
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
m4n1shjbicha: so what do you suggest where in the app to add Lock and Temporary files purge features?04:32
m4n1sha separate tab? name it what?04:33
jbichaI think if you add screen lock options to the privacy panel, it basically needs to be a separate tab04:38
jbichait might be cool if you could test for gnome-control-center 3.8 (either build-time or run-time) and only show that tab for that version or higher04:39
jbichasince there's quite a bit more work to be done before we can upgrade to gnome-control-center 3.8 without regressions on Ubuntu04:40
jbichaperhaps Purge Temporary Files could go in Clear Usage Data04:41
jbichain lieu of anything better, I think I'd just call the tab "Screen Lock"04:42
jbichaI'm not really a designer; I just make some suggestions some times :)04:43
m4n1shjbicha: or just "Behavior"04:45
jbichaI know you were trying to get rid of tabs and this would bring us back to 4 tabs on Ubuntu (since I've kept the Search Results tab because I hadn't been told specifically whether that was to be killed or not)04:45
m4n1shBehavior can also take in "Search Results" tab04:45
m4n1shso "Search Results" + Screen Lock  = Behavior tab04:45
m4n1shjbicha: I guess that would be better - Search result and Screen Lock are both behavior.. again I am not designer04:46
jbichaI think Behavior is really ambiguous and we already use Behavior for 1 of the 2 tabs in Appearance04:46
m4n1shjbicha: I can04:47
jbichaon the other hand, the Search Results tab is nearly empty04:47
m4n1shcant remember Appearance tab anywhere04:47
m4n1shright now I have only Background04:47
m4n1shBrightness and Lock, Displays etc04:48
m4n1shyeah. I was trying to merge Search Results and Screen Lock04:48
jbichait looks like www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Screen-Shot-2012-04-26-at-13.42.jpg04:48
jbichaI wish Unity would have taken inspiration from GNOME 3.8's new Search panel and moved the on/off switches for 100 scopes to System Settings where it's a lot more discoverable04:48
jbichaI had no idea how to turn on/off individual scopes without "reading the manual"04:49
m4n1shlooks like my gnome-control-center is from ricotz or gnome3 team ppa04:49
m4n1shso it looks vanilla04:49
jbicham4n1sh: which desktop are you running?04:50
m4n1shjbicha: it shows only on unity? I am running shell atm04:50
jbichayeah, close settings then run XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity gnome-control-center04:50
jbichayes it's bad usability to have the settings panel work differently depending on what desktop you're using but it's a compromise :|04:51
m4n1shplus I am not very convinced that allowing to change icon size is actually useful04:52
m4n1shif I was the maintainer, I would have just dropped that setting04:52
jbichasome people do really like that option and it was another compromise in lieu of directing people to ccsm or dconf-editor at the time04:53
m4n1shoh yeah. it is still way better than asking people to open ccsm and blow up everything04:54
jbichawe may even still have been using gconf at the time which had a horrible UI for tweaking Unity04:54
jbichadconf-editor works well now for Unity04:54
m4n1shso what should be done?04:55
m4n1shhow to integrate those settings?04:55
jbichawe need to tweak the "When searching in the Dash" section to only show when Unity is running (we can check dbus for it or check for XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP)04:55
jbichaI suggest you ask the Unity design guys whether they still want the online search toggle for saucy04:57
m4n1shactually Appearance > Behavior should be renamed to Appearance > Launcher and Workspaces04:58
jbichaunless a designer suggests something else, it's up to you whether you do it in one tab or two04:58
m4n1shmakes more sense04:58
m4n1shand Behavior for Lock Screen etc04:59
m4n1shjbicha: unity dev happens on ubuntu-devel or some other list?04:59
jbichathere's #ubuntu-unity (US or Europe hours); I'm not sure that Unity designers really use mailing lists05:01
m4n1shjbicha: do you think I should release the current code so that it is included in saucy and tested05:04
m4n1shsince getting rest of the code might take a few weeks05:04
m4n1shas this new UI  has never been tested on a wider scale. It might contain dragons05:05
jbicham4n1sh: well I have 2 bugs I filed today and there's my 3.8 merge proposal I'd like to see handled first ;)05:05
jbichabut as long as there's no known regressions I agree it's better to land sooner :)05:06
m4n1shjbicha: true. those will be included in next release. I am talking about getting the gnome privacy thing at later stage05:06
m4n1shI am going to merge gnome 3.8 branch now and then work on making diagnostic available in standalone too05:06
jbichayes, gnome-control-center 3.8 is likely at least a few weeks away and the lock settings aren't the only blocker05:07
m4n1shand then release05:07
m4n1shwhat else blockers are there?05:07
jbichafrom me, there's bug 1192777 too; either it should work or be hidden; everything else seems to look fine although I use GNOME Shell a lot more than Unity05:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1192777 in Activity Log Manager ""Send a report automatically" feature doesn't work" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119277705:09
m4n1shfor #1192777 I would need to ask evan dandrea as he manages the diagnostic thing05:10
m4n1shjbicha: sent him a mail. He is in London Time, so he might get it done in 12 hours. (Hopefully)05:13
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pittiGood morning05:38
RAOFpitti: Good morning!07:27
RAOFpitti: I hope that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1192842 contains enough information for you.07:28
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1192842 in systemd (Ubuntu) "logind loses track of sessions when multiple sessions share a VT" [Undecided,New]07:28
mlankhorstRAOF: can you accept xxv-intel and mesa in quantal, raring, and the lts versions in precise?07:29
pittihey RAOF07:31
RAOFmlankhorst: Sure.07:32
pittiRAOF: so the effect is that c2, c3, c5 don't get ACLs?07:32
RAOFpitti: Correct.07:33
RAOFAlthough they *do* have ACLs when I first log in. It's only after switching to the guest session that logind gets confused, and no longer thinks any session is active.07:33
RAOFHm. Do you find the bug blurry?07:39
seb128good morning desktopers07:47
didrockshey seb128!07:52
seb128didrocks, lut! happy thursday07:53
didrockshappy thursday as well :)07:53
seb128how is the weather for you?07:53
seb128no ice falling from the sky? no storm?07:53
seb128it has been raining a lot here, some ice as well07:53
didrocksno, a nice and sunny weather, but with more resonnables temperatures07:53
didrocksjust during the night here07:53
seb128I was up at 5am with the noise that was making on my windows07:53
didrocksat least, the temperatures are better I guess?07:54
seb128it's better this morning, though heavy raining now07:54
didrockswell, if that can result for you a cooler week-end…07:55
didrocksseb128: I think I finally found a case where unity-gtk-module is regressing us! Dart editor (so, I guess eclipse as well), has its menu exported, but there is nothing in them, just the first level is available07:55
seb128is that java and gtk2?07:58
didrocksyeah, I'm going to open a bug07:58
didrocksI guess it's java + the sdk theme07:58
* didrocks tries installing eclipse and pulls the world07:59
seb128didrocks, were we exporting menus for that one before?08:01
seb128I know we had eclipse blacklisted at some point08:01
didrocksseb128: yeah, it was exported and working fine08:01
didrocksfor dart08:01
didrockswhich I guess didn't use eclipse blacklist08:01
seb128in any case please open a bug ;-)08:01
didrocksyeah, let me try to confirm with eclipse, seeing if we still have that list08:02
didrocksseb128: on another note, I'm starting to regret having pulled -proposed in the ppa08:02
seb128too much transitional breakages?08:02
didrocksa lot of FTBFS this night (and still now), because of archive mismatch due to new gtk308:02
seb128like gtk not built on arm?08:02
seb128still didn't fail, it failed again on some stupid test08:03
didrocksyeah, seems like shacky ones08:03
didrockshey Laney!08:03
seb128Laney, good morning08:03
seb128I retried 3 times yesterday08:03
didrocksseb128: eclipse is still blacklisted (or exported the env var)08:03
didrocksseb128: should I disable -proposed for now?08:04
didrocksmeanwhile? (I wanted to do the Xorg transition today though)08:04
seb128didrocks, I need to fix gtk today in any case, but your call08:04
didrocksseb128: do you need help on those tests?08:04
seb128didrocks, the xorg transition? 1.14 to saucy you mean?08:04
didrocksno, on the gtk failures08:05
seb128didrocks, thanks for the offer, let me already have a look to what's the issue with gtk08:05
seb128didrocks, sorry, the 1.14 to saucy question was for "I wanted to do the Xorg transition today"08:05
didrocksmeanwhile, let me remove all this java things that got pulled :p08:05
seb128what transition?08:05
didrocksseb128: oh right, the 1.14 version08:05
Laneywasn't gtk failing in the rebuild test already?08:05
seb128Laney, it was08:05
didrocksseb128: we need to get in sync for the barrier push change08:06
seb128didrocks, right, I'm not sure 1.14 is ready to be pushed to the archive yet though08:06
didrocksseb128: oh? mlankhorst is telling me he's waiting for days08:06
seb128didrocks, we promised asac and olli that we would make a call for testing before upload, once we have a ppa with everything including unity to test08:07
seb128mlankhorst, did you get fglrx ready for the new abi and tested as well?08:07
seb128it was not in the ppa last time I asked08:07
didrocksseb128: ah, so independant from us then, I think mlankhorst already has all with the special unity08:07
didrockssil2100: FYI ^08:07
seb128Laney, I wonder if the GTK build issue is a real bug, there are some FAIL with those warnings08:08
seb128Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: Raleigh.css:394:140: Cannot animate property 'background-image'08:08
mlankhorstseb128: i think we do, but tseliot was busy making the driver ready for 3.1008:08
didrocksmlankhorst: please ping sil2100 once we have a definitive ack to transition then :)08:09
LaneyDon't know, that soundsl ike something which could make tests fail08:09
Laneymaybe a question for upstream08:09
Laneyunless the same messages appear on good arches too08:09
seb128mlankhorst, can you check and be sure? we will be in trouble in we break anybody's box on upgrade, we should make sure we have all drivers ready, including nvidia and fglrx and we should do a call for testing on ubuntu-devel@ with the ppa once it's ready for saucy copy08:09
didrocksLaney: you mean armhf is a bad arches? :p08:10
Laneyhaha you won't catch me out there08:10
LaneyI mean arches in which the test is good :P08:10
seb128no cookie for armhf!08:10
Laneylike ppc :-)08:10
mlankhorstseb128: the call for testing already happened before raring was released, someone was optimistic that fglrx would be ready in time for that..08:10
didrocksLaney: you can try as hard as you want, that won't change my view on ppc though :p08:11
Laneyyeah no warnings there08:11
LaneyI guess that is pretty relevant then08:11
seb128mlankhorst, well, we need a new call for testing on saucy, things changed since, and we need fglrx to be part of the batch which is ready to be tested08:11
seb128Laney, there was no such warning on armhf in the 0ubuntu4 upload either08:11
Laneyright, otherwise it would have failed to build08:12
Laneyso something clearly changed08:12
seb128oh, a chrisccoulson!08:12
Laneysup chrisccoulson08:12
chrisccoulsoni thought i'd pop in here and say hello ;)08:13
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you? it has been a while you didn't say hello to us ;-)08:13
* seb128 hugs chrisccoulson08:13
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i'm good thanks. busy, but good08:13
chrisccoulsonhow are you?08:13
* chrisccoulson hugs seb12808:13
seb128I'm good thanks08:13
didrockshey chrisccoulson! :)08:13
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks :)08:14
seb128chrisccoulson, I've been told you will solve https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-opensource-src/+bug/1192567 for us ;-)08:14
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1192567 in qtwebkit-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qt5webkit " [Undecided,New]08:14
chrisccoulsonhah :)08:14
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seb128how slow is that armhf porter box, takes like a minute to run configure on gtk08:45
seb128going to take a while to debug that issue :/08:45
ogra_its a panda :/08:45
ogra_still no signs of the calxeda nodes for us08:46
ogra_(by the time we get them you will be able to buy the new amd arm server machines .... )08:46
Sweetsharkseb128: the mother of all hacks seems to have worked ... only to find later issues.08:47
Sweetsharkseb128: but those seem to be solvable (just taking time with the turnaround of this monster on the buildds)08:47
seb128ok, that's something08:48
seb128keep the good work ;-)08:48
Sweetsharkseb128: cant we just upload the binaries from my machine? its so much faster than those buildds :P08:48
seb128talk to the is guys to see how much they like thatr :p08:49
Sweetsharkseb128: hrhr. I guess I should wear full body armor, plate for that.09:00
seb128Laney, that's not a small diff to review :p09:05
LaneyJust tell me my QML skills suck and to start again09:05
seb128Laney, why didn't you use background images from ubuntu-wallpapers?09:05
seb128I guess that's not installed on the touch image?09:06
LaneyI tried to use some of the images in /usr/share/backgrounds/ on the device but they didn't load up09:06
seb128anyway demo artwork is fine until we get some artwork from design on the image ;-)09:06
seb128Laney, btw did the recent commit fix the issues you were having the other day?09:07
seb128the commit from Ken to change the resize mode seems to have made it behave for me09:07
Laneywhich one?09:07
seb128you asked monday if I tested the settings on a device09:07
Laneygetting stuck in a panel?09:07
Laneylet me check09:07
seb128you said you couldn't go back or something09:07
Laneyyes seems good now09:08
seb128great ;-)09:08
seb128Laney, btw your QML skills suck, please start again :p09:08
* seb128 hides09:08
seb128(joke aside, reviewing)09:08
Laneyknew I should have become a monk instead09:09
seb128I'm pondering doing nitpicking :p (why blank lines between imports)09:09
chrisccoulsoni love nitpicking09:10
Laneybtw the idea is to remove the UbuntuSwappableImage thing once I get CrossFadeImage and then a component on top of that into the UI toolkit09:12
seb128Laney, how annoying is it if I ask "can we get it renamed "background" rather than "appearance", since that's what the designs call it"?09:13
LaneyI got appearance from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Appearance#Phone09:13
seb128Laney, we should at least change the visible name, but I would prefer the filenames to match09:13
Laneybut ok09:14
Laneydon't we have a qmlproject thingy for the system settings?09:14
seb128qmlproject thingy?09:14
Laneywhat do I pick to load it in qt creator?09:15
LaneyI've been working with my separate project up to now09:15
seb128I usually open system-settings.pro from the srcdir09:15
seb128but that's a bit of a pain, I didn't find how to run the app or test panels from qtcreator09:16
seb128I just do the editing in there09:16
Laneythat just opend it as text09:16
seb128and then have a command line where I cp over the system version and run it09:16
seb128did you do "open file or project" and picked the .pro?09:17
seb128that works for me...09:17
seb128system-settings.pro that is09:17
LaneyI got it to open a configuration screen and then from there to the project09:18
seb128Laney, right, that's what it does here (the configuration screen is only the first time, it writes a .pro.user then)09:22
Laneyyeah I just don't know why it insisted on opening it as text09:22
Laneyoh well09:22
Laneyseb128: OK, pushed the rename and some other cleanups09:32
LaneyIs there a packaging branch for nautilus 3.8?10:34
seb128Laney, yes, linked on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/113074610:44
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1130746 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Update to nautilus 3.8" [Wishlist,Confirmed]10:45
Laneyoh cool, didn't think to look there :P10:45
seb128Laney, do you work on the update?10:57
Laneyjust putting a patch in10:58
LaneyI figure there are already people looking at that update10:58
seb128it's almost done, it just need the template patch to be adapted10:59
seb128and some testing10:59
seb128and to figure out the background story10:59
seb128I think we should just re-enable the gsd plugin10:59
Laneythe rationale for disabling it was because it was redundant, so if that stops being true then +111:00
seb128right, nautilus 3.8 stops drawing the wallpaper11:01
seb128it just put icons on a rgba background11:01
seb128in GNOME gnome-shell draws the wallpaper11:01
seb128until unity8 does it for us I guess we can just use the g-s-d code back there11:02
ricotzhi desktopers11:02
ricotzis it possible that last bamf release silently broke abi?11:03
seb128Trevinho, ^11:04
Laneymight help if you describe what you are seeing11:05
seb128ricotz, could be, Trevinho ported it to gdbus which is a non trivial change11:05
* didrocks is watching gtk3 tests executing while staring at seb128 :)11:05
seb128didrocks, I couldn't get tests to fail on porter-armhf, tried in loop, under valgrind, ...11:05
ricotzseb128, i see, then an soname bump had to be done11:05
didrocksseb128: yeah for easy reproducer :/11:05
seb128didrocks, I think I will just add a || true to the test to unblock the archive11:05
didrockslet's cross fingers11:06
seb128ricotz, why? what dbus library is used by the code is not part of the abi/api11:06
didrocksricotz: at least, it did still work for application matching and so on with new bamf + old unity11:06
seb128ricotz, the interfaces shouldn't have changed, the update didn't break unity/didn't require unity changes11:06
didrocksseb128: yeah, let's see *if* by chance, this passed at least for this round11:07
ricotzseb128, i am meant the abi of libbamf311:07
seb128didrocks, right11:07
ricotzi will downgrade to the older bamf to test/confirm11:07
didrocks(/build/buildd/gtk+3.0-3.8.2/debian/build/shared/tests/a11y/.libs/lt-tree-relationships:6264): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: Raleigh.css:394:140: Cannot animate property 'background-image'11:07
seb128ricotz, I'm not sure the abi changed, as Laney said it would help if you described your issue11:07
didrocksseb128: argh ^11:07
seb128didrocks, you get it?11:07
didrocksseb128: no, I was looking at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/3.8.2-0ubuntu5/+build/472725111:08
seb128let me upload with make check || true11:08
didrocksseb128: thanks, let's hope it's the only one… :)11:08
seb128I've another build running on porter but I don't want to keep the archive screwed for the day11:08
ricotzLaney, seb128, this is not a unity issue, but plank (which uses bamf) isnt behaving like it should11:08
Laneyon armhf only if you're going to do that please ...11:08
ricotzi was just taking a look at bamf change which arent published yet, which are already looking like an abi break11:09
ricotze.g. the changes to  lib/libbamf/bamf-view.h11:09
ricotzthat made think there might be something sneaked in earlier too11:10
Laneytry the abi compliance checker on it11:10
Trevinhoricotz: hey11:12
ricotzTrevinho, hi11:15
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Trevinhoricotz: I thought I didn't change the ABI, but that class reoreding seems to do that... I wanted to revert it back, then I forgot11:16
ricotzTrevinho, if there are some ordering changes like the one i linked then it is a break11:16
Trevinhoricotz: even if I've never recompiled unity and my tools here and everything continued to work11:16
ricotzTrevinho, ok, i confirmed the reverting to the older bamf version it works again11:17
ricotzTrevinho, were there any behaviour changes too?11:17
Trevinhoricotz: did you get crashes before?11:17
ricotzTrevinho, it doesnt crash, it seems to do the wrong things11:17
ricotzwhich would happen if signals are reordered11:18
Trevinhoricotz: ah, so are you sure you're running the right deaemon?11:18
seb128Laney, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783329/11:18
Trevinhoricotz: that would happen if you'd use default handlers, but it's quite unlikely that you do that... do you?11:18
seb128Laney, does that look correct to you? I hate makefiles :p11:18
ricotzTrevinho, i recently killed the daemon, but i could be the old one was still running before11:19
ricotzTrevinho, will recheck11:20
Trevinhoricotz: I've changed a couple of things on the daemon + library: use dbus properties instead of methods + signal when it's the case (deprecating them, and they're about to be removed soon)11:20
Trevinhoso, for example for titles and icons we now use them... the same for urgent/active/running events11:21
ricotzi am only using the library, not the dbus interface directly, if that is what you meant11:21
Trevinhoricotz: yes, I know.... But while the dubs api has been integrated (not changed yet), the new library only talks with newly added dbus entries11:22
Laneyseb128: why not just ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),armhf)?11:23
seb128Laney, because I hate makefiles and I copied what I find in another rules on my disk ;-)11:24
seb128Laney, let me try that11:24
Laneyyou typically use the filter functions when it's a list11:24
seb128Laney, ok, that works, let me upload that, thanks ;-)11:26
ricotzTrevinho, ok, i can confirm the behaviour changed here with the new version11:26
ricotzTrevinho, will try to figure out what it is11:27
Trevinhoricotz: ok, thanks let me know11:32
Trevinhoricotz: what's exactly wrong for now?11:32
ricotzTrevinho, when closing an applications (not in favorites) the signals-(count/ordering) might have changed, could be i relied on a buggy behaviour which you have fixed now11:56
ricotzTrevinho, so i cant point a finger on it yet11:56
Trevinhoricotz: ok, take your time... Thanks for testing that11:57
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Laneyhas anyone noticed that all of the categories apart from "Applications" keep getting disabled in current unity?13:26
Laneyand sources13:26
seb128Laney, disabled where?13:26
Laneyin the dash13:26
seb128in the stuff listed in the home screen?13:27
seb128or in the filter UI on the side?13:27
seb128do you do a search or just open the dash?13:27
Laneyif you expand "Filter results"13:27
Laneyall of the above13:27
LaneyI've definitely enabled them all a couple of times but they are all now disabled apart from applications13:28
seb128I don't think they are meant to keep state13:28
seb128check with mhr3 or pstolowski13:28
seb128when you do a query the server send back what scopes to use13:28
Laneyindeed, if I search for a filename it is returned13:29
Laneybut after a 5s-ish delay13:29
seb128I can confirm that yes13:30
seb128the whole server returning scope to activate seems flaky/subject to latency to me13:30
pstolowskiLaney: so it's when you enter a query?13:30
Laneypstolowski: well, it means that when I open the dash I only see applications listed straight away13:30
mhr3Laney, by design13:30
Laneybut the returned query results indeed seem to ignore that filter13:30
mhr3Laney, filtering in home is "post-search", not pre- as elsewhere13:31
pstolowskiLaney: as soon as you start typing, your filter settings are ignored and reset with recommendations. if you want to apply filters for the results, you have to apply them after the search. it's by design13:32
LaneyI suppose I expected it to override the smart scope results13:33
pstolowskiLaney: but there's also another concept - Dash is no search query is a "default" view. you can customize it by selecting filters, and it should remember the state13:33
pstolowskis/Dash is/Dash with/13:33
Laneywell that seemed to be reset too13:33
Laneyunless I searched and then changed it13:33
pstolowskiLaney: hmm then this would be a bug13:34
LaneyI might have done that though, because I didn't know about this concept13:34
mhr3pstolowski, aah, actually my weird bug was caused by more-suggestions being active for the default view... :/13:34
pstolowskimhr3: ahh, then it's a problem that it's not ignored I think13:35
mhr3pstolowski, yea, it seems to retain results from the last search13:35
pstolowskimhr3: tough I think we wanted to support more suggestions in surfacing mode anyway13:35
LaneyI also never seem to get Music results13:37
Laneyguess that's a server thing13:38
seb128Laney, didrocks: I can reproduce the arm test issue13:40
seb128I lean toward blaming desrt for it13:40
didrocksseb128: \o/13:40
seb128but it could be doko13:40
didrocksseb128: what box?13:40
pstolowskimhr3, Laney: pls open bugs if you feel something's wrong13:40
seb128doing a package build13:40
Laneypstolowski: OK, where's the right place for server bugs?13:40
Laneyor just all against unity and they'll be triaged13:41
seb128didrocks, it seems to be an issue with the css embedded in the binary, that's coming out of gresources13:41
seb128didrocks, it only happens with the new libgtk, not with the system one, where the content shouldn't have changed13:41
seb128I wonder if that's a new glib issue13:41
didrocksseb128: interesting, but it seemed to be more a racy issue as you couldn't reproduce reliably on porter earlier?13:41
seb128but we previous archive built was already using the new glib13:42
mhr3Laney, music where? most music is in More suggestions13:42
Laneymhr3: I get file results13:42
seb128didrocks, I don't know why I couldn't reproduce a source build, I did a ./configure && make earlier to avoid the triple build from the package13:42
Laneymhr3: but if I go to filter results and turn on Music then I also see the proper entries13:42
seb128didrocks, but I can reproduce with a package build tree13:42
pstolowskiLaney: yup, just against Unity. do you have any local music (indexed with rhythmbox)?13:43
seb128didrocks, maybe a builddir!=srcdir issue13:43
Laneypstolowski: maybe not, I use banshee13:43
* Laney just imported it, let's test13:43
didrocksseb128: yeah, that's possible13:43
didrocksat least, great to have a reproducer on a box :)13:44
pstolowskiLaney: banshee should work too13:44
Laneyseems the same13:44
Laneydoes it work for you?13:44
Laneye.g. Open dash, search for "Dream Theater", see files and some random applications but not the proper music results13:44
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mhr3any idea why bzr doesn't want to do SSH?13:45
mhr3bzr: ERROR: Don't know how to handle SSH connections. Please set BZR_SSH environment variable.13:45
LaneyFilter results -> Music, happy days13:45
Laneyanyway, supposed to be sponsoring13:46
mhr3Laney, so it's not selected when you do the search?13:47
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pstolowskiLaney: what does 'gsettings get com.canonical.Unity.Lenses always-search' say?13:49
Laneypstolowski: ['applications.scope', 'music.scope', 'videos.scope', 'files.scope']13:50
pstolowskiLaney: ok, please open a bug (quote this key value in the report)13:52
sil2100didrocks: quick status update:13:55
Laneycyphermox: !!!13:56
LaneyWhat's up with https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/indicator-datetime/days-months/+merge/159214 ?13:56
cyphermoxwell it's approved13:57
cyphermoxit would be nice is others could chime in given the number of reviewers13:57
sil2100didrocks: so, I still see some issues with indicator-client sadly13:57
sil2100cyphermox: hi13:57
cyphermoxcharles: ^ wanna take a look?13:57
LaneyI guess they should look at it too13:57
Laneypitti: you got requested there ^ also13:58
cyphermoxjust a review to see if it all makes sense, then top-approve?13:58
sil2100cyphermox: regarding indicator-client - I wanted to build it locally but I get a failure on one of the tests all the time13:58
cyphermoxLaney: it does pretty much make sense though, then you got to step over the knee-jerk reaction of rejecting because it "breaks POSIX" :)13:58
sil2100cyphermox: and also, I see some strange dependencies in the indicator-client debian/control13:58
pittiLaney: hm, I have an odd déjà-vu effect; I'm fairly sure I commented on this like 5 times already13:59
Laneycyphermox: I deliberately haven't read it because I don't want to have any kind of reaction13:59
Laneypitti: Don't see you on the MP :P13:59
cyphermoxsil2100: it built fine here13:59
sil2100cyphermox: since what are indicator-battery and indicator-time? Are they by any chance older versions of indicator-power and indicator-datetime? Since they have no LP projects and no sources13:59
Laneypitti: But if you don't care then just abstain?13:59
sil2100cyphermox: there are no releases for those ;/13:59
cyphermoxyou shouldn't get indicator-battery and indicator-time anymore13:59
sil2100cyphermox: but the packaging deps on them13:59
sil2100So duh13:59
cyphermoxsil2100: not afaik14:00
pittiLaney: ah, my awesome bar has two similar MPs which got deleted14:00
seb128Laney, I think nobody, out of Gunnar, cares enough about those details to add hacks in different places14:00
margaI need someone that really understands compositing, xdamage and all that kind of stuff... Does that person exist?14:00
cyphermoxI was just looking for that14:00
sil2100I just branched it14:00
sil2100Let me pull14:00
Laneyseb128: I'm just doing the pilot thing here!14:00
seb128Laney, want to join the settings meeting?14:01
Laney"annoy people until they make things go away"14:01
* Laney cackles14:01
Laneyoh yeah, that14:01
Laneyyes, yes I do!14:01
sil2100cyphermox: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/indicators-client/trunk/view/head:/debian/control#L6314:01
sil2100Here is indicator-battery14:01
cyphermoxsil2100: definitely nothing of the sort here, although it does look for com.canonical.indicator.battery in power.json, but that shouldn't translate to a depends14:01
sil2100cyphermox: but it's hard-coded into debian/control14:02
pittiLaney: done14:02
Laneypitti: merci!14:02
pittide rien14:02
sil2100cyphermox: indicator-time is a Depends: of indicators-client-plugin-datetime in trunk14:02
sil2100cyphermox: so not sure what trunk you are looking at?14:02
sil2100(line 73)14:02
sil2100Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing?14:03
cyphermoxah, nevermind, I have local changes I didn't commit14:03
cyphermoxanyway, it just needs to be ripped out14:03
sil2100ACK, let's do that then and merge it14:03
sil2100didrocks: ^14:03
sil2100Then we can try re-adding it, maybe the unit test failure is only on my local machine14:04
sil2100Who knows if some packages aren't broken, but I doubt it14:04
sil2100The following tests FAILED: 3 - dynamicmenutest (Failed)14:04
didrockssil2100: catching up!14:05
sil2100didrocks: from other news:14:05
sil2100The armhf failures we've been getting in indicators (besides the libusermetrics thing) - rerunning wasn't helping, as it seems (which me and Francis tried looking into) it's an issue with -proposed and gtk+3.0 for armhf14:06
sil2100A recent push made by seb128 is probably still buuilding for armhf14:06
sil2100I hope once it's finished, it might unblock everything again for armhf in the indicators sstack14:07
cyphermoxsil2100: I get the same test failing14:07
cyphermoxbetter ask tedg14:07
tedgsil2100, Link?14:08
cyphermoxtedg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783768/14:08
sil2100tedg: uh oh! No link, since I was running it locally14:09
sil2100tedg: one unit test in indicators-client is failing14:09
tedgdednick, Do we need indicators-client anymore?14:09
tedgI think it's been merged into Unity814:09
sil2100Now that's a good question14:09
didrockssil2100: yeah, it's still gtk+3.0 is still building as you can see:14:11
didrockssil2100: just finished btw: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/3.8.2-0ubuntu6/+build/473068414:12
didrockssil2100: we need to wait for the next publisher and can relaunch14:12
sil2100This would unblock the indicator stack, since the libusermetrics 'base' fix is in already14:13
didrocksgreat :)14:14
didrocksthen restarting all the stacks?14:15
dednicktedg: in the pipeline14:16
tedgdednick, Do we need to fix the test suite for it?  Could we just remove the test?14:18
* tedg tells didrocks to close his IRC client14:18
seb128larsu, kenvandine: where is the work in progress for gsettings?14:18
* kenvandine is anxiously awaiting to find that out 14:18
tedgdednick, Just thinking if it's code we don't care about, we shouldn't spend time fixing the tests.14:18
dednicksil2100, tedg: there is a regression in indicators-client. there was a change to qmenumodel awhile ago.14:18
dednicktedg: remove it14:18
tedgdednick, We can remove all of indicators-client or just the test.14:19
dednicktedg: just the test14:19
didrockstedg: ok, I *fully* trust you :p14:19
tedgK, cool, thanks dednick14:19
larsuseb128, kenvandine: I just started it last night, will upload it today14:19
kenvandinelarsu, we're all waiting for you :)14:20
sil2100tedg: will you create the merge for that or busy?14:20
tedgdidrocks, sil2100, how do you guys want to do that?14:20
larsukenvandine: you're not the only ones ...14:20
tedgI'm prone to just remove the autotest target14:20
seb128larsu, ok14:20
larsukenvandine, seb128: should we stick with the qconf name even though it's a new project?14:21
seb128larsu, I can see lot of free icecream in your futur, if that helps ;-)14:21
didrockstedg: I'll let sil2100 handling it as he followed that up more closely than I :)14:21
kenvandinedednick, i see you're assigned the bug on the messaging menu not showing missed SMS, is that by chance what you're working on?14:21
larsuseb128: \o/14:21
kenvandinedednick, that bug is really bugging me :)14:21
larsuseb128: ice creame *always* helps14:21
dednickkenvandine: i was just about to start work on it14:21
seb128larsu, I've no strong opinion on the name14:21
kenvandinedednick, great... thanks!14:21
seb128larsu, you can as well call it gsettings-qt14:21
seb128or whatever works for you14:22
sil2100tedg: if it's a regression in the actual code, then I would guess that the best way is to just comment out the autotest target14:22
kenvandineseb128, larsu: i'd prefer that to dconf-qt14:22
kenvandinewhich seemed weird to me14:22
sil2100tedg: since this would mean that this test will anyway fail everywhere - not just when 'we' are building the package14:22
sil2100tedg: so I'm +1 for the autotest-removal/commenting-out14:22
larsukenvandine: ya, and this is not using dconf (directly) anymore :)14:22
sil2100tedg: with some comment on top to know what's up14:23
larsuseb128: yeah I thought about that, but I don't know how the sdk people feel about having a GSettingsQt module14:23
sil2100dednick: is there a bug for that regression filled in?14:23
kenvandinelarsu, is it providing both a Qt library and QML bindings?14:23
larsukenvandine: only qml for now. Do you need a qt library?14:23
kenvandinejust checking14:24
larsuya, I figured I can add it when the need arises14:24
kenvandineyou could name it gsettings-qml then... unless we want to use gsettings-qt with the thought that someday we'll add a lib too14:24
dednicksil2100: yes14:24
kenvandineand the binary package will be something like qtdeclarative-gsettings1.014:24
larsuand the import line just "import GSettings 1.0"?14:25
kenvandinelarsu, i'd vote for gsettings-qt in case we add a lib later14:25
kenvandinelarsu, yup14:25
* kenvandine doesn't mind seeing the "G" there14:25
* larsu whips out sed14:25
kenvandineand there is already QSettings i think14:25
tedg"Say hello to my little string parser!"14:26
dednicksil2100: i think it's the same issue anyway. https://bugs.launchpad.net/touch-preview-images/+bug/119182214:26
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1191822 in touch-preview-images "After a wireless network is selected the list of networks says "Empty!"" [High,In progress]14:26
larsudednick: can you please add the indicator projects on these bugs? I don't get notified about any messages bugs because they're always filed against touch-preview-images only14:27
tedgsil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicators-client/tests/+merge/17063314:27
dednicklarsu: sure14:27
larsuthanks :)14:28
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sil2100tedg: commented!14:40
sil2100tedg: by 'I guess they shouldn't fail' I mean that they'er testing the functionality, and even if they fail that's a different issue, and we need integration tests being ran if possible - so I would like them to be installed14:41
sil2100tedg: since they don't block package builds14:42
tedgsil2100, But if we're going to ignore the results, why waste the CPU time?14:42
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* xnox is in favor of running yet ignoring results from known_to_fail testsuites. Expected Fail, is there for a reason.14:56
sil2100tedg: ok, so at least leave the autopilot tests in15:01
sil2100tedg: so if you could re-add the indicators-client-autopilot.install it would be all-ok15:02
tedgsil2100, K15:02
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didrockssil2100: rmadison says that gtk+3.0 3.8.2-0ubuntu6 is now published in proposed15:11
didrockssil2100: so rebuilding should be fine15:11
sil2100Should I rebuild everything, or just the ones that failed in the PPA?15:13
tedgsil2100, Updated: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicators-client/tests/+merge/17063315:15
sil2100tedg: thanks! Approved that already15:16
tedgsil2100, Fast!  :-)15:16
seb128jbicha, hey, did you notice that abiword is stucked in proposed for 3 weeks? do you plan to rebuild pyabiword for the library rename? (or ask for it to be dropped since it seems that's what Debian did)15:17
didrocksseb128: I would say just the one which failed15:19
didrockssil2100: there is no ABI breakage, nothing :)15:19
sil2100I guess ;)15:19
jbichaseb128: it is possible to get pyabiword to build with the new abiword but the bigger problem is that pyabiword doesn't work & is unmaintained so I filed bug 118743515:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 1187435 in pyabiword (Ubuntu) "Please remove pyabiword" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118743515:22
sil2100didrocks: just out of curosity - when we're publishing things for daily-release to saucy, the source packages are pushed to the archive and rebuilt - yes?15:23
didrockssil2100: hum, not sure to get you :)15:23
didrocksah, the question is what publication does? :)15:24
seb128jbicha, can you get it to build?  the sugar stuff was useful, I'm not sure I'm comfortable deciding to just delete those, I would prefer to let whoever care fixes those or drop if needed15:24
jbichaexcept that pyabiword has been broken for quite a while and I haven't found a distro that's managed to get it to work15:27
jbichathat sugar stuff doesn't work because pyabiword is quite broken15:27
jbichabug 102007415:28
ubot2Launchpad bug 1020074 in pyabiword (Ubuntu) "Segfault when importing abiword" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102007415:28
jbichait's still in unstable so if anyone does figure it out, the packages can be easily re-added to Ubuntu15:29
sil2100didrocks: yes ;)15:30
didrockssil2100: so, no rebuild involved: it's a binary copy from the ppa to distro15:30
didrockssil2100: we have to do that, otherwise, we can't ensure that what we tested is what the user will get (in case it's rebuilt in a different order for instance)15:31
didrockswith different build-deps15:31
didrockssil2100: the last paragraph in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/StackPublish#Copy_to_distro for more details15:31
sil2100ACK, thanks!15:31
didrocksyw :)15:31
didrockssil2100: the only thing that the archives will try to rebuild is if we didn't copy all archs15:31
didrocks(like armhf still building, but we force the publication meanwhile)15:32
didrocksor no powerpc binary because of some build-deps: it will try to build them and go into build-dep waiting mode ;)15:32
sil2100didrocks: hmm, strange thing I see15:36
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sil2100didrocks: indicator-power failed because of python not getting installed, even though it's in Recommends for libglib2.0-dev15:41
sil2100didrocks: aren't we're installing recommends by default?15:41
sil2100didrocks: also, I think it's not a good idea to serve an /usr/bin binary with a crucial dependency in recommends15:42
Laneynot in package builds15:42
sil2100Since /usr/bin/gdbus-codegen fails15:42
sil2100So hm, basically by installing libglib2.0-dev we can't use all the tools?15:42
Laneygot a link?15:43
sil2100Because indicator-power uses libglib2.0-dev to get its /usr/bin/gdbus-codegen, but can't use it becaue normally python is not installed15:43
sil2100Laney: yep, here:15:43
sil2100(all archs had the same thing)15:44
sil2100python is in recommends but is not installed15:44
sil2100(libglib2.0-dev recommends python)15:44
LaneyI doubt that is your problem15:44
Laneylaney@iota> dpkg -S /usr/bin/python                                                                                                        ~15:44
Laneypython-minimal: /usr/bin/python15:44
didrockssil2100: we do, let me have a look15:45
didrocksah Laney is looking :)15:45
sil2100Ok, so I wonder what's up15:45
didrocks(sorry, was in a discussion)15:45
sil2100didrocks: ;)15:46
sil2100Laney: do you have any ideas on what can be wrong then?15:47
Laneysil2100: I guess the advice is to build-dep on python, indeed15:50
sil2100Laney, didrocks: so we don't fetch those recommends in builders indeed? Ok, so let's do that, wonder how this was passing before15:52
Laneysomething must have changed its Depends15:52
didrockssil2100: that's possible, I'm sure quite sure if we do it. But anyway, if we rely on python, we should dep on it15:52
Laneypackage builds are supposed to be minimal so they don't install stuff they don't need to (recommends) :-)15:54
sil2100didrocks: I can quick fix it and add the python dep to the indicator-power...15:54
Laneythat's right15:54
sil2100Laney: well, if gdbus-codegen needs python then I guess it should depend instead of recommends :D15:55
didrockssil2100: sounds good to me!15:55
LaneyIt's not unheard of for less used features to be moved to recommends15:56
sil2100Laney: oh, ok, then that makes sense15:56
LaneyA lot of glib-using packages will not need python15:56
LaneyBut it's a bit unfortunate that you are quite likely to get python installed in some other way and so not notice this15:57
Laneyoh well, the fix is easy15:57
sil2100Laney: thanks for the check!15:57
sil2100Anyone ^15:59
* sil2100 looks at didrocks and Laney with teary eyes16:00
Laneyi don't have powers for that :(16:01
didrockssil2100: how can I resist then? approved! :)16:01
jbichastgraber would like to have users who have been using the gnome-session-fallback session to automatically be transitioned to the new gnome-session-flashback but that looks pretty tricky16:02
jbichasession-migration won't help since we want to change user's configurations *before* they log in16:03
Laneydoes the fallback session go away?16:04
jbichait was just renamed; it's still powered by gnome-panel 316:04
jbichathat might work but I'm thinking the system would store that it was running gnome-session-fallback instead of -flashback so we'd have to keep those symlinks forever?16:07
Laneydo you know where it's stored?16:07
seb128have it migrated after login then you can drop it after the lts16:08
seb128didrocks did that when they renamed the gnome/ubuntu/unity sessions16:08
jbichanot exactly, there's ~/.dmrc; there's /var/lib/AccountsService/users/; there's gsettings org.gnome.session session-name; and even lightdm.conf has something too16:09
seb128just keep using the old filename16:09
seb128that's easier16:09
seb128who cares, that's just a name on disc16:09
seb128you can change the description16:09
LaneyI think that might be easiest16:10
didrocksand safest16:10
didrockswe had a 3 year-plan transition with lightdm and did it :)16:11
mlankhorstLaney: http://buienradar.nl/bliksem-1-uur .. shall I bike today?16:11
mlankhorstlightning stuff is near me atm16:11
Laneyseems to be moving away :P16:11
mlankhorstyeah.. but not sure if nothing else is coming or not..16:12
Laneybike to your local climbing centre and do some fun bouldering16:12
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mlankhorstand the rain is gone, I'm off to bike, muahah16:41
desrtseb128: what do i get blamed for today?16:48
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* didrocks waves good evening16:59
Laneydesrt: He was searching for people to blame for https://launchpadlibrarian.net/142386450/buildlog_ubuntu-saucy-armhf.gtk+3.0_3.8.2-0ubuntu4_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:00
larsukenvandine: let's try this again: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/+junk/gsettings-qt17:25
larsukenvandine: I'll make a proper project out of it after lunch17:25
larsucompile with qmake for now, use like so: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784344/  (run from $top_srcdir with `qmlscene -I . test.qml`)17:26
larsuseb128: ^^17:26
larsukenvandine: most importantly: won't work without the qt5 edgers ppa because of lp #118774617:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1187746 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Please provide fix for QTBUG-31226" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118774617:26
seb128larsu, danke17:35
seb128desrt, gtk tests fail on arm, it looked at first that it was getting corrupted resources out of gresources ... but that was only a first, I extracted the css and it's valid17:37
pittiseb128: hm, the new libgpgme11 pulls in gnupg-agent gnupg2 libassuan0 libksba8 pinentry-gtk217:45
pittiseb128: do we really want all that? it's quite sizable, and pulls in old gtk2 stuff17:45
seb128pitti, I saw yes, that's coming from Debian ... we should probably demote some recommends to suggests17:46
seb128well, at least pinentry-gtk217:46
seb128the other ones seem fine to me17:46
pitti--no-install-recommends still pulls these in17:47
Laneyit's Depends: gnupg2 probably17:47
seb128gnupg-agent depends on pinentry-gtk2 | pinentry-curses | pinentry17:47
seb128gnupg2 depends on gnupg-agent17:48
Laneythey switched from gnupg to gnupg217:50
Laneythe former not having as many dependencies17:50
pittiperhaps our gnome-keyring bits should Provide: gnupg-agent?17:50
Laney(or features)17:50
Laneyit seems to call the binary17:51
pittimeh; not good17:51
Laneysorry, I mean gpg not gpg-agent17:52
Laneyso maybe Provides would work to cut off that chain17:52
Laneyah, but the dep is versioned from gnupg217:52
seb128Laney, pitti: we should maybe demote the depends on gnupg-agent to a suggest17:56
seb128or | gnome-keyring17:56
LaneyDon't know what would be correct there17:56
LaneyEasiest might be to go back to gnupg from gpgme17:57
Laneymaybe defining a virtual package would be a good idea17:57
Laneyanyway, i'm off, let's think about that tomorrow17:58
seb128Laney, 'night18:02
seb128it seems backward to stay on an outdated gnupg version though18:02
seb128desrt, I guess you don't have a saucy/armhf device with you?18:09
Saviqlarsu, ooh, so slim was enough?18:19
larsuSaviq: hm?18:21
larsuoh, gsettings-qt. ya :)18:21
Saviqlarsu, lp:~larsu/+junk/gsettings-qt18:21
larsuyep, qqmlpropertymap ftw18:21
kenvandinelarsu, cool, i'm on it18:21
larsuit does what 90% of dconf-qt codebase used to do18:21
larsuthe remaining 10% is now gsettings18:22
larsuso there wasn't that much left :)18:22
Saviqlarsu, one thing I was recently thinking (although this can be a wrapper around gsettings-qt)18:23
Saviqlarsu, is that we might need to have different defaults per-form-factor18:23
larsuSaviq: note that this only contains qml bindings right now (not really usable from qt)18:23
Saviqlarsu, yeah, who cares about qt these days ;P18:24
Saviqlarsu, and not only different defaults, but different values18:24
larsuSaviq: interesting. I don't think dconf has facilities for this kind of thing, but you'd need to talk to desrt about it18:24
larsuwell, I guess we might be able to get something working with relocatable schemas18:25
Saviqlarsu, yeah, I think we might be fine with a flat key/value, assuming we'll be smart at e.g. using separate setting databases for different form factors, or a prefix / suffix18:25
larsuSaviq: yeah, I'll talk to desrt about it18:26
Saviqlarsu, there's some UX questions here, obviously (i.e. if you add an app to the launcher while in phone mode, should it get added in desktop mode as well?)18:27
Saviqlarsu, and it's probably a per-setting question, too18:27
Saviqlarsu, but yeah, just food for thought for now18:27
larsuSaviq: right, we will probably have to support both for different keys (i.e. you might want different launcher items and backgrounds on your phone, but share lists of locations that you'd like to get the time in your clock for)18:30
larsuooh, this is a tricky subject18:30
Saviqlarsu, indeed ;)18:31
larsukenvandine, Saviq: I put lgplv3 in the headers, is that correct?18:32
Saviqlarsu, AFAIK, yes18:32
larsucool, thanks18:32
larsukenvandine: I pushed it into lp:gsettings-qt as well18:33
kenvandinei'm adding the cmake magic now18:34
larsuawesome! Thanks18:35
kenvandinelarsu, so what do i need to build this with?18:39
tkamppeter_larsu, hi18:40
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kenvandinelarsu, like the pkgconfig packages?18:41
kenvandinegio obviously18:41
larsukenvandine: gio and qtqml18:41
larsutkamppeter: hi18:41
kenvandineoh, you have it setup for qmake already18:42
larsukenvandine: and it would be cool if that qt patch landed in saucy...18:42
larsukenvandine: yep, qmake && make in the GSettings dir builds it18:43
Saviqkenvandine, larsu QtCore, I imagine, too18:43
larsu(on my machine *cough*)18:43
Saviqlarsu, btw http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qstringlistmodel.html18:43
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kenvandinedo we really need to use cmake for it?18:43
larsukenvandine: nope.18:44
Saviqlarsu not sure it's the right place, but it would be nice to wrap the stringlist in a model18:44
larsuSaviq: which string list? The list of keys?18:44
Saviqlarsu, no, when a key is a list of values18:44
larsugood point.18:45
Saviqerm, when a value of a setting is a list18:45
Saviqlarsu, so that only minimal changes are sent to the app (obviously this needs smarts to reduce the changes to a minimum)18:45
larsuso that code is almost 1:1 what dconf-qt did18:45
Saviqlarsu, sure, but who's to say dconf-qt did everything right? ;)18:45
larsuSaviq: ha, I wasn't saying that, just that I haven't put much thought into that part :P18:46
Saviqlarsu, sure18:46
Saviqkenvandine, well, CMake is the company policy, right?18:46
larsukenvandine: this is why I asked for it ^^18:46
Saviqkenvandine, shouldn't be many more lines than the QMake18:46
kenvandineSaviq, i haven't seen that documented anywhere18:46
larsuSaviq: is the stringlistmodel something that we need asap?18:47
Saviqlarsu, no18:47
Saviqlarsu, it can even be an addition to the API18:47
larsuhm, well it would be an API break, right?18:47
Saviqlarsu, i.e. you can get it as a QStringList, but if you want a model - here!18:47
larsuright, but the default would always be a stringlist?18:47
* larsu is unsure which is more qmly18:47
Saviqlarsu, model is definitely more qmly18:48
Saviqlarsu, e.g. items in launcher, you want to move them, not replace the whole set with a new one18:48
larsuSaviq: ok. I'll try to add that soon then and make it the default for lists18:48
kenvandinei would prefer a model18:48
Saviqlarsu, but because gsettings doesn't give you such data, you need to extrapolate18:48
larsuSaviq: I need to keep a copy of the valus around anyway, so that wouldn't be a problem18:49
Saviqlarsu, yeah, but to actually minimize the amount of changes (i.e. grouping the items that were moved together), moving from the end instead of from the beginning18:50
Saviqlarsu, and then because it's a whole new list, you need to add / remove, too18:50
Saviqlarsu, but initially I'd be fine with a model that's reset() every time18:50
Saviqlarsu, at least it'd be a model straight away, just the behaviour would improve18:50
larsuSaviq: that's a good first step I agree. Everything else will then be an optimization without API breakage18:51
larsuright :)18:51
Saviqkenvandine, indeed there's no mention of CMake on the preferred tech wiki18:52
Saviqkenvandine, but then qmake is being phased out, afaik18:52
kenvandineSaviq, right18:52
Saviqtvoss, you'll know - is CMake policy now?18:53
kenvandinewe still have quite a bit of qmake18:53
tvossSaviq, as much as possible, yes18:53
kenvandineand is certainly much simpler to deal with18:53
tvosskenvandine, do you see an issue transitioning over to cmake?18:53
Saviqkenvandine, that probably depends on how complicated your project is18:54
kenvandineit's quite simple and already uses qmake18:54
kenvandinei'd prefer just leave it as is18:54
Saviq/we need CMake templates for QML plugins18:54
kenvandinewhat we have now in cmake is a real mess18:55
kenvandinevery inconsistent and copy and paste cruft18:55
kenvandineour qmake stuff is much cleaner, imo18:55
kenvandinei'd rather us have standard templates for cmake18:55
Saviq+1, we need common CMake modules18:55
kenvandinebefore switching stuff18:55
Saviqkenvandine, seen http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2013/05/31/qbs-1-release/ btw?18:55
tkamppeterlarsu, seb128 told me some days ago that bug 959195 occurs for him in Saucy.18:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 959195 in indicator-printers (Ubuntu) "65 cups notifier processes running" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95919518:56
kenvandineSaviq, yup18:56
tkamppeterlarsu, at lease the symptoms of it.18:56
kenvandineSaviq, it looks very interesting18:57
larsutkamppeter: hm, I fixed that two cycles ago... thanks for pointing me to it, I'll talk to him18:57
Saviqkenvandine, yeah18:57
kenvandineyet another reason to not just up and switch projects :)18:57
kenvandinedon't get me wrong... i don't like qmake18:57
kenvandinebut i surely prefer qmake to cmake :)18:57
kenvandineand all build systems suck18:57
seb128larsu, talk to me!18:59
tkamppeterlarsu, thanks.18:59
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larsuseb128: I was about to when my connection broke. Are you still seeing the issue?19:03
seb128larsu, no19:03
larsuseb128: the problem was that indicator-printers created too many cups subscriptions19:03
larsuI fixed that long time ago, so I can't imagine them being stray processes from back then on your machine19:03
seb128larsu, I apparently had a buggy /etc/cups/subscriptions.conf* in there ... I had the issues for months, I never bother asking19:03
dobeymeh. Alt_L is working correctly in gnome-shell guest session. wtf.19:03
seb128larsu, it's gone since I followed your comment and did a rm /etc/cups/subscriptions.conf*19:04
seb128larsu, so I guess nothing was cleaning buggy configs left behind?19:04
larsuseb128: ah! That's probably it then. I couldn't just clean the subscriptions in an upate to indicator-printers because there might have been "real" subscriptions in there19:04
larsuseb128: it was a bit of a screw-up on my part. It should be fixed for you now that you cleaned the conf, let me know if it happens again19:05
seb128larsu, thanks, I'm pretty sure it's fixed though, it was consistent for some months and it stopped happening since yesterday19:06
seb128larsu, I just had been too lazy to ask about it, I didn't have any noticable issue due to those processes19:06
dobeyweird. found something that was set to "Mod2+Alt_L" :(19:07
seb128dobey, buggy user config?19:07
larsuseb128: ya, they are very lightweight (just a small C program which does nothing but wait for a job to happen in CUPS). It messes with ps output though ;)19:07
dobeyseb128: what the heck is Mod2?19:07
seb128dobey, not sure, r-ctrl is "mod2+control r" for me (that's what I put the HUD on)19:08
sarnoldmod2 can be set via xmodmap; run xmodmap without arguments to see what it is currently set to19:10
dobeyi'm quite certain i've never changed that keybinding19:11
dobeymod2 is numlock. that doesn't even make any sense :)19:13
sarnoldsame here. my laptop has no numlock. That I know of.. :)19:14
seb128dobey, well it's weird, if you go to the keybinding panel and try to set e.g the hud to r-ctrl or r-shit you will get "mod2+rctrl/shift"19:14
dobeyseb128: the weird thing is that this was the "Switch applications" keybinding19:15
dobeyseb128: I would never have set it to Alt_L, or Alt_L+NumLock. neither of those makes sense. so i wonder how it got changed19:16
seb128dobey, buggy software but good luck to figure which one...19:19
dobeyyeah :-/19:23
jbichaattente: indicator-keyboard doesn't work for me19:30
larsuSaviq: is there a QVariantListModel as well? I'm unsure what I should do about non-string lists19:30
larsudoesn't look like it from a quick search in the docs19:31
attentejbicha, i just updated the manifest file and uploaded a new version to the ppa19:31
larsuwell I guess I can always make my own19:31
jbichaattente: yeah I built it from your bzr branch; I'm on saucy with no other ppas except your i-keyboard one19:32
Saviqlarsu, yeah, there isn't anything built in19:32
Saviqlarsu, but the API is small enough, I'd say19:33
attentejbicha, the fix i pushed was just 5 minutes ago19:33
attentejbicha, at least i believe that's what the problem is19:33
Saviqlarsu, pete-woods did a QVariantListModel by almost c&p QStringListModel19:33
Saviqlarsu, on one hand that might pose licensing issues, but on the other if you'd do it yourself, you'd end up with 99% same code, probably..19:34
attentejbicha, it's at revision 57, i'm not sure if that's the one your local build is based on19:35
larsuSaviq: heh, I'll have a look, thanks!19:35
jbichaattente: ok, it works after I pulled and rebuilt19:36
jbichaI'm not sure that it should say EU for English (United States) though19:36
jbichaI don't know if it's my sbuild or if it's bzr-builddeb but it doesn't like that maintainer doesn't have a @ubuntu.com email19:38
seb128how so?19:39
LaneyDEBEMAIL= bzr bd -S19:39
seb128right, I never got why it behaves differently if you DEBEMAIL is @ubuntu.com19:40
jbichait's easy to add an Ubuntu team as maintainer19:40
seb128especially that I usually hit the issue on ubuntu specific sources, like unity stack19:40
seb128it's annoying19:40
attentewhat email should we use instead?19:41
seb128run update-maintainer19:41
seb128it will set the maintainer to ubuntu-devel group19:41
seb128(that's a script in ubuntu-dev-tools ... if you don't have the package install it, it has handy scripts)19:42
attenteseb128, ok19:42
seb128but that warning is just annoying19:42
seb128it's a check meant to make sure we update the maintainer info when we take  a debian source and change it19:43
seb128so they don't get bugs or emails about our buggy changes ;-)19:43
attenteyou'd think it would be ok with a canonical email though...19:44
seb128not sure if the issue is because we use "0ubuntu<n>" revision style19:45
seb128we should just claim the namespace and use -1 ;-)19:45
attentejbicha, about the EU thing, we were trying to be smart about how it determines the abbreviation19:47
attentebut if it doesn't work for one of the most popular layouts... maybe it's not so smart after all...19:48
seb128it doesn't work for Fr either :p19:49
seb128it uses FA19:49
seb128is that because for "French Alternative"?19:49
attenteseb128, that's actually a bug on my part :P19:49
seb128ah... ;-)19:49
attenteseb128, it sees the cedilla and isn't sure how to parse the format19:50
attenteso it thinks that the 'a' that follows is a part of a new token19:50
seb128not sure how the old code and GNOME are doing19:50
seb128is that info in iso-codes?19:51
seb128I never really looked at the logic of other codebases for that...19:51
jbichaI'd expect something like En or US19:51
attenteyeah, gnome is just using the iso code, iirc19:51
attentebut we're trying to do some weird mish-mash of language and country19:51
attentewhich isn't going to work19:52
seb128hum, isn't GNOME trying to do that as well?19:52
seb128that topic is complex :/19:52
seb128I would say to just go with the simple rule that was used so far if the mix is a can of worm19:52
seb128well, if you can get it right and that makes mpt happy that's bonus ;-)19:53
seb128we can as well try to push it like that, deal with bug reports, and if that doesn't fly for users then change our strategy and go back to a more classic way...19:53
jbichathe wiki does say "first two capital letters from the display name" which does come out to EU19:54
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rickspencer3hmmm, software-center is not launching for me :23:25
RAOF@pilot in23:57
meetingologyRAOF: Error: "pilot" is not a valid command.23:57

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