
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
gary_posterMakyo, I got a report that the "Firefox only" bug is actually on chrome as well, and verified.  urgency is very high.  lemme know if you need more resources to help you, or if you need me to get anything out of your way12:00
rick_hgary_poster: jcsackett mentioned you emailed out to people on the shared web asset stuff and I didn't see that email. Was that to the gui list? Or some other list I might not be signed up for?12:01
gary_posterrick_h, juju-gui-peeps (bottom left of https://launchpad.net/~juju-gui-peeps).  You are listed as subscribed12:02
rick_hgary_poster: cool thanks. I wasn't subscribed to the list. Added. 12:03
gary_posterrick_h, I had weird dyslexia and thought you were jc.  Crazy sometimes :-P12:05
rick_hgary_poster: it's early...more coffee12:05
gary_posterhey teknico are you investigating CI?13:00
rick_hcome on, you know you want to review this code https://codereview.appspot.com/10416044/ it'll make your morning and is equiv to 3 cups of coffee. promise!13:08
teknicogary_poster: just back from lunch, I wonder how I can discover what those two failures are13:08
gary_posterteknico, you watch the videos13:08
teknicogary_poster: oh, now I can see the FAIL line, thanks13:10
teknicothe service is quite slow at serving videos...13:19
teknicorick_h: ECHANGETOOBIG, cannot review, sorry ;-P13:19
rick_hteknico: ignore the giant test json file that's 80% of the change :)13:23
rick_hteknico: that's just fixture data pulled from the back end 13:23
rick_h+1310 lines - 962 fixture13:24
teknicorick_h: thanks, highlighting this in the description would be useful13:24
rick_hteknico: agreed, apologies there. 13:25
teknicorick_h: no worries, i just like complaining ;-)13:26
teknicogary_poster: the failing test does not seem to rely on code my branch changes, and it's under a 250ms timeout, maybe a fluke?13:36
gary_posterteknico, maybe so.  given the goal of your branch, maybe try at least adding a warning comment about it, and then retrying?13:37
teknicogary_poster: adding a comment about the failure above the test module entry in index.html? sure13:39
gary_posterrick_h, fwiw you are still not showing up on juju-gui-peeps mailing list https://launchpad.net/~juju-gui-peeps/+mailing-list-subscribers13:44
rick_hgary_poster: ok, so strange. Whenever I click on subscribe I get taken to my +editmails page but it's not liseted there at all13:46
rick_hgary_poster: nvm, I was looking for GUI and it's UI13:48
rick_hgary_poster: updated, and subscribed13:48
gary_posterrick_h, :-) cool13:48
rick_hjcsackett: found review. I was looking at the bug off the card. Man I need to wake up today. 13:50
bachi luca__, thanks for the feedback on the feedback box.  please have a look at lp:~bac/juju-gui/feedback.  your referenced example helped a lot to figure out what to do.13:56
bacluca__: recording your thoughts on the review would be helpful: https://codereview.appspot.com/1040704413:57
rick_hhatch: got a sec to second the review here for jcsackett  please? https://codereview.appspot.com/10352045/13:57
* rick_h goes to catch him before he gets started with anything, the perfect code-review trap13:58
jcsackettrick_h: link for yours?13:58
gary_posterhey teknico I need to either start our call late or finish very early.  which would you prefer?13:58
gary_posterlate: maybe 10 minutes13:58
rick_hjcsackett: https://codereview.appspot.com/10416044/13:58
gary_posterthat's my preference :-)13:58
rick_hjcsackett: ignore the giant .json test fixture :)13:59
teknicogary_poster: no problem with late13:59
gary_posterthank you13:59
teknicorick_h: what are "overall related charms"?14:03
rick_hteknico: regardless of if it's a require/provide interface and what interface it's a part of14:05
rick_hteknico: sorry, should have done a screen shot14:05
teknicorick_h: so is it a superset of all related charms?14:06
rick_hteknico: http://uploads.mitechie.com/lp/related-charms.png is the feature. On the right it lists charms related to this one. Overall means of any related charm. It's the highest ranking subset of all realted charms. 14:07
rick_hteknico: based on the weight score from the api. 14:07
rick_hteknico: a follow up branch will add a simliar related charm to the interfaces tab, but it will be on each matching interface14:08
teknicorick_h: ok, thanks14:09
rick_hteknico: np, thanks for asking :()14:10
rick_herr :)14:10
hatchrick_h: reviewing14:16
rick_hhatch: thanks14:16
teknicorick_h: done14:17
rick_hteknico: thanks, appreciate it. 14:18
luca__bac: I branched your code and I can't see the tab14:24
hatchrick_h: done14:24
luca__bac: never mind! I had the wrong url14:25
teknicohatch: hi, remember that problem with caching and loadFixture in test/utils? I finally made it work without changing the code around too much, see line 429 of the diff: https://code.launchpad.net/~teknico/juju-gui/test-interdep-cleanup/+merge/17040814:38
hatchbe glad to see those GET requests gone14:39
hatchswitching from less to sass.....w0000000t14:41
teknicorick_h: re: the relatedCharmContainer comment in the review, it was by yourself, not me :-)14:41
teknicohatch: that's actually kind of sad :-P14:41
teknicoI'll have to install ruby back14:41
hatchbah! sass is superior14:41
hatchapt-get install ruby14:41
luca__bac: where can I leave feedback?14:41
gary_posterhatch, teknico we would use pysass14:41
teknicohatch: I know :-P I'd like to avoid inferior prog. languages bloating my machine ;-)14:42
bacluca__: https://codereview.appspot.com/1040704414:42
rick_hgary_poster: I've used https://github.com/Kronuz/pyScss as well with success14:42
luca__bac: it works perfectly14:42
hatchteknico: haha well I agree with you on that one :P14:42
luca__bac: I just want to change the oranges14:42
teknicogary_poster: *excellent* news! :-D14:42
bacluca__: hey, that's the kind of feedback i like14:42
rick_hhatch: no ruby for you!14:42
gary_posterrick_h, sorry I meant "a python version of sass" and was going to get recommendations.  pyscss does seem like the winner according to google14:43
teknicohatch: how is sass superior to less, btw?14:43
hatchgary_poster: ahh I didn't know there was a python port of it. (quick google) do you know which version we are using?14:43
rick_hgary_poster: ah, gotcha.14:43
teknicogary_poster: and are we also going to use the older, indented, bracket-less SASS syntax? pretty please? ;-)14:44
hatchis my vote14:44
gary_posterteknico, I don't think so14:44
teknicoI know, I know, compatibility and stuff :-P14:44
hatchgary_poster: my quick googleing hasn't found a pysass version which is maintained....did you have a link?14:45
gary_posterhatch, sorry I was using the term as a shorthand14:45
gary_posterhatch if everyone who knows/cares recommends pycss, that's a very easy decision14:46
teknicohatch: I would have loved to review your "Prototype conflict resolution story" branch but, alas, there's no proposal linked from the card, so some other time, maybe ;-)14:46
Makyojujugui - please review and QA - critical - https://codereview.appspot.com/1030904414:46
teknicoMakyo: on it14:47
hatchMakyo: got it14:47
hatchgary_poster: hmm, my google fu must be failing me today14:47
hatchMakyo: I removed that code to fix the bouncing issue with the new sidebar14:48
teknicohatch: it was a not so subtle hint to put the link to rietveld on your card, if you want reviews :-P14:48
gary_posterhatch https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyScss/1.1.514:48
Makyohatch, It's causing problems, please do additional QA around that issue.14:48
hatchwell I know it'll revert haha14:48
hatchcool thanks gary_poster14:49
rick_hjcsackett: updated branch and comments inbound14:52
hatchMakyo: yup broken...14:54
hatchso....what to do....14:55
Makyohatch, I need more than 'broken'.  What do you mean?14:55
hatchwhen you deploy a service on rapi it bounces to the middle of the canvas, then when the delta comes in, it bounces back to where the ghost was14:55
hatchthis is because the positioning data was removed14:56
MakyoOh, I thought you meant the dragging.14:56
MakyoCan we make that a separate card please, instead of lumping it into other branches?14:56
hatchI'm a little confused, you want to add the regression back in to solve later?14:57
MakyoYou introduced a regression as a side-note that broke service dragging on deploy in two browsers.  It was marked as a critical bug, and so I fixed it *shrug*15:00
MakyoAdding it as a separate card to complete in the future allows us to have a branch dedicated to that work, a time-boxed task that can be thought through properly.15:00
gary_poster+1 previously problematic behavior is much better than currently problematic behavior15:01
gary_posterI'd like to get this out the door for our users15:01
gary_posterbecause right now we have a release that is very problematic to use15:02
gary_posterso we need a 0.7.115:02
hatchahh I see what happens15:02
hatchnot sure which is worse haha15:02
* gary_poster is :-)15:03
MakyoHow about we land this, and I work on the bounce next?15:03
teknicoLGTM'd too15:04
gary_poster+1 Makyo.  Maybe make an estimate in 30 minutes to an hour whether you think we should release or wait for that fix?15:04
Makyogary_poster, got it.15:04
MakyoThanks folks.15:04
hatchyeah that relation line issue is probably more annoying15:05
hatchlooks like pyscss is under active development so....yay!15:06
rick_hhatch: yea, I use it in my own app and the author is great. I've worked with him on a bug before and follow it. 15:06
gary_posterbac: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?PREVIEW_MODE=DO_NOT_USE_THIS_LINK_FOR_COLLECTION&sm=KQGch%2bQZdukeW3lhoxqsXXb2yTDsbkNneEEjHFw4%2bEM%3d ?15:06
rick_hit doesn't support everything in sass, but most of the stuff is there. 15:07
hatchif it wasn't I was going to suggest the node-sass one as it is essentially a binding to libsass15:07
bacgary_poster: that's the exact link you want to use?15:07
gary_posterbac, no, sorry15:07
bacwell, i guess we remove the preview15:07
* teknico reviews other branches, while hatch puts together a Rietvled link to put on his branch's card. It might still happen someday...15:07
gary_posterbac, I was wondering if you thought it was better15:07
gary_posteror if you had other feedback15:07
hatchteknico: oh woops15:08
bacgary_poster: it looks good.  we have more control over styling, is monolingual (!), and doesn't go straight to the NSA15:08
gary_poster:-) cool bac, lemme get you link15:08
gary_poster(maybe obvious, don't know)15:09
gary_posterbac https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/jujugui15:10
teknicohatch: third time's the charm, if you finally update the card15:10
hatchit's updated15:11
gary_posterhatch, joining our call, sorry for being late15:11
hatchnp, do we have a link? :)15:11
bacmuch shorter too15:11
teknicohatch: and now it's even in the right field :-)15:13
luca__bcsaller: when you add a charm how does it determine constraints? is there just a basic spec that is used?15:14
bacluca__: you're the designer, but that new hover orange looks a little anemic.  #D9722D right?15:16
luca__bac: that's Ubuntu orangeā€¦. :P15:16
bacokey doke15:17
luca__bac: jamie our visual designer gave me them, it's what we use everywhere else.15:17
luca__gary_poster: when you add a charm how does it determine constraints? is there just a basic spec that is used?15:19
luca__benji: hatch ^15:19
luca__anyone :D15:19
gary_posterluca__, #DD4814 ? on call will respond when I can15:20
bcsallerluca__: there are generic ones like arch, cpu, memory and potentially provider specific ones15:20
benjiluca__: there is a pre-defined set of constraints.  Specifically ['cpu-power', 'cpu-cores', 'mem', 'arch'] (for the Go backend)15:21
luca__but when I deploy, do i NEED to set them or are they automatically set?15:21
bcsalleryou get defaults15:21
bcsallermany people will never touch them15:21
rick_hluca__: in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-website-editors/ubuntu-brand-guidelines/guideline-assets/view/head:/sass/latest/core-constants.scss ubuntu orange is #dd481415:22
rick_hluca__: D9722D is never used in there15:22
rick_hbac: ^15:22
luca__rick_h: bad for the tab we are using 2 kinds of orange15:23
bacdd4814 is the regular tab, the other is for hover15:23
rick_hluca__: ok, I've not seen the branch you guys are mentioning but they call out "ubuntu orange" as dd481415:24
luca__rick_h: bac does it look weird with those 2 colours?15:24
luca__rick_h: you are correct15:24
luca__rick_h: but the other orange is the orange they use on the phone as ubuntu orange15:24
rick_hluca__: ah ok. Just reading ic it read that d9722d was "ubuntu orange", ignore me :)15:25
rick_hirc that is15:25
bacluca__: i thought it looked a little funny.   let me push my branch and you can see for yourself15:25
* bac admits he can't match his sox and trousers15:25
luca__bac: don't worry sec15:26
luca__bac: getting the values from web team devs15:26
luca__bac: #df6920 it should be the same colours that are used in the ubuntu.com primary nav15:30
bacluca__: ok so dd4814 for normal and df6920 for hover15:31
* benji starts a band named #df6920.15:32
luca__bac: brilliant :)15:32
hatchjust use 'green'15:33
hatchit's close enough15:33
teknicono, "brilliant" is #ffffff15:33
hatch*slow clap*15:33
gary_posterluca__, you all set with constraints?15:44
luca__gary_poster: yup, thanks15:45
gary_postercool luca__ 15:45
Makyohatch, https://codereview.appspot.com/10444043 /cc gary_poster 15:47
gary_posteron it15:47
hatchMakyo: on it15:48
hatchwow that's confusing15:48
hatchThanks for the fix Makyo!15:49
hatchLGTM'd just qa'ing now15:49
gary_posterjujugui call in 10; kanpan now please15:50
gary_posterMakyo, in sandbox, if I create a ghost, move ghost, and then confirm to create service, ghost moves back to center for me when it converts to real service.  duping...15:55
gary_posterMakyo, and it is still jumping around.  :-/ maybe I have something cached. llokking15:56
luca__gary_poster: in the GUI, there has always been a logout button in the top right, what do you logout out of?15:56
MakyoBoo.  Forgot to test sandbox.15:56
gary_posterluca__, environment in real use.  for jujucharms.com agree that it should not exist15:57
Makyogary_poster, can't dupe in chrome, but let me try FF.15:58
gary_posterjujugui call in 215:58
gary_posterMakyo I am hoping it is cache craziness...I'm in chrome also15:58
hatchMakyo: on rapi it appears to be working however it still deploys to the center then bounces back...albeit very fast...any way we can set it to deploy to the real position?15:59
Makyogary_poster, Is it the fact that the environment view centers on the service once it receives a delta? If I create two services and move the second ghost, it's more visible.15:59
rick_hjcsackett: getting ready to run. I put a conditional LGTM on your branch. If you get a sec to look over mine I'd appreciate it and I can try to get it in later tonight. Thanks for the review!15:59
gary_posterMakyo, maybe so.  will look more after call16:00
Makyohatch, That's the transitions we discussed before, so a separate task, I think.16:00
luca__gary_poster: so it should be removed from the GUI?16:04
Makyoluca__, users need to be able to log out of their environment.16:05
luca__Makyo: and how do they login?16:05
Makyoluca__, by viewing the GUI which is deployed to their environment. They are prompted for the password to log in as an admin.16:06
luca__Makyo: I see, is that the login to their AWS (or other service) account?16:06
Makyoluca__, no, they use the admin secret from their environments.yaml file for their juju env.16:07
luca__Makyo: and is that tied to any account settings? or is it simply a login/logout? Trying to determine if its appropriate language.16:08
Makyoluca__, yes, in juju-core it's tied to an admin user, and will include other user types in the future (such as read-only users, etc)16:08
luca__Makyo: I see16:09
Makyoluca__, doesn't make sense for jujucharms.com, of course.16:09
luca__Makyo: do you mean that it doesn't make sense to have juju charms login in the GUI?16:10
Makyoluca__, No, for the instance of the gui that will be running on jujucharms.com; currently running on uistage.  Neither of those are/will be attached to an environment, so there's nothing to log out of in that case.  There is very much a need to provide a layer of security around the GUI as deployed to a user's environment, however.16:11
bacbenji: i meant to ask the rgb of your tshirt orange16:11
baci'm collecting oranges today16:12
luca__Makyo: ah right, thats why we want "get juju" instead of "logout" for the sandbox.16:12
benjiIsn't there something in the Godfather films where every time you see an orange or something orange on-screen something bad happens?16:12
benjiI've never seen them, so I can't verify that.16:12
Makyoluca__, Correct.  Sandbox deployments aren't tied to an environment, so that's a good alternative.16:12
hatchMakyo: I can't reproduce gary's issue on sandbox or rapi, your fix appears to work as expected16:19
hatchbcsaller: does the html5 change event work on things like radio buttons and checkboxes?16:24
bcsallerhatch: afaik, its designed to work with everything16:24
hatchok I wasn't sure if it was for all input types or just the primary ones16:25
bcsallerhatch: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-input-element.html#do-not-apply change event is at bottom of table16:29
hatchbcsaller: replied to review and cards created16:43
bcsallerhatch: thank you16:47
Makyojujugui can I get one more review+qa on https://codereview.appspot.com/10444043 so it can make it into the release?16:51
MakyoPretty short.16:51
benjiMakyo: I'll do it.16:51
hatchanyone know who the travel authorizer is now?16:51
Makyohatch, Antonio, I think.16:51
hatchok wasn't sure if it was changed16:52
hatchwill use him16:52
Makyobenji, Thanks.16:53
benjidarn, I used Mark Ramm16:53
bcsallerI did as well16:53
benjiI need a bureaucracy cheat sheet.16:53
hatchlol darn, maybe I'll be denied16:54
benjiMakyo: review and QA done, looks good17:00
gary_posterMakyo, hatch, Antonio isn't in our chain any more fwiw.  ecosystems and gui are peers.  Our authorizer is Robbie.  I don't *think* there are any problems for now though17:01
Makyobenji, thanks.17:01
hatchoh great I just sent one to mark ramm17:01
hatchI'm never getting approved17:01
gary_posterjujugui, Robbie is the authorizer for our sprints.  I am probably the authorizer for your travel.17:02
hatchwell then I hope someone approves this17:02
hatchyour not in the list17:03
bcsallerthat form can't keep up with the reorgs 17:03
gary_posteroh ok.  then maybe Robbie?  :-/ dunno17:03
gary_posterI will try to get info17:03
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
hatchbcsaller: submitting the conflict code17:10
benjiso, YUI's NodeList.all() when given no arguments retuns an empty set?  I just wasted 30 minuts because I assumed it returned all children.17:11
hatchwrong method17:11
hatchall() and one() are methods which return the results of a query17:11
hatchso passing it nothing will return nothing17:12
hatchfeel free to bark YUI questions at me17:12
benjiit seems more useful for an empty query to return all results; I don't query for "nothing" very often17:12
hatchthat's not very intuitive however17:13
hatchmight be in other languages17:14
benjiI did it pretty intuitively.17:14
benjiwhat is the right way to get all of a node's decendents?17:14
hatchI think17:15
hatchlemme check17:15
benjithat only gives immediate children; I want all of them17:16
bcsallerall('*') ?17:16
hatch'all' as in every child of child?17:16
bcsallersounds like a non-ideal pattern though17:17
hatchbenji: I think I need to know what you're end goal is to offer a real solution17:19
benjihatch: it's working for the moment, I'll look at making it nicer when I no longer have bigger fish to fry.17:20
gary_posterbac, feedback tab looks nice & works well, thank you17:21
hatchconflict resolution branch is landed17:21
bacgary_poster: cool17:21
gary_postergreat hatch17:21
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
abentleyorangesquad: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/label-to-short-url/+merge/170675 ?18:11
bacMakyo: sorry for the delay but your second review is done18:25
hatchman it's friggen pouring here18:26
hatchmy travel has been approved...not sure by who...I'm no closer to knowing who I should have submitted to lol18:26
hatchbcsaller: are you around?18:30
bcsalleron a call, free soon18:30
hatchjust want to make sure you're not working on the ghost inspector panel18:30
hatchwell...if you are that's fine just don't want to duplicate work :)18:31
Makyobac, thanks!18:33
bacgary_poster: chat?18:36
bcsallerhatch: off the call. I'm going to make some coffee, then maybe we can sync up on g+?18:36
hatchsure thing18:36
gary_posterbac, I c u18:36
gary_posterwoof woof18:36
* benji books travel.18:54
hatchyay I'm back18:59
hatchwasn't sure what was going on there18:59
hatchmy interenet is totally messed up19:05
abentleyorangesquad: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/label-to-short-url/+merge/170675 ?19:06
=== hatch_ is now known as hatch
gary_posterjcsackett, sorry for double ping, but just in case: please see my priv msg :-)19:20
hatchbenji: you around?19:28
benjihatch: yep19:28
hatchcan you join guichat real quick?19:28
hatchjust have a question about the drag stuff and ghosts19:28
hatchbenji: you coming?19:31
benjiI didn't notice your follow on.  I'll come over.19:32
jcastrogary_poster: what was the term you wanted to rename bundles/stacks to? 19:45
gary_posterjcastro: bundle == deployment template, template for short.  stack == ... maybe stack is fine.  I like charm group for being simple, boring and descriptive myself.19:46
hatchi vote for satchel !19:46
hatchit is a little confusing19:47
hatchjc did you need that review?20:11
hatchjcsackett: ^20:11
* hatch can't type20:11
jcsacketthatch: sure.20:11
hatchjcsackett: done and done!20:17
hatchgreat idea20:18
jcsacketthatch: not mine, rick_h suggested it and it took awhile before i decided he was right. :-P20:19
hatchit's ok sometimes we can't see the forest through the trees20:20
hatchand the other times rick_h is just wrong20:20
* jcsackett laughs20:22
jcsackettthat was cold. funny, but cold. :-P20:22
hatchlol I try20:22
hatchrick if you use a comment block with one * like /* */ then lint should ignore it20:37
hatchif there is two like /** */ then it triggers the doc machine20:37
hatchjcsackett: ^ I mean20:37
jcastrojcsackett: rick_h ooh, which one of you has pics to the social sharing stuff? 20:45
jcastroI saw lp stuff scroll by in my mail client, heh20:45
benjiMy itinerary includes a description "Boeing 737-700 (winglets)".  I initially read that as "(wingless)".20:53
hatchit's actually a rocket20:53
hatchI'm going to guess that there is a 737-700 without winglets20:53
hatch"" the intended effect is always to reduce the aircraft's drag by partial recovery of the tip vortex energy. ""20:59
gary_posterHey Makyo.  Try duping this for me if you could.  go to http://uistage.jujucharms.com/sidebar/ and add a mysql service.  then drag it, about once a second, 20 times.  If something odd doesn't happen, reload and try doing it again.  if something odd *still* doesn't happen, I won't worry about it for now. :-)21:03
benjiI hate it when people waste tip vortex energy.21:04
hatchbenji: ugh I know!21:04
gary_posterfor me the odd thing happens at about drag 921:04
gary_posterit's not a show-stopper, and not even something to block the inspector work, but it is a bug to file and tackle soonish, assuming you can dupe21:05
benjiI'd imagine odd things would happen no matter how many times you're in drag.21:05
hatchgary_poster: is the 'odd' thing that it jumps back to a previous position?21:06
gary_posterhatch, yes.  for me it jumps twice.  a previous position, and then the dragged position21:06
hatchok in that case I can confirm that I have seen it, however it only happened once and I couldn't repro so I Just throught it was an artifact of what I'm hacking on21:07
gary_posterok thanks hatch, I'll file21:07
gary_posterMakyo, also wondering if you are making a release.  if not I will later21:08
* gary_poster steps away for now21:08
hatchau revoir21:09
jcsackettjcastro: it's not on uistage yet. and you owe me text for the sharing widget. :-p21:10
jcastrooh right, the little text snippets, ack.21:11
jcsackettjcastro: i sent you an email about it with both the buglink if you want to post them there or you can just reply to it.21:15
hatchjcsackett: what's the public transit like there? Can I get to the airport for 8:30am without a cab?21:31
jcsacketthatch: public transit sucks.21:31
jcsackettthere are busses that aren't good.21:31
hatchoh haha ok so cab it is then!21:32
jcsacketthatch: there's supershuttle too.21:32
hatchcould also try and get you to drive me...21:32
jcsackettit's possible...but be warned, i may be less reliable than the busses. :-P21:34
Makyogary_poster, I can dupe, but what's the use case?21:43
Makyogary_poster, also, I wasn't planning on doing the release, not comfortable doing so without a bit more understanding of the process.21:43
MakyoThe underlying problem is that annotations are received while you're dragging (the first jump) and then again a second later (from your second drag).  The only possible use case I can see is concurrent editing, and we have outstanding questions on all concurrent editing stories.  This was one of my interview questions, actually :P21:46
MakyoI guess we could ignore annotation updates if we're currently dragging the service?  Might be a surprise to whoever is on the other end :)   "Hey!  Where'd my squircle go!?"21:58
hatchsquircle lol21:59
* Makyo thinks out loud in a quiet IRC channel. This can't be healthy.21:59
hatchit's alright22:01
Makyohatch, yeah :)   Or superellipse.22:01
hatchI've seen people type their passwords into #node.js when it's quiet22:01
hatch800+ people staring at it for hours lol22:01
MakyoSpeaking of: http://i.imgur.com/RfAk1lv.jpg22:01
MakyoHaha, ouch!22:01
gary_posterMakyo, understanding of release process, you mean?  ack on rest, we can talk later22:30
Makyogary_poster, Yeah.  I can try, I just worry about doing something wrong after most everyone's EOD.22:31
gary_posterMakyo, me too, though I might give it a try.  The biggest challenge is the qa IMO22:31
Makyogary_poster, I can do a bunch of QA and start comign up with a script, maybe?22:36
gary_posterMakyo that would be awesome thank you22:36
MakyoGood thing we're QAing, there's a conflict in config-debug.22:44
MakyoAt least locally.22:45
MakyoJust locally, whew.22:46
Makyogary_poster, https://gist.github.com/makyo/5827552 - everything's looking pretty good with QA so far.23:03
gary_posterNice list Makyo .  awesome23:04
hatchhas anyone built any themes with sublime text? I'd like to have it highlight lines that have XXX in them23:05
hatchI think I found enough of a guide to be able to figure it out23:11

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