
RAOFracarr: When jenkins picks up the new commits to mesa you'll have a mesa that actually builds in the PPA.00:00
racarrRAOF: Yay, thanks, in the interim I justs purged the ppa00:00
racarrdont need to run mir right now just build it XD00:00
RAOFWhat the what, launchpad?00:26
RAOFIn what way is 0.0.4bzr756saucy0 not >= 0.0.4?00:28
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
RAOF??? And mesa is building on armhf for some reason?01:08
robert_ancellRAOF, can you clarify the purpose of the system-compositor-testing PPA? What is different over the testing PPA (just that the packages are manually synchronized?)01:14
RAOFrobert_ancell: That is exactly the difference, yes.01:14
duflurobert_ancell: It's to avoid https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-system-compositor/+bug/119133801:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1191338 in Unity System Compositor "Dependency on libmirserver is brittle" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:15
* duflu reboots01:15
robert_ancellyeah, thought so01:15
robert_ancellRAOF any more info on the dri permissions? I was wondering if it might be a side-effect of the DRM going via the system compositor (wild speculation here)01:16
RAOFrobert_ancell: logind doesn't associate XMir sessions with a seat, so doesn't set up the dri permissions.01:17
robert_ancellRAOF, ok cool. So I need to track down why logind isn't happy01:17
RAOFAnd it fails to associate the XMir session with a seat because the XMir server doesn't have a controlling tty.01:17
RAOFWe could set XDG_SEAT="seat0" in the pam environment.01:17
robert_ancellRAOF, but we don't do that for the VT+X case and that works01:18
RAOFCorrect, but in that case X is opening a tty (because it needs to do VT manipulation) and so logind can do a reverse-lookup from $DISPLAY to seat.01:19
robert_ancellyay for hacks behind the scene01:19
robert_ancellIs that info in the bug report?01:21
dufluFurther to my last point it's then ironic that ppa:mir-team/staging just broke my system :/01:36
duflurobert_ancell: Can we please make sure type!=unity for the staging PPA by default? It means our dev environments could become unusable at the first sign of any system compositor/lightdm problems01:38
RAOFduflu: I can flip the default.01:38
robert_ancellduflu, yeah, that seems fair01:38
duflurobert_ancell: Also, when I went back to vanilla lightdm... it just does nothing on type=unity instead of defaulting to something that works. Is that intentional?01:39
robert_ancellduflu, correct - if the seat type is unknown it stops (and failsafe X should work)01:40
RAOFduflu: You can run “dpkg-reconfigure unity-system-compositor” and select “no” to undefault.01:40
dufluNo failsafe. Just VT console01:40
dufluTa RAOF01:40
dufluTry again...01:46
=== jono is now known as Guest14995
RAOFduflu: That worked, right?02:29
dufluRAOF: Didn't have to. After I reinstalled I have lightdm being kept back again ;)02:29
dufluHence no unity-system-compositor to reconfigure02:30
RAOFthomi: Are you here? What's happening with mesa autolanding?02:49
dufluRAOF: Where did the discussion end with pitti last night?02:52
RAOFThat logind needs to learn that VTs are not the same as sessions, and that he'll look into that.02:53
dufluRAOF: Hmm, might be dangerous to assume there's nothing we need to do. Are you sure he's doing it? Should we?02:54
RAOFOh, we *also* need to tell logind about the seat.02:54
dufluRAOF: I tried a system-wide XDG_SEAT=seat0 last night but obviously that was too wishful02:55
dufluOr the environment got clobbered02:55
RAOFIt needs to be in the pam environment; I'm not sure if you can influence that with /etc/environment.02:55
RAOFI'm heading out for lunch; back in an hour or so, whereupon I shall investimigate further.02:56
dufluRAOF: Tell logind precisely in what form?02:56
dufluOK, bye02:56
dufluThat's weird. My xmir login on top of unity-system-compositor appears on every second (even) VT... F2, F4, F603:34
duflurobert_ancell, ^03:34
robert_ancellduflu, odd03:34
robert_ancellRAOF, aw yeah, that XDG_SEAT does the trick!04:24
92AAAUIMOrobert_ancell: Woo! One down.04:28
robert_ancell92AAAUIMO, new nick?04:28
92AAAUIMO…I did not notice that.04:28
=== 92AAAUIMO is now known as RAOF
tvossgod morning gentlemen :)05:10
tvoss+o, obviously05:10
tvossRAOF, ping05:10
RAOFtvoss: Pong.05:10
tvossRAOF, any luck with the dri permissions?05:10
RAOFYes; Robert's setting XDG_SEAT from lightdm, and that unconfuses logind.05:11
tvossRAOF, does that solve the plymouth issue, too?05:13
tvossRAOF, hmmm, do we have any idea for the plymouth issue, then?05:14
RAOFAlan was looking at that last night. I don't know if he found anything because my IRC bouncer died.05:14
tvossRAOF, ah okay, will grab alan then05:16
tvossRAOF, piglit running in the lab: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/All/job/piglit-nvidia-gt440-le-daily/1/artifact/results/html/index.html05:17
tvossrunning a daily cadence05:17
tvossI thought about running selected phoronix tests on the infrastructure against XMir, too05:18
tvossmakes sense?05:18
RAOFYeah, that could work.05:18
duflutvoss: I was going to investigate the plymouth spin momentarily05:20
* duflu wishes people would mark things as in progress so we don't all work on the same bugs05:20
tvossduflu, +105:22
tvossduflu, might make sense to sync with alan05:22
tvossduflu, with the plymouth out of the way, we would have something dogfoodable and runnable in the lab at scale05:22
tvossrobert_ancell, good morning/evening :)05:24
robert_ancelltvoss, hello05:24
tvossrobert_ancell, how goes?05:28
robert_ancellRAOF, does XMir definitely not use any VTs? I seem to have the compositor running on 7 but XMir was on 805:28
robert_ancelltvoss, busy with change in priorities05:28
tvossrobert_ancell, I can imagine :)05:29
RAOFrobert_ancell: I'm pretty sure XMir doesn't do any VT things; let me check again.05:29
robert_ancellRAOF, I notice I'm actually setting 'vt7' as an arg to the X server, not sure if that would have any effect05:34
RAOFI believe that it won't.05:34
RAOFrobert_ancell: Yeah, xorgMir => xorgHWOpenConsole == FALSE => dontVTSwitch == TRUE.05:39
robert_ancellRAOF, but does it allocate a VT?05:39
robert_ancellThere is a -novtswitch option that will stop it automatically switching to a VT, but that doesn't stop it running on one05:40
RAOFrobert_ancell: It doesn't call xf86OpenConsole, so it shouldn't allocate a VT.05:41
kgunntvoss: phoronix does make sense, got to thinking late yesterday....we need something sub 60fps specifically for xmir05:44
kgunni added a work item for it in the xorg bp for when we have accel x back05:44
tvosskgunn, yup, that's what I'm thinking, and I think that we should get started broadly and focus on specific benchmarks as we see issues arising05:44
kgunntvoss: the nexuiz wasn't too long in terms of run time (at least shorter than openarena)05:45
kgunnand it was 21fps avg05:46
tvosskgunn, on what kind of system?05:46
kgunnon my i5 w/ sandybridge05:46
tvosskgunn, let's leave runtime considerations aside for the moment, that's a luxury issue to solve/optimize when we have the stuff running on a cadence05:46
RAOFkgunn: Actually, we don't need < 60 fps for xmir, because xmir doesn't support vblankd swapbuffers.05:47
kgunnRAOF: it is 1am...do you mean its not vsync'd (it tears) ?05:48
RAOFkgunn: Correct. Plus, because of this, it's not capped to 60fps.05:48
RAOFAlthough the *output* is, because unity-system-compositor is locked to 60fps.05:48
RAOFglxgears: 11785 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2356.963 FPS05:49
kgunnRAOF: actually that's perfect....and still what we want05:50
kgunntechnically, if there is any overhead to xmir, it would still show up05:51
RAOFIt would indeed.05:51
kgunnin a benchmark that's already running sub 60fps due to load05:51
kgunnand i think that would answer the faq that will come from people05:51
kgunn"how much will xmir cost me in perf"05:52
racarrI accidently awake. Happy almost weekly meeting :)05:52
kgunnracarr: happy almost weekly meeting to you too....you shouldn't have :)05:52
* kgunn set alarm for 12:30....worried he might be in semi dream state05:53
tvosskgunn, couldn't we adjust the cadence on a bi-weekly basis to make it mutually less painful for the different timezones?05:53
racarrkgunn: I lost track of time reading05:54
kgunntvoss: spent time looking at this once...and basically not realistically....pretty well the only time if05:54
tvosskgunn, ah okay05:54
racarrI had the idea the other day that maybe there are two parts to the benefits of the weekly meeting05:54
racarr1. High bandwidth communication05:55
kgunnyou want west coast, aus, nz, euro05:55
racarrbut also 2. Cadence05:55
racarrso maybe having some sort of document05:55
racarrthat we try and like do a "rolling" weekly meeting in (raising issues and people respond, etc) then we try and wrap up in to a consensus once a week05:55
robert_ancellracarr, kdub_, alf, RAOF, duflu, meeting05:56
robert_ancellhikiko, meeting05:56
robert_ancelland kgunn too today :)05:56
hikikorobert_ancell, joining in a minute05:57
RAOFWe take this opportunity for unity-system-compositor to lock up the GPU.06:05
tvossRAOF, :)06:06
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=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
racarrI dropped06:40
racarrrejoining isnt working06:41
robert_ancellkgunn, alan_g might be a good match for the multi-monitor now06:43
* duflu dropped too06:44
dufluOnly the hangout died06:44
dufluGah. The hangout is just silent06:46
dufluWhat's going on?06:46
racarrduflu: Thats all I can see too06:46
RAOFduflu: INTERNETS!06:46
dufluI has internets06:47
dufluI give up. I have no video or audio now. I only see the chat06:48
racarrgood nightmorning :)06:55
racarralan_g: You just missed the xmir party of the century06:55
dufluSo good we broke the hangout06:56
dufluSomeone please let me know if I missed anything important from the end of the hangout. It refuses to work now06:56
* duflu runs to the post office06:56
tvosskgunn, ping...still around?07:04
tvossalan_g, duflu is anyone of you looking into profiling mir with callgrind right now?07:17
duflutvoss: I did so just before Oakland. I will email you the results as a reminder07:18
tvossduflu, thanks, got the full call tree around?07:18
duflutvoss: No. Those things go out of date within hours07:18
tvossduflu, agreed :)07:18
tvossduflu, do you think it makes sense for the both of us to look into that deeply?07:19
duflutvoss: I was, and would like to again. But have been given different tasks for now07:20
tvossduflu, okay07:20
tvossduflu, if you can hand over your setup to me, I'm happy to have a look07:20
duflutvoss: Email sent. I can't remember any specific setup other than callgrind a mir server while a client is rendering at a full 60 FPS07:22
tvossduflu, cool, thx07:22
RAOFWho knows how the saucy autolanding stuff for mesa is supposed to work? Also, why isn't it?07:36
RAOFOr, rather, why did it work yesterday but not today?07:36
dufluRAOF: Didn't someone say they kicked it off manually yesterday?07:37
alan_gtvoss: I did some callgrind a few weeks ago, but none ATM.07:38
tvossalan_g, ack07:38
RAOFIt kicked off automatically this morning, but only for raring.07:38
tvossmmrazik, ping07:38
tvossmmrazik, can you help us figuring out why the mesa autolanding for saucy has issues?07:40
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mmraziktvoss: do we have autolanding for mesa?07:47
mmrazikor you mean the job that just polls the git repo and dputs the newest version?07:47
tvossRAOF, ^? I assume the latter?07:49
mmrazikRAOF: you say it used to work?07:49
RAOFmmrazik: I mean the latter.07:50
mmrazikwell.. actually you are right07:50
mmrazikit worked07:50
RAOFFor Raring; not for saucy.07:50
RAOFRaring pulled -mir3 (which would build if mir wasn't FTBFS on raring), but Saucy hasn't.07:50
mmrazikI think the job is broken. There is some conflict in the naming and saucy was rejected from the ppa07:51
mmrazikFile mesa_9.2~git20130611.761320b1-0ubuntu0+mir3-jenkins76.tar.gz already exists in Mir staging ppa, but uploaded version has different contents. See more information about this error in https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors.07:51
RAOFOh, right!07:51
mmrazikI think I just need to append saucy/raring to the version string07:51
RAOFThere's no release-specific string in the version.07:51
mmrazikuh oh07:51
mmrazikthomi was creative (if it was he) in the job :)07:51
mmrazikRAOF: the source for raring and mesa is exactly the same, right?07:53
mmraziki.e. the same repo and everything07:53
tvossRAOF, mmrazik why don't we use https://launchpad.net/mesa07:56
tvossit is synced frequently to the mesa git, too07:56
mmraziktvoss: I don't know07:58
mmrazikI was told to use the git07:58
tvossmmrazik, okay07:58
RAOFmmrazik: Yes, exactly the same for raring and saucy.08:02
RAOFtvoss: I don't use lp:mesa because we don't have any tooling to handle git branches in bzr, and it's a huge impedence mismatch if I try.08:03
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
tvossRAOF, cool, thx for clarifying08:05
mmrazikRAOF, tvoss: I believe I fixed the mesa issues and triggered a new dput to both raring and saucy08:19
tvossmmrazik, awesome, thank you08:19
alfmmrazik: btw, would it be possible to move our -ci and -autolanding builders to saucy?08:28
mmrazikalf: sure. We can just switch or is there anything else I need to do?08:29
alfmmrazik: hopefully everything will work, just a moment to confirm with others08:29
alfalan_g: duflu: tvoss: ^^ Any concerns/blockers?08:30
duflualf: No I think we are saucy-ready08:30
dufluOther than your kernel :(08:30
alan_galf: I've not tested everything on saucy - but don't know of any blockers08:31
alfmmrazik: ok, let's do it then08:31
duflualf: Haven't tried building _on_ saucy-android08:31
dufluBut cross compiling from saucy to saucy is all good08:31
dufluAnd saucy-desktop is very good08:31
mmrazikactually good point08:32
mmrazikI tend to forget about android08:32
mmraziklet me check if it is easy to switch it too08:32
dufluUmm, I mean building on saucy-panda ;)08:32
alfduflu: mmrazik: is android -ci a native build? I thought it was cross-compiling?08:33
mmrazikalf: its crosscompile in pbuilder chroot08:33
mmrazikso it should be easy to switch08:33
dufluCool. That's tested and working then08:33
mmrazikI'm just not sure the saucy base image is on that host but that should be easy to create08:33
mmrazikalf: I don't think we are compiling on panda at all08:33
duflummrazik, yeah the tests will fail if not built on a saucy host08:33
mmrazikduflu ^08:34
mmrazikso let me first change the "native" raring builds08:34
duflummrazik, in summary, everything must be saucy, or nothing08:34
mmrazikduflu: even the android part?08:35
mmrazikI think it is running on a box with precise installed08:35
alfduflu: mmrazik: I just saw that our vm-ci build is still quantal :)08:35
mmrazikalf: you sure? It seems its raring08:36
mmrazikchanging to saucy anyway08:36
mmrazikmir-vm-* is saucy now08:37
duflummrazik, Just that running on saucy-armhf fails tests unless it was built with gcc-4.8 :/08:37
alfmmrazik: sorry, could be, I think I may have been misled by a stale link I had08:39
mmrazikI vaguely remember you pinged me about it not-so-long ago and I changed to raring08:39
mmrazikbtw. I'm changing qmir, lightdm-mir, etc to saucy as well08:40
alfmmrazik: yes, I remembered now08:41
dufluRAOF: ?08:41
RAOFduflu: Imagine me steepling my long, yellow fingers.08:42
alfmmrazik: when all is done, feel free to retrigger e.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/stream-multiple-lock-back-buffer/+merge/16984108:42
mmrazikalf: ok. thanks08:43
mmrazikonly the android is missing now08:43
dufluRAOF: Oh, you mean <steeple>Eeeeexcellent</steeple>08:43
RAOFduflu: Indeed. But I decided that post-hoc.08:44
alfmmrazik: can we also do an autolanding build e.g. for the branch mentioned above, that doesn't actually perform the final landing? Otherwise, no problem waiting for something actually to land to try -autolanding.08:44
mlankhorstRAOF: can you accept the libdrm sru in precise/raring/quantal?08:45
mmrazikalf: the -ci and -autolanding jobs should be the same08:45
mmrazikin could be done without the autolanding part but I would need to clone the job and modify it08:45
mmrazikeasier to either wait or re-trigger an existing MP08:45
* duflu searches for an edition of "Increase your wordiness"08:45
alfmmrazik: ok, no problem then, I didn't remember if CI builds branches independently or merges trunk first08:46
mmrazikalf: they merge trunk to detect conflicts early08:46
alfmmrazik: ok08:47
* alf is about to try out some code in a VT... let's see if this will lead to another reboot...08:49
mmrazikhttps://code.launchpad.net/~hikiko/mir/mir.dest-tmp/+merge/168934 triggered a new build on saucy so we will see :-)09:03
mmrazikonly the android part will be raring09:03
* mmrazik is still building the saucy chroots09:03
mmraziktoo bad. Conflict there.09:04
hikikoI didn't switch to saucy yet, do I have to? (My laptop is my main pc as well)09:13
mmrazikhikiko: you don't have to to please jenkins or something similar (although it might be easier to debug compile issues on saucy if jenkins finds some)09:16
alfRAOF: heads up about mesa build failure https://launchpad.net/~mir-team/+archive/staging/+build/472707509:17
mmrazikbtw. everything is on saucy now. I tested the clang job (works) and now I'm trying the android one09:17
mmrazikI assume the rest will just work09:18
hikikoalf, mentioned in the meeting that he has some issues with mir, gpu and unity freezing on saucy I think that's why I am afraid to dist-upgrade does everything works fine for you?09:19
alfhikiko: I will recheck soon and will let you know09:22
hikikothank you alf !09:23
mmrazikalf: re the quantal links for mir-vm-ci-builds... the thing is that we re-created mir-ci (started with build #1) while the mir-vm-ci-build job is there for a while without any big change09:28
mmraziknot jenkins has some relations between upstream and downstream job09:28
mmrazikbut the relation only cares about job name and build number09:28
mmrazikno unique ID09:28
alan_gmmrazik: alf has gone (forced reboot I think)09:28
mmrazikand apparently the mir-ci job build #s are now high enough to make jenkins think that some older mir-vm-ci builds were triggered by mir-ci09:28
mmrazikalan_g: oh.. .thanks. didn't notice the quite09:29
alan_galf: welcome back09:33
alfhikiko: Despite appearances, it works better for me now :) Note, though, that latest mir trunk needs latest mesa-mir, and there have been some mesa package build failures09:34
alfalan_g: glad to be back ;)09:34
alfalan_g: It seems that the problem is not the graphics after all. It is lttng that's crashing the system09:35
alan_galf: unfortunate09:37
alfalan_g: Yes and no... at least I can do some useful work now :)09:38
mmrazikalf: https://code.launchpad.net/~afrantzis/mir/stream-multiple-lock-back-buffer/+merge/169841/comments/37911409:51
mmrazikand the mir-vm-ci/quantal build link seems to be gone too09:52
alfmmrazik: Great, thanks!09:54
tvosskatie, ping09:55
katietvoss, hi09:56
tvosskatie, can we postpone our sync-up by 30 minutes?09:56
katietvoss, sure09:56
tvosskatie, awesome, thanks09:57
* RAOF fixes stupid mesa build failure.10:05
RAOFNote: you don't (or shouldn't) need that mesa to build Mir.10:06
alan_galf: I was looking at something else, but noticed something that seems wrong and think you probably know the answer. It seems wrong that both the_compositor() and the_compositing_strategy() depend on the_renderables(). Are they actually using disjoint subsets of that interface? (Implying that there's an interface missing.)10:27
alfalan_g: yes, the_compositor just needs to know when the renderables change so it can schedule a redraw, the compositing strategy just needs to access to all the renderables10:30
alan_galf: that's what I thought. Thanks.10:32
alfalan_g: IIRC, it's something we were aware of this from the beginning, but decided to use the same interface nonetheless10:32
katietvoss, ready? if you need more time, we can postpone and use the time with matthew tomorrow to discuss10:33
tvosskatie, that would be great10:33
katietvoss, gives me more time to respond to your comments :)10:34
katietvoss, see you tomorrow10:34
tvosskatie, yup :)10:34
tvosskatie, ttyt10:34
RAOFalan_g: You were looking into why unity-system-compositor wasn't starting up yesterday? Get anywhere?10:35
alan_gRAOF: no. (I was mostly answering tvoss asking what could go wrong before"Successfully setup native resources")10:38
alan_gRAOF: I'm still trying to stabilize after upgrading to saucy, so I've not tried to reproduce10:39
RAOFalan_g: Ah, ok. That's tomorrow morning's work then.10:39
alan_gRAOF: sorry to disappoint10:41
* alan_g needs to reboot10:42
* alan_g wonders why he gets "libEgl ... unsupported platform" today10:46
RAOFProbably because mesa's currently building past the API change.10:47
alan_gAh, so it will probably sort itself out later.10:47
* alan_g hates the cascade of issues following upgrading stuff10:48
alan_gRAOF: is there anything I can look at to help with USC?10:48
RAOFWorking out why it doesn't start, and gives no output even on stderr.10:50
RAOFThat, or why, when it succeeds, it goes all “Unable to set active session, unknown client name 0”10:51
alan_gwill the above mesa problem stop it getting that far?10:54
RAOFProbably, yes.10:56
RAOFJenkins should pick up the fixed mesa in the next 15 minutes, or you can build from github locally.10:57
duflualan_g: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/116120610:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 1161206 in Mir "Mir EGL demos output error: libEGL warning: unsupported platform (null)" [Low,Triaged]10:57
alan_gI'll leave it to jenkins - it should be done by the time I've finished lunch10:58
alan_gduflu: ta11:03
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|lunch
alfalan_g: @fix-1188451, is the dead client caught only when we try to communicate with it, or is there some internal keep-alive mechanism in asio?11:36
alan_galf: asio detects that read won't block and tries to read. If it can't read then the reason that read won't block is that the connection died11:41
alan_gI'm having trouble testing it properly ATM as I can't run clients without them dying11:42
alan_g(I think that relates to mesa incomparability)11:42
alan_galf: we're almost always waiting on a call from the client11:45
duflualan_g: I forgot to ask; aren't there traditional unix ways to detect the other end of a socket is dead?11:48
dufluI haven't checked the library...11:49
alfalan_g: I am not sure how what you describe would work. Why would a read from a connected (from the server's perspective), but abruptly killed client, not block?11:49
alfalan_g: do unix sockets handle this differently from network sockets?11:50
alan_galf: I'm no expert on sockets, but I think it pretty standard to detect "events" (which can be data or closed).11:56
alan_gBe back later11:56
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
alfalan_g|lunch: Indeed, I was thinking in terms of the whole system dying, in which case the network stack wouldn't be able to to send the TCP close sequence. We don't have that problem here, though.12:10
=== hikiko|lunch is now known as hikiko
duflualf: What would you expect with multiple processes doing drmSetMaster ?12:49
dufluHmm, never mind. The answer probably doesn't change the solution12:49
alfduflu: I would expect all but the first (assuming it succeeds) to fail to get drm master12:50
duflualf: I mean would you ever expect EIO particularly?12:51
dufluI would have thought EBUSY/EAGAIN/something else12:51
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
alfduflu: right, EIO seems unlikely (I think it actually returns EINVAL)12:57
duflualf: Yeah I hadn't nailed down which function it was12:57
alan_galf: yep. (I did find some system vs TCP sockets differences while investigating.)12:59
alan_g\o/ Updated with the new libs etc from ppa and lots of problems went away.13:14
=== mmrazik is now known as mmrazik|afk
tvosskgunn, would it make sense to move the task to alan's plate with a lower prio?13:18
tvosskgunn, @switchable backends13:18
alfalan_g: great!13:19
kgunntvoss: might make sense since we are going to need that much sooner than we previously tht13:19
* alan_g wonders if he's being stitched up by references to "alan"13:20
kgunnalan_g: we just assigned it all to you :)13:20
alan_gkgunn: http://www.dilbert.com/fast/2013-06-19/13:21
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=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
duflukgunn: plymouth fixed, kind of, https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/lightdm/fix-1192051/+merge/17036213:45
kgunnduflu: \0/ THANKS!13:45
dufluAnd now it's late13:45
* duflu vanishes13:45
kgunnGOTO BED13:45
mlankhorstundefined label 'bed'14:35
tvossmlankhorst, :)14:35
kdub_hello folks. status, noticed that when the android clients have to drop a deleted buffer (as is common in transitioning from triple buffered to double buffered), the android drivers are not happy15:06
alan_gstatus: MPd a fix for bug 1188451 - working to improve reporting and tests around it15:32
ubot5bug 1188451 in Mir "Mir server leaks surfaces from dead clients" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118845115:32
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alfstatus: More work on session snapshots, getting closer15:36
kgunnracarr: greyback ....coming ?15:36
kdub_saucy's libhybris sure is chatty15:50
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alan_gBye all!17:00
racarrI think we should not build17:22
racarrmirclient mesa on ARM17:22
racarrbecaue we don't use it and now things are broken because if you install it on the phone (i.e. add the ppa)17:22
racarrbecause it expects mir_mesa_egl_display_is_valid in17:22
racarrlibmiorclient which isnt there on android17:23
racarrI am still running in to weird conlicts18:26
racarrbetween my mesa and mirclient  ending with double frees in static initializers and sadness18:27
racarrah perhaps I had a ghost libEGL.so18:28
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kgunnmterry: would you feel qualified to review https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/lightdm/fix-1192051/+merge/17036218:51
* mterry looks18:51
mterrykgunn, robert_ancell might be better for that one18:54
mterry(just in terms of potential fallout from messing with VTs)18:55
kgunnmterry: ok....shot in dark....its something i just want to hustle along...but roberts aware also18:56
racarrHave we18:56
racarrintentionally dropped support for raring?18:56
racarrthere doesn't seem to be any mesa with the latest API/ABI changes that18:56
racarrbuilds against the drm in raring18:56
mterryracarr, pfft, raring is old hat18:57
racarrI know, I just can't find a time where I have a few hours to lose to upgrade yet18:58
racarrill upgrade while im at the dentist tomorrow XD18:59
racarrand build drm myself right now18:59
racarrmterry: Oh. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug19:02
racarris not on for default by mir19:02
racarreven when building yourself19:02
racarrerr, and now the mir-ppa branch of mesa on github19:05
racarrdoesn't contain platorm_mir.c19:05
mterryracarr, thanks for the tip19:11
racarr*crosses fingers for a flawless dist-upgrade*19:24
racarrundefined reference to `std::chrono::steady_clock::now()'. I guess I have to wait for19:58
racarrthe upgrade to finish :(19:58
mterryracarr, building mir takes forever20:09
racarrits true20:10
racarryou can skip the tests and build from src/ and examples/ directly20:10
racarrbut if anything goes wrong we will want the tests anyway20:10
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racarrDuring the proces of upgrading from raring to saucy my battery-not-having desktop went from 1% battery power to 7020:55
racarrHi guys! I Just upgraded to Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander and it seems like something called 'mir21:12
racarr' has broken my lightdm21:12
racarrand X21:13
racarrjk :p, except about the broken :(21:13
bschaeferracarr, someone mentioned that you have to remove the line type=unity in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf to boot from an xsession (which seemed to work for me!)21:17
racarrok I got X but things were pretty bad21:19
racarrand then it crashed21:19
bschaeferhaha, yeah I had to do startx to get around the lightdm problem...removing that line fixed it for me21:19
racarrim stuck in software21:24
racarrand software with some weird rendering quirks21:24
racarrand second monitor wont go up to full resolution21:24
racarrim deleting usr local and purging mir-team ppa XD21:24
bschaeferracarr, even with removing that line from the lightdm.conf?21:25
racarrmm, beore that it just wouldnt start21:25
racarr* hands in air *21:30
robert_ancellracarr, like you just don't care?21:38
racarrrobert_ancell: That it didn't work?21:39
robert_ancellracarr, so hands in the air for frustration?21:39
racarrno, I am upset that it didn't work, but happy that I have X back21:39
racarrbecause I am in the middle of other things that I can now finish. then try and make the PPA work21:40
racarrrobert_ancell: I readded the PPA after cleaning out my /usr/local and purging my own PPA22:54
racarrand it's all good22:54
racarrthough my mouse acceleration did change haha22:54
robert_ancellracarr, XMir?23:24
racarrrobert_ancell: No that fails :( I was guessing it was the seat thing I heard about earlier and I needed another update23:30
RAOFrobert_ancell: What's with the lightdm tests failing in the PPA?23:38
robert_ancellRAOF, I haven't solved it yet, but they work in the CI, but not the PPA for some reason23:38
robert_ancellIt might be some c library function has a different name on what they're being built on23:39
robert_ancell(I only just got them to work on the server)23:40
RAOFUrgh. Why am I getting 20KB/sec from archive.ubuntu.com?23:57

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