
jrwren_amateur tip: sudo apt-get remove python-dns && sudo apt-get install python-dnspython01:25
greg-gheh "Huboard is the animated gifs of kanban style Github issue management. "04:18
snap-l Good morning11:00
=== mydogsnameisrudy is now known as monkeyjuice
rick_hxkcd wow today http://xkcd.com/1227/11:22
rick_h<3 the hover text so much11:22
snap-lThose who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, poorly. ;)11:24
rick_hso thought about applying and then found their online style guide and decided no way in hell http://www.artlogic.com/styleguide/rosettapython.html12:25
snap-lthree spaces? Are you shitting me?13:16
rick_hlol, glad I wasn't the only one with that reaction13:16
snap-lGod, pep8 would shit on that code13:17
brousch3 spaces?13:18
brouschLet's burn the place13:18
rick_hnow run flake8 on it lol13:19
snap-lThat's Ubuntu flake8, so I'm sure there's more sins in there with a newer version13:21
rick_hhttp://paste.mitechie.com/show/970/ for the latest13:23
snap-lSimilar output13:23
snap-lI've never seen "         val -= 113:24
snap-lI know it's valid, but it just looks weird13:25
rick_hyea, it's frowned upon13:25
rick_htoo easy to miss in a quick glance, not as explicit13:25
jrwren_rick_h: lol, what is with all the # comments?14:01
jrwren_really? x -= 1 is frowned?  fuck that, its hte closest thing to -- I have :)14:02
jrwren_x--; ftw!14:02
jrwren_oh, THERE is their problem, they are in Pasadena, CA14:04
snap-lWhat round is square, up is down, and three spaces conserves energy?14:05
jrwren_automated builds can do crazy things.14:25
rick_hyea, not sure I'd have my build system auto apply license things. Especially when the codebase has multiple license parts as this must have by now14:26
rick_ha linter to say "wtf...this isn't licensed" sure...but an auto licensing? ugh14:26
jrwren_i kind of like the idea.14:26
rick_hjrwren_: and yea, ++ and -- are no go.14:26
jrwren_autolicense is better than manually maintaining license header in every file. I hate that policy14:27
rick_hmeh, file templates to start with ftw14:27
* rick_h has a copyright snippet for our files in vim14:27
snap-lknowing Oracle, there's probably some auto-boilerplate thing that goes around and attaches a logo / copyright on any file on the system.14:31
jrwren_then you have to update them.14:32
jrwren_as part of build you don't have to see them.14:32
snap-lI imagine there's a procedure for when the auto-boilerplater accidentally gets root and mucks with vmlinuz14:32
rick_hgreg-g: jrwren_ http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/velodroom/velodrooms-smart-bicycle-light?ref=category14:32
snap-lrick_h: That's pretty cool14:33
snap-lOK, their risks and challenges is pretty interesting:14:35
snap-l2. On 23rd of March 2011 seven cyclists from Estonia were kidnapped near Syrian border in Lebanon while being on the cycling trip. They were released after 114 days of captivity. One of the cyclists was at the time working on a project together with a Velodroom team member. That seriously affected the project. We are doing our best to avoid this happening to any of Velodroom team members and will not14:35
snap-ltravel to potentially unsafe regions on bicycle before the lights are shipped.14:35
snap-lScore one for brutally honest.14:35
rick_hyea, second kickstarter found14:38
rick_h<3 that idea14:38
snap-lSecond? :)14:39
rick_hheh, well I did pebble watch14:39
rick_hoh, so yea this is my third14:40
snap-lProblem is there's a ton of RPG / Game folks using Kickstarter as a sort of pre-order system14:41
snap-lI've gotten to the point where if someone says "and we're going to kickstart it" I'll wait it out until the final product shows up14:42
snap-lThe Belfort one was because I could get the first game cheaper than buying it while at the same time funding the expansion14:42
snap-land I'm now realizing I have a problem14:42
rick_hearly suckers...I mean adopters14:43
snap-lI'm kinda worried about the Cryogen album not getting funded14:45
brouschsnap-l: Thanks for the reminder14:51
snap-lbrousch: Awesome. Go forth and shower them with money. :)14:52
brouschI'm about half way through your interview with them14:52
snap-lAh, cool15:03
snap-lI hate it when something that I think is a solution turns out to not only be a red herring, but turns out to be much more complicated.16:33
rick_hh8 programming :P16:45
snap-lyeah, that's pretty much it16:52
greg-gjrwren_: you meant "take the power back.. uhhh!" - RATM16:57
* greg-g doesn't know how to ascii'ize grunts and such16:58
greg-gor was it "come on!"?16:58
greg-ganywho, might need to listen to some RATM now16:58
* snap-l is getting rather pissed at this code, and is now in a Meshuggah mode.16:59
jrwren_i need to infest in a fake beard, trucker hats and sunglasses, to avoid the face recog camera16:59
greg-gI think the moustache/beard doesn't work17:01
greg-gbut, interesting applied paint/tattoos do17:01
greg-gthere was a story I read recently... but I don't have the url17:01
greg-galso, wearing a necklace that emits IR pretty much cancels the good that the IR camera have and without annoying other humans.17:01
snap-lI'm just looking forward to my face giving false positives for The Joker. ;)17:01
snap-lgreg-g: yeah, I can see IR earrings becoming popular17:02
* greg-g nods17:02
snap-lAlso, I have married well. Have Meshuggah playing on the computer speakers with JoDee in the same room17:18
brouschsnap-l: ON that topic, my wife says she hates you. When listeing to podcasts in the car the OMC scream scares her every time17:19
snap-lSorry about that. :)17:20
brouschShe expects some NPR podcast to come on and instead it's the scream17:20
snap-lBlame Utopia Banished for one of the most awesome screams of metal17:21
snap-lJoDee also used that for her students to look at sound waveforms17:22
snap-lshe tells some of them to turn it up good and loud for their headphones. :)17:22
snap-lAlso, there are few feelings better than overcoming a problem that you previously thought was going to be tricky17:44
snap-land having the solution be somewhat elegant17:44
snap-lor at least not eye-rippingly awful at first glance. ;)17:45
brouschObviously Python is involved17:45
brouschI am now have to arguing for Pyramid and SQLAlchemy talks at PyOhio18:59
brouschYou geekers should have reviewed, then it would have enough votes :P19:03
brouschI got SQLAlchemy in, but there's too many Djangoids19:08
brouschI kid, but really there are hard choices this year19:09
snap-lcat box ftw22:41
snap-lliving the life of a rock start22:42
snap-lstar, even22:42
rick_hhttp://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1giyxd/best_foss_bookmark_manager/ widox23:53

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