=== marlinc|away is now known as marlinc === marlinc is now known as marlinc|away [07:06] morning [07:16] Morning all [07:22] hey diplo === alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk [07:43] morning all [07:47] ello popey [07:48] morning sexy people [07:48] How's the states czajkowski ? [07:48] * popey tickles Gary [07:48] * Gary makes a mess [07:48] diplo: nt bad, been kinda busy to do sightseeing [07:48] :( [07:49] O_o I mean by knocking stuff about with flailing arms and legs caused by the tickling, honest [07:49] I'd love to visit the states at some point [07:49] me too, if it wasn't for the americans [07:50] heh [07:52] It's nice to visit but sheesh I couldn't live there. [07:52] parts of it I could [07:52] the bits around the edges [07:52] Canada ;-) [07:52] Boston is almost agreeable. [07:53] West Coast is just weird. [07:55] TheOpenSourcerer: indeed [07:55] I'm in NYC again nice to visit, but I'd never live here. nor would I raise a family here. [07:58] good morning everyone, === alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g [08:09] anyone tried windows 8? [08:10] I think it is quite nice :D [08:10] D: [08:11] I'll be honest: once you disable to mordern-ui, it is indeed a very stable OS [08:12] even the funny blocks are quite good tbh. I thought it would be complete crap... [08:17] Hated it myself, doubt I'll try again anytime soon [08:19] dogmatic69: about to replace win8 with win7 for mother-in-law [08:19] Only tried it because I got my GF a new laptop and that is what was on it. [08:20] there is trying and using [08:20] I'm sure on a laptop the modern ui isn't too bad, but I have dual 24" screens. I don't want to see only 5 options at a time === schwuk_away is now known as schwuk [08:36] I don't care how many options I see, I like the idea that MS is switching to a search-based desktop [08:38] BigRedS: Canonical should sue them for copying the dash interface/idea (as a desktop search idea) [08:38] was it canonical's idea? [08:39] Probably not, but everybody seems to be sueing everybody else for things just as frivolous [08:40] eg round corners..Surely the chickens should sueing over that (assuming the chicken really did come first) [08:44] * DJones debates whether to instal the KDE desktop to have a play with [08:45] I've been wondering that recently [08:45] trying to work out what the best debian-based KDE experience is likely to be [08:47] I'm also contemplating give slackware another go (in a virtualbox) to see how its changed since I last used it (6-7 years should have seen some considerable improvements) [08:47] * popey notes that windows 7 had search, along with osx, ios and android, long before ubuntu did [08:48] on windows 7 I press the windows key and then type what I want - just like ubuntu [08:48] just like in gnome3. [08:48] yeah always liked that feature [08:48] Used to have a plugin on windows before they had that option to do it [08:48] Must admit, I've not used Win 7 long enough to find that out [08:48] If ubuntus dash was faster I'd be happier, defo better now in 13.04 [08:51] I use Kupfer as a launcher .. faster then dash and the launcher [08:54] Good morning peeps :) [08:57] did windows 7 not have an applications menu on the start button like XP then? [08:59] I am using gnome fallback at the moment and my "other" bit of the applications menu is 5 1/2 screens tall [09:01] It does AlanBell, but not very easy to navigate imo, I rarely used it.. just typed the app I wanted to start [09:02] bit like unity then [09:02] just give up and type it [09:04] which isn't really an option on the phone, that has to be navigable graphically [09:05] yeah pretty much [09:05] uhm [09:05] no [09:06] phone has dash search and hud [09:06] on my iphone I search for apps rather than hunt around for an icon on some random page in a folder somewhere [09:06] same on ubuntu phone [09:07] I can do that on android, can't say I ever have though [09:07] I always launch from the icon [09:07] Where as PC/lappy I always type to search, prefer that [09:07] i have less on my android phone so easier to find stuff [09:07] iphone is full of stuff [09:09] :) [09:09] 156 apps on my iphone (just counted) [09:09] bloomin eck! [09:10] I've only had my 'new' GS2 for a couple of months, my Wildfire I couldn't install more than about 10-15 apps before it ran out of space.. [09:10] 113 on android [09:10] So it's quite new to me to be able to install more apps :) [09:10] according to google play, i have 186 apps on my nexus7. [09:11] anyone know how to use variables in /etc/fstab ? [09:11] seems like the usual bash way does not work. [09:11] [mntent]: line 15 in /etc/fstab is bad [09:13] usual bash? What does line 15 look like? [09:13] var="foobar"; [09:14] does that normally work? I don't see why it would... [09:14] yep, how else do you define variables then? [09:14] I never have in an fstab [09:15] But I've never really wanted to [09:15] ye, i will just move it [09:15] I am mounting a bunch of things so instead of repeating just use variables. [09:15] eg: $address/backups /home/dogmatic69/Backups $config [09:17] instead of ///path /local/path cifs uid=dogmatic69 credentials=/home/dogmatic69/.smbpassword,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 0 [09:17] they all the same besides the paths, no point duplicating it all over imo [09:17] man fstab doesn't seem to say it supports variables [09:18] and it would seem weird to - it's a pretty static file and most text editors can replicate the use of a variable :) [09:18] ye, I will just make a .sh file and put /some/path/file.sh in rc.local [09:18] :%s/defaults/defaults,ro/g rather than editing the value of $options or something [09:19] yeah, that seems the more normal way of doing it [09:19] I was following this btw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently [09:19] it says in fstab [09:20] that doesn't seem to use any variables [09:21] ye [09:22] man, the command does not even work... [09:22] yay, my home server has 3 9's uptime! :D [09:22] %up 99.926 | since Sat Nov 10 06:34:31 2012 [09:23] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5779882/ [09:23] Good morning all - have a happy, relaxed World Sauntering Day. :) [09:26] 23c this afternoon, can i spend the day in the fridge, will help me and my eeepc to not overheat aswell. [09:28] brobostigon: what eeepc do you have ? [09:28] knightwise: 900 ssd. === JamesTai2 is now known as JamesTait [09:51] does 'mount -t cifs' not work with ip addresses? [10:09] its not warm at all here in london [10:09] i so love being on hold to east midlands trains [10:09] dogmatic69: you mean smbmount? [10:09] their "all our agents are busy" recorded man sounds pleasantly gruff [10:10] mungbean: smbmount is no more, hence my problems... [10:10] update to 13 and its gone. got it working with mount -t now [10:19] bigcalm: gimmie a gmail account you want inviting [10:19] I've never heard of it. What are you supposed to do exactly? Am looking at the website but that tells me zilch as far as I can tell. [10:20] bigcalm: sent [10:20] you install the app and login, then it shows a map like screen around your area [10:20] you get notified of "portals" near you [10:20] is it like geocaching but with pubs? [10:20] these could be statues, pubs, or other significant buildings / structures [10:20] popey: ta :) [10:20] Oh, i knew someone who played that [10:21] or, something very similar. It was probably in 2011 in Montreal, though... [10:21] And what are you supposed to do then? [10:21] you walk towards them and you will see they are "owned" (or not) by a team - there's two teams, Blue (Resistance) and Green (Enlightened) [10:21] (I am green) [10:21] (and so should you be) [10:22] when you get within range you can "hack" the portal [10:22] I'm getting bored already. [10:22] lol [10:22] sounds boring [10:22] nvm then [10:22] No offence [10:22] it isnt [10:22] but its hard to explain [10:22] forget it [10:22] 4sq for boys [10:22] I'm playing Golf on Friday :-D [10:22] A proper game. [10:22] umm [10:23] hey ho [10:23] golf is linkedin before computers [10:23] yay [10:24] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOAy-_GUQ1Q explains it better [10:24] and with video so people dont get bored reading text [10:24] That's a well produced app [10:24] bet it eats battery [10:25] spent the evening out walking last night doing it and most people had battery extenders or external battery packs [10:25] so yeah, it eats battery [10:26] a guy I was with had full charge when we started, it was near dead after 2 hours [10:26] * brobostigon also has 5 invites. [10:26] uses all functions of phone all at once [10:26] screen is worst though i guess [10:26] or tablet.* [10:26] 3g/gpu [10:27] Well, I have a glass of orange juice and a bowl of grapes and raspberries. I win! [10:27] one guy had a nexus 10 with him [10:27] tethered to his phone [10:27] i was reading the n7 thread on reddit about how it sux because the wear on the SSD is causing slowdown [10:28] link? [10:28] http://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1gkiuv/one_year_later_the_nexus_7_has_gone_from_the_best/ [10:29] interesting [10:29] one guy had a galaxy s3 out with him, the colour on it was unnaturally bright, made my nexus 4 look really washed out [10:30] yeah i have noticed my n7 slowing down [10:30] bet phablet-flash is doing a number on the work one ... [10:31] anything about the n7 hardware in particular though i wonder? [10:31] or just lots of owners who say me too [10:31] cant say I have noticed it slowing down, it's slow anyway probably the multi-user thing doesn't help [10:31] takes ages to switch to another user [10:31] "Yes, and both are caused by IO waits in the kernel from the eMMC controller locking and trying to deal with degraded flash." [10:35] Whoo! I have a Galaxy S3 [10:36] BigRedS: just as the S4 comes out. Nice timing [10:36] I'm not sure how long this attempt to stick with vendor Android is going to last, though. This feel sinister in the same way as all those installers that quietly install IE toolbars [10:36] yeah, I didn't find any particularly good reason to get the 4 over the 3 [10:36] and otterbox make an indestructible case for the 3 === naderp is now known as oberluz [10:36] BigRedS: I've been quite happy with the vendor install on my S3 [10:37] bigcalm: yeah, it just feels really low on features and config options [10:37] I can't work out how to make the app drawer thing behave like I thought it always did, for example. It wants me to swipe sideways through pages... === naderp is now known as oberluz [10:38] i still don't like android [10:43] It's not that bad [10:43] it's a lot like the Linux desktop in that it feels like it's not-quite-finished and nobody's decided to treat it as a product yet [10:43] BigRedS: That's a Samsung thing I believe, probably an 'app' for that :D [10:45] diplo: I've been using the Go launcher for ages which does work that way. But if I'm going to install that I might as well just stick a working image on :) Think I'll give it more than 20 mins before I conclude my judgement :) [10:45] well, I'll try :) [10:46] I immediately de-samsungified my S3 :-) [10:48] I need to do my S2, but everytime I look at rooting it I find about 20 different options and decide I cba to look [10:48] Different way for different kernels etc [10:48] And last time I couldn't find it correctly, unless someone has a better way of rooting / flashing :) [10:49] my S2 was pretty straightforward I think [10:49] I want a current Android phone - my main phone is an iPhone 4S, and my gf has my old HTC Desire, but it's on its last legs [10:49] I just followed the CM instructions [10:49] 'cause I got it a while after release, so everything had calmed down and I just followed the cyanogen howto [10:49] get clockwork from here, do this, get CM from get.cm, ???, profit [10:49] That's generally the best way - wait 'til it's been out for six weeks or so and teh instructions are down, and then it's a trivial install [10:50] I'll look again, it was the rooting part I think was the issue, I did my wildfire which was a PITA but found it simple enough to follow, last time I looked at the S2 I thought bah [10:50] HTCs need some specially-formatted microsd card IIRC [10:50] heh yep [10:50] A goldcard or something from memory [10:51] yeah [10:52] Ooh, should probably stick Ubuntu on my S2... [10:54] I was going to try it aswell, but not completed yet last time i checked [10:56] Yeah, no phone-function support - GSM, 3G etc. [10:56] OK, found a good wiki for use with heimdall [10:56] so I'd end up with a tablet that's smaller than my phone :) [10:56] Will try in my lunch === ormiret_ is now known as ormiret [11:44] Out of interest and non computer related, has anybody here had a new boiler fitted recently? Just getting some quotes and wanted some comparisons if possible [11:48] Fitted my own, so probably don't count, but it does seem a bit of a rip off after what it took to fit mine [11:50] I wouldn't take the risk of fitting my own, knowing little about wiring up/connecting gas etc, it'll probably be my cousin installing it, so its mostly going to be the cost of the equipment [11:51] Well mine was about 6/700 quid a few years ago [11:51] But I have a friend who works at a plumbing supply place, wasn't cost, but was cheaper [11:51] And yeah, father in law and me fitted it so that makes it cheaper for you as well [11:52] That sounds about similar to what he saying, I'm also getting a couple of thermostatic valves for radiators and a hand held remote control/thermostat [11:52] yeah, I did the whole house whilst fitting the boiler, new radiators throughout and thermostatics on all [11:53] Including pipes etc I think I spent ~2k ish [11:53] Which is still cheaper than a boiler being fitted by an external person, let alone the rest [11:54] I'm sure my sisters 1 bed flat, they wanted 3/3500k to fit radiators ( 2 ) and a boiler! [11:54] That doesn't surprise me, one bloke quoted around £1500 for the boiler & fitting alone, not including valves & remote [11:55] I would have got my father in law to do it if I was still married :) [11:55] I priced up the boiler one the web and that was under £750, so was doubling the price for labour [11:55] It's really wrong, but they have the market so you're screwed.. [11:55] * diplo recommends doing a course and doing it yourself [11:56] Then pay someone to sign it off [11:56] Heh [11:56] Still be cheaper! === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [11:57] I'm sure it would, but more stressful afterwards....Is that gas inlet joint I soldered really safe... [11:57] Specially with a nagging wife asking questions [11:57] Bottle of testing guess to test that :) [11:57] lol, there is that :D [11:58] Knowing mine, she'll stood in the shower saying is it done yet, as soon as I start taking the packaging off the new one [12:05] heh [12:26] http://www.psmag.com/blogs/news-blog/dim-lighting-sparks-creativity-60437/ [12:35] So virtualbox or KVM peeps? As we have the all evil Oracle :) [12:36] vmware? [12:36] Could do I guess, whats the free version like ? [12:36] good [12:36] well good enough for most [12:36] depends if u wanna use shared storage and vmotion [12:37] whats the use case? [12:37] Just local VM's for CentOs/Ubuntu/Debian for testing [12:38] Keep meaning to try KVM, but VBox I've gotten used to, but it's not the end of the world. Just thought I'd ask other peoples thoughts [12:38] i'd prob use kvm [12:38] but i use vmware in case i ever need to transfer to the office VM environment [12:38] mungbean: watch out.. next thing you know you'll be saying "I'd totes use kvm" [12:39] mungbean: I saw you post a link last night, were you oimon before ? [12:39] yes [12:39] and mungojerry [12:39] i change about once per year to shake off google [12:40] hah, wondered where you disappeared to a few months ago [12:40] :D [12:41] I've not changed my nick in about 10 years, started off as the_diplomat or something I think [12:41] And everyone shortened it to diplo [12:42] cloudstack is now an apache project btw [12:43] Not sure what cloudstack is, will google later [12:44] like openstack [12:44] mungbean: Still written in Java. [12:44] :( [12:45] The current release of CloudStack supports pre-packaged enterprise solutions like Citrix XenServer and VMware vSphere, as well as KVM or Xen running on Ubuntu or CentOS. [12:45] diplo: What's there to 'try' with KVM? [12:45] as yoda would say "do or do not, there is no try" [12:46] It's just another virt technology. [12:46] mungbean: try {} catch {} [12:47] mungbean: or maybe Yoda prefers Perl, where "try" is written as "eval {}" [12:47] jpds: Setting it up I guess, the differences of [12:48] diplo: sudo apt-get install kvm virt-manager libvirt-bin [12:48] diplo: Done. [12:49] virt-manager is grim [12:49] typical redhat creation [12:49] :) [12:49] Installing as I type [12:50] mungbean: It does the job for a test VM environment. [12:51] That's all I require really [12:51] Used KVM a few years ago, but not touched it since [12:52] mungbean: it could be worse [12:52] MartijnVdS: http://devopsreactions.tumblr.com/post/50153934733/try-catch === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [12:55] popey, bigcalm: broken sword should now be available for download [12:57] heh jpds, I've had to catch my kids like that more than once.. I've never had to do it carrying another though! Skills!! [13:00] davmor2: i see it in the list [13:01] popey: woohoo! [13:55] davmor2: not in Steam yet [13:56] bigcalm: Y U SWEAR AT ME! ;) [14:17] davmor2: keep with the times man! [14:17] Found it to be quite suited to being played on my tablet [14:21] http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/google-create-a-native-linux-google-drive-application [14:21] someone pointed me at that [14:21] 0 signatories [14:21] i thought that had been around ages, would have thought someone would have signed it by now [14:22] "with 9,114 supporters" [14:22] "with 0 supporters [14:22] " [14:22] hah, must be adblock or something [14:23] WFM with adblock [14:24] ah no, its because i block google analytics [14:24] 9114 now [14:24] * popey hugs ghostery [14:24] 886 needed [14:24] until nothing happens [14:24] +1 [14:27] popey: did you see the thing the other day about how Ghostery sends tracking data to the ad company that owns it? [14:27] that is an option [14:27] which I switched off on install [14:27] Ah; the article I had read suggested that wasn't simple to do [14:27] tickbox [14:27] I've not tried it myself though [14:28] i like it === Hornet- is now known as Hornet [14:45] what's the longest uptime on any of your servers right now? [14:46] 377 days [14:46] high uptime is fancy talk for "does not apply kernel patches" [14:46] that's a dev VM, though [14:46] 606 atm [14:46] i managed > 1111 days on a solaris box [14:47] only turned it off to decommision [14:47] most vulnerabilities are local exploit [14:47] not remote [14:48] did you see the video of the SunOS box that was turned off after 3000+ days of uptime? [14:48] It was like a wake [14:48] happy or sad one? [14:48] also seen elsewhere today.. "Uptime is just a measure of the number of known kernel bugs you have on your system." [14:48] mungbean: sad [14:49] i liked the netware one too [14:49] http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/03/epic-uptime-achievement-can-you-beat-16-years/ [14:49] 6030 days [14:50] popey: blimey [14:51] impressive power reliability [14:51] or generator [14:51] more impressive hardware reliability :D [14:56] receiving Spam from SAP [14:57] not welcome [15:00] especially when a chat window opens on the unsub page [15:00] hahah [15:01] * popey looks out the window and remembers SAP [15:01] popey: you remember being a what? [15:11] OT : Not sure if Doctor Wholy is on in an hour but here's a vidz off a tweet I got today from Bosnia .. seems to travel ! :::: | http://youtu.be/eRm8qmM-DTg?t=4m18s | :::: http://www.tvguide.co.uk/episodeguide.asp?title=Doctor+Who& :::: Apologies if I have posts the vid. before... [15:11] leaves. [15:11] * brobostigon captured an ingress portal, man. [15:11] that redtape guy..what's all that about? [15:12] dunno, I personally find it irritating [15:12] whats the point dumping a OT link and running away? [15:12] its just noise [15:26] is that all he ever does [15:26] drive-by spam that is [15:27] mostly, yes [15:27] does he do it on other chans too? [15:27] i noticed it a couple of times before [15:27] yeah, he seems to keep doing that [15:27] or she... [15:28] he wouldnt appear to be in any other channels, i have no idea if he joins and does that and immediately parts elsewhere too or just here === marlinc|away is now known as marlinc [15:36] Occasionally he does talk for a bit [15:36] at night [15:36] when the moon is bright [15:37] but only on a full moon [15:37] Out of the night, when the full moon is bright, comes a horseman known as Zorro. This bold (redtape)renegade carves a Z with his blade, a Z that stands for Zorro. [15:41] * Laney just did a huge burp and a child outside screamed at the "loud noise" [15:43] \o/ [15:44] lol [15:48] haha === schwuk is now known as schwuk_away [17:27] One for cat lovers amongst you http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/17/us-mexico-cat-idUSBRE95G17820130617 [18:01] ಠ_ಠ [18:42] Evening [19:09] lego movie? i supppose it was inevtable [19:11] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1490017/#lb-vi3947800089 [19:30] http://imgur.com/P4RfyeM,6ge6fjv,JbOlygV,dAmT9wq,if8WI0P,TSOT2x7 [19:30] new LCD for my friends' sisters laptop hasn't quite worked D: [19:32] yay, youtube is b0rked [19:33] oh? [19:33] 503ing like a boss [19:33] ooh yes [19:34] 502 that time for me \o/ [19:34] aren't i speshul [19:34] UUPC time folks! [19:34] who, what? [19:35] daftykins: ububtu-uk-podcast [19:35] oh that still goes on [19:36] * neuro installs ububtu [19:36] no comment === adam____ is now known as kabads [20:39] * neuro is uninstalling ububtu [20:39] it's rubbish [20:40] obviously just a lame rip off of ubuntu with a different name [20:40] neuro, in what way, granted i am using Lubuntu [20:40] zleap: it's a joke from earlier [20:40] ok sorry [20:40] np :) [20:40] just watched les revenants [20:40] k [20:40] anyone watching it? [20:40] i'd be a bit of a wazzock to come into an ubuntu channel and say "ubuntu is rubbish" [20:40] it happens [20:41] mungbean: no [20:41] and yes, i know it happens [20:41] just before kicked off [20:41] but i'm in here all the time [20:41] neuro: and yet it really does happen :( [20:41] so if *I* was to do that ... [20:41] i mean i make snipey comments about things occasionally [20:41] but those are just opinions [20:41] well i'd certainly think less of you :> [20:42] the thrill of trolling aside, i never understand the need to bash other people about why their choice of X is rubbish [20:42] http://uk.insight.com/apps/productpresentation?product_id=0001792065 this looks kinda interesting, has £100 cashback, so works out at like £78 [20:42] says it's RHEL certified too [20:42] unless your choice is clearly wrong, in which case, you suck and i rule [20:42] pondering getting one :P [20:42] wow, cheapest N54L i've seen in a while [20:43] Azelphur: if you need grunt, they're crap [20:43] the CPU is comparable to an Atom [20:43] neuro: ah, atm my home server is using a sempron 140 [20:43] yeah for a storage box, it's el neato [20:43] I wonder how the power would be on that thing though [20:43] shame the sata ports aren't hot plug [20:44] neuro@saratoga:~$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i bogo [20:44] bogomips : 2994.91 [20:44] bogomips : 2995.07 [20:44] wonder if it'd take a full size PCIe gpu too [20:44] iirc no [20:44] aww [20:44] then yea, think I'll pass, my current box is probably ample [20:44] case only takes one hdd though which is a bit shit [20:45] your current one? [20:45] yea, my current home server box [20:45] and watch your language :) [20:45] hehe [20:45] in theory you could boot the n54l off of a usb stick [20:45] and use the 4 bays for RAIDy goodness [20:45] i say in theory, i know people who have done it [20:46] i just use mine as a general purpose odds-and-ends storage box [20:46] 2 USB drives for backups and 1 internal 2TB for "stuff" [20:46] and whatever it came with for the OS [20:46] yea, it'd be really cool at that no doubt [20:46] it is [20:46] like a NAS on steriods for cheap :) [20:46] pretty much [20:46] i use rsnapshot, so it's not exactly nippy [20:47] oh me too, does it not perform well for that? [20:47] then again if i swapped out the 2GB for 8GB, it might cache better [20:47] well to be fair i have a lot of stuff being backed up [20:47] yea, I backup a lot too, from my server [20:47] at least 10 gig of maildirs, which is the real pain in the bum [20:47] lots of tiny files + hard link creation = slooooooow [20:48] hehe [20:48] my hourly backups take about 70 minutes [20:48] where "hourly" = the default every 4 hours [20:48] I always loved that, it confused me for so long. [20:49] scumbag rsnapshot eh ;) [20:49] 30 mins is taken up with the initial cp -al, and the last 20 minutes is expiring out the old backup [20:49] well yeah :) [20:49] but it works oh so well [20:49] indeed it does [20:50] i have 6 months of backups from loads of sources in a nice tidy half terabyte chunk of hard linked disk [20:50] yea, I have 2x 3TB plugged into my home server at the moment...via USB2 [20:50] * Azelphur cringes [20:50] been there, done that [20:51] it'll bite you in the backside at some point [20:51] no doubt [20:51] i had 6x 1TB USB2 on my old server [20:51] lost the whole smash (RAID5) when i lost two drives in quick succession [20:51] haha, ouch [20:51] yeah [20:51] I'm not raiding at all, this is just for movies mostly [20:51] so, the internet is my backup \o/ [20:51] i now have 2 readynas boxes, 11TB of RAIDy goodness [20:52] ha [20:52] nice [20:52] and i just mount stuff over nfs or afp [20:52] one of them has my homedirs on it too, which is handy [20:52] since i run a few ubuntu instances in the house [20:53] cool :) [20:53] and they get backed up to mr rsnapshot on the N45L [20:53] would be nice to move my backups onto [20:53] pretty sure this lot won't fit on a 1TB RAID1 array [20:53] root@saratoga:~# du -sch /data/cargobays/*/Video [20:53] 3.6T /data/cargobays/0/Video [20:53] 2.1T /data/cargobays/1/Video [20:53] 5.6T total [20:53] atm I do backups on my desktop, which has the problem of whenever my desktop gets modified, I stop taking backups. [20:54] i have backups all over the place [20:54] all linux stuff and sysconfigs from desktop macs go to rsnapshot [20:54] macs go to timemachine using various sources (mainly fw and usb drives) [20:54] windows ... meh [20:55] all i use those for is vsphere and steam/origin [20:55] if they break i'll just reinstall vsphere and the steam/origin clients and redownload games :D [20:55] happen to know how much power it pulls? [20:56] gawd knows [20:56] I'm tempted to get it to use as a NAS to get the storage away from my HTPC frontend [20:56] a lot [20:56] my leccy bill is ~ £1Kpa [20:56] haha [20:56] i have games which don't run on steam/windows but run on steam/linux [20:56] which is runny [20:56] which reminds me, i must be due a meter reading soon [20:56] funny [20:57] I'll sleep on it and see if I still want it in the morning ;) [20:57] watch out, they tend to sell out [20:57] ah [20:57] ebuyer had a run on them last week [20:58] spose I'm not going to find anything better/cheaper to plug a bunch of HDDs into [20:58] rpi? [20:58] :) [20:58] does that have satas? [20:58] no but it has usbs [20:59] yea, that's bad ;) [20:59] usb + powered hub + usb sata cradles :) [20:59] that's what I'm doing atm, just piling USB hdds [20:59] yeah, don't do that [20:59] in all seriousness [20:59] indeed, it's bad [20:59] i am the cautionary tale [21:00] i went from 8 IDE drives piled up inside a P4 server to 6 USB hanging off a Pentium D to PROPER NAS BOXES :) [21:00] guess which is more reliable [21:00] hehe [21:00] but yeah for storage, that N40L is a pretty good deal [21:00] N54L, soz [21:01] Timing buffered disk reads: 416 MB in 3.00 seconds = 138.46 MB/sec [21:06] that sounds like burst [21:06] yip [21:48] lol I broke gedit [22:40] Azelphur: you break everything :P [22:40] indeed