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mectorsA quick question. Canonistack is not launching instances reliably. Is there any way I can kill a machine and tell juju to try to start another node. juju destroy-unit/machine/service do not work reliably.11:06
pavelyou mean juju terminate-machine ?11:07
mectorsIt marks it as dying but it does not really terminates it because it never started up11:09
mectorsso now I am stuck with an inconsistent state11:09
=== marlinc|away is now known as marlinc
AskUbuntuE: Unable to locate package juju-core | http://askubuntu.com/q/31060412:08
jcastrohey jam, silly question13:29
jcastrobut do you know how we ended up with packages in the PPA being built differently than in distro?13:30
jcastroI am wondering if we did that on purpose or if it's just a consequence of something13:30
jamjcastro: because the PPA was done first, but isn't "legitimate" for how they wanted the build to be done in Ubuntu13:30
jcastroah ok13:31
jamjcastro: so it got fixed for official builds, and the changes need to be applied to the PPA13:31
jambut there is some reason it isn't trivial to do it13:31
jammgz knows a bit more.13:31
jcastroI was just curious13:35
pavelGuys, can you explain me one very basic thing? Is it supposed that service instance would be stopped/started or rebooted?13:36
mgzjcastro: the ppa generation wasn't updated to use the new packaging, I'm going to try to sync up with dave on fixing that13:40
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marcoceppipavel: could you clarify that a bit? I'm not sure I understand what you're saying13:47
pavelI mean, what if I stop and start instance with service deployed by juju in aws console13:48
pavelmarcoceppi, what will happen then?13:48
marcoceppipavel: Depends on which version of juju you use13:49
marcoceppiIf you're using juju <= 0.7 Juju will provision a new unit to replace it when you stop an instance. In juju >= 1.0 Juju won't try to replace the stopped unit, but I'm not 100% certain things will "come back up" properly. In that the juju service on the unit will start, but the start hook won't be explicitly executed so your service will need to install itself as an upstart or init script properly configured to start on machine up. Also13:51
marcoceppi, relations might go haywire as well13:51
pavelI see13:55
pavelso there is no predictable behavior for this case13:56
paveland I should suppose that instance always run13:56
marcoceppipavel: not at the moment, no real predicatbility. It's best to remove and re-add units instead of turning them on and off via the console13:56
pavelbecause my problem is that I didn't find a way to increase root partition size on AWS with JuJu, so I use ephemerial storage mounted to /mnt13:56
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
dpb1Hi all -- is there a way in juju-core to associate a public IP through juju with just one service or unit?15:15
mgznope, that would be handy though15:18
mgzI'm working on the addressing code currently, so if you have use-cases I'd really like if you could send a message to the list or something so they get recoreded15:21
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
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=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
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=== defunctzombie_zz is now known as defunctzombie
=== defunctzombie is now known as defunctzombie_zz
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