
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
mazalMorning everyone06:08
barrydkMorning Morning06:15
Kilosmorning all06:16
Kilosmorning Squirm 06:19
Kilosno yawns?06:20
Squirmnot yet06:20
Kiloshi mazal barrydk 06:20
Squirmoverslept my alarm by an hour06:21
Squirmhmm, I need coffee06:21
Squirmgot home at 23:3006:22
Kilosyo HawkiesZA 06:22
Squirmbeen to sleep after 12 every night for the past 2/3 weeks06:22
Squirmbeen late most days :/06:23
magespawnhowdy all06:24
Kiloshiya magespawn 06:24
magespawngood and yourself Kilos?06:25
Kilosapart from that same flu hanging on not bad ty magespawn 06:25
Kilosseems im getting used to runny nose and coughing06:26
magespawnflu does seem to take awhile to shake06:26
magespawnhow are the sheep handling the winter06:26
Kiloshehe and i always bragged i dont get sick06:27
Kilossheep dont feel the cold06:27
Kilosthey just not happy that all the green grass is gone06:27
magespawni thought that would affect them more06:28
Kilosbut with modern technology the supplement gives them all they need and they fill up on dry grass06:28
magespawnfunny to talk of unhappy sheep06:28
Kilosa product called maxiwol supplies all they need06:29
magespawncosts more to keep them then06:29
barrydkWhat do you feed them Kilos 06:29
Kilosya i think its was near R300 a bag but that feeds 9 sheep for a month06:29
Kilosone of the reps for the product many years ago explained it as giving them heartburn which forced them to eat dry grass to counter06:31
HawkiesZAMorning ya'll06:31
Kilosmaxiwol barrydk 06:31
Kilosthere is a similar product for cattle too06:31
Kilossb16 with zilmax06:32
Kilosstock dont lose condition at all in wonter06:32
barrydkWe give ours "wildpille" game pellets i think. The sheep, cattle and blesbuck eat it06:33
Kilosas long as there lotsa dry grass06:33
Kilosmade by?06:34
Kilosmine are from voermol06:34
barrydkno idea will find out for you.  But nguni's doesnt lose much condition around here they are tough06:35
Kilosi learned all about these products when running a bonsmara + stud06:37
Kilosforget other name06:37
Kilosthey win the top slaughter animal every year06:37
Kiloshi sakhi 06:38
sakhiHi Kilos and #ubuntu-za06:38
magespawnGood morning HawkiesZA barrydk sakhi06:39
HawkiesZAsupki magespawn06:39
Kiloshi superfly 06:39
HawkiesZAsupski even06:39
superflyhi magespawn, barrydk, sakhi, Kilos06:40
magespawnhey superfly lol@HawkiesZA06:40
superflyHawkiesZA, I've already said hello to you :-P06:40
HawkiesZAIt's true06:40
Kilossuperfly, did you klap him for ignoring us?06:41
superflyKilos: I had a word with him, and he promised not to ignore you again... at least not intentionally06:41
Kilosand he has forgotten about the greeter script for QA hey?06:42
Kilosklap him again06:42
HawkiesZAA word that included threats of easypay support06:42
superflythose are mean words...06:43
barrydkMorning Superfly magespawn 06:43
Kiloswell its good to have you both back 06:44
HawkiesZAHurray! I'm useful!06:46
Kilosmazal, die ou was hier gister06:50
mazalMooi man06:50
mazalGeweet oom sal dit reg kry ;-)06:51
Kiloshy kry nou 12.0406:51
Kilosgese hy sal dit instaleer en terug kom06:51
mazalSodra hy mooi die basics ken sal ek hom help met die media server deel06:51
mazalDis iets wat ek ook doen06:51
Kilostot sy niek geregistreer06:51
Kilosjulle moet plan maak om maandag aand hier te wees vir die vergadering06:52
mazalEk is nie beskikbaar Maandae nie06:53
Kiloshi space 07:02
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Kiloshi Guest55430  too07:03
Guest55430Hello Kilos.07:05
=== Guest55430 is now known as Spaceghost
SpaceghostIt is not necessary to great us both.07:05
Kiloshaha i was teasing07:05
=== Spaceghost is now known as Guest17962
=== Guest17962 is now known as Spaceghost
superflymorning Vince-007:30
Kilosyo Vince-0 07:30
Kilosour spell checker is back yay07:31
magespawngreat is spelt correctly07:35
Kiloslol ya07:35
Kilosbut not if its meant to say hi07:36
mazalWe have a spell checker ?07:37
magespawnno software spell checker would have caught that07:37
Kilosyta the fly07:37
mazalhehe ok07:38
magespawnthe servie provided goes a little further than mere spell checking07:38
Kilosmuch further07:39
magespawnawww was expecting the fly to catch that07:42
Kilostoo busy again07:42
KilosIT okes always seem busy07:51
Kilosmechanic drops tools at 5pm07:51
magespawnIT giys are usually the type that likes to learn and generally dislike sitting around doing nothing07:56
Kilosya always changing world07:57
Kilosso learnbing never stops07:58
ThatGraemeGuymorning peeps07:58
Kilospoor head07:58
magespawnfor that matter IT girls too07:58
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:58
magespawnhowdy ThatGraemeGuy07:58
Kilosmagespawn, note theblazehen has disappeared08:10
* Kilos wonders why08:10
magespawnmaybe a server fell over 08:11
Kilosmonths now08:11
Kilosnot a good server08:12
Kiloswhew too much to read but sounds promising08:25
magespawnwill go have a look 08:28
Kilosas long as the cuts reach the end user thats great08:31
Kiloswhy cut prices to isp's if they dont pass it on08:31
magespawnthe isp's will almost certainly cut their prices to remain competative08:34
Kiloslets hope08:34
Kilosmassive fine though08:35
Kilos200 mill08:35
magespawngive me 10% of that and i could set up my wireless service08:35
Kilosproviding a service is a good thing. they shouldnt make things so expensive or difficult08:37
Kilosone wifi tower at the top of the reserve will cover a massive area08:37
Kiloshiya maiatoday 08:40
maiatodayhi Kilos08:43
Vince-0Kilos, the most important part on that article is the opening of naked DSL and IPC services to ISPs so there's direct competition on all levels. Telkom wholesale never really separated from their retail09:27
Vince-0I will believe it when I see it09:27
Kiloswell we can only hope hey Vince-0 09:28
Vince-0my boet has 100mbit fibre to his apartment in Aus - that is what I hope for, this other stuff is just playing catch up09:29
Kilosyou can get it here if you got bucks09:36
Kilosask symmetria09:36
Kilosthey dont play with the cost of laying fibre to you09:36
Kiloshmm... mazal looks like your friend didnt get something working11:00
Kilosmaybe hasnt had time11:00
Kiloscalls himself hecticza here11:00
Kiloswith caps here and there11:00
Kiloshi nlsthzn 11:17
superflysorry, was busy interviewing someone11:22
nlsthznalo uncle Kilos and superfly :)11:27
nlsthznI be doing that Buntu thing again :)11:27
Kilosyay well done neelsie11:27
nlsthznnow if the graphics would stop spazzing out I would be much happier11:27
nlsthznlet me do that windows thing and restart11:28
nlsthznnah, 12.0411:29
nlsthznLTS FTW and all that11:29
superflyohi nl<tab>11:33
Kiloswow i have no probs. what graphics thing nl11:33
Kiloslong reboot11:34
Kiloswow i have no probs. what graphics thing nlsthzn ?11:36
Kilosi did install gdm11:36
Kilosthe lightdm always gave probs11:36
nlsthznjust some issues with windows when I maximized and minimized... sometimes they didn't come up or go down and other times when they came up it was just the frame wit the middle empty :p11:36
Kilosoh not 12.0411:37
nlsthzncan be some of the apps I installed or perhaps the graphics drivers... who knows :p11:37
nlsthznyup 12.04.211:37
Kilosoh that word windows through me11:38
Kilosyou using lightdm11:38
Kilosthe fly greeted you11:38
nlsthznthe default... but no issues with that... and now everything is smooth11:38
nlsthznalo again superfly :)11:38
Kilosno man gdm much better11:38
Kilosno probs at all here11:39
Kilosquite boring actually11:39
Kilosnever have to fix anything11:39
nlsthzndoubt my issues had anything to do with that :)11:39
Kiloswhat does google tell you11:40
Kilosmaybe someone else has had same prob11:40
nlsthznproblem gone for now so I am not going to go chase it :p11:40
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
nlsthznwell, running the latest version of LibreOffice now and also installing the latest version of Gimp :)11:43
nlsthzngot to love them PPA's11:43
Kiloshehe ive always been told to stay away from them11:43
Kilosmaybe to save data11:43
tonberryE352all glory to the PPAs!11:44
Kilosoh ya confluency what are you using if you dont like unity11:45
Kilosforgot to ask yesterday11:46
confluencyI was using it before Unity happened, though.11:46
confluencyMy first Linux WM was Blackbox, so I kind of imprinted on it.11:46
Kilosunity aint bad11:46
confluencyThere's nothing wrong with PPAs, but there are bad PPAs.11:47
Kilosyeah we are creatures of habit11:47
Kilosi actually have come to like unity and kde11:47
confluencyPPA with five related packages = good. PPA with a gajillion unrelated packages = bad. You can still install individual packages from those manually, though.11:48
Kilosbut 12.04 unity not as fancy as 13.0411:48
nlsthznthat is why I try to stick to the actual devs PPA's if possible11:48
confluencyI've always found KDE to be too heavy, and Unity is jut not what I want in an interface.11:48
tonberryE352when they start updating random things all over the place11:48
Kiloslo inetpro 11:49
confluencyIt's only really a problem if you upgrade a couple of times and then discover some cruft from a PPA you disabled long ago messing up your dependencies. It's pretty easy to restore things as long as you know which packages to revert, though.11:50
confluencyUnfortunately there's no reliable identifier for the source of a package, so sometimes you have to go by name or minor version number to figure out where something came from.11:50
superflyhi nlsthzn :-)11:50
superflyand tonberryE352 and confluency11:50
confluencyI only really had a problem once, and I cleaned it up after some googling. Now I don't add any huge PPAs.11:51
confluencyHi, superfly.11:51
nlsthznbefore I run into issues like that I have again installed some or other OS :p11:53
nlsthznoh and Libreoffice 4 is blazing fast... phew...11:54
Kilosis fluxbox just a gui?11:55
confluencyIt's a window manager.11:55
confluencyIt gives you a toolbar and a program menu and windows. :)11:56
Kilosi cant google what it is11:56
Kiloswell my bot says she cant11:56
confluencyActually, that's pretty much everything that it gives you. 1) windows 2) a right-click menu 3) a toolbar 4) an optional slit for dockapps.11:56
confluencyIt's very minimalist.11:56
Kiloswhere do you get it from11:57
KilosMaaz, google fluxbox11:57
confluencyThere's a package.11:57
MaazKilos: "Fluxbox" http://fluxbox.org/ :: "fluxbox.org - screenshots" http://fluxbox.org/screenshots/ :: "Fluxbox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluxbox :: "Fluxbox - ArchWiki" https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fluxbox :: "Fluxbox-wiki - Fluxbox-wiki" http://fluxbox-wiki.org/ :: "Fluxbox - Customize.org"11:57
Maazhttp://customize.org/fluxbox :: "Fluxbox | Free Development software downloads at SourceForge.net" http://sourcefor…11:57
Kilosoh in the repos?11:58
confluencyIf you install it, also install fbautostart -- I'm not sure if it's an explicit dependency. That starts all the XDG autostart stuff.11:58
confluencyIt mostly works out of the box; there's just one hack you still need to add to make sure that the update manager delegates permissions correctly.\11:59
confluencyYou also need to fiddle around a bit to customise the menu to your liking, set wallpaper, etc..11:59
confluencyBut all the config files are plain text, which is nice.11:59
Kilosso then the whole unity gui is gone?12:00
confluencyYes. It's like running GNOME or KDE instead of Unity.12:00
Kilosoh ok ill have a look ty12:00
Kilosmaybe aptitude will sort it all out12:01
confluencyYes, you just have to install the fluxbox package. And fbautostart, if it isn't installed automatically.12:01
Kiloscool ty12:02
confluencyIt's not a whole desktop environment, like GNOME, so you can run it together with other stuff, like a file manager (liek Nautilus or ROX), but I've never done that.  You can do that if you want icons on the desktop and stuff.12:03
Kilosok one last question will 12.04 give me the choice what i want to boot from still12:04
Kilosin case i dont like it12:04
confluencyYes, that's worked since forever. :)12:04
confluencyOh, in 12.04 it might not use fbautostart from its startup file automatically, so you'll need to put that in.12:04
confluency(That's to start stuff like Network Manager when you log in.)12:05
Kilosyes i see in synaptic that fbautostart is not one of the install packages with it\12:05
confluencyCool. So you should install that as well.12:05
Kilosand my nm autoconnects because of a script i added to make it work12:06
confluencyYeah, but you still have to start the actual applet.12:06
Kilosnm was a big prob here with 12.0412:06
Kilosoh well here goes12:07
confluencySo after you've logged into Fluxbox, edit ~/.fluxbox/startup -- that's where you put everything that you want to happen when you start Fluxbox. You need to add 'fbautostart &' if it isn't there already -- but *before* the last line, which starts fluxbox. 12:08
Kilosoh my12:08
confluencyAnything before that last 'exec fluxbox' line needs to have an ampersand (&) at the end, so that it can be put in the background, otherwise nothing will work.12:08
Kiloslemme copy that place to edit12:08
confluencyOnce you have that in there, if you exit and come back in you should have all your normal applets.12:09
confluency(Leave out the quotes. :) )12:09
Kilosya ive learned that darem by now12:09
confluencyIf you right-click on the desktop you'll get a menu with programs. You can customise that later if you want. That's how you launch stuff.12:10
confluencyBut you can also type alt-f2 to get a "run program" window, if you like that sort of thing.12:10
Kilosoh so it doesnt show a launcher12:11
confluencySo while you're in that startup file, I would also add: /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 &12:11
confluencyNope. The toolbar is just for switching workspaces, showing windows and status icons.12:12
confluency(That line is the magic hack to fix update notifier.)12:12
Kiloswhew you do all this with every upgrade?12:12
confluencyNo, nothing happens to the file when you upgrade.12:13
confluencyThe latest version of the file actually puts in fbautostart for you, but I think that's a recent development.12:13
Kilosoh only clean installs12:13
confluencyYeah, and I never do that.12:13
Kilosi hope i like it, lotsa work12:14
confluencyIt's very, very sparse, so your mileage may vary. ;)12:14
confluency"your mileage may vary" is an expression which means that your experience of something may be different to mine.12:15
Kilosoh ok12:15
Kiloshehe well i wont know if i dont try it12:15
Trixar_zaComes for when they sold cars. The fuel efficiency was based on distance and driving style12:15
Kilosno one else here uses it i think12:15
confluencyI've tried AwesomeWM a bunch of times, and never got into it.12:16
Kilosohi Trixar_za 12:16
KilosMaaz, is http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ down12:18
MaazKilos: No, it's just you12:18
Kilosoh my12:18
Kiloswhat does this mean12:19
KilosE: Failed to fetch http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libi/libid3tag/libid3tag0_0.15.1b-10build2_i386.deb: Could not connect to ( - connect (111: Connection refused)12:19
Kilosall the packages show the same12:19
tonberryE352does za.archive.ubuntu.com still exist?12:19
tonberryE352or are you doing something strange to it?12:20
Kilosnope i did sudo aptitude install fluxbox and the fb thing12:20
Kilosit wanted to fetch 3.m os packages12:21
tonberryE352you running a proxy of some sort?12:21
Kilosoh my12:21
Kilossomeone got me to add something to do with proxy12:22
Kiloslemme see if synaptic also has probs12:22
Kilosya connection refused12:24
Kilosthat proxy thing was supposed to save on opening websites or something12:25
mazalBye almal12:27
Trixar_zaHi Kilos12:29
Kilosyay set to no proxy and here we go12:30
magespawnafternoon all12:36
Kiloshi magespawn 12:37
Trixar_zaAfternoon magespawn12:37
Kilosty tonberryE352 12:38
Trixar_zaMind you, I'm starting to accept the universal greeting of "Good Morning"12:38
confluencyKilos: it looks like you were trying to use a proxy running locally on your machine -- except that it wasn't running.12:39
Kilosconfluency, i dunno what it was. the pro knows more but i wont go that route again12:40
Kiloswas supposed to only work with browsers i think12:41
Kilosif tonberryE352 hadnt said anything i would have clean installed again12:42
* Kilos bows to tonberryE352 12:42
Kilosi think i made the mistake of ticking the apply system wide button12:43
Kiloshi Squirm 12:43
SquirmTrixar_za: your ZNV on our network is weird12:43
Squirmyour nick starts with ~, as well as it doesn't show that you change your nick12:44
Kilosoh ya Squirm did you ever speak to him about hosting the bot12:44
Trixar_zaIt does that. I think it's a bug. Reconnecting the ZNC bot seems to fix it12:45
* Squirm shrugs12:45
Kilosok i go try fluxbox12:52
Kiloswbb hopefully12:52
Kilosnot now too much to close and movie half way through12:54
nlsthznuncle Kilos ... you on a DE quest again ? :p12:54
Kiloshahaha just looking nlsthzn 12:54
nlsthznits free so way not :)12:54
Kilosi like unity but maybe fluxbox is better/faster12:54
Kilosalso then when peeps say they are using such and such you arent totally ignorant12:55
* Squirm pulls apart a laptop12:55
nlsthznshould be as it is a lighter DE ... very light...12:55
Squirmand Kilos, speak to who?12:56
KilosTrixar_za,  squirm12:56
Kilosabout hosting QA12:56
Kilosyou forgot12:56
Kilosnp she works here but only when im online12:56
Kilosand ibid bot Trixar_za 12:57
Kilosone night we were looking for a host so everyone could use her12:57
Kilosyou can see here on ##kilos12:58
Kilosupgraded version of maaz12:58
confluencyWell, Fluxbox is definitely faster.13:01
Kilosso thats a + then13:01
magespawnKilos: how many os' have you tried?13:22
Kilosall the sucks except 813:23
Kilosall the buntus13:23
Kilosdidnt like x or l13:23
Kilosthe thing the monkey uses13:24
Kilosand tinycorelinux13:24
magespawncool Kilos13:28
magespawnos' expert for sure\13:29
Kiloslol i forget them man13:30
Kilosmust be open in front of me13:30
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosgrrr power cut14:11
inetprogood morning Kilos14:37
inetprooh and hello everyone else14:38
Kiloshi inetpro 14:40
Kilosgonna try fluxbox maybe tonight14:40
Kilosoh ya magespawn and i looked at the thing the weed uses14:41
Kilosdidnt know what to do14:42
magespawnhey inetpro14:42
magespawnKilos: can you remember what it was that tumbleweed uses?14:43
magespawnnever even heard of it14:43
Kilossomething like that14:43
Kilosask the pro he will member14:43
Kilosall text14:43
Kiloscan make more desktops also with text14:43
Kilosno gui14:44
magespawnthat is just the windows manager though14:44
magespawnhere is the link http://xmonad.org/14:44
Kilosi gave up after 1 hour14:45
Kilosyou gotta even tell nm to connect from cli14:45
Kilosdid a quick aptitude remove there14:46
inetproKilos: ek dink jou memory is beter as myne14:52
tumbleweedtiling window managers aren't for everyone :)15:00
tumbleweedapparently awesome is a fairly nice tiling window manager15:00
magespawnwould not even know if i had used one, so probably haven't15:01
tumbleweedxmonad is one15:02
magespawnyup busy reading the site15:03
magespawni like the idea that it manages the windows size and placement etc15:03
Kiloshi tumbleweed 15:04
magespawnhttp://www.haskell.org/wikiupload/a/aa/Screen-triplehead-galois.jpg what kind of keyboard is that? nice screen setup 15:05
tumbleweedmagespawn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinesis_%28keyboard%2915:21
magespawnwould take a little time to learn but then ...15:24
Kiloshello kbmonkey 15:30
kbmonkeyhow goes it all man15:41
Kiloswe alive kbmonkey 15:46
Kilosyo JoTraGo 15:46
Kiloswassup by you15:47
Kilosmeeting monday night hey15:48
Kilosoh ya you saw the list15:48
kbmonkeyI saw thanks Kilos 15:52
magespawnlater all home time16:01
Kilosgo safe magespawn 16:01
Kilosfluxbox here i come16:22
Kiloswbb hopefully16:23
Kiloswhew confluency at least the nm connect script still works16:31
Kilosnow just gotta find the nm applet16:33
Kilosonce ive found where the stick is16:33
Kiloseish no bloep16:59
* nlsthzn has had enough of puters and interwebs... night all17:19
Kilosnight nlsthzn 17:20
Kilossleep tight17:20
superflyIt's on like Donkey-Kong!17:43
Kilosyour internet superfly ?17:44
confluencyKilos: if you add that fbautostart line and log out and log back in again you should have applets back.17:53
confluencyOh, except the sound applet, which you have to add separately: 'gnome-sound-applet &'17:54
Kiloslol i couldnt see my flash drive with the instructions on confluency  so ive come back to unity and edited the file from here17:55
Kiloshope it will work17:55
confluencyIt will. :)17:55
confluencyJust don't forget all the &17:55
Kilosand will i have sound alerts in xchat or will i need to use the external thing17:56
Kilosall of them17:56
Kilosor only the 2 lines i add17:56
Kilosi added fbautostart& and /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 & confluency 17:58
Kilosmust i add more & somewhere else too17:59
confluencyNope. As long as you have & at the end of every line where you launch something before the final launch of fluxbox.18:00
Kilosand the sound applet also to be added in there too?18:02
Kiloscool tyy18:02
confluencyThat's the volume control.18:02
Kilosi go nano some more18:02
Kilossorry confluency does it use the x goody like xubuntu?18:06
confluencyThe what now?18:06
confluencyNo, that's a different window manager.18:06
confluencyFluxbox is the same category of thing as XFCE.18:06
Kilosah lets hope it dont go the same route then18:07
Kilosi had no sound with any of the x goodies18:07
Kilosill have a look ty18:07
superflyKilos: yes18:08
Kilosyay superfly what happened18:08
superflyI bought a new router18:08
Kilosah well wb18:09
Kilosand maybe get some lightening protection18:09
Kilosdunno if they will actually help but ya18:10
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
magespawnevening all18:20
Kiloshi magespawn 18:20
Kilosthe fly net fixed18:20
Kilosso no excuse to miss meet monday18:20
magespawnso i see, good news18:20
magespawnsuperfly what router did you get?18:21
magespawnwhat is the specific function in linux that allows me the rename a file with the extension that is the type of code in that file? eg .js .py .html etc. windows has a hissy only likes .txt18:24
superflyTRENDnet TEW-718BRM18:25
Kilosright click rename18:25
superflymagespawn: ^^18:25
superflymagespawn: the cheapest I could find18:25
Kilosoh sorry18:25
superflytakealot.com = R40018:25
magespawnor is that a function of the program creating the file ?18:25
magespawnsuperfly capabilities?18:25
superflymagespawn: there's nothing stopping you naming files on either Windows or Linux18:25
superflymagespawn: 150Mbps wireless router18:26
Trixar_zaWell, unless you hide extensions in Windows18:26
superflywhich is Windows' default behaviour... security!18:26
magespawnTrixar_za: which is done by default18:26
Trixar_zaI always turn disable it. I know quite a few malware that uses that behavior to it's benefit18:27
magespawnsuperfly i thought takealot was one of the more expensive places18:27
magespawnTrixar_za: indeed18:27
superflymagespawn: not at all18:28
magespawni buy at uniterm dbg.co.za18:28
magespawnbut have not checked router prices in ages18:29
magespawnsuperfly that looks like a very good price18:37
superflyanyone know where I can get a quote for some stuff from? I need it for insurance?18:45
superflyalso, where I can buy one of those HP Microservers18:47
tumbleweedsuperfly: any online store?18:51
superflytumbleweed: I don't know if that'll suffice - I can try though18:52
magespawni can draw up quotes for you 18:56
magespawnjust email me list with specs etc18:57
magespawnno obligation of course18:57
superflymagespawn: my idea is to get a quote, let the assessor tell me if my quote is good or bad, get the money from insurance, and then buy 1 or 2 of those HP Proliant MicroServers18:59
superflythen I'm going to learn about LVM19:00
superflyah, looks like prophecy.co.za can give me a quote19:03
tumbleweedsuperfly: pricecheck.co.za lists a fpew places selling them19:04
superflytumbleweed: heh. I can get one for R1800 off myhp.co.za - cheaper than the cheapest on pricecheck.co.za19:08
superflyor used to be able to, according to their search19:08
tumbleweedah, cool19:08
Kilosnight all sleep tight19:09
magespawnthat is a good price, that is about what i would pay for them19:10
superflyTrixar_za: who can tell me anything about Intel processors?19:21
superflyag, not just Trixar_za, also tumbleweed19:21
superflyTrixar_za: well, I wanted to ask you too, but yeah, sorta19:24
superflyI am so disconnected from hardware these days19:25
tumbleweedsuperfly: what about them?19:25
* tumbleweed doesn't pay much attention, either19:25
Tonberry_they go fast19:26
superflythanks Tonberry_19:26
superflyany recommendations on what processor I should get, one that my insurance won't balk at too much19:26
Tonberry_they new intel range kinda snuck up on me as well19:26
Tonberry_dont really know how they perform relative to the old range19:26
tumbleweedmuch of a muchness, I'd say19:27
Tonberry_good place to figure out what is going on in the market19:27
* superfly just selected a couple of i5's since that seems to be mid-range these days19:27
Tonberry_few months ago i would have recommended http://www.wootware.co.za/intel-core-i5-3570k-3-4ghz-lga1155-quad-core-ivy-bridge-cpu.html19:28
superflyTonberry_: ah, that looks like what I've selected19:28
Tonberry_now it seems that the i5 4570 could be a better bet19:31
Tonberry_very slightly faster and slightly cheaper19:31
Tonberry_but new and unproven19:31
Trixar_zaThat sounds good on all fronts19:32
magespawngood night all19:41
tumbleweedsheesh. R2k5 for a CPU is high19:51
* tumbleweed tends to stick to cheaper CPUs19:52
tumbleweedbut my desktop has an i7, so maybe I'm lying19:52
Tonberry_that appears to be the case...19:52
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inetprogood night 22:06
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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