
=== prp^2 is now known as prpplague
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pelmenHello! Anyone here ready to help with booting?:)09:36
k1l_pelmen: if you give alot more details people in here can try to help :)09:39
pelmenI have once given but nobody answered for an hour, so it's second attempt :) I'm trying to boot ubuntu rootfs on Samsung Galaxy Note 10.109:48
pelmenCreated from chroot an initramfs, incorporated to recovery, but when booting it gets stuck somewhere09:49
Mqaxhi all, i have a smartpad based on iMAPX210 processor (that should be an arm11 based) is possible to run ubuntu on it?09:53
pelmenWhat is more, the same recovery boots debian rootfs09:53
Mqaxi didn't understand pelmen, are you speaking with me?09:55
vipzrx$ tftp
vipzrxtftp> status11:54
vipzrxConnected to
vipzrxtftp> get test11:54
vipzrxTransfer timed out.11:54
vipzrx http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783426/ the tftp error log12:00
vipzrx who can help me ?12:05
vipzrxphh: hello12:10
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=== prpplague is now known as prp^2
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benbloom!ask | vipzrx19:11
ubot2vipzrx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:11
benbloomcan someone point me to info on how to change kernel parameters in uboot? I'd like to mount rootFS noatime and put /var/log in a ramdisk to prevent excessive wear on the micro SD card I'm using as rootFS19:18
infinitybenbloom: Is adding noatmie to the entry for / in /etc/fstab not good enough?20:02
benbloominfinity: when I try 'sudo mount -o remount,noatime /' I get 'mount: / not mounted or bad option' my appropriate fstab entry is '/dev/mmcblk0p1   /   ext2   noatime,data=writeback   0   1' am I missing something basic here?21:45
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dannfbenbloom: i don't think ext2 supports a data= mount option23:10
benbloominteresting. i'll try without dannf23:10

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