
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
TwitchTEKWhat I am looking for:01:48
TwitchTEKAn automatic music file organizer.01:48
TwitchTEKDesired endstate01:48
TwitchTEKTo have all of my music files, mp3, mp4, ogg, occ, etc...  correctly tagged, correctly named, delete all duplicates, and placed in correct folder.  I will have a 'one folder to rule them all' music collection on my home server (Windows Server 2008).  Folder tree will resemble something along lines of:01:48
TwitchTEKX:\All Music\<Artist Name>\<Album Name>\<Trak#-Song_Name.format>01:48
TwitchTEK              01:48
TwitchTEKApplication needs ability to run in both Linux and Windows environments, and/or, be launched from a Linux environment, browse network to a Windows machine, and execute its actions on files on that Windows machine.  Application needs to be 'smart enough' to be pointed to a directory, search every subdirectory, and do its thing; fire and forget.  Application needs to correctly tag01:49
TwitchTEKfiles automatically, correctly rename files automatically, move files and place in correct file/folder/directory structure automatically, and delete duplicates automatically01:49
TwitchTEKMy server, Windows Server 2008 R2 32bit, with a huge chunk of storage as a network shared drive.  On this share, I have backups, copies & pastes, and data from hard drives, CDs, and computers from up to about 10 or so years ago.  So, in addition to everything else, I have mountains of music spread all over the place.01:49
TwitchTEKWhat I do not need/want01:49
TwitchTEKI do not need another music player or juke box.  I am not concerned about libraries or playlists in terms of a music player.  I do not need to sit there in front of some tag editor, and enter in information manually.01:49
TwitchTEKResearch/What I have done.01:49
AskUbuntuIssue With App In The Software Center | http://askubuntu.com/q/31043903:40
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guschtimp: ping06:56
dholbachgood morning07:08
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AskUbuntuUbunut.Components module missing | http://askubuntu.com/q/31053108:18
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JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Dump the Pump Day and happy World Refugee Day! :-)08:27
=== jppiiroinen is now known as jppiiroinen|afk
netcurlianyone here who can help me with a segmentation fault with a WebView from QtWebKit? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5781869/09:04
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timpgusch: hi09:50
guschtimp: sortet - camera fix is approved already09:51
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=== jppiiroinen|afk is now known as jppiiroinen
timpxnox: let's move the discussion here. #ubuntu-touch seems more suitable for installation issues etc10:59
timpmardy: our talk about the flickable also :)10:59
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
xnoxtimp: right, ok. It looks like I dont' have ListView at the moment. Let me add that.11:00
timpmardy: I commented on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1189728 what I think is the problem11:01
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1189728 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[Page] Cannot scroll content if its height is less than page height" [High,In progress]11:01
timpmardy: unfortunately I don't know the solution yet11:01
xnoxtimp: I also had a question about wrapping, can you glance at: http://askubuntu.com/q/308088/7211:01
timpxnox: putting the list items inside a column inside a flickable should work also11:01
xnoxtimp: i guess i don't understand why I used a column in a first place. I think all I need is a list view.11:02
* timp meeting now. brb11:02
armelhi all11:07
armelI was wondering where i should ask about sales figures in apps.ubuntu.com?11:07
mardytimp: it indeed seems like a bug in Qt. Will you submit a patch or do you want me to look into it?11:10
mardytimp: (it's QQuickFlickable::xflick() and yflick())11:11
mardyarmel: about your own app, or others' apps?11:12
armelmardy: aobut my app, when I go to the sales page it reports sales but no revenue(?)11:14
mardyarmel: mmm... I'll let someone else answer, I think this didn't happen to me11:15
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armelmardy: thx11:17
=== gusch is now known as gusch|lunch
timpmardy: I'm back. had a long meeting12:16
timpmardy: if you could report the bug in the Qt project, and add the qt-bug url to your uitk bug report that would be great12:17
timpmardy: do you also think that the problem is that with AutoFlickDirection enabled, the margins are not taken into account when computing the contentHeight12:18
mardytimp: not when computing the contentHeight, but the viewport height12:19
mardytimp: or maybe the content, I'm not sure...12:19
timpwith viewport height you mean Flickable.height?12:19
timpmardy: if the page has a flickable, I update it like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5783479/12:21
timpI'll give it some more thought while I prepare some food. brb12:22
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timpxnox: I answered your question http://askubuntu.com/questions/308088/how-to-make-a-centred-wrapped-and-padded-container-of-elements-in-qml/310634#31063413:03
xnoxtimp: yeah, i know how to wrap a single "Text" object. but the key question is how to wrap, multiple objects together. E.g. piece of text, image, piece of text. All vertically/horizontally centred & wrapped in the middle of the page.13:07
timpxnox: try an Item with anchors { left: parent.left; right: parent.right; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }; height: childrenRect.height13:08
xnoxtimp: ooohhh. that might be it. thanks.13:08
timpyeah, the trick is to set the left and right anchors :)13:08
xnoxtimp: cause i was either getting the two items overlaced on top of each other. or not wrapping =)13:09
timpso the two Text items go into the Item with the anchors that I proposed13:09
timpxnox: I updated my answer with a solution that uses a Column. Is that what you want?13:14
xnoxtimp: that's excatly what I needed.13:15
timpgreat :)13:15
xnoxtimp: also added left/rightmargin on the column's anchors and it looks lovely now.13:17
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timpmardy: did you report a bug in qt-project?14:13
mardytimp: not yet14:17
mardytimp: now I will14:17
mardytimp: well, I'll try to first produce a test case which doesn't use our components14:17
timpmardy: thank you14:18
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
mardytimp: https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-3190514:36
timpmardy: perfect14:46
AskUbuntuWhat are Smart Scopes? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31066014:46
AskUbuntuIs any personal or sensitive data collected as part of the Smart Scopes Server? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31066314:46
AskUbuntuWhat opportunities do scopes offer to mobile operators? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31066715:00
AskUbuntuWhat programming languages are scopes written in? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31066915:00
AskUbuntuHow do I debug my Unity Scope? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31067215:14
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
guschboiko: can you review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~schwann/gallery-app/gallery-qml-shuffle/+merge/17059315:41
boikogusch: yep16:12
guschboiko: cool thx16:12
=== om26er is now known as om2
=== om2 is now known as om26er
AskUbuntuWhich scopes are available in the default Ubuntu installation? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31070916:52
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=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
om26ersalem_, Hey! the build is for armhf, but I am actually trying emulator on desktopo17:15
salem_om26er, ahh, ok. amd64?17:17
om26ersalem_, i38617:17
salem_om26er, ok. creating a chroot. just a moment17:18
om26ersalem_, thanks17:18
AskUbuntui have a software that works on ubuntu 12.10 desktop. can it work on ubuntu touch? | http://askubuntu.com/q/31072217:30
boikogusch: with a little delay, approved17:38
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=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
om26ersalem_, is it there yet ? ;)17:49
salem_om26er, no, chroot is failing. are you able to build tp-ofono if I send you the patch?17:55
om26ersalem_, yes, I think I can build it17:58
salem_om26er, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5784466/17:59
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=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
om26ersalem_, so the emulator now shows up. and also enable-modem and online-modem scripts are working as well18:52
om26ersalem_, but the app still is not responding. like if a dial a number in the app and click 'call' nothing happens18:53
salem_om26er, did you restart telepathy-ofono?18:53
salem_om26er, just kill it and reopen phone-app18:54
salem_om26er, also, check if the network state is "registered", in the first page of the emulator18:54
om26ersalem_, there is nothing network state in the main page18:56
om26ersalem_, on killing telepathy-ofono is it supposed to respawn automatically ?18:56
om26ersalem_, terminal says: Failed to parse GSM xml file18:57
salem_om26er, yes, it should respawn when you open phone-app18:57
salem_om26er, you can ignore this message18:58
salem_om26er, you may need to run ofono-setup to create the telepathy account18:59
om26ersalem_, ran it already19:00
salem_om26er, can you paste the output of the following command? mc-tool show ofono/ofono/account019:00
om26ersalem_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784633/19:01
salem_om26er, it should be working19:01
om26ersalem_, what should I expect from the phone app? I open it, dial a number and it should change to onCall panel ?19:02
salem_om26er, yes19:03
salem_om26er, try this: pgrep telepathy-ofono | xargs kill && /usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-ofono19:04
om26ersalem_, should I pastebin ?19:05
om26erits on: onTryRegister19:05
salem_om26er, yes19:05
om26ersalem_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784647/19:05
boikosalem_: starting telepathy-ofono by hand doesn't work, does it? in the python version I remember we had to OFONO_PERSIST=119:05
salem_om26er, ok. but is it still printing onTryRegister?19:05
om26ersalem_, yes, after a few seconds19:06
salem_boiko, it does I think19:06
boikosalem_: ok19:06
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salem_om26er, ok, the modem is not registered19:06
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salem_om26er, try online-modem /phonesim19:09
om26ersalem_, ran that a few times, doesn't work. should I try to reboot ?19:10
salem_om26er, did it work?19:23
om26ersalem_, no, it didn't19:24
om26ersalem_, do you have saucy installed?19:24
salem_om26er, not yet. I will install it on my laptop19:25
kenvandinemhall119, hey, the qml docs are all under ubuntu-12.10 on d.u.c, when can those get moved to 13.04 and linked from the site?19:53
mhall119dpm: ^^19:54
kenvandinemhall119, thx :)19:54
seb128dpm, mhall119, kenvandine: can we get them updated as well? ;-)19:54
kenvandineseb128, mine are current :)19:55
seb128kenvandine, local or website?19:55
kenvandinebut won't be in a week or so...19:55
kenvandineon the website19:55
kenvandinethe friends and UOA docs are current19:55
kenvandinejust not linked from the API docs section19:55
seb128kenvandine, compare http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-12.10/qml/mobile/qml-ubuntu-components-listitems0-standard-members.html and file:///usr/share/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/doc/html/qml-ubuntu-components-listitems0-standard-members.html19:55
mhall119yeah, the online ones are outdated19:56
dpmkenvandine, mhall119, seb128, I'll do that tomorrow morning. The SDK doc changes to have the d.u.c. header and footer landed already, I just haven't had the time this week19:56
seb128dpm, thanks ;-)19:56
kenvandinedpm,  thx!19:57
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