems valid to me - don't we support Lucid on server for another couple of years? puppet was in main then. Although it's a really old version - perhaps it's not vulnerable?07:32
ubottubug 1192367 in puppet (Ubuntu) "No security release provided in Lucid for CVE-2013-3567" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119236707:32
mardytyhicks: ping08:09
cjwatsonScottK,xnox: An autopkgtest in pykde4 would be run whenever sip4 changes (or should, anyway), so it could be used to effectively enforce constraints on sip4's behaviour from the point of view of pykde408:12
cjwatsonScottK: (I'm still finishing putting the pieces of the proposed-migration work together ... planning to announce it shortly)08:13
cjwatsondidrocks: So, signon-ui landed, but now we have unbuildable images because qtwebkit-opensource-src is in universe and there's no MIR08:21
cjwatsondidrocks: Given webkit there is no way I'm going to move that without signoff from security :)08:22
didrockscjwatson: right, I understand. Is it an new dependency? (or we didn't transition to Qt5 before?)08:22
didrocksthe publication was manual if there was any packaging change, not sure why ken acked it without the MIR08:23
cjwatsondidrocks: AFAIK it's a new dependency08:24
didrocksI know that ken already talked with the security team about qtwebkit, but I'm not on top of latest outcomes08:24
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/bugs/1157732 is the MIR bug for other chunks but I don't really see an unambiguous statement there that qtwebkit-opensource-src is OK, and there's no bug task for it08:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1157732 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "[MIR] circle of friends" [Undecided,Fix committed]08:25
cjwatsondidrocks: Indeed, signon-ui 0.14-0ubuntu2 was on Qt408:26
cjwatsonWhich was the version in the saucy release pocket until last night08:26
seb128urg :/08:27
didrockscjwatson: yeah, it has been acked manually when we were using the next ppa08:27
didrocksI have no good clue of what we can do apart if a revert is possible for now08:27
didrocksand check with ken/jdstrand when they are online08:27
seb128I think the security team didn't like much having another webkit in main when that was discussed before raring, dunno if that changed since though08:27
cjwatsonIf you're considering a (partial?) revert then please keep a note on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/RevertLog08:28
didrocksright, but then PS started to use that as their supported html5 stories, when I told yesterday to them to ensure things can be MIRed before starting dep on it08:28
didrockscjwatson: do you mind waiting on kenvandine? he would know more if we can revert safely or not08:29
cjwatsonI don't mind, it just means you owe me a few hours of patience the next time you have a problem that you want me to fix ;-)08:30
didrockscjwatson: ken owes you if you want to make the count rights :p08:30
cjwatsonNext time you have a problem *that I didn't cause* that you want me to fix anyway ;-)08:31
didrocksheh, right :-) (well, I'm not sure I rang the bell alarm too much on you for stuff to be fixed right away IIRC)08:31
didrocksI just prefer to ensure that the revert will not create more issues that we didn't know of08:31
cjwatsonQuite so08:32
cjwatsonEspecially since we did other things to prepare for moving forward08:32
didrockscjwatson: or can we upload it to -proposed and block it?08:32
cjwatsonI entirely appreciate it's not a simple revert08:32
didrocksso that it's quicker to take a decision once ken is back08:32
cjwatsonI think just having the packages ready would be fine08:33
didrocksok, let me prepare it, just in case08:33
seb128cjwatson, sorry about the extra work created there, I didn't think to check the new build-depends/depends and the MIR state when Ken pinged about it :/08:33
cjwatsonNor did I in fairness08:33
didrockswe'll figure it out :) still quite stressed about all this extra load on qtwebkit and the push there is in PS to use that as our main html story…08:34
didrocksmardy: hey, you are around! do you know if we revert to the previous signon-ui (0.14) using Qt4, we'll get any issue? ^08:35
seb128didrocks, the reason Ken wanted the new version out of proposed is that the old version was broken on the touch image, but I don't know the specific of the breakage08:36
seb128didrocks, you can't use online account on touch with 0.14, it works with 0.15 though08:36
didrocksseb128: ok, we can still mitigate that with the "armhf" double builds if upstream supports that08:36
didrockshum, no we can't, ignore me08:36
didrocks(as it's a build-dep, even if we set the armhf binary in universe)08:37
didrockscjwatson: do you know if it's possible/desirable to have britney making this sanity check as well?08:37
cjwatsonpossible, arguably desirable, but very difficult08:41
cjwatsonit'd be very significant reengineering of a bit of the code I really don't understand08:42
didrocksok, let's hope we don't have that much "humman review errors" and let's put that on the count of all the drastic changes we have under way to try paying more attention to it :)08:43
RAOFpitti: Can we have a talk about logind and VTs and such?08:44
RAOFpitti: Or, rather more specifically, do you have any free cycles to do the finangling?08:45
didrockscjwatson: seb128: ok, at least, old signon-ui still builds, and the g-c-c interface is working after some tests. So, the package is ready once ken is up08:48
cjwatsondidrocks: So, I'm trying to tear out the remaining bits related to signon on powerpc, but I want to make sure that any binaries I remove won't just come back (uninstallable) on the next build08:50
didrockscjwatson: they will come back I'm afraid with Qt4 and arch: any, should I list the archs to prevent that?08:51
cjwatsonThis is at higher levels, not in signon-ui08:51
didrocksah ok, so this won't impact it08:52
mardydidrocks: hi! can you brief me on the reasons?08:53
cjwatsondidrocks: ... actually, never mind, in gathering more data for the question I was going to ask you I realised it was moot :-)08:53
cjwatsonI think, anyway08:53
mardydidrocks: the latest version should be buildable on Qt4 just fine, anyway08:54
didrockscjwatson: ok, if you have this list of packages you are removing to put me into the context (I wasn't close to that topic, ken was handling it), FYI signon is building on powerpc: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+sourcepub/3315384/+listing-archive-extra08:54
cjwatsondidrocks: Yeah, I was just looking at that08:54
cjwatsondidrocks: I think maybe an arch restriction in signon would make sense?08:55
didrockscjwatson: I think so, I'm digging in why https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/daily-build/+files/libsignon-qt5-1_8.52daily13.06.19-0ubuntu1_powerpc.deb is even possible as there is no powerpc Qt5…08:55
didrocksah maybe that part doesn't use qtscripts08:56
cjwatsonThere is a powerpc Qt5, just not the v8-dependent stuff08:56
didrockscjwatson: why should we restrict it then?08:56
cjwatsonMaybe we shouldn't, that's why I'm asking :)08:56
didrocksmardy: ok, I'll try that as well, the issue is that you are depending on qtwebkit and it's in universe, not in main08:56
cjwatsonI'm trying to work out how to neatly tear out the stuff that depends (recursively) on signon-ui08:57
didrocksmardy: so we can't get it on the iso by default (and as we don't have the old version, we can't even build the iso)08:57
didrocksisn't the other way around? signon-ui dep on signon? /me checks08:57
cjwatsonAnd I get to gnome-control-center-signon which depends on libaccount-plugin-generic-oauth and libaccount-plugin-google which depend on signon-plugin-oauth2 which depends on signon-plugin-oauth208:57
cjwatson... which depends on signon-ui, I mean08:58
cjwatsonBut there are no build-dependency relationships there so I can't remove those binaries without them coming back on the next build08:58
mardydidrocks: I'd vote for dual builds, and generate signon-ui-qt4 and signon-ui-qt5, both providing signon-ui (virtual)08:58
mardydidrocks: but I'm no expert in this stuff, so feel free to ignore me :-)08:58
didrocks(ah, it's a recommends for signond -> signonui)08:58
pittiRAOF: sorry, in between some appointments, today is a bit crazy08:58
didrocksmardy: won't work, it's a build-dep anyway, so the source would need to be in main08:59
cjwatsonRight, the Recommends isn't enough to justify removing signond08:59
pittiRAOF: so the bottom line is, logind needs to grant ACLs to processes which have a $DISPLAY, but don't have a controlling terminal08:59
pittiRAOF: is that XMir process in a session cgroup at least?09:00
pittiRAOF: i. e. /proc/pid/cgroup/ has it in a session? if not, it's going to be difficult09:00
didrockscjwatson: so, we should "just" ensure that gnome-control-center-signon, libaccount-plugin-generic-oauth and libaccount-plugin-google, signon-plugin-oauth2 doesn't build on powerpc?09:00
pittiRAOF: at any rate, would you mind filing a bug about it with the summary?09:00
pittiRAOF: I can have a look at it this afternoon in the train09:00
cjwatsondidrocks: Possibly webaccounts-browser-extension as well09:01
RAOFpitti: Will do.09:12
Noskcajroaksoax, kirkland: would you guys mind lurking in #ubuntu-quality so it's easier for smartboyhw and i to talk to you.09:13
pittiRAOF: can you please include the loginctl output, /proc/pid/{status,cgroup} bits?09:15
RAOFWill do.09:15
pittiRAOF: or some pointer how to install xmir to test it end to end :)09:15
pittiRAOF: thanks09:15
RAOFI'll do both :)09:15
didrockscjwatson: do you think that captures everything?09:15
cjwatsondidrocks: I think so.  Consider pre-emptively adding arm64 too09:20
cjwatson(On the perhaps optimistic assumption that v8 will work there, I guess ...)09:20
didrockscjwatson: ok, let's be optimistic, pushing those :)09:20
didrockscjwatson: ok, done, IIRC, I've handled the case of archs not existing in ubuntu but listed in daily release (at least, the unit test pass ;)), I'll see with next dailies09:24
didrocksmardy: mind having a look and approving those 3 MP? ^09:24
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didrockscjwatson: HUD under publish, finally (tests pass and components build)! no more julius* recommends, phew…09:47
cjwatsonoh, yay09:49
xnoxScottK: cjwatson: i thought that python-qt4 autopkgtest would be triggered by sip4 uploads, due to sip-api-9.2 dependency. or did I get that wrong?11:03
RAOFpitti: Sorry, everything's being terrible here. I'll get the info and file that logind bug tomorrow.11:12
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mdeslaur_rbasak: puppet isn't on the list of packages we still support for lucid: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/ubuntu-cve-tracker/master/view/head:/lucid-supported.txt11:41
rbasakmdeslaur_: I understand that, but I think there may be a problem with that list.11:41
mdeslaur_rbasak: even if it were, it's so old, that it's pretty much impossible to fix the few latest security issues, as upstream has rewritten a whole lot of the code11:41
rbasakmdeslaur_: I understand that it may not be possible, or may be hard. But that specific issue aside, I'm confused as to our support policy for Lucid on Server. AIUI, it's supported, and puppet was seeded, so should be on your list. So the bug reporter seems to have a valid point. Have I got that part wrong? Why does puppet not appear on your list?11:43
mdeslaur_rbasak: I suggest using the package upstream provides11:43
mdeslaur_rbasak: I does't appear on our list because it was deemed one of the packages that we couldn't possibly support for 5 years11:43
rbasakWas that decision published anywhere that I can point the bug reporter to?11:44
cjwatsonxnox: It should do.11:44
cjwatsonxnox: But that's all very new and unannounced and I can forgive developers for not being aware of it :-)11:44
rbasakmdeslaur_: so the policy is that it is supported, but puppet is an exception? Are the exceptions documented anywhere, and are there any more?11:46
mdeslaur_rbasak: that list is the authoritative source, as used by the security team. Whatever  is not on the list is no longer supported.11:48
rbasakmdeslaur_: OK, thanks. It sounds like there's a disconnect between the security team's authoritative source and what we communicate with the outside world. I think that's probably more of an issue on the Server side, so I'll take that up there. Thanks for explaining this to me.11:49
mdeslaur_rbasak: is there a place where this is communicated?11:51
xnoxrbasak: well, there are plenty of corner cases like that. hence the push/desire to have archive-reorganisation and flexibly define what's supported, security-support only, and in main only due to build-depends.11:51
mdeslaur_xnox: +111:51
rbasakmdeslaur_: everywhere. We say that Server has 5 year LTS for Lucid.11:51
mdeslaur_rbasak: I'll see if I can add a link to wiki.ubuntu.com to clarify where the authoritative list is11:51
mdeslaur_rbasak: yes, the list contains server packages11:52
rbasakmdeslaur_: I appreciate that technically we need to work from an authoritative list. But what we communicate is that it has 5 year support, period. And that doesn't hold true if we have exceptions.11:52
mdeslaur_rbasak: As I said, I'll add the list to the wiki11:53
mdeslaur_rbasak: even if I added puppet back to the list, it's unfixable11:53
mdeslaur_thankfully we won't have this problem with precise, as it's 5 years across the board11:54
rbasakmdeslaur_: I feel that 1) in every single place we claim 5 year support, we should make it clear that some "server" packages aren't included, and list them (so a diff against the seed, rather than a list of what is supported), and 2) for where something is unfixable but not in that published list, that this can happen of course, but we should declare and justify this in the security announcement.11:55
mdeslaur_rbasak: ok, it's wiki, feel free to modify as you see fit11:56
ScottKxnox: Could be.  Sip-api-10.0 is in saucy-proposed now, so if it was going to be, it would have.11:59
xnoxScottK: i don't see python-qt4 adt job in jenkins at all.... either it's not been picked up yet or i added it wrong.12:00
cjwatsonjibel: doesn't look like the reverse-dep handling is working?12:09
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#sip4 should at least mention a pykde4 job12:09
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jibelcjwatson, looking12:11
mlankhorstcould some sru move mesa from raring-proposed to -updates?12:12
cjwatsonjibel: ah, I wonder if it doesn't deal with virtual packages?12:12
cjwatsonjibel: the dep in pykde4 is on sip-api-9.212:13
cjwatsonmlankhorst: I'd normally wait for it to age 7 days, so tomorrow according to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html12:13
mlankhorstcjwatson: yeah but it's also been in saucy for a while12:14
cjwatsonsure, but that's the baseline state for SRUs12:14
cjwatsonor at least is supposed to be12:14
cjwatsonso, put another way, I can do it but you'll need to explain why I need to waive the waiting period :)12:15
mlankhorstI want to upload a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa-lts-raring/+bug/117553312:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1175533 in linux (Ubuntu Quantal) "[HSW] intel VGA driver i915 doesn't support new haswell graphics [8086:0a2e] " [Critical,New]12:16
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xnoxcjwatson: pykde4 doesn't have autopkgtest?! but python-qt4 does. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/142758139/python-qt4_4.10.1-1ubuntu2.dsc unless I misspelled it somehow. But yeah the dep is on a virtual package. Could check reverse build-deps as well, since that has "real" package.12:20
xnoxjibel: tells me that britney should have had requested test result for python-qt4, back when it was initially uploaded with added autopkgtest. but that didn't happen?12:21
mdeslaur_halfie: we're considering it, but need to evaluate it properly. We're pretty busy with app confinement at the moment, so it definitely won't be soon.12:23
mdeslaur_@pilot in12:26
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur_
jibelxnox, it might be a problem with handling of virtual packages in rdep resolution, that's what i'm verifying12:26
cjwatsonxnox: Oh, well, OK.  Either way.12:28
halfiemdeslaur_, cool, what exactly is this app confinement thing? is it related to selinux and mac stuff?12:34
mdeslaur_halfie: it's related to confining apps with apparmor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Specifications/ApplicationConfinement12:36
halfiemdeslaur_, ah I see, is apparmor ubuntu only or have other distributions adopted it. (I know Fedora doesn't use it?).12:43
mdeslaur_halfie: suse uses it, and it's available in a whole bunch of other distros, including debian, gentoo, arch, etc.12:44
halfiemdeslaur_, cool, I am working on doing some benchmarking on this new strong stack protector patch.12:44
mdeslaur_halfie: care to join #ubuntu-hardened if you want to talk about security?12:45
halfiemdeslaur_, sure12:45
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jibelcjwatson, is there a log of the requests submitted by britney?  I generated a request file on lillypilly and see this line:12:57
jibel"python-qt4 4.10.1-1ubuntu2 NEW python-qt4 4.10.1-1ubuntu2" which means that python-qt4 will be tested because 4.10.1-1ubuntu2 has been uploaded, but I do not see any request on jenkins side, hence no job.12:58
pianogmxis there someone who can point me towards a project / team that would teach me some stuff of linux software development?13:06
cjwatsonjibel: It should spit out a line with the substring "Requested autopkgtest" in its own log (~/proposed-migration/log/$date/$time.log)13:10
cjwatsonBut apparently isn't doing so ...13:10
cjwatsonI mean not for this one at least13:10
jibelok, that's the location I checked13:10
asacdoko: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1305-android-builds-revisited ... the two work items for 13.05 in there are done?13:10
cjwatsonI didn't make it log all packages it was requesting because there was a lot of verbosity there13:11
cjwatsonSince it basically re-requests all packages that are valid candidates and lets adt-britney sort it out13:11
dokoasac, yes, but afaik ogra_ doesn't use these yet, so we don't have any feedback, if these actually work13:12
asacdoko: what did you do for validating?13:12
ogra_doko, xnox took over the android packaging13:12
xnoxdoko: asac: Ogra and I are in progress of verifying that the said toolchain produces binaries that do run.13:12
asacplease set your work items to done and add work items for ogra to test and ack that they work :)13:12
asacif you want him to do something13:12
asac(at least that feels like the obvious way to go)13:12
ogra_asac, i'm fully out of that spec apart from lending a hand13:13
asacogra_: you are the owner13:13
cjwatsonjibel: I'll attack it with pdb, I guess13:13
asacso you are responsible that this happens13:13
ogra_(well, i might keep the "schedule a discussion for 14.04)13:13
asacthrough talking and escalation etc. in case you dont do engineering work :)13:13
asacand helping13:13
xnoxogra_: doko: asac: updated workitems.13:14
ogra_asac, right ... no need for me to kick any butts atm ... it all goes smoothly forward13:14
asacxnox: thanks a bunch13:14
asacogra_: the work items were not properly cleared up at end of 13.05 :)13:14
ogra_and xnox didnt know about the blueprint until a few mins ago13:14
asacso yes, you just need to kick your own butt :)13:14
ogra_ascteh WIs arent done yet13:15
asacnever seen ascteh :)13:16
ogra_there is no bionic in the archive yet13:16
ogra_yeah, my tab key messed it up apparently :)13:16
pianogmxare there any devs that can mentor me into learning how to develop for the ubuntu project?13:16
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asacogra_: ok, but bionic is on track?13:17
ogra_it is in a PPA13:17
ogra_i think xnox is on getting it into the archive once we know it produces usable binaries13:17
ogra_(which we are in the middle of)13:17
cjwatsonmlankhorst: mesa/raring released now13:17
cjwatsonpianogmx: Probably best to read through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu, chase links for things you're interested in, and then ask questions about specific things that confuse you13:18
cjwatson(one of those links is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment which may be more specifically relevant)13:18
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cjwatsonjibel: The file given to adt-britney request includes the line "sip4 4.14.7-2" (in full: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5780463/).  The output contains only headers.13:35
cjwatsonjibel: The logging output includes "2013-06-19 13:34:18,563 WARNING "The cache has no package named 'sip-api-9.2'"", which seems possibly relevant13:35
roadmrhey folks! A code reorganization in my project (checkbox) means that the debian directory is not in the top level of the source branch (it's under checkbox-legacy). Can this be uploaded to lp:ubuntu/checkbox? are specifications for source branches documented somewhere? FWIW I can generate and upload the source packages from that subdir just fine13:38
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cjwatsonroadmr: I don't know if it's documented but that would very definitely violate my expectations of lp:ubuntu/foo.  If you're doing that then I think you should use some other branch outside the lp:ubuntu/ namespace, and consign lp:ubuntu/checkbox to the auto-importer.13:46
cjwatsonPart of the point of lp:ubuntu/foo was for it to be roughly the same shape for every package.13:47
cjwatsonIf you tried to push that to lp:ubuntu/foo I would expect the importer to blow up in interesting ways and/or overwrite your branch.13:47
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roadmrcjwatson: ok, that makes sense, but I wanted to check first14:01
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jibelcjwatson, there are 2 issues in adt-britney 1) virtual packages are not considered, 2) a logical error when matching the list  dependencies in the request file to the list of packages with tests. I'm on a fix for both14:33
cjwatsonRighto, sounds good, thanks14:33
jibel(1 causes the warning in the log)14:33
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ScottKxnox: Would you please figure out if we should keep your python-qt4 autopackagetest or not as we need to do a merge from Debian.14:38
xnoxScottK: i'll keep it for now, and will deal with merging python-qt4 in a moment.14:39
ScottKxnox: Thanks.14:39
rbasakWhat does TIL actually stand for?14:41
mdeslaur_rbasak: "Touched It Last"14:44
mdeslaur_as in "Sucker! You TIL!!!!"14:45
dokobarry, just to mention it here ... cross-building the base system was a goal for raring and is a goal for saucy. please don't drop any cross-build support when merging things from debian14:54
barrydoko: i'm not going to drop it, but i just want to express caution.  until debian supports it, we will fall increasingly behind unless we have enough manpower to do more manual syncs.  i guess we'll see if that's a real problem or not14:56
cjwatsonDebian's been taking quite a few cross-building patches14:57
cjwatsonIn fact we're getting near the point where in some cases I'd consider NMUing for them14:57
cjwatsonI might go on a delayed-NMU spree this weekend :)14:59
barrycjwatson: this came up with me wanting to sync zope.interface.  the delta we carry is that we b-d on python{,3}-all-{dev,dbg}:any.  if we do more of these, and can't get those changes back into debian, then we may find ourselves getting increasingly behind debian, which i really want to avoid.  autosyncs ftw!15:02
dokobarry, that's life. being able to cross-build is needed for us15:04
barrycjwatson: if/when we *can* get those changes into debian, then i will be happy again15:05
cjwatsonOh, yeah, the :any bit is a bit unfortunate; I was hoping to talk with buildd maintainers at or before debconf about that15:05
cjwatsonIt will be sorted out eventually15:05
barrycjwatson: cool, thanks.15:06
dokobtw, where does debian policy state that shared libs have to be installed without x permission?15:06
cjwatsondoko: 8.115:07
cjwatsonIt's a "should not", and the rationale is because it usually doesn't work; I think it would be reasonable to make exceptions for cases where the library authors have gone to special lengths to make it work (e.g. ld.so)15:08
dokocjwatson, ok. that was the thing that did break lto in 4.815:09
dokosearching only for files with the x bit set15:09
cjwatsonyou certainly mustn't expect *all* shared libraries to be installed executable - that would be an unreasonable amount of work to change, if nothing else15:09
sil2100didrocks: I jump out now for practice, I'll be back later when I'm back - I'll chase down robru then ;)15:10
cjwatsonif something thinks all shared libraries should be executable then it's just wrong :)15:10
didrockssil2100: ok, thanks!15:10
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cjwatsondidrocks: Any decision on the signon-ui vs. qtwebkit-opensource-src deathmatch?15:30
seb128cjwatson, it's being worked, kenvandine opened a MIR bug and jdstrand will comment soon15:31
didrockscjwatson: from what I heard kenvandine and jdstrand agreed on promoting qtwebkit for now15:31
didrocksso basically, no revert15:31
ScottKThis is qtwebkit for Qt5?15:31
seb128cjwatson, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-opensource-src/+bug/119256715:31
cjwatsonOK, I didn't see the MIR bug on component-mismatches so I guess it's recent15:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1192567 in qtwebkit-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qt5webkit " [Undecided,New]15:31
cjwatsonScottK: yeah15:31
cjwatsonOh, the MIR team isn't subscribed15:32
seb128the MIR is going to be temporary most likely15:32
* jdstrand will be commenting in the bug soon15:32
seb128cjwatson, jdstrand said he wanted to comment and talk the MIR team when he was done with meetings15:32
cjwatsonkenvandine: You have to subscribe ubuntu-mir to MIR bugs or else they aren't visible in component-mismatches15:32
* ScottK isn't sure how QtWebKit for Qt5 will work in the long run with needing to support both upstream and Ubuntu APIs in the archive, but that's, at least, not an immediate problem.15:32
cjwatsonI found it encouraging that the intent expressed in the bug was to have it in sync with Debian15:33
kenvandinecjwatson, whoops, was focused on security and forgot that15:35
kenvandinecjwatson, that was the plan for the whole qt5 stack15:36
mardytyhicks: ping15:50
tyhickshey mardy15:50
mardytyhicks: hi, I wanted to ask you about the apparmor-dbus stuff15:50
mardy(for online accounts)15:50
mardytyhicks: I see that the apparmor team has a dbus-dev PPA15:50
mardytyhicks: should I use that?15:51
tyhicksmardy: Yeah, you could use it.15:51
tyhicksmardy: I had hoped that all of the changes would be in the archive by now, but we've got a few more things to wrap up15:52
mardytyhicks: np15:52
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mardytyhicks: what method should I call to check if the peer has certain permissions?15:53
tyhicksmardy: I'm trying to remember what exactly you need for online accounts15:53
mardy(or to find out the security context of the peer)15:53
tyhicksright, I was thinking that you only needed the label of the peer15:53
mardytyhicks: basically, the one which creates the account sets the ACL, and then I have to check against it when someone wants to authenticate15:54
tyhicksmardy: So you would just call org.freedesktop.DBus.GetConnectionAppArmorSecurityContext15:55
tyhicksmardy: it takes a string which is the peer connection name and returns a string which is the label of the process15:55
zygacjwatson: hey15:58
rbasakmdeslaur_: aha. Thanks :)15:58
zygacjwatson: I have a question about what ubuntu branches are for, for example, lp:ubuntu/checkbox15:58
ogra_they are created from the uploaded source packages15:59
zygaogra_: so we never have to touch them?15:59
cjwatsonThey're supposed to be a uniform representation of source package history in bzr15:59
zygaogra_: or can the reverse also happen?15:59
cjwatsonYou *can* commit to them directly, but if you prefer to manage your package VCS some other incompatible way, you can do so, just don't put it in that namespace16:00
zygacjwatson: okay16:00
zygacjwatson: so as a packager16:00
cjwatsonFor example, you could use lp:checkbox for upstream development and keep that separate16:00
zygacjwatson: I just keep uploading my source packages16:00
zygacjwatson: and everything ends up being added to lp:ubuntu/$package16:00
zygacjwatson: but I don't care about that and it's not helping me in any way, just people that might need to repackage it for example?16:01
cjwatsonYeah, I mean, once you go into auto-import lp:ubuntu/checkbox will probably become rather less useful because it won't be mergeable16:01
cjwatsonBut you can just ignore it if it doesn't fit your workflow16:01
zygacjwatson: I wonder how it could help us though16:01
* ogra_ uses these trees just to pull from usually ... 16:01
zygacjwatson: so I'm trying to understand the concept16:01
cjwatsonThe goal was to make it work for everyone, but there's only limited attention for it at the moment so I think you should not stress about it16:01
zygacjwatson: how do we 'go into auto-import'?16:01
cjwatsonI certainly have a number of packages where I ignore it16:01
cjwatsonzyga: Upload something that doesn't match the latest tag on the branch16:02
zygacjwatson: I see16:02
zygacjwatson: (something == source package), right16:02
cjwatsonThat's the only thing you can upload (to the archive)16:02
zygaright, just double checking I understand correctly16:02
mardytyhicks: thanks! does it return the same string that would be returned by the aa_getcon() family?16:03
zygacjwatson: if we wanted to use the feature directly, could we stop uploading source packages?16:03
tyhicksmardy: yes16:03
mardytyhicks: we have the long-term plan of migrating to a dbus p2p connection, so it may be that at some point we'll switch to getting the context from the fd of the peer16:04
mardytyhicks: great, then there won't be any problems16:04
tyhicksmardy: That's where the context is coming from16:05
tyhicksmardy: When a DBus connection is made, I do a aa_getpeercon() call on the socket fd and then store that on the DBus connection16:06
cjwatsonzyga: No16:06
zygacjwatson: ok16:06
cjwatsonzyga: The project never got that far16:06
zygacjwatson: so I guess that's all I need for now, many thanks, that does clear stuff up for us16:07
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evilissimohmm lintian is giving me postrm-does-not-call-updaterc.d-for-init.d-script16:18
xnoxevilissimo: did you use dh_installinit ?16:18
evilissimoactually it's automatically used16:18
evilissimodebian/packagename.upstart is present16:18
cjwatsonKnown when dh_installinit is running in Ubuntu mode; ignore it16:19
xnoxah, ok.16:19
evilissimocjwatson: so I should just ignore this one?16:19
cjwatson$ lintian openssh-server_6.2p2-4_amd64.deb16:21
cjwatsonE: openssh-server: postrm-does-not-call-updaterc.d-for-init.d-script etc/init.d/ssh16:21
cjwatson^- you're in reasonable company16:21
cjwatsonof course check that your package is actually starting the upstart job correctly16:21
geofftPerhaps the Ubuntu-patched dh_installinit should also install an override?16:24
mdeslaur_@pilot out16:37
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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roadmrcjwatson: hey, sorry to keep pestering with this. So for checkbox, all I would need is to dput a source package, if that doesn't match a tag in lp:ubuntu then the auto-importer takes over? and I don't have to do or upload anything else?16:42
roadmr(just want to triple-check so I don't mess things up)16:42
psusicjwatson: I've sent you an updated bundle for parted including the fix you uploaded the other day, and two more I've added16:47
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cjwatsonroadmr: To repeat: if your VCS layout no longer matches that of lp:ubuntu/checkbox, then just push it somewhere else, forget about lp:ubuntu/checkbox, and upload source packages17:01
cjwatsonpsusi: Thanks, sorry for being slow about this - I'll try to get to it this weekend17:01
roadmrcjwatson: ok, gotcha. Thanks so much!17:01
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mterryAre ddebs enabled for ports.ubuntu.com?18:46
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infinitymterry: Yes.18:52
infinitymterry: ddebs.ubuntu.com hosts all arches.18:52
mterryinfinity, oh, I looked in the wrong place then, thanks18:54
mterryinfinity, http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/saucy/main/ seems short18:57
infinitymterry: Indeed it does.19:01
infinitypitti_: No ports indices on ddebs?  Que pasa?19:01
infinitymterry: Most of the right files should be there (other than things pitti purged when he was low on disk space :/ ), but indeed, he doesn't seem to be generating indices...19:03
nfmI'm writing a program and I was thinking of licensing it under the WTFPL just because that sort of reflects my style (I'm not trying to be Stallman here). However, in the future if I'm looking for a programming job I'd like to be able to point to it and the rest of my projects as examples. Would having the WTFPL in there be a strike against my "professional image" in the eyes of potential...19:11
nfm...employers or would they not care?19:11
kees_infinity: say, back in quantal I had asked you to carry some eglibc patch... but I can't find any record of a bug or anything for it.19:23
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infinitykees: Was it the patch(es) you uploaded for?19:24
keesI'm trying to find it...19:24
keesyeah, that's the one19:25
keesbut that patch is missing now?19:25
infinityIs it?19:25
keesOh! it's in the ubuntu/ directory, not the any/ directory19:25
keesdid you not want it for debian?19:25
infinityI was undecided for Debian while upstream discussions were going on, and probably have never revisited since.19:26
keesthe "discussion" upstream was "meh, no"19:27
keesand didn't take into account any kind of local suid attacks, etc19:27
keesinfinity: errr... it's back into any/ for saucy?19:28
infinitykees: ^-- Looks to be in ubuntu/ to me...19:30
infinitykees: That branch is.  Uhm.  A filthy lie.19:31
infinityI should just wipe it out completely.19:31
infinityIt's probably stuck on precise or something.19:31
keesokay, cool.19:32
slangaseks/wipe it out completely/get it in sync/19:33
infinityslangasek: Tomayto, tomahto.19:35
tvossslangasek, ping19:35
slangasektvoss: hey there19:36
tvossslangasek, hey, how goes?19:36
slangasektvoss: it's a-goin' :)  what's up?19:36
infinityslangasek: Something akin to "just wipe it out and get it reimported" would work best for my workflow, which doesn't involve bzr for eglibc, cause that's painful madness when syncing with Debian's SVN.19:36
tvossslangasek, just saying hello :19:36
infinityslangasek: If it can be in whatever shape required so that the imported just DTRT when I upload, then I can blissfully not care about it.19:36
slangasekright, which means an importer fix19:37
seb128do we still have anyone caring about import issues?19:37
seb128or rather "caring enough to fix those"19:37
robrusil2100, hey sorry I'm late, wasn't feeling well this morning. gonna make up the hours tonight.19:56
tjaaltonslangasek: what do you think, should libpam-pwquality conflict with libpam-cracklib as it provides the same functionality, or should the pam config conflict. having both works, but it asks the confirmation password twice (use_authtok doesn't seem to help)20:04
tjaaltonhaving both installed and enabled, that is20:04
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sil2100robru: hi!20:50
sil2100robru: did you fix the webapps stack already?20:50
slangasektjaalton: well, if you make the packages conflict, a user can't use both modules for different services, maybe that's a use case you want to support?  In that case, pam profile conflicts seem reasonable20:54
tjaaltonslangasek: they only support the password stack20:56
tjaaltonoh I see20:56
tjaaltonthere's more than common-*20:56
bdmurrayslangasek: I ran into bug 1142843 when I forgot I was logged into a system over ssh and ran update-manager.  Is there anything to be done in update-manager about this?20:58
ubottubug 1142843 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "update-manager crashed with RuntimeError in __init__(): Gtk couldn't be initialized" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114284320:58
slangasekbdmurray: could be fixed to exit with a more friendly message instead of throwing a backtrace, but I'd say that's probably low priority?20:58
bdmurrayslangasek: yes re low but there is an errors report for it with ~785 duplicates20:59
slangasekbdmurray: hmm. in spite of that I guess most of the users encountering it understand afterwards what they did... but, well, maybe it's quicker to fix than argue the priority, by adding a suitable try/except?21:01
tjaaltonslangasek: could pam-auth-update grow to support enabling configs that are not enabled by default? like injecting the to-be-enabled config to libpam-runtime/profiles. that would allow having a non-default config for pam_mkhomedir easily enabled21:03
tjaaltonand more21:03
slangasektjaalton: I would gladly consider patches, but I don't see having time to write this myself anytime soon21:04
tjaaltonslangasek: sure, I'll file a bug so I won't forget :)21:04
robrusil2100, yes, webapps stack is in excellent shape.21:14
robrusil2100, just gonna fix up that webbrowser-app thing about the assets today.21:15
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sil2100robru: did you publish it?21:16
sil2100robru: thanks :)21:17
robrusil2100, no, I don't think I'm set up for that. need you/didrocks to publish still.21:17
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sil2100robru: let me check that21:39
robruI hate CMake.21:45
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