=== jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x [01:35] hi, there. I'm a newbie to linux. anyone can help me install xubuntu on a samsung netbook? === jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x [01:57] having trouble? === jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x === jeanaustinr|x is now known as jeanaustinr === jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x [03:34] Hello, installed xubuntu yesterday and I do not have any sound. Drivers are installed correctly. Not sure what to do next http://pastebin.com/ZHAhkV3J [03:35] it is neither unmuted nor am I using headphones. Music does not play regardless the player I am using [03:40] help would be greatly appreciated ! [03:45] Hi. How do I get two-monitor support (extended desktop, NOT mirroring) from startup? [03:45] I know how to get it by running arandr, but I want to have it from boot. === tavasti` is now known as tavasti === jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x === Mortvert is now known as Alpha [06:00] how do I upgrade from xubuntu 12.04 to 13.04? [06:01] xubuntupc: http://xubuntu.org/upgrading/ [06:02] thanks baizon [06:03] xubuntupc: and read this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139765 [06:03] alright, and I have one more question [06:03] Basically, my friend's pc has a 2-3 bar wifi connection, it's a decent speed, able to skype and stuff. We setup a wifi hotspot with Connectify and my speed is around 30 kbs even though im like 5 feet away atm [06:09] sorry no idea :) === exoplanet is now known as daswort [07:14] Will swap be encrypted, if you choose to encrypt home parition or is it encrypted home directory, if you don't create separate home partition? Will swap be encrypted even if you use manual partitioning to create swap partition? [07:16] jarnos: swap will be encrypted if you full encrypt the hard drive or choose to crypt your home folder [07:16] koegs, what if you have many swap partitions? [07:17] should be working, but never tested it [07:19] jarnos: you could always use ecryptfs-setup-swap afterwards [07:19] just asking, because I have chosen to encrypt home folder during installation, but my swap seems to be unencrypted. I used manual partitioning. And this is 12.04. [07:27] i will try with manual partitioning and two swap partitions :D [07:33] koegs, I wonder, if it is any advantage in doing it this way http://iwtf.net/2010/01/05/encrypting-your-ubuntu-swap-partition/ instead of using ecryptfs-setup-swap [07:34] more or less it does the same [07:41] koegs, ecryptfs-setup-swap was so fast it did not probably clear existing swap of existin plain text data. [07:44] i dont see that as a real problem [07:46] koegs, it is not a problem once you use all your memory (including swap) again. [07:48] jarnos: i know the implications... [07:49] just tested in a vm with 12.04 AMD64, 6GB root ext4, 1GB btrfs /home, 2x800MB Swap, both are encrypted by the installer [07:51] koegs, thanks, probably I have messed up with swap after installation then. But now it should be ok again :) [08:09] is anyone available here? [08:10] !ask | toothpick [08:10] toothpick: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [08:11] Alright. Well machine is of the following specs: AMD Athlon XP 2500+ [08:11] Motherboard: Asus A7V600 [08:12] http://paste.ubuntu.com/5779742/ [08:12] problem is with the raid controller [08:13] on precise 12.04, the installation goes fine [08:13] but every file that i copy (while using the VIA Raid) results in corrupted file upon reading back [08:13] any ideas? [08:14] the specific raid controller chip is: VIA VT6420 SATA RAID Controller [08:15] not me I'm afraid - if someone can help you they will :) [08:19] i found a similar issue in the mailing list [08:19] someone reported that with Linux 2.6 kernel and according to bugzilla on debian.org, the issue was fixed [08:20] however I am running kernel 3.2 and the problem with this particular controller still exists [08:20] i really would not use any onboard-raid-controller in any setup [08:20] any particular reason you say that? This chip is contained in many other add-on cards [08:20] these cheap controllers are just not reliable [08:21] i disagree, you are not qualified then to talk about raid controller. linux all is cheap (free) [08:21] i would appreciate if you let more knowledgeable people give a useful answer [08:21] lol [08:22] these onboard-controllers are just plain sata-controllers and all the work is done by the driver in windows, linux-support is a joke and that is why there are several problems with the kernel-implementation [08:23] and by "alle the work is done by the driver" means "all the work is done by the cpu, not the controller" so it would be a better solution to use mdadm instead of the fake-raid onboard controllers [08:23] your choice of words give me a sense that you are a microsoft employee or get paid otherwise by microsoft. You know nothing about linux support trust me on this Mr. Germany. please let other people give a useful advice [08:24] and now i think YOU are the troll here, have fun... [08:24] i am sorry but you have passed all bounds and I shall refer to you as mentally retarded to believe that onboard chips (which are also use on add-on cards) are any different. === jeanaustinr is now known as jeanaustinr|x === Gryllida is now known as randomgry === Alpha is now known as Mortvert [17:29] Hey. When I press F1 inside XFCE Terminal, it tries to launch [17:29] it? launches what? [17:30] the help dialog. How can I prevent the Terminal from capturing the F1 keypress? [17:30] how do I edit in a terminal with admin privileges? [17:30] I forgot the command [17:30] have you checked the settings? [17:30] Sorry for putting you in so much tension for a second [17:30] !sudo | nantou [17:30] nantou: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo [17:30] holstein: yes, didn't see anything relevant. [17:30] i made the wrong question [17:30] dunpeal: i usually bail on the default terminal pretty quickly [17:31] holstein: what do you use? [17:31] dunpeal: i got used to gnome terminal, though, its not "better", nor what i would suggest [17:31] sudo doesnt work with . ./var [17:31] i bail because, probably much like you are finding, something is different, and i know how to set things up in gnome terminal [17:32] or ./clean-all [17:32] tips are welcomed [17:32] nantou: sudo "works" with everything.. what are you doing? [17:32] holstein, following http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html [17:32] ooo, did I forget to quote? [17:33] nantou: to try and keep me from reading that, what are you trying to do? [17:33] nantou: what is the erro you have? [17:33] sudo ". ./var" << error* [17:33] nantou: are you getting a permissions error? [17:33] mometn [17:33] yes [17:33] nantou: open a terminal, and paste the *entire* command and error in pastebin [17:33] !paste [17:33] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [17:34] guys in another channel suggested to copy the easy-rsa directory to my home directory, but that approach breaks all paths [17:34] nantou: do you have time to do what i ask? so i can see the *exact* error, please? [17:35] ./clean-all [17:35] mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/usr/share/easy-rsa/keys’: Permission denied [17:35] nantou: you are not sudo [17:35] nantou: open the terminal [17:35] sudo -s [17:35] sorry for that... <<<< Please source the vars script first (i.e. "source ./vars") [17:35] Make sure you have edited it to reflect your configuration. [17:36] then, run the commands as root [17:36] !vpn | nantou [17:36] nantou: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN [17:37] thanks holstein [17:38] help me! [17:38] !volunteers | ryoshu [17:38] ryoshu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [17:39] I'm using XUBUNTU, and there all windows/widgets are shown as shadows [17:39] how to nuke that 'style'? [17:39] ryoshu: was it like that, out of the box? [17:39] I'm just forced to use temporarily here this system and this 'feature' is killing any user utilitness [17:40] holstein: yes [17:40] you are not "forced" to do anything [17:40] yes, I am [17:40] but this part isn't my problem here [17:40] ryoshu: i would try as a new user.. even the guest account, to rule out the user config [17:41] i would look at compositing settings.. [17:41] where are compositing settings? [17:42] ryoshu: in the settings menu.. effects? something like that [17:43] I don't see it [17:43] Settings Manager -> Window Manager Tweaks and navigate to the last pane "Compositor". Check the "Enable display compositing" [17:43] when I click 'file' in a window it's shadow and problably under the current window [17:44] windows are at different visibility level [17:44] probably? just confirm that.. that can still be compositing related [17:45] I just wanted to join and say... Xubuntu 13.04 is awesome! That is all. [17:46] holstein: sorry, it takes times, the shadows, effect my sight [17:46] ryoshu: disable them [17:47] that what i mean by, you are not forced to do anything.. everything is open, and nothing is hiding from you.. though, the defaults might not fit your needs [17:48] I will nuke .xfce4 and related things.. [17:49] sure.. that also can be tested as a new user, and is why i asked if it was like that "out of the box" [17:49] bbl [17:49] "nuke"ing your config will make a new default one spawn, [17:57] hello again [17:58] erasing xfce4 config hadn't help, so I installed pekwm and it looks like a charm - no shadows, invisible windows, other cool efects :) [17:58] thanks for help! [18:07] /j #python [18:07] woops [18:07] What at least it wasn't... something else ;) === IsoAnon is now known as Isolol [19:08] !welcome [19:08] Hello and welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions or help others. If you'd like to chit-chat, please visit #xubuntu-offtopic and for developer discussion, see #xubuntu-devel :) [20:03] is there a way to list PLACES above DEVICES in Thunars sidebar? [20:04] no [20:04] damn! [20:19] i reordered by deselecting all my devices from thunar's sidebar and added the ones I use as bookmarks at the bottom of the places section :) [20:28] how can i specify an image to use as wallpaper from the command line? [20:34] nagev: xfconf-query should be able to do that [20:36] after changing the wallpaper you will have to run xfdesktop --reload [20:36] nagev: xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s /home/sheep/Pictures/back/dark-forest-wallpaper-1024x768-0021.jpg [20:37] brainwash: no reload needed [20:37] nice one, thanks :) [20:37] nagev: it lets you change practically all xfce settings [20:38] is xfconf-query how the graphical menus actually change settings? [20:38] vorsorken: they do the same library calls [20:39] vorsorken: they don't necessary invoke the xfconf-query binary [20:39] necessarily [20:39] I see, thanks [20:39] TheSheep: cool, thanks. I was looking for the key in dconf editor [20:40] nagev: xfce4-settings-editor [20:40] nagev: for a gui [20:41] thanks again! [20:52] I cant seem to rest my thumb in the bottom left corner of the new touchpad [21:09] I cant seem to rest my thumb in the bottom left corner of the new touchpad [21:10] follower: Not sure what you mean by that. [21:10] Have you contacted a doctor? [21:10] follower: also, are you using lubuntu? or xubuntu? and would you like to work with a volunteer here? or in #lubuntu? === xubuntu167 is now known as tonyt [21:47] I copied the .iso byte-for-byte with dd to a usb stick, my computer won't boot from it. what did I miss? [21:47] the usb stick is recognized in the bios and i can mount the partition off it, on a booted linux system [21:49] cfdisk reports that it has GPT, is that correct? [21:49] try to dd again, try using other than front usb ports(if on desktop), try another usb stick [21:50] I had that problem sometimes, but never had any clear reason [21:50] tried all of that [21:50] hmm [21:50] torax, o/ [21:50] =) [21:50] tried two usb sticks [21:50] torax, not on -ot anymore? [21:50] i have six ports in the back, maybe two of them are some sort of "master" port [21:51] knome: they booted the server I had my irssi and im too lazy to rejoin all the channels =D [21:51] torax, boo! (use autojoin) [21:51] torax: autojoin ;) [21:52] benedikt: did you define bs with dd? [21:54] for example dd if=foo of=/dev/bar bs=1M [21:54] guys, xfce4-indicator-plugin 1.0 was released a couple weeks ago. Did you find any issues with the new version? [21:54] benedikt: be sure to use /dev/sdx instead of /dev/sdx1 === Sadin_ is now known as Sadin [22:14] need help video fuzzy on youtube [22:52] i install flash restricted areas and youtube video fuzzy ( [22:53] xubuntu049: switch to html5 mode instead [22:54] thanks === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang