
rmg51Morning JonathanD09:11
JonathanDhi rmg5109:17
rmg51fun morning09:17
rmg51the fire alarm went off at 2:30 am09:18
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and everything else12:05
ChinnoDogThat doesn't sound very fun.13:43
ChinnoDogWas there a fire?13:45
rmg51false alarm14:16
rmg51never good at that hour14:17
rmg51most people don't even go to the lobby to find out if it's real or not14:18
jedijffuture ashes14:19
teddy-dbearnot me, I'd be gone :-/14:20
waltmanrmg51: My building had an alarm at that hour, and it was a real fire. When I dragged my butt outside I looked up and saw flames shooting out a window of a unit on the 10th floor. Now I *always* go out.14:24
waltmanNothing like purifying flame to put the fear of God into you :)14:25
waltmanI think this was the time that someone got caught out in the rain. When they got home they decided to put their wet shirt over the halogen lamp "to dry" and then go to sleep.14:26
waltmanAlcohol may have played a part in that decision.14:26
rmg51we've had "food" fires before14:27
rmg51pots have been known to burn14:28
rmg51or the food itself hen left in the toaster oven too long14:28
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