
syahlianyHello ... Ubunter03:43
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dholbachgood morning07:08
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captchamanQUESTION : What can i do to help? i am not the most technical guy but i love ubuntu.08:27
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supercopterI can see you ;)13:40
supercopterI've discovered Ubuntu on my laptop, and now I want to install it on my desktop. Sadly, I'll list my currently installed packages and have to start from scratch. I understand that syncing packages across different machines might be tricky, but what about simply having the Ubuntu "store" remembering the list of programs I've already installed? That13:47
supercopterway I could browse this list and easily find and reinstall programs I've tested on my previous machine.13:47
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OzzieMxDid I miss the interview?16:30
PaulW2UOzzieMx: Which interview?16:32
OzzieMxThe announced yesterday in Q & A.16:33
PaulW2UJono's Q & A was at 1800 GMT yesterday. I think there will be another tonight. 1900 GMT? Not sure. Sorry.16:36
OzzieMxThat is.16:40
OzzieMxGMT = UTC. 7 PM London Time?16:42
OzzieMxThanks PaulW2U.16:43
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Gentoohow long till stream starts?18:53
StefanT7min I assume18:53
jonoyup 7mins18:53
padmickhi all =)18:54
condogcool beans18:56
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fr33r1d3started yet?19:00
jonocan you folks see us?19:01
Gentoowe can see u19:01
Daktyl198we see you19:02
Eme7Yes, clearly.19:02
PaulW2Uloud and clear19:02
Kouakouwe can see you just fine19:02
lunartigeromg they look like humans!19:02
netcurliwe can see you19:02
ttbro1we could see you guys loud and clear19:02
ttbro1some one speaker need fixing19:02
Kouakouso no women work at Canonical ??19:02
netcurliabout 2 min delay19:03
ttbro1it live, guys :)19:03
Gentoonice to meet you all.19:03
ttbro1so what is your name guys?19:04
ttbro1the host19:04
beunoJono Bacon is the host19:04
Eme7Jono Bacon?19:04
jdstrandJono Bacon19:04
ttbro1thanks guys19:04
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ttbro1for a beginner like me, how they go about developing the package?19:10
danuyo dudes19:10
Eme7ttbro1, you can start by looking at the "SDK" (Software Development Kit) for Ubuntu.19:11
seanpkwhy not a simplified interface for .deb?19:11
seanpkcouldn't you still build packages like this using .deb?19:11
ttbro1thanks :)19:13
beunoseanpk, that19:13
beunothat's the answer19:13
beunoto why not use simplified debs19:13
beuno(there may be a slight delay in the feed)19:14
seanpk@beuno - that .debs are installed as root?19:14
beunoseanpk, yes19:14
seanpkjust got that ... think that makes sense19:14
Eme7bueno, seanpk, I'm barely getting that :)19:16
beunoEme7, the idea is that you wouldn't have to care  ;)19:16
bashrcthe click file idea sounds reasonable.  I'm battling with packaging at the moment19:20
seanpkwould "reasonable" be definable by end users (or their admins)?19:25
seanpkon install19:25
seanpkor in curating their own repo19:25
beunoseanpk, for the time being, those will be appstore policies19:25
beunopeople can install click packages at will19:25
MicLixOf course it has to be open & flexible, nonsense think that only ubuntu packages can be installed. Otherwise it would become another "Unity vs Mint" deceptory win. ;)19:26
JGuQuestion: is there goin to be some easy way to install ubuntu touch next to android?19:26
jonoJGu, we are only going to field questions that relate to this topic of click packages and app uploads19:27
fr33r1d3Is it lagging just for me?19:27
seanpkthought about allowing the definition of device policies to limit what packages could be installed?19:27
JGuOk Jono, sorry...overall big lags today19:27
beunoseanpk, we haven't gotten that far yet  :)19:28
bashrcIMHO packaging on linux in general (not just Debian) is still way too complicated, and so this creates a high barrier to entry for new developers19:28
mohitsQUESTION: Will there any kind of permission list (likewise in android) just to let user know what all access the application will have. manifest file in case of android list out permissions list, from where android lists all the acess app will have, giving control the user to either install the app or reject it ...19:29
netcurliQUESTION: What happens with dependencies on existing libraries in click packages? If I use something like fluidsynth for example in a c++ plugin for qml would I have to include the whole source code for that in my app package?19:29
seanpkbeuno, sure ... but what you're designing has the flexibility to handle that?19:29
jdstrandnetcurli: it has to be bundled with the app. there are no external deps beyond the sdk19:31
jdstrandjono: see QUESTIONs ^19:32
jonojdstrand, yup, we will get to those soon19:32
* jdstrand nods19:32
seanpkare any "tools" being provided for those who want (need) to provide both click and deb packages?19:33
seanpk(to make it easier for them)19:33
jcastrohi folks!19:34
The_MatrixQUESTION: Since the next version of Ubuntu (Ubuntu Touch specifically) will have read-only privileges for the base, and read-write, what place will .deb and more importantly click packages in newer version of Ubuntu. Will .debs work in this case?19:35
jcastroQUESTION: Will app authors have free reign to update on their own schedule? Is this the end of "you have to upgrade your entire OS to get a new version of a text editor?"19:37
beunojcastro, yes, you will be able to update whenever you want19:39
mohitsQUESTION: Is this click packaging will be size efficient as we'll have space limitation on mobile devices?19:39
beunoThe_Matrix, yes, but you'll need root access19:39
seanpkbeuno unless the new package depends on new things in a newer SDK?19:39
jcastrobeuno: is there a provision when app authors say "ok then, remove me from universe so I can update my users"? or actually, if you could explain when they get to you next how this relates to things traditionally part of the distro ...19:39
beunoseanpk, of course19:39
seanpkhow easy is the SDK upgrade?19:39
beunojcastro, aha!  a tricky one19:40
jcastromohits: check out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ImageBasedUpgrades but I am not sure how that relates to click packages19:40
beunojcastro, I don't think I have a good answer for that quite yet  :)19:40
* jcastro nods19:41
mohitsIt would be much more transparent and comprehensive if the designing and dev team put it. Greatly appreciate your response :)19:42
beunomohits, I think space efficiency is up to each app, rather than the installer19:43
mohits@beuno: true, if the code is well written, though in case of apps with lot of pre date that comes with package, it matters a lot19:44
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netcurliQUESTION: will users be able to install click packages if they are not running unity but maybe Gnome shell or KDE?19:48
seanpkgood job guys, thanks20:02
jcastrothat was awesome fellas20:03
mohitsCheers guys.20:03
AnimoEme7Yes, thank you!20:03
ivanoshow i instal yelo tv on ubunto20:24
vandanceSee just fine21:21
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