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ogra_oh my ... who decided to make the framebuffer console builtin on grouper ...09:01
* ogra_ sighs09:01
ppisatiogra_: this one? - git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-nexus7.git09:04
ogra_well, the last upload09:04
ogra_it was a module in the former upload, that i could at least rm at build time 09:05
ogra_(imge build time that is)09:05
ogra_we dont want anything to initialize the framebuffer before surfaceflinger or Mir do that ... fbcon somehow did get enabled (as a module) as part of the "we need a /dev/console for upstart" change ... 09:06
ogra_while we want a /dev/console we dont want the framebuffer console ...09:06
* ppisati ponders... it sucks to be a framebuffer console nowadays...09:08
ogra_on android for sure09:08
ogra_argh, and all the other kernels were switched to "quiet"09:11
ogra_GRRRRR !09:11
ogra_so we wont have any info on the ramconsole for debugging anymore 09:11
ppisatiogra_: you wanna talk with rtg as soon as he wakes up (~3hrs)09:12
ogra_yes, just writing a mail, i think that was a request from slangasek (only for grouper though) 09:13
tjaaltonbjf, henrix: hey, I have a last-minute change or two for the ubuntu-quantal kernel :/ (for -35.5x)09:38
henrixtjaalton: i believe sconklin started prep'ing the Q kernel yesterday09:38
tjaaltonhenrix: yeah I noticed -35.56 got tagged..09:39
henrixtjaalton: i guess you'll need to convince him to respin the kernel :)09:40
tjaaltonhenrix: right.. so in 4-5h maybe?09:41
henrixtjaalton: yep. maybe you can start by sending the patches to the mailing list so that we may get the ACKs before that09:42
tjaaltonI'll prep the second one09:42
henrixtjaalton: cool. thanks09:42
ogra_ppisati, ...09:57
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/bastel/nx7/linux-grouper-3.1.10$ fakeroot debian/rules binary-grouper09:57
ogra_make: *** No rule to make target `binary-grouper'.  Stop.09:57
ogra_shouldnt that work ? (i dont want to build the tools)09:57
ppisatiogra_: should be, hold on09:58
ogra_ppisati, heh, false alarm, ignore me09:59
ogra_i forgot to do the dpkg-architecture export09:59
ppisatisince i upgraded this box to saucy, i lost gcc4.610:01
ppisatiand that kernel explicitely requires 4.610:01
ppisatiAKA i can't build it anymore10:01
ogra_that cant be ... the package gets built on saucy in the archive 10:02
ppisatiogra_: i'm cross compiling here10:02
ogra_ah, got it 10:03
tjaaltonhenrix: ok, pushed the branch and email sent10:46
henrixtjaalton: great, thanks. i'll have a look at them in a bit.10:49
tjaaltonit's kinda backwards though to add the pci-id's before they are even on saucy, but oh well .)10:54
henrixtjaalton: ugh, i guess the 2nd patch generation is automated, right? :p11:03
tjaaltonhenrix: the drm_mm* madness?11:06
henrixtjaalton: yep11:06
tjaaltonwell I did double-check against the old version for correctness, should be right :)11:07
tjaaltonalso built fine, dkms too11:07
henrixtjaalton: yeah, and it will be a pain to maintain :)11:07
tjaaltonso it should match 1:1 to the old one, a650b0fdeda61 shows how to rename next time if such trickery is needed again11:08
tjaaltonsure is11:08
henrixtjaalton: that's why i was asking if you had some script to automate that renaming11:08
tjaaltonbut, I think it wont receive many updates anymore11:08
tjaaltonnot to the old names11:08
tjaaltonold-old names that is, the recent rebase was easy11:08
henrixtjaalton: cool. anyway, we're already maintaining that ubuntu/i915 thing, so maintenance will always be painful11:10
tjaaltonI just wish we'd be able to just suck it up and pull all of drm/* as sru..11:10
henrixtjaalton: one of the things missing for that is a bug # :p11:10
tjaaltonhenrix: 3.8.13.x won't receive that many updates, I hope. and the old version was kinda left behind anyway11:10
tjaaltonbug for?11:10
aquariusA little while back I was testing a kernel bug with jsalisbury and so installed a specific kernel, 3.8.0-030800-generic. I'd like to stop using that and get back to running the most recent kernel from raring. How do I do this? I am frightened of apt-get removing the kernel that I am currently running ;)11:11
tjaaltonthe rename? maybe reuse 1188305?11:11
henrixtjaalton: oh, sorry. i missed the BugLink in the 1st patch11:11
tjaaltonyeah, so "some oem's" want us to have all these new pci-id's in the archive by end of next week..11:12
tjaaltonuserspace is already being dealt of, uploaded to -proposed just not acked yet11:13
henrixtjaalton: ok, cool. so lets just wait for sconklin and bjf and see what they say. maybe they are already waiting for these patches...?11:13
tjaaltonbut if the kernel one could be squeezed in it would roughly fit that timeframe as well11:13
tjaaltonhenrix: nah, I was just late to the party..11:13
henrixtjaalton: heh, so lets hope they had a good night sleep :)11:14
tjaaltonindeed :)11:14
tjaaltonI did mention this late last night (my time) but I guess they were gone already11:15
gompaiam getting a amd-vi event logged io_page_fault device=0a:00.0 domain=0x001f message on the x64 kernel 3.8.0-25-generic on a asus  sabertooh 990fx r2.0 (this disables my nic) (i think i found related bug report here :http://linux-kernel.2935.n7.nabble.com/AMD-Vi-error-and-lost-networking-with-r8169-td630152.html )(but in that bug report the device and domain are different)11:32
* henrix -> back in 1513:03
apwgompa, sounds like an iommu getting all humpy, i would file a but, at least that way people can track what h/w etc you have13:20
* ogra_ hugs rtg_ 13:23
ogra_rtg_, yeah, theh quiet thing is simply useless (we dont (and likely wont) set quiet on the cmdline but its a patch we dont need to carry13:24
rtg_ogra_, do the rest of the Nexus kernels have the same FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE issue ?13:24
ogra_android explicitly disabled fbcon, so they shouldnt 13:24
ogra_that came in with the console fixes for boting grouper in the flipped setup ... 13:25
rtg_ogra_, why was slangasek hot for the 'quiet' patch ?13:25
ogra_all other HW seems to properly just use the ramconsole, its a tegra thing13:25
ogra_because he didnt understand that we wont have any console output ever 13:25
ogra_unless we actually patch the kernels, but that would mean a lot of extra work for porters (exynos for example doesnt boot if you enable fbcon)13:26
rtg_ogra_, ok. I won't bother reverting for now since its a harmless patch as long as 'quiet' isn't on the boot command line.13:26
rtg_ogra_, upload grouper then ?13:27
ogra_yup, i tested it locally and it works fine here 13:27
rtg_ogra_, ok, will do13:27
ogra_thanks :)13:27
bjftjaalton, you have made me very sad this a.m. I will accept your nasty commits and we will respin. this _really_ should have come in last week.14:24
tjaaltonbjf: :/ sorry.. and huge thanks14:25
bjftjaalton, shouldn't we apply the pci id commit to raring as well?14:25
tjaaltonbjf: it's there via
bjftjaalton, ok, i'm not awake enough to check14:26
bjfinfinity, ^ respinning Q14:28
tjaaltonbtw, the ReleaseInterlock page is old, shouldn't saucy have one?14:34
tjaaltonhmm that's not what I wanted.. kernel-sru-workflow.html instead14:35
* ppisati steps away for ~10mins14:54
rtg_apw, ogasawara: anything you want in saucy before I upload ? there are a couple of d-i fixes that need to get propagated.15:08
ogasawarartg_: nope, I'm good here15:10
ogasawarartg_: I assume the dkms issues tseliot was sorting are done?15:10
rtg_ogasawara, heck if I know.15:10
rtg_ogasawara, I just annoy apw periodically who then annoys tseliot15:11
ogasawarartg_: I guess I should clarify, this is the 3.10 kernel you're going to upload right, not 3.915:11
rtg_ogasawara, don't you know ? I'm a nexus hacker these days. who thought it was a good idea to do 4 of those dang things ?15:12
rtg_ogasawara, no, 3.9 for now15:12
ogasawarartg_: heh.  ok then nevermind my babbling about dkms bits.  that's only an issue for 3.1015:12
rtg_ogasawara, right. IIRC tseliot said he hoped to be ready by end of the week15:13
ogasawarartg_: yep, I recall the same15:13
tjaaltonaiui only fglrx left15:14
ogasawaraDaviey: ^^ it would be good to get your formal list of dkms packages you guys care about if you want us to perform advanced testing before we upload.  I sense an impending upload soon.15:15
tseliotogasawara: yes, I'm working on fglrx15:15
rtg_an impending dkms explosion :)15:15
Davieyogasawara: Ah, i thought my team were doing the advance testing this time.. so i held off on sending a list.15:16
ogasawaraDaviey: ok cool, in that case...heads up, we're probably going to upload a 3.10 kernel soon.15:17
ogasawaraDaviey: would probably be good for you guys to test sooner rather than later15:17
Davieyogasawara: I was looking to get some stuff validated against the PPA tomorrow.  Which means that we'll know of issues then.15:21
DavieyI wouldn't like you to block on this tho.15:21
ogasawaraDaviey: ok great, tomorrow should be good.  I don't think we'd upload until EOW anyways at best.15:22
=== rtg_ is now known as rtg-afk
infinitybjf: Ack on the Q respin.16:12
=== rtg-afk is now known as rtg_
=== fmasi is now known as fmasi_afk
* rtg_ -> lunch18:03
* henrix -> EOD18:06
jjohansenapw, rtg_: is there a wiki for doing test builds of the phablet kernels18:09
apwjjohansen, yeah you want er18:28
jjohansenapw: yes please18:28
apwjjohansen, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/AndroidKernel18:29
apwjjohansen, i cross build my kernels to make them for that use18:29
rtg_jjohansen, what apw says. for what you are doing you can just cross build them18:42
jjohansenrtg_: yep thanks18:43
* apw calls it a day ... i hate hyper-v and i love beer, so the decision is easy18:50
=== kees_ is now known as kees
* rtg_ -> EOD20:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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