
resizt0rthe output is exactly the same00:00
resizt0rafter typign the chown00:01
wilee-nileefilling a wubi up with all you want them realizing a partitioned install is the better choice problems those that are not regulars to linux apps etc, as far as getting setup00:01
resizt0rugh, i dont wanna have to go back to winblows00:02
wilee-nileeresizt0r, Using miss-spellings of windows is not acceptable here.00:03
mutanteresizt0r: why would you want to use Windows shares then? not under your control?00:03
wilee-nileethey are all operating systems leave the fanboi out00:03
resizt0rbecause my entire network is windows pc's00:03
resizt0rexcept this one00:03
resizt0ri am a certified microsoft engineer00:04
resizt0ri have lived my life learning microsoft for years00:04
mutanteresizt0r: setting up samba shares is always annoying but it will eventually work00:04
historesizt0r: what is the issue?00:04
resizt0rnot i just wanna try learning linux00:04
resizt0rbut to do it i need this pc to at least be operational00:04
resizt0rat least the bare minimum00:04
histo!details | resizt0r00:05
ubotturesizt0r: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:05
mutantethe bare minium being to become a Windows domain member?:p00:05
daftykinsresizt0r: your entry in /etc/fstab is definitely the issue then00:05
resizt0rwell, next i will be setting up an ftp00:05
resizt0rbut i've done that one other time on linux so i should be able to handle that00:05
mutanteyou already have secure file transfer, ssh is running, use scp00:05
resizt0rok i'll remove that entry00:06
daftykinsresizt0r: try talking out nodev and replacing nosuid with 'user'00:06
histodaftykins: not sure if you can mount ntfs with user option00:07
daftykinshisto: good call00:07
histodaftykins: resizt0r you have to use uid options00:07
histodaftykins: uid=1000   should do the trick00:07
samueli need to install a dreamweaver8.0,help pls00:08
histodaftykins: resizt0r add uid=1000,gid=1000  will get mounted as your user and your group00:08
daftykinssamuel: you can't get that for Ubuntu, you'll need to find an alternative00:08
histosamuel: is there are reason you don't want to use an open source alternative?00:09
samuelwhat other alternative?00:09
histosamuel: http://alternativeto.net/software/adobe-dreamweaver/?platform=linux00:09
samuelim  new user in this histo00:09
daftykinshisto: i can leave you to take over with resizt0r if you're ok with that? you're obviously more experienced with mount :>00:10
mutantesamuel: try in wine :p00:10
resizt0ris there teamviewer for linux00:10
resizt0ri could just have someone set it up for me with remote access00:10
histosamuel: well alternativeto.net is a great site for finding Open alternatives.  Also if you don't like those you may be able to get dreamweaver working with wine but that is completely offtopic for this channel. There is a wine channel you can join.00:10
histo!manual | samuel00:10
ubottusamuel: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:10
historesizt0r: yes teamviewer works in linux00:11
historesizt0r: what are you trying to setup?00:11
Tex_Nicksamuel:  i think Adobe has switched a lot of their CS applications over to the cloud ... so you might be able to get an Adobe dreamweaver account00:11
mutanteresizt0r: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/29167/3-easy-ways-to-connect-to-windows-shared-folders-from-linux/00:11
resizt0ri am just trying to get an external hdd to be shared on my windows network00:12
resizt0rwith kubuntu 13.0400:12
historesizt0r: plug in the drive right click and share00:13
Saikiok, new issue.. how do I find all the chinese fonts and settings?00:13
resizt0ri've tried that obviously00:13
wheatthinresizt0r, are you having a hard time creating the share? or mounting it?00:13
historesizt0r: pastebin your fstab and the output of the id command00:13
resizt0rno its mounted fine00:13
resizt0rbut i cant change the permissions00:14
mutanteresizt0r: you know what is also easy? you can just install WinSCP on a Windows box and then connect with that to your Linux box without having to setup any additional service00:14
vadiapt-cache policy for a specific package is saying: "Version table:      4:4.8.1-0ubuntu5~precise1~test1 0         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status" - how can I make it forget that? It is screwing over other packages and isn't installable anyhow00:14
wheatthinresizt0r, ftsab permissions00:14
mutanteresizt0r: and it will look exactly like an FTP client but be secure00:14
historesizt0r: if you are mounting via fstab you have to modify the permissions there.00:16
historesizt0r: if you copy your fstab to paste.ubuntu.com I can tell you what to change00:17
MrWeb20Hey Ubuntu. I just shrunk the size of one of my drives in Windows, and then installed Ubuntu onto the unallocated space. I can see the partition properly in Ubuntu, but now it's completely missing in Windows. I don't even see it in disk management, though I know it's there. Thoughts?00:18
samuelanyone with software to enhance Pc perfomance pls?00:18
mutanteMrWeb20: that sounds all completely normal, you'll need to use a 3rd party tool to access the Linux file system from Windows00:19
historesizt0r: change jk to uid=1000,gid=100000:19
GabbozMrWeb20, can you see the windows partition at all from ubuntu?00:19
Gabbozscratch that..00:19
historesizt0r: then sudo mount -o remount /media/Backup00:19
wilee-nileeMrWeb20, Did you install from windows or a live cd? Windows Disk manager will show a linux ext partition, but not the type.00:20
mutanteMrWeb20: http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs00:20
samuelany software for backup in ubuntu....pls help....00:20
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histoMrWeb20: paste.ubuntu.com the output of lsblk00:20
nightflysamuel: apt-cache search backup00:21
histo!backup > samuel00:21
ubottusamuel, please see my private message00:21
MrWeb20Thanks for the replies. Let me re-explain something, I wasn't clear. On the disk, I shrunk my ntfs partition, and created a ext4 and swap partition in the free space. Then I installed Ubuntu onto the ext4. But there is still a very large ntfs partition. I can see it in Ubuntu, but I can't see the ntfs partition in Windows. In fact, the entire disk is missing from the disk manager.00:21
mutantesamuel: bacula, amanda00:21
LjLsamuel: please don't ask so many questions without even waiting for a reply. as to "software to enhance your PC performance", that's way too generic. you need to know what's hindering its performance to enhance them.00:22
GabbozMrWeb20, how many HDs in the machine and whats the part info per HD?00:22
mutante"software to enhance performance" is a Windows thing, like regcleaners, you don't need that stuff ,heh00:22
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=== he_ is now known as Charmlet
Tex_Nicksamuel:  IMHO thw windows PC tune-up tools never worked well, in fact sometimes they would crach the registry ...Ubuntu doesn't really need PC tune-up tolls to inprove performance ... just do regular updates00:23
GabbozTex_Nick, he's gone00:23
mutanteyou could buy Kaspersky for Linux :)00:23
resizt0rwell i tried that it said i couldnt do that until i use umount00:24
resizt0ri typed that and it said some other error00:24
MrWeb20Gabboz: Three drives. One 250GB, with Windows installed on it. One 1TB that has one single ntfs partition, and a second 1TB that has a 800+GB ntfs partition, and now has a 116GB ext4 and 4GB swap. The 2nd 1TB is the one that is missing in Windows now.00:24
Tex_NickGabboz: yeah i just noticed ... guess i'm talking to myself ;-)00:24
wilee-nileeMrWeb20, If you resized the windows ntfs it usually needs a chkdsk, might ths be needed.00:24
resizt0rnow it says it cant even mount it unless i am root00:24
samuelany clue with an access--like software in ubuntu for database applications00:24
SaikiHow would I dinf Chinese fonts and settings for locale?00:24
histosamuel: please use the software center and don't take polls in the channel00:25
MrWeb20wilee-nilee: Good call, I'll try that. Do you know how to force one?00:25
mutantesamuel: http://www.kexi-project.org/00:25
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histosamuel: Also I had ubottu send you a message about the manual00:25
GabbozMrWeb20, right click on all volumes, select tools and check drive00:25
samuelgot u histo00:25
MrWeb20Gabboz: The volume in question is missing from the disk manager tool (mmc console)00:25
GabbozMrWeb20, the only ones that wont check without reboot are the OS and the partition(if it isnt on OS HD)00:26
wilee-nileeMrWeb20, I would do it from the terminal on a recovery or install disc, however you can set one to run at reboot by runing the disc exam from computer with a right click on it.00:26
GabbozMrWeb20, a chkdsk is a good idea anyway.. especially if Windows didn't force it after you resized a partition00:26
GabbozMrWeb20, can you mount said partition in ubuntu?  is there data on it already?00:26
MrWeb20Gabboz: Yep, and yep.00:27
MrWeb20Ok, thanks gents. I'll try out a few things and be back.00:27
dank101anyone else have steam for linux issues00:27
Saikianyone know hwo to fix that propblem? The pc refuses to run GBK-encoded programs00:28
wheatthindank101, like what issues? I don't personally.. but I do have it installed00:29
dank101servers seem to be down00:29
wheatthinservers where? in favorites?00:29
dank101can't login for reason of "having trouble with logging in this may be a issue with your internet"00:30
wheatthinyup actually00:30
wheatthinsame problem00:30
wheatthinsteam network00:30
dank101but i am clearly on the $&*%ing internet00:30
FloodBot1dank101: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:30
wheatthindank watch your language00:30
wheatthin!language | dank10100:31
ubottudank101: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:31
Gabbozdank101, its steam, not you.  go for a jog for 1h and try later :P00:31
dank101i just got Garry's mod 13 and now i can't log in00:31
dank101it's 10pm where i live00:31
dank101awwww i'll wait00:32
wheatthinwatch a movie or something00:32
Gabbozno go jogging00:32
shell`what do you guys think about the software center thing where you can buy stuff in ubuntu? has anyone bought anything?00:32
johnjohn101write some code!00:32
Gabbozshell`, never.00:32
wheatthin!ot | shell00:32
ubottushell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:32
mutantewatch Star War: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl00:33
dank101hold on00:33
dank101it seems to be loading00:33
shell`mutante LOL funny00:33
mutanteshell`: what would it sell you? ring tones?00:34
CavalierPrimeshell:  yes, it works well.  After upgrade, I lost some programs I had bought, but it works like steam and remembers your purchases00:39
CavalierPrimei got em all back00:39
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dank101oh they were pushing out updates?00:40
Saikihow do I install full locale support for zh_cn.gbk?00:42
BALTA00how i can conect my iPad in ubuntu?00:42
BALTA00is here any alternative for iTunes?00:43
wheatthingtkpod, although I don't think it works idealy00:43
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ccclipsssiOS 6?00:43
BALTA00I want only files transfer..00:43
BALTA00Yes, iOS 600:44
ccclipsssWhat kind of files?00:44
ccclipsssPIcs or music?00:44
dank101for music use rythmbox00:44
BALTA00pics, music, videos and books00:44
dank101for pics use shotwell of00:44
dank101i really don't know for movies or books00:45
BALTA00but, ubuntu don't have any file explorer?00:45
Saikihow do I install full locale support for chinese languages00:45
BALTA00Like iFunBox00:45
Tex_NickBALTA00: what happens if you use a USB cable ... doesn't it show as a USB drive ?00:45
minimecBALTA00: You may excuse my sarcastic comment. There is definitely an alternative for an iPhone...00:46
dank101jailbreak and get SSH00:47
BALTA00I can explorer mi iPad00:47
BALTA00Better than windows00:48
BALTA00without any software00:48
whjmsdank101: even then, you won't be able to copy files to apple's player.00:48
BALTA00It's not a problem00:48
BALTA00I don't use defaul player00:48
dank101i remember rythmbox had that feature00:48
whjmsBALTA00: do you use oplayer? it's a really nice app00:49
BALTA00I only need explorer my music with Yxplayer200:49
BALTA00and all work fine00:49
BALTA00I use Yxplayer2, it's very good00:49
BALTA00I can explorer my PC00:49
BALTA00using FTP00:50
BALTA00and play in my iPad my PC music00:50
whjmsif you want to learn more about linux system administration, consider setting up a media playback server on your system. that way, you can stream files directly to your device without syncing00:50
BALTA00Bu I don't try it in ubuntu00:50
wilee-nilee! enter | BALTA0000:51
ubottuBALTA00: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:51
Tex_NickBALTA00: see if this helps ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/167647/how-to-connect-ipad-to-ubuntu-12-04-via-wifi-or-cable-without-jailbreak00:51
MrWeb20Hey #Ubuntu. I'm still having problems getting windows to see the ntfs partition that I have on the same disk as Ubuntu, after installing Ubuntu earlier today. I can mount the partition fine in Ubuntu, and gparted shows the ntfs partition. But I can't see it in Windows anymore. Ideas?00:52
daftykinsMrWeb20: i'd be curious to see a screenshot of diskmgmt.msc00:53
polarisDik Dik00:53
histo_MrWeb20: You have more than one ntfs partition?00:53
MrWeb20The mmc doesn't show the volume at all, daftykins00:53
MrWeb20histo_, yes, but not on that volume. That volume has three partitions. A 814 GB ntfs, a 117GB ext4, and a 4GB swap00:53
histo_MrWeb20: what does the other volume have?00:54
daftykinsMrWeb20: had you tried scheduling a disk check as someone said?00:54
BALTA00I think don't go back to Windows :)00:54
=== histo_ is now known as histo
MrWeb20One 1 TB ntfs, and a 250GB ntfs (three volumes total)00:54
daftykinsBALTA00: don't make stupid comments in here please00:54
MrWeb20daftykins, I tried that, but I couldn't figure out how to do that without Windows being able to see the volume.00:55
histoMrWeb20: is the other "volume" an external drive?00:55
daftykinsMrWeb20: so it boots fine but it can't even realise what it's running from? :D00:55
MrWeb20histo, Nope. Three internal disks.00:55
BALTA00why u said that my commend is stupid?00:55
WiCkEd_Is there a simple way for me to switch from ubuntu 13.04 back to 12.10 without losing all my files/documents/programs?00:55
histoMrWeb20: How is this anything related to ubuntu if the problem only exists in windows?00:56
Ben64WiCkEd_: why go backwards?00:56
daftykinsWiCkEd_: not really no :( you would have to clean install, but you could keep your /home if it's a separate partition00:56
MrWeb20daftykins, sda is a 250GB disk that has the Windows OS installed on it. sdb is for storage, all ntfs, and windows sees it just fine. sdc is the troubled volume, which Ubuntu boots from.00:56
histoMrWeb20: please paste an image of disk management screen00:57
histo!paste | MrWeb2000:57
ubottuMrWeb20: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:57
MrWeb20histo, it's an issue that was caused by the install, and I've never had this issue before. Just looking for a bit of wisdom00:57
MrWeb20histo, gparted, or the Windows mmc?00:57
WiCkEd_Ben64_: honestly, and this is probably the wrong answer, I downloaded a game from linux game from steam but for the life of me can't get the damn thing to run in 13.04...The game is supported for 12.10..that's all I'm going off of00:57
daftykinsMrWeb20: oooooh i thought they were both on one disk. Windows can't read the partitions anyway so why do you want it to?00:57
histoMrWeb20: sudo parted -l | pastebinit    in linux  and then in windows paste a screen shot of the disk management screen.00:58
MrWeb20daftykins, my third disk is the issue. It has an ntfs partition used to store videos, and windows can't see it anymore after the ubuntu install on an ext4 partition on the same volume00:58
Ben64WiCkEd_: you may want to use 12.04 then, its supported until 201700:58
histoWiCkEd_: there is a script floating around to create a 12.10 linux container and run steam from there.00:59
MrWeb20histo, kk, that'll take me a couple of minutes, with a reboot. I'll do the pastebin first00:59
histoMrWeb20: k00:59
daftykinsMrWeb20: i wonder if you didn't acidentally select 'erase disk and install'00:59
MrWeb20daftykins, nope, I didn't. Ubuntu sees it as an ntfs partition, and I can explore it just fine01:00
MrWeb20histo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5778862/  . Now I'll brb for the screenshot01:01
Saikihow do I install full locale support for chinese languages01:06
WiCkEd_thanks guys01:06
Tex_NickSaiki: have you tried "System Settings/Language Support" ?01:08
dank101maybe by stop spamming we will help you Saiki01:08
MrWeb20histo: Ok, I'm back. Give me a moment to grab a screen.01:08
histoMrWeb20: k01:09
nahuel_hola : alguien puede ayudarme con el siguiente problema de terminal ? muchas gracias : E: se interrumpió la ejecución de dpkg, debe ejecutar manualmente «sudo dpkg --configure -a» para corregir el problema01:12
nahuel_nahuel@nahuel-Satellite-L455:~$ sudo apt-get install unsettings01:12
nahuel_E: se interrumpió la ejecución de dpkg, debe ejecutar manualmente «sudo dpkg --configure -a» para corregir el problema01:12
histo!es | nahuel_01:12
ubottunahuel_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:12
MrWeb20histo: http://i.imgur.com/fQRMoXe.png01:12
histoMrWeb20: scroll down there01:13
MrWeb20There's nothing below.01:13
SonikkuAmericanahuel_: We have a Spanish channel / Tenemos un canal español01:13
histoMrWeb20: nothing under cdrom1?01:13
MrWeb20Nope. And the missing disk is normally labeled H: Movies and Games01:14
ruconsehi, does anyone how to use "TZ" & date command to calculate the current time of "GMT-7:00" or "GMT+7:00" :)01:14
MrWeb20All my links to it are broken since the install in Windows, I can't see it, but Ubuntu still sees it just fine01:14
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histoMrWeb20: No idea why windows isn't seeing it.01:15
MrWeb20Any idea how to force a dskchk for it, since windows doesn't see it?01:16
histoMrWeb20: there is a weird partition on that disk though in the primary slot that is 1MB in size01:16
histoMrWeb20: sorry should say a primary partition in slot 1 on that drive01:16
MrWeb20Yeah, that doesn't go away for some reason. Can't absorb it. There is a similar one on that missing disk01:16
histoMrWeb20: The missing disk is the only one with it01:16
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histoMrWeb20: the other's appear to just have windows boot partitions01:17
xxflisxxhello.. i'm trying to find a way  to add a user with a password to only access a specific folder on the ssh server?01:17
MrWeb20histo: My partitions have always looked exactly like this. It's just after my install this afternoon that the disk turned up missing in windows01:17
jribxxflisxx: does he need shell access?01:18
histoMrWeb20: No idea... Windows issue.  Windows has several other issues with partitions e.g. if you have multiple partitions on a removable disk it will only see the first one.01:18
histoMrWeb20: try asking in ##windows01:18
jribxxflisxx: then read about ChrootDirectory in « man sshd_config »01:18
xxflisxxjrib: only access to upload and remove files in the specific folder01:19
xrfangI am trying to install ubuntu *server* edition on a mac mini, installer tell me it cannot find cd-rom, which does not exist anyway.  I am installing from usb disk, how to solve this?01:19
vn151502510hi everyone, I have a mono streaming audio online, only hear with one speaker, how do I hear with both, like stereo? Thanks01:19
vn151502510Its because VLC or pulseaudio or alsa? I dont know about them01:20
MrWeb20histo: Darn, I was hoping that someone would have run into this, too. Thanks anyway.01:20
vn151502510I mean, can I play a mono source audio in both speakers?01:21
vn151502510with VLC01:21
vn151502510in ubuntu01:21
histovn151502510: /j #videolan01:37
vn151502510videolan, right01:37
vn151502510play http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/listen/live/r5l.asx01:38
WiCkEd_just got an error saying that my boot folder is running out of room. can anyone render me some aid01:39
wilee-nileeWiCkEd_, You probably need to remove kernels.01:40
domoniccan someone PLEASE help me.01:40
WiCkEd_can you elaborate on that for me?01:40
domonicOk so basically I used to boot repair to help me with my boot issues and all it is doing now is booting to a blank screen :(01:41
MrWeb20hey histo, do you happen to have that pastebin link I sent earlier still?01:41
histoMrWeb20: sure let me check01:41
wilee-nileeWiCkEd_, Check how many kernel sets you have, two is the standard keep. http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-to-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu01:42
MrWeb20Trying to get help in ##windows, not much luck though01:42
Jehkhey so I decided to do apt-get dist-upgrade and it was a terrible idea because I didn't upgrade kernel first. so now I have like 300 odd packages with unmet dependencies and no clue how to upgrade kernel01:42
histoMrWeb20: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5778862/ http://i.imgur.com/fQRMoXe.png01:42
androidbrucei'm trying to install server 12.04 lts, but there is no way for me to resize partitions....01:45
androidbruceis this normal?01:45
androidbruceit used to be an option01:45
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MrWeb20Thanks histo01:45
histoandroidbruce: you can drop out to a tty and resize01:46
histoandroidbruce: or use a live cd with gparted to resize01:46
androidbruceoh wow01:47
Tex_Nickandroidbruce:  gparted is what you would use to resize partitions01:47
androidbruceany reason why it is no longer in the installer/01:47
androidbrucethat was convenient01:47
SaikiTex_Nick: Yes, I tried that01:48
SaikiTex_Nick: That's the first thing, after installing every CN font I could find that I tried01:48
Tex_NickSaiki: ok sorry sir ... i don't know what else to tell you ... someone else here can probably help though ... i think there is an ubuntu chinese channel ?01:51
ubottuThe Swiss !LoCo team can be found in #ubuntu-ch (please speak English there) - Deutschsprachiger Ubuntu Support in #ubuntu-de - Aide Ubuntu en français dans #ubuntu-fr - Supporto Ubuntu in Italiano in #ubuntu-it01:52
Tex_Nickwhoops that's not it :-(01:52
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:53
SonikkuAmericaTex_Nick: Beat me to it01:53
SonikkuAmericaI think !zh works too01:53
Tex_NickSonikkuAmerica:  ;-) not by much though01:53
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:54
goddardhow can i completely uninstall unity to replace with KDE?01:56
goddardi already have KDE installed01:56
Tex_NickSonikkuAmerica:  cool, don't think i've seen that one01:57
xangua!purekde | goddard01:57
ubottugoddard: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »01:57
wilee-nileegoddard, Make sure you use the remove list for your release. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekubuntu01:57
SonikkuAmericaTex_Nick: (I think it has to do with how the Chinese pronounce the word "Chinese")01:57
Tex_NickAh ok ... i have enough trouble with english ;-)01:58
BluesKajgoddard, this URL is for 13.04,  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/tag/pure-kubuntu/01:58
somsipSonikkuAmerica: zhongwen, FWIW01:58
goddardxangua: cool williangliao  BluesKaj thanks01:58
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ltxdahi all :)02:10
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arminghi all02:11
armingI have a prbl with running linux kernel 3.9.4 on qemu ubuntu 12.0402:12
Tex_Nick!details | arming02:13
ubottuarming: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:13
armingwait for a minute, i am looking for the error02:13
armingqemu -kernel linux-3.9.4/arch/x86/boot/bzImage -initrd myinitrd4M.img -append "root=/dev/ram init=/init"02:14
armingthis is my running cmd02:14
armingthe error is VFS: cann't open root device ram or unknown block(1,0)02:15
vee_hey guys, been trying to run feed the beast on the lastest ubuntu, but, every time i launch, i just get a black screen...02:16
BluesKajvee_, does ctl+alt+F1 get you to a TTY login ?02:19
vee_it should, yes02:19
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: So do F2 thru F602:19
BluesKajtry an update/upgrade , vee_02:19
vee_will do02:20
BluesKajSonikkuAmerica, yes , but usually F1 isn't occupied02:20
vee_should it matter though? i did a fresh install02:20
BluesKajyes , it might , vee , it's worth a try02:21
vee_everything is upgraded02:22
BluesKajvee_, if not ,then we could try the nomodset route02:22
vee_and what is that?02:22
BluesKajerr nomodeset02:22
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:23
vee_the comptuer boots up fine02:23
vee_the regular minecraft even works02:23
vee_however, feed the beast refuses to...02:23
armingI have a problem with booting my own fs with qemu, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04, When I try to do qemu -kernel linux-3.9.4/arch/x86/boot/bzImage -initrd myinitrd4M.img -append "root=/dev/ram init=/init", I get the following output:VFS: Cannot open root device "ram" or unknown-block(1,0):error - 6  Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: 0b00 1048575 sr0  driver: sr Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on02:23
arming unknow-block(1,0) , but I expected it to boot my own FS correctly.02:23
reisioMrKB: kwazang!02:24
Tex_Nickarming: there are a lot of links on google relating to that, not sure which would pretain specifically though ... have you asked in #archlinux ?02:24
Duke_How can I edit files while in Text Mode? I enjoy running Ubuntu in text mode, and I want to program in C.02:24
reisioarming: is that qemu or kvm?02:24
reisiodon't have the extensions for kvm?02:25
armingI set my bios to support kvm02:25
Duke_Can someone please help me? I'm new to Unix02:25
reisioDuke_: help you with what?02:25
Duke_reisio: How do I edit C files in Text Mode02:25
armingbefore that, it always wrong with no support for kvm02:25
Duke_reisio: I already know how to compile, but I'm new to Unix and I have no idea how to edit files02:25
reisioDuke_: outside of X, you mean?02:25
Duke_reisio: Yes02:26
reisioarming: might talk to #kvm, then02:26
Tex_NickDuke : this is a support channel for Ubuntu Linux02:26
reisioDuke_: oh there are a number of editors to choose from02:26
reisioDuke_: 'nano' is a simple one02:26
SonikkuAmericaDuke_: vi, Emacs, and nano work...02:26
reisioVim is a complex one02:26
reisioEmacs is another complex one02:26
vee_any other advise?02:26
reisioif you don't already have it (run 'type nano'), you can sudo apt-get install nano02:26
reisiovee_: about?02:26
nevyngedit, kate, scite are all reasonable options too02:26
Duke_What do you suggest? And Oh I didn't mean to say yes to your X question. I don't know what you mean by X, but I have Ubuntu 12.04 I just started it in Text mode02:26
SonikkuAmericaYou might ask in ##linux while you're at it, to get exposed to the vi vs. Emacs war02:26
vee_running feed the beast a minecraft mod, wont work. however, runnign the regular minecraft does02:27
nevynDuke_: how do you want to work?02:27
SonikkuAmerica!x | Duke_02:27
ubottuDuke_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:27
armingI want to know if linux 3.9.4 defconfig without kvm support module setting?02:27
reisioyay bot spam02:27
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:27
reisioDuke_: not sure what text mode is, if you're in X, use gedit, and if not, use nano02:27
reisioSonikkuAmerica: clevarf02:28
Duke_Nano? apt-get able?02:28
reisioDuke_: yes02:28
Duke_How can I learn it? Like where are the hotkeys02:28
Duke_save, etc02:28
reisioDuke_: it says at the bottom of its display02:28
Duke_oh i didn't see that left part ;) Thanks for everything guys!02:29
reisioDuke_: ^ == CTRL02:29
vee_ill try the no modset02:29
vee_see if that does anything02:29
SonikkuAmericareisio: What?02:29
Duke_reisio: Yeah I got it, thanks so much :D02:29
reisioSonikkuAmerica: what?02:29
reisionp dood02:29
SonikkuAmerica<reisio> SonikkuAmerica: clevarf02:29
reisioSonikkuAmerica: celvar+f02:29
reisioclevar+f, even02:29
BluesKajvee, it's no gurantee but the symptoms fit02:30
MaryJaneKalamidanick register02:31
BluesKajok , too late02:31
monkeyjuicebed time BluesKaj02:31
BluesKajwell I hope it work for him , monkeyjuice02:32
BluesKajit's early , monkeyjuice02:32
monkeyjuicesee ya in the am im off02:32
BluesKajok, monkeyjuice , sleeo well :)02:32
BluesKajerr sleep02:33
heikoowill there be kde 4.11 backports available for 12.04?02:35
armingwhen i did the same thing with linux kernel 3.2.1, it's ok02:35
armingso i think if the kernel 3.9.4 not support kvm default?02:36
histoarming: have you tried asking in the qemu or kvm channel?02:36
MrKBevery time I restart my computer, I have no wifi again. And I'm forced to run these commands to make it work:02:36
MrKBsudo modprobe -rfv rtl8192cu02:36
MrKBsudo modprobe -v 8192cu02:36
armingI asked in kvm02:36
FloodBot1MrKB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:36
MrKBreisio - sup brotha02:36
MrKBstfu FloodBot102:36
reisiosup homie02:37
MrKBYou're so racist02:37
arminghave no answer02:37
IdleOne!language | MrKB02:37
ubottuMrKB: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:37
MrKBthe only people that would know what that contraction meant is people that already knew what it meant. In other words, if you have virgin ears (which I'm assuming is what we're trying to preserve), you wouldn't know what it meant. So no harm done :P02:38
IdleOneMrKB: Nice try, mind your language please.02:38
MrKBI'll try :P02:38
MrKBreisio - what was it specifically that #ubuntu people explained to me that was easy? Everything or were you referring to something specific? XD02:38
histoMrKB: is the rtl8192cu module blacklisted?02:39
reisioMrKB: dunno, somethin'02:39
nevynMrKB: so is rtl1892cu part of the stack that 8192cu includes?02:39
MrKBlol reisio02:39
MrKBhisto - nevyn - no idea02:39
nevynso it could be a simple thing to blacklist rtl8192cu02:39
MrKBhow would go about doing that02:40
armingMrKB: FATAL: Module 8192cu not found.02:40
MrKBarmin - hm?02:40
histoMrKB: grep 'rtl8129' /etc/modprobe.d/*02:40
MrKBwhat does that do02:40
histoMrKB: searches all your blacklist files for that module02:41
arminghisto: output nothing02:41
w0lfsenWarning: Newbie question. I do not have sound and do not know how I can find the driver. I think I have to know which DKMS I use but I have no idea where I can find that information. Help would be much appreciated02:41
MrKBoh ok. one sec histo02:41
boohHow to change ip adress of virbr0 ??   I need to release the 192.168.122.x network segment.. duplicate with another service on my network I need.02:41
histoarming: not you.. that was for MrKB02:41
reisioMrKB: oh right, synergy without GUI02:41
histoMrKB: you could also add command in rc.local to reload the module02:41
MrKBwhat does my synergy having no GUI have to do with anything reisio02:41
reisioMrKB: you were happy about figuring it out02:42
reisiohence my memo, 'cause you'd left02:42
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w0lfsenI have an nitel on board sound driver02:42
reisiow0lfsen: what makes you think you don't have sound?02:42
MrKBreisio - oh. yeah. :) But I think I did that by myself O_O. maybe that's why you said that.02:42
* reisio shrugs02:43
MrKBhisto - grep outputted nothing. So does that mean it's not blacklisted?02:43
vee_feed the beast still wont launch :(02:43
MrKBhow would I go about adding the command to rc.local? Although that seems to be a bit of a workaround. :P I'd love to find the root of the problem02:43
w0lfsenreisio: I played some of my music but I do not hear anything. The sound panel seems to work properly. Indicates that it plays.02:43
arming so what to do without module 8192cu?02:44
MrKBarming: what?02:44
histoMrKB: correct02:44
reisiow0lfsen: with an equalizer or something?02:44
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BluesKajw0lfsen,  open a terminal and do , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , there won't be any output if the driver loads properly , you'll need to reboot02:44
reisiow0lfsen: you using headphones?02:44
histoMrKB: search askubuntu for rtl8129cu or whatever you chipset is called02:44
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MrKBhisto: and then?02:45
histoMrKB: see if others have found a fix for the issue you are experiencing without the workaround you are currently using.02:45
histoMrKB: also you maybe able to use a different module from realtek02:45
MrKBwill be using lol02:45
MrKBOh ok cool02:45
MrKBSo how do I add the commands to the rc.local02:46
MrKB(whatever that is)02:46
Tex_Nickreisio: never seen memo before ... just looked into ... that's cool02:46
MrKBreisio you send memos to everyone? I thought I was special :(02:46
vee_is there a .deb for 64 bit java i?02:47
w0lfsenBleusKaj okay I did that. Did not give any feedback. Is that normal?02:47
BluesKajw0lfsen, if the audio mutes upon headphone connection,02:47
BluesKajadd this line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, options snd-hda-intel model=auto02:47
BluesKajw0lfsen, yes, it's normal02:47
Saikidumb network..02:47
reisioMrKB: :p02:48
w0lfsenokay I will restart and see if it work. Thank you!02:48
MrKBhisto - how to add to rc.local02:48
SaikiTex_Nick: I installed all the fonts and language support. the only thing I can think of is the shall script isnt;t using the right locale02:48
histoMrKB: sudo nano /etc/rc.local02:50
histoMrKB: or gksu gedit /etc/rc.local02:51
reisiohow do you imagine probing a driver and restarting is going to help him? :p02:51
vee_could the blank screen be caused by me using dwm?02:51
MrKBthanks histo02:51
MrKBreisio: You're talking about me, aren't you? XD02:51
reisioMrKB: nope02:51
historeisio: he's saying it works after he unloads the module and reloads it02:51
BluesKajreisio, because forcing alsa to reload doesn't usually work02:51
historeisio: ahh nvm02:51
MrKBlol histo02:52
MrKBI thought the same thing02:52
armingMrKB: when i run  sudo modprobe -v 8192cu, it's FATAL: Module 8192cu not found.02:52
MrKBwhy are you running that arming02:52
reisiothen what is the point of the modprobe?02:52
MrKBThat's a command I run over on my side to fix my wifi issues.02:52
MrKBI don't know why he's running it02:52
reisioMrKB: didn't I just say I wasn't talking to you? :p02:53
reisio^ how you know02:53
BluesKajreisio, are you addressing me ? if so , use my nick please.02:53
reisioI don't remember02:53
JohannKrausshello #ubuntu ;)02:54
histoarming: your issue is with qemu or kvm not with ubuntu. I told you that the rtl8192cu stuff was for MrKB02:54
TickleWindows 8 is painful.02:55
travisimo^ lol02:55
armingok, i mixed that just now02:55
TickleTravisimo are you from Indiana?02:55
BluesKajppl should be addressing with nicks , otherwise it gets chaotic in here02:56
TickleIf you don't mind me asking.02:56
TickleOh, I know a guy who used travisimo as his screen name here.02:56
w0lfsen@blueskaj that did not work02:57
BluesKajw0lfsen, if the audio mutes upon headphone connection, add this line to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf, options snd-hda-intel model=auto02:57
w0lfsenyes, I saw that but I do not have any headphones attached currently02:58
w0lfsensaved the line if that happens once I have sound through normal laptop speakers02:58
MrWeb20Hey histo, still around?02:58
here4thegearI'm being absolutely driven nuts by an issue that I'm 100% sure that I caused. my VPS WAS Karmic (9.10)... a few months ago, I went through the process of upgrading to Maverick. All seemed well but lsb_release -a still lists as Karmic and, maverick repos aren't working02:59
wilee-nilee!eol | here4thegear02:59
ubottuhere4thegear: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:59
histoMrWeb20: yes02:59
BluesKajok , just making sure , w0lfsen , open a terminal and type alsamixer , and unmute with M key any ctrls with a M , and use the arrow keys turn up the volume03:00
here4thegearSo Maverick is end of life?03:00
nerdtronhere4thegear yes03:00
xanguahere4thegear: since two years ago...03:01
MrWeb20Hey histo. I solved my issue. I don't know what caused it, but in Windows I used a tool called the Dynamic Disk Converter in order to convert it to a basic disk - without data loss - and it worked. Thanks for the help.03:01
wilee-nileehere4thegear, 12.04 s the earliest supported release at this time.03:01
w0lfsendone, it is all turned up at the highest volume03:01
histoMrWeb20: nice... like I said windows issue03:01
histoMrWeb20: ubuntu did not make it a "dynamic disk" I ensure you of that.03:01
MrWeb20histo: Well, a windows solution at least. Something definitely happened with the gparted that started it all, but who knows what.03:02
wilee-nileeMrWeb20, I wondered if the disc had not gone dynamic.03:02
histowilee-nilee: it didn't appear so according to his pastes03:02
* here4thegear facepalms self03:02
histoMrWeb20: wilee-nilee who knows what the windows tool did to fix it for itself. But it did work in linux.03:03
wilee-nileehisto, Yeah and the number of partitions was correct, go figger.03:03
MrWeb20Yep. Oh well, just glad it's working. I'll get around to reinstalling ubuntu later this week. Take care03:03
wilee-nileeMrWeb20, You want to be aware of partition types and how many is all.03:04
histowilee-nilee: I'm pretty sure it was this bizarre 1MB partition he had at the begining of the drive03:05
w0lfsenit is all on the highest volume but still no sound.03:05
wilee-nileehisto, I missed that until you mentioned originally, good eye. ;)03:06
OerHekshisto, could be his bios file, some pc's like compaq stores data on the first sector ..03:07
Tex_NickOerHeks : yeah i've seen that a lot03:08
BluesKajw0lfsen, in the terminal , sudo lshw -C sound , and pastebin the output03:08
reisioBitwise: 'lo03:08
BitwiseHow can I update g++ to the latest version (4.8.1) in 12.04?03:08
BitwiseI tried sudo apt-get install g++03:09
BitwiseThis line is in the output: g++ is already the newest version.03:10
reisioBitwise: I don't think even 13.04 has that version03:10
Tickletry sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo apt-get update03:10
BitwiseBut g++ --version says 4.6.303:10
w0lfsenBluesKaj http://pastebin.com/ZHAhkV3J03:10
reisioyou'd probabyl have to find a 3rd party bin, or compile it yourself03:10
zykotick9!info g++03:11
ubottug++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.120ubuntu10)): GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.3-1ubuntu10 (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 34 kB03:11
SuperLagIs there a way to print a number with a repeating line over it? for something like 1.6666666...... but just have a single 6 with a line over it?03:11
BitwiseTickle, I already tried that. :-\03:11
reisioSuperLag: just use ...03:12
TickleWhat version do you have now?03:12
Ben64SuperLag: 0x030203:13
Ben64SuperLag: 0x0305 * sorry03:13
lotuspsychjemorning to all03:13
BitwiseTickle, g++ --version says 4.6.303:13
TickleThat's the version you have installed?03:13
BluesKajw0lfsen, your driver is installed and is loading ...so it's some other problem. I assume you are using an onboard sound chip03:13
w0lfsenBluesKaj the graphic driver does not seem to work either. Maybe it is the whole intel driver package. I cannot change the brightness of the screen either. I can change the brightness in xubuntu but it does not do anything03:13
w0lfsenBluesKaj you assume correctly. Both graphic and sound are on board03:14
w0lfsenBleusKaj while googling I found this: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily/+packages but I do not know which one to install. Or is this nonsense?03:15
BluesKajw0lfsen, install pavucontrol , you can set your inputs and outputs correctlywith it.03:16
BluesKajaudio that is , w0lfsen03:17
w0lfsenBluesKaj PulseAudio Volume control? That is installed and I have played with it03:17
lotuspsychjesomeone wich package to install to browse android devices and its content, i can see it from 13.04 but older versions of ubuntu not03:18
w0lfsenBluesKaj no sound though03:18
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: did you check your additional drivers section yet?03:19
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, 4.0 android, http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/upgrade-to-gvfs-with-mtp-support-in.html03:19
lotuspsychjewilee-nilee: ah tnx mate thats what i was looking for :p03:20
lotuspsychje!cookie | wilee-nilee03:20
ubottuwilee-nilee: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:20
w0lfsenlotuspsychje I am not sure what you mean. I googled for intel linux driver and found the website posted above. Not sure which one to download though since I do not know what DKMS I have.03:20
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, Airdroid works well, it is in the google play store.03:20
wilee-nileemmmm chocolate chip03:20
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: try software&updates last tab 'additional drivers' to see if you see any driver in list03:21
lotuspsychjewilee-nilee: well i dont play with android myself, but some ppl i installed ubuntu for them, like to browse pictures from withing ubuntu03:23
w0lfsenlotuspsychje ah found it. The section is empty :/03:23
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: on what ubuntu version are you?03:23
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, I have a nexus 7 and a htc android so I'm familiar with android in general.03:24
w0lfsenlotuspsychje I downloaded it a couple of days ago. Xubuntu03:24
lotuspsychjewilee-nilee: did you try touch on the nexus7? im all excited to buy one?03:24
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: xubuntu 13.04 clean install?03:25
w0lfsenlotuspsychje I have it running on the same partition as my windows.... I know that's bad but I did not want to risk my windows partition.03:25
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, I have run touch and the desktops, all are in development so a bit rough is all.03:25
w0lfsenlotuspsychje yes. I' d say so.03:25
lotuspsychjewilee-nilee: worth the install? can you browse decently?03:26
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: you could try #xubuntu aswell03:26
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: can your machine handle ubuntu 13.04, that might get your sound working maybe?03:27
BluesKajw0lfsen, lost my connection ...ISP is having probs  here lately03:27
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, Been more then a month on the touch so I forget that one, the desktop was okay but the touch function was problematic, and no wifi, but browsed fine. I hope the desktop installs run well in the end on the nexus 703:27
w0lfsenlotuspsychje thank you for your help. I will try to get help from them tomorrow. I would not see a reason why I could not handle ubuntu. The laptop is two years old or so03:28
w0lfsenlotuspsychje *it could not handle03:28
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: i really recommend ubuntu 13.04 (64bit)03:28
w0lfsenlotuspsychje  a friend of mine recommended xubuntu since it is easier for newbs like me.03:29
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, I didn't keep the installs very long, but this was more than a month ago probably about 2.03:29
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: you will forget your windows soon, well ubuntu with unity is easy aswell03:29
w0lfsenBluesKaj wb. Problem not solved so far. I checked the driver section and stuff.03:29
lotuspsychjewilee-nilee: im all excited about retail ubuntu tablets, hope thay come out soon :p03:30
wilee-nileeThat would be nice.03:30
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lotuspsychje!nexus7 > lotuspsychje03:32
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message03:32
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BluesKajw0lfsen, well , it's my bedtime so I'll leave you in good hands with the crew here03:33
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: he's in good hands sleep tight03:33
w0lfsenBluesKaj thanks and good night!03:34
mob001hi, tomcat clustering on ubuntu 10.04 using mod_jk connector. pls help on this.03:34
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: did you enabled codecs and download and download updates during install in your setup?03:34
lotuspsychjemob001: you can try #ubuntu-server aswell mate03:35
Tex_Nicklotuspsychje:  i just bought a Nexus 7 for the grandkids ... i want to install ubuntu on it, but they won't turn it loose long enough for me to do so03:36
w0lfsenlotuspsyche I think so. I think this is also signified by the fact that I can start all my mp3s without a problem03:36
lotuspsychjeTex_Nick: cool, well like wilee-nilee here says, it might be still little rough..i think we better wait a little longer03:37
Tex_Nicklotuspsychje: yeah, i'm sure wilee-nilee ir right ... i have no choice though ... kids won't even let me play with it ;-)03:39
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lotuspsychjewell i only want ubuntu's safety on any device i buy, so no android Os for me03:40
lotuspsychjeill wait until the #ubuntu-touch guys work it all out for us :p03:41
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: i would try a 13.04 clean, see what it does for your laptop mate03:42
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: installed this version on more then 10 machines, and didnt have 1 driver issue yet..03:43
w0lfsenlotuspsyche that's annoying I have to admit but what can  I do...thanks. Maybe trying ubuntu then and not xubuntu if you think that makes a difference03:43
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: it might, but if you still wanna choose xubuntu's speed an easyness, stick to re-ask your issue mate03:43
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: its all about your needs03:43
w0lfsenlotuspsyche not sure. I do not need much: Just multitasking: several word documents and pdf some other progs and the normal internet jazz, huge TB, skype, vsee, jitsi, etc.03:44
w0lfsenlotuspsyche I like speed and easy. But so far it is not that easy. I mean everything is very intuitve and such but I cannot things work, so that's not that accommodating ;)03:45
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: if you like unity, 13.04 will workout fine for your laptop03:46
w0lfsenlotuspsyche what is unity?03:46
lotuspsychje!unity | w0lfsen03:46
ubottuw0lfsen: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity03:46
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w0lfsenlotuspsyche sure! Why not. :)03:46
w0lfsenbtw since I saw you talking about it. Regarding options for encryption and data security what smart phone OS is the best?03:47
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: well we can only support ubuntu issues in here mate03:47
w0lfsenlotuspsyche have a similar wealth of knowledge about smartphones as about linux O_o03:47
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: but you try #ubuntu-touch if you wanna know more03:48
lotuspsychje!touch | w0lfsen03:48
ubottuw0lfsen: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch03:48
w0lfsenlotuspsyche kk thanks. I appreciate that you took the time to help me. Have a nice evening!03:48
lotuspsychjew0lfsen: np mate, if you got more issues plz come back here, always crew to help you out here03:49
w0lfsenlotuspsychje I am sure I will come back with more issues. Cheers, mate.03:49
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:50
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:51
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Guest134351mad net splits03:52
Guest134351and we're back03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
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Guest1343511mad net splits03:53
Guest1343511mad net splits03:53
Guest1343511mad net splits03:53
Guest1343511mad net splits03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
Guest1343511and we're back03:53
Guest1343511mad net splits03:53
* histo meh /ignore's working beautifully03:53
Guest1343511mad net splits03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
Guest1343511mad net splits03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
sumit__ /nick Prasoon03:53
Kuroshitahere we go again!03:54
Tex_NickWEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... those netsplits just split my britches @^@03:55
Guest134351IT'S THE NSA!!!!!!!!103:55
travisimowhy cant I send to channel?03:55
TickleWhat's going on?03:55
TickleFreenode's web client go down?03:55
johnjohn1011NET SPLIT!!03:55
Kuroshitaa server is playing up03:55
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:55
soy_el_pulpowhat happened?03:56
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Asad2005in sensors output i have two temp1 how can i grep the first and not second temp1 values?03:57
Asad2005I want to use the first instance of temp1 for conky03:57
miscelltAny postfix experts out there?04:06
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MarconManyone ?04:18
coolackhello all04:20
coolackso is this better then fedora?04:24
holstein!best | coolack04:25
ubottucoolack: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:25
holsteinyou can apply that to distros. ."better" is a matter of opinion04:25
holsteincoolack: fedora is OT here04:25
coolackwell i'm a total noob to linux04:26
holstein!ot | coolack04:26
ubottucoolack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:26
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coolacki want to learn it to replace windows xp machines in my network04:26
coolacksince ms is stopping support for it soon04:26
coolacki feel linux would be a safer O/S?04:26
holsteincoolack: try ubuntu or any of the variants live04:26
holsteincoolack: what you know will likely be safer..04:27
coolackso it would be best just to stick with windows xp04:27
coolackI'm ready to just stay on my iphone like most americans now lol04:27
holsteincoolack: again, "best" is a matter of opinion04:27
coolackwell i don't know linux at all04:27
holsteini switch from XP years ago, and quite enjoy linux, and it suits my needs well04:27
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coolackso should i even bother?04:27
holsteincoolack: if you would like.. its free to try, and free of charge to use04:28
coolacki'm a pc gamer and always used windows,  but now the pc industry is dying hard04:28
coolackand i have like 3 pcs here my family uses xp on04:28
BitwiseHow do I compile gcc? I'm trying to upgrade to 4.8.1 from 4.6.304:28
BitwiseI tried ./configure but it complains about lacking build tools04:28
miscelltAny postfix experts on ATM?04:28
Jordan_UBitwise: What is your end goal?04:28
holsteincoolack: xo is OT here04:28
holsteincoolack: download ubuntu or one of the variants and try it live04:29
BitwiseJordan_U, Update to the latest version of gcc so I can use C++11 features04:29
coolacki'm more interested in what the community is like to get help from.  mind if i lurk?04:29
holsteincoolack: nope.. and ask relevant questions.. you are welcome04:29
coolackthe  #fedora room was not very friendly04:30
holsteincoolack: check the /topics of the channels you join.. and be sure you are folling guidelines04:30
miscelltSorry to hear it coolack. As mentioned above the liveCD is a fantastic option.04:31
coolackubuntu is diff commands though right?04:31
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coolacki mean its debian not rpm correct?04:31
Jordan_UBitwise: You can run "sudo apt-get build-dep gcc" to get all needed build dpendencies.04:31
wiggmpkI want to know how to add a bookmark under the category "Computer" in nautilus. Adding a bookmark via the "Bookmarks" menu segregates in a different category which drives my OCD wild. (using gnome-shell / ubuntu 12.04)04:31
BitwiseJordan_U, I already have it installed but it's older. I'm trying to get a newer version, I already tried to simply upgrade it.04:32
Jordan_Ucoolack: Yes, many commands, mostly those dealing with package management, will be different. That said, most commands will work exactly the same way (that is *not* to say that you should try to follow Fedora specific guides on Ubuntu or visa-versa).04:33
Jordan_UBitwise: Do you know what "build dependencies" are?04:33
BitwiseYes, I'm a developer.04:34
coolackin the fedora channel they would have called me an idiot for not knowing that lol04:34
holsteincoolack: i would just download a live CD, and try it.. get some actual first hand questions.. you likely wont be doing any pacakge management from the command line anytime soon04:34
holsteincoolack: also, as i said, fedora is OT here.. so please /joine the ot channel to discuss your experiences in the fedora channels.. thanks!04:35
Jordan_Ucoolack: Please stick to Ubuntu support discussion and avoid offtopic comments.04:35
coolackya i might do a live cd with ubuntu.  i been using fedora for a week just installed it to my hdd.  will i be able to wipe it out?04:35
coolackwith the ubuntu install?04:35
holsteincoolack: the installer will give you the options04:36
Jordan_Ucoolack: Yes, you can replace your Fedora installation with Ubuntu. Make sure that you back up any files from your Fedora installation first though.04:36
holsteinyou can dual boot fedora and ubuntu04:37
BitwiseCan someone aid me in updating gcc? I've gone through the standard procedure to no avail.04:37
coolackya no i want to wipe out fedora.  i'm dual booting with windows 704:38
holsteinBitwise: standard would be "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".. what are you trying?04:38
holsteincoolack: the installer will present you options..04:38
Bitwiseholstein, I tried that, I tried to dl a mirror and compile and install, I tried the package manager etc04:38
holsteinBitwise: dl a mirror?04:39
Jordan_UBitwise: What part of my suggestion to run "sudo apt-get build-dep gcc" to install all needed build dependencies did you not understand?04:39
holsteinBitwise: gcc is in the repos.. if you want to upgrade, you just upgrade the system.. what are you doing?04:39
Bitwiseholstein, I tried the upgrade. It says it's up to date but it's not judging by --version.04:41
BitwiseJordan_U, All the dependencies were for Java. They aren't required for building from the source.04:41
Jordan_UBitwise: Please pastebin the complete output of "sudo apt-get build-dep gcc" and of "./configure" in gcc's source tree.04:42
Jordan_UBitwise: Also understand the complications of installing software from source without using the package manger, among other things that the files won't be know about by dpkg, and will need to be removed with "sudo make uninstall" from the source directory you used to run "sudo make install" from. Also, there are in between solutions like checkinstall, and the ideal solution is to build a *source package* of the newer version, though tha04:46
TXRoadkillI've been using SeaMonkey Composer in Ubuntu for quite some time, but it apparently no longer supported by Ubuntu as of 13.04.  Is there something else available which is as simple to use as Composer?04:46
xavier23Hi…….anyone know - how to compare 2 binary files in linux? i have 2 qr codes, need to check they are identical04:46
xanguaTXRoadkill: yes, you can download seamonkey from it's web :)04:49
Seven_Six_Twoit seems that I can04:57
Seven_Six_Twosorry. I can't install Steam from the USC04:57
ubottuValve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.04:58
Seven_Six_Twoholstein, thanks.04:59
coolackso i guess its safe to say ubuntu is better for gaming then fedora? lol05:00
holsteincoolack: you can say what you like about fedora in the OT channel.. please /join it and discuss there05:01
holsteincoolack: afaik, nothing is preventing steam from running on other distros05:02
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TXRoadkill<xangua> TXRoadkill: yes, you can download seamonkey from it's web :) << I'm wary of installing anything that the Ubuntu Software Center doesn't offer.  There might be compatibility issues05:26
holsteinTXRoadkill: its not offered. so you either get it from there, or use another browser from the repos05:27
TXRoadkillholstein> TXRoadkill: its not offered. so you either get it from there, or use another browser from the repos << I use Firefox and Chrome, neither of which offers a composing utility (as far as I know)05:28
TXRoadkillis there a WYSIWYG add-on for FF?05:29
holsteinTXRoadkill: that is the *only* way to have seamonkey.. there are other tools for what you are trying to do05:29
holsteini have used kompozer05:29
ubottukompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project.  It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.  Note that there is a GTK incompatibility in !Intrepid and !Jaunty, so users of those releases should use the !PPA at https://launchpad.net/~giuseppe-iuculano/+archive/ppa instead.05:29
holsteinnot sure if its still in the repos05:30
TXRoadkillIs it available from the Ubuntu Software Center?05:30
TXRoadkillYeah, that's the think05:30
TXRoadkillbig changes in Ubuntu 1305:30
holsteinTXRoadkill: i dont use the software center.. but *all* package managers access your sources05:30
TXRoadkillWant to make sure it's compatible05:30
holsteinTXRoadkill: you search in the package manger of your choice05:30
TXRoadkillnot sure what you're saying05:31
TXRoadkillHow do I make sure the software is compatible by Conical standards?05:31
holsteinTXRoadkill: its not05:31
TXRoadkillright, which is why I like to use the Software Center05:32
holsteinTXRoadkill: if it were, it would be in the repos.. and its not. so, if you want it, you'll need to get it from the site.. of youre not comfortable with that (and i understand) you'll have to try other application05:32
TXRoadkilldoes anyone know of something I can download from there which will do the job?05:32
holsteinTXRoadkill: the software center is just a package manager05:32
holsteinTXRoadkill: is kompozer available?05:32
TXRoadkillYes, but approved packages05:32
holsteinTXRoadkill: ?05:32
TXRoadkilllet me check05:32
holsteinTXRoadkill: no.. *all* the packages in the repos are "approved"05:33
holsteinTXRoadkill: you are mistaken05:33
coolackhaha i think i have to give up on linux05:33
TXRoadkill"no items match komposer"05:34
holsteinTXRoadkill: what do you want to do?05:34
holsteinTXRoadkill: seamonkey is not in the repos, and you can get it from the site.. do you want to do that?05:35
holsteinTXRoadkill: do you want me to search for another wysiwyg editor?05:35
TXRoadkillWYSIWYG composing, like Netscape/SeaMonkey composer05:35
madpropswhat's the command to open Disk Utility?05:35
holsteinmadprops: gparted?05:35
somsipmadprops: palimpset?05:35
madpropspalimpset doesn't work05:36
miscelltAnyone have experience with postfix as a relay?05:36
somsipmadprops: palimpsest ...not a bad first guess :)05:36
somsip!info palimpsest05:36
ubottuPackage palimpsest does not exist in raring05:36
somsip!find palimpsest05:36
madpropsit doesn't work, plus that's a funny name05:36
TXRoadkillThere's something called Quick 'n Easy Web Builder05:36
ubottuFile palimpsest found in gnome-accessibility-themes, gnome-icon-theme-gartoon-redux05:36
TXRoadkillmight try that05:36
somsipHmm. Is that the right one...05:36
TXRoadkilloops, they want $20 for it :/05:37
somsipmadprops: From wiki: Disks was previously known as GNOME Disk Utility or palimpsest. So it may be something else now05:37
lshknhi all, it is possible to change owner of a file with setfacl ?05:39
holstein!chown | lshkn05:39
ubottulshkn: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions05:39
lshknholstein: tnx, so with setfacl it is impossible05:40
holsteinlshkn: i dont use it.. i change ownership with chown05:41
holsteinTXRoadkill: http://bluegriffon.org/pages/Download05:42
Kartagislshkn: man setfacl says it's not possible05:43
TXRoadkillCan that be loaded as a FF Add-On?05:43
lshknKartagis: tnx05:44
TXRoadkillyeah, not in their Add-Ons :/05:44
holsteinTXRoadkill: that? you mean the link i gave? i would just read it, and see if it meets your needs.. if i wanted a ff addon i would search https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/05:44
TXRoadkillas I said, compatibility is the big issue05:44
TXRoadkilljust checked from FF05:45
holsteinTXRoadkill: its html.. it'll edit html05:45
bray90820can anyone help me ether a bootloader or change the asserts for a rom so i can install it on my device05:45
bray90820wrong room05:45
TXRoadkillYeah, but I might as well load SeaMonkey05:45
TXRoadkillif I'm going to go with unapproved software05:45
TXRoadkilland I don;t want to do that05:46
holsteinTXRoadkill: its not "unapproved".. its not included05:46
holsteinTXRoadkill: its just not in the repos.. we dont konw why05:46
TXRoadkillUbuntu would consider it '3rd party'05:46
holsteinTXRoadkill: so05:46
TXRoadkillI'm still trying to figure out why they dropped the SeaMonkey Project from the repos05:47
holsteinTXRoadkill: its not there.  what you want is not in the repos. so, you'll need to add it05:47
TXRoadkillThey must have had a reason05:47
linociscowhat is the opensource software on sourceforge to check bill payment which is paid or unpaid or due date or underprocess or something like that?05:47
linociscowhat is the opensource software on sourceforge to check bill payment which is paid or unpaid or due date or underprocess or something like that05:47
holsteinlinocisco: check sourceforge.. this is the ubuntu channel05:47
holsteinTXRoadkill: bluegriffon has ubuntu 13.04 support05:48
TXRoadkillSo does SeaMonkey lol05:49
TXRoadkillnot the point05:49
TXRoadkillI'll try checking out the Software Center some more05:50
holsteinTXRoadkill: if you want something that is not in the repos, you'll have to install it05:50
TXRoadkillCan't believe they wouldn't have included a WYSIWYG composer in there somewhere05:50
TXRoadkillThanks for your help :)05:50
ubottukompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.05:51
holsteinTXRoadkill: i havent used one in a while.. i would just install what you want, and know how to remove it05:52
TXRoadkillThat's what I'm trying to avoid05:52
TXRoadkillIt's not that I can't do it, but I want my Ubuntu system to be as generic as possible05:52
holsteinTXRoadkill: sure.. just dont avoid it.. its literlly what you asked for when you came here05:52
TXRoadkillonly what they offer05:52
rosco_yI'm using 13.04;  how can I force a fsck on reboot?05:52
holsteinTXRoadkill: just install it.. know what you do to remove it05:53
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot05:53
TXRoadkillThanks again folks...05:53
rosco_yholstein: thank you :)05:53
rohan_my Sony laptop runs very hot on linux, even after installing bumblebee for power management. i have also installed TLP.05:59
rohan_any other tricks i can try?05:59
miscelltrohan_ outside of a physical solution have you considered something along the lines of http://wiki.debian.org/HowTo/CpuFrequencyScaling06:02
rohan_miscellt: thanks, i will try that06:03
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Ashaelhello. does anyone know of a permanent solution to bcmwl broadcom sta driver problems? I seem to have that dreadful driver that malfunctions every reboot.06:15
Ben64permanent solution is to get a different card06:16
BALTA00Anyone know how make down ubuntu 12.04 bar?06:17
BALTA00I mean it: http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1025888_10200687587703897_719884835_o.jpg06:17
sereAshael: what do you mean? whats the problem06:18
BALTA00anyone can help me?06:19
AshaelBen64: thanks! new computer, so no cigar.06:19
mathfreakBALTA00: Are you asking about how to move the top bar to the bottom?06:19
Ben64Ashael: i didn't say new computer... i said new wireless card06:19
BALTA00I want this down, like Windows OS06:19
sereAshael: why waste money when you can just fix it06:19
Ashaelsere: I have a 4313 setup. the bcmwl-kernel-source package contains a driver for it. every reboot, the wireless connections disappear.06:20
Ashaelsere: beats me, Ben64 thinks I should.06:20
mathfreakBALTA00: Hmm... I'm not too familiar with Unity, but you might want to take a look at Unity Tweak.06:20
Ben64Ashael: they have usb wireless cards for like $1006:20
mathfreakBALTA00: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/introducing-unity-tweak-tool06:20
sereAshael: im on : 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)06:21
AugustusHello, is this the help channel? I've got a GRUB issue06:21
mathfreakAugustus: Yes. Ask away06:21
AugustusOkay, so earlier today I installed Ubuntu 13.04 x86_64 alongside Windows 7 and now I can't boot into Windows 7. Both operating systems are 64-bit06:22
sereAshael: remove the driver then reboot.. it should work just fine06:22
AshaelBen64: i have a perfectly good wireless card inside the laptop. why buy a new one? besides, it's $10 USD where YOU live :P06:22
Ashael03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4727] (rev 01) Subsystem: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:0587]06:22
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Ashaelsere: been there, done that06:22
Ashael14e4:4727 seems to be notorious for that problem.06:23
mathfreakAugustus: Does the partition for Windows show up anywhere in your file manager/browser?06:24
tr0nits for the better, window$ is evil anyways06:24
sereAshael: for someone reason with my card it didnt work with sta drivers but when i removed them and rebooted it was just fine.. i came to this solution when noticing it was working right out of box install06:24
mathfreakAugustus: If you want to be thorough, you can also check with the Disk Utility tool, or with "sudo fdisk -l" in the terminal06:24
BALTA00mathfreak: I try do it, but that have error, is out base, said "W: Imposible obtener http://ppa.launchpad.net/freyja-dev/unity-tweak-tool-daily/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found"06:24
Ashaelsere: sounds about right... except I don't think it works for me. do you mean removing the package?06:25
BALTA00BALTA00 !es06:25
BALTA00!es BALTA0006:25
sereAshael: you can use jockey-gtk but yes .. let me check and see what drivers i have installed06:26
Augustusmathfreak: I can see files from my Windows partition via the file manager in Ubuntu and fdisk shows me two partitions and then says GPT detected on '/dev/sdb/'06:26
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
mathfreakBALTA00: Let me see what's up here. It'll take a moment.06:27
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mathfreakAugustus: Have you tried running "sudo update-grub2"?06:27
BALTA00Ok, I waith :)06:27
nerdtronAugustus: just "sudo update-grub"06:28
AugustusI did sudo update-grub but before that I thought I could fix everything by booting into my win7 installation disc and running bootsec /fixmbr and bootsec /fixboot but that didn't do anything06:29
AugustusI'll try sudo update-grub2 then06:29
mathfreakBALTA00: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?06:30
Ben64Ashael: $10 isn't very much. I guess it depends how much you value your time06:31
sereAshael: yea i have no drivers installed from repo.. however i have brcmsmac module loaded.. i would purge the installed drivers and then load the module06:31
BALTA00how i can delete a repository?06:31
Ashaelhmm how do i do that?06:31
sereAshael: try to run jockey-gtk .. you might not have it installed.. thats we can do if from command if needed06:32
mathfreakBALTA00: sudo add-apt-reposity --remove ppa:freyja-dev/unity-tweak-tool-daily06:32
AshaelBen64: it isn't, but you assume I earn in $USD. That is incorrect, nor does the card cost $10 wherever you buy it, regardless of locality :P06:33
Ashaelsere: I have it.06:33
mathfreakBALTA00: It looks like Unity Tweak isn't offered for 12.04 anymore.06:33
sereAshael: sweet.. so just remove the connect installed package and then reboot.. and load the brcmsmac module06:34
Ben64Ashael: you only assume i assume you earn in usd06:34
Ashaelhmf. need to wait for a large copy to finish06:34
AshaelBen64: it is quite evident from your previous comments.06:34
Ben64just because i list a price in USD does not mean you have to earn USD06:35
Augustusmathfreak: didn't work, and when I try booting into Ubuntu the screen goes black and I have to restart the computer and select the partition through the UEFI BIOS. When I try Windows 7 GRUB tells me invalid EFI path06:35
AshaelBen64: true. it does assume the cost, though.06:36
Ashaelgah. the water cooler is making this horrible screeching noise. hope the laptop didn't infect it with gremlins.06:37
=== nan is now known as Guest55179
Ben6410USD = 35.88ILS / 23.12 = 1.55 hours. If it takes longer than that to get the broadcom working, it's a waste of time.06:37
sereBen64: if you enjoy blowing throwing away money you can throw some this way :P06:38
Ben64well i only buy stuff that works with linux already, so I don't have to06:39
mathfreakAugustus: I think this thread has information relevant to your issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190442206:39
Augustusto clarify, Windows is installed on /dev/sda and Ubuntu is installed on /dev/sdb06:39
Ashaelactually, I don't earn per hour, but anyway, I'll consider that if all fails. it seems that I have the same problem as sere here did, though, so I hope I'll be able to fix it. it used to run fine until recently, when i played around with the kernel.06:39
aeon-ltdBen64: not entirely accurate, that assumes you would spend the time consecutively as you would work. If you could place a value on flexibility then it'd be more useful to the user06:40
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Ashaelaeon-ltd: nice one. want to come help me with my research? it has to do with the marginal value theorem.06:41
aeon-ltdAshael: how's the pay?06:41
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Ashaelaeon-ltd: decent.06:42
aeon-ltdAshael: do i need a degree?06:42
Augustusmathfreak: I don't understand this thread06:42
Augustusis there anyway I can use GParted to make my Windows partition bootable06:42
Ashaelweeeeeeell... one in biology would help.06:43
Ashaelcaveat: I work with rattlesnakes and vipers.06:43
aeon-ltdwell i don't have any or any college education...06:43
sereAugustus: did you lose your grub ?06:43
Augustussere: grub is there, I just can't boot into Windows06:43
AshaelAugustus: is that a BAD thing? :D06:44
AugustusYes it's a very bad thing06:44
nevynAugustus: are you on amd64?06:44
AugustusI installed from the ubuntu 13.04 amd64 iso06:45
mathfreakHmm... I'll have to do some reading on this, Augustus.06:46
sereAugustus: is the option to boot when windows there and you get an error. or no option06:46
Guest38457josss de putaaaaa06:46
Augustussere: the error is Invalid EFI path06:47
Guest38457comerme el perone06:47
Guest38457fucking bitchesss06:47
Guest38457do you like penys'06:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!06:48
mauryaarundear friends please suggest a channel for network security  or linux security06:48
Ashaelhmf. troll.06:48
Ben64mauryaarun: ##networking can probably help for network security, depending on what type of linux security... here, or #linux, or maybe a more focused channel06:49
vltHello. If you wanted to playback a list of audio files with customisable crossfades, so that on key press the next (or a certain selected) track immediately fades in, for example, in 150 ms while the currently running fades out in 750 ms, what would you use? Any idea? Is there something I can script?06:49
Ashaelpotofcoffee: that is one awesome nick.06:49
sereAshael: i prefer to shoot the whole apple tree and then pick them off the ground. optimizing efficiency and speed :o06:49
Ashaelsere: probably a good call. I'm waiting for a huge copy to finish.06:50
Ashaelthen I'll try06:50
Augustusif I can't boot into WIndows, is there some way I can delete all the Ubuntu partitions and GRUB and then boot back into Windows?06:51
Augustusor is that setting myself up for disaster06:51
sereAshael: no worries. jk anyway ;)06:51
AshaelAugustus: probably using a usb drive with the iso on it.06:51
Augustusa usb drive with Ubuntu to delete Ubuntu partitions?06:52
Augustusand what about GRUB will that be gone too or do I have to do something special06:52
sereAugustus: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting06:53
Ashaelsure. you can run the installation from the usb and use it to delete the partitions. you'd have to then reboot into windows, and fix the boot from there.06:53
Ashaelor you can try installing ubuntu again, maybe that will fix the dual boot and you'll have access to both.06:53
Ashael(GRUB changed the boot so you won't automatically boot to windows, if you asked it to - that requires another step once you manage to log in to Windows)06:54
Ashaelnote to self: do not use cp in terminal to copy a 30 gb dir06:55
vltAshael: You can abort it and continue using rsync.06:56
AugustusI will be back in a few hours, I gotta sleep on this. (It's really late/early here)06:56
Ashaelvlt: yeah, not really urgent. I'm just impatient.06:57
mathfreakAugustus: I think MBR and GPT might have been mixed together on your install (which is bad). Can't help much more than this, though. Sorry06:59
Ashaelmathfreak: he left07:00
suoreHello, i've problem i want to install wine 1.5, but shows thast packge wine1.5 require wine 1.6 but cannot be installed.07:02
Ashaelanyone using Cinnamon?07:05
naithello there!!07:25
naitI wanna do the distupgrade some one can help me?07:26
utfans05nait: in a terminal run sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade, then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:27
naitjust that?07:27
naitutfans05, I have the 10.0407:27
utfans05and your looking to go to a newer version?07:28
Jordan_Unait: "distupgrade" is not a good term to use, as "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" does *not* upgrade you from one release of Ubuntu to another.07:28
Jordan_U!upgrade | nait07:28
ubottunait: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:28
naitJordan_U,  thnx07:29
Jordan_Unait: You're welcome.07:29
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.07:29
lifeboygordonjcp: Re our brief pap-secrets discussion yesterday wrt to pptpd authentication: I'm wondering if the reference to pap-secrets to mgetty and /etc/passwd authentication is meaningful and can be used to indeed coax pptpd to authenticate against /etc/passwd.  The reference is somewhat cryptic to me.07:35
jluci install scribus svn from PPA. How do i know the path toward exec file ?07:55
jluci have an icon in unity launcher so as to launch that scribus svn, but cant find where is stored the path neither07:57
madpropsis encryption enabled by default on 12.10 + ?08:00
folornanyone got time to help with a small problem im having with Gringotts?08:01
reisiofolorn: not anyone, but probably some ones08:01
folornlemme vpaste it quick08:02
folornthere's the error im having the issue08:03
folornwell if someone has any suggestions please let me know08:05
gordonjcplifeboy: could be, but just use chap-secrets until you get *something* working and then start to play08:08
lifeboygordonjcp: Will do that.  If I do find something that works, I'll write up about it and report back.  Thanks!08:08
a111Is there a way to load everything apart from /home into a RAM disk when Ubuntu boots? Is there any downsides to doing it?08:14
MonkeyDusta111  sounds like a live session08:17
MonkeyDustmore or less08:17
DJonesa111: There is an application called preload which appears to load regularly used applications into memory so they start up quicker, I've never tried it so can't say how well it works, it doesn't really answer your question, but may be something to look at08:20
Tex_Nicka111: another question there might be ... are there any benefits ?08:20
JoeDMI don't see much point in running everything in RAM, It would be extremely volatile and exposed to a lot of errors.08:21
reisioyou would if you were rich :p08:21
ActionParsnipJoeDM: speed08:22
JoeDMIf I was rich I would be using SSD. Yeah its fast but ECC Memorys exist for a reason08:22
DJonesa111: Another question would be how much ram do you have, you may find it better to install an SSD rather than a spinning rust disk to spead things up08:22
DJonesa111: Nice08:23
JoeDMI know a lot of people in the minecraft community like to run things on RAM so there must be a way08:23
Tex_NickDJones:  I tried the preload option on 13.04 on this box ... it's relatively new hardware ... i didn't see any speed increase ... i just did away with it a couple weeks ago ... it did slow by boot time down a bit08:23
JoeDMcheck this out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootToRAM08:23
somsipa111: preload might help you. Adding a load of oft-used software to start on loging might help you08:24
Tex_NickDJones: i really should have posted that to a11108:25
DJonesTex_Nick: Interesting & good to know, what I read about it was that it could lead to slow downs in that the system would be using a lot more memory and wouldn't be releasing memory for unused app's08:26
=== ER is now known as Guest52150
JoeDMJust had a thought. You could use a program like Sardu to create a bootable RAM disk of a Ubuntu live CD and run it all from RAM that way08:28
Tex_NickDJones: yes sir ... i just couldn't see a noticeable increase in performance ... on slower box's with sufficient memory it might help ?08:29
JoeDMTBH I don't think you would see a noticable performance increase for every day activities08:30
peawormsworthI am looking to buy a new SD card for use with Ubuntu. I have class 10, but also see there is know UHS-1.08:30
peawormsworthDoes ubuntu support UHS-1 SD cards?08:30
DJonesTex_Nick: I guess a slower boot would be expected due to loading everything into memory08:31
elfenixtorresI'm wondering, despite that I like Ubuntu, why is the word 'Linux' gone from the Ubuntu website?08:31
JoeDMUbuntu will run on the SD card but remember they usually only have read/write speeds of around 50mb/s08:31
MonkeyDustthis line in fstab loads /tmp into RAM, it boosts my system           tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 008:32
JoeDMcompared to like 100-150mb/s for HDD08:32
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peawormsworthI run Ubuntu on SD class 10 cards. I am curious whether ubuntu will have any problems with the UHS-1 type.08:33
reisioeasy way to find out08:33
JoeDMshould work if you have an interface for it08:34
JoeDMWith that said I have had a server which can't boot from a standard USB with ubuntu on it... So hardware may affect things08:35
minimecpeawormsworth: I don't see a problem with ubuntu and UHS-1. But you may not have the 'promised' speed, as UHS-1 cards need an approriate hardware to make fully use of the UHS standard.08:35
peawormsworthi dont know that I have an interface for it. I just see they are cheaper and have potential to be faster. Will they not work with backwards compatible hardware?08:35
somsippeawormsworth: a quick search suggests it's more about kernel compatibility08:36
JoeDMI didn't think they were any faster to be honest08:36
Tex_NickDJones: "spinning rust disk" i liked that ;-)08:36
minimecpeawormsworth: You can use them without problem. I have one of these. They are stable and backwards compatible.08:36
peawormsworththanks minimec. I will try buying one then.08:37
JoeDMspeeds are only 80/40 MB per second. I would run it for convinience only08:37
peawormsworthi am not worried about getting the speed from it. The UHS-1 cards are cheaper right now.08:38
peawormsworthJoeDM: my experience in the past is that I will not even get 1/2 that speed.08:40
JoeDMIf you want somthing small and convinient to install ubuntu on that will definetly work you might want to look at a DOM (Disk on Module). just eBay for somthing like "8gb dom"08:40
ActionParsnipJoeDM: If you do video / audio encoding, if you put the file to manipulate in tempfs it will go faster than any physical drive you can buy :)08:44
NickwizIIRC when I used: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdxX /mnt/usb_with_fat32, all files and directories used to get 0777 permissions. When I do it now they get 0755. Has there been a change, or do I remember incorrectly?08:45
Tex_NickActionParsnip: you're who introduced me to tempfs a year or so ago ... i've used it on several new builds including this box ... i do a lot of video transcoding with ffmpeg ... i need to give that a shot ;-)08:48
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theahindleHowdy - trying to get java jdk on latest version of ubuntu08:55
theahindleif I changed sources.list to add non-free, apt-get update and apt-cache search - it's not there08:56
theahindledo I need to remove restricted or is it not non-free anymore, or is it not in the repos?08:56
theahindleOr none of the above08:56
DJones!java | theahindle08:56
ubottutheahindle: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.08:56
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rudolf_Is there any hibernate alternative in ubuntu?09:10
Guest77519hello, could somebody please explain what "network twain" is? I have an oki mc342dn and i need to scan from an ubuntu box09:11
silver_moonhi, somebody help, i was running kde, and in a yakuake terminal dropdown i started distro upgrade, as the distro upgrade started installing software packages the desktop suddenly became unstable and now I cant see the yakuake terminal09:11
silver_moonhow to bring up the yakuake terminal09:12
reisiorudolf_: ?09:12
reisiosilver_moon: you could try with reptyr09:12
DJonesGuest77519: TWAIN is a software protocol/API to communicate between software and scannners09:12
silver_moonreisio: what should i exactly do ?09:13
silver_moonactually now i see a broken desktop, half gnome and half kde on the screen09:13
reisiosilver_moon: install reptyr, run reptyr09:13
Guest77519DJones: understood but what is "network twain"?09:13
silver_mooncant, the distro upgrade is going on09:13
silver_mooni somehow need to bring up the yakuake terminal09:13
reisiosilver_moon: CTRL+ALT+F2 will get you a console, potentially09:14
reisio+F7 will get you back to X09:14
nanyaks_i need to sort 'ls' output via file names, any ideas?09:14
Guest77519DJones: I'm trying to use xsane to scan from the oki but not working09:14
reisionanyaks_: ls | sort09:14
silver_moonthats a separate console, i need the yakuake console where the distro upgrade is going on09:14
DJonesGuest77519: How is the scanner connected? Is it via USB or is it a network scanner on another machine09:15
Guest77519DJones: network09:15
Guest77519DJones: ipv409:15
nanyaks_reisio:yeah, but doesn't 'ls' have options to sort?09:15
reisionanyaks_: sure09:15
silver_moonhi, by knowing the pid of a terminal, is it possible to get that terminals output in another terminal ?09:15
reisiosilver_moon: already told you how09:15
silver_moonmeans extract its stdout09:15
reisioLouwrens: hi09:16
LouwrensI've got a resize2fs process running and i think it's gonna take a while. can I press CTRL-C?09:16
reisiogood question09:17
DJonesGuest77519: My experience has only been with HP scanners over networks, I can't think of anything to suggest for you for an OKI scanner09:17
Guest77519DJones: ok, i was hoping network twain was a protocol the xsane could somehow interact with09:18
Louwrensdoes anyone know a good chat where I can ask about lvm questions?09:19
Louwrensthanks, reisio09:19
reisioLouwrens: #linux09:19
ActionParsnipTex_Nick: its a tonne faster, your HDD is a lot slower than RAM, obviously you need to appreciate apps need to run etc but if you have a tonne of RAM then go for it09:20
DJonesGuest77519: About the only thing I can find is the sane-project list of supported scanner at http://www.sane-project.org/sane-backends.html which doesn't list the scanner you mentioned09:21
rudolf_reisio, I mean is there anything like hibernate in ubuntu?09:22
reisiorudolf_: yes09:22
rudolf_What is it?09:22
jony_easyriderit is possible to create on Ubuntu server a job which will be executed automatically at a certain date and time?09:22
Gryllidait's 'hibernate'09:22
somsip!crontab | jony_easyrider09:22
ubottujony_easyrider: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto09:22
Gryllidajony_easyrider: yes, use cron09:22
ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: you can use at09:23
jony_easyriderty all09:23
Catalysticis there a gui to cron?09:23
ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: for a single shot use at, for repeated things use cron09:23
reisiorudolf_: are you using a laptop?09:23
rudolf_Gryllida, but why I am not seeing that function? I see just suspend, logout and powerout.09:23
ActionParsnipCatalystic: gnome-schedule09:23
rudolf_reisio, yeah09:23
jony_easyridercron can owerwrite a file with another?09:24
reisiocron can do anything09:24
Gryllidarudolf_: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/power-hibernate.html09:24
Guest77519DJones: ok, thanks anyway09:24
somsipjony_easyrider: cron just schedules commands to run. If the command can do what you need it to do, then you're sorted09:24
ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: each user has a cron, so the access will be effective as the cron. If you cron as root you can do anything09:25
jony_easyridersomsip, ok, but if it needs to overwrite with sudo?09:25
somsipjony_easyrider: like ActionParsnip just said - you setup the cronjob with 'sudo crontab -e' so you are editing root's crontab09:25
Tex_NickActionParsnip: yes sir i have 16GB of RAM ... i might as well be using it for something ...99% of the time only a bit is being used ;-) ... thanks for the thought09:25
Pawsi have a question about watch.. when i do watch du -H --max-depth=1 - it works the first time, then after the first interval it spits out an error09:25
Pawsdu: WARNING: use --si, not -H; the meaning of the -H option will soon change to be the same as that of --dereference-args (-D)09:26
ActionParsnipTex_Nick: well, its used for files cache09:26
jony_easyridersomsip, but it won't ask for the root's password when executing?09:26
somsipjony_easyrider: no - it runs as root09:26
jony_easyridersomsip, ty09:26
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ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: cron as root won't ask for password, you are root, sudoers states that root needs no password09:27
MonkeyDusti use a cronjob as root to shutdown my pc at 4am -- in case i forgot to switch it off ;)09:28
rudolf_Hey Gryllida the commands on that page did wierd things to my laptop.09:31
rudolf_My screen was divided into two parts. One part was stuck and the other was lagging. :|09:32
wasanzywhat do I need to connect to my server via VPN?09:32
Gryllidarudolf_: did it happen when you ran pm-hibernate, or when you were resuming from hibernate?09:33
wasanzyI intalled openvpn on a server and want to connect to that server over the vpn09:33
silver_moonhi, i started something very important in a yakuake dropdown terminal , but the desktop is screwed up and the yakuake terminal is no more visible, i need to see the output in that yakuake terminal, how can i do this ?09:33
KomaIs your VPN server your gateway?09:33
reisiosilver_moon: I already told you09:33
silver_moonreisio: i cannot install any new packages :(09:34
reisiosilver_moon: why not?09:34
Komais the subnet that the vpn server giving to you the same subnet of the LAN ?09:34
silver_moonbecause already an apt-get process is running in that terminal09:34
Komaif yes there is a problem09:34
Gryllidawasanzy: openvpn is also the client, check docs at www.openvpn.net09:34
reisiosilver_moon: so?09:34
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
silver_moonso i cannot issue another apt-get install09:34
Komaelse add a routing to yhe vpn network via the openvpn server as gateway09:34
Gryllidawasanzy: so you'd have to also install it at the client machine09:34
reisiosilver_moon: I told you how to overcome that as well09:35
reisioyou don't appear to pay attention :/09:35
rudolf_Gryllida, when i ran that command, my screen went black for 2 seconds and then it happened.09:35
wasanzyI did install it on the client mechine so what else do I do?09:35
wasanzythe vpn is not my gateway and they are not in the same LAN09:35
Gryllidawasanzy: http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html#examples09:36
wasanzythat link is not opening09:37
Gryllidawasanzy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN#Getting_Clients_Connected is official documentation on setting up the client09:37
rudolf_Gryllida, my laptop didnt actually turn off after that command I think. The screen went black for 2 seconds only.09:39
Gryllidarudolf_: what is the size of your swap partition, and the size of your RAM?09:40
rudolf_Gryllida, my swap is 1.98GB and RAM is 2.0 GB09:41
HonvaiWhat is the command to start irc server?09:42
Gryllidarudolf_: Increase swap and checking for the issue, or at least that's what that wiki page says...09:42
reisioHonvai: dpkg -L nameOfIRCServerPackage | grep bin09:42
reisioHonvai: alternatively, there might be a service you can start09:42
GryllidaHonvai: Which irc server? There are different deamons and you have to use different commands to start them.09:42
wasanzyGryllida: I have seen the page and is the same thing I did. my question is, I uses ssh to connect to the server, now that VPN is in place, do I use the same VPN? and how do I get to the exact server?09:43
wasanzyor do I need some kind of GUI?09:43
rudolf_Gryllida, ok. One thing more. I just noticed an exclamation sign near a ntfs partition in gparted. Is there some prob?09:44
Gryllidawasanzy: Just start the VPN service and then, when you connect to, say, 10.1.1.X (if lan is on 192.168.xxx.xxx), VPN will connect you to your server.09:44
jpdswasanzy: You can connect to the server, over SSH over the VPN.09:44
Gryllidarudolf_: Screenshot?09:45
rudolf_gryllida, ok..a min09:46
Gryllidawasanzy: What VPN does is take over a certain range and forward everything sent to it to your server. So you don't have to do special things other than set it up and connect to the proper server IP.09:46
owahiHi, I am having problems with my mouse.  My 1 year old pushed lots of buttons on the keyboard and now my touchpad won't work.  The mouse works fine with a USB mouse connected.  There is a touchpad deactivate key assigned to the Fn key on my laptop but this doesn't make it work.  My partner's laptop has had the same problem for quite some time now.  Can anyone help?09:47
reisioowahi: did you clean it?09:49
wasanzyand I don't need to do anything on the router?09:49
jony_easyriderhow can I set cron to execute only once?09:50
reisiojony_easyrider: use 'at' instead09:51
MonkeyDustjony_easyrider  cron is used to execute commands repeatedly09:53
owahireisio: he had clean hands.09:53
reisioowahi: sure he did09:54
reisioowahi: now clean your touchpad and see if anything changes09:54
ActionParsnipjony_easyrider: at is a one-shot scheduler, not repeated commands. Dead handy09:54
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owahireisio: seriously, is there a way I can get an index of all special function keys ?09:56
rudolf__Gryllida, http://tinypic.com/r/2wrghoi/509:56
LouwrensHow do I send the command to disown a process to another bash ? is it possible?09:57
reisioowahi: it'd be sensible to make sure it works at all first09:57
MonkeyDustowahi  keep the super key pressed for a few seconds09:57
reisioLouwrens: help disown ?09:57
rudolf__Gryllida, you there?09:58
Gryllidarudolf__: It's not mounted, so probably no need to worry about it and hibernate.09:58
owahireisio: the touchpad works fine in the startup screen before I log in so no problems there.09:58
rudolf__Gryllida, see that exclamation mark? Why is it there? Is there some prob?09:59
wasanzysorry for my questions, but in this case, it means when I connect to the public IP, the VPN will be taking me to the lan where my server is?09:59
reisioowahi: what does 'xinput' say?09:59
jribLouwrens: why do you want to do this?  Give more details about what exactly you are doing and why09:59
owahiMonkeyDust: no luck with that.  any other options?09:59
LouwrensAlright, I  was so silly to run a lvresize command without running a screen session. Now I would like to disown the resize2fs process it spawned, but after hitting ctrl-z, I do not get a prompt to run bg and disown. possibly because lvresize runs a bash scipt...10:01
jribLouwrens: so you've hit ctrl-z but done nothing else at this point?10:01
rudolf__reisio, can you tell what is that mark for in that pic?10:03
LouwrensI can hit ctrl-z and I see from another (ssh) session that resize2fs and the parent bash script /sbin/fsadm gets suspended, and I can continue them both with kill -CONT.... but I want to disown the process from the ssh shell10:03
jribLouwrens: is it listed in "jobs" output?10:03
LouwrensI cannot get a prompt to run jobs10:03
Gryllidarudolf__: Ok, it's not related to hibernate and it's a separate issue. You could try running a disk check on it and pastebin a full report. (A thing I didn't do myself; it could be «ntfsfix   /dev/sda8».)10:03
reisiorudolf__: pic?10:03
jribLouwrens: didn't you suspend the process?10:04
dopiehow do i kill firefox process?10:04
Gryllidareisio: http://oi40.tinypic.com/2wrghoi.jpg is rudolf__'s screenshot.10:04
Louwrensyes, but somehow I do not get a prompt. I cannot run bg, disown or jobs10:04
Gryllidadopie: «ps aux | grep firefox; kill pid»10:04
Louwrensit's lvresize that runs the bash script that runs the resize2fs command10:04
reisio...which mark?10:04
Gryllidareisio: Exclamation mark, «!».10:05
Gryllidawasanzy: What's up?10:05
Louwrensjrib: thanks for your time already!10:05
jribLouwrens: seems strange.  I guess you can try reptyr or retty maybe or consult #bash about being able to reclaim input10:05
reisiosomething to do with a Windows filesystem10:05
reisioask #windows10:05
Gryllidareisio: With an NTFS filesystem and Ubuntu running a disk check on it.10:05
wasanzyGryllida: sorry for my questions, but in this case, it means when I connect to the public IP, the VPN will be taking me to the lan where my server is?10:05
Tex_Nicki have tmpfs enabled on this box ... can i view the contents of tmpfs & copy files from & to tmpfs with nautilus ? df -h shows 1.6G available & 976K used10:05
Gryllidareisio: Ubuntu does support NTFS. It's not technically outside this channel scope. ;)10:05
jribLouwrens: also, if it's crucial that lvresize completes without you killing it, I would just leave it be10:05
reisioGryllida: no, he's running it, not Ubuntu10:05
owahireisio: Um, I will need help deciphering what it says.  Do you want me to post the results?10:05
Gryllidareisio: Ah.10:05
reisioGryllida: never said it was10:05
reisioowahi: sure10:06
wasanzyI am very new to vpn that is why10:06
Gryllidareisio: I'm not sure. Isn't that an Ubuntu screenshot?10:06
reisioGryllida: of gparted run by a user, yes10:06
Louwrensjrib: okay, I was going to do that. I am not going to try and see what happens if i close ssh or hit ctrl-c.10:06
rudolf__reisio, what do yo mean??10:06
Gryllidawasanzy: With VPN, you don't need to use public IPs. Use local IPs within the range you VPNed.10:06
Louwrensjrib: I just dont want to depend on the ssh line now...10:06
reisiorudolf__: about what?10:07
rudolf__reisio, "Gryllida: no, he's running it, not Ubuntu"10:07
Gryllidareisio: So where is he running Windows? He just has an ntfs partition, which Ubuntu complains about. I'd say asking what the nature of the complaint is could be fine.10:07
reisiorudolf__: I mean you ran it personally10:07
reisioGryllida: I wouldn't disagree10:07
reisioand haven't10:07
Gryllidarudolf__: OK, let's see what  «ntfsfix   /dev/sda8» says. If someone else here knows a better way to run a disk check on an ntfs partition, this could be cool; I have no personal experience with the subject.10:08
Gryllidauhty: Hello.10:08
uhtyHi,:) (new)10:09
wasanzyso why do I have to add this in my client.conf? remote remoteIP 119410:09
Gryllidarudolf__: Might want to run it with «-n» switch (so it only reports, but doesn't fix anything.)10:09
rudolf__Gryllida, rudolf@rudolf-VPCEH25EN:~$ ntfsfix /dev/sda810:09
rudolf__Mounting volume... Error opening '/dev/sda8': Permission denied10:09
rudolf__Attempting to correct errors... Error opening '/dev/sda8': Permission denied10:09
rudolf__Failed to startup volume: Permission denied10:09
FloodBot1rudolf__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:09
Gryllidauhty: Welcome. What's up?10:09
Gryllidarudolf__: Run it with sudo.10:09
Ben64rudolf__: and use a pastebin10:09
rudolf__yeah, sorry10:10
Gryllidarudolf__: «sudo ntfsfix  -n  /dev/sda8».10:10
GryllidaBen64: I'd assume there are GUI tools for that?10:10
Ben64for pastebinning?10:10
GryllidaBen64: No, for disk checks.10:10
Ben64well, for ntfs you really should use windows10:11
reisioGryllida: the better way is in Windows10:11
wasanzyGryllida: so why do I have to add this in my client.conf? remote remoteIP 119410:11
reisioBen64: :p10:11
Gryllidarudolf__: Do you have a er, Windows install available that you can boot into?10:11
Campfirehey guys10:11
Gryllidawasanzy: No idea, I don't think 1194 even looks like an IP...10:11
rudolf__Gryllida, Mounting volume... OK..Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.10:12
rudolf__Checking the alternate boot sector... OKNTFS volume version is 3.1.NTFS partition /dev/sda8 was processed successfully.10:12
rudolf__Gryllida, yes I have10:12
Gryllidarudolf__: Is that all output that you get?10:12
wasanzyGryllida: no 1194 is the VPN port and that is to come after a public IP10:13
rudolf__Gryllida, yeah it gave only that much.10:13
Campfirewhat ubuntu distros are suported here10:13
Gryllidarudolf__: Might want to ask ##linux or, if you are willing to boot into Windows to run a disk check there, ##windows.10:13
GryllidaCampfire: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 12.10 and 13.04.10:13
rudolf__okies...gonna reboot10:14
Campfirety gr y10:14
Gryllidawasanzy: Yes, VPN client has to know the server's public IP. Once things work, there is no need to use that IP; you just use the 'local' IPs.10:14
Campfirewhats the difference of the server10:15
GryllidaCampfire: Server edition has no GUI and is built to run on servers (a set of preinstalled apps useful for servers rather than desktop users).10:15
Campfirei mean what can the 10.4 do10:15
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Campfirety again10:15
GryllidaCampfire: Server editions are supported a bit longer, so you see 10.04 server support, but not desktop support.10:16
wasanzyGryllida: but in this case, am trying to connect to the vpn server remotely, meaning the client is not in the same network as the VPN server, so how will it work with only local IP?10:16
ActionParsnipCampfire: they don't have a desltop UI either10:16
Campfireso like remote stuff for servers10:16
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Gryllidawasanzy: You need to use public IP to tell the client what server to connect to.10:17
Gryllidawasanzy: Once the VPN is up, it it like a second LAN you're in; you needn't use public IPs to access it.10:17
wasanzyI run this openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/client.conf an it seems everything is ok10:18
wasanzyso now I will try to ssh to the Lan IP and see10:19
Campfiredo i need ssh if i don,t do remoting10:20
GryllidaCampfire: Maybe not.10:21
Campfireso i can turn it off10:21
Campfirei,m still learning term10:22
Onixsany info about gma3650 being supported now?10:23
Campfirewhats that onix10:24
Campfirei,m new here10:24
Campfireoh screen res10:24
Campfirewas this a netspit10:25
DJonesCampfire: No just normal changing users10:25
Campfirei,m bored can we create a channal to talk about anything10:25
rudolf_Gryllida, yeah everything is fone now. I ran chkdsk/f from windows.10:26
DJones!alis | Campfire You can search for channels that have topics you want to discuss using the alis bot,10:26
ubottuCampfire You can search for channels that have topics you want to discuss using the alis bot,: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:26
Gryllidarudolf_: Ok, nice. Presumably Ubuntu/GParted doesn't complain now?10:26
ArneLurkI'd like to change my desktop theme.  I'm using 13.04. Is it GTK or Gnome? I know nothing about this atm10:26
GryllidaCampfire: Yes, ssh should be safe to turn off.10:26
Campfireok how do i do in term10:27
Campfirewell the command10:27
rudolf_Gryllida, yeah no complains now. :)10:27
GryllidaArneLurk: Gnome is a desktop environment built using GTK toolkit. See Appearance preferences for builtin themes, or www.gnome-look.org for more.10:27
Campfirei,ll google it10:27
Campfiremy bad10:28
ArneLurkWill do, Gryllida !10:28
MonkeyDustArneLurk  use gnome-tweak-tool or unity-tweak-tool10:28
Campfireis ssh a service10:28
GryllidaCampfire: «sudo service ssh {stop,start,restart}»10:28
MonkeyDust!themes | ArneLurk10:28
ubottuArneLurk: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:28
Campfirei need to know all services running10:28
GryllidaMonkeyDust: Thanks. That's quite more links than the one I had. :)10:28
lroyhi guys is this the ubuntu chat?10:28
Gryllidalroy: Yes.10:29
ArneLurkI found a workbench 1.2 theme there already, but I migfht want to tweak it or make my own from scratch. Alsom icon sets10:29
lroyive been having trouble with this graphics card10:29
GryllidaCampfire: «sudo service --status-all» or a GUI tool, if Gnome has one.10:29
rudolf_Gryllida, I think the partition was mounted and the laptop wasnt properly shutdown.10:29
lroyit displays fine in 800x600 resolutions10:29
Gryllidarudolf_: That could be it.10:29
lroyi can boot my bios with it10:29
lroyi can run ubuntu live10:29
lroyand boot into my system10:29
lroybut then when i install drivers for the card10:29
sp3cklroy, nope it's not the ubuntu chat... :P10:29
lroyit wants to go into an HD resolution on the next startup and hangs at a purple ubuntu loading screen10:30
lroyand i have tried going into the GNU boot screen and changing the settings to nomodeset10:30
lroyand still nothing10:30
sp3cklroy, "<lroy> hi guys is this the ubuntu chat?"10:31
lroylol isnt it?10:31
MonkeyDustsp3ck  support, not chat10:32
lroywell i need support10:32
sp3cklroy, anywayz rofl10:32
lroywhy does my graphics card hang on startup10:32
MonkeyDustsp3ck  wrong person, sorry ;)10:32
sp3cklroy, I'm messing with u mate!10:32
lroyits so weird that it works in lower resolutions10:32
lroyhaha i know10:32
lroyits all good man10:32
lroyhas anyone seen anything like this?10:33
lroyis there something else i can try in the GNU menu on startup?10:35
reisiolroy: to do what?10:35
lroyidk to get into my system10:35
MonkeyDustlroy  start from the beginning, what goes wrong10:36
lroythe graphics card "works", i can boot into my bios, I can run ubuntu live, and i can run the installed ubuntu, but then when i install the driver my system refuses to finish booting, and it just hangs on the purple ubuntu startup screen10:36
lroyit basically works in all 800x600 resolutions10:37
lroyand i have tried going into the GNU startup screen pressed "e" and changed the startup settings to nomodeset10:37
lroyand still nothing10:37
lroyany ideas?10:38
Gryllidalroy: How do you "install the driver"?10:39
lroyi download the latest AMD catalyst driver10:39
lroyand install it via the command line10:39
lroyi have a few computers10:39
Gryllidalroy: Doesn't Ubuntu work out of the box?10:39
lroyand its just this one card thats giving me trouble10:39
lroyit does10:40
lroybut i need the drivers10:40
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.10:40
Gryllidalroy: Why do you need the drivers?10:40
lroyso the machine can interact with the graphics card10:40
lroyand i know its supposed to work10:40
lroyi have done it with my other computers10:41
lroyits just this one graphics card doesnt wana go into an10:41
lroyHD resolution or something10:41
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GryllidaDoesn't Ubuntu already work out of the box enough to interact with the graphics card?10:42
lroylike it does10:42
sp3cklroy, if ubuntu worked why did you installed the drivers?10:42
lroybut then i can only see it with "lspci"10:42
lroylike how do i display in HD and control the fans and overclock etc10:42
lroyi need the AMD drivers for that10:42
GryllidaOk. Now I see the problem (somewhat).10:42
MonkeyDustlroy  need or want?10:42
lroythey are bitcoin mining rigs10:43
ArneLurklooks like myunity might be in the universe repos?10:44
Campfirewhats ? mean in service i got - + and ?10:44
MonkeyDustArneLurk  better use unity-tweak-tool, it's myunity 'the next generation'10:45
ArneLurkThanks, I10:45
ArneLurkOk. I also got Gnome tweak tool10:46
MonkeyDustArneLurk  and there's also ubuntu-tweak (not in the repos)10:47
ArneLurkI got a gtk+ theme in a tar.gz... should I place it anywhere in particular?10:47
MonkeyDustArneLurk  in ~/.themes10:48
ArneLurkunpacked or still tar.gz ?10:48
MonkeyDustnot sure10:48
* benuphoenix is running xubuntu off of an old 8gb class-6 sdhc card. for some reason, he thinks that is cool.10:49
lroy@monkeydust is there someway for me to boot into like a low-res safe mode?10:49
benuphoenixoh...this is a support channel...oops...sorry for chatting10:50
MonkeyDustlroy  there rescue-mode or something... press ESC during boot to get the grub menu10:50
GryllidaArneLurk: Tried feeding the .tar.gz to the theme manager?10:50
lroyare there any other graphics modes/ settings i can try before startup?10:51
GryllidaAnyone - can tell Campfire what the modern Gnome3 servive manager tools are?10:51
ArneLurknot yet... I'm still navigating my file structure and unhiding files10:51
Campfirety i,m learning term on it10:51
Campfiretaking notes i should know this10:52
ArneLurkI'm finding a lot of themes folders using search, but the detailed view won't tell me where they are located10:54
GryllidaArneLurk: Try feeding it to theme manager first.10:55
GryllidaArneLurk: It's "~/.themes".10:56
ss_hazecan I get stabilize option in kdenlive10:58
ss_hazewithout trying to install newer repo versions from sunab?10:58
ss_hazeI have ubuntu 12.04 and here is kdenlive
m_bEnableHandSwiUbuntu 13.04 kernel panicks while disconnecting bluetooth DUN10:59
m_bEnableHandSwiAny idea why?10:59
=== Will_ is now known as Guest92410
ss_hazewhats DUN?11:00
m_bEnableHandSwiDial Up Networking11:00
jdolesHow can I tell KDE to open .foo files with the program called foo and .bar files with the program called bar? Both are plain text files.11:01
reisiojdoles: likely by right-clicking on them in dolphin11:01
ss_hazeI have Galaxy S 1, and I can share internet trought bluetooth with 12.0411:01
ss_hazebut there is no reason to, cause I have cable11:01
m_bEnableHandSwiWith 12.04 and 12.10 it is fine.11:01
m_bEnableHandSwiI can acceess internet.11:01
h34d3rsomeone is american here?11:02
ss_hazedon't use 13.04 then11:02
m_bEnableHandSwiBut problem arises when disconnecting the DUN connection.11:02
ss_hazeor ubuntu-bug this problem11:02
m_bEnableHandSwiAll of a sudden kernel panics.11:02
DJonesh34d3r: There probably are, if you have an ubuntu support question, just ask it in the channel11:02
ss_hazeI am from Latvia, someone uses kdenlive to stabilise video?11:02
m_bEnableHandSwiI've searched a little and I guess its a kernel bug.11:02
jdolesreisio, that doesn't work, try it.11:03
m_bEnableHandSwiJust needed to know if there is any workaround of some sort.11:03
ss_hazeI have version of kdenlive, where there is no button stabilise yet11:03
ss_hazesomeone uses kdenlive from repos of kdenlive page or no11:03
reisiojdoles: how doesn't it work?11:03
Mattias2I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and I noticed there is no xterm-256color file in /usr/share/terminfo/x/, but there is a xterm+256color one which does not work. Did I miss installing something?11:06
ss_hazewhat does this file give you Mattias211:07
ArneLurkGryllida, >  oh, the ~ means home directory. I have no .themes there so I'll make a foder11:08
wasanzyGryllida: I am not able to connect to the VPN11:09
ActionParsnipArneLurk: its a handy shortcut, so is $HOME and /home/$USER11:09
ActionParsnipArneLurk: same difference11:09
Mattias2ss_haze: you mean the contents of xterm+x256color?11:09
wasanzyI wan to get something right, in the server.conf, the IP used was something like 10.x.x.x so is that the IP I should be connecting to instead of the server's local IP?11:10
ss_hazeI mean what did you installed when you missed file I don't know anything about and so on11:10
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ArneLurklooks lioke I need to use the ubuntu tweak tool, not the unity tweak tool11:10
Mattias2ss_haze: I just want to enable $TERM to xterm-256color, but since the file does not exist I can't do that.. this file should be there from the beginning, I don't understand how it can be gone11:11
ss_hazeanybody knows how to make ssh server on other pc11:11
ss_hazeit's for terminal programm?11:12
ss_hazeit's gone cause you or ghosts deleted it11:12
Kartagisss_haze: sudo apt-get install openssh-server11:14
ss_hazeit will give gui also?11:14
Kartagisfor gui, use software center11:15
ss_hazessh server on the same pc where apache is on is safe I guess11:16
BluesKajHey all11:16
OghamHi all, how can I full screen a window accross multiple desktops/monitors in unity?11:17
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wheatthinss_haze, if you want an ssh gui for windows to communicate to your ssh server then I'd suggest winscp11:18
ss_hazewhat makes you guess I have windows11:18
ss_hazeI don't even dualboot11:18
ss_hazebut tnx11:18
wheatthinyou can also use sshfs and use nautilus to connect11:19
wheatthinfor file transfers11:19
wasanzyHello in my server.conf of the openvpn configuration, I have this server so am I supposed to connect to the from the client?11:23
wheatthinumm your server is supposed to be, that's your network address is
wasanzymy server is that is the local IP11:25
wheatthinif that's so, then your server cannot communicate to
wheatthinor any of the sort11:26
wheatthinunless you have two nics11:26
wasanzythen should I change the server.conf to reflect the
OghamI can't find any way to full screen a window across a dual monitor unity desktop with out painfully dragging it about manually.. any suggestions?11:26
wasanzyso am going to have something like server
wheatthinexcept that's still nework address11:28
wasanzyoh ok11:28
wheatthinfor network address11:28
wheatthin192.168.1.1 for the real addy11:28
wasanzyI will use then since that is the exact server local IP11:28
wheatthinthere ya go11:29
wasanzythank you, will get back11:29
kalakjhello everyone11:34
wasanzym getting  failed at restart11:34
wasanzyError: ERROR: Linux route delete command failed: external program exited with error11:34
kalakjhow to solve this11:34
kalakjFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dbus/libdbus-1-3_1.4.18-1ubuntu1.3_i386.deb11:35
kalakji am getting this message, i also tried manuaally downloading the same11:35
kbotnenhi, is there any package that contains alot of ppd files? I want to get the ppd files from the i.e the hplip tarball, but do I have to package ut up myself?11:35
kalakjbut this file does not there in the list11:35
kalakjhelp me to solve that11:35
kalakjFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dbus/libdbus-1-3_1.4.18-1ubuntu1.3_i386.deb11:35
wheatthinkalakj, did you try to manually set your network?11:35
wheatthinkalakj, spamming won't get you anywhere11:36
kalakjwheatthin:  means what11:36
wheatthinwhat means what?11:36
kalakjwheatthin:   i mean what does spamming mean and what does manually set your network mean11:36
wheatthinasking multiple times=spam11:37
wheatthinmanually setting your network, I mean static assigning network address and route11:37
kalakjwheatthin: oh really, if some body asks multiple time for help, does it mean, he/she is spamming11:37
wheatthinyup, if it's the same thing over and over11:38
kalakjwheatthin: no, automatic , which is provided by my ISP11:38
wheatthinkalakj, does ifconfig eth0 show you have a network address?11:38
kalakjwheatthin: no, i am using a USB MODEM, tell me command for that11:39
wheatthinkalakj, it should still show an ethernet address11:40
kalakjwheatthin: Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol11:41
kalakj          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
kalakj          UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:111:41
kalakj          RX packets:38790 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:011:41
kalakj          TX packets:31410 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:011:41
kalakj          collisions:0 txqueuelen:311:41
kalakj          RX bytes:54684125 (54.6 MB)  TX bytes:2223711 (2.2 MB)11:41
FloodBot1kalakj: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:41
kalakjwheatthin: what to see11:42
wheatthinwell it's already set.. umm type    sudo route11:42
wheatthin!flood | kalakj11:42
ubottukalakj: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:42
ActionParsnipwheatthin: why sudo for route?11:42
wheatthinActionParsnip, I dunno just to have no conflicts11:43
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ActionParsnipwheatthin: conflicts with what?11:43
wheatthinActionParsnip, in communication11:43
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wheatthinActionParsnip, why bug me when I'm helping?11:43
ActionParsnipwheatthin: the output is identical, so sudo is not needed11:43
kalakjwheatthin: now what to do, with output11:44
wheatthinpaste it to pastebin like the bot said11:44
kalakjwheatthin: see above11:45
wheatthinkalakj, so this is a usb adsl modem?11:48
kalakjno, USB wireless 3g modem11:48
ActionParsnipkalakj: can you ping
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kalakjActionParsnip: ping is working11:49
wheatthincat /etc/resolv.conf11:50
railsraidercan someone help with upstart11:50
ActionParsnipkalakj: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null11:51
railsraideri have a a runnig job that when i do reload it tells me not running11:51
ActionParsnipkalakj: then try the web11:51
kalakjwheatthin: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null11:51
ActionParsnipkalakj: does it work ok?11:51
kalakjOH SORRY11:51
ActionParsnipkalakj: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head > /dev/null       will then make it stick (if it works) =D11:52
ActionParsnipkalakj: you have a route to the outside world so the next thing to check is DNS11:53
EdijusHello. Is there possible to make Ubuntu LiveCD to auto execute web browser on the boot-up?11:53
wheatthinnot that I know of Edijus, the livecd is preconfigured11:53
Mattias_I just noticed a file named "-1" but when I try to mv -1 or mv "-1" or even vim "-1" or anything, everything thinks it's an option and not a file.. how can I get rid of this file? or maybe check what's in it?11:54
Edijuswheatthin: There should be a way...11:54
ActionParsnipEdijus: if you use a USB instead with a persistant storage, you can add the autostart as you would in an installed OS11:54
wasanzyam getting this error when starting up the openvpn11:54
nightcrowdoes anyone know how to set up an ftp proxy?11:54
ActionParsnipMattias_: you need to escape the character in the filename11:54
wasanzyOptions error: --server directive network/netmask combination is invalid11:54
nightcrowcan someone help me to set one up please11:54
wasanzyany help?11:54
EdijusActionParsnip: Sadly, USB storage is not a solution. I don't want anything to be stored anywhere except ramdisk.11:54
Mattias_ActionParsnip: if I escape with \-1 it still thinks it's a flag11:55
Mattias_ActionParsnip: really strange :/11:55
nightcrowwasanzy: seems like you are using the wrong IP in accordance with your netmask11:55
ActionParsnipnightcrow: export ftp_proxy="http......."11:55
nightcrowActionParsnip: whats that?11:55
nightcrowwasanzy: show me your network config11:55
ActionParsnipnightcrow: a bash command, to set a variable which is used to identify the proxy to use for ftp11:55
wasanzynightcrow: this is what I have in the conf: server
bgardnerMattias_: Have you tried quoting it?11:56
ActionParsnipEdijus: then you will need to manually remaster the ISO, make the changes then receate the new ISO file11:56
metaphysicianMattias_: vim ./-111:56
Mattias_bgardner: using "" gives me the same thing, all commands thinks it is a flag11:56
EdijusActionParsnip: Any tutorial how to do so?11:56
Mattias_metaphysician: testing :)11:56
ActionParsnipEdijus: millions11:56
Mattias_metaphysician: that works!11:56
wasanzyany idea? nightcrow11:57
nightcrowActionParsnip: i want to set up a proxy - basically, I have a server that can connect to an FTP server and then another server located remotely (in another subnet) that I want to be able to also connect to the server. so basically A > connects to > FTP. B > connects to > A. I want B > to connect to FTP via A.11:57
nightcrowwasanzy: looks fine to me buddy11:58
nightcrowshow me your error again11:58
EdijusActionParsnip: Could you provide me some URL, please?11:58
JesusHello all.11:58
JesusI am Jesus.11:58
wasanzyOptions error: --server directive network/netmask combination is invalid11:58
ActionParsnipEdijus: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=make+your+own+ubuntu+based+OS11:58
JesusI would like help as my linux system does not work with WEP.11:58
=== Jesus is now known as Guest41205
Guest41205Anybody here?11:59
ActionParsnipnightcrow: oh, then you can use squid11:59
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ActionParsnipGuest42061: many11:59
dajesiusActionParsnip: Hello sir, I would like a moment of your time.11:59
nightcrowActionParsnip: how?11:59
ActionParsnipdajesius: sup11:59
dajesiusand you, nightcrow; I would like a moment of your precious time too.12:00
dajesiusso, yes.12:00
dajesiusI use Ubuntu, alright.12:00
ActionParsnipnightcrow: look online, lots of squid guides. I set mine up using a youtube video12:00
dajesiusI use wicd.12:00
dajesiusso, when I connect to non-encrypted wifi networks12:00
KevDicould someone tell me whats wrong with this if statement? if [[ "$i" == "DSC_0076.jpg" || "$i" == "DSC_0078.jpg"]] then echo "Find" fi? if i use this if statement inside my script it says syntaxerror unexpected word then'12:00
dajesiuseverythin' is fine12:00
dajesiusKevDi, please hold on.12:00
nightcrowdajesius: can i help you?12:00
ActionParsnipdajesius: try hitting ENTER less, it scrolls he channel less and is easier to follow12:00
dajesiusit works with non-encrypted12:00
dajesiusalright, actionparsnip. i'll follow your path to glory12:00
wasanzynightcrow: have you seen it?12:01
ActionParsnipdajesius: what wifi chip do you use?12:01
Ben64dajesius: don't tell people to hold on either, they have just as much of a right to ask questions as you12:01
nightcrowActionParsnip: does squid run on server A or server B?12:01
wasanzyOptions error: --server directive network/netmask combination is invalid12:01
nightcrowwasanzy: im not sure, your IP/netmask look find12:01
ActionParsnipnightcrow: wherever you want, you can configure quid to allow connections from external systems if you want12:01
dajesiusnightcrow & ActionParsnip & wasanzy & Ben64: I use Ubuntu and WICD, when I try to connect to non-encrypted wifi networks, it works, and when I try to connect to WPA1/WPA2 encrypted networks, it works too, but when I try to connect to WEP-wifi servers, it gives me "error obtaining ip"12:02
ActionParsnipnightcrow: can make the web faster due to caching :)12:02
ActionParsnipdajesius: which wifi chip are you using?12:02
dajesiusActionParsnip, how can I check that? any command to know what wifi chip I use?12:02
ActionParsnipdajesius: sudo lshw -C network     will tell you12:02
nightcrowActionParsnip: but Im not sure how to use it as a proxy12:03
ActionParsnipnightcrow: guides online will tell you, there is also #squid12:03
ActionParsnipnightcrow: nobody is born knowing.....12:03
nightcrowtrue :)12:03
dajesiusthe internet isn't secure.12:03
ActionParsnipdajesius: we just need the product line of the wireless12:03
ActionParsnipdajesius: it can be in places12:03
dajesiusalright actionparsnip, i'll paste it to paste.ubuntu.com to avoid flood.12:04
ActionParsnipdajesius: its one line, so there will be no flood12:04
rschmittyHello, I'm having troubles with a fresh ubuntu 12.04 server install and unattended-upgrades in that email results come as a .dat file:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5780235/12:05
ActionParsnipdajesius: then its a AR9285 .no need for the pastebin :)12:05
ActionParsnipdajesius: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue12:06
dajesiusActionParsnip, any idea how I can make WICD connect to WEP-encrypted networks?12:06
dajesiusalright wait12:06
auronandace!wep | dajesius12:06
ubottudajesius: WEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:06
dajesiusUbuntu 10.412:06
dajesiusauronandace, but how can I connect to it bro.12:06
dajesiusthat's the question.12:06
dajesiusI know it's shitty, but how can I connect to it.12:06
ActionParsnipdajesius: what ois the output of:  uname -a12:07
Ben64dajesius: if you're on 10.04, you need to upgrade. and watch the language in here12:07
dajesiusActionParsnip, mind if I share /var/log/wicd/wicd.log12:07
ActionParsnipdajesius: go for it12:07
ActionParsnipdajesius: what is the output of:  uname -a12:07
dajesiusLinux juicebox 3.2.6 #1 SMP Fri Feb 17 10:40:05 EST 2012 i686 GNU/Linux - I was messing around my kernel a few weeks ago.12:08
dajesiuschanging it and stuff.12:08
dajesiusbut I don't think this caused the wicd problem.12:08
nightcrowActionParsnip: squid3 supports FTP?12:08
dajesiusnightcrow: yes.12:08
ActionParsnipnightcrow: I use it here, so yes12:09
Ben64dajesius: what is the output of:     lsb_release -r12:09
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ActionParsnipdajesius: is this a desktop OS? with mouse pointers and Firefox browser?12:09
dajesiusactionparsnip: yes.12:09
ActionParsnipdajesius: then it is EOL, Lucid is no longer suported on the desktop12:09
ActionParsnipdajesius: I suggest you upgrade to Precise which is LTS and supported til April 201712:10
dajesiusbut how in the world can I connect to WEP-networks.12:10
dajesiusany ideas?12:10
ActionParsnipdajesius: your install isn't supported here12:10
dajesiusalso, this is a dhcp problem.12:10
ActionParsnipdajesius: its like installing WIndows 98 then calling Microsoft for suport12:10
ActionParsnipdajesius: they wont support you as the OS is dead12:10
ActionParsnipdajesius: same with Lucid on the desktop12:11
dajesiusaw man12:11
dajesiusbut I need help.12:11
Ben64then upgrade to 12.0412:11
auronandacedajesius: that doesn't change the support rules12:11
ActionParsnipdajesius: upgrade to Precise which you can do in one jump online, or clean install Precise from CD / USB and you will be supported12:11
Ben64not to mention you installed a non standard kernel12:11
Ben64thats double unsupported here12:11
dajesiusim gonna walk away12:12
dajesiuswith a sad face12:12
JustSomeGuyhi how can i remove a "rogue" block device? i have the device /dev/xvdf which was removed from the machine but its still listed and now uses 100% of the cpu12:12
ActionParsnipdajesius: if you dislike Unity shell, install Xubuntu 12.0412:12
dajesiusi shall install xubuntu then12:12
dajesiusi hate unity shell12:12
ActionParsnipJustSomeGuy: did you use the safe removal feature in your OS before removing it?12:12
ActionParsnipdajesius: Unity ironically is not for everyone :)12:13
JustSomeGuyActionParsnip, (its a server no gui) i unmounted the filesystem12:13
ActionParsnipJustSomeGuy: but did you eject the device before pulling it?12:13
dajesiusActionParsnip, are you aware of PERF_EVENT?12:13
JustSomeGuyActionParsnip, how do i eject a the device from cli?12:13
ActionParsnipdajesius: no idea, sorry12:13
dajesiusActionParsnip, are you aware that Ubuntu 11.x to 12.x are rootable?12:14
ActionParsnipJustSomeGuy: sudo eject /dev/sga     for example12:14
dajesiusby rootable I mean, privillege-escalation vulnerability.12:14
ActionParsnipdajesius: yes, but its not advised r necessary12:14
dajesiuslinux is slowly becoming windows12:14
dajesiuswe all have to admit12:14
dajesiuswindows= viruses12:14
JustSomeGuydajesius, no ubuntu is slowly becoming windows...12:14
JustSomeGuydajesius, ubuntu != linux12:14
dajesiuslinux= backdoors/exploits12:14
JustSomeGuyuh sry12:14
ActionParsnipdajesius: please take it elsewhere, this is support12:15
JustSomeGuyActionParsnip, eject /dev/xvdf > not an sg device, or old sg driver, eject: unable to eject, last error: Invalid argument12:15
dajesiusJustSomeGuy, hackers aren't focused on windows anymore12:15
auronandacedajesius: can you go talk nonsense elsewhere, this channel is for support12:15
DJones!ot | dajesius12:15
ubottudajesius: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:15
dajesiusthe time when viruses for windows were made is gone12:15
dajesiusnow it's time for linux12:15
ActionParsnipJustSomeGuy: sudo fdisk -l   does it show?12:15
dajesiusto get virusified.12:15
ActionParsnipdajesius: again, take it elsewhere please12:15
dajesiusactionparsnip, does Ubuntu support xfce?12:16
JustSomeGuyActionParsnip, fdisk -l hangs :D i see the device in iostat though12:16
auronandace!xubuntu | dajesius12:16
JustSomeGuyActionParsnip, with 100% util12:16
ubottudajesius: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels12:16
ActionParsnipdajesius: yes the xfce based release is just as supported as the main gnome based ubuntu release12:16
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.12:17
ActionParsnipJustSomeGuy: are there PIDs accessing it in:   lsof12:17
ActionParsnipdajesius: lubuntu 12.04 is not LTS (sadly)12:17
auronandace!msgthebot | dajesius12:17
ubottudajesius: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:17
dajesiusActionParsnip: ouch!12:17
JustSomeGuyActionParsnip, ah yeah it does thx12:17
YcareneHow do I forcibly remove a package with circular dependencies?12:17
dajesiusis ubottu real or something12:17
wheatthinwicd isn't no more in current releases12:17
DJones!bot | dajesius12:18
ubottudajesius: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:18
ActionParsnip!info wicd raring12:18
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version (raring), package size 4 kB, installed size 46 kB12:18
ActionParsnip!info wicd saucy12:18
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 4 kB, installed size 46 kB12:18
ActionParsnipwheatthin: really?12:18
BluesKajwheatthin, is there any alternative to NM , then ?12:18
JustSomeGuyActionParsnip, ok i killed the accessing processes but still i get 100% util in iostat12:18
wheatthinyup I suppose12:18
Ycarene!info circular dependency12:20
ubottu'dependency' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable12:20
ActionParsnipwheatthin: wherever you read that wicd is not in newer releases, I suggest you send them the text I made ubottu output. They are dead wrong12:21
dajesiusActionParsnip & wheattin & BluesKaj & JustSomeGuy & Ben64 & Ycarene: Why doesnt “tail” work to truncate log files?12:21
dajesiusI'm trying to manage my log file size using a cron script. I basically want to delete all but the last 2000 lines of the log file every night. I'm trying to run this command, but it seems to be emptying the entire file instead of doing what I want:12:21
dajesiustail -2000 logfile.txt > logfile.txt12:21
dajesiusDoes anyone know why this isn't working and/or how to accomplish what I want? :)12:21
jpdsdajesius: 'tail -n 2000' is what you want.12:21
YcareneI have something installed that consists of three packages, each package is dependent on the next and the first on the last, so it won't let me un-install any of them because the other on the one I want to remove.12:21
dajesiusjpds, thanks!12:22
dajesiusthat worked.12:22
Ben64Ycarene: uninstall all 3 at once?12:22
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dajesiusBen64, ubuntu vs opensuse12:22
Ycareneben64 - you know, I thought of it right before you said it.  :P12:22
jpdsdajesius: Not yet.12:23
jpdsdajesius: Not here*12:23
JustSomeGuyok its time for a restart for the server i guess12:25
JustSomeGuydamn you amazon12:25
rschmittyAnyone experienced with unattended-upgrades? I'm having troubles with a fresh ubuntu 12.04 server install and unattended-upgrades in that email results come as a .dat file rather than text in the body:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5780235/12:25
nightcrowdoes wget support socks proxy?12:26
ArneLurkI'm going to try using Metacity to fiddle with themes on my 13.04 install. Will it work?12:26
dajesiusnightcrow: no.12:26
Ben65nightcrow: google says yes12:28
chunkyheadhow to delete my encrypted swap and then recover it?12:33
regorianerthere was a chan for open source software, but #opensource is nealry empty, which one was it ?12:33
marahinGuys, what is the difference between linux-generic and linux-server?12:35
dajesiusmarahin, linux-generic sucks.12:35
dajesiusand linux-server doesn't.12:36
pianogmxwhere do I go on ubuntu to set up my wiki page?12:36
marahindajesius, well, *coughs*.12:36
dajesiusmarahin, the world spins on and on.12:36
dajesiusbut linux-generic doesn't.12:37
dajesiusit's still there, stuck in the lonely islands of win32.12:37
marahinmokay ;P12:37
dajesiuschr0n1k, let's tango down.12:39
chunkyheadhow to delete my encrypted swap and then recover it?12:39
dajesiuschunkyhead, chuck em'.12:39
ArneLurkoops, I did a metacity --replace by mistake, what's the default thingy to replace back to?12:39
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chunkyheaddajesius, what do u mean12:40
rudolf_Does anyone here use aria2?12:40
dajesiusArneLurk, configure your PERF_EVENT configuration files and set memset()'s swap-area to 52.12:40
dajesiusas that is default.12:40
dajesiusrudolf_: only fans of bill gates use aria212:40
nightcrowdamn it :(12:40
dajesiusare you a fan of bill gates, aria2?12:40
nightcrowwget doesnt support a socks proxy12:40
dajesiusnightcrow; damn the bible.12:40
chunkyheaddajesius, the problem is when is start my computer it takes time and then tells me that swap could not be loaded or something. press s to skin and something else to do manual stuff.12:41
rudolf_dajesius, why so? It is a download utility.12:41
dajesiusrudolf_, the world, is like a box of chocolates, and aria2 is like a piece of chicken, so.12:41
dajesiusand chicken isn't healthy, aria2.12:41
rudolf_nightcrow, is wget too command line initiated?12:41
dajesiusit's bad for you.12:41
rudolf_dajesius, I am not aria2 :|12:42
dajesiusnightcrow; ssh-tunnelling all the way, only newbies use sock-proxies.12:42
dajesiusrudolf_, aria2 is a download utility ya dumbhead.12:42
chunkyheadhow to switch swap on and off?12:42
rudolf_dajesius, I need some help with its commands. Can you please help?12:42
ubottuchunkyhead,: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info12:42
wheatthinchunkyhead, swapon swapoff12:42
dajesiusI sure can, what do you need help with?12:42
dajesiuswheattin, thanks for helping out chunkyhead, I thought he was gonna unleash his gloryness over this channel.12:43
rudolf_dajesius, I am unable to use its options. Like -j is used to set max number of parallel downloads and its usage is "-j, --max-concurrent-downloads=N" but it always gives some syntax error when i use it.12:44
rudolf_Can you please tell me how to correctly use the option?12:45
nightcrowis there an alternative to wget for ftp that can support socks12:45
crossRTHi guys, anyone know is that 13.04 disable scroll on launch bar? or is it a bug?12:45
wheatthinnightcrow, just use proxychains with wget12:46
nightcrowim not familiar with that12:46
chunkyheaddajesius, is it so difficult for u to help someone new?12:47
rudolf_dajesius, I mean I just want to know how to use that option? The usage in the man pages seems a little weird and all are giving some errors.12:48
pianogmxhi i would like to contribute to ubuntu but I am trying to figure out how to go about doing that.  i found that there is no longer a mentor program.  can someone help me out?12:49
ubottupianogmx,: contribute is To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu12:49
rudolf_Can anyone tell what am I doing wrong at the terminal?12:51
pianogmxacerimmer, yes I read this but I am stuck on trying to learn how to do bug fixes and all that stuff or do something software related.  hence I was looking for a mentor but I saw that "program is closed" thing12:52
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ArneLurkApparently unity --replace gave me back the 13.04 look. I have no idea what I12:53
acerimmerpianogmx, might I suggest you attempt to network locally ... your linux/ubuntu user group would likely welcome your participation.12:53
vedicHi, my parents are using a laptop that is now 3 years old. With windows vista, it is running too slow now. I was thinking to install Ubuntu 12.04 desktop on it but was worried would he be able to use it as he is comfortable with windows. Any suggestions, how I can make the Ubuntu 12.04 (is 13.04 worthier for this task?) appear more like windows?12:53
ghkinghelp me please! My stardict always quit automaticly when I scan or input anyword. I have try start it in terminal, it shows "Segmentation fault" when it dead.12:53
gordonjcpvedic: making it "appear like" Windows won't make it work like Windows12:54
bazhang!themes | vedic12:54
gordonjcpvedic: that'll only make things more confusing12:54
ubottuvedic: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:54
acerimmervedic, xubuntu and lubuntu are optimized for older/lower spec machines.12:54
rschmittygordonjcp: most parental units just want to click and icon and do something, they don't care how it works as much as where are the icons :P12:55
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gordonjcprschmitty: exactly12:55
rudolf_What do I do when a new version of ubuntu is released? Do I need to download the complete iso and reinstall everything?12:55
gordonjcprschmitty: it took my mum roughly 10 seconds to get used to Unity12:55
bazhangghking, this is a debian install?12:55
rudolf_bazhang, you use aria2c right? Can you help me with setting the options?12:56
rschmittygood point, unity is probably better for older folks, nice big icons no "start menu"12:56
bazhangrudolf_, never used it, no12:57
acerimmerrudolf_, best practice is to download the iso, make a usb and clean install that puppy.  IMO.  Then again, I only install LTS so go figure.12:57
rudolf_bazhang, nut you suggested it...so i thought. :|12:57
bazhangacerimmer, I think you mean rschmitty12:58
acerimmerrudolf_ oh and "download" means torrent.  md5sum check is assumed.12:58
acerimmerbazhang, eeks.  too late.12:58
rudolf_acrimmer, so that means with every new version we need to reinstall all the softwares?12:58
vedicrschmitty: correct12:58
bazhangghking, Please do Not crosspost your debian questions here, thats for #debian alone12:59
vedicbazhang: Thanks12:59
acerimmerrudolf_, LTS is supported for 3 years on the desktop.  non-lts are not.  reinstalling every 2 - 3 years seems reasonable to me ...12:59
mjuszczakI need a jre for Apache Directory Studio.  What's the recommended one for ubuntu?12:59
bazhang!java | mjuszczak13:00
ubottumjuszczak: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:00
bazhangwhich one does apache directory studio demand mjuszczak ; see the links above13:01
ghking<bazhang>, oh, sorry! but I think ubuntu is not much different form debian.13:01
mjuszczak thank you13:01
pianogmxacerimmer, where would i find a group online that can take me into a group project where I can learn about software development with someone?13:02
pianogmxacerimmer, like a linux channel...13:02
acerimmerpianogmx, ##linux  ?13:02
bazhangpianogmx, why not join #ubuntu-bugs , #ubuntu-packaging , #ubuntu-meeting , and #ubuntu-devel and silently watch what happens there13:03
acerimmerbazhang, excellent suggestion13:03
rudolf_acerimmer, what is the difference between LTS and UBUNTU desktop?13:03
wheatthinLTS stands for long term support13:03
bazhangrudolf_, one has five years support the most recent only NINE months13:03
bazhangrudolf_, LTS = five years13:03
randomgryrudolf_: LTS is a name of version, the bit which says the Ubuntu version is supported for a long time. UBUNTU is the operating system name.13:03
acerimmerrudolf_, LTS is ubuntu.  Long Term Support.  on desktop versions, LTS is 3 years ... except 12.04 which has 5 years.  On server, LTS is supported for 5 years.13:04
rudolf_But why is new ubuntu desktop released every 6 months and LTS every 2 years?13:04
acerimmerrudolf_, in my case, I use Ubuntu Studio.  Latest version 12.04 and supported until 17.04.  Next LTS version will be 14.04.13:05
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
bazhangrudolf_, thats beyond the knowledge or scope of this channel, (the new shorter nine month support cycle)13:05
acerimmerrudolf_, consider the non-LTS to be bleeding edge test version ...13:05
rudolf_ok...means non-LTS versions are continuously tested and when they are stable enough they get converted into LTS?13:06
rudolf_Thats why new LTS version takes 2 years?13:06
rudolf_Am i right acerimmer ?13:07
acerimmerrudolf_, formulating my response ...13:07
rudolf_Just telling you what I understood from your response. :)13:07
rudolf_ok thanks :)13:08
acerimmerrudolf_, non-LTS do not "convert" to LTS.  LTS is arguably subject to a more rigorous testing cycle and does not include all the latest shiny stuff that the interim releases have.  On the other hand, for a production environment, 3 - 5 years of support is quite attractive.13:09
acerimmergotta go.  coffee shop is closed.13:09
rudolf_hmm...got it13:09
MoonlightningSo I have a headless home server with FDE, and I want to be able to reboot it remotely, without having to find a keyboard and type in the passphrase.13:14
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gordonjcpMoonlightning: doesn't that kind of negate the usefulness of FDE?13:14
MoonlightningSeems to me that it shouldn't, if it's done right.13:15
Yapplehey guys. just installed XBMCbuntu onto an old DELL inspiron 1525 (core 2 duo, intel GMA graphics). resolution 1280x800 (on the laptop's display), but when i switch to 1920x1080, the TV only shows 1/4 of it13:16
ActionParsnipMoonlightning: if you add the shutdown command in sudoers to not need password, you can then run:   ssh username@server "sudo shutdown -r now"13:16
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Yapplein my case, the laptop only shows the bottom left of the 1920x1080, and the TV mirrors this (but on the top right of itself)13:17
rudolf_Can applications access internet too if run on wine?13:18
Moonlightningthe encryption passphrase *13:18
Picirudolf_: yes13:18
dosequisquick question here - do user space device drivers override the default behavior of a given device? Or do they run in parallel?13:19
stevenmHey why is package 'acpi-support' not installed with ubuntu server but is with ubuntu and xubuntu - is it more of a desktop thing?13:21
stevenmI thought acpi was just "pc's"  - not specific to just non-servers13:22
arminghi all13:22
bgardnerstevenm: acpi-support is oriented around suspend/resume/hibernate, lid closure, etc.  Things that servers don't want to be doing.13:22
ActionParsnip!info acpi-support13:23
stevenmbgamari, i thought it also did shutdown?13:23
ubottuacpi-support (source: acpi-support): scripts for handling many ACPI events. In component main, is optional. Version 0.141 (raring), package size 21 kB, installed size 135 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; ia64; lpia)13:23
ActionParsnipstevenm: you could report a bug if you suspect one13:23
armingis there a glibc-static lib on ubuntu?13:23
stevenmbgardner, i guess what i'm asking is - if i have a physical server without 'acpi-support' installed... if i push the power button once - will it begin to shut down?13:23
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bgardnerstevenm: I don't know.  If I were you, I would test that in a controlled environment with an idle server.13:25
aguitelwhat twitter client is working under ubuntu ?13:34
AaronMT'Friends', although it's quite bad13:34
adamk_firefox :-)13:34
ActionParsnipaguitel: polly13:34
aguitelActionParsnip, thanks13:34
ActionParsnipaguitel: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:conscioususer/polly-daily; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install polly13:36
aguitelActionParsnip, ok13:36
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DJonesaguitel: Friends works for me13:40
DJonesActionParsnip: Is polly working for you? I'm using the same ppa but it refuses to connect for me, keeps giving a 410 error13:41
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DJonesActionParsnip: Never mind on that, its just connected for the first time in a week13:42
Orion78Hi, I use Ubuntu 13.10, today I made an upgrade after something like 3 weeks (or mabye more) of no-upgrade period. After reboot I noticed that my network interface names are no longer renamed according to /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. Anybody knows what can be the problem here?13:42
BluesKajOrion78, best to ask in #ubuntu+113:43
DJonesOrion78: Support for 13.10 is currently in #ubuntu+1 until the final release13:43
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Orion78BluesKaj, DJones: Thank you!13:44
aguitelDJones, how instal it ?13:47
rschmittyhow could i find who provides a package?13:54
somsiprschmitty: !find {app}13:54
somsiprschmitty: or do you mean, who maintanis it?13:54
rschmittyya, maintainer so i can see if they have bug tracking or such13:55
rschmitty!find unattended-upgrades13:55
ubottuFound: unattended-upgrades13:55
somsiprschmitty: http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:55
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:55
ActionParsnipDJones: i dont use a twitter client, I just use the web ui. I dont care about twitter enough to need an app13:56
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MonkeyDusti have never used twitter or facebook14:09
nanyaks_need to check the all connections to my system...any ideas?14:13
MonkeyDustnanyaks_  "all connections to my system" is a bit vague14:13
Moonlightningnanyaks_: netstat maybe?14:13
nanyaks_I just made a bluetooth connection to my system and i dont know how i can monitor it from my system terminal14:14
amminihciconfig ?14:15
Mage_DudeI'm trying to use boot repair to fix a VirtualBox image. I've run boot repair and have the system info. A basic repair didn't work because it said I needed to enable the apt repository that contains grub2. The problem is that the universe repositories are enabled. Not sure what to do.14:17
spidernik84hey there. Anyone who has a system76 laptop? Any good/bad experiences?14:17
MonkeyDustspidernik84  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic14:17
ActionParsnipMage_Dude: you can chroot from liveCD, probably easir14:18
spidernik84MonkeyDust, thanks. Wasn't aware it existed. Good to know!14:18
Mage_DudeActionParsnip: I've gotten to a terminal from the livecd, but it keeps wanting to repartition everything and wipe the data.14:19
ActionParsnipMage_Dude: not if you chroot14:21
Mage_DudeActionParsnip: Which would be the 'rescue a broken system' option right?14:23
ActionParsnipMage_Dude: omgubuntu has a great how o called: sticking it to grub14:23
ActionParsnipMage_Dude: no, it's not an 'option' its a series of commands, your terminal will then be acting on the installed OS14:23
ActionParsnipMage_Dude: and you can run all sorts of commands and manipulate grub and so forth14:24
urbanslughey are any of you guys interested in open GL games?  I want to learn but I'm in need of some advise.14:25
Mage_DudeActionParsnip: Those require the desktop version of the livecd don't they?14:26
ActionParsnipMage_Dude: not specifically, you can do it in another TTY on the server install CD14:27
folorncould anyone help me with a small problem : im trying to find the file path to gringotss if i apt-get installed it14:38
folornso i can edit the config file???14:39
folornor patch it i should say14:39
anonymous#join jin14:40
anonymousjoin jin14:40
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MathCubesCan anyone help me?14:46
DJonesMathCubes: You need to ask your question first14:46
MathCubesI need to get viedos divers for my laptop.14:46
MathCubeshere I need the Linux Versions14:46
MathCubesI got the intel one on here14:47
MathCubes@DJones Can you help me with that?14:48
adamk_MathCubes: Is X currently running?14:49
adamk_Pastebin your current /var/log/Xorg.0.log file.14:49
MathCubeswhat with /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:50
adamk_Install pastebinit and run 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log'14:50
JoeDMMathCube do you know which video chipset is in your laptop? Dell have 6 listed14:51
adamk_Which is why I'm asking for the Xorg log file.14:51
MathCubesIntel® Sandybridge Mobile14:51
JoeDMIts either going to be nVidia or intel. If its nVidia they usually have drivers on their website14:51
MathCubesIntel® Core™ i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz × 414:51
adamk_I'd like to see what GPU is involved (or GPUs) and what problem you're trying to fix here.14:51
Mage_DudeIf  have a drive mounted that contains the grub files, can I just install grub onto that?14:52
JoeDMI install grub to the MBR of the same drive with grub files14:53
MathCubesYes I have a 32 gb sd card but It have all of my stuff on it.14:53
=== cristian_c is now known as nessuno
Mage_DudeJoeDM: It's a server install so AFAIK there's a separate sda partition that contains the grub files14:54
ZestyLemonsorry I'm on Windows 9514:54
crystal77I cannot figure out how to compress an archive. tar -czfv filename.tar.gz directory/ gives a "Cannot stat: No such file or directory". What gives?14:54
ActionParsnipcrystal77: try using the absolute path of the folder to compress14:55
MathCubesHERE: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5780703/14:55
mbeierlcrystal77, you're not on a read-only filesystem are you?14:55
crystal77Nope, same thing. "tar: wp-content.tar.gz: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: Removing leading `/' from member names tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors"14:56
saiarcot895crystal77: shouldn't the f switch go at the end?14:56
adamk_MathCubes: So what makes you think you need to install any extra drivers?14:56
adamk_MathCubes: You are correctly using the open source intel driver...14:56
MathCubesMore are listed14:56
saiarcot895tar -czvf filename.tar.gz dirs14:56
crystal77Woah, what? If I do "tar -cvzf wp-content.tar.gz" instead, it works. I guess the order of flags matter?14:56
saiarcot895Switch f requires a file name14:56
k1l_MathCubes: there is no need to install a driver for the intel ones. intel works with the community to put the drivers into the kernel14:56
crystal77Ahh, so f has to go last. It thinks v is the filename, that's why a file called "v" keeps being created...14:57
MathCubes@adamk_ and when I run a game at first i got 100 - 130 fps then it drop to 1 - 5.  ON windows it stay at 100 - 120 Fps that Why.14:57
k1l_MathCubes: grab the logs from that game /systemlog what causes the drop14:57
MathCubesIt is all games14:58
k1l_MathCubes: and most steam games require a seperate video card like amd or nvidia14:58
MathCubesthat is med-high graftics14:58
Mage_DudeI mounted the wrong partition sda instead of something else, umount didn't remove it. Is there a particular flag that needs to be added to remove it?14:59
MathCubesI have Intel and With windows i get 100 - 120 fps for hours with Linux it is only for 3 min and it drop to 3 - 1 fps.14:59
JoeDMMathCubes try installing sudo apt-get install mesa-utils15:00
crystal77saiarcot895: Thanks man! :)15:00
MathCubesI did15:00
saiarcot895crystal77: you're welcome15:00
k1l_MathCubes: repeating that will not help your problem. get the logs to show what causes the drop15:01
MathCubesI try this http://goof848.wordpress.com/2011/12/20/how-to-setup-ubuntu-11-10-on-a-inspiron-17r-n7110/15:01
JoeDMyou can try installing the drivers from intel15:01
MathCubesbut that only made my system to go to Low Grifics mode15:01
JoeDMk1l_ he did https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=13815&lang=eng15:02
adamk_MathCubes: Then you didn't install them properly.15:02
JoeDMsorry he posted here http://paste.ubuntu.com/5780703/15:02
adamk_I find it very doubtful that newer drivers from intel are going to help.15:02
k1l_well, than he should ask intel what is wrong with their driver15:02
MathCubesand one of them have a bad ppa15:02
MathCubesI did get the intel diver installed15:03
MathCubesHow do I get the logs for the games?15:03
MathCubesI play xonotic and red ecipes15:04
JoeDMMage_Dude you can't unmount a partition that is in use15:04
JoeDMthere is a way to kill everything though15:04
ActionParsnipMathCubes: did you by any chance ad the xorg edgers ppa like steam seems to think is a good idea?15:04
Mage_DudeJoeDM: I think I've done enough to kill everything. Trying to not kill it more15:04
MathCubesActionPArsnip I don't know what you are talking about!!!!?!15:05
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MathCubesHow do I add them?15:05
ActionParsnipMathCubes: when the steam app runs it mentions xorg edgers to get bleeding edge (unstable drivers and Xorg), did you install these?15:05
n00b1Hello, I'm having problem with GRUB .. during boot it only displays "GRUB loading.  _ "15:07
ActionParsnipMathCubes: good15:07
n00b1that's all15:07
n00b1can anybody help me pleae15:07
armingwhich package provides  full set of libc headers on ubuntu15:07
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saiarcot895n00b1: I'm no expert on grub, but you might have to start Ubuntu on a Live CD/USB and fix the GRUB data/bootloader using Boot Repair15:09
JoeDMMage_Dude have you tried "fuser -km /mnt/share" followed by the unmount. This should stop every process accessing the drive15:09
xlairei have problem, dunno how to change drive to my memory stic15:10
xlairehow to do that15:10
n00b1I have done that15:10
Mage_DudeJoeDM: Well, that might not even matter anymore. In looking at fdisk, my main partition...doesn't have a partition table!?15:10
n00b1I installed ubuntu on usb and plugged it in and reboot15:10
n00b1still the same15:11
JoeDMn00b1 what did you install GRUB to?15:12
adamk_MathCubes: I recommend trying another 3D game that isn't as hard on the GPU and see if the problem persists.  Something like neverball.15:13
JoeDMcan you try inserting the ubuntu CD then at the menu select "Boot from first hard drive" This should boot a grub for you at which point you should be able to boot the system and check grub config.15:13
MathCubesIt work just fine under windows.15:13
JikagI am receiving a report from a user that they are unable to disable DHCP, he says " As soon as I change the setting from DHCP to  manual, the button at the bottom of the window that says "Save" greys  out and can not be selected."15:13
JoeDMif not then Rescue Mode15:13
MathCubesAnd I want to play with my friends15:13
JikagDoes anyone know what might be common cause of this?15:13
adamk_MathCubes: This is not windows, so the fact that it works there is completely irrelevent.15:14
JoeDMJikag he needs to put in a valid static setting to save the configuration15:14
adamk_MathCubes: Again, try a simpler game just to see what happens./15:14
Adrian179Does anybody knows how to configur Coova Chilli?15:14
JikagJoeDM: Thanks15:14
MathCubesI know but you are sying it is the cpu but... if it was then why does windows run it just fine?15:14
MathCubesI will try neverball one15:15
JoeDMyou can disable the interface by modifying the /etc/network/interface file. add a "#" before the word "auto ethX"15:15
adamk_MathCubes: I said nothing about your CPU.15:15
adamk_And, in case you hadn't noticed, Windows uses a different graphics system than Linux, and therefore uses different drivers.15:15
JoeDMthen you need to restart networking by either "service networking restart" or "/etc/init.d/networking restart"15:16
xlairein terminal how to change drive to my memory stick'15:16
Adrian179or just ifupethX15:16
MonkeyDustAdrian179  try ##networking15:16
Adrian179Join ##networking15:16
JoeDMQuestion, How do you address a message to a user in this forum15:17
vtrrif anyone's interested in 20gb cloud storage: https://copy.com?r=MoOiFE15:17
Adrian179Hi GiBy15:18
ActionParsnipJoeDM: doesn't disable it, it just isnt brought up at boot time :)15:18
adamk_JoeDM: This isn't a forum, it's IRC :-)  You type the person's nick, followed by a colon or comma usually, and then say what you want...  If you want to send a message that only that user can see, you use the /msg command. You really should not do that without asking the user first.  There are lots of good tutorials on using IRC on the internet.15:19
JoeDMadamk_: thanks15:19
JoeDMActionParsnip' Good enough :)15:20
MathCubesSame but It took longerwith neverball and it wasn't as bad15:22
GiByI never use ubuntu (I tried, but never satisfy) .... Actually whille on IRC talking about translation somewhere else... someone took a po file as template... It was a very old one of a project I translated years ago... he told me he has got it on ubuntu... Could you please update the game supertux?15:22
JoeDMon the topic of IRC is there a way to disable notifications for everyone joining and leaving... my screen is too cluttered to read anything15:23
DJonesJoeDM: Which irc client are you using15:23
JoeDMMathCubes: Sorry I have always disliked graphics drivers. Not sure what you should do. I use shell for everything15:24
adamk_MathCubes: If you yell, no one is likely to help you.15:24
MathCubesI am using openbox and to play games too15:24
JoeDMDJones: web based one that was linked on ubuntu homepage15:24
JoeDMMathCubes: What was the exact problem, I came in half way.15:25
MathCubesOkay JoeDm, When I plays Game in 3 mins. in the drop to 3-1 fps from 100-200 fps.15:25
DJonesJoeDM: webchat.freenode.net ?15:25
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MathCubes@JoeDM Okay JoeDm, When I plays Game in 3 mins. in the drop to 3-1 fps from 100-200 fps.15:26
Adrian179Does anybody know how to configure CoovaChilli?15:27
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DJonesJoeDM: If it is, can you see the IRC dropdown menu in the top left, click that and go to Options, there is a tick box to hide joins/parts/quits15:27
JoeDMMathCubes: Sorry, Not sure. Sounds like the drivers are okay if the game can start. I dunno where to troubleshoot from there.15:27
MagicarpI'm trying to use parted to recover several lost partitions. I said to start at 0 and it's recovered one partition but how do I say go on to find the others?15:28
MathCubesBut What diver Do I need? I have my intel viedo diver15:28
JoeDMDJones: Thanks, I looked there twice before but am obviously blind. Much more clear now.15:28
adamk_MathCubes: You are using the correct driver for your GPU.15:28
JoeDMMathCubes: In my experiance ubuntu default drivers should be fine for intel15:29
adamk_Do not download/install anything from Dell.15:29
adamk_MathCubes: If you absolutely want to try a newer driver, grab the one directly from Intel and hope for the best.15:29
MathCubesHumm Did not install one for the GPU15:29
MathCubesI did15:29
adamk_And if the problem persisted, then report it as a bug.15:30
JoeDMMathCubes: Is it lagging 1-3 mins into the game because that is when you get into action? the graphics chip you are using are only the ones built into the CPU and are not very powerful.15:30
MathCubesJoeDM but the games just work fine under windows it most be diver15:30
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JoeDMMathCubes: are the games native to linux. e.g. not running on WINE?15:31
MathCubesNative to Linux I don't use Wine15:31
lshknhi all, anybody know how not to drop ACL after calling chmod() ?15:32
MathCubesWhat GPU Do I have?15:32
JoeDMMathCubes: Looks like just the CPU which includes an Intel Graphics card15:33
Adrian179MathCubes:God knows!!!!15:33
MathCubesBut what command can I do in the terminal so I can know what one I have?15:34
JoeDMMathCubes: Driver for Intel Integrated Graphics Chipsets: i81015:34
ActionParsnipMathCubes: sudo lshw -C display15:34
lshknor can anyone recommend good IRC with Linux developers15:34
Ari-Yangis there a apt-get command where it uninstalls but then installs the target package?15:34
ActionParsniplshkn: #c++15:34
Lars_GWhy am I getting a "different" LC_ALL (and it modifies all my locales) if I'm setting LANG on etc/default (to the same locale, different encoding, latin1), and I don't see LC_ALL being set anywhere in /etc ?15:34
Ari-Yanglike a quick remove and then a quick install right after?15:34
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MathCubesIs this What I am looking for http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man4/intel.4.html?15:35
lshknActionParsnip: tnx15:35
saiarcot895Ari-Yang: I use Synaptic for that15:35
Ari-Yangwhat about in terminal?15:36
adamk_MathCubes: Your Xorg log file will tell you: Integrated Graphics Chipset: Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile (GT2)15:36
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ActionParsnipMathCubes: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue15:37
ubottuTo renew the configuration of a package when installing, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package> && sudo apt-get install <package>. Note that you will lose ALL config files for that package. WARNING: This is dangerous, don't do this with core packages15:37
MathCubesUbuntu 13.04 \n \l15:37
JoeDMHi Guys, Whats the best way to modprobe on startup. I am installing SCST and the modules are not reloading when i reboot. I tried to do a update-initramfs -u -k $(uname -r)15:37
ActionParsnipMathCubes: have you tried with xfce desktop instead of gnome?15:37
ActionParsnipJoeDM: you can add it in /etc/modules15:38
MathCubesI have use LXDE, Openbox, Gnome Fallback, Unity,....15:38
MathCubesI am useing OpenBox15:38
ActionParsnipMathCubes: all the same I guess :(15:38
ActionParsnip<3 openbox15:39
JoeDMActionParsnip: Thanks that looks perfect :)15:39
Lars_GWhy am I getting a "different" LC_ALL (and it modifies all my locales) if I'm setting LANG on etc/default (to the same locale, different encoding, latin1), and I don't see LC_ALL being set anywhere in /etc ?15:39
MathCubesCan someone looks for a  Integrated Graphics Chipset: Intel(R) Sandybridge Mobile (GT2)  gpu diver for me?15:41
ActionParsnipMathCubes: its in a default install15:41
ActionParsnipMathCubes: you could try making an xorg.conf file to specify better settings15:41
MathCubesHow Do i do that?15:42
ActionParsnipMathCubes: with blood, sweat and tears. Its not a simple file to make, there are lots of guides around the web#15:42
MagicarpI'm trying to use parted to recover a partition. I know the slice was right at the end of the disk but I don't know it's beginning. How can I recover it?15:42
ActionParsnipMathCubes: its very documented15:42
Lars_GActionParsnip: At least we're over the modelines era. Mostly15:42
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ActionParsnipLars_G: oh man, that is my vietnam15:43
MathCubesCan you do it for me? :) :) :P15:43
ActionParsnipMathCubes: I can give you one I use on my nvidia gpu, you will need to switch the resolutions and so forth, then see what exta options the intel driver will take15:43
MathCubeslink please15:44
ActionParsnipMathCubes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/578081515:44
Lars_GActionParsnip: Don't. He'll blame you for any troubles. And doign so without an "Xorg -configure" starting point will be tedious15:44
ActionParsnipMathCubes: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    to get write access, you may need t drop to root recovery mode to rename the file to get back the desktop15:45
ActionParsnipLars_G: mine's pretty stock really15:45
Lars_GWell I'll give up15:46
Lars_GI'll stick LC_ALL into /etc/environment and be done15:46
MathCubesSO I can't fix my issure :(15:46
Ari-Yanghow do I make a newly installed window manager my default?15:47
Umarhow do i locate a printer connected to my computer through usb ? need to locate the printer while configuring the printer ,on Ubuntu 13.0115:47
Lars_GMathCubes: Why not?15:47
MathCubeswell no ones is talling me how to fix it15:48
geniiAri-Yang: Normally if you choose it from the login, it will be the default choice until you choose something else15:48
Ari-Yanggenii, what? I thought that was selecting which desktop environment15:48
k1l_Ari-Yang: choose that on the login screen15:48
Ari-YangI meant file maanger15:48
Lars_GMathCubes: That's not true... you have shared no problem as far as I've seen. You asked a question, ActionParsnip responded more than kindly and reteratively. Saddly "type every letter for me, without no information at all" is not something solvable15:49
Ari-Yang* manager15:49
Ari-Yangnot window manager15:49
FloodBot1Ari-Yang: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:49
MagicarpUmar there's a utility in the dash simply called 'printers' does it not show up in there?15:49
adamk_Lars_G: He's been talking about his problem for a while now...15:49
Ari-Yangyeah, how do I make a file manager default?15:49
Lars_Gadamk_: Sorry I missed it.15:49
Ari-Yanglike thunar15:49
Lars_GMathCubes: Sorry I missed it.15:49
Umar@magicarp yes15:49
adamk_And I'm doubtful anyone other than one of the intel driver developers could really be of much assistance...15:50
MathCubesI will give you the info just tell me what you need.15:50
Lars_GNo, just tell me, what's the issue15:50
Umarwhat device do i select for a printer connected to usb port ?15:50
MathCubesWhen I run a game for 3 min then it drop down to 3-1 fps from 100-150 fps.15:51
Lars_GMathCubes: .... yes. that will be an extremely complicated issue to resolve. :(15:52
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readyjarAnyone have trouble getting dual monitors of different resolutions working in 13.04?15:52
adamk_readyjar: Nope, works fine here on a few different machines.15:52
MathCubesokay do you want to use team viewer to fix it?15:52
readyjaradamk_: Any of them laptops?15:52
adamk_readyjar: Yes.15:53
k1l_readyjar: depends on your video card, the driver and the solutions you want15:53
readyjarI know the video card supports both resolutions. I do it on windows install just fine15:53
adamk_readyjar: So what happens when you try?15:54
k1l_readyjar: which video card, which driver, which resolutions? ,...?15:54
readyjaradamk_: Sometimes it works for a minute, but once I try to move anything to the second monitor the display crashes and then reverts back to mirrored15:54
readyjarThen after that it won't work at all unless I reboot15:55
adamk_readyjar: Yikes, never heard of that happening...15:55
readyjark1l_: It's a Radeon HD637015:55
adamk_readyjar: Using the open source drivers?15:56
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k1l_hmm, well im not familiar with ati. i have no problem with my nvidia and the nvidia-current with that setup15:56
readyjaradamk_: I am. There are two available proprietary drivers I haven't yet tested15:56
MathCubesSo no one can help me?15:57
readyjarMathCubes: What's up?15:57
readyjarMathCubes: No what did you need help with?15:58
adamk_readyjar: Well this sounds a whole lot like a driver bug to me...  I'd confirm that it works fine with the open source driver and, if so, report this to AMD.15:58
deadweaselMathCubes> When I run a game for 3 min then it drop down to 3-1 fps from 100-150 fps.15:58
MathCubesMy issure is when I run a game for 3-6 min the fps drops from 100-150 to 3-5 then to 1 fps.15:58
bazhangMathCubes, is this game in wine, yes15:58
DeLorean731I have followed a few guides to get Java apps to work within Firefox and I can't seem to get them to work. Is anyone willing to help me troubleshoot? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Firefox 21.015:59
adamk_MathCubes: It is *really* unlikely anyone here is going to be able to fix what seems to be, by all appearances, a bug with the intel driver.15:59
MathCubesSo I can't get help :'(15:59
bazhangMathCubes, which game, in wine, or not16:00
Umari have launched the hp printer application , it says no printer found on USB bus , what do i do ? i have connected the printer to USB of the computer ,and USB port is also working properly.16:00
bazhangDeLorean731, which java apps16:00
Ari-Yangso, how do I set a file manager to default on ubuntu (12.10)?16:00
readyjarMathCubes: Linux isn't quite up to being able to play games comfortably16:00
MathCubesnot help... humm have it to be fixed.16:00
DeLorean731bazhang: there was a chat room and a java game that wouldn't work that I've tried so far16:00
deadweaselMathCubes: stop playing whatever you're playing and start playing Urban Terror 4.02.16:00
bazhangDeLorean731, which exact game please16:00
Umaradmk is that not for me ?16:00
FX6300Can you recover a partition using Parted if you don't know it's start position on the disk?16:00
MathCubesany 3d game or high 2d game16:00
adamk_Umar: It's not.16:01
Umark,anybody else please help me.16:01
DeLorean731bazhang: fogot to ping you... in case you rely on that, www.drakensang.com16:01
JoeDMDoes anybody here know much about SCST. I'm having troubles where it does not reload the /etc/scst.conf on reboot?16:02
bazhangDeLorean731, needs to be registered it seems16:02
MathCubesxonotic, neverball, red ecpics, open ...16:02
DeLorean731bazhang: www.teenspot.com was the chat room I was trying to get into as well, I dont' think that requires registration16:02
JoeDMalternatively is there a way to run a comman like "scstadmin -write_config /etc/scst.conf" on reboot prior to login?16:03
MonkeyDustJoeDM  in crontab, use @reboot16:03
DeLorean731bazhang: meh nevermind, looks like registration IS required16:03
DeLorean731bazhang: want me to give you a registration login I don't care about?16:03
JoeDMMonkeyDusk: I have heard about crontab but have never used. I'll google it now :)16:04
bazhangDeLorean731, no thanks, thats all right16:04
MonkeyDustJoeDM  sudo crontab -e     then add      @reboot [command]16:04
JoeDMMonkeyDust: Rebooting now to test. Crontab looks really easy to use. I've been missing out all this time :D16:07
robertzaccourIs it possible to make certain apps use more RAM in exchange for using less processing power?16:07
JoeDMrobertzaccour: RAM and Processing power are two different things that are in no way interchangable16:08
jribrobertzaccour: in some basic cases that may be possible at the algorithm level but I doubt it would be exposed in most applications.  Why do you want to do that?16:08
robertzaccourJoeDM, Oh man that sucks. Its impossible to record screencast smoothly with more than one video source on the screen at a time.16:08
AfgghHi guys16:09
robertzaccourjrib, ^16:09
robertzaccour2 up16:09
JoeDMrobertzaccour: If you want really smooth screen recording you can get dedicated recording cards. Obviously that cost money though :(16:10
AfgghWhich pdf reader is the best for ubuntu with features comparable to adobe acrobat?16:10
bazhangAfggh, acroread16:10
nevynrobertzaccour: wayland will fix it *duck&16:10
bazhang!info partner acroread | Afggh16:10
ubottuAfggh: 'acroread' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, unstable16:10
elisa871Hi do you know what should I do if  bash: apt-get: command not found ??16:10
bazhang!info acroread partner16:10
ubottuacroread (source: acroread): Adobe Reader. In component main, is extra. Version 9.5.5-1raring1 (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 65 kB16:10
robertzaccourJoeDM, it does fine with one video at a time, but to record my mug at the same time I have to use my camcorder set up behind my laptop and then edit together in Kdenlive16:11
bazhangAfggh, ^16:11
jribelisa871: output of « ls /usr/bin/apt-get »?16:11
metaphysicianAfggh: give Evince a try16:11
robertzaccournevyn, Is it possible to go ahead and test wayland for myself?16:11
robertzaccournevyn, or Mir, whichever comes first.16:11
JoeDMMonkeyDust: Hi Sorry, The command did not run on start. Does it need to be inside of a script or can i feed it a raw command?16:11
elisa871jrib ls: cannot access /usr/bin/apt*: No such file or directory16:11
AfgghOk...thanks a lot bazhang, metaphysician16:11
jribelisa871: this isn't what I asked you to type16:12
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elisa871jrib: ls: cannot access /usr/bin/apt-get: No such file or directory16:12
jribelisa871: and you have no idea why?16:12
nevynrobertzaccour: so wayland should make it better but might make it worse (in particular it's not clear that there's a mechinism to extract video data from accelerated playback paths)16:12
robertzaccournevyn, Do you know if I can go ahead and test out wayland?16:13
elisa871This is a disk image I have downloaded which has gcc 4.1.2 so I needed to install gcc 4.6 or 4.7 on it the problem is that it doesn't even have apt-get when I chroot to it..16:13
adamk_elisa871: Wait...  Is this Ubuntu?16:14
nevynrobertzaccour: I don't believe wayland is currently dogfood let alone alpha16:14
MonkeyDustJoeDM  raw command should work, I use    @reboot rm -r /home/username/.cache16:15
elisa871adamk_: that's what I am unsure Linux HP 3.8.0-19-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 17 18:16:28 UTC 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux!!!16:15
DJonesrobertzaccour: As I understand it, wayland has been scrapped from an Ubuntu point of view16:16
elisa871because I merged the disk image with an empty Ubuntu disk image I created adamk_16:16
jribelisa871: you should complain to whoever created/gave you the image16:16
elisa871using rsync16:16
Gyndawyrhey guys do you know where I can find support for tails linux?16:17
bazhang!alis | Gyndawyr16:17
ubottuGyndawyr: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:17
Gyndawyryeah erm could you just tell me?16:18
bazhangGyndawyr, yeah, use alis to search16:18
GyndawyrI've never used alis.16:19
MrokiiHello. What could be the reason that a burned CD (not burned by me) only shows as a "UDF Volume" but when I click it in Nautilus, it shows no contents?16:19
bazhangGyndawyr, please ask for assistance in #freenode then16:19
Gyndawyrvery well16:19
teamcoltra_noautMy mac doesn't seem to like booting from the ISO transfered to USB through startup creator, but it did boot through the usb drive that was created when in the Mac OS -- So I was thinking I would try the same process I used on the mac (convert the .iso to .img and then dd the img to USB), however, I can't find any instructions on how to transfer a .img file to USB16:21
teamcoltra_noautCould I just run dd if=/path/to/downloaded.img of=/dev/diskN bs=1M16:22
teamcoltra_noautif so how do I find what /dev/disk# my USB drive is16:22
elisa871I am trying to download something with wget and I receive this error: Resolving archive.ubuntu.com... failed: Temporary failure in name resolution.16:23
user_289hi all16:24
teamcoltra_noautelisa871:  can you ping archive.ubuntu.com16:24
MonkeyDustelisa871  i'm sure the three dots are not part of the url, what's the full url?16:24
ikoniateamcoltra_noaut: the error is "can't resolve" what is "ping" going to prove ?16:24
elisa871ping: unknown host archive.ubuntu.com teamcoltra_noaut :|16:25
elisa871 16:25
ikoniaoops, wrong channel, sorry16:25
elisa871MonkeyDust: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/gcc-4.616:25
teamcoltra_noautelisa871:  resolves for me, so you might be having DNS problems.16:25
elisa871teamcoltra_noaut: how can I check that? wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gcc-4.6/gcc-4.6_4.6.3.orig.tar.gz16:26
teamcoltra_noautTry updating your DNS to and (disclosure those are Google's DNS) and try again16:26
elisa871how can I update DNS to those IPs?16:26
=== jinie is now known as jinie_
teamcoltra_noautelisa871:  http://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/03/how-to-setup-google-public-dns-servers-in-ubuntu-12-10-13-04-raring-ringtail/16:29
=== akshay_ is now known as akshay_r
userubuntuhi all16:30
KrisHansenman , I have been trying all day to figure out who is hacking my computer.16:31
ikoniaKrisHansen: "hacking" your computer....really.....16:32
userubuntudo heave ubuntu?16:32
KrisHansenikonia: i wish i knew ?16:32
ikoniaKrisHansen: why do you think someone is hacking your computer ?16:32
KrisHansenikonia: oh its just terrible16:32
ikoniaKrisHansen: I didn't ask if it was good16:32
ikoniaKrisHansen: I ask why do you think someone was hakcing it16:33
KrisHansenikonia: tearing up my ram and wifi but capture acket wiresharks shows nothing , cant sniff em out , because my skill set is low16:33
ikoniaKrisHansen: why process is using your ram ?16:34
KrisHansenikonia: have no clue16:34
ikoniaKrisHansen: right - so in that case your machine is using high ram so you randomly assume someone is "hacking you"16:34
ikoniaKrisHansen: not really the best reasonsing really is it16:34
KrisHansenikonia: not exactly nut yes16:34
ikoniaKrisHansen: maybe why don't you ask people "I hve this problem...can you help" rather than making up random things like "people are hacking me" so people don't waste time trying to get information for a false problem, like I've just done16:35
woooI want to open /dev/block/ files...but its showing me error..."could not open file"16:35
wooohow to open those ?16:35
KrisHansenikonia: i really thought someone might be hacking me man , i got like oliver north on me man16:35
ikoniaKrisHansen you just made a random thing up, nothing more16:36
KrisHansenikonia: ok its cool man, so like whats eating up ram ?16:36
woooplease help16:36
ikoniaKrisHansen: why don't you ask the channel and explain the problem - factually, without any made up stuff, and see if people will/can help16:36
KrisHansenikonia: ok nevermind, i am going to consipiracy channel with this oliver north issue16:37
=== jack is now known as Guest74426
servermarquezHi!, I need . I installed edubuntu on my laptop... it is ci7 dell inspiron  but doesnt recognize wireless and ethernet16:39
Piciwooo: Are you sure that you actually want to read /dev/block files? Is there a reason why you can't use the regular device files for your disks?16:40
servermarquezI am using modem16:40
servermarquezto conect16:40
servermarquezPlease please please help16:40
woooPici, I want to make my own file system, for that someone suggested me to play with these block device first.16:41
servermarquezHi!, I need . I installed edubuntu on my laptop... it is ci7 dell inspiron  but doesnt recognize wireless and ethernet16:41
Piciwooo: Are you using sudo?16:41
woooPici, yes16:41
wooostill it is showing me could not open the file16:42
rcmaehlWhat's the ubuntu off-topic channel again?16:42
woooPici, Actually I am not able to open any dev file16:42
Picircmaehl: #ubuntu-offtopic16:42
Piciwooo: How are you trying to open them?16:43
rcmaehlPici: thanks16:43
woooPici, Using gedit.16:43
thecodeischaosi just formatted my usb using gparted to ntfs, but now it wont show up in unetbootin16:43
thecodeischaosim trying to create a usb with windows xp iso16:44
woooPici, How to open the files ?16:45
servermarquezplease any command to conect my wireless and ethernet hardware to be recognize16:46
Piciwooo: Its not going to be human readable data in there.16:46
azi`anyone happens to know how to extract the best possible audio from a mp4?16:46
azi`i'd like to convert a mp4 video to a flac audio without loss of quality16:47
=== root is now known as Guest78992
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
rcmaehlIs it possible to anyway set up skydrive? (ubuntu 13.04 64-bit)16:49
oalHmm. Any shortcuts using ctrl+shift+something only work when I press the ctrl key first, and then shift etc. Any ideas why that would happen..?16:51
th0rrcmaehl: somehow I suspect it will be a while before we see support for linux in skydrive16:52
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/245579/mounting-skydrive-as-a-folder  rcmaehl16:52
rcmaehlbazhang: thanks16:53
panthraxHi. Made the switch to Lubuntu today, but having some wireless issues. Was hoping I could get some help?16:53
chrowhen I start a session just with a certain user I got the following message: "The program 'screen' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:" Where is this coming from ?16:54
DJonespanthrax: Explain your problem in a bit more detail, if anybody see's the question and can help, they normally reply16:55
panthraxWell I have a Broadcom BCM4306 network card which wasn't recognized by Lubuntu at first. Following a guide I found, I installed the drivers and firmware for it and now Lubuntu recognizes my wireless network and even lets me connect to it, but that's about it. I can't view websites at all. I've tried pinging some major websites like Google and I get nothing. I tried changing the DNS addresses to an open DNS ( and still nothing16:57
=== WILLdude is now known as WONTdude
panthraxI'm stumped.16:57
panthraxBeing completely new to Linux, I have no idea where to go next.16:57
MonkeyDustpanthrax  use ethernet to get familiar with ubuntu linux17:00
qwebirc67388 panthrax > what step was your last successful one ?17:00
matbeeHey-- occasionally while browsing the web or whatever, my laptop stops responding to input-- (or getting to it really slowly). I check my terminal logs and I'm getting "write error on swap device", but I'm running an SSD.17:00
MonkeyDustpanthrax  THEN struggle with wifi17:00
matbeeAny ideas what could be causing this?17:01
compdocmatbee, did you set up the partitions manually?17:01
compdocmatbee, what does SMART say about the health of the drive?17:02
LiquidDemocracyIs it possible for the NSA and other undemocratic government agencies to  manipulate the Ubuntu repositories? Ubuntu is a company after all.17:02
matbeecompdoc, Yes, I did, but the swap partition is just my main /17:02
wilee-nilee!ot | LiquidDemocracy17:02
ubottuLiquidDemocracy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:02
MonkeyDustLiquidDemocracy  #ubuntu-offtopic17:02
matbeecompdoc, I'll check SMART now17:02
MonkeyDustwilee-nilee  was faster :)17:02
k1l_LiquidDemocracy: that topic suits better into the offtopic channel : #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss17:02
DeLorean731I have followed a few guides to get Java apps to work within Firefox and I can't seem to get them to work. Is anyone willing to help me troubleshoot? I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with Firefox 21.017:03
histoLiquidDemocracy: the packages are open source so you can review the code for anything out of place yourself.17:03
LiquidDemocracyI am looking for support to protect myself against illegal government spy activities. Could anybody please help?17:03
bazhangLiquidDemocracy, yeah, in #ubuntu-offtopic17:03
panthraxsudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43legacy-installer    -   That's what made my broadcom network card to even be recognized. From there, I have had no further successes. I installed those, restarted, and my wireless was suddenly available. I entered in my key and it connected, but when I tried to view a webpage, I got nothing. Curious, I tried pinging some websites and I got nothing.17:03
LiquidDemocracybazhang, is ubuntu-offtopic a support channel?17:04
bazhangLiquidDemocracy, your question isnot17:04
k1l_LiquidDemocracy: you have no technical support question.17:04
LiquidDemocracybazhang, why is it not?17:04
LiquidDemocracybazhang, security questions are not allowed in here?17:04
bazhangLiquidDemocracy, lets move on please17:04
ikoniaLiquidDemocracy: here is your answer "no" it's not possible for the gonvernment to tamper with it. There is your answer17:04
compdocLiquidDemocracy, what on earth makes you think that you and your activities are important enough to have the NSA monitor you?17:04
thecodeischaoshow can i mount a ntfs usb in ubuntu?17:05
k1l_guys, lets put that topic into the offtopic channel. its not the right topic for here. lets focus on rechnical support issues17:05
=== WONTdude is now known as WILLdude
mgriffini have a package that i uninstalled which dpkg -l shows: "un pkg-name <none> (no description)" and dpkg --purge does not remove it. how do i go about removing this from the dpkg/apt db. something like apt-get autoclean or something?17:06
K4k!ntfs thecodeischaos17:06
wilee-nilee!details | thecodeischaos17:07
ubottuthecodeischaos: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:07
servermarquezPlease please please help17:08
peterrooneymgriffin: what does state "un" mean -- try dpkg -l | head for a handy reminder.17:08
mgriffinuninstalled afaik17:08
platiusghost gnubie butthead17:08
mgriffin| Status=Not/Inst/Cfg-files/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend17:09
mgriffin|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)17:09
bgardnerpanthrax: Run 'ifconfig wlan0' and paste.ubuntu.com the result.17:10
=== Chex is now known as Chex-
=== Chex- is now known as Chex
panthraxOk, I will have to disconnect my ethernet to give it a try. Will be back in a minute.17:12
peterrooneymgriffin: Look twice.  The first letter is "Desired", the second letter is "Status"17:14
=== aaron is now known as Guest64570
DJonescosmen: Yes you are on IRC17:15
holsteincosmen: ? do you have a support question?17:15
Guest64570i cant connect to ean external monitor with ubuntu 12.04 my pc is using hybrid gpu intel and nvifia17:15
reisioGuest64570: why not?17:16
Guest64570reisio, i don't know17:16
reisioGuest64570: what happens when you try?17:16
cosmenyes, i have a question, i use xubuntu 12.04 , then i try to compiling a kernel, my temperature for processors is 100 c , then i stop compiling the kernel the temp is normal 50 c17:16
cosmenits ok?17:16
matbeecompdoc, The Smartmon test tool said there has been no errors :-/17:16
Guest64570reisio, it sees my external monitor but nothing comes to the screen17:16
reisiocosmen: depends on the processor17:16
cosmenPhysical id 0: +100.0°C  (high = +86.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)17:16
reisiomatbee: that makes you frown?17:16
reisioGuest64570: sees?17:16
Guest64570reisio, recognise17:17
matbeereisio, it makes me less sure of what's happening :)17:17
cosmenmodel : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30GHz17:17
reisioGuest64570: in what way?17:17
reisiocosmen: 2.3?17:17
Guest64570reisio, in displays section17:17
reisiocosmen: ah right17:17
mgriffinpeterrooney: Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold17:18
saiarcot895cosmen: That seems to be fine, since the T_junction is at 10017:18
reisiocosmen: see http://ark.intel.com/products/52224 look for junction17:18
cosmenreisio, i can paste a link from imgur here?17:19
reisiocosmen: I don't know, can you?17:19
panthraxHere is what the ifconfig wlan0 said: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5781054/17:19
reisiocosmen: is this more information than you already stated?17:20
reisiocosmen: if you want more feedback on this, I suggest #hardware17:20
Guest64570cosmen, can you give me the conky?it looks cool17:20
cosmenok priv me17:20
bgardnerpanthrax: Looks like you picked up an IP from DHCP.  If you got that far, the issue may not be the wireless.17:21
Guest64570reisio,any luck?17:22
panthraxSo do you have any suggestions on what I can do, if it's not wireless?17:22
reisioGuest64570: with?17:22
Guest64570reisio, with the external thing17:22
reisioGuest64570: what displays section are you talking about?17:23
bgardnerpanthrax: PM me and we'll work on it.  No need to put all our noise on the channel.17:23
reisioGuest64570: in the GUI?17:23
Guest64570reisio, yes17:23
Guest64570reisio, i also thing that xrandr command recognise it17:23
reisioGuest64570: what driver are you using?17:23
Guest64570reisio, right now iam using the intel gpu17:24
cosmenresizt0r,  thx i find : TJUNCTION 100 C its ok :)17:24
Guest64570reisio, but i tried it also with the nvidia,but with no luck17:25
reisioGuest64570: you might want to look into optimus support; check linux-laptop.net and/or ubuntuforums.org17:26
Guest64570reisio, got that but i should not be able to use it only with the intel gpu?17:27
reisioGuest64570: you definitely should, but I couldn't speak to whether you will be able to perfectly out of the box17:28
=== Multiply is now known as multiply
BluesKajGuest64570, http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/bumblebee-321-released-with-ubuntu-1304.html17:35
reisioghost_: hiyo17:35
mgriffinpeterrooney: were you giving me a hint or just asking for that output? sorry for misunderstanding17:36
Guest64570BluesKaj, i am using 12.0417:36
BluesKajoh , too bad17:36
Guest64570BluesKaj, also i want to use the external monitor when i am using the intel gpu17:37
BluesKajGuest64570, dunno if there's a fix for optimus in 12.0417:37
Guest64570BluesKaj, i have hybrid gpu17:37
ghost_there is somebody from Russia?17:38
DJones!ru | ghost_17:38
ubottughost_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:38
BluesKajyes , optiumus is hybrid as well , sorry to misread , Guest6457017:38
flux242ghost_: do you mean russian speaking or current location?17:39
hannah8when installing ubuntu alongside windows (on same comp) is there risk of losing windows data? is windows backup necessary/recommended/unnecessary?17:40
holsteinhannah8: i would *always* backup data.. think of it this way.. the hard drive you are on *will* fail, so making a backup is a good step regardless17:41
reisiohannah8: mostly just risk in human error17:41
ghost_join #ubuntu-ru17:42
SaxXHi all17:42
reisioyup, for all hard drives but mine, it's true, they fail17:42
* reisio tempts fate17:42
reisioSaxX: hi17:42
SaxXwhen I type evince myfile.pdf17:42
SaxXi got an error17:42
hannah8yes i understand backup is always important but just wanted to understand if when installing ubuntu alongside windows risk of losing data is particularly high or not17:43
mgriffin12:41 <reisio> hannah8: mostly just risk in human error17:43
reisiofor example, don't tell Ubuntu's installer to install over your Windows partition/s17:43
SaxXis there anyone who have encountered the same matter?17:44
reisioSaxX: does evince not open?17:44
mgriffinSaxX: which error?17:44
SaxXit doesn't reisio17:44
SaxXthis one mgriffin but in french17:45
SaxXLa ligne de commande « dbus-launch --autolaunch=995644fc9e18514d4cfdbe440000000e --binary-syntax --close-stderr » s'est terminée avec un code de fin non nul 1 : No protocol specified\nNo protocol specified\nAutolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.\n17:45
SaxXNo protocol specified17:45
SaxXNo protocol specified17:45
SaxXCannot parse arguments: Impossible d'ouvrir l'affichage :17:45
FloodBot1SaxX: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:45
hannah8so if ubuntu installer gets correct input risk of losing windows data is zero or i mean same as always, correct?17:45
joelwallisHi. I need to perform some commands when the Ubuntu graphical interface starts (I'm using 13.04 desktop version). I need to mound --bind some paths of my secondary HD into my /home folder. In which file should I put this command?17:45
reisioSaxX: evince doesn't not open?17:45
SaxXno it's doesn't open17:46
mgriffinSaxX: did you ssh in to this server or something? is this just a normal terminal in Gnome or whatever17:46
reisioSaxX: does 'file foo.pdf' say it's a PDF?17:46
mgriffinSaxX: tried xeyes or something simple?17:46
SaxXit's on my local machine mgriffin17:46
SaxXyes reisio when i type file foo.pdf it's says that17:47
reisioSaxX: what about if you run evince and manually CTRL+o open it?17:48
SaxXi am going to test it reisio and tell you17:49
reisiookely dokely17:49
SaxXhuum maybe a stupid question coming from me17:50
SaxXbut how do i run manually evince reisio17:50
K4kDoes ubottu have some kind of flood protection on it? I'm trying to learn it's commands but it's stopped responding to me.17:50
holsteinSaxX: i would run it from the terminal, and see if there are helpful errors17:50
holsteinK4k: query the bot17:51
K4kholstein: I run /msg ubottu *whatever* and I get no message in return. It worked a few times and then stopped17:51
SaxXyou got it holstein17:51
reisioSaxX: 'evince'17:51
SaxXwhen i run it manually i got an error17:51
holsteinK4k: i would just /q him17:51
teamcoltra_noautIs there any good way to convert an iso to img in ubuntu? There was a program for it, but it apparently has been pulled17:51
reisioteamcoltra_noaut: what do you imagine the difference is?17:52
K4kholstein: oh, it seems he doesn't respond to some things. Interesting. At first it was saying it didn't know what I was asking and then those same queries stopped returning anything17:52
icerootteamcoltra_noaut: an iso is an image17:53
icerootteamcoltra_noaut: mv file.iso file.img17:53
teamcoltra_noautreisio:  I have no idea, but when I write .img files to my USB drive my mac will boot from them, when I write a .iso file it will not17:53
reisioteamcoltra_noaut: using what procedure/s?17:53
ezra-sapple propietary crap17:54
reisiomaybe you mean ".dmg", yeah17:54
reisioI'm sure Mac OS supports ISO-9660/UDF, too, though17:54
teamcoltra_noautreisio:  no, I mean .img17:54
reisionot that it matters17:54
reisiothat is a problem for #macosx, TBH17:54
reisio.img is just an extension17:55
reisioit indicates very little17:55
teamcoltra_noautHow would it be? if I use DD and go from img to usb drive and that works, but have the same file in iso and it doesn't... it means there has to be some difference.17:55
teamcoltra_noautand if there is a program which converts .img to .iso  (which I have found) then I would assume there are at least some differences to the files17:56
reisioright, it's just that the difference has little to do with the extension :)17:56
hannah8ok thank you17:56
=== erry_ is now known as erry
reisioteamcoltra_noaut: try this http://www.google.com/search?q=%22linux%22%20%22iso%20to%20dmg%2217:57
Horbdoes anyone have an idea  on how to approach the following, spamming reinstalls and googling has gotten me nowhere, adam@craptop:~$ pavucontrol >>> pavucontrol: error while loading shared libraries: libsigc-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:59
=== Tzunamii_ is now known as Tzunamii
=== meatmanek_ is now known as meatmanek
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:00
LuNaTiXI love this new OS18:00
LuNaTiXnever back to windows18:00
LuNaTiXJust SAYin ^_^18:01
ezra-sLuNaTiX, any OS has its weaknesses, don't be obfuscated by this technological terror you just discovered! :P18:01
=== LordOfTime is now known as LordOfTime|EC2
LuNaTiXI was attacked I believe one night, pc was doing things i never seen in my life do, and my android also18:03
LuNaTiXswitched over to ubuntu , secured my data, backed it up18:03
LuNaTiXnow all my servers and computers will run ubuntu18:03
BluesKajezra-s, linux can be a revelation after using windows for many years18:03
reisioLuNaTiX: compared to using Windows, a fairly wise choice18:04
LuNaTiXI know this isnt the place to ask, but I have a php poll setup about a heated topic and I have alot of issues with polls being over run by external votes18:05
LuNaTiXi been working on trying to make it as fair as possible18:05
LuNaTiXwhat channel could i use for assistance in that18:06
ezra-sBluesKaj, you bet it is... after many years many of us are still seeing the surface of Linux, working with it is amazing18:06
SmicheSome1 knows whats the behaviour on ubuntu when the gfx card ram or gpu overheats?18:06
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
suoreHello, need help. i downloaded one game, and game have option of special item. ALT + RCLICK = Showing item top other as clickable link at chat. But ALT moving window. Im Ubuntu 13.0418:07
SmicheCause a game im playing is freezing at random moments and sound keeps going on so i guess its my gfx with problem18:07
ezra-sLuNaTiX, probably seek a channel of the poll software you are using18:07
reisiosuore: yay blogs http://askubuntu.com/questions/70392/how-do-i-disable-the-alt-right-click-keyboard-binding18:07
Smichedoes compiz use any excessive vram or gpu?18:08
Smichewhen not performing any tasks with unity18:08
reisioI wouldn't say excessive, no18:08
reisioit uses more than an unaccelerated wm18:08
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as S-USA|Ghost
balthazarHey, I just recently installed Ubuntu 64 bit, on my i7 3770k, Sabertooth Z77 motherboard, but I dont even get to the boot menu (GRUB) just totally black. I have tried reinstall it 2 times, but have got same affect after the installation.18:09
balthazarDoes this have anything to do with UEFI / motherboard?18:09
Smichereisio couldnt it be the reason for a game to be stucking? at random times, i think its my gfx card getting rid of the vram or overheating no idea18:10
bekksbalthazar: By default, the boot menu is hidden.18:10
bekks!nomodeset < balthazar18:10
ubottubekks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:10
bekks!nomodeset | balthazar18:10
ubottubalthazar: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:10
Smichethe game just freezes for 4-5 or more seconds and return to normal and my pc is hell hot while im playing it18:10
Smicheyet ive burned a gfx card and overheated my previous one nothing like this happend18:10
balthazarbekks: Ok,but nothing it showing up in the screen, it dont even boot ubuntu.18:10
Smichewhen it overheated the pc just froze and neven got back to normal18:11
bekksbalthazar: Thats because of that missing nomodeset option, probably.18:11
ezra-sSmiche, sounds like gpu fan might not be keeping up to refresh the gpu enough18:12
balthazarbekks: ok, but how should i even get the chance to edit nomodeeset option, when it dont even boot and the screen is black :/18:12
Smicheany solutions to that?18:12
suorei change to nothinh i cannot now do anything...18:12
Amiga_Wiccaals ik kan de driver van de ati videokaart?18:12
Smichethe game plays well on windows and with the same fps actually18:12
bekksbalthazar: You have to enter the grub menu.18:13
SonikkuAmerica!nl | Amiga_Wicca18:13
ubottuAmiga_Wicca: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl18:13
bekksbalthazar: Which Ubuntu version do you use?18:13
kanhaangela_1: Hi18:13
Amiga_Wiccagracias =)18:13
balthazarbekks: yeah, but it seems that i dont have the chance to get to the grub menu18:13
Smichewell im gonna run the game and check the gpu temp through sensors18:13
cariverihi. my aurora engine does not work. who do I speak to?18:13
Smichejust updating it atm18:13
balthazarbekks: 13.0418:13
reisiocariveri: 'does not work'?18:14
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bekksbalthazar: So your computer boots, otherwise you wouldnt have been able to install Ubuntu.18:14
bekks!grub2 | balthazar18:14
ubottubalthazar: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:14
Smichesome1 knows if there's a program checking if all pins on the ide cable to ide are hooked up?18:14
ezra-sSmiche, I bet noone does18:15
balthazarbekks: yes it boots, but it seems it dont boot ubuntu and i dont see any "grub" menu ether on start only the manufactor for my motherboard then after that, totally black18:15
reisioSmiche: -> echo 'use your eyes'18:15
Smichemy 2nd hdd doesnt seem to work since i unhooked it and hooked it back18:15
cariverireisio: yes. all the aurora based themes dont display the proper colors in and icons. its just black. reinstall and make reinstall did not work.18:15
ezra-sreisio, lol18:15
bekksSmiche: Technically - thats not possible using "a program".18:15
Smicheand one pin is a little bit fallen in18:15
balthazarbekks: so how will i be bale to change this line in grub when i cant start ubunut?18:15
ezra-sSmiche, use a screwdriver to straight it up18:15
Smichewell i saw an aluminium coil trick so im going to try it18:15
reisiobalthazar: from your install media18:15
bekksbalthazar: You have to enter the grub menu, yes.18:16
Smichei used pliers to pull it out18:16
Smichebut still doesnt work18:16
Smichewell ill use some coil18:16
bekksSmiche: Buy a new one.18:16
Smicheits 80gb and its 8 years old18:16
Smichefeeling sad for that little thing :(18:16
Smicheit worked so fine until i broke it18:16
Smichewondered if it would hold forever18:17
Smichecould have kept a windows(yup that 7gb virus) running18:17
* ezra-s slaps Smiche , stop flooding18:17
Smichesorry my bad18:17
bekksSmiche: It doesnt matter in here, since thats offtopic for ubuntu support.18:17
Smicheokay so on topic -> Ubuntu is awesome18:18
taime1Hi. When I try to start or restart smbd or nmbd, I get "Unkown job:"  Can someone help me troubleshoot this?18:20
JoeSomebodywhat is the tool for ms publisher in linux? (assuming there is one)18:22
ezra-staime1, try /etc/init.d/smbd start|stop18:22
ezra-staime1, maybe it has not migrated to upstart18:22
taime1ezra-s: same18:22
ezra-staime1, ps auxww | grep -i smbd brings something up?18:23
w30taime1, mine works ; I type service smbd restart18:23
taime1ezra-s: lemme check18:23
w30taime1, as root or sudo of course18:24
Smichejust checked my sensors the temperature doesnt move and it got stuck again18:24
Smicheand my monitor restarted18:24
ezra-staime1, also do check /var/cache/samba or any related residual files in case the process is not running18:24
abetusk_w__I'm thinking of buying a printer and using it on my Ubuntu 12.04 box.  Last time I did this was nearly a decade ago and remember having signifcant problem with drivers and such.  Are most of these issues solved now?  Should I be staying away from a particular brand or focusing on a few brands to buy?  Should I expect to install drivers and hack away at it to get it working?18:25
taime1ezra-s: 781 0.0 0.0 3116 724 pts/2 S+ (color is red)18:25
ezra-sSmiche, which temperature?18:25
Smichethe gpu18:25
taime1abetusk_w__: get a HP18:25
ezra-sSmiche, which temperature?18:25
Smichethere isnt a monitor for the video ram or at least i dont know how to show it18:25
Smichethe gfx card spu stays steadily at 8018:25
abetusk_w__taime1, dell and lexmark or not as supported?18:25
taime1abetusk_w__: nope.18:26
ezra-smmm, that can be normal in some gpu's18:26
ezra-s80ºC I assume18:26
taime1abetusk_w__: dell: forget it. lexmark: hit or miss. just stick with hp18:26
Smiche80 c is pretty normal with my gpu18:26
ezra-s80F would be cold hehehe18:26
Smichei guess its the vram then18:26
ezra-staime1, 781 is the pid? kill it18:26
abetusk_w__taime1, thanks18:27
samuelI dont find LAMP in software center,pls guys help18:28
taime1ezra-s: 781 not running18:28
taime1abetusk_w__: no problem18:28
Smichejust messed up some configuration on playonlinux app18:29
tkinghello please how can i copy and paste file to /var/www/ directory without command line?18:29
taime1tking: gksu nautilus18:30
tkingtaimel, i don't want to do it using gksu18:30
tkingi am thinking of giving it the right permission18:30
taime1tking: what are you trying to do?18:30
tkingtaime1, i want to paste file from y desktop to that director18:31
taime1then use gksu nautilus18:31
ezra-ssamuel, apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 can get you started with most things you need18:31
samuelezra-s,i dont comprehend18:34
dev_How would I disable MOTD from being rewritten on reboot on 13.04?18:35
taime1Still getting "Unknown job" when trying to start smbd. Anyone?18:35
ezra-ssamuel, LAMP as I understand it is Linux, Apache, Mysql, PHP.. well, with that command I tell you, you install them18:35
tkingtaimel cant i give permistion to the directory???18:36
ezra-staime1, if smbd is not up try running it manually instead of the init/upstart script18:36
ezra-ssee what it says when you try to run it18:36
taime1tking: of course you can, but it has default permissions for a reason. You are making this way too complicated. You could just type gksu nautilus, and paste it in seconds.18:37
tkinggksu or gksudo?18:37
taime1ezra-s: the upstart script in what directory? sorry for stupid question18:37
tkingone i heard is bad18:37
taime1tking: i said it three times. gksu18:37
trismdev_: if you just want to add some static text to the motd, add it to /etc/motd.tail18:37
ezra-staime1, in /etc/init.d18:38
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ezra-staime1, seach for the smbd binary and run it18:38
dev_trism: Is there a way to prevent all the other system info being appended about .tail on reboot though?18:38
trismdev_: it is controlled by the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d/, if you chmod -x them they won't run18:39
trismdev_: though 99-footer is the one that appends motd.tail, so you probably still want that18:39
dev_trism: I'll give that a go, thanks.18:39
zOmBaTako stava mo stava18:40
Netfeedis it possible to "side-upgrade" from linux mint to ubuntu? most of the packages that is used in mint is from unbuntu proper anyways18:43
MonkeyDustNetfeed  no18:44
Netfeedhow come?18:45
Smichetheres a way to watch for outprint in terminal for a program that has already been started without terminal?18:45
jaatroxhey folks anyone out there18:47
MonkeyDustSmiche  if you're copying from one folder to the other using  a GUI, you can use    watch ls -lh [folder]    to see how it's progressing18:47
Vianstaktube un problema con los archivos del grub y ya lo solucione pero ahora no me reconoce el otro OS que tenia instalado alguna sugerencia?18:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:48
jaatroxfrom where should i start to learn everything about ubuntu18:48
taime1ezra-s: i cant find a binary for smbd, just the script in init.d18:48
DJones!manual | jaatrox The best way is just to use it, you can also look the bot's info,18:48
ubottujaatrox The best way is just to use it, you can also look the bot's info,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:48
samuelguys,i still face difficulties with a LAMP installation.....anyone with an appealing help pls18:49
MonkeyDustjaatrox  start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows18:49
ezra-staime1, make sure you have everything you need about samba installed or samba4, apt-get install samba or samba4 might do.. then configure your /etc/samba/smb.conf18:50
k1l!details | samuel18:50
ubottusamuel: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:50
samueli evenly dont see it in software center....18:51
ZwircAny sugestions for good dedicated servers? Thinking of : http://www.webtropia.com/de/root-server/professional-root-server-details.html?pid=ProfessionalL18:52
k1lsamuel: just install the packages you need. apache, php,  mysql etc18:53
MonkeyDustjaatrox  keep it in the channel please18:54
jaatroxokay monkey dust18:54
brad100ok, so i have a ccomputer that keeps overheating on ubuntu server edition, the problem is the fan isnt spinning very fast. there are 3 wires connecting the fan to my motherboard. a red a black and a yellow. if i cut the yellow wire shouldnt that make my fan run at full speed ?18:56
DeLorean731brad100: yes, but I'm willing to bet that you have a bad bearing or something in the fan. Fan's are so cheap I'd just replace them18:57
compdocbrad100, if it has 3 wires, it isnt being controlled by the OS18:57
brad100well i trust you guys so im cutting the yellow wire18:58
brad100@compdoc what controlls the yellow wire18:58
compdocthats a bad idea18:58
compdocthe yellow wire is for rpm monitor18:58
kavesalam :)18:58
brad100its a six year old laptop i got from walmart18:58
compdocit lets you know how fast its going, it doesnt control the fan18:59
brad100i dont care too much about it18:59
compdocif you have a 4-wire fan, it can be controlled18:59
brad100nope just 3 wires18:59
kaveis here any body understand farsi ?18:59
compdocthen nothing will change18:59
compdocexcept you wont know how fast it is18:59
brad100so if i cut the yellow wire nothing will happen?18:59
taime1ezra-s: everything is installed, but still getting unknown job19:00
brad100like the fan wont go 100%?19:00
jaatroxwhy choose a debian based os?19:00
compdoclike the fan will keep running the same speed. try it19:00
icerootafter "kompozer" was removed from the repos, can you recommend another tiny wysiwyg HTML editor? (13.04)19:00
studmeisterHi everyone. I am having an issue with a new installation on my laptop, which is running an Intel Chipset. I am missing a driver for a game that I play.19:01
iceroot!details | studmeister19:01
ubottustudmeister: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:01
studmeisterWhen I run the program from a terminal, I get a failed to load driver i965.19:01
studmeisterHow do I get this driver? I am running Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop.19:02
ezra-sjaatrox, http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop http://www.debian.org/intro/why_debian19:02
jaatroxokay in programming respect how debian is diff from red hat19:03
icerootjaatrox: #debian #redhat19:03
k1ljaatrox: neither debian nor redhat is the topic in here. better ask that in #linux19:03
ezra-sjaatrox, in programming? I see no difference at all in programming with any linux distro, distros are about collections of packages and the ease to use the package manager19:03
MonkeyDustjaatrox  but that's !offtopic here19:04
ezra-sjaatrox, all main distros have updated compilers/interpreters for many programming languages19:04
DJonesjaatrox: You'll probably get a better response to that type of question if you ask in #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is only for support issues in how to use Ubuntu or solve issues in running Ubuntu19:04
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studmeisterI think I might have figured it out. lol I searched for the Driver in Software Center.19:07
taime1can anyone tell me how to manually invoke smbd? it will not start from upstart or /etc/init.d19:07
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Smicheif someone still remembers me i found the problem with unity stucking snd ubuntu too when running the game19:10
Smicheradeon gpu lockup cp stall for more than 10000msec whatever that error means19:10
brad100@compdoc i cut the yellow wire and now the fan isnt spinning at all xD19:12
Smichefound on some forums itmightbe a driver issue but ive got fglrx driver gallium 0.4  or smthing19:12
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iamherei've installed nvidia gpu driver on a hybrid sony vaio laptop and i also did some configuration in /etc/X11/xorg.conf but now my laptop boot but i cant go to login all i see is a blank screen.19:15
iamherehow can i edit the file?19:16
taime1iamhere: hybrid? is it an optimus chipset?19:17
iamheretaime1, i don't know19:17
histoiamhere: do you still have your installation media around?19:18
taime1iamhere: what do you mean by hybrid?19:18
iamheretaime1, it's an nvidia gt 640m LE and intel hd 400019:18
wildc4rdpossibly a stupid question, is there a free version of Windows I can use for a VM when wine won't work? or do I have to dig out an old copy of XP19:18
taime1iamhere: thats an optimus. you need to install a special driver from the bumblebee project19:18
DJoneswildc4rd: You'll need to dig out your windows cd19:19
iamheretaime1,so what should i do know?19:19
taime1iamhere: which means you will need to either fix or reeinstall your sxisting OS19:19
azazel91has anybody here ever tried drupal 719:19
iamheretaime1,ih nvm i think i got the solution19:20
iamheretaime1, thanks19:20
taime1iamhere: im telling you.. there is no driver (besides generic) that is going to work for that chipset besides bumblebee19:20
taime1but good luck19:20
wilee-nileeazazel91, This is a support channel not a polling channel, if you have a problem state it.19:21
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mfaroukgany solution for the software update problems ? I am still on the ubuntu 13.0419:27
wilee-nilee! details | mfaroukg19:27
ubottumfaroukg: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:27
wilee-nileemfaroukg, Still on 13.04?19:27
Slartwildc4rd: nope.. no free versions of windows, it's not really in their business plan to give software away =)19:28
taime1"Unknown job" when starting smbd. Can someone help me troubleshoot this?19:28
Slarttaime1: can you pastebin the output you get?19:28
Slart!pastebin | taime119:28
ubottutaime1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:28
taime1Slart: its just "unkown job: smbd"19:30
taime1Slart: if i use the init script, it tells me "initctl: unknown job: smbd19:30
Slarttaime1: ok, and how do you try to start it?19:31
taime1slart with /etc/init.d/smbd start and with start smbd19:32
johnjohn101will a 16 GB usb card be enough to run ubuntu 13.04 with unity?19:32
taime1Slart: also by manually invoking the script. to no avail19:32
Slartjohnjohn101: yes19:32
taime1johnjohn101: yes19:32
johnjohn1018 GB ok?19:33
taime1johnjohn101: im on a 16gb ssd as we speak19:33
taime1johnjohn101: barely but yes19:33
Slarttaime1: I'm not sure if it makes any difference but have you tried using the "service" command instead?19:33
taime1Slart: I HAVE. SAME THING19:33
taime1OH SORRY19:33
taime1sorry for the caps guys19:33
johnjohn101slart and taime1: tx. I am going to give to father in law to see if it runs on his computer. don't really want to spend much!! hee hee19:34
OerHekstaime1, with sudo ? >> sudo service smbd restart19:34
taime1OerHeks: oh yes, of course19:35
Slarttaime1: hmm.. there are no errors in syslog or kern.log?19:36
Tex_Nickjohnjohn101: you would better going with 1619:36
taime1Slart: i dont actually know.19:36
mfaroukgwilee-nilee, it is not updating and gives me errors when I "apt-get update" or using the GUI ... my desktop also not responding19:40
Slarttaime1: and just to make sure.. you're spelling everything correctly? no smdb or snbd or such19:41
wilee-nileemfaroukg, I would start with running a update in the terminal and paste-binning all the text, the dektop is another matter we can go one problem at a time and details are important.19:41
taime1Slart: absolutely. ive even uninstalled and reinstalled it19:41
taime1Slart: oddly, it was working several weeks ago. I havent changed a thing on this machine, then turned it on to access my shares, and poof.19:42
Slarttaime1: and ls -l /etc/init.d/smbd   gives you  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 okt  5  2012 /etc/init.d/smbd -> /lib/init/upstart-job   or similar?19:43
taime1Slart: yes19:44
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chokotsisanybody here like to shit in people's mouths?19:44
wilee-nilee! ops | chokotsis19:45
ubottuchokotsis: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!19:45
chokotsisI want to tie some guy up to a chair with a hole in the bottom19:45
chokotsisforcefeed him corn and peanuts19:45
chokotsiswith laxative19:45
chokotsisthen stick my head underneath to wait for the liquid yummies19:45
chokotsisafter that, I would pound the shit out of his browniehole19:45
chokotsisand finish by slurping out my own cum from his rectum19:45
chokotsisany takers?19:45
ezra-schokotsis, trye #microsoft19:46
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taime1ezra-s: LMAO19:46
ezra-sgahh, missed it19:46
taime1it was funny to those of us who matter19:46
Slarttaime1: what does "sudo initctl -v start smbd" tell you?19:46
taime1Slart: one sec19:46
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taime1Slart: unkown job19:47
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Baribal_Hi. I'm trying to get a grip on the basics of virtualization. Those Ubuntu cloud images, they're images of volumes on which a minimal Ubuntu hs been freshly installed, and not install media themselves?19:53
ObrienDaveBaribal_::: if you mean a live image, they are the same as a full initial install19:55
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Baribal_Thanks, ObrienDave19:56
ObrienDaveno prob19:56
ShaneOhello all. Am I able to install windows side by side with linux if linux is the host os?19:57
daftykinsShaneO: Linux is installed first you mean? yeah19:58
ShaneOyes daftykins19:58
ShaneOcould you point me to a link for doing so by any chance?19:58
ObrienDaveShaneO::: yes, you will be using GRUB for dual boot19:58
Slarttaime1: ok, I'm out of ideas.. I've been looking through the upstart documentation and checked where the files are on my system.. nothing really obvious leaps out at the moment.. but ask the channel again or ask in ##linux, there are plenty of people out there with better brains than I have =)19:58
ShaneOI'm just unsure where to start19:59
aaasShaneO when considering win/lin solutions also consider virtual machines, linux in windows, cygwin, or second machine (remote connection or mouse sharing between machines)19:59
ObrienDaveShaneO::: you should install windows first, because it might over write GRUB19:59
aaasas well as dual-boot ;)19:59
daftykinsShaneO: i don't think you really need a guide necessarily. just install Windows, it'll inevitably nuke GRUB so that Linux won't start anymore, then you'll need to reinstall GRUB20:00
ShaneOaaas yes I tried I wanted to be able to do a little gaming but vmware won't allow me to20:00
Peiwhat should be in /etc/apt/sources.list ?20:00
Peican someone patebin me theirs20:00
ShaneOso windows than linux20:00
Peiif someone would be so kind20:01
ObrienDaveShaneO::: yes, you should install windows first20:01
ShaneOthank yo20:01
wilee-nileePei, Take a look here, you can make a list to compare. http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/20:01
ObrienDavePei:::  there is a website that will generate a custom list for you. i can't remember it just off hand20:02
Peii don't need the gen i need it for someone elses machine i am trying to help them over teamtalk20:02
Peitheir machine is not finding all the packages20:02
wilee-nileeInstalling windows first is not the important part but having windows in the first partitions is.20:02
Peiwe can't get openssh-server to install20:03
wilee-nileePei, You wanted a souces.list make one there.20:03
roastedAnybody on Ubuntu GNOME know how to adjust the timeout of the notification menu at the bottom of the screen? I'd like it to react faster.20:03
wilee-nileeShaneO, Installing windows first is not the important part but having windows in the first partitions is.20:05
aaaswhich happens automatically if you install windows first20:06
aaasassuming you want grub boot20:06
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wilee-nileeaaas, Sure, however if you have OS's already installed their are other options, reloading the mbr s chlds play.20:06
wilee-nileeis* childs*20:07
ObrienDavenot for someone that has NOT done it before20:07
aaasbut the easiest way is for him to just put on windows hten linux...that's embroy play20:07
FloodBot1aaas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:07
wilee-nileeObrienDave, Oh pleae windows or linux one or two commands, with 1000's of web pages how and the IRC.20:08
* wilee-nilee adds noobs to ignore20:08
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schultzawhere is the smbpasswd file now!?20:16
zeraihow do I fix this error: -bash: line 34: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (zh_CN.GBK): No such file or directory20:16
histozerai: install the chinese locale you are trying to use20:18
histo!locale | zerai20:18
ubottuzerai: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale/20:18
zeraihisto, it is20:19
histozerai: does the output of locale reflect that?20:19
histozerai: and locale -a | grep zh_CN.GBK    ? does that have any output?20:20
zeraihisto, nope20:21
histozerai: than that locale isn't present.20:22
histozerai: sudo locale-gen zh_CN.GBK20:22
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zerai/opt/patcher$ locale-gen zh_CN.GBK20:23
zeraiGenerating locales...20:23
zerai  zh_CN.GBK... up-to-date20:23
zeraiGeneration complete.20:23
FloodBot1zerai: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:23
zeraihisto, that still gives nothing with the previous command20:24
studiousI wonder what verison of WireShark the NSA is using to sniff all US internet traffic20:24
BluesKajstudious,  probly wrote their own app20:27
zeraihisto, and I just reinstalled zh_CN.GBK20:27
studiousto constantly be recording every second, every ISP 24/7/365  they must have unimaginable Brontobyte in their databases by now20:30
zeraihisto: any ideas?20:31
daftykinsstudious: i hope you were joking on Wireshark :>20:33
BronyOkamiWell, hello..20:33
studious<daftykins> sadly, I'm not20:33
studiousdaftykins: think about it, if you run WireShark on your own network you see all traffic on the gateway20:34
daftykinsstudious: DPI is a bit more advanced than that20:34
studiousthis is the same strategy the NSA is using, at the data center ISP level for all US traffic20:34
studiousquite scary20:34
johnjohn101what is DPI?20:34
gordonjcpDeep Packet Inspection20:34
daftykinsanyway this is all off topic20:34
johnjohn101as always!!20:35
daftykinsyeah the interesting bits :(20:35
staddHey guys.. DOes any1 know how can I20:35
staddscan (using an epson SX525WD) on ubuntu 13.04?20:36
gordonjcp!sane | stadd20:36
ubottustadd: Scanning software: Simple-Scan (GNOME), Xsane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR20:36
staddaight.. I'll check it out, thx.20:36
vlad_starkovQuestion: I have RAID1 on a server with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Just checked `cat /proc/mdstat` and got `md1 : active raid1 sda2[0] sdb2[1](F) 975653696 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]`. It means I lost 1 disk in my RAID. How can I repair it?20:37
daftykinsvlad_starkov: checked SMART data to see if the disk isn't dead?20:38
vlad_starkovdaftykins: how can I do it properly?20:38
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daftykinswhat, check SMART data?20:38
code-11Hey, anyone have a problem where ubuntu starts to look like windows 98 and all the file menus dissappear? I think I did sudo apt-get -f install and this happened.20:39
daftykinsvlad_starkov: well run disk utility and see if it can see each individual disk20:40
followerdoes anyone know if there is a fix coming for integrated touch pads?20:40
vlad_starkovdaftykins: I'm on Ubuntu Server. So I have just console.20:40
zeraihisto, any ideas how to fix itt? I installed local-gen zh_CN.BGK and it still says it doesn't exists, even though it tells me its's u to date20:41
daftykinsvlad_starkov: i think there's a program smartctl. consider a livecd also20:41
vlad_starkovdaftykins: ok thanks!20:42
RarrikinsHow can I select a package from the standard Ubuntu repositories rather than a PPA using apt-get?20:43
code-11I can't even bring up the terminal since the start menu has also dissappeared and ctrl-alt-t seems to do nothing20:43
smO3000I've been having an issue with sendmail: Up until about 2 days ago I was able to use it with no issues for contact forms and lead catures for joomla sites. Since then I had an issue with the server where I had shut it down and when I had brought it back online I'm no able longer to sendmail.20:44
followerdoes anyone know if there is a fix coming for integrated touch pads?20:46
daftykinsfollower: #1 please do not repeat in the channel. #2 - all touchpads are integrated, so i have no idea what you mean? :)20:47
uhelpHow do I add a clock to the taskbar which doesn't track my gps location?  I expect to right-click to add but it doesn't happen that way.20:47
uhelpI am using 12.04.2 LTS20:47
opentransFeel free, anyone, to straighten out my wording but I am trying to convert apache/php over from apache handling all php requests to CGI handling them. I have a script that has a php demo that uses dl. It runs, but only on CL in apache. In CGI I can use php with a browser with it.20:48
followerdaftukins. I cant seem to rest my thumb in the bottom left corner of the new touchpad20:48
opentransI'm having troble getting it switched. I have phpinfo installed on a GoDaddy site and it lists the Apache handler as CGI/FastCGI. Question -- should I see the same in my site when I have successfully switched to CGI?20:49
uhelpIs there any other clock than the default one?20:51
uhelpI much prefer a 24-hour clock with a date20:51
uhelpSomething like MMDD HHmm20:51
acer_ciao a tutti20:53
uhelpalso, what is the HORRIBLE GIANT BAR on the left side of unity called?  How can I make it go away forever?20:53
piotrekttuhelp: install other dist :)20:54
bigroomsmallhousyou can't do that20:54
uhelppiotrektt: I wish I could install another distro -- but I am stuck with Microsoft and Ubuntu.20:54
piotrekttuhelp: so you better get used to it. you can customize it a bit20:55
uhelpbigroomsmallhous: can't?  why not?20:55
uhelppiotrektt: can I set the width to 0px?20:55
piotrekttuhelp: you can autohide it20:56
kostkonuhelp, or install a different desktop environment20:56
piotrekttuhelp: you can set icons for smaller ones20:56
johnjohn101uhelp can you install another desktop? kde or xfce?20:56
uhelppiotrektt/bigroomsmallhouse: why do they cram this thing down our throats?20:56
piotrekttuhelp: well, i totaly love it20:56
bigroomsmallhousbc put it in your mouth20:56
daftykinsfollower: rest your thumb? what do you mean?20:57
uhelppiotrektt: I don't like anything that isn't optional!20:57
piotrekttuhelp: for me unity is the best - but you need to get used to it20:57
alexandergranaseHey guys i need some help20:57
followeruse me middle to move the pointer and index or thumb to click20:57
kostkon!ask | alexandergranase20:57
ubottualexandergranase: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:57
followerwhen i rest another finger on there the pointer doesnt move20:57
alexandergranaseI just installed ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my new dell pc. Installation went good, then when i reboot the pc it just says. "No Boot Device Found. Press any key to reboot the machine_"20:58
alexandergranaseIt was a dell with windows 8 and EUFI.20:58
uhelppiotrektt: It is terrible!  In the past I had a blank screen and used center mouse button as start window.  That was THE BEST.20:58
uhelpjohn: do you know what I install for blank screen with center mouse button as start menu?20:58
z0_چه باحاله اینجا:]]20:59
piotrekttuhelp: well, as ive said. u need to chose something different thatn unity if you don't like it. like someone said.20:59
uhelppiotrektt: which do I choose for NOTHING on the screen until I click center mouse button or use hotkey to start application?20:59
bgardneruhelp: What you describe sounds a lot like the xfce layout - you should see if xubuntu works for you.21:00
piotrekttuhelp: i don't know that. u need to search for yourself :)21:00
z0_هی کسی صدای منو میشنفه؟21:00
z0_نمیشه وسط اینا با هم فارسی حرف زد21:00
uhelpbgardner: thank you.  I will try downloading it.21:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:01
uhelpbgardner: is xubuntu also like 9000x faster than unity with no transitional effects?21:01
bigroomsmallhousjust stay with us its not that bad21:01
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bgardneruhelp: You can switch to xubuntu without uninstalling ubuntu, since it's the DE rather than the full OS.21:01
uhelpbgardner: i will google it -- thank you21:02
bgardneruhelp: 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop', then log out and choose Xubuntu for your session.21:02
piotrekttuhelp: you can also consider sticking with unity. i did it for two months... and now seriously, can't imagine any kinde of gnomish DE21:02
bgardneruhelp: But yes, no transitional effects.  Although Unity is not all that bad, really - you just have to adjust.21:02
uhelpbgardner/piotrektt: I hate wasting time.  Thousands of seconds of transitional effects per year is not my idea of a good time when I could have been on holiday instead of watching animations of windows.21:04
Ice9Hello, I'm running ubuntu 12.04 with a line6 ux2 sound card, and after about 3 mins of audio, the audio will quit until I unplug it or restart the computer21:04
bgardneruhelp: I actually run Xubuntu for the same reason, but that's just preference - Unity has its merits.21:04
uhelpbgardner: what are the merits?  so far I am not aware of even a single one?21:05
bigroomsmallhousto be honest i dont know either...21:06
piotrekttuhelp: the mega coll search tool, instantly finds what you look for21:06
piotrekttuhelp: it learns your ways21:06
vlad_starkovdaftykins: When I do `sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb` instead of normal disk information it returns ">> Terminate command early due to bad response to IEC mode page A mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options." It means the disk is failed?21:06
bgardneruhelp: We're getting a bit off-topic.  Just try one of the other *buntu flavors until you find what you like.21:06
piotrekttuhelp: so finding an app is fe. one key stroke after clicking U21:06
daftykinsvlad_starkov: it means it's time to read about what you're doing :(21:07
piotrekttuhelp: reallty u need to start using it in daily tasks to see benefits21:07
vlad_starkovdaftykins: reading http://linux.die.net/man/8/mdadm21:08
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daftykinsvlad_starkov: that's not really about smartctl is it though :( anywho i must leave21:08
vlad_starkovdaftykins: I just dealing with failed disk in RAID1, reading both with http://linux.die.net/man/8/smartctl21:10
vlad_starkovdaftykins: thanks for help!21:10
uhelpeveryone: thank you very much for your time.  I use hotkeys to start all my (common) applications and almost never use search.  I just need a fast, clean (empty is best) workspace, a hotkey assigned to everything, no bs-effects, and I am FAST.21:10
followerdoes any one have an integrated touchpad? if so are you able to keep your index on the pad to click not tap and move the pointer with your middle finger withou the pointer stopping?21:10
daftykinsfollower: i've never seen that be possible on a touchpad. ever.21:10
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followeron windows im able to do it21:11
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dmiller309Is there a way to emit a PropertiesChanged signal using Q_PROPERTIES? I'm trying to implement this: http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#standard-interfaces-properties, as per http://www.mentby.com/Group/dbus/propertieschanged-signal-take-2.html? This is with the Qt5 DBus interface. I asked this under #ubuntu-app-devel, but no one is there.21:11
piotrekttuhelp: np. but i will still argue that unity is uber-fast. so good luck in your search for something you really like.21:12
bigroomsmallhouswhats a q property?21:13
dmiller309Q_PROPERTY annotation: https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/properties.html21:13
bigroomsmallhous)~join #disambiguition21:13
piotrekttuhelp: oh one more thing. when you hit special key in unity - you can launch anny app from the bar21:14
piotrekttuhelp: just hitting a number21:14
piotrekttuhelp: so you have builtin hotkey you can use.21:15
dmiller309Declaring something Q_PROPERTY gives you READ/WRITE methods on it. If you're using QtDBus (which I am), then it makes it easier to export the properties over the DBus interface.21:15
zykotick9uhelp: for a minimal environment, check out any of the *box window managers...21:16
bigroomsmallhousoh cool it sounds like you are doing some programming21:16
dmiller309Doing that programming :).21:17
dmiller309piotrekkt, Do you mean Windows+theNumber?21:17
bigroomsmallhousvery geeky... what are you trying to accomplish21:17
paulbanksweird, when i call xinput it hangswithout returning anything and then whole xserver starts crashing21:18
dgryskiThe 'vagrant' package depends on 'virtualbox' (the dfsg version), but if I install virtualbox-4.2 from Oracle (the non-dfsg version), when I try to install vagrant it wants to remove virtualbox-42.21:19
dmiller309I'm trying to control media players when the ScreenSaver state changes.21:19
dgryskiShould I just install vagrant from source?21:19
alexandergranaseAnyone has experience with ubuntu isntalaltion on a dell pc with eufi and legacy?21:19
lenzHey guys? Where do I get a good simple conky script for Ubuntu Gnome 13.04?21:22
OerHekslenz, ubuntu forum is full of examples, 1000+ pages > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28186521:26
iNickwhere would ubuntu (server) store ethernet linkage issues...  we had a server loose the internal lan, and trying to find timestamps or details on it21:27
iNickwhich log :)21:27
k1liNick: dmesg and syslog in /var/logs21:28
iNickk11: thanks, looking21:29
uhelpI am back.  I decided to make an image of my drive before making changes for backup.  I was wondering when Ubuntu was coming to phone?  The reason I ask is I have an Android application I would like to port to be ready for release day-- but I don't know what that day is?21:36
uhelpI have heard Ubuntu 13.10 but I am not sure if that is real?21:38
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:39
uhelpI see I am on the wrong channel.  I will switch to #ubuntu-touch21:40
Baribal_I installed libvirt-bin, which automagigally also installed and started libvirtd; as root. I assume it's running as root to get access to all the hardware? However, to run virt-manager, I have to be in the libvirtds group, Now how do I pull that off without giving myself unneccessary privileges?21:43
bigroomsmallhoushey guys are there known issues w hacking on this channel? my laptop seemed to overheat and sshutdown just now21:46
heffrikhey, anyone here know what this type of data is: "5a6fd1f4" it's supposed to represent a value for time, but it's probably in some form of encryption so I don't know. the full line is: "InstallTime"=dword:5a6fd1f421:46
Tex_Nickbigroomsmallhous: that's an unlikley for your overhaet problem21:47
Jeruvyheffrik try converting it to decimal.21:47
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bigroomsmallhousknown issues in ubunutu then?21:47
bigroomsmallhousfor intel21:47
k1lheffrik: is this a ubuntu problem?21:47
sp3ckcan anyone give me a hand with a thunderbird issue plz?21:47
heffrikJeruvy what do you mean and how do I do that?21:48
heffrikk1l indirectly, if you want refer me to a more suitable channel and I'll leave21:48
k1lheffrik: that looks like some windows registry value, if you ask me. so it would be ##windows then21:48
Baribal_Where did gksudo go on Raring??21:49
Tex_Nickbigroomsmallhous: if it's definately a heat problep ... i would chec h the cpu coolinf fan ... also the heatsink for dust21:49
heffrikk1l noob here, why the double hash?21:49
bigroomsmallhousthe fan is working21:49
dmiller309I don't think gksudo went anywhere. I'm running the 13.10 dev, and it's still there.21:49
Tex_Nicknew keyboard ... bad typos ^ :(21:49
dmiller309$ whereis gksu21:49
dmiller309gksu: /usr/bin/gksu /usr/bin/X11/gksu /usr/share/gksu /usr/share/man/man1/gksu.1.gz21:49
bigroomsmallhouswhy is my laptop running hot in ubunutu? sony vaio i3 intell amd x8621:50
Baribal_dmiller309, that helped, thanks.21:50
Jeruvyheffrik http://www.binaryhexconverter.com/hex-to-decimal-converter or you can type it  in a google search field also and it will convert for you.21:50
Baribal_bigroomsmallhous, checked for dust?21:50
k1lheffrik: because the channel is not owned by microsoft. (for more info on that channelnaming ask in #freenode )21:51
bigroomsmallhousvaio laptops sometimes shutdown automatically21:51
Tex_Nickbigroomsmallhous: those fans suck dust into the heatsink ... check for dust ... there are a lot of other issues that cause a pc to shut down21:51
bigroomsmallhousanyone know a way to fix?21:51
heffrikk1l plus why would it be windows? The file was system.reg but I'm in ubuntu21:51
heffrikJeruvy thanks21:51
Jeruvyheffrik can you pastebin the file?  !pastebin21:52
bigroomsmallhousanyone point me to the process monitor for ubuntu pls21:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:52
OerHeksbigroomsmallhous, vaio? maybe you need this PPA, with vaiofanctrl > https://launchpad.net/~vaiofand/+archive/ppa21:52
bigroomsmallhousfor the poweruser21:52
k1lheffrik: can you explain what you are doing at all?21:52
dmiller309If you're using a Dell, you're going to have problems because those things are better ovens than computers. Mine overheated even while running memcheck.21:52
bigroomsmallhousthanks oer21:52
dmiller309Get a System76 and it doesn't overheat.21:53
dmiller309Hope you get it sorted out though.21:53
OerHeksbigroomsmallhous, have fun21:53
bigroomsmallhousi think vaio has a compatibleproblem21:53
k1lheffrik: and i can only think of fiddeling with a isntalltime in a windows registry for warez. so that is neither a topic in here21:54
bigroomsmallhousyes ty oerhenks21:54
BigFistI have an two DVD Installation (ISOs) - wine game. And during install I need to switch disk. If I unmount DISK1 it doesn't really disappear from files tree. Only eject icon. Mounting second disk as DISC2 doesn't help. Installer searches for files only on first Disk. What to do ?21:55
OerHeksBigFist, see WineHQ database hoto install multiple disks for your game/app21:56
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu21:56
foobArrrI have a strange problem since upgrading to 13.04. I'm using xfce with compiz. when I have several maximized windows (or several windows with the right top corner in the same spot), somtimes when I click the X to close a window, not the window in the front but a window in the back gets closed. I tried with both gtk-window-decorator and emerald, same result. any ideas?21:56
tonyti have a dual boot win 7 and xubuntu set up . xubuntu is installed on a external usb hard drive . can i install ubuntu to that external drive with out messing anything up ?22:01
Baribal_Does lightning interfere with WLAN? Otherwise my router is performing _badly_.22:02
dmiller309foobArrr, it sounds like you have a problem with metacity and the way it interacts with compiz.22:02
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dmiller309Have you tried messing with the "window decorations" settings in the CompizConfig Settings Manager?22:03
aarobcHey, so I'm on 13.04, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to send the alt key to a program. I have to be able to alt+click, and every time I try that, it moves the window instead.22:04
k1lledhttp://postimg.org/image/ojcuh1n0p/full/ - how i can fix that?22:04
foobArrrdmiller309: if it's metacity related, would that affect emerald? no I havn't changed any of those settings beside the "Command" field, as said I tried emerald and gtk-window-decorator there.22:05
Guest49223i need help with xubuntu  on youtube all video are fuzzy22:05
ObrienDaveGuest49223*** ask on xubuntu channel please22:06
Guest49223ok thanks22:06
dmiller309foobArr Sorry, I'm not too familiar with emerald; that's all I know. If you kill compiz and just run the metacity window decorator, the problem will probably go away, but that's not what you want.22:07
wilee-nileetonyt, How does Xubuntu run on a external, a bit slow? WE can't really commeant on additional OS's without details of what is there a screen shot of gparted looking at the external would be helpful.22:08
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tonytya it runs a little slow . i was just wanting to install unbuntu . i was just wondering will it wreck the dual boot22:09
tonyti guess ill try it and see what happenes22:09
wilee-nileetonyt, asking if it will be wrecked without details is not very helpful, multibooting is effected by variables.22:10
tonytit dual boots fine now . i dont know what else to provide . xubuntu is installed now on the external . i want to install unbuntu over it22:11
wilee-nileetonyt, A screen shot of the external is to much here?22:12
bekkstonyt: Just install the package "ubuntu-desktop"22:12
k1lledhttp://postimg.org/image/ojcuh1n0p/full/ - how i can fix that?22:12
wilee-nilee+1 on the ubuntu-desktop22:12
Slartk1lled: easiest way is to boot into windows on the machine and run checkdisk from there.. it's been a while since I looked at this but I don't think there is a fsck for ntfs available in linux22:17
Slartk1lled: that is assuming you are dual-booting on the machine in question22:17
k1lledi am with dual boot, yes, win 8 + ubuntu 13.0422:18
PyruHi there, I have an nvidia card, with optimus technology (newer laptop, IdeaPad Y580). It has a 3rd generation Intel GPU, and an nvidia geforce 660m GTX discrete GPU. I installed bumblebee and to my knowledge it's working. optirun glxspheres shows a good framerate, and is telling me it's using the gtx 660m. Now, I can only get the OS to boot useing "nomodeset" flag. And when in the Unity desktop,22:18
Pyruperformance is very bad. By that, I mean visual effects are "slow" and "choppy". Any help is appreciated22:18
k1lledin windows i have no problem with this22:18
Slartk1lled: doesn't surprise me.. but run the disk check anyway.. it will probably find some minor thing to fix and then do a normal shutdown.. no hibernation or such22:19
tskorteHello, I want to upgrade bluez to 5.6 but have no idea how. I'm thinking about compiling from source but not to sure how to - is there a ppa I can add?22:19
Slarttskorte: this channel mostly deals with regular vanilla ubuntu... google might be your best bet when it comes to finding specialized repositories22:20
k1lledwhat exacly i must check?? never before i have problem with hard22:20
k1lled12.04, 12.10 - no problems22:21
k1lled13.04 ... and22:21
Slartk1lled: just a regular disk check.. I've never run windows 8 but in windows 7 I would right click on a drive, select tools and run the disk scan thingy..22:21
tskorteSlart, yah, I've tried that with no particular luck. What if I rephrase my question: When trying to bring bluetooth dongle up (hciconfig hci0 up) I get a connection timed out error. Anyone experienced this?22:22
k1lledwin8 is same. Okey i will22:22
k1lledafter this i will come back here, now restart22:22
Slartk1lled: ok22:22
Slarttskorte: bluetooth is black magic if you ask me.. I'm happy it has worked for me in the past but I have no idea how to troubleshoot it. Unless you've got some reason to believe that upgrading will fix your problem I would look elsewhere first22:23
Slarttskorte: as always, googling for the error message is a good first start.. running commands in a terminal (possibly with -v) is also a good thing to try.. check the logs /var/log/syslog and /var/log/kern.log might also give you good information22:25
tskorteSlart: I hear ya! I thought I read somewhere that it was a bug in bluez in < 5.00 but now I see that it's supposed to be < 4.96, ubuntu 13.04 runs 4.101 so I'm out of ideas.22:25
tskorteSlart, sure, IRC is always the last resort. No use in wasting peoples time when a google search might help.22:26
Dr_willisaskubuntu.com is normally  my first stop these days.22:27
tskorteDr_willis, yah. It's amazing!22:27
Slarttskorte: people on IRC has in some way already decided that they want their time wasted if you ask me =) I wouldn't really suggest googling normally but it seems a bit quiet in here at the moment22:27
Dr_willisnow if people would search askubuntu.com and understand how its supposed to work instead of asking the same question over and over on the site.. ;P22:28
tskorteI found this workaround on launchpad, as it is a bug apparantly but I'm unsure how to download the ubuntus 'linux-source'. Someone posted a patch on launchpad which should help.22:29
tskorteSlart, haha, true that.22:29
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k1lledagain dont work, i still cant open my hard22:32
k1lledsame error22:32
Slartk1lled: did you find any errors when you did the disk check?22:33
k1lledSlart:  - nope22:33
k1lledat windows, all is good22:34
k1lledwork perf, no error in check22:34
Slartk1lled: and you're sure you did a normal shutdown.. no hibernation, suspend or such?22:35
k1lledyes, shut down, when my laptop was down, i click my power off button, to start22:35
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Slartk1lled: how fast does it boot up? are your programs still running when it comes back?22:36
k1lledi cant undarstand a quest, my english is bad..22:37
Slartk1lled: no worries.. there are two ways to shut down a computer.. normal (full) shutdown.. everything is killed and power turned off.. then there is hibernation (kind of like some animals do in winter) where everything is saved to the hard drive and when you start up the computer again it loads everything and your programs are still running, documents in office are still open and such22:38
KeyboardNotFoundcan i run mac os app on ubuntu ?22:38
ColdRainKeyboardNotFound: Nope22:38
Slartk1lled: you have to do a full shutdown.. not hibernation  when you exit windows .. otherwise you'll get the error you described22:39
k1lledSlart:  i know what is hibernate and shut down, and what is diff.22:39
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holsteinKeyboardNotFound: nothing is preventing any application from being made to run on linux/ubuntu.. ask the developers if it will run on ubuntu22:39
k1lledand i never use this option hibernate - this is most stupid thing22:39
Slartk1lled: it might be called something like "fast restart" in windows.. it might also be enabled by default22:40
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k1lleddude i know how to shut down my pc22:40
k1lledand i dont know what is the problem22:40
k1lledmy windows have no problem22:40
k1lledat 12.04 and 12.10 no problems too, but 13.04 cant mount this22:40
PyruHi there, I have an nvidia card, with optimus technology (newer laptop, IdeaPad Y580). It has a 3rd generation Intel GPU, and an nvidia geforce 660m GTX discrete GPU. I installed bumblebee and to my knowledge it's working. optirun glxspheres shows a good framerate, and is telling me it's using the gtx 660m. Now, I can only get the OS to boot useing "nomodeset" flag. And when in the Unity desktop,22:40
Pyruperformance is very bad. By that, I mean visual effects are "slow" and "choppy". Any help is appreciated22:40
Slartk1lled: http://www.eightforums.com/tutorials/6320-fast-startup-turn-off-windows-8-a.html22:40
k1lledbro, this is useless...22:42
Slartk1lled: you can also try using the option to "restart" instead of "shutdown"22:42
holstein!volunteers | k1lled22:42
ubottuk1lled: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:42
z_-If I put ubuntu on my laptop, will the FN keys works? and can I expect better battery life (after tweaking)?22:42
k1lledi use few times "restart" today at my windows, and always my ubuntu cantttttttttttt mount my parts ..22:42
Slartz_-: perhaps and perhaps =/22:42
studmeisterHi everyone. I am trying to find an easy way to install the i965 driver for my laptop. I am running Ubuntu 12.04.22:43
holsteink1lled: what exatly used to work in 12.04 that is not working in 13.04? what is not mounting?22:43
Slartk1lled: then I don't really know what could cause this.. sorry22:43
k1lledholstein:  moment22:43
z_-Slart: If i try "use Ubuntu" from the disk, is this a good way to verify?22:43
k1lledhttp://postimg.org/image/ojcuh1n0p/full/ - look...22:43
holsteinz_-: better battery life compared to what?22:44
k1lledSlart:  told me the problem come from win8, bad shutdown22:44
z_-holstein: Win7/8.22:44
k1lledbut i know how to shut down22:44
Slartz_-: depending on the laptop model and such it might range from "everything works out of the box" to "nothing works and noone knows if it will get better"22:44
Slartz_-: yes, running the live ubuntu thing will at least tell you if some things will work22:44
k1lledz_-: FN buttons will work, but battery will work same time like windows22:45
holsteink1lled: did you confirm that the message is not true? have you tried mounting it read only?22:45
z_-Slart: Great thanks I'll test.22:45
holsteinactually, battery life can be much worse in linux, due to driver support, typically22:45
Slartz_-: on my laptop I had about half the battery life compared to windows.. after lots of tweaking I've now got about 25% better battery time22:45
k1lledhow i can mount it read only22:45
z_-Slart: Tweakings hard to do?22:46
holsteink1lled: i would read the message in the image you linked me, and try what is suggests.. ro22:46
z_-Slart: I got a Vizio laptop on Win8 and FN/battery life don't work well. hence Why I want to try ubuntu -_-22:46
Slartz_-: not really hard but lots of trial and error.. creating small scripts and such.. it takes some patience and a lot of rebooting =)22:46
z_-Slart: fuuuuuuu22:47
Slartwell.. you're welcome I guess..22:47
holsteinz_-: if flawless hardware support is the most important thing, you should use what the vendor suggests and intended you to use.. if you are willing to tinker, and compromise, you might enjoy linux/ubuntu22:47
studmeisterHi everyone. I am trying to find an easy way to install the i965 driver for my laptop. I am running Ubuntu 12.0422:48
=== orcun is now known as Kr
z_-holstein: Thanks. I will try with the trial thingy see how it is first. It can't really be worse tbh ^^22:49
holsteinstudmeister: intel drivers are just included.. what the issue?22:49
studmeisterWhen I go to run a program, it is telling me that it can not find the i965 driver.22:49
k1lledholstein: ...... mmm22:50
holsteinstudmeister: what is "it"22:50
holsteinstudmeister: if you have that *exact* message, please share22:50
studmeisterIt's Singularity Viewer.22:50
studmeisterHere is a link to what is said in the terminal window... http://paste.ubuntu.com/5781939/22:51
Slartter: if you have that *exact* message, please share22:51
Slart00:50 < studmeister> It's Singularity Viewer.22:51
Slartoops.. sorry22:51
holsteinstudmeister: you dont think its a bug in the program? "The program 'singularity-do-not-run-directly' received an X Window System error.22:51
studmeisterIts ok Slart. =)22:51
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
studmeisterIt does it on the Firestorm Viewer as well as the SecondLife Viewer as well, so I think it is missing the driver.22:52
Kryarak kafalýlar22:53
holsteinstudmeister: what driver are you using? in a terminal lscpi -v ..you can share that via pastebin if you need22:54
foobArrrdmiller309: if it's metacity related, would that affect emerald? no I havn't changed any of those settings beside the "Command" field, as said I tried emerald and gtk-window-decorator there.22:56
studmeisterThe terminal is telling me it can't find the lscpi command.22:56
holsteinstudmeister: lspci .. sorry22:57
studmeisterOk, I figured that out... Here's the patebin. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5781949/22:58
studmeisterit looks like it is using the 915 driver.22:59
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holsteinstudmeister: looks like you are using the driver you should be using.. have you tried xswat ppa?23:01
studmeisterNo. I am brand new, and trying to learn it.23:02
holsteinstudmeister: where are you getting these applications that are failing?23:02
studmeisterFrom their websites, they are not listed in the Application Center23:03
holsteinstudmeister: then, you need to ask them for help.. there is nothing "wrong" with ubuntu.. you are using the driver you are meant to use23:04
studmeisterOk, thank you.23:04
holsteincould be they dont support your version of ubuntu...23:04
clickclackis anyone else having troubles running app store on 13.10?23:10
dmiller309Nope, works fine for me.23:11
dmiller309I just started the app store and it runs fine.23:11
clickclackcould i post my error from running it in terminal? maybe you see something23:11
clickclackhttp://pastebay.net/1241735 there it is23:13
OerHeks!raring | clickclack  you better join #ubuntu+1 for raring support23:15
ubottuclickclack  you better join #ubuntu+1 for raring support: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0423:15
clickclackthank you, first time using this chan23:15
OerHeksyour welcome, and have fun23:15
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde23:16
OxGOOSEI know :)  I was kidding23:16
OxGOOSEHow is everyone?23:16
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holstein!ot | OxGOOSE23:17
ubottuOxGOOSE: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:17
OxGOOSEGot it, thank you!23:18
SaxXanybody available to tell me why i can't access to phpmyadmin23:26
wilee-nilee!details | SaxX23:26
ubottuSaxX: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:26
^MikeWhat should I use to stream media (audio and video) to my andoid (on my home lan)23:27
SaxXso i am under Ubuntu 12.04 TLS23:28
SaxXi have just installed lamp23:28
SaxXeverything remain good except the fact i can't access to localhost/phpmyadmin23:29
^MikeDid you install phpmyadmin?23:30
wilee-nilee^Mike, I think you can do that with airdroid from google play23:30
^Mikesweeeeeeet, I'll check it out23:30
^Mikemy alternative is to try sshfs or something, but that's probably not the best idea :)23:31
SaxXyes i do ^Mike23:31
^MikeSaxX: and what happens when you navigate to the phpmyadmin URL?23:31
SaxXand when i type head /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf23:32
OerHeksSaxX, how do you start myphpadmin ? <yourrIP>/phpmyadmin ?23:32
SaxXi can't see the alias that it's made23:32
Gabboz^Mike, take a peek at subsonic too23:33
^Mikewilee-nilee: airdroid looks like a remote control panel for your android device, rather than anything to do with streaming media. I guess you can transfer files :X23:33
Gabbozairdroid isn't what you want(i use that app).23:34
^Mikeyeah, subsonic looks like it'll cover me for audio23:34
wilee-nilee^Mike, Airdroid is a wireless communication, I thought I saw a streaming option.23:34
Gabboz^Mike,  it does video too23:34
^MikeGabboz: subsonic does?23:35
Gabbozsubsonic transcodes(audio/video) on the fly.23:35
Gabbozi think mencode is the main app behind all that23:35
Gabboz^Mike, FYI, there is a fork of that project where the goal was completely free(some felt the donation being enforced was tasteless).  I don't know the name of that fork tho23:39
Gabboz^Mike, its called supersonic23:41
^Mikeyeah, I just found it23:41
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luiscinemaoh no23:56
luiscinemaok guys23:56
luiscinemais me23:57
FloodBot1luiscinema: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:58
luiscinemaah ok23:58
luiscinemais anyone here23:59

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