
JamesTai2Good morning all - have a happy, relaxed World Sauntering Day. :)09:23
=== JamesTai2 is now known as JamesTait
czajkowskijust wondering how long after you purchase a subscription before it is applied to your account folks ?11:20
czajkowskicurrently over the limit as lost staff marker11:20
czajkowskiso purchased 20GB there a few mins ago but still not showing on my account11:20
alecuczajkowski: maybe matiasb or beuno can answer that.11:50
alecunot sure if they have started their workday just yet, though :-)11:51
matiasbalecu, czajkowski: just starting here, no backlog; tell me :)11:51
alecu[08:18] <czajkowski> aloha11:52
alecu[08:19] <czajkowski> just wondering how long after you purchase a subscription before it is applied to your account folks ?11:52
alecu[08:19] <czajkowski> currently over the limit as lost staff marker11:52
alecu[08:19] <czajkowski> so purchased 20GB there a few mins ago but still not showing on my account11:52
matiasbalecu: thanks, czajkowski: it should be just a few minutes (some time could take longer too), until pay processes the authorisation (if it was purchased using a credit card), let me check11:54
czajkowskimatiasb: I've logged out and in again11:54
czajkowskipaid with paypal11:55
matiasbczajkowski: could you tell me what is your account email?11:58
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
=== eu is now known as Guest9811
kenvandineChipaca, what's the plan for porting u1 client to qt5?13:25
kenvandinemore specifically anything that depends on qtwebkit?13:26
kenvandineso the control panel i guess13:27
ralsinakenvandine: the control panel has no webkit in it13:27
kenvandineah... so what does?13:27
ralsinanothing we are doing uses qtwebkit AFAIK13:27
kenvandineseb128, ^^13:28
seb128kenvandine, they use python-qt4 which depends on it13:28
seb128not sure if the bindings could be split13:28
kenvandineok... so not directly :)13:28
kenvandineralsina, is there anyone working on porting to qt5?13:29
ralsinakenvandine: no, we are 100% on phone stuff13:30
kenvandinewell, you need qt5 for phone :)13:30
kenvandineare you working on a replacement then?13:31
ralsinawell, there's no ubuntuone client on the phone :-)13:31
ralsinathere will be a app that doesn't do sync13:31
kenvandinebut i don't think the client depends on qt413:31
kenvandinejust the control panel13:31
ralsinaand ubuntu-sso-client13:36
dobeyralsina, kenvandine: ubuntuone-client has a partial dep on qt4 (for qtnetwork, for the proxy stuff)14:16
dobeythe ubuntuone-client-proxy binary pkg14:17
dobeyif we're shipping pyqt that works on qt5 now, then it should be pretty easy to port over14:18
dobeyjust tedious work14:18
ralsinait should be very limited code changes14:24
dobeyyeah, it should mostly be try/except ImportError: addition in most cases14:24
dobeybecause putting version numbers in python package names is awesome14:25
Chipacakenvandine: as roberto said, nobody20:26
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away

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