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xnoxdoes CONFIG_ARCH_RANDOM enable usage of intel rdrand to seed /dev/random ?07:43
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* henrix will be out for a bit09:47
tseliotapw: I'm facing a problem with 3.10 and fglrx but I'm not sure it depends on my work on the procfs calls10:20
apwtseliot, sounds nasty indeed10:21
tseliotapw: I'm getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783212/10:24
apwtseliot, i think i recall them using bios calls to get the BIOS out of the card, and sucking info out of it10:25
apwperhaps a change in interface there for making int10 calls10:25
tseliotapw: hah, one more error: Fail to open device PCI:1:0:010:26
apwoh :)10:26
tseliotwhich is the actual amd card...10:26
* ppisati goes out for a bit...11:48
* henrix -> lunch12:04
rtg_henrix, rebooting gomeisa for misc updates13:27
henrixrtg_: ack13:27
apwhenrix, ok ... cve tracker is happy again14:01
apwhenrix, totaaly a bug, and only affecting handlng of linus tree markers ie upstream_source: not any of the visible versions14:02
henrixapw: great, thanks. why something has to break whenever i touch cve tracker? :)14:02
apwhenrix, cause you are doing work so it has to changed things :)14:03
* henrix shakes on every bzr push :)14:03
apwhenrix, what you are doing is just fine :)  its the tracker that has mental problems14:03
smbinfinity, Did I ask you about looking at crash today?14:07
rtg_slangasek, using libpython-dev as a build dependency instead of python-dev causes a build failure, e.g., make cannot find /usr/bin/python-config.14:27
rtg_Makefile:755: The path '/usr/bin/python-config' is not executable.14:27
rtg_Makefile:755: *** Please set 'PYTHON_CONFIG' appropriately.  Stop.14:27
rtg_I've not encountered this problem, so I could use your input.14:27
slangasekrtg_: hmm, that's strange, it *cross*-built for me just fine; in that case, I guess more work is needed before we can make the package cross-build-friendly14:40
rtg_slangasek, yeah, I was just drilling down through the dependency layers.14:40
rtg_slangasek, python-dev depends on python (which contains python-config) whereas libpython-dev does _not_ depend on python14:47
slangasekrtg_: actually, python-config should be in python-dev, *not* in python; that seems to be the case here14:48
rtg_well, until hat bug is resolved I'm gonna drop that part of your patch.14:49
slangasekrtg_: yep, sounds fine14:49
slangasekI'm still puzzled that the package didn't ftbfs for me when building cross14:49
slangasekeither maybe that's a clue, or maybe it's a subtle bug14:49
rtg_slangasek, you're sure it tried to build perf ?14:50
rtg_dunno then14:50
slangasekbut maybe I didn't clean the tree between attempts14:50
rtg_slangasek, what incantation did you use ? dpkg-buildpackage --arch=armhf ?14:50
slangasekrtg_: 'debuild -uc -us -B -aarmhf'14:51
rtg_slangasek, 'do_tools= false' for armhf.14:54
rtg_seems like I should fix that14:55
slangasekrtg_: ok :)14:56
rtg_slangasek, man, this multi-arch cross build works great forarmhf on saucy. I feel stupid for having used QEMU to do all the Nexus kernel development. this is blazing fast.15:00
slangasekrtg_: well, when poking at this, I was shaking my head in bewilderment that the cross-build wasn't in better shape and wondering what exactly you guys were doing for ARM kernel testing ;)15:01
rtg_slangasek, mostly native building.15:01
slangasekright :)15:02
rtg_bjf, By default, no CPU will be an adaptive-ticks CPU.  The "nohz_full="15:23
rtg_boot parameter specifies the adaptive-ticks CPUs.  For example,15:23
rtg_"nohz_full=1,6-8" says that CPUs 1, 6, 7, and 8 are to be adaptive-ticks15:23
rtg_see Documentation/timers/NO_HZ.txt15:24
bjfrtg_, as i read that, it doesn't make sense for us to have CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y15:27
rtg_bjf, well, given that its causing problems.... Otherwise with CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=n there is no change in behavior15:28
rtg_its opt in15:28
bjfrtg_, it's not opt in if _ALL=y: "the CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_ALL=y Kconfig parameter specifies that all CPUs other than the boot CPU are adaptive-ticks CPUs"15:31
rtg_bjf, right. its opt-in if  CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=n15:32
rtg_bjf, so, disabling that config means the feature will get little testing. thats all I'm saying.15:33
bjfrtg_, agreed15:34
rtg_bjf, perhaps you should reach out to Fred about this. he might have some ideas15:35
bjfrtg_, i just don't see that option being viable for a general desktop kernel15:40
rtg_bjf, it seems like it would be the cat's meow if it worked.15:41
slangasekogra_: so dropping in the new kernel with the console fixes yesterday gives me a perfect, no-scrolly-text container-flipped boot on grouper... but when I try to launch apps, I'm getting the white canvas again, which I thought was fixed a while ago.  Do you know what's going on there?16:16
ogra_slangasek, there is  a race in the platform-api/qtubuntu code, its known and being worked on, reboot a few times, one boot will have it working16:21
slangasekso nothing I need to worry about, thanks :)16:21
rtg_slangasek, I figured out  why cross compiling fell out of favor for me. dpkg-buildpackage was what I was using, but the installed package dependency check always failed, whereas debuild must be smarter.16:35
slangasekrtg_: debuild actually uses dpkg-buildpackage under the hood, so I think dpkg itself got smarter :)16:36
slangasekrtg_: you can also always pass '-d' to skip the dependency check if you know it's checking wrong, fwiw16:36
rtg_slangasek, well, dpkg-buildpackage _still_ fails the dependency check16:36
rtg_lemme try -d16:36
rtg_tahts better16:37
* ogra_ sees a "export $(dpkg-architecture -aarmhf)" .... in the cross compile instructions ... might be that this is related ?16:43
rtg_ogra_, I'm running in a clean saucy amd64 chroot with no environment changes. 'dpkg-buildpackage -d -aarmhf -B' works pretty well (except for tools)16:45
ogra_ah, i never build tools ... 16:46
rtg_and frankly, I don't care about tools for test builds16:46
* ogra_ always only builds binary-$subarch16:46
rtg_I _am_ liking this cross compile stuff though. it hauls ass. 16:47
ogra_hehe, yeah16:58
rtg_ppisati, conf call ?17:01
* rtg_ -> lunch17:50
* apw calls it a day, and goes make a new travel laptop .. sigh18:56
* rtg_ -> EOD19:40
infinityppisati: Can you re-do your ti-omap4/Q rebase to match the respin?  (bug #1192805)20:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1192805 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-ti-omap4: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/119280520:07
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