
monokromeIs it true that LXC containers don't have separate users?00:44
sarnoldmonokrome: somewhat true; the kernel provides a /proc/pid/... file that the namespace owner can use to remap UIDs 'inside' the container to UIDs 'outside' the container00:46
sarnoldmonokrome: here's a patch series for the shadow suite of utilities to make this mapping operation easier for users: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-shadow-devel/2013-January/009552.html00:47
fluvvellHas there been a policy change in samba for server 12.04, I am finding that samba users who are members of a group are creating folders with group write permission turned off. This was not the case in 10.0400:47
monokromesarnold: Thanks00:51
qman__fluvvell, that's set with the create mask setting00:55
qman__not sure if it has changed, but all you need to do is set it00:55
fluvvellqman__, I've only upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04, it was already set. Samba is not obeying00:56
qman__fluvvell, that's odd, I haven't run into that problem, have you validated the config file with testparm?01:01
qman__this might also be helpful: http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2010-August/157630.html01:02
fluvvellqman__, yes validated. Thanks but the link points to unix extensions and force modes which are not present in my smb.conf. I've been using samba in servers since about 2001 but its always good to talk to someone else who uses it.01:23
qman__fluvvell, unix extensions may be on by default, running you into this problem (and may not have been in 10.04)01:24
qman__I don't know for sure and I can't find good info with a quick search, but it's worth a test01:24
qman__that's really my only idea on the matter, nothing else really fits01:25
sarnoldif that isn't it, maybe strace or ltrace samba when a client creates a directory01:26
sarnoldjust to get an idea of the steps it is taking..01:26
sarnoldif you can do the same on 10.04 LTS also, all the better01:26
sarnoldfluvvell: was your 10.04 LTS install relying upon the bsdgroups mount option and matching directory permissions?01:28
fluvvellsarnold, awesome thanks thats something I can do.01:38
fluvvellqman__, thanks - Its a good point, as I always carry over my old smb.conf file, I've not looked at what is in the default one (usually contains doc references)01:39
vedicI have setup sshd_config with publickey / private key setup and have authorized keys in remote linux terminal which is able to login. But when I connect using putty in windows, I am able to login to linux via ssh without passphrase02:50
vedicLooks like somewhere either I have stored keys for windows putty or public/private key auth is not working as expected, some configuration seems to be missing02:51
qman__you haven't stated which is not working02:53
vedicqman_: From my linux terminal to remote system I am able to work but why is it working from putty in windows as I think I haven't stored keys in windows (its been long time, I might have stored but I don't recollect. Any way to confirm that?).02:55
qman__that depends on what software you have installed on windows; pageant is putty's key manager02:56
vedicqman__: if pub/pri keys are used for ssh, how can I confirm it?02:56
qman__you can tail /var/log/auth.log to see who authenticated and when, and whether they used key or password authentication02:57
vedicqman__: pagent doesn't have keys as I checked just now02:57
qman__example from one of my servers: Jun 18 22:44:37 yoko sshd[3307]: Accepted publickey for ryan from port 51807 ssh202:57
vedicqman__:debug1: PAM: password authentication accepted for user102:59
vedicqman__:    debug1: PAM: password authentication accepted for tiger02:59
qman__so it's accepting password logins02:59
vedicqman__: that means I need to say "no" to pam authentication in sshd_config ?03:00
qman__it means you didn't present a key, so it asked you for a password, and you entered one03:01
qman__sshd is configured out of the box to support both key and password authentication03:01
qman__all you have to do is set up the key files03:01
vedicqman__: I want login based on keys not password03:01
vedicqman__: I have keys setup03:02
qman__to present the key from windows, you need a key manager such as pageant with your private key loaded03:02
qman__to present the key from linux, you need to have your key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa or to specify it with the -i option03:03
qman__if it's accepting passwordless SSH connections without your key, you probably broke pam03:04
CoreyYIKES, scary.03:05
qman__which is a Very Bad Thing (tm)03:05
vedicqman__: I had just updated 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS03:07
monokromeIs there a way to use ufw to route requests between IP addresses03:20
monokromeIE, if I receive a request on on port 22, I want it to go to on port 239603:20
monokromeI can do this with iptables, but ufw is probably the right way to do it if it's a supported usecase03:21
qman__it's not as far as I know, ufw only supports the more basic functionality required by most users03:22
qman__you can safely add a script to add that iptables rule post-ufw03:22
qman__since ufw is just an iptables wrapper03:22
monokromeokay thanks :}03:29
vedicqman__: I find no difference when I make "UsePAM" to "no" from "yes" .03:35
qman__vedic, you should not change that setting03:36
vedicqman__: ok03:36
qman__it has nothing to do with setting up key authentication03:36
vedicqman__: ok03:36
qman__you do not need to make any changes at all to the default sshd_config to use key authentication03:36
qman__you only need to create the keys, put them in the right places, and have the permissions set correctly03:38
qman__ssh-copy-id is a tool designed specifically to make that very easy03:38
mob001_hi, tomcat clustering on ubuntu 10.04 using mod_jk connector. pls help on this.03:38
vedicqman__: ok03:39
vedicqman__: yea, I have disabled password authentication. I only want the valid private key holders should login03:56
vedicqman__: I think its much safer and will stand against brute force attacks03:57
qman__that's a fine configuration, just making sure it's what you intended03:57
linociscohi all05:45
linociscowhat is the opensource software on sourceforge to check bill payment which is paid or unpaid or due date or underprocess or something like that05:46
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Davieyjamespage: hey, have you seen [openstack-dev] openvswitch induced kernel panic ?08:02
jamespageDaviey, looking now08:39
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nilliI'm trying to install exim4 on my Ubuntu 12 server so I can use PHP's mail() but when I do 'dpkg -s exim4' the shell replies with 'Package `exim4' is not installed and no info is available.' even though I just performed 'sudo apt-get update'10:46
spidernik84apt-cache search -n exim10:46
spidernik84any result?10:47
nilli'exim4 - metapackage to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation'10:47
nilliamong others10:47
spidernik84apt-get install exim4 --simulate10:47
nilliis that like a pretend?10:47
nilliI normally run gentoo and not ubuntu :s10:47
spidernik84eh me too, but at work it's debian/ubuntu stuff :D10:48
spidernik84I'm more of an Arch user10:48
nilliok, looks like I can install exim4 just fine, but.. then why did dpkg say it doesn't exist? don't they share the same package list?10:49
spidernik84I might be wrong10:49
martinaldHi guys10:50
spidernik84but dpkg might only search the installed packages index10:50
martinaldTrying to set up amazon SES on sendmail as a relay10:50
spidernik84you'll probably see it with dpkg -s after you installed it10:50
nilliah ok10:50
martinaldworks for 95% of addresses but I sometimes get "DSN: Service unavailable10:50
martinalddoes anyone know how I can further diagnose what is causing that?10:51
martinaldor what even DSN refers to?10:51
martinald'delivery status notification'?10:51
nilliI assume DNS means Domain Name System10:55
martinaldits DSN10:56
martinaldnot DNS10:56
nillioh, my mistake10:56
nillimaybe the programmer who wrote the message was dyslectic? ;D10:56
martinaldit's sendmail10:56
martinaldit's nearly 30 years old!10:57
martinaldi would of guessed someone would of fixed it in that space of time10:57
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nillithanks again spidernik84, seems I got it working12:07
spidernik84nilli, anytime :)12:07
rschmittyAnyone experienced with unattended-upgrades? I'm having troubles with a fresh ubuntu 12.04 server install and unattended-upgrades in that email results come as a .dat file rather than text in the body:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5780235/  I followed steps in https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/automatic-updates.html12:28
PupenoAny ideas how to get a report of 404s on my server? awstats seems a pain to set up.12:44
TimRehi guys I just want to know how I would be able to set 50mb of web space for each customer while they are in home directory?12:50
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RoyKPupeno: check the logs13:05
resnoi'm looking to setup a dns server for routing our domains and the like. are there any considerations i should make in setting this up?13:11
PupenoRoyK: what?13:27
PupenoRoyK: yeah, I'll be analyzing the logs, but I'd like to re-use some tool instead of writing my own for that.13:28
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resnoPupeno: like syslog-ng?13:31
Pupenoresno: no, I'm looking for something like awstats, that can give us reports of what's going on.13:32
resnospecially web stats?13:33
resnoor just logs in genral?13:33
Pupenojust web.13:33
resnoah ok13:33
rschmittyAnyone experienced with unattended-upgrades? I'm having troubles with a fresh ubuntu 12.04 server install and unattended-upgrades in that email results come as a .dat file rather than text in the body:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5780235/  I followed steps in https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/automatic-updates.html13:40
zuljamespage:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/ceilometer/ceilometer-fbfs-jun17/+merge/17036713:54
jamespagezul, still alot of test failure in ceilometer - are we going to fix those up?14:04
zuljamespage:  we have to14:05
zuljamespage:  ill look after i get quantum working in the ppas14:05
jamespagezul, thanks14:05
jamespagezul, hopefully will have a bit more time in the rest of the week to help with this stuff14:05
jamespagezul, call me review monkey at least for the next three days!14:05
zuljamespage:  no worries14:05
TimRedoes anybody know what I can do14:06
jamespageTimRe, use disk quota14:06
jamespageTimRe, I can't see any official docs but this is linked from askubuntu.com: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/07/disk-quota/14:08
Davieyzul, jamespage - what is the current status of Havana in Saucy?15:24
zulDaivey: havana1 is in saucy, quantum ftbfs in the staging for the CA due to udev issues which i have fixed locally and will be uploading a new version of quantum that fixes the testsuite shortly15:25
Davieyzul: today?15:25
Davieyzul: super, thanks15:28
Davieyzul: Are you preparing a UCA set of uploads?15:28
zulDaivey: uploads are pending testing and quantum building15:30
Davieyzul: In staging?15:33
zulwell no in the ppa15:33
zulso staging yes15:33
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ntzrmtthihu777howdy. I have an ubuntu desktop and server both running precise. I have set both eth0 on the machines, linked via an ethernet cable, to 10.42.0.x, and can access samba shares on the server (my primary use for it) and ssh into it. However, I cannot get the internet fully on the said server; while I can ping I *cannot* apt-get update on it. I believe I need to set up the dns server right, but do not know how to do it via 15:59
ntzrmtthihu777I *can*, however, telnet into my router from within a ssh session to the server.16:02
ntzrmtthihu777ah, nevermind. by editing /etc/network/interfaces I was able to set it up properly :D16:12
adam_g_zul, jamespage  http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/grizzly/2013.1.2/17:05
adam_g_Daviey, ^17:05
zuladam_g_:  +117:07
zuladam_g_: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/quantum/quantum-b1-ubuntu2/+merge/17040317:08
adam_g_zul, why so many skipped tests?17:10
zuladam_g_:  udev issues in the ppas and they just dont build properly while in a pbuilder/schroot17:10
adam_g_zul, need these for  stuff to work on precise cloud archive: https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ubuntu/saucy/cinder/stevedore/+merge/170364 + https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ubuntu/saucy/nova/pbr_d2to1_versions/+merge/17036517:10
zuladam_g_:  you have a merge conflict in the debian/changelog17:12
adam_g_zul, can you add something to the changelog stating thats why there are more being skipped?17:12
adam_g_zul, ya, updating that now17:12
zuladam_g_: Sure17:12
zuladam_g_:  without those fixes does the stuff in the CA work?17:14
zuladam_g_:  updated changelog17:14
adam_g_zul, no, it pulls in versions of those dependencies from the main archive17:14
adam_g_zul, or i should say, fails if it has done that17:14
zuladam_g_:  ok im going to upload those then as well with quantum to saucy and then to the ppa17:15
zulif that sounds kosher to you17:15
adam_g_zul, http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/havana/python-pbr_0.5.16-0ubuntu1~cloud0/17:26
zuladam_g_: +117:26
adam_g_zul, http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/havana_versions.html we need to get -staging there green. there are probably other dependencies need updating or they'll cause FTFBS.17:26
zuladam_g_:  k ill do it17:28
zuladam_g_:  did you push nova yet?17:29
adam_g_zul, no17:29
zuladam_g_:  can you?17:29
adam_g_zul, sure, ill push your 1 branch if you push my 2 branches :)17:31
zuladam_g_: i already pushed my branches17:31
adam_g_zul, done17:33
zuladam_g_:  thanks17:33
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zuladam_g_:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/nova-b1-ubuntu2/+merge/170413 and https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/cinder-b1-ubuntu2/+merge/17041217:57
adam_g_zul, nova (1:2013.2~b1-0ubuntu1)17:59
adam_g_zul, did you not 'dch -i' ?17:59
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zuladam_g_:  doh good catch fixed now18:00
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adam_g_Daviey, jamespage 2013.1.2 built in grizzly-staging ready to be synced out to grizzly-proposed18:25
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Davieyadam_g_: super, thanks19:07
azazel91does anybody here ever tried drupal 719:16
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zuladam_g_:  http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/ca/19:35
adam_g_zul, that all looks good with the exception of python-wsme19:45
zuladam_g_:  whats wrong with wsme?19:45
adam_g_zul, the precise rebuild in havana-staging is python-wsme - 0.5b2-2ubuntu2.  you bumped the $ubuntu_version + 1 when it was uploaded instead of $ubuntu_vers~cloud019:47
zuladam_g_:  ok gimme a sec19:48
adam_g_zul, since it hasn't moved out of staging, it would be cool if we could wipe it entirely from the PPA and upload an correctly older versioned package (the python-wsme_0.5b2-2ubuntu1~cloud0 you're proposing). but i dont know if thats possible19:49
zuladam_g_:  should be19:49
adam_g_zul, i dont know. the stuff you deleted from the trunk PPA were hanging around in a deleted state and causing uploads to get rejected19:50
adam_g_(because what i was uploading was <= what is in PPA but deleted)19:50
Davieyadam_g_ / zul: PPA's allow you to delete and upload a lower version, or higher.. just not identical .. (which is why we increment the ~cloudX)19:52
adam_g_ok cool19:52
adam_g_zul, if we can delete whats in the PPA and replace with your new package, should be good19:53
Davieyadam_g_: Things get more complicated if they hit the UCA19:53
adam_g_Daviey, yeah.. we should be good tho, it hasn't synced out19:53
zuladam_g_: ill add cinder, nova, and keystone as well19:55
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zuladam_g_:  http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/ca/{nova,cinder,quantum} as well20:26
adam_g_zul, lgtm20:30
zuladam_g_:  thanks still just waiting for wsme to build20:30
adam_g_zul, where?20:31
zuladam_g_:  in saucy20:31
adam_g_zul, i dont understand. you did a new saucy upload into ubuntu?20:32
zuladam_g_:  did a new python-wsme upload into ubuntu20:33
adam_g_zul, what version?20:33
adam_g_zul, what for?20:33
vlad_starkovQuestion: I have RAID1 on a server with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Just checked `cat /proc/mdstat` and got `md1 : active raid1 sda2[0] sdb2[1](F) 975653696 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]`. It means I lost 1 disk in my RAID. How can I repair it?20:34
zulnow im seriously confused20:34
adam_g_zul, i thought 0.5b2-2ubuntu1~cloud0 is proposed to  into the CA as a precise rebuild from saucy? 0.5b2-2ubuntu1 is what is in saucy atm20:34
adam_g_0.5b2-2ubuntu2 is in cloud archive as a mistake20:35
zuladam_g_:  damn20:35
adam_g_eg, it should have never gotten 0.5b2-2ubuntu2. it should have been 0.5b2-2ubuntu1~cloud0 when it was uploaded there may 30th20:35
adam_g_what did you upload to ubuntu?20:36
adam_g_oh jeez20:37
adam_g_zul, you might want to get someone to reject whats in saucy-proposed20:37
zulim going to upload ubuntu3 because there isnt any testsuite in there as well20:37
adam_g_zul, ok20:38
zulalso its missing deps on six and webob as well20:38
adam_g_zul, sorry i thought the ubuntu2 in saucy-proposed was the cloud archive rebuild20:38
zuladam_g_:  nope20:38
zuladam_g_:  are you going to be around later tonight?20:39
adam_g_zul, if you have TODOs that would get python-wsme bumped higher than 2ubuntu2, cool. the havana-staging pocket is okay as-is until then, the bad versioning just screws with the report20:39
adam_g_zul, ya20:39
zuladam_g_: ok ill need a +1 fro it later then20:39
adam_g_zul, once the 0ubuntu2 moves from saucy-proposed the report will show green, but it'll be lying20:40
zulyeah ill fix it up20:40
GH0Is there a command that would show me the brand and memory info of the RAM modules installed in my machine? lshw and cat /proc/meminfo?21:11
sarnoldGH0: dmidecode21:12
GH0sarnold, dmidecode doesn't appear to list the product brand of the meemory modules.21:15
sarnoldGH0: aw nuts :( it got mine, but I'm on bog-standard consumer gear..21:15
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GH0Well, this is an older motherboard (Crosshair II)21:18
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RoyKGH0: or lshw21:21
GH0I tried lshw too, it doesn't list the memory brand.21:21
GH0It just shows this under the description for all four banks: description: DIMM DDR2 800 MHz (1.2 ns)21:22
GH0Under product and vendor, it lists "None"21:24
sarnoldwell there you go, it wasn't made and it wasn't sold :)21:25
sarnoldGH0: sorry, I'm afraid you're just goign to have to open it up :(21:25
GH0So much of a pain to do that21:26
GH0Or, I can just go back and look through order records. :P21:40
sarnoldyou must have better organization than me :)21:41
sarnoldgranted, I just buy all my memory from crucial because "it worked last time"21:41
GH0Nope, considering it took me this much time to find it.21:41
vlad_starkovQuestion: What brand do you recommend for 1TB server SATA drive?21:46
ScottKsarnold: +1 for Crucial.21:47
sarnoldScottK: nice to hear others have the same experience :)21:49
ScottKBoth for quality products and customer service.21:49
* keithzg hates, hates, hates Windows and the damn "Master Browser" election nonsense. No matter how high "os level" is set in smb.conf, still announced as OS version 4 minor 9, which loses to Windows 7 hosts and their version 6. Arghhh.22:00
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monokromeIs there a way to see if a box is ubuntu server or desktop easily?23:19
monokromeSomething with uname, I'd think23:19
G55321try cat /etc/issue23:20
monokrometried that23:20
monokromeUbuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l23:20
G55321uname -a shows kernel info23:21
monokromeLinux ubuntu 3.5.0-23-generic #35~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 25 17:13:26 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:21
monokromeDoesn't seem to show anything server-specific here23:21
G55321you accessing the box via ssh or something?23:22
monokromeMy shell script needs to do something different when server instead of desktop23:22
G55321ubuntu server does not provide GUI, so maybe search for installed packages that use a GUI and come by default with ubuntu desktop?23:23
monokromeI mean, I can do `which xinit` or something23:23
G55321like unity or firefox23:23
monokromebut I was hoping for something more concrete23:23
ScottKIf X is isntalled, it's not a server.23:23
ScottKBy definition.23:23
monokromeScottK: Yes, but this script also needs to support Arch23:24
monokromewhere that isn't true23:24
monokromeI think my best thing is just to specify in the command line what role the box is23:24
G55321until 10.04 kernels where separate so you could do uname-a and get 2.6.X-server, but now they all use the same kernel23:24
monokromeYeah, I had thought it worked like that23:24
G55321well you can check for running services also23:25
sarnoldservers usually don't have dhcp23:25
* ScottK doesn't know what a *nix server is that has X. It's a bit of a non-sequitor.23:25
sarnoldsome do, of course, but if the address is assigned via dhcp, it's more likely a workstation23:25
G55321if you don't like/want the package search approach23:25
lifelesssarnold: or a cloud instance23:25
monokromeScottK: Well, some have x libs23:25
sarnoldlifeless: hrm, good point.23:26
ScottKYes, some libs, but not the actual X server.23:26
lifelessScottK: edubuntu servers :>23:26
sarnoldnetwork-manager then? :)23:26
monokromeeither way, I understand that point - but this script runs before the server is configured. It configures it.23:26
lifelessScottK: e.g. Xvnc23:26
monokromeSo, on Arch a desktop doesn't have X at that time either23:26
ScottKlifeless: I suppose.23:26
monokromeI thought maybe there was somewhere where Linux conventionally said server vs desktop, but now realize that makes no sense :}23:26
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lifelesssarnold: so network-manager on servers makes me very nervous ;)23:27
ScottKBut there is a CLI U/I for it, so it could be done.23:27
monokromenetwork-manager on anything makes me nervous :(23:27
sarnoldlifeless: there we go :) hehe23:27
lifelessifupdown 4 eva.23:28
* ScottK wishes you could tell by if it had dbus, but we've crossed that bridge.23:28
sarnoldif you want to be decadant about it, sure :)23:28
lifelessto me 'workstation' is 'thing users sit in front of to do their productivity'23:28
lifelessand 'server' is 'thing that offers services over the network for users to use'23:28
lifelessthese are not mutually exclusive23:28
ScottKI tend to think in terms of, there's a GUI if I want one or not, but that's not correct either.23:31
G55321why I got kicked ? G55321 has quit (Excess Flood)23:31
ScottKExcess flood is automatic.  No one here will know.23:32
G55321the only reason to have a GUI on a server its if you don't know how to do it from command line23:33
lifelessor you have admin tools that fail to work over the network, which is rare but I've fun into it23:33
sarnoldG55321: excess flood represents the size of the server's send queue to you, it can often happen when freenode loses a server and a few thousand people in your channels all quit at once... you can get dinged for having too-high a send queue as a result.23:33
sarnoldG55321: but I didn't see that huge pile of quits, so I'm not sure what happened to you :)23:34
G55321thanks, was just curious, tought I did something wrong that I wasn't aware of23:34
sarnoldG55321: you might have, if you ran a series of commands that generated too much output... but there's usually enough rate-limiting in place these days to keep that from happening easily.23:35
zuladam_g_:  python-wsme updated in http://people.canonical.com/~chucks/ca/python-wsme23:36
adam_g_zul, looks okay but lets wait till it gets promoted out of saucy-proposed23:38
zuladam_g_: ack23:38

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