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mauricioyamanchange the desktop image, but also affect the image of the login screen, and now it looks white and I can not restore it to original state, which I do now?01:15
natacusi am trying to boot from the live usb, but with "nomodeset" how do i do that?01:15
mauricioyaman_change the desktop image, but also affect the image of the login screen, and now it looks white and I can not restore it to original state, which I do now?01:19
natacusi am trying to boot from the live usb, but with "nomodeset" how do i do that?01:19
natacus|2i am trying to boot from the live usb, but with "nomodeset" how do i do that?01:23
mpsanHello ALL: Would UBUNTU 13.04 + KDE=KUBUNTU 13.04?01:24
natacus|2i am trying to boot from the live usb, but with "nomodeset" how do i do that?01:25
natacus|2i am trying to boot from the live usb, but with "nomodeset" how do i do that?01:30
mpsanEveryone must be out to dinner.  :-)01:32
natacus|2mpsan: last time i was here, there was always someone around01:32
natacus|2very quite tonight01:32
mpsanIt is not quiet on UBUNTU01:33
mpsanI was trying 13.04 and the screen is garbage after a few ICONS. 12.10 is fine and so is UBUNTU01:35
kdefI'm still not sure about installing02:17
kdefI don't want the 2nd OS to install grub because I will experiment on it , installing binary video drivers etc... newer kernels etc.02:19
kdefand if I hose the OS, it won't boot anything ,right?02:19
kdefso, how can I have original OS (Kubuntu) handle bootloading (as now?)02:20
kdefI think two ways, can you tell me if this sounds right?02:20
kdef1) don't install grub after 2nd OS install... then run grub-install02:20
kdef2) install grub to /boot or somewhere else other than MBR?   or is that wrong?  anybody know?02:20
kdefor 3) after, I can re-install grub and pick /dev/sda ?02:21
FoxhoundzI got a problem02:24
FoxhoundzI did a guided install ( 50% of HDD to Windows 7, the rest to Kubuntu)02:25
FoxhoundzBut for some reason, I don't think the MBR was properly configured02:25
FoxhoundzGrub doesn't start and instead it just goes straight to Windows 7 bootloader02:25
FoxhoundzKubuntu version is 13.0402:25
FoxhoundzIs there any way to fix or perhaps reconfigure grub?02:26
ahoneybunFoxhoundz: boot your computer with the disc/usb you install kubuntu with and "sudo apt-get reinstall grub"?02:38
Foxhoundzis...is that a question/02:39
ahoneybunI'm thinking out load I guess ;)02:39
FoxhoundzI've installed Boot-repair via live cd02:42
Foxhoundzdoing the "recommended repair"02:42
Foxhoundzlooks like it's installing grub02:42
Foxhoundzmight fix it!02:42
Foxhoundz"Grub is still present" it says02:43
ahoneybunbut grub might be misconfigured02:44
ahoneybundid you install kubuntu then windows?02:44
FoxhoundzWindows then Kubuntu02:45
FoxhoundzI'm using the advanced option to try to restore MBR02:45
Foxhoundzit's generating a bootinfo sunmmar02:45
FoxhoundzI'll link it in a sec02:46
ahoneybunsend me a pastie of the command fdisk -l02:46
Foxhoundzdidn't work02:49
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ahoneybundid not give you anything?02:51
ahoneybuntry "sudo update-grub"02:52
Foxhoundzahoneybun: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5782374/02:52
Foxhoundzfdisk -l output02:52
FoxhoundzIt went back to windows 7 again02:53
ahoneybunok so ubuntu is on sda502:53
ahoneybunFoxhoundz: try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/98962/ubuntu-11-10-not-showing-up-in-grub-bootloader-after-update-and-restart02:54
FoxhoundzI got this on the last command /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: failed to get canonical path of /cow02:56
FoxhoundzBut I still rebooted and it worked!02:57
ahoneybungot it?02:57
Foxhoundzit worked02:57
ahoneybunnp ;)02:57
FoxhoundzSomeone should really report this as a regression, however02:57
Foxhoundzit looks like grub wasn't installed02:57
ahoneybunFoxhoundz: it is hard to know what will happen on every computer02:57
ahoneybunthats odd02:59
FoxhoundzAs far as the machine goes, it's a pretty widely used intel based Mobo/CPU03:00
FoxhoundzI've never encountered something like this before03:00
Foxhoundzoh well03:00
ahoneybunFoxhoundz: that usually happens to me if I install Kubuntu then Windows03:01
ahoneybunFoxhoundz: well your up and running so thats good03:03
FoxhoundzAnother problem!03:10
FoxhoundzInstalling proprietary drivers for my AMD GPU also comes with an annoying watermark03:12
kdefhi foxhound03:51
kdefI have read about fixing the watermark prob before... I think there's a script03:53
Foxhoundzwhy does it appear though?04:01
Costeelationis posible change the home button en kubuntu 12.04?04:05
Costeelationi dont want the K04:05
Costeelationor another color04:05
valorieCosteelation: you don't have to use kickoff04:06
valoriethere are other launchers04:06
valoriehomerun, launcelot, and others04:07
Costeelationoh well i will search :)04:07
Costeelationvalorie: the default launcher is kickoff?04:09
valoriealso, you can hide the taskbar if you want04:09
valorieif you just don't want to look at it04:09
Costeelationoh well, I was watching launcelot and look amazing, what you use?04:12
valorieI just use kickoff, but lancelot has a lot of enthusiastic fans04:12
valorieas does homerun04:13
valorieI like the blue K04:13
Costeelationoh is cute :)04:14
Costeelationand you know how move the buttons minimize maximize and close to the left?04:15
Costeelationlike as ubuntu04:15
Costeelationi am newbie in kde :)04:15
valorieyou can move anything anywhere you like04:16
valoriedo you mean the toolbar?04:16
valorieyou can have more than one, have it one top, on either side, on the bottom, and even hidden until you hover over the edge04:17
Costeelationyes for example in ubuntu the close button (for close a window) is in the left04:17
valorieclick on the little cashew symbol and plat04:17
valorieoh, window decoration04:17
valoriei think that's in system settings04:18
Costeelationmaybe i will search too04:18
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puff`I left my machine alone all night and all day (up early and out of town all day) and now plasma-desktop is at 106% of CPU.  Wtf?  Some googling turns up issues back around ubuntu version 11 with plasma-desktop staying at 25%, but not 106%.06:41
bigbrovar:puff I know I have experienced that more than once06:42
valorieyou might try top or htop in the konsole and see what's going on exactly06:44
soeepuff`, it is desktop or laptop ?07:01
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thelionroarsI've got 2 extra monitors showing, that don't exist. I have no idea where they came from, I certainly didn't configure them...08:19
thelionroarsanyone know how to delete 'em08:19
valoriethelionroars: in system settings08:25
valoriemove the little button over to remove them in system settings > monitor08:25
thelionroarsin the middle of the screen picture? hmm I'll keep trying08:26
valorieI had this problem today too08:26
valorieI wonder if we've exposed a bug08:26
valorieI have a laptop, and no extra monitor08:27
thelionroarsI actually had to press and hold it, instead of sliding it08:28
thelionroarsand the configuration had to be in default position, otherwise I was moving it around08:28
thelionroarslaptop as well08:29
thelionroarsshould be on the intel driver08:29
thelionroarsmy laptop I mean08:29
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puff`valorie:  I tried top, that's how I know plasma-desktop is at 106% (still is).08:50
puff`soee: It's a thinkpad t520 laptop.08:50
puff`Hm, I tried the advice at http://en.kioskea.net/faq/6563-kde4-plasma-desktop-issues and now plasma-desktop isn't at 106% in top, xorg is!08:56
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blueyedWhere do I find the documentation for krusader? (krusader/index.html) I guess it's in a separate package?09:32
natacushow to i set to boot with "nomodeset" when booting from a live memory stick?09:48
natacushow to i set to boot with "nomodeset" when booting from a live memory stick?09:56
natacushow to i set to boot with "nomodeset" when booting from a live memory stick?10:02
natacushow to i set to boot with "nomodeset" when booting from a live memory stick?10:04
natacushow to enable boot with nomodeset when booting from a live usb?10:20
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MoinZenhi there10:43
MoinZencan anyone help me getting my system booting again?10:44
MoinZenbootrepair didnt finish and gave me this link10:44
MoinZenbut i cant make sense of it10:44
natacushow to enable boot with nomodeset when booting from a live usb?10:50
lordievaderMoinZen: Does the system freeze?10:51
lordievaderHey BigWig_10:51
BigWig_So, something really strange happened. I ran sudo apt-get -f and it removed tons of necessary stuff.10:52
BigWig_LIke muon!10:52
BigWig_Can someone explain what I did?10:52
lordievader!pm | MoinZen10:53
ubottuMoinZen: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:53
lordievaderBigWig_: Did you try to install something that conflicts with allmost everything on the system10:53
MoinZenthe message i get is: "error: file `/boot/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod`not found."10:53
lordievaderMoinZen: Have you tried re installing grub from a live-session?10:54
MoinZennot yet10:54
lordievaderMoinZen: Try that first.10:54
MoinZenok thanks .. i hope that will fix my windows 8 boot aswell10:55
lordievaderWin8 is know to be a pita in dual-booting... Hope you fix it!10:56
RaymondTracerMan, dual booting on one hard drive sucks10:56
RaymondTracerI got a seperate hard drive for my Windows instalation10:56
MoinZenyeah me too10:57
MoinZenon fine installation of windows 8 on one ssd and kubuntu on another ssd .. both well configured .. except.. neither will boot :(10:58
RaymondTracerThat is really weird10:58
BigWig_I'm not quite sure what I did, but all of this stuff has probably broken: http://pastebin.com/YdLy9p1010:58
BigWig_What do I do D:10:58
lordievaderBigWig_: Is the package 'kubuntu-desktop' still installed?10:59
BigWig_yeah, that is still there11:00
BigWig_kubuntu-settings-desktop isn't there, does that matter?11:00
lordievader!info kubuntu-settings-desktop11:01
ubottukubuntu-settings-desktop (source: kubuntu-settings): Settings and artwork for the Kubuntu (Desktop). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:13.04ubuntu13 (raring), package size 73 kB, installed size 717 kB11:01
lordievaderNo that is optional.11:01
BigWig_Any idea how to easily get out of this predicament?11:02
lordievaderBigWig_: Can you check the /var/log/apt/history file for what apt tried to fix with the -f flag?11:02
BluesKajHiyas all11:02
lordievaderHey BluesKaj11:03
BluesKajhey lordievader11:04
BigWig_here is that little snippit11:06
MoinZenLordievader: how are my chances that the re install of grub will make both my os bootable?11:06
BigWig_Is that what caused it?11:06
lordievaderMoinZen: If it will fix Win8 I have no idea, never played with Win8. Let alone a dual boot. For Linux it should fix it.11:07
BluesKaj!efi | MoinZen11:08
ubottuMoinZen: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:08
lordievaderBigWig_: Unless python-minimal conflicts with python, then no I don't think that is what caused it.11:08
natacushow do i enable boot with nomodeset when booting from live usb?11:08
BluesKajif you have W8 then your dealing with EFI , MoinZen11:09
MoinZenok.. gotta read that :D but it seems like my idea to install the two os on two ssds and choose via bios wich to boot doesnt go that well :D11:10
BluesKajMoinZen, actually you have no bios , you'll understand when you read the post11:11
BigWig_One of the packages that got uninstalled was (I'm assuming) necessary to play back videos in VLC. What's happening now is I play a video with audio and no video :(11:12
BigWig_Is my assumption correct? If so, what package would I need to reinstall to get that working again?11:12
lordievaderBigWig_: I'm sorry I have to go, but I'm sure some one else here will help you ;)11:12
MoinZenBluesKaj: omg.. where did my good ol bios go :O (better read it fast.. :)11:13
BluesKajBigWig_, try playing with dragonplayer , just to test , and what is the file extension of the video ?11:16
natacushow do i enable boot with nomodeset when booting from live usb?11:17
BigWig_it's a .mkv11:18
BluesKajnatacus, look in the options for F key to use11:18
BigWig_Dragon player just crashes when I open up the file11:18
BigWig_That happened before the bad thing though11:18
BluesKajok , what about other videos , same behaviour ?11:18
BigWig_I got it playing by using the open gl output11:19
natacusBluesKaj: when i get to grub all i see is, start Kubuntu, OEM install or check disk, then c- command line, e - edit. I dont see anything else11:19
BigWig_but the screen flickers when it's playing in windowed mode :/11:19
BigWig_ooh, found an option that works11:21
BluesKajnatacus, that's not grub that's the option page11:21
BluesKajyou won't get grub on live media11:22
BluesKajBigWig_, ok which graphics card ?11:22
natacusBluesKaj: ok so what do i do, none of the F keys seem to do anything, I should mention this is a win8 laptop ( sony ), but i had zero issues when booting ubuntu from the memory stick11:23
BigWig_Radeon Hd 677011:23
BigWig_Is opengl output in vlc considerably better than x11? If not, then I'm cool just using that :)11:23
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BluesKaj!efi | natacus11:24
ubottunatacus: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:24
natacusBluesKaj: i cant even view the live Kubuntu to see if i want to install it, I was able to view the live ubuntu no problems on the same machine11:26
BluesKajBigWig_, use raster with OpenGL , it's still using X no matter what11:26
BluesKajnatacus, any chance you have cdrom ?11:28
natacusBluesKaj: i have a cd drive on the laptop11:28
BluesKajin the windows8 machine , so you can use a live cd rather than usb11:29
natacusBluesKaj: yes11:30
BluesKajusb media can troublesome11:30
natacusBluesKaj: but why would ubuntu have zero issues when boot from the usb and kubuntu just shows me that options screen? i have an nvidia card if that makes a difference11:31
BluesKajnatacus, recommend you burn kubuntu to a live cd , to eliminate the usb problems11:32
BluesKajnatacus, let's not compare apples and oranges11:33
natacusBluesKaj: oh didnt know they were that different sorry11:33
BigWig_@BluesKaj That worked, thank you :)11:33
BluesKajBigWig_, cool11:34
BluesKajnatacus, ubuntu and kubuntu use the same core/base and kernels etc , but the desktops are much different as are the install images11:36
natacusBluesKaj: ok, making live DVD now, hope this at least gets me to the desktop!11:39
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natacusBluesKaj: hey again, tried with the live DVD nothing, i get to a screen called "GNU GRUB 2" with three options "start kubuntu - i pick that and screen goes black and nothing", the others are install OEM and check disk11:52
BluesKajsuggest you read the URL about EFI that I posted earlier , natacus ..my experience with EFI is very limited since I don't have it myself , but it surprises me about the lack of options.11:55
natacusBluesKaj: hey again, tried with the live DVD nothing, i get to a screen called "GNU GRUB 2" with three options "start kubuntu - i pick that and screen goes black and nothing", the others are install OEM and check disk12:03
BluesKajsuggest you read the URL about EFI that I posted earlier , natacus ..my experience with EFI is very limited since I don't have it myself , but it surprises me about the lack of options.12:03
natacusBluesKaj:  could it be just a gfx card issue?12:04
BluesKaj!efi | natacus12:04
ubottunatacus: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:04
BluesKajnatacus, doubt that it's graphics , you have an options page12:05
natacusBluesKaj: ok seems weird, there are no options and ubuntu just worked out of the box12:06
BluesKajnatacus, looks like the live-dvd goes directly to the try-kubuntu option then loads the desktop ?12:13
MoinZenok reinstalling grub didnt work12:15
MoinZenis there a good guid on how to install windows 8 and kubuntu on two seperate drives and somehow (grub, windowsboot manager, efi) choose wich to boot?12:16
BluesKajMoinZen, don't think 2 different drives matters much , grub will still see the installed OSs , recommend you read this tutorial and treat the separate drive as another partition , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:19
MoinZenBluesKaj: ok thx12:20
BluesKajMoinZen, I have separate hdd with windows 7 ,and installed grub on the other drive with kubuntu and grub saw windows drive from the start12:23
natacusBluesKaj:  no, when i tried the live dvd, i just get a screen with three choices, start kubuntu, OEM install and check disk - pressing any of these results in a blank screen12:24
BluesKajMoinZen, just make sure you run sudo update-grub in kubuntu if windows doesn't show up after the first boot12:24
MoinZenBluesKaj: right now everything seems pretty messy .. so i gonna reinstall everything ... fresh and new.. first windows 8 then kubuntu and then i run sudo update-grub after the fresh installation12:26
BluesKajnatacus, I have no idea what's wrong12:26
natacusBluesKaj:  ok ty anyway12:27
BluesKajnatacus, does W8 boot ok ?12:27
natacusBluesKaj:  yes boots fine12:27
natacusBluesKaj:  i have yet to install linux at all, i just want to see the live version12:28
James_mhow do you protect your host address from being visible?12:35
PiciJames_m: on IRC? You can ask for a cloak in #freenode12:36
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shadowdfBom dia15:27
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lordievaderGood evening.16:11
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natacusI have a new laptop with " 500 GB HDD + 8 GB SSD23:37
natacusThe SSD module is dedicated for system responsiveness and not available for file storage.23:37
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natacuswill it be difficult to get linux set up?23:38
OerHeksnatacus, install your system to ssd, and your /home with userdata on your HDD23:39
natacusOerHeks: i am trying to dual boot, laptop is win8 installed, i would like to keep both,23:40
OerHeksyou can install complete kubuntu to your ssd and move your /home later, or choose manually partitioning.23:40
OerHeksoh, then you need to make space within windows 823:41
natacusOerHeks: am i in for a world of trouble :P23:41
OerHeksdiskmanagment, and choose to decrease the volume on SSD, 10 gb will be enough i think23:41
OerHeksor more if you have space23:42
OerHeksand win8 .. you might have UEFI23:43
natacusi can get live kubuntu working froma  usb stick23:43
natacusbut i think i only have an 8gb ssd + 500gb hdd23:44
OerHeksI am not sure what will be an usefull minimum for /23:45
OerHekswhat does win8 d=say about your ssd, when you want to decrease the volume? win7 would give a max number.23:47
natacusOerHeks: i cant find any details in win 8 about my ssd partition23:48
natacusOerHeks: it tells me the following from my specs page on the webiste : The SSD module is dedicated for system responsiveness and not available for file storage23:50
natacusI have no idea what that means23:50
OerHeksi guess it acts as a big swap for windows23:50
natacusok thanks, will eat some biscuits and have a think :P23:51
natacusthanks for the help23:51
OerHeksso the safest way will be installing on your hdd, i hope kubuntu leaves that ssd alone23:51
valorienatacus: I have kub on my ssd, and /home on my HD along with windows23:51
valoriewin7 though, so I didn't have to fight with eufi23:51
valorieor whatever that is23:52
valorieuefi I think23:52
OerHeksI am lazy, run Kubuntu from ssd and have an HDD mounted for music and stuff23:52
OerHeksbut no other OS23:52
valoriewindows was already there, and I thought at some point I might be able to test amarok in windows23:53
valorieso far, not time to do that23:53
natacusIs there a way i can install, keep win8 as it is atm quick to boot and all, and also have the same for Kubuntu23:54
valorieI've never booted into windows, but the HD is huge, so what the heck23:54
valorienatacus: sure23:54
valoriehowever, you'll have to deal with the uefi23:54
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:54
natacusvalorie: ya but what gets installed on the small 8gb ssd, there is not enough room for win8+linux23:55
valorieno, you're right23:55
valoriekub starts up pretty quickly on an HD23:56
valoriejust a tick faster on the ssd23:56
natacusok, will prob be back later for more advice, thanks everyone!23:56

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