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SaviqMacSlow, ping07:49
SaviqMacSlow, because we can't rely on "real" notifications implementation to be there for testing, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5779672/07:49
SaviqMacSlow, and http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5779685/ for the depends07:54
Saviqdandrader, dude, go to sleep! ;P07:54
dandraderSaviq, :)07:54
MacSlowSaviq, ah ok...07:59
MacSlowSaviq, but didn't I add the "qtdeclarative5-unity-notifications-plugin | unity-notifications-impl" line already...07:59
SaviqMacSlow, doesn't look like it08:00
MacSlowSaviq, odd... swear I had that done... probably missed a commit (before a revert)08:01
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, happens08:01
MacSlowSaviq, are those two patches going to make it pass?08:01
SaviqMacSlow, qmluitests - yes it should08:01
MacSlowSaviq, because looking at the test-run results there are no failing tests... of course locally it's always working08:02
MacSlowSaviq, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-8.0-ci/116/artifact/unity-phablet-qmluitests-saucy/work/results/testNotifications.xml/*view*/08:02
SaviqMacSlow, because you have unity-notifications on your QML import path08:02
SaviqMacSlow, but https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-saucy/88/testReport/junit/%28root%29/qmltestrunner/tst_Notifications__compile/08:03
SaviqMacSlow, for autopilot to pass we need to make lp:unity-notifications to be available in distro/PPA08:04
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SaviqMacSlow, I've uploaded unity-notifications to ppa:phablet-team - with this we should be able to pass CI08:21
dednickSaviq: ping08:21
Saviqdednick, pong08:21
MacSlowSaviq, I've pushed the suggested chagnes as r24 of my branch08:21
SaviqMacSlow, the first pass might not happen as the package needs to build in the PPA08:22
SaviqMacSlow, but I'll keep you posted08:22
MacSlowSaviq, yeah... we need to give the jenkins-machinery some time08:22
MacSlowSaviq, I'll keep an eye on it too :)08:22
SaviqMacSlow, btw, it passed locally for you because you had lp:unity-notifications somewhere on your QML import path08:22
SaviqMacSlow, but qmluitests don't install the Depends (and shouldn't)08:23
MacSlowSaviq, yeah... did that manually on my desktop-machine and later on the phone too.08:23
dednickSaviq: having trouble with unity8 lenses on saucy.08:23
dednickSaviq: links dont seem to work anymore. have we changed to new libunity for unity8?08:24
Saviqdednick, we're in the process08:24
Saviqdednick, I hope today08:24
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, I just built it for the phone and ran your branch and got notifications with no notify-osd in sight08:24
Saviqdednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/8.new-libunity/+merge/16773308:24
Saviqdednick, but we need to land notifications first, so that we can get rid of lp:nux/phablet08:25
Saviqdednick, 'cause that crashes the new-libunity branch08:25
MacSlowSaviq, yeah... as long as I don't reboot my Nexus I get the new ones too when someone phones/texts me :)08:25
dednickSaviq: ok. not sure if it's related, but autopilot tests dont seem to be working  either.08:25
dednickSaviq: So no ci success.08:25
SaviqMacSlow, why as long as you don't reboot? does notify-osd start even though the shell takes the dbus name?08:26
SaviqMacSlow, or do you mean you haven't actually installed the package, but running from the local build?08:26
MacSlowSaviq, just locally build on the phone08:26
SaviqMacSlow, cool08:27
MacSlownot any package08:27
Saviqdednick, hmm CI was passing yesterday, no?08:28
dednickSaviq: dont know, but my branch is failing and trunk AP isn't working on my desktop. possibly just my branch/setup though08:28
Saviqdednick, yeah locally won't work08:29
Saviqdednick, 'cause libunity is conflicting08:29
dednickSaviq: i see08:29
* Saviq reboots08:31
SaviqMacSlow, ugh, *No copyright* in notifications.js08:41
SaviqMacSlow, can you please add?08:41
MacSlowSaviq, sure08:41
Saviqdednick, I've restarted the failed jobs, but there were only a few failed tests, so AP works fine, just that the tests failed, let's see how it goes08:42
dednickSaviq: my failure seems to be something to do with lock screen not showing08:42
Saviqdednick, yeah, I saw that, let's see what happens08:43
dandradertsdgeos, do you see it as a "random autopilot failure" -> https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-saucy/193/testReport/unity8.tests.testhud/TestHud/test_show_hud_button_dont_open_Nexus_10_/08:47
mzanettiSaviq: hey. about that wifi bug. is anyone working on it?08:49
Saviqmzanetti, not actively, no08:49
tsdgeos   Actual   (lvwph->m_minYExtent): 323,33308:49
tsdgeos   Expected (323.333): 323,33308:49
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... thats the one that makes the phone useless for me right now08:49
Saviqmzanetti, feel free to jump on it08:50
Saviqtsdgeos, did javascript just bite you?08:50
mzanettiSaviq: ok. any pointers already are we all at 0 with this?08:50
tsdgeosSaviq: nah, just trying to test a double number08:50
mzanettitsdgeos: haha :P08:50
tsdgeosdandrader: no video for that? we used to have autopilot videos08:51
mzanettitsdgeos: there is something like fuzzyCompare iirc08:51
tsdgeosmzanetti: this one is supposed to be using it08:51
Saviqtsdgeos, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-saucy/193/artifact/unity8.tests.testhud.TestHud.test_show_hud_button_dont_open%20%28Nexus%2010%29.ogv08:51
tsdgeosi guess it's a too small fuzzy08:51
Saviqtsdgeos, the fuzziness is a parameter, I think?08:51
tsdgeosshould be08:52
tsdgeosneed to find how to pass it08:52
tsdgeosdandrader: the video is 40 seconds of amazing nothing :D08:52
Saviqdandrader, yeah, I've already restarted CI on it08:52
tsdgeosi'll blame the slowlyness of the machine08:52
Saviqdandrader, it seems like it's a random unlock failure08:53
Saviqmzanetti, I don't think we have any details beyond https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/118306508:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 1183065 in touch-preview-images "Occassional severe battery drain" [High,New]08:53
dandraderSaviq, tsdgeos, ok. thanks08:53
Saviqmzanetti, but it does not feel like something we can fix in the shell08:53
Saviqmzanetti, indicators-client at most08:54
mzanettiSaviq: no... seems network-manager related08:54
tsdgeosactually can't find the fuzzy compare that let's me pass the fuzyness down :-S08:55
tsdgeosok, i'll add more 333333333308:55
tsdgeosworked now :D08:55
Saviqtsdgeos, verify( < ), verify ( > )08:55
tsdgeosQCOMPARE(lvwph->m_minYExtent, 323.3333333333333);08:55
mzanettinot sure how reliable that is08:55
Saviqtsdgeos, http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qtglobal.html#qFuzzyCompare-8 didn't work?08:56
greybacktsdgeos: 970/3 ?08:57
tsdgeosSaviq: that's the same, qcomare uses fuzzycompare for doubles08:57
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, just saw that08:57
tsdgeosgreyback: oh you the mathematic ;_)08:57
Saviqyeah, we have a maths PhD in da house!08:57
greybackwell it might make it more likely to equate on different arches08:58
greybacktis all08:58
Saviqmzanetti, looks like there's enough people looking into the battery drain08:58
Saviqmzanetti, unless you have some input for them08:58
mzanettiSaviq: yeah... I just read through the bug...09:00
mzanettiSaviq: still unity8 shouldn't loop at 40% cpu if network bails out09:00
Saviqmzanetti, I suspect it's because the network indicator goes crazy09:01
Saviqmzanetti, and so we're updating the network indicator UI constantly09:01
mzanettihmm... that could be09:01
Saviqdamn I'm melting here...09:02
mzanettiits so hot, the fans of my PC are spinning even when the PC is off :D09:02
Saviq27.7°C indoors at 68% humidity09:03
Saviqand I'm adding to the humidity all the time...09:03
Saviqdandrader, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity/8_bottomBarDDA/+merge/170164/comments/379080 these don't look like random failures anymroe09:05
luvjo tak xrdp s pulseaudio fakt funguje ale byl to boj :-)09:06
Saviqluv, I assume wrong channel? :)09:07
Saviqdandrader, although it could be slowliness09:07
luvah, sry :-)09:07
Saviqdandrader, as it seems for the nexus 4 it tries to drag from the bottom before the app gets into focus09:07
dandraderSaviq, yes, I've just added some debug logs to DirectionalDragArea to pin point what's causing it09:09
dandraderSaviq, I suspect it's the minimum speed requirements for the drag gesture09:09
Saviqdandrader, mhm09:09
Saviqdidrocks, if phone-app depends on notify-osd, but unity8 (>= 7.81.0) will do what notify-osd did to date, how would you set up the Depends / Provides / Conflicts?09:09
didrocksSaviq: will talk with you in a few, trying to unscrew ubuntu iso not building because of web credentials for now09:10
Saviqdidrocks, sure09:10
Saviqdidrocks, I could also bug someone else :)09:10
Saviqseb128, your turn ^09:11
Saviqseb128, both should be installable in parallel (as we want notify-osd still for unity7, but unity8 handles it internally)09:11
seb128Saviq, hey09:12
seb128Saviq, you can do "Depends: notify-osd | unity (>= 7.90)09:12
seb128Saviq, you usually list the preferred option first09:13
Saviqseb128, right09:13
seb128so likely unity8 | notify-osd09:13
Saviqseb128, thanks, will do09:13
seb128Saviq, does unity8 really conflicts with notify-osd (like using same filenames on disk or same dbus namespace)?09:14
Saviqseb128, same dbus name, yes09:14
Saviqseb128, but only one should be running at any given time09:15
seb128ok, like any notification daemon09:15
Saviqseb128, i.e. if unity8 is started, notify-osd shouldn't get dbus-activated09:15
Saviqseb128, so in theory we should be fine09:15
seb128so don't make those conflict or anything09:15
seb128some users might still want both09:15
seb128notify-osd to use with e.g xubuntu09:15
Saviqyeah, we definitely want both09:15
seb128or unity709:15
dandraderSaviq, ah, right. watching the videos it seems autopilot is doing the bottom-edge drag before the application-coming-to-foreground animation completes.09:16
Saviqdandrader, yeah09:16
dandraderit's all so incredibly slow there...09:16
Saviqyeah, software rendering :/09:16
Saviqseb128, TBH it feels like it shouldn't be a dependency of the phone-app at all...09:18
Saviqseb128, or maybe it should...09:18
Saviqseb128, it's needed for calls, so maybe...09:18
seb128Saviq, we don't make every notification user depends on a notification daemon, we rely on the desktop environment to provide the feature09:18
Saviqseb128, yeah, but here it's slightly more involved - i.e. you can't answer a call without either notify-osd or unity8...09:19
seb128Saviq, I guess you don't want notify-osd if you need interactions then09:19
seb128Saviq, notify-osd doesn't support actions09:19
Saviqseb128, the phablet notify-osd does interactions09:19
seb128oh ok09:19
Saviqwhich is being decommissioned anyway09:19
seb128so yeah, Recommends: unity8 | notify-osd09:19
seb128at least09:19
didrocks(ok, waiting for feedback) I would say that we even don't need the |, it should just depends on unity809:20
didrocksand having the notify-osd startup script detects the session name09:20
didrocksto not start if dbus activated09:20
Saviqdidrocks, it only starts dbus-activated, afaict09:20
seb128didrocks, Saviq: well, the | is handy if you want to test the phone-app on desktop today09:21
didrocksSaviq: yeah, we have a script on notify-osd to "only starts" in the right session name09:21
Saviqdidrocks, k09:21
didrocksseb128: shouldn't we get unity8 soon? I think both will come at the same time09:21
seb128we should stop dbus activating the notification daemon at all09:21
didrocks(as we are blocking on the converged indicator-messages anyway)09:21
Saviqseb128, yeah, but desktop notify-osd doesn't help, since there's no interactions :)09:22
seb128no strong opinion either way, to be fair phone-app will be on the image with unity809:22
seb128so that discussion is probably not worth the 15 minutes we already spammed IRC for :p09:22
seb128either depends/recommends including unity8 will do09:22
Saviqok, dropping the dependency altogether09:22
SaviqRecommends it is09:23
didrocksseb128: do you remember how we do handle starting notify-osd only on the ubuntu session? it seems to be an alternative now and no more a conditional startup script09:26
didrockswhich shouldn't be an issue in the unity8 session as it will own the dbus name I guess09:26
Saviqunless something tries to notify before unity8 starts...09:27
didrocksSaviq: well, we'll figure out if that's the case, but unity8 will be, as compiz today, the first component to start :)09:27
Saviqyup :)09:27
didrocksif there are races, we'll figure it out09:28
seb128didrocks, I'm not sure, I didn't follow the recent changes ... I think Debian and others wanted to stop dbus activating notification services at all09:29
seb128didrocks, they wanted to just make those part of the desktop, so it should be the shell of session manager doing the activation09:29
didrocksseb128: ok, well, the current solution should work, we'll refine if needed :)09:29
didrocksthanks seb128, Saviq09:29
Saviqdidrocks, seb128 yup, thanks09:30
seb128didrocks, shrug, ok, the divert is still there, the content of the file is not09:34
seb128didrocks, robru broke it when he inlined the packaging: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/124264231/notify-osd_0.9.34-0ubuntu5_0.9.35daily12.11.28-0ubuntu1.diff.gz09:35
seb128didrocks, see the notify-osd-0.9.35daily12.11.28/data/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service.in in that upload09:35
didrocksseb128: yeah, so if you install notify-osd and switch to a xfce session, you will get notify-osd09:35
didrocksseb128: not sure we care though, TBH09:35
seb128no, we don't09:35
seb128we should drop dbus activation at all09:36
seb128but on another day09:36
seb128atm it just works so let's not create extra work09:36
didrocksexactly :)09:36
Cimimzanetti, ping09:38
Saviqdednick, it seems the pinlock failures are consistent https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-saucy/198/?09:42
Saviqmzanetti, any pointers ^?09:42
Saviqdednick, maybe some trunk merge issue?09:42
Saviqdednick, mzanetti the pinlock / passlock screens don't show up at all09:43
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, didn't you fix the wrong placement in ListView with sections https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-runner-saucy/198/artifact/unity8.tests.testlockscreen.TestLockscreens.test_unlock%20%28Keylock%29.ogv ?09:43
dednickSaviq: yah. thought they would be. i think the lightdm greeter prompt request isn't coming through09:43
dednickwhatever that means. i was waiting on the results before going to check it out though09:44
SaviqMacSlow, the import path is wrong10:03
SaviqMacSlow, you have the brace after /plugins10:03
SaviqMacSlow, should be before10:03
SaviqMacSlow, and there's a missing "S" in qmltest_DEFAULT_10:04
SaviqMacSlow, why didn't you just apply my patch from10:04
MacSlowSaviq, did copy&paste in vim... must have hit x :)10:05
SaviqMacSlow, and notification.js, not notifications.js10:05
SaviqMacSlow, next time, please do `patch -p0`10:06
SaviqMacSlow, and actually check locally that it worked10:06
SaviqMacSlow, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5779993/10:06
SaviqMacSlow, the autopilot failure is unrelated, too10:08
tsdgeosSaviq: i did, question is, is the patch in saucy? and if it is, did i fix only one of the cases and there are more?10:35
* tsdgeos checks if the patch is there on saucy10:35
tsdgeosSaviq: patch still not there10:39
Saviqtsdgeos, that's... good :)10:39
tsdgeosaccording to Mirv is in the beta place? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/118335010:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1183350 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[Patch] Fix wrong initial position of delegates when using loaders and sections" [Undecided,Fix committed]10:39
tsdgeosnot sure what we can do to tell him to put it in proper10:40
dandradermzanetti, where does the logger.warning() stuff goes to when running autopilot tests in my desktop?10:50
mzanettidandrader: stdout10:50
mzanettidandrader: unless you specify "-f xml" when calling autopilot10:50
mzanettidandrader: in that case it will end up in the produced xml file10:50
dandradermzanetti, now seeing the logged stuff anywhere. but "print 'foo'" does work10:53
dandradermzanetti, I'm running the tests like this:10:53
dandradertests/autopilot$ autopilot run unity8.tests.testhud.TestHud.test_show_hud_button_dont_open10:53
dandraders/now seeing/not seeing10:53
mzanettidandrader: I think that should print to stdout/stderr10:54
mzanettidandrader: give me a second to finish proposing that branch, then I can look at it10:54
Saviqmzanetti, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-api/launcher/+merge/167586/comments/37916611:06
Saviqmzanetti, really just a few cosmetic changes11:06
mzanettiSaviq: ack11:08
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Saviqmzanetti, btw, do we have any more hardware where we could run qmluitests on? it gets crowded there11:15
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... might be related that some VM's are detached because they are half-prepared for the switch away from unity11:23
mzanettierr... nux11:23
Saviqmzanetti, mhm11:23
Saviqmzanetti, should be sorted today, then11:25
sil2100didrocks: oooh oooh! What's the threshold for unity tests?11:26
sil2100didrocks: the number of failures I mean?11:26
didrockssil2100: IIRC, 17 or something like that11:26
Saviqmzanetti, btw, I thought we should've been able to just use the newly prepared VMs already?11:26
didrocksSaviq: but you have also a number of accepted regressions11:27
didrockssil2100: ^11:27
didrocksgrrr :p11:27
sil2100\o/ Ok, so I keep my fingers crossed, since one machine finished the tests and it had 14 failiures only!11:27
didrockssil2100: why?11:27
didrocksyeah, let's hope so :)11:27
sil2100Waiting for the other to finish11:27
Saviqdidrocks, I don't accept regressions! :P11:27
Saviqmzanetti, i.e. we're probably not gonna drop ppa:phablet-team in the end, just unity and nux from the ppa11:27
didrocksSaviq: lucky that you have 0 flacky tests! :)11:27
Saviqdidrocks, I wouldn't go that far11:28
Saviqdidrocks, who do you think clicks "rebuild" all the time :D11:28
didrocksSaviq: ah, so you need to get a threshold to not block everything every time11:28
mzanettiSaviq: ok, I'll check on enabling the VM's11:28
didrocksSaviq: I don't want to have that as part of the automated machinery11:28
didrocksespecially when we have 200+ packages to deliver11:28
didrocksso 200 clicks is not acceptable, even if it's just 10% :p11:28
Saviqdidrocks, no, it's not that bad http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity-phablet-autolanding/11:28
Saviqdidrocks, if jenkins doesn't barf11:29
* didrocks doesn't know the ip of s-jenkins TBH :p11:29
didrockssince it changed…11:29
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Saviqdidrocks, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-8.0-autolanding/?11:29
Cimimzanetti, ping11:29
didrocksSaviq: 20-25% of runs11:30
didrocksSaviq: if you scale that to all our stacks and components, it's still 50 reruns :)11:30
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, we'll get better, too :)11:30
didrocksSaviq: hence this threshold to be quite relaxed on "some" flacky tests11:30
didrockswe'll discuss it once we'll put unity 8 under daily release I guess :)11:30
Saviqdidrocks, yup, most often we get autopilot issues11:31
Saviqdidrocks, that fail 'cause they're so slow11:31
didrockssimilar than most of issues with unity 711:31
mzanettiCimi: pong11:31
Cimimzanetti, I read your review, there are some things which are there for a reason11:31
Cimimzanetti, for example, starting from basicmenu11:32
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Cimimzanetti, the listitems are not themed in the sdk11:32
Cimimzanetti, so all the code you see, from the background to the thindivider, is for styling them11:33
mzanettiCimi: but basicmenu inherits from ListItem11:33
mzanettiCimi: then don't inherit from ListItem11:33
mzanettiCimi: at least not from ListItems.Standard11:33
Cimimzanetti, and from what? I need the controls?11:33
mzanettiCimi: what controls?11:33
Cimithe icon, or the buttons11:33
mzanettiCimi: you don't use the icons except in one case. In all the others you have a dead property in your public api, some wated resources because of the empty Image {} and worst of all, if someone uses the dead property it even breaks your component11:34
Cimiso I should do standard and reimplement the code for the controls?11:35
Cimisorry, empty11:35
mzanettiCimi: I'd say yes. If this should be used by other people, the API needs to be clean and safe11:35
mzanettiSaviq: is there a way to hide inherited properties from the public API in qml?11:37
Saviqmzanetti, I don't think there is11:37
Saviqmzanetti, simply because everything's public...11:37
Saviqsil2100, hey, any update on libunity9 / unity from daily-build going into distro?11:40
sil2100Saviq: I'll have the test results in some moments and all will be known11:42
Saviqsil2100, awesome11:43
Saviqooh we now get a dimmed screen before it goes off completely :D11:44
Saviqnice one!11:44
didrockssil2100: seeing how long the tests are taking, I wonder if we don't have the dbus issue11:54
didrocksmhr3: you maybe want to jump on the ati machine right now? ^11:54
sil2100didrocks: I think that machine might be affected indeed...11:54
sil2100didrocks: since the other was fine11:54
sil2100didrocks: btw. you think we could force the publication anyway?11:54
didrockssil2100: for unity, as we have good results on the other machine, i would say yes11:55
didrockssil2100: just run in 2 phases11:55
didrocksfirst without "force"11:55
didrocksto check with packaging changes and so on11:55
sil2100Of course ;)11:55
mhr3didrocks, let me jump on it11:55
mhr3didrocks, do i have a timer ticking before it dies?11:55
didrocksmhr3: I don't know if jibel removed the timeout, but if we still have, you have 10 minutes :)11:56
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mzanettiSaviq: I'm confused. Should I apply your patch then which changes all the launcher api to use named imports? Didn't we just define the guideline to use explicit naming?11:57
Saviqmzanetti, you didn't read ;)11:58
Saviqmzanetti, when the import would look like "import Unity.Launcher", I'd rather not have "Launcher" in the registered types11:58
Saviqmzanetti, so that with a named import you don't have to go Launcher.LauncherModel11:58
Saviqmzanetti, explicit in class and file names, namespaced when registering - that was what I wrote down11:59
Saviqmzanetti, but then got hit by the "Item" registration11:59
Saviqmzanetti, and now I don't know again11:59
mzanettiok... I did read but probably in the wrong order... confused shit out of me12:00
Saviqmzanetti, so for this (and taking dandrader's comment into account)12:04
Saviqmzanetti, I'll leave it to you12:04
Saviqto decide12:04
SaviqI still like named imports better for readability12:05
Saviqbut because there's issues like that (and especially bug https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-3073012:05
ricotzTrevinho, hi, is it known that bamf fires two emits of bamf_matcher.active_application_changed? with following args (OLD_APP, null) and (null, NEW_APP) instead of (OLD_APP, NEW_APP)12:06
mzanettiSaviq: holy s***... thats a bad bug12:06
Saviqmzanetti, it's not even considered a bug12:06
Saviqmzanetti, read Alan's comments :/12:06
Saviqmzanetti, we need to convince him it really is12:06
mzanettiah... because it works without named imports12:07
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, which is blind luck, Alan said it's not supposed to work12:07
Saviqwhich is something I can't accept12:07
Trevinhoricotz: yeah... but it's also hard to fix without adding idles or something... Since it's impossible to predict wich one is going to be unactivated and which one is activated12:08
sil2100didrocks: ok, in the meantime, I checked all stacks for the SRU that are ready for release, and the changelogs look ok, there are no packaging changes and all tests pass as expected12:08
sil2100didrocks: can I publish so that they land in the SRU PPA?12:08
SaviqMacSlow|lunch, SUCCESS on qmluitests12:08
Trevinhoricotz: I tried to change that, but it wasn't worth... ricotz probably we should instead just emit the new app activated and check which one was before...12:08
SaviqMacSlow|lunch, and SUCCESS everywhere else12:08
ricotzTrevinho, i see, there are even times where its fires 5 emmits12:08
mzanettiSaviq: ah... I see what he means12:09
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
mzanettiSaviq: in C++, you wouldnt do something like: foo(MySingletonClass)12:09
mhr3:/ i want d-feet, doing it all with dbus-send is not fun12:09
mzanettiSaviq: but rather foo(MySingletomClass::instance())12:09
Saviqmzanetti, it's not a class, it's an object of that class12:09
didrockssil2100: yeah \o/12:10
mzanettiSaviq: and one way would be to make the instance() a property of that singleton12:10
Trevinhoricotz: mh, weird12:10
ricotzTrevinho, the syntax is fine imo, and if there is a new active window, bamf should figure out what happend before emit12:10
didrockssil2100: tell me how it goes, just publish one stack so that we can check :)12:10
didrocksas it's all brand new and shiny code path :p12:10
mzanettiSaviq: then you could call in QML: foo(MySingletonClass.instance)12:10
Saviqmzanetti, but you're not exposing MySingletonClass12:10
Saviqmzanetti, you're exposing MySingleton12:10
Saviqmzanetti, and if MySingleton = MySingletonClass::instance()12:11
Saviqmzanetti, you would do foo(MySingleton)12:11
Saviqin C++12:11
mzanettiSaviq: yeah...12:11
ricotzTrevinho, e.g. emit-queue http://paste.debian.net/plain/1129612:11
ricotzTrevinho, for one window change12:11
mzanettiSaviq: just trying to figure why he doesn't think its a bug12:12
Saviqmzanetti, it must be something weird internally12:12
mhr3didrocks, ehm, yea, it just shutdown12:12
Saviqmzanetti, that he didn't express12:12
jibeldidrocks, the timeout is still 2h12:12
Trevinhoricotz: yes, the problem is that all this depends on the order that the views have on the list... but I also didn't want to introduce delays...12:12
didrocksmhr3: indeed, did you get time to get any data?12:12
didrocksjibel: maybe for some days, we should set it to 4?12:12
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ricotzTrevinho, hmm, a delay seems better than doing things 5 times12:13
mhr3didrocks, not much, i only saw that dbus was working12:14
mhr3at least introspection was12:14
ricotzTrevinho, may i pm you?12:14
Trevinhowell, yeah... but then unity "triangles" (showiing the focused app) where not so nice...12:14
Trevinhoricotz: sure...12:14
mhr3didrocks, jibel, also, something happened with lxc, it hangs when i lxc-list now12:14
Trevinhoricotz: however that's something I really wanted to improve, but it needs also to change something in unity probably12:15
didrocksmhr3: right, it can't stop the container12:15
didrocksjibel: ^12:15
jibelmhr3, which machine?12:15
didrocksE: Test failed to run in 7200 seconds. Aborting!12:15
didrocks2013-06-19 12:11:46,746 INFO Stopping container 'saucy-i386-20130619-0811'12:15
jibelmhr3, machine ran out of memory12:15
mhr3hmm, autopilot was running there, plus i ran dbus-monitor12:16
Saviqmzanetti, can I ask you to go through https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity/phone-shell-integration-notifications/+merge/16871512:16
mhr3don't think that should make it run out of memory :)12:16
didrocksmhr3: it's all your fault again! :p12:17
Saviqmzanetti, I've been too involved with this to review with a clean heart12:17
mhr3didrocks, noooooooo..... when i connected there was still like 70mb free12:17
didrocksthat much! you stole 70mb! :)12:17
mhr3KiB Mem:   8284364 total,  7748368 used,   535996 free,    68360 buffers12:17
mhr3KiB Swap:  8385532 total,  1260780 used,  7124752 free,  6771776 cached12:17
mhr3no way this ran out of memory12:18
didrocksmhr3: so, once sil2100 will have finished with all the runs, I proposed that we force running the tests again12:18
mhr36gb in cache12:18
didrockswithout any timeout12:18
didrocksin a row12:18
didrocks(we won't need the machines until the end of day)12:18
didrocksuntil it starts hanging again12:18
mhr3didrocks, sounds good to me12:18
didrocksjibel: sounds good to you as well? should I increase the timeout? ^12:18
ricotzTrevinho, alright, i guess there is no other way hacking it with an idle on my side then for now12:19
Trevinhoricotz: yes :/...12:20
mzanettiSaviq: yep12:21
didrockstimeouted change on both intel and ati12:22
dandraderSaviq, is there a way to check is jenkins is making a build for a given merge proposal?12:25
dandraders/is jenkins/if jenkins12:25
sil2100didrocks: do you want to re-run those tests before publishing the current unity?12:25
dandraderI'm afraid I might have confused jenkins by overwriting my branch...12:25
Saviqdandrader, http://s-jenkins:8080/job/unity-8.0-ci/lastBuild/parameters/12:26
didrocks13:54:39   sil2100 | didrocks: btw. you think we could force the publication anyway?12:26
didrocks13:55:01  didrocks | sil2100: for unity, as we have good results on the other machine, i would say yes12:26
didrockssil2100: wasn't your question for that? ^12:26
Saviqdandrader, and click "Previous Build" if that's not it12:26
Saviqdandrader, but the jobs cope surprisingly well with overwriting12:27
didrocksmhr3: ok, see run 176, started it manually, if in 1:15 min, we still have one machine running, maybe it will be good to look at it :)12:28
didrockssil2100: relaunched the tests manually for debugging ^ but that doesn't prevent you to publish both indicators and unity12:28
jibeldidrocks, if you want. I've seen that the cache  is never reallocated in some cases, this is a problem I thought was specific to nvidia but I never found the exact conditions to reproduce it.12:28
mhr3didrocks, k, so time for me to have lunch then :)12:28
didrocksjibel: oh?12:29
didrocksmhr3: some time for exercising you mean! :)12:29
* didrocks just wait on sil2100 to publish before going12:29
mhr3didrocks, yep, i'll exercise my taste buds :P12:29
didrocksmhr3: you are eating French food? :)12:29
jibeldidrocks, yes that's why we disabled recordmydesktop, to use less memory and be able to run unity tests.12:29
jibeldidrocks, actually on nvidia we hit the wall quicker because it only has 4GB while the ATI box has 812:30
didrocksjibel: yeah, the "oh?" was because I read your "I never found the exact conditions to reproduce it" as "I found the exact conditions to reproduce it"12:30
didrocksjibel: false joy :)12:30
jibeldidrocks, mhr3 anyway, in this state you can consider the machine as dead and reboot it.12:32
didrocksjibel: the following tests passed, interestingly12:33
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didrocksso was quick enough12:33
didrocksmaybe we will be able to retrigger the state12:33
mhr3pls don't tell we'll find some kind of bug in lxc itself or in the graphics drivers or something12:34
didrocksmhr3: it's not lxc for sure as we had it with UTAH12:34
jibelmhr3, it is not lxc, the problem is the same on hardware12:34
didrocksgraphics driver…12:34
jibelI mean without lxc12:35
jibel# (free; sync; echo 3>/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ; free)|grep Mem12:35
jibelMem:       8284364    7847236     437128          0     149464    708634812:35
jibelMem:       8284364    7847912     436452          0     149480    708633212:35
jibel^ that's supposed to free pagecache, dentries and inodes12:35
jibeland you see that cached mem didnt move12:36
mhr3jibel, it doesn't on my machine either12:37
jibelmhr3, if cache is use it's normal, but on the test machine with nothing running most of the cache should have been freed12:37
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mhr3hmm, i have hard time believing that the 3gb the caches take are all in use12:40
jibelon my machine after (free; sudo sync; echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ; free)|grep Mem cached memory went from 4159844 down to 33079212:42
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sil2100didrocks: back! Publishing indicators first \o/12:52
mzanettiSaviq: done: https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity/phone-shell-integration-notifications/+merge/16871512:52
didrockssil2100: ok :)12:52
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sil2100didrocks: ok, checking the unity test results from the one machine we had - there's not too many failures, 15 of those12:56
didrockssil2100: yep, so normal publication to see if we have packaging changes?12:56
sil2100didrocks: looking at those, but those - although strange, I guess they're not anything serious12:57
sil2100didrocks: yes12:57
Saviqmzanetti, thanks13:01
sil2100didrocks: the changes look ok more or less, I have been thinking if change the change from valac-0.18 to valac without a minimum version requirement in unity-lens-music13:02
didrockssil2100: well, that's fine in our case I think, we are not going to downgrade. But nice catch :)13:02
didrockssil2100: good for me as well, please publish :)13:02
didrockssil2100: then, you are going to publish raring? I'm going to do some exercice, do you want to try one right now?13:03
didrocksso that we can see it if it lands successfully in the staging sru ppa?13:03
sil2100didrocks: I published the misc stack before lunch, let's see if it worked13:04
sil2100didrocks: what was the SRU PPA url?13:05
didrockssil2100: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity/+archive/sru-staging13:05
sil2100g-c-c-u is there \o/13:05
didrockslet's see in raring UNAPPROVED13:06
didrockssil2100: there as well \o/ https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/raring/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=13:06
didrockssil2100: you can publish the rest I guess :)13:06
didrocksSync from SRU staging ppa, requested by Ubuntu Archive Robot13:06
sil2100didrocks: ACK, btw. what shuold I do with the webapps stack? Wait for Robert?13:06
didrocksseb128: FYI, I hope that we'll get some SRU team member syncing them this time ^ :)13:07
didrockssil2100: yeah, let's wait for him13:07
sil2100didrocks: ok ;) Have a good exercise!13:07
didrocksok, so one last thing13:07
didrocksnow that indicators is published13:07
didrocksI think there is the new libusermetrics package13:07
didrocksyeah :)13:08
didrockslet's new it!13:08
didrocksand don :)13:08
didrockssil2100: thanks, will do!13:08
SaviqMacSlow, there's some comments from mzanetti on the notifications branch, did you see? easy fixes, too13:10
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Saviqpstolowski, can you do https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/phablet-extras/unity-lens-mock-new-api/+merge/167721/comments/376979 ?13:23
pstolowskiSaviq: looking13:23
pstolowskiSaviq: right, updating13:25
Saviqpstolowski, thanks13:25
Saviqpstolowski, and didn't we want to rename it to unity-scope-mock already?13:26
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
Saviqpstolowski, that can be handled later, though13:26
pstolowskiSaviq: you mentioned this as a possibility, so yeah, let's do it after we land13:27
Saviqpstolowski, yup13:27
Saviqpstolowski, notifications are almost ready, I hope we'll be able to merge this, too13:28
pstolowskiSaviq: that would be great :)13:28
Saviqsil2100, new unity and libunity went into distro, did they? is that what the PS Jenkins Bot spam is about?13:28
sil2100Saviq: it should be!13:29
Saviqsil2100, awesomes!13:29
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
mhr3didrocks, yey, latestsnapshot mps! are we going to have an update in S soon?13:32
Saviqmhr3, sil2100 says so ↑ :)13:33
paulliuHi, google hangout today? Does anyone have the link?13:33
mhr3wooo, should read at least a tiny bit of backlog next time :)13:34
mzanettiSaviq: +#include <unity/SymbolExport.h>13:34
mzanettiSaviq: does not compute13:34
Saviqmzanetti, merge trunk13:35
Saviqgreyback, hangout13:35
greybackyep almost there13:35
Saviqmzanetti, compute, btw? ;)13:35
SaviqMacSlow, hangout13:35
mzanettiSaviq: :D13:35
mzanettiSaviq: I think its weird how bzr determines what to use if you jut type "bzr merge"13:36
Saviqmzanetti, it remembers the first one you used13:36
mzanettiit should always be origin imho13:36
Saviqmzanetti, and then whatever you did with --remember13:36
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sil2100mlankhorst: hi!13:44
sil2100mlankhorst: hm, were you the one responsible for getting the new X into S? Since I remember didrocks asked to poke someone when we finally release new version of Unity for S13:45
sil2100To give a green light for the 'new X'13:45
mlankhorstwell x has been ready for a while now, just needs to be copied from the ppa, with the unity xinput patch applied13:47
sil2100I need to poke Brandon what's the status of that13:51
sil2100mhr3: did you look into that dbus issue with unity tests?13:58
mhr3sil2100, ah, it's hanging again, let's me try to connect to the machine14:04
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sil2100mhr3: thanks! ;)14:05
mhr3jibel, lxc-attach is hanging :/ any ideas what's up with that?14:09
mhall119mfisch: ping me when you're around14:11
mfischmhall119: just finishing a call, give me a minute14:11
jibelmhr3, as I said memory is exhausted, oom-killer in action14:13
jibel[20537.549319] Memory cgroup out of memory: Kill process 4435 (pool) score 47 or sacrifice child14:14
jibel[20537.549328] Killed process 7677 (sh) total-vm:2268kB, anon-rss:4kB, file-rss:4kB14:14
mhr3jibel, oh, i thought the machine got restarted since then14:15
jibelmhr3, I didn't you were working on it, but I can do it now if you wish14:15
jibelmhr3, should i?14:15
mhr3jibel, go ahead14:16
mhr3jibel, and it already kicked me off when we were talking14:16
Cimimzanetti, moved to empty btw14:16
mzanettiCimi: good. do you actually agree with my concerns?14:17
mhr3actually, i think my routing table got screwed up14:18
Cimimzanetti, well the API is a good point14:18
Cimimzanetti, still keeping background and thindivider in the basicmenu14:18
Cimimzanetti, because we need them for theming14:18
jibelmhr3, done14:19
mzanettiCimi: also, please create a test a quick test application (fullscreen ListView) with around 100 of your items, and check if its still scrolling smoothly on the glaaxy nexus14:19
mzanettiand then start adding/removing some dummy items in there and watch performance drop14:20
mzanettijust to get a feeling where the limit of items is14:20
Cimimzanetti, once the sdk will give theming for listitems, all of that will be gone14:21
didrocksmhr3: sil2100: it seems no tests were rerun since the machine rebooted, should I rerun it?14:22
dobeywhere's the code that disables search on the 'home' [sic] lens in unity 8? does it require the "use libunity7" branch or something, to allow making scopes work again?14:23
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mfischmhall119: okay here14:24
mhall119mfisch: hey, I've not been able to compile your scope code14:26
mhall119I get: gcc: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-Wnounused-variable’14:26
mhall119make: *** [openclipart.o] Error 114:26
mfischmhall119: okay 1 sec14:26
mhall119if I comment that out in the .pro file, I get:14:26
mhall119In file included from openclipart.c:5:0:14:26
mhall119/usr/include/unity/unity/unity.h:1613:26: note: expected ‘struct UnityAbstractScope *’ but argument is of type ‘int *’14:26
mfischmhall119: you're right14:26
mhall119 UnityScopeDBusConnector* unity_scope_dbus_connector_new (UnityAbstractScope* scope);14:26
mhall119                          ^14:26
mhall119make: *** [openclipart.o] Error 114:26
mfischmhall119: I see what I did wrong, I forgot to cleanup the old makefile14:27
mfischmhall119: I'll fix it14:27
mfischmhall119: it looks like dpm and mhr3 already fixed it for me14:30
mfischmhall119: lp:ubuntu-sdk-tutorials14:30
mfischdpm: thanks to you and mhr3_ for fixing my compile issue, I forgot to remove the makefile after adding that flag14:31
mhr3_there was a problem with a flag? :)14:32
mfischmhr3_: yeah, I was missing a -14:32
mfischmhr3_: and thanks also for the other fixes ;)14:33
didrocksmhr3_: sil2100: I would take your silence as a "yes" :p14:33
mfischmhr3_: I guess the activate function was not very useful14:34
dpmmfisch, no worries, we've now got a working scope \o/ - there are only two things that might need polishing: the installation of the .service file and the two fixmes you noted down (i.e. getting the icon to load and getting metadata). I'm not sure if the icon is that important, but if I look into the .service file installation, do you think you could look into adding that metadata?14:34
mfischdpm: yeah, I can do that14:34
didrocksmterry: FYI, libusermetrics NEWed14:35
mhr3_didrocks, you asked something? sorry had little network trouble14:35
mterrydidrocks, thanks!  I noticed it was in proposed14:35
didrocksmhr3_: no worry, just to ask if I should relaunch the tests14:35
dpmmfisch, perfect.14:35
didrocksmhr3_: I just did14:35
didrocksmterry: yw :)14:35
mfischdpm: I assume the metadata is like what's used for music and what not, extra info basically?14:35
mhr3_didrocks, cool, yes pls, thanks :)14:35
didrocksmhr3_: so 1h15 for now to check how it goes14:35
dpmmfisch, yeah, that's my understanding from reading davidcalle's original python tutorial, but mhr3_ can probably better confirm14:36
davidcalledpm, fisch, metadata is for everything relevant that doesn't fit in existing model fields (comment, icon, etc), like author, publication date. To have them available in the preview.14:38
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mhr3_mfisch, yep, some masterscope define that all their children need to provide "isbn"; the other use case is for the scope to just attach whatever data it wants to the result, so it can be later used for generating a preview, or activation or something14:38
dpmdidrocks, we're publishing a scopes tutorial on d.u.c., which requires this branch to land on the distro (https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/libunity/simple-scope) - mhr3_ thought he saw one of the distro build bots or whatever gets it into saucy processing it. Do you know more or less when this will be available in the archive?14:39
dobeywhere's the code that disables search on the 'home' [sic] lens in unity 8? does it require the "use libunity7" branch or something, to allow making scopes work again?14:39
mhr3_greyback, guess you'll know ^14:40
dpmdavidcalle, btw, here's your tutorial code ported to C -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-tutorials-dev/ubuntu-sdk-tutorials/trunk/files/head:/unity-scopes/openclipart/ :-)14:40
greybackmhr3_: which question? dobey's?14:40
davidcalledpm, fantastic! :)14:40
mhr3_greyback, yep14:41
dpmdavidcalle, yeah, all thanks to mfisch and mhr3_ :)14:41
didrocksdpm: it should have just landed :)14:41
greybackSaviq: can you answer dobey's question? I've not followed the libunity story at all14:41
SaviqMacSlow, if you need help (or want me to handle one of the comments to parallelize) with the fixes to notifications, let me know14:41
didrocksdpm: hum, weird, I don't see it14:42
mhall119mfisch: still having a problem14:42
mhall119openclipart.c:82:5: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘unity_simple_scope_set_category_set’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] unity_simple_scope_set_category_set(scope,cats); ^14:42
mhall119make: *** [openclipart.o] Error 114:42
didrocksdpm: it's not listed in the changelog, but it's in14:42
Saviqdobey, we didn't enable search in Home simply because it's not yet doing the right thing14:42
dpmmhall119, we've moved the branch and it should have those warnings fixed14:42
dpmmhall119, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-tutorials-dev/ubuntu-sdk-tutorials/trunk/files/head:/unity-scopes/openclipart/14:42
mhall119dpm: that's from a clean branch of openclipart.c:82:5: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘unity_simple_scope_set_category_set’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration] unity_simple_scope_set_category_set(scope,cats); ^14:42
MacSlowSaviq, ok14:42
mhall119make: *** [openclipart.o] Error 114:43
Saviqdobey, i.e. it's actually taking results from other scopes at the moment (or has them hardcoded)14:43
dpmmhall119, weird, I'm not getting any warnings14:43
Saviqdobey, after we move to smart scopes (today)14:43
mfischmhall119: you need mhr3_'s latest libunity14:43
mfischdpm: thats the error you get with the old libunity14:43
dpmah, gotcha14:43
Saviqdobey, we'll move to using mock scopes for those (and enable search in Home)14:43
Saviqdobey, and then gradually replace with real scope backends14:43
mfischmhall119: I can post debs for you, but I don't know if it will cause issues14:44
dobeySaviq: will it actually be enabled today?14:44
didrocksdpm: ah, it's listed in the changelog, I thought mhr3_ was writing it, it's james :)14:44
mhall119mfisch: where did you get it from?14:44
mfischmhall119: I build it14:44
dpmmhall119, mfisch, from what didrocks is saying, the new libunity package with those changes already landed in the archive ^^14:44
mfischmhall119: apt-get upgrade14:44
Saviqdobey, the search in Home? no, and not for some time yet, we need some changes across the stack to be able to go away from some hardcoded stuff in unity814:44
Saviqdobey, but the switch to smart scopes - yes14:45
dobeySaviq: ok, then where is the code so that i can enable it in a local branch?14:45
Saviqdobey, DashHome.qml14:45
greybackmzanetti: platform-api, see android/hybris/default_application_manager.cpp. The process stop/continue is built into the focus handling code, so you'll need to patch out the kill() calls14:45
Saviqdobey, compare it to GenericLensView.qml (or GenericScopeView.qml from https://code.launchpad.net/~stolowski/unity/phablet-new-libunity/+merge/167717)14:45
dobeySaviq: so i roughly have to copy/paste some code from eg DashApps.qml over?14:45
Saviqdobey, yeah14:46
mzanettigreyback: awesome. thanks a bunch14:46
dobeyok, thanks14:46
Saviqdobey, just grep -i for search in there :)14:46
dobeyyep, just did that14:46
Saviqdobey, or, if you want to get real home scope/lens results14:46
Saviqdobey, tweak LensDelegateMapper.qml14:47
Saviqdobey, so that Home doesn't get any special treatment14:47
dobeySaviq: i just want to be able to be at a point where i can actually start working on this stuff for 14.04 scopes that i'm supposed to start working on, so we can get the user research done on it :)14:47
dobeyi can do fake results if i have to14:47
Saviqdobey, it's going to be much simpler after we've landed the smart scopes support today14:48
dpmdavidcalle, one thing we noticed is that since we're shipping the openclipart scope by default, app developers will need to remove the existing scope to test the one in the tutorial. I was wondering if you had any suggestion for another service we could use instead of openclipart.org, which we could just swap easily in the code14:49
dpmmfisch, ^14:49
mfischlol on easily swap in the code14:49
mfischdpm: I dont see a new unity update on saucy14:50
davidcalledpm, hmm... let me check.14:50
dpmmfisch, I think if it's not easy to swap we can live with getting them to remove the current scope for the tutorial purposes, but on the next update of the tutorial we should make it easier for folks and they shouldn't be messing around with the system14:51
Saviqmzanetti: could you do second eyes on https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/8.new-libunity/+merge/167733 ?14:51
dpmI just hadn't realized that we were shipping openclipart until this morning when mhr3_ mentioned it to me14:51
Saviqmzanetti, it's scary initially (over 5k lines), but it's actually mostly s/lens/scope/g14:52
mfischdpm: if davidcalle has another idea, I can switch us over, but then I probably wont finish Metadata today14:52
Saviqmzanetti, and a lot of red for removing People14:52
mhr3_dpm, the scope is 40% of the whole thing, and the rest is just rss parsing, so... yea swapping out what it talks to is the bigger part of it :)14:52
Saviqmzanetti, if it's too late / big for you for today, just say so14:53
Saviqmzanetti, otherwise here's how to get it on the device http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5766051/14:53
dpmmfisch, I think metadata is more interesting to get in, so let's hear if davidcalle has got any suggestion, and if it's not a trivial swap (i.e. modifying the RSS processing) we can leave using something else than openclipart for another iteration of the tutorial14:54
mfischdpm: the RSS processing is 75% direct from mrss and 25% a bit of a pain, although it will be much faster this time14:54
mhall119mfisch: dpm: that fixed it, thanks!14:55
dpmmhall119, cool, thanks for testing!14:55
davidcalledpm, mfisch, no trivial swap suggestion (the closest RSS searchable feed I can think of right now are deviantart and googlenews and we ship both).14:55
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mhall119davidcalle: will your little GUI client for seeing scope search results work on the new scopes API?14:55
dpmmhall119, it does, that's how we've been debugging it :)14:56
dpmmfisch, ok, in light of that comment ^, let's leave it as openclipart for now14:56
mhall119dpm: where can I get that gui client now?14:57
dpmmhall119, it's the libunity-tool binary, which comes from the libunity-tools package. I had it installed already, so perhaps you might not even need to install anything14:58
mhall119ah, yes, I have it, thanks14:59
dpmyou can just run it as `libunity-tool -g` and if the scope is running, you should be able to pick it up from the drop down menu14:59
mhall119looking good15:00
mhall119so what's next to do, write the tutorial around this code?15:01
=== dednick is now known as dednick|lunch
mzanettiSaviq: done with this: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-api/launcher/+merge/167586/15:06
Saviqmzanetti, cheers15:06
mfischmhr3_: you said I needed to define a schema for metadata, correct?15:07
mhr3_mfisch, yep http://people.canonical.com/~mhr3/libunity7/unity/Unity.Schema.add_field.html15:08
mfischmhr3_: ah a programmtaic schema, not a schema file15:08
Saviqmzanetti, and https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity/8.update-pot/+merge/17038015:09
mhr3_mfisch, right, you should define the schema in the .scope file too though15:09
mfischmhr3_: you saw my comment that the category icon didn't appear to work, any ideas?15:10
mfischmhr3_: ok, will do15:10
mhr3_mfisch, but if you're defining only optional fields it's not "required"15:10
mhr3_mfisch, probably just wrong name15:10
didrocksSaviq: ok, your turn! let's try to look at this new component, mind giving me back the link with the rationale? :)15:10
didrocksSaviq: and if the upstream merger is wired?15:10
mhr3_mfisch, also i'm not sure how you tested it15:10
mfischmhr3_: just ran my scope and didn't see the right icon15:11
Saviqdidrocks, yes, it's wired (mmrazik said to look in phablet/shell.cfg)15:11
mfischmhr3_: for the schema file, do we have an existing scope that uses one in the .scope file?15:11
mhr3_mfisch, if you added it as a top level scope and tried from home scope, you need a CategoryIcon= field in the .scope file iirc15:11
Saviqdidrocks, and it's the notification backend that's used by unity8 to receive notifications from apps15:11
mfischmhr3_: ah, thats probably it15:11
mhr3_mfisch, but it's probably the former15:11
didrocksSaviq: will apps dep on it?15:12
didrocksor just unity8?15:12
Saviqdidrocks, no, just unity815:12
Saviqdidrocks, it's actually the first component to have "Provides: unity-notifications-impl, unity-notifications-impl-1"15:12
didrocksSaviq: so, it should be part of the unity8 stack, I guess?15:12
Saviqdidrocks, so if you can look at that and the corresponding packaging change in https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity/phone-shell-integration-notifications/+merge/16871515:12
Saviqdidrocks, yes15:13
didrocksSaviq: ok, I'll give it a look and sanitize the packaging :)15:13
didrocksnow looking at the MP15:13
Saviqdidrocks, thanks15:13
Saviqmzanetti, did you see my request ↑↑↑ there about the scopes MP?15:15
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... no, only the .pot updated15:15
mhr3_Saviq, btw re the apps scope design doc, think we could go with category renderer = DYNAMIC, for the case where design says grid for < 10 results, carousel otherwise?15:16
didrocksSaviq: this build-deps on a virtual package is interesting, quite rare :)15:16
Saviqdidrocks, in lp:unity-notifications? that's why you're looking at it, no? :)15:17
didrocksSaviq: no, the MP :)15:17
Saviqdidrocks, is that build-dep?15:17
Saviqdidrocks, should be runtime...15:17
didrocks+         qtdeclarative5-unity-notifications-plugin | unity-notifications-impl,15:17
didrocks          qtdeclarative5-xmllistmodel-plugin,15:17
didrocks          qtubuntu,15:18
didrocks+         unity-notifications-impl-1,15:18
didrocksSaviq: my bad :p15:18
* didrocks takes some coffee and back apparently…15:18
Saviqoh good15:18
MacSlowSaviq, didrocks: read...15:18
didrocksMacSlow: ignore me :p15:18
Saviqmhr3_, yeah, but it needs to be APPS_DYNAMIC or something15:19
MacSlowSaviq, another bit to fix in that brach ?15:19
SaviqMacSlow, no, it's good15:19
MacSlowSaviq, ok15:19
didrocksMacSlow: a little fix would be nice: https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity/phone-shell-integration-notifications/+merge/168715/comments/37933115:19
mhr3_Saviq, right, i still want the category results type hint too15:19
Saviqmhr3_, ah then yeah15:19
didrocksMacSlow: just reorganizing the dep so that it's clear and close to the component providing it :)15:19
MacSlowdidrocks, ok15:20
Saviqdidrocks, so we're not anal about wrap-and-sort? :D15:20
didrocksSaviq: no, I prefer logical ordering TBH ;)15:20
Saviqmterry is ;d15:21
didrockslike for build-deps:15:21
didrocks- build system/gcc15:21
didrocks- component build-deps15:21
didrocks- test components15:21
Saviq<Saviq> mzanetti: could you do second eyes on https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/8.new-libunity/+merge/167733 ?15:21
didrocksSaviq: I'll just reject all NEW packages he will propose in the archive then! :p15:21
Saviq<Saviq> mzanetti, it's scary initially (over 5k lines), but it's actually mostly s/lens/scope/g15:21
Saviq<Saviq> mzanetti, and a lot of red for removing People15:21
mterrySaviq, I am  :)15:21
Saviq<Saviq> mzanetti, if it's too late / big for you for today, just say so15:21
Saviq mzanetti, otherwise here's how to get it on the device http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5766051/15:21
didrocksthere is one binary package15:22
didrocksand an .install file?15:22
mterrydidrocks, pfft!  You have wrap-and-sort as one of the standard tasks in daily-release cleanup  :)15:22
tsdgeosi've lost the hability to run ./run_on_device15:22
didrocksmterry: there are the components ordering as well that should be on the wiki page! :p15:22
tsdgeosit seems not to be running the build-deps15:22
tsdgeos./build: 65: ./build: cmake: not found15:22
tsdgeosany idea why?15:22
didrocksmterry: you didn't look at this package, right? (the unity-notifications)15:23
Saviqtsdgeos, try installing the unity8-build-deps-dep package15:23
Saviqtsdgeos, and go for `apt-get -f install`15:23
Saviqtsdgeos, the package is in ~phablet15:23
mterrydidrocks, no15:23
didrocksmterry: ok good, I don't have to blame you then! ;)15:23
Saviqdidrocks, the only binary package has a different name than the source package15:24
seb128mterry, hey, I pushed an updated unity-greeter logo, nicely spotted ;-)15:24
Saviqdidrocks, I think I've had issues with that without the .install file15:24
mterryseb128, cool, will look at it again15:24
* Saviq tries15:24
didrocksSaviq: yeah, not a blocker, when you have one binary package, it's set at DESTDIR=15:24
seb128mterry, is that known that make check segfaults somewhere in the xvfb-run command under bzr bd?15:24
tsdgeosSaviq: no such package is known to my phone15:24
didrocksSaviq: I'm trying as well :)15:24
seb128mterry, it doesn't segfault when I run it by hand though15:24
mterryseb128, hrm...  no?15:24
Saviqtsdgeos, it's a .deb file in ~phablet15:24
mterryseb128, yeah I usually run by hand or in chroot, not bd15:24
seb128mterry, I will not bother debugging since it runs by hand, something in the tools...15:25
didrocksSaviq: not a biggie but test/notificationtest.cpp doesn't have any copyright, is it ours?15:25
Saviqdidrocks, yes it is15:25
didrocksSaviq: if so, no clear need to fix it, the global license and copyright applies15:25
Cimimzanetti, I created a bool 'playing' property for the mediaplayerMenu15:25
Cimiwhen is false, I show play, pause otherwise15:26
didrocksno COPYING file, fixing15:26
Cimi(missing pause artwork)15:26
Saviqdidrocks, built fine without the .install file15:27
didrocksSaviq: yeah, confirmed here, I'm committing it15:27
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didrocksSaviq: will propose you a MP in the end with all the fixed15:27
mzanettiCimi: sounds fine on a first/simple tought15:27
mzanettiCimi: not sure where this component will go, but think a bit ahead. Will this be extended in the future? In that case I'd probably even define some sort of enum15:28
mzanettiCimi: if you say play and pause is all I need, the bool should be ok15:28
Cimimzanetti, I'll add complexity if it's needed15:28
Cimiat the moment I cannot think of something differnt15:28
Cimiplay/pause and signals15:28
mzanettiCimi: sure.15:29
mfischdpm / mhall119 pushed a fix for the category icon15:29
Saviqmzanetti, you put a filter on me didn't you :P15:29
dpmmfisch, cool thanks!15:29
mzanettino. I noted your messages15:29
mzanettiSaviq: ^15:29
mzanettiCimi: what I mean is with defining public API. once people are using your bool, you can't easily change it to an enum...15:30
Saviqmzanetti, so no filter, just ignore? ;P15:30
mzanettiSaviq: yeah15:30
mzanettiSaviq: I don't know much about the .po changes :/15:31
Cimimzanetti, I see15:31
Cimimzanetti, cannot see other usages15:31
mzanettiSaviq: is that just some script that runs, does the update, and you comitted that?15:31
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, that's make -C builddir po/unity8.pot15:31
mzanettiCimi: fine with me... Just trying to help you understand my thoughts15:32
Saviqmzanetti, should be ran every time we change translatables15:32
mzanettiCimi: if you think play/pause will be enough forever, keep the bool15:32
Cimimzanetti, it's as in the desktop... so maybe yes15:32
mzanettiSaviq: ack15:32
=== dednick|lunch is now known as dednick
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didrocksSaviq: ok, the package is simple and I had few things to fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity-notifications/packaging-fixes/+merge/17038715:36
Saviqdidrocks, on it15:36
didrocksSaviq: are there any integration tests we can run?15:37
Saviqdidrocks, there's a set of regression tests there15:38
Saviqdidrocks, in examples15:38
didrocksSaviq: are they autopilot tests?15:38
Saviqdidrocks, no, they're just .py scripts that push the notifications15:38
Saviqdidrocks, so there's work needed15:39
Saviqdidrocks, to make them real integration tests15:39
didrocksSaviq: would be interesting to change them to autopilot tests (or just even triggered by them), do you think some people may jump on that?15:39
didrocksyep :)15:39
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, it's Satoris's project15:39
Saviqdidrocks, I'll let him know15:39
didrocksSaviq: thanks! once my package changes merged, I'm happy to add it to daily release and NEW it right now *if* the autopilot tests are coming :)15:40
didrocksand think about pinging us when they arrive so that we can run them :)15:40
Saviqdidrocks, yup, will do15:40
mfischdpm: after I add this metadata, I'll need to figure out where to free the hashtable that I'm using15:42
mfischdpm: we can always do a rev 1.1 of this demo if we find issues like this15:42
didrocksfginther: mmrazik: mind having a look? https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/cupstream2distro-config/move-unity-notifications/+merge/17038915:45
dpmmfisch, ack. If you think it you might not be able to look at the metadata thing today, we can just drop it for this 1.0 version. The important thing is that we can get something working solidly for tomorrow.15:45
didrocksas I'm not sure for the upstream merger :)15:45
mfischdpm: okay15:45
didrocksSaviq: no global approval, is it on purpose?15:47
Saviqdidrocks, I'm community for that project...15:47
didrocksoh :)15:47
Saviqdidrocks, just trying to sort it out15:48
Saviqtedg, can I ask you to move lp:unity-notifications to lp:~unity-api-team/unity-notifications/trunk15:48
didrocksSaviq: yeah, indeed, the perms are wrong15:48
Saviqtedg, and add ~pspmteam to ~unity-api-team so that Jenkins can do stuff?15:48
didrockswe can't even have the upstream merger with that ^15:48
Saviqdidrocks, yeah15:49
didrocksSaviq: one sec, I can do it (the move and renaming)15:49
Saviqdidrocks, oh cool15:49
Saviqtedg, ignore15:50
didrocksSaviq: let's put that under the ~unity-team umbrella?15:50
didrocksor ~unity-api-team?15:50
Saviqdidrocks, ~unity-api-team, I think15:50
didrocksfine by me :)15:50
didrocksI don't have this ~unity-api-team creds though15:50
didrocksweird, it seems pspmteam isn't the owner of it?15:50
didrocks(should be fixed)15:50
fgintherdidrocks, otp, will look after a bit15:51
didrocksyeah, ted is the owner15:51
didrocksso, first step, getting that in line with others teams, making pspmteam the owner15:51
didrocksand then, we can change trunk15:52
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didrocksSaviq: if things are not fixed before EOD, we can at least have it releasing tomorrow morning :)15:53
dednickSaviq: the LightDM mock data providers don't seem to be working properly16:00
dednickworks with the demo, but doesnt change with different LD_LIBRARY_PATH like it's supposed to.16:01
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, I pushed it to the PPA manually for now16:04
mzanettiSaviq: removes all my beautiful people lens code =(16:04
Saviqmzanetti, there's a lot of my code there, too16:05
Saviqmzanetti, it might come back yet16:05
Saviqmzanetti, in one form or another16:05
Saviqmzanetti, what people will miss most I think is the favorites in Home16:06
Saviqmzanetti, and that will come back pretty quickly16:06
mzanettiSaviq: hm... tbh I didn't use the home lens AT ALL so far16:06
mzanettiSaviq: only people and apps lens16:06
mzanettibut it hasn't been very functional either so far16:07
Saviqmzanetti, the people lens was really a contacts app, not even reachable much quicker16:07
Saviqbar the launch time16:07
didrocksmhr3_: for how long are you still around? I can again tackling the tests16:07
didrocksmhr3_: and hope for a blocking situation16:07
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mhr3_didrocks, i have a feeling this isn't working, having a script that could be run on the hanging system (or even non hanging before the timeout kills it) might be better idea16:16
mhr3_the question is what to put in the script16:16
didrocksmhr3_: yeah, I have no idea TBH :/16:17
fgintherdidrocks, regarding move-unity-notifications... You mention head/misc in your MP comments, but unity-notifications was added to head/mir.cfg.  Was that intentional?16:17
didrocksfginther: typo for mir :p16:18
mhr3_didrocks, free, ps aux, and a bunch of dbus calls comes to mind16:18
mhr3_other than that... guess we'd know after we'd get the first results :)16:19
didrocksmhr3_: I propose that we redo the same tomorrow, just in case we can trick it16:19
mhr3_didrocks, sure, i'll try to prepare such script anyway, will be useful for me either way16:20
didrocksmhr3_: yep :)16:22
fginthersergiusens, can you review (for phablet-land change): https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/cupstream2distro-config/move-unity-notifications/+merge/170389 ?16:26
didrocksfginther: I think the goal is to remove the dput in the ppa, it was just a today's workaround, time to review and fix the package (anyway, there is still the team perm issue to fix)16:27
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didrocksfginther: fixed, I think we don't need to wait on sergiusens (on holidays) as this will be pushed to distro16:57
didrocksfginther: so no need for the phablet-team ppa16:57
Saviqdidrocks, so is there a unity update coming to S today?17:00
didrocksSaviq: as promissed, it's in :)17:01
Saviqdidrocks, nice17:01
mterryracarr, in your platform-api mir-with-packaging branch, you are installing the .so symlink for mirclient/mirserver in the library package instead of the -dev package, FYI17:02
mfischmhr3_: you still around?17:11
mhr3_mfisch, yea17:11
mfischmhr3_: the metadata is just a glib hashtable right?17:11
mhr3_mfisch, right, keys are string, values GVariants17:11
mfischmhr3_: ah, I had string/string which is probably the issue17:12
mfischGvariant, my old nemesis, we meet again17:12
mhr3_mfisch, re mem management there, in C this should work:17:13
mhr3_GHashTable *dict = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); g_hash_table_insert (dict, "extra-field", g_variant_new_string ("foo")); result.metadata = dict; ..add_result (..., &result); g_hash_table_unref (dict);17:15
mfischso I can unref it before returning the results?17:15
mfischdoes unity make a copy?17:15
mfischor wait the unref just tells glib to deal with it17:15
mfischI have the code done, need to test real quick17:16
mhr3_mfisch, my primary point though was the floatingness of GVariant17:16
mfischI used them a lot in powerd last month17:16
mhr3_yea, they're "fun"17:16
mhr3_took me about a year to learn all the nooks and crannies of the mem management with them17:17
mfischas you can see I get random tasks like this one and I always learn new stuff17:17
mhr3_floatingness is an awesome concept that just makes everything complicated while pretending to make it easy :P17:17
seb128mterry, hey again, unity-greeter is not on daily landing right? should I just make dist a tarball and upload that version with the new logo?17:18
mterryracarr, and mirclient is missing mir_egl_mesa_display_is_valid symbol?17:18
racarrmterry: Ugh riccm was mentioning this last night17:18
racarrmterry: It's almot certainly not but something has gone wrong with our switched so names17:18
mterryseb128, oh, I was going to release, doing distcheck now...17:18
seb128mterry, less work for me? +1 :p17:18
racarrmterry: First, can you make sure everything is update to date rom mir-team PPA? We had some issues with mesa17:18
mhr3_mfisch, i noticed, ondra mentioned that you're mostly ufa guy17:19
mterryracarr, I did17:19
mterryracarr, libEGL.so is complaining about that missing symbol17:19
mterryracarr, and it links to two mir libraries:17:19
mterrylibmirclient.so.0 => /usr/lib/libmirclient.so.0 (0x40176000)17:19
mterrylibmirprotobuf.so.0 => /usr/lib/libmirprotobuf.so.0 (0x404a8000)17:19
mfischmhr3_: our team is pretty random, I've done powerd, a thin client project, ufa, nexus7, checkbox tests17:19
mfischmhr3_: we're the A Team, when work needs to be done, we're there ;)17:20
mterryracarr, of which I have 0.0.3bzr748saucy0 and 0.0.4bzr757saucy0 respectively17:20
racarrmterry: Oh this is interesting...17:20
mfischmhr3_: okay, its not complaining anymore with the gvariant17:20
racarrmterry: Ok the problem is we are using17:20
racarrmesa to build things, I guess because it's hard to link against android gl from the build environment17:20
racarrbut mesa isn't actually used on phone, and in particular17:20
mhr3_mfisch, at least you're not bored with always the same thing ;)17:20
mfischmhr3_: never bored!17:21
racarrmir isn't built with the mesa_display_is_valid stuff on PLATFORM=android17:21
mfischmhr3_: but I occassionally sign up for stuff like this and then stare at a blank C file and say "what was i thinking"17:21
racarrSo, Mesa rom the mir PPA links against mirclient and expects17:21
racarra mirclient compiled with the mesa stuff17:21
racarrmterry: I think for now, you need to use17:21
racarrthe archive mesa on the phone17:21
mhr3_mfisch, heh, isn't powerd in C as well?17:22
mfischmhr3_: yeah, it was C++ but we killed that ;)17:22
mterryracarr, will try17:22
racarrmterry: It's amazing what the morning does17:23
racarrricmm mentioned this to me last night at like 11:30pm my time17:23
racarrand my memory of it is like "huh, symbols, what?"17:24
mterryracarr, seems to have worked17:32
mterryracarr, mind if I modify your sketchpad instructions to just use debuild on the packaging branches?17:33
mterrymanually installing seems odd17:33
racarrmterry: No please do17:39
mterryracarr, building your qtubuntu branch, I get: /home/phablet/tmp/qtu-pack/src/modules/application/application_manager.cc:280: undefined reference to `ubuntu_ui_install_task_controller'17:43
racarrmterry: Woah that sound unfamiliar17:45
racarrmterry: Anyway, you can build from17:45
racarrand just qmake "CONFIG+=mirclient" "CONFIG+=mirserver" there17:46
racarrmterry: Though...it should build. that should be in your hybris17:46
racarrapp API and it should17:46
racarrlink against that17:46
mterrythat's a hybris thing?  OK, let me see why it can't find it17:47
racarryeah, it's from the hybris libubuntu_application_api17:47
racarrjust ubuntu_application_api that is (mirclient andmirserver have suffixes)17:47
racarrthe applictaion module doesn't work yet on mir but you should be able to either build from src/platforms or just build it against your hybris app API (tested this on the phone last night)17:48
mterryracarr, libhybris 0.1.0+git20130606+c5d897a-0ubuntu2 in saucy doesn't have ubuntu_ui_install_task_controller in its source17:48
racarroh you probably want CONFIG+=hybris too for qtubuntu17:48
racarrmterry: ok...maybe something happened when platform-api landed17:48
racarrand no one told me XD17:48
racarrlet me look at what i going on17:48
racarrmterry: Oh sorry, it's not in17:51
racarrlibhybris its in17:51
racarroh my god network latency17:51
racarrmterry: it's in, platform-api17:51
racarrbut I meant, it's only in the17:51
racarrhybris backend for platform API17:51
racarri.e. libubuntu_application_api.so17:51
racarrwhich should be what the application module is linking against17:52
racarrmaybe when you built platform-API you didnt update the hybris one and something is out of sync?17:52
racarr I dont know the history of this unction17:52
mterryracarr, I'll investigate17:54
mterryracarr, ubuntu_ui_install_task_controller is also not in your platform-api packaging branch anywhere17:55
racarrmterry: agh sorry packaging branch needed a17:58
racarrtrunk merge17:58
racarrhould have r128 now17:58
* mterry rubs hands in anticipation of build finishing18:00
mterryracarr, hmm, this now lost the mirclient and mirserver packages?18:01
racarrmterry: Did you purge the ppa?18:04
racarror do they depend on mesa mistakenly...18:04
mterryracarr, no, your updated platform-api packaging branch no longer builds mir packages18:05
mterryracarr, it looks more like trunk18:05
racarrmterry: Grr, XD18:05
racarrI am trying to do two things at once which never goes well18:06
racarrmterry: Ok, if you pull again (still r128, there is an overwrite)18:07
racarrit should be better18:07
racarrmy phone is currently tied up in building other things XD18:07
mterryI'll be your test :)18:07
mterryracarr, again, not sure if you saw my message before, but your platform-api branch should move the bare .so symlinks for mirclient/mirserver to the -dev package18:08
racarrmterry: What's the pattern to do that?18:09
racarrI don't really have much experience at all making packages18:09
mterryracarr, switch the library packages to "...so.*" instead of "...so*"18:10
mterryracarr, and make the -dev.install package be something like "..._api*.so"18:10
racarrwhy _api* instead of *?18:10
mfischmhall119: ping18:10
mterrythat is, make sure that the library packages have a dot after the so and the dev accepts all bare so symlinks18:10
mterryracarr, you could do * too.  I thought you already had _api.so (I was just inserting a *)18:11
mterryracarr, the important thing is that the ending is just ".so"18:11
racarrmterry: Ok! thanks, will fix it up soon18:11
mhall119mfisch: pong18:12
mterryok, that built, now building qtubuntu against it18:12
mfischmhall119: is dpm going to write the guide tomorrow?18:12
mfischI geuss dpm might still be here actually18:12
mhall119mfisch: the tutorial?18:12
dpmmfisch, yes and yes18:12
mfischdpm: I have all the theory down on the metadata, it's just segfaulting inside unity now18:13
dpmmfisch, oops18:13
mfischbet I know why too18:13
mfischerr hope i mean18:13
dpmmfisch, I've pushed a couple of changes to the .pro file. Now you should be able to run 'sudo make install' to install the scope and test it in the dash 'make uninstall' should work too18:15
mfischdpm: cool18:16
mfischdpm: is mhall119 testing changes as they land?18:16
dpmmfisch, I think it's best if you ping him whenever there are changes to test18:16
mterryracarr, yeah that did the trick for qtubuntu18:17
mhall119mfisch: I'll test whenever you tell me to18:18
mfischdpm: anyone here currently who could assist with this segfault? it's inside libunity18:18
racarrmterry: hurrah!18:18
mfischmhall119: maybe test dpm's install stuff and make sure the category icon is working, I hope to have the metadata changes today and i'll let you know then18:18
racarrSorry it's such a mess atm :( it should be in parallel CI in a day or two18:18
mhall119mfisch: ok18:19
mterryracarr, hmm, now running unity isn't working.  Just exits with 1.  What package provides mir_demo_server?18:20
mterryI don't seem to have it18:20
racarrmterry: mir-demos, but you don't need it18:20
racarrunity itself is the server binary18:20
racarryou should be able to run unity like18:20
dpmmfisch, I don't know if there's anyone who can help, it might be worth asking, though. mhr3 and pstolowski have already EOD'd18:20
racarr ./run -i -m -f18:20
dpmanyone able to help mfisch with a scope that's segfaulting in unity?18:21
mterryracarr, well, I'm on device, so I'm not using -f.  But -i -m just returns with status 118:21
racarrmterry: No you need -f or it will try and load18:21
racarrthe old application manager plugin18:21
racarrand segfault I think18:21
mterryracarr, well, same result either way18:21
mfischdpm: let me email them18:21
racarrmterry: Ok, so probably the script is hiding whatever is happening so18:22
racarrmterry: Can you18:22
racarrexport QML2_IMPORT_PATH=$PWD/builddir/tests/mocks:$PWD/builddir/plugins18:22
racarrfor -f18:22
mterryracarr, says fd/0 no such file or directory on device18:22
mterryor rather /proc/.../fd/018:22
racarrand export18:23
racarrthen just try running qml-phone-shell18:23
mterryok, will try18:23
racarrmterry: bt?18:24
* mterry installs gdb18:25
racarrmterry: Are you having fun yet18:25
mterryracarr, corrupted stack in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libhybris-common.so.1...18:27
mhall119mfisch: which install stuff did you want me to test?18:28
mfischmhall119: <dpm> mfisch, I've pushed a couple of changes to the .pro file. Now you should be able to run 'sudo make install' to install the scope and test it in the dash 'make uninstall' should work too18:29
mhall119ah, ok18:29
racarrmterry: No symbols?18:29
mterryracarr, nope, stack is bogus18:29
racarrmterry: Hmm the only time I saw something like that was18:30
racarrwhen it was trying to load the real app manager plugin18:30
mhall119mfisch: do I need to restart unity still for it to show up?18:31
racarrmterry: Oh are you running it as root?18:31
racarrmterry: Is surface flinger stopped?18:31
mterryracarr, as root, with surface flinger stopped.  let me double confirm sf is stopped18:31
racarrit loves to come back XD18:32
dpmmhall119, pkill -f unity-scope-home should do18:32
racarrI had to move the binary, ogra knows some incantation for stopping it from starting18:32
mterryracarr, yar, stopped, as root18:32
mterryracarr, oh18:32
mterryracarr, I thought just running 'stop' outside of chroot was enough18:32
dpmmfisch, where can the icon be seen? If the openclipart scope is a child of the graphics master scope, the openclipart scope will be shown as a filter in the home scope, right? At least that's what mhr3 mentioned, and I couldn't see the icon anywhere while I was testing from the dash18:32
racarrmterry: Oh wait are you on non flipped?18:32
mterryracarr, uh, I'm on the default image.  So yes?18:33
racarroh hmm18:33
racarrI haven't tested it on non flipped saucy phone18:33
mhall119dpm: thanks18:33
mterryoh whoops, didn't realize flipped was a req18:33
racarrI'm not ure18:33
racarrwhy it would be18:33
racarrbut it's something!18:33
mterryracarr, I'd prefer to try other things if you can think of them to do, before re-flashing18:34
mterryracarr, is there a good way to get a log from qml-phone-shell?18:34
racarrmterry: not a great log! besides anything it prints when you run it18:35
mterryracarr, also, you haven't merged your unity branch from trunk for a while, if we're still using the binary name qml-phone-shell.  :)18:35
racarrmterry: First, let's just rule out one big18:35
racarrand make sure mir itself runs18:35
racarrwiith some demos18:35
racarrmterry: No...it needs a merge :( I tried to do it yesterday18:35
racarrbut they deleted18:35
racarrtheir history18:36
racarrso I have to manually apply it all18:36
racarrand I need to find time to do so18:36
mterryracarr, ah yeah, you haven't rebased on 8.018:36
racarryou are using lp:~unity-team/unity/phablet-integrate-mir right?18:36
mterryracarr, mir_demo_server segfaults18:36
racarrnot phablet-tuesday (dead)18:36
racarrok that's helpful to know18:36
racarrcan we make sure there are debug symbols for mir then see18:36
racarrif we can get anything out of the stack trace18:36
racarrwhich device?18:36
mterryk, nexus718:39
racarrI'm not sure the nexus 7 works :(18:39
mterryracarr, guh18:40
racarrthere have always been hybris issues18:40
racarrI think there was some hope that the new18:40
mterryracarr, I thought that had been resolved18:40
racarrhybris upstream might fix it but I'm18:40
racarrthat's what I am trying to18:40
mterryracarr, saucy has relatively recent libhybris18:40
racarrlets get a BT18:40
racarrbut, I tried backporting an upstream libhybris myelf a month or so ago18:40
racarrand also ran in to crashes18:40
racarrso I am not sure if it really fixes it18:40
racarr(it's also possible that I screwed that process up and it does fix it)18:41
mterryracarr, OK, let me enable dbgsym packages and get the one for mir-demos18:41
racarrThanks :)18:41
racarrill start updating my nexus 7 to saucy18:41
mterryracarr, an upstream libhybris a month ago didn't have a patch we needed for nexus718:41
racarrjust for more data points18:41
racarrmterry: Well, I pulled from this branch18:41
mfischdpm: let me post a pic18:41
mterryracarr, so not saying there aren't other problems, but that a month ago wasn't sufficient either18:41
racarrthat some guy had that was supposed to have18:41
racarrthe fixes.18:41
mterryracarr, ah ok.  pull49 or some such18:42
racarrshared memory mutexes? or some such18:42
mfischdpm: see the little tiny icon by the word Openclipart?  http://imgur.com/3c9fMdW18:42
mterryracarr, I pulled that and got mir working for a whole day18:42
racarrgood work XD18:42
mterryracarr, but then I did a system update on the machine and it stopped working, even with the hybris fix18:42
mterryracarr, never figured it out18:42
mterryracarr, but there was one brief shining moment18:43
dpmmfisch, ah, yeah, I can see it now, thanks for the clarification!18:43
racarrmterry: ...and then...ITS GONE18:43
mfischcharles: ping18:43
dpmmfisch, regarding the metadata, mhr3__ mentioned something about creating a schema for it when defining the scope. I'm not sure if that helps with your segfault, but I thought I'd mention it18:44
mhr3__mfisch, you shouldn't g_variant_unref18:44
mhr3__mfisch, oh, i see the bug18:46
mfischdpm: I added the schema, and it didnt help18:47
mfischmhr3__: perfect18:47
mterryracarr, guh, ddebs don't seem to be enabled for ports?  I'll rebuild mir myself I guess18:47
dpmok, it seems mhr3__ comes to the rescue :)18:47
mfischmhr3__: I had the unref commented out as an experiment18:48
mfischI'll trade a memleak for functionality anyday! ;)18:48
racarrmterry: Ok.18:49
mhr3__mfisch, as a workaround for the crash, you'll need to ref_sink the info hint and unref it after add_info_hint()18:49
racarrcmake -DBoost_COMPILER=-gcc -DMIR_PLATFORM=android ..18:49
racarrshould be all you need18:49
mfischmhr3__: okay, is the underlying issue in libunity?18:49
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
mfischmhr3__: dont unref the gvariant in all cases or only when I use the new_hint_with_variant?18:54
mhr3__mfisch, the one you get from hash_table_lookup18:54
mhr3__mfisch, just for you - https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/libunity/floating-fixes/+merge/17042118:58
mfischmhr3__: I have metadata, yay18:58
mfischmhr3__: okay, I'll try that too, in a minute18:58
mhr3__mfisch, with that you won't need the ref_sink workaround18:58
mfischwill it land before this demo code gets released?18:59
=== mhr3__ is now known as mhr3
mhr3mfisch, not overly likely18:59
mhr3mfisch, but if you approve it after you try it, you'll help it :)19:00
mfischmhr3: building it now19:02
mfischdpm-afk/ mhr3 : http://i.imgur.com/0qnoCTl.png19:06
mfischmhr3: when I try your fix, I no longer segfault, but when I comment out my ref/unref lines, I dont get a preview image19:09
mfischI built on the old branch though, let me pull a clean libunity19:09
mhr3mfisch, ehm, nothing change re images though19:09
mfischlet me repro and make sure its not some odd network issue19:10
mfischhmm it failed this time too19:11
mfischmhr3: well its not your fault anyway19:15
mfisch"Unable to load icon <url> at size -1x-1: The name :1.84 was not provided by any service files.19:15
mfischprobably my slow vm19:15
mhr3hm, good ol gvfsd-http crashing19:16
mfischi'll stick that in my nmfp bucket19:16
mfischnot my, uh fine, problem19:17
mfischor whatever f word you feel like using ;019:17
mfischmhall119: ping19:18
mhall119mfisch: pong19:18
mfischmhall119: can you search for "dog" and see if you have issues getting the preview image to work?19:18
Saviqmhr3, no way now to pass an argument to a scope ran by unity-scope-runner?19:19
mhr3Saviq, oh right, we changed it19:20
Saviqmhr3, indeed ;)19:20
mhr3Saviq, it took just one scope module previously, but now it takes whatever number of them19:20
Saviqmhr3, yeah, will need to redo the mock scope19:21
mhr3Saviq, yea, sorry, forgot about mock using that19:22
mhall119mfisch: works okay for me19:22
mhr3Saviq, but ultimately we want the modules19:22
mfischmhall119: thanks19:22
mhall119any specific result that was giving you a problem?19:22
mfischmhall119: the 2nd one and 3rd one19:22
mfischthe collie one19:22
Saviqmhr3, yeah I get it, will build mock modules then19:22
mhr3Saviq, so theoretically the module should do some import magic to import the mock scope and them return the actual scope19:23
mhall119mfisch: it's hard to see, being dark lines on a transparent background, but it's there19:25
mfischmhall119: thanks19:25
mfischmhr3: +1 on your fix, will comment19:26
mfischmhall119: please pull the latest copy and see if the Hints are working19:38
* mhall119 bzr pulls19:38
mfischmhall119: probably should nuke the makefile and start clean19:44
mhall119mfisch: works perfectly19:50
charlesmfisch: oh, I didn't see your ping earlier :(19:52
charlesmfisch: pong19:52
mfischcharles: no worries, it was a bug in libunity, I was going to ask a scope question19:52
mhall119mfisch: do we not have constants for the category types?19:54
mfischmhall119: what do you mean?19:54
mhall119line 32 of the .c file:         scope_result.category = 0;19:55
mfischmhall119: let me chekc the .h file19:55
mfischmhall119: yeah I see some, let me try19:56
olli_hey Saviq, man you are still around...19:57
mfischmhall119: okay, this worked for me, change the 0 to UNITY_CATEGORY_TYPE_NONE and see if that works for you19:57
Saviqolli_, yes, notifications landed, fixing the mock scopes to land19:57
olli_poor you, chance for me to bug you about scopes, notification and the universe19:57
olli_Saviq, ok19:58
Saviqolli_, it's the last remaining issue19:58
mhall119mfisch: yup, that works20:00
mfischokay, I'll commit20:00
mfischmhall119: he can we G+ for a few mins?20:04
mhr3mfisch, eek, no20:06
mfischmhr3: context?20:07
mhr3mfisch, the category ids match index of the respective category in the CategorySet20:07
mhr3ideally Category would have an .id prop that would be set once you category_set_add() it, but it's not there20:08
mhr3mfisch, bottom line, define your own enum20:08
mfischokay, so 0 is fine then20:08
mhr3or that, yes20:09
mfischmhall119: okay, now re-pull it all and see if you have a Creation Date and Author line in the preview plz20:11
mhall119mfisch: looks good, I see the meta data20:33
mfischThanks mhall11920:33
mhall119mfisch: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3uwy5j/20:36
dobeywhere does Unity.Notifications come from in qml?20:38
mhall119dobey: where are you seeing it?20:39
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
mhr3dobey, that got merged a couple of hours ago20:49
mhr3you like bleeding edge, don't you? :)20:49
dobeymhall119: i'm trying to run lp:unity/8.0 and it's complaining about that now20:51
dobeymhr3: no, everything about this is a complete pain. :(20:52
mhr3dobey, you came to the game at very bad point21:00
dobeywell it's not just the sudden breakage due to a new thing that is causing pain21:04
Saviqdobey, ppa:phablet-team/desktop-deps23:53
Saviqdobey, qtdeclarative5-unity-notifications-plugin23:54
Saviqdobey, sorry we didn't update the build scripts yet23:54

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