
TimRecan anybody tell me why chroot vsftpd is not working when I login as an testuser because I have the jailed list setup but testuser can still see top level folders but its not locking to testusers home directory00:05
sarnoldTimRe: are you missing these updates? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vsftpd/+bug/116037200:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1160372 in vsftpd "Login is not possible" [High,Fix released]00:09
TimRethat link doesnt work sarnold00:09
sarnoldTimRe: hrm, uvirtbot loaded it alright... try just looking up the bug number 116037200:10
TimReso its an bug then00:12
sarnoldTimRe: well, there was a bug in vsftpd that has had fixes released, I'm curious if the symptoms look like yours or if you've got a different one..00:15
TimRewell I did the patch one what was listed here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vsftpd/+bug/1160372 but now I cant even connect to it now either by port 21/2200:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1160372 in vsftpd "Login is not possible" [High,Fix released]00:20
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adam_g_zul, jamespage more! http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/folsom/swift_1.7.4-0ubuntu2.2~cloud0/03:08
zuladam_g_:  +103:09
joshmarshallHey all -- trying to start up 12.04 on EC2 + default VPC and I feel like I'm missing the "set up DNS, /tmp, mirrors, etc" script or something. Can anyone answer a few newb questions?04:04
Skaagdoes the stock syslog that comes with ubuntu server support forwarding logs to a remote host over udp:514?04:05
qman__Skaag, ubuntu uses rsyslog by default04:15
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SkaagI managed to get it to work04:42
adam_g_zul, this one too http://people.canonical.com/~agandelman/ca/grizzly/swift_1.8.0-0ubuntu1.2~cloud0/04:53
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jamespageadam_g_, zul: swift uploaded to grizzly staging08:16
jamespageadam_g_, also flushed through the 2013.1.2 updates to proposed08:16
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zuljamespage/yolanda: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-keystoneclient/ftbfs-new-deps/+merge/17061413:28
smoserutlemming, ping.13:31
smoserwondering if it would be useful for us to consider changing our ebsroot and instance store images on EC2 to be a partitioned disk and use the other pvgrub loader13:31
smoserie, using krn/pv-grub-hd00_1.03-x86_64.gz rather than krn/pv-grub-hd0_1.03-x86_64.gz13:34
smoserthe reason for this would be that then a.) grub might compleain less as there is a MBR to install to (although it still would'nt be read) and b.)if that worked, users could more easily take the disk image out of EC2 and boot it on kvm13:35
smoserthere would likely be some changes necessary to do this even in cloud-init's grub config module13:37
jamespagezul, nearly done with the havana ca updates13:37
jamespageall aside from quantum uploaded13:37
SuperLagHow do you remap CapsLock to Ctrl? I know how to do this on Ubuntu versions with a GUI, but no the server.13:37
zuljamespage:  sweet thanks13:37
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jamespagezul: http://people.canonical.com/~jamespage/ca/folsom/13:58
jamespagecan I get an ack on the libvirt update as well please13:58
zuljamespage:  perhaps...+113:59
zuljamespage/yolanda: can you have a look https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/quantum/quantum-refresh/+merge/17062614:00
jamespagezul, almost there - http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/havana_versions.html14:00
yolandamm, i don't have permissions to do reviews now14:01
zulyolanda: ??14:02
yolandawith the branch change i do not have the possibility to approve it14:03
zulroaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/python-keystoneclient/ftbfs-new-deps/+merge/170614 and https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/quantum/quantum-refresh/+merge/17062614:06
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yolandajamespage, rbasak: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/ubuntu/saucy/exim4/update_smtp_banner/+merge/17063114:17
rbasakyolanda: do you still need to patch src/EDITME, or is that not required any more now that you're patching Configure-config.h?14:22
yolandayou are right, i think it isn't needed14:23
yolandalet me do a test build without that anyway, but it should be ok14:23
rbasakyolanda: and do you need to refresh EDITME.exim4-light.diff? It would save having a reviewer verify that it doesn't change anything :)14:23
yolandayes, these 2 patches can be skipped if EDITME is not needed14:24
yolandai had to patch the -light.diff because it was giving conflicts14:24
yolandabut with the new approach EDITME should be skipeed14:24
rbasakOh I see, of course. Now I see why you had to refresh it before.14:25
yolandai'm just building without the EDITME changes, let me see14:26
yolandait's quite strange how exim4 config is working, isn't it?14:27
roaksoaxzul: done!14:27
zulroaksoax:  thanks14:28
rbasakIt does seem rather obtuse14:28
rbasakI wonder what the reasoning was for doing it this way14:28
yolandathe custom buildconfig parser looked strange to me14:29
zuljamespage/roaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/keystone-refreshed/+merge/17063914:40
yolandarbasak, i pushed version without EDITME, it works fine14:47
zuljamespage/roaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/keystone-refreshed/+merge/17063914:56
fortmacif i wanted to configure a development server to face the WWW but not be accessible by the public should i just host it at www.mysite.com/dev and put a password up and hope hackers dont find it?  whats the procedure on something like that?15:26
rbasakyolanda: lsb_release -si says only "Ubuntu". So the banner says 220 <hostname> ESMTP Exim 4.80 Ubuntu <date> with no release information. Is that intentional?15:26
yolandarbasak, yes, we just need to show Ubuntu there15:27
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yolandarbasak : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-s-server-app-banner-updates15:28
rbasakyolanda: lgtm. I've commented on your MP, but I can't sponsor the upload.15:40
yolandamm, i can't see the line wrap...15:42
yolandayou mean i exceed the max chars15:43
yolandai updated it and i did a minor fix in patches, to add the BP url15:48
yolandaso jamespage, zul, can you sponsor it? https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/ubuntu/saucy/exim4/update_smtp_banner/+merge/17063115:48
yolandaalso dovecot is pending: https://code.launchpad.net/~yolanda.robla/ubuntu/saucy/dovecot/update_dovecot_name/+merge/17007115:49
rbasakYeah - convention is to wrap after <80 chars.15:50
rbasakIt doesn't matter much though15:50
yolandafixed, i just checked pep815:50
LargePrimegetting this when trying apt-get upgrade The following packages have been kept back:15:51
LargePrime  mysql-client-5.5 mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server-core-5.515:51
LargePrime0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.15:52
LargePrimeso, total newb.  what does this mean15:52
LargePrimeI am guessing it does not want to update MySQL15:52
rbasakLargePrime: "upgrade" won't pull in any new packages to fulfill dependencies, so if dependencies have changed then it refuses to upgrade packages if the upgraded packages won't ahve all dependencies fulfilled15:55
rbasakLargePrime: "dist-upgrade" will pull in new packages as needed.15:55
resnorbasak: ive always just ignored when it says that15:55
LargePrimewill that upgrade my distro?15:55
resno"itll fix itself later"15:55
LargePrimeo really?15:56
resnoprimiarly because i didnt know what it meant15:56
rbasakIt won't upgrade your distro unless you have messed with your sources.list or sources.list.d/*15:56
LargePrimepull one thread and look what happens15:56
rbasakIt will also tell you what extra stuff it is pulling in and prompt you first. If you see a huge number of packages, then perhaps stop15:56
LargePrimecan i tell it to just install the new dependancies15:56
rbasakYes - by using "dist-upgrade"15:57
LargePrimeDo i know this update will not screw with my DB and things15:57
resnorbasak: will the eventually come forward or do you have to prompt them?15:57
rbasakresno: it depends, but normally I wouldn't expect anything to change over time. If "upgrade" can't do a package, it won't magically be able to in the future unless that package changes again.15:58
rbasakLargePrime: of course it'll screw with your DB. That's the whole point of upgrading. You do have backups, right?15:58
resnoLargePrime: you can also run it with --simular15:58
rbasakAnd you know how to restore the backups and have tested this, right/?15:59
resnowelp, i should had some backups before doing that updat lol16:03
LargePrimerbasak:  I thank you16:08
LargePrimealso not need backups16:08
resnoyou dont?16:08
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zulroaksoax:  https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/keystone/keystone-refreshed/+merge/17063916:16
roaksoaxjamespage: when we upgrade a charm, the config-changed hook is called, but not the install hook right?16:18
jamespageroaksoax, no - the upgrade-charm hook is called16:18
jamespageroaksoax, or do you mean when we upgrade openstack?16:19
roaksoaxjamespage: err, sorry i guess i should have said when we change the config and call upgrade-charm16:20
jamespageroaksoax, ok - so for openstack series upgrades - yes - its just the config-changed hook16:21
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jamespageas the change in openstack-origin triggers the upgrade (at least it does right now)16:21
roaksoaxjamespage: ok cool! thanks!16:22
LargePrimeresno: I ment that I did not NEED them for this upgrade16:22
zuljamespage/roaksoax: (sorry for being a pain in the ass today) https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/cinder-refresh/+merge/17066316:31
jamespagezul, +1 on that cinder refresh16:40
jamespagezul, just hit a great bug backporting ovs to 12.0416:40
jamespagenothing todo with 12.04 but on my saucy laptop the pid of init is not 116:40
jamespagezul, its the upstart user thingy16:41
jamespageI get two init processes - one for the system, and one for me16:41
zuloh crappers16:41
jamespagethe schroots see my user based one16:42
jamespageopenvswitch has a test which expects the pid of the init process to = 116:42
zulwhoops! ;)16:42
zulgood idea to get it fixed and contribute back upstream16:42
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jamespagezul: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784315/17:11
jamespageopinion sought17:11
jamespageI'm checking for a process named 'init' rather than pid 117:11
zulwheres init.pid come from?17:12
roaksoaxzul: are we still supporting essex?17:12
zulroaksoax:  yes17:12
zulfor security updates17:12
roaksoaxjamespage: so charms should continue to support essex then?17:13
jamespageroaksoax, YES17:13
jamespagesorry - accidental caps17:13
roaksoaxlol :)17:13
zuljamespage:  but yeah looks good17:14
roaksoaxadam_g_: so for the templating, templates/<openstack-release> should be duplicated across all the releases that hve the same file, but only added if one release config file has different config?17:15
zulroaksoax:  well no i think essex uses python-gflags17:17
adam_g_roaksoax, templates/<config file> is one that has stayed the same across all releases17:17
adam_g_roaksoax, templates/<release>/<config file> is one that has changed format since <release>17:18
roaksoaxadam_g_: right os if essex changed format, but not the rest, I still have to have templates/{essex,folsom,grizzly,havana> right?17:19
adam_g_roaksoax, if the essex format is different, but all releases since folsom use the same format, you can have templates/<essex>/<config file> + templates/<folsom>/<config file>.  all releases after folsom will fall back to the most recent templates/<release>17:20
mgriffinis there a place that lists PPAs? I am looking for MySQL 5.617:21
adam_g_roaksoax, this approach may not be the most intuitive and im happy to change it if theres an easier way17:21
roaksoaxadam_g_: that makes sense to me17:23
roaksoaxadam_g_: but maybe, since we already now what release to install, it would be worth to add the release to the context and use it?17:24
adam_g_roaksoax, use it for what?17:24
roaksoaxadam_g_: in the templates, but I guess that's just adding more complication17:28
adam_g_roaksoax, ya, by the time those are called the template loader is already constructed. my idea was to have the context generators be as generic and re-usable as possible.17:30
adam_g_roaksoax, the logic of supporting multiple release templates is isolated in the renderer + template classes, and each charms templates can be responisble for taking what they need from the generic contexts17:31
roaksoaxadam_g_: ok so does this make sense? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784442/17:54
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adam_g_roaksoax, some indentation issues in the paste but generally looks goo18:04
adam_g_roaksoax, oh and +#!/bin/bash18:04
roaksoaxadam_g_: lol:) didn't even notice :)18:06
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zuladam_g_/roaksoax: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/cinder/missing-dep/+merge/17067718:14
roaksoaxadam_g_: ideas of why this might happen? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5784524/ the relation is not being set in db_joined or something?18:19
adam_g_roaksoax, its looking in your charms config for database + database-user, but the config.yaml doesn't contain those18:21
roaksoaxadam_g_: ohh i see!18:22
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adam_g_roaksoax, up until now, each charm had their own database config value (cinder-db, nova-db, etc). i'd like to standardize on just 'database' + 'database-user' across all of them.18:22
roaksoaxadam_g_: ok, so i should just change glance-db to database and so on18:24
roaksoaxthis won't create any issues on upgrade?18:24
adam_g_roaksoax, im not sure TBH.18:24
roaksoaxadam_g_: well I guess if relations are re-generated on upgrade, it shouldn't18:26
swHi, is it meant to be that '$ w' will not show users that are currently rsync'ing to a server?18:35
sw(Because it doesn't).18:35
sarnoldsw: I believe the intention of 'w' is to show which users are on which terminals18:37
sarnoldsw: no terminal would be used for rsync, so no 'w' entry18:37
swsarnold: Oh, woops. Is there a command like that but would show anything connected to the server (whether by rsync, SSH or whatnot)?18:38
sarnoldsw: I'm not sure. 'last' may show you want you want; 'netstat -ntup' shows 'active' network connections and their processes...18:39
roaksoaxadam_g_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784572/18:40
roaksoaxadam_g_: so it seems that the relation data been passed from mysql to glance is passed after it tries to render the config, resulting in a config without sql_connection being configured18:41
roaksoaxadam_g_: any ideas?18:41
roaksoaxadam_g_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784579/18:43
swWhat would be the cron line for 45 minutes past midnight? Is '45 00 * * *' correct?18:45
swsarnold: Thanks!18:45
adam_g_roaksoax, ya, i was expecting we might hit this. my idea is to raise some new exception from context.py,like OSContextIncomplete, that the hook calling config.write() can catch and exit 0, similar to how we were checking [[ -n "$db_host ]] && exit 018:46
adam_g_roaksoax, if you wanna have a go at that, feel free18:46
roaksoaxadam_g_: ok cool, will look into it18:46
sarnoldsw: yes, that looks correct18:47
sjbnzHaving some very odd problems with NFS mounts this week...18:58
sjbnz...unable to write to them, and "ls" gives errors.18:59
RoyKwhat error?19:00
sjbnzThe "mount" cmd says: on /webapp/temp type nfs (rw,vers=3,proto=udp,soft,bg,intr,addr=
sjbnzBut $ ls /webapp/temp gives: ls: reading directory /app/temp: Input/output error19:03
RoyKsjbnz: tried to umount it and remount it?19:04
sarnoldanything in dmesg?19:04
sjbnzHappening since Monday. Concerned that "unattented-upgrades" may have bumped us onto a bade version...19:05
sjbnzYup, getting some: [48534.516447] nfs: server not responding, timed out19:06
sjbnz...but other mounts are working fine.19:07
RoyKsjbnz: to same server?19:07
sarnoldon that server? or other servers?19:07
sjbnzNFS server is an "i5" (AS400!) - this is the 13th of 13 mounts19:08
sjbnzHave 3 boxes with the problems - two prod one test. All working fine until Monday19:10
sarnoldcan you leave an 'mtr" running for a while and check the stats?19:10
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adam_g_jamespage, FYI this is killing ceph 0.63.1 on precise for me ATM, at least with nova's default long hostnames19:30
roaksoaxadam_g_: so something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784732/19:31
sjbnzJust changed IRC clients, so I have missed the lat 10 mins19:32
sarnoldsjbnz: nothing directed your way :)19:32
sjbnzmtr to my NFS server give avg:0.5, worst:919:33
sarnoldah, I think it reports ms by default. okay. good. :) hehe.19:33
sjbnzms probably (whatever it is that mtr talks :-) It's on the same network, so it SHOULD be fast19:34
sjbnzLooking y'day saw lots of those timeout messages, but not really matching with our problem...19:35
sjbnz...which is specific to one mount.19:35
roaksoaxadam_g_: nevermind that's wrong :)19:36
sjbnzActaully, some other mounts are also giving "funny" responce to an ls...19:38
sjbnzls: reading directory /webapp/proofimages: Input/output error19:38
RoyKsjbnz: tried to remount it?19:39
RoyKsjbnz: and are there any new kernels installed lately+19:39
RoyKnfs is in the kernel (usually)19:40
sjbnzyup, although the boxes hadn't been rebooted to have them take effect.19:42
sjbnzOn 15/06: Upgrade: linux-server:amd64 (,
sjbnz...form /var/log/apt/history.log19:45
sjbnzbut y'day 20/06: Remove: linux-server:amd64 (,19:46
sjbnzand now uname gives: Linux acme.example.org 3.2.0-48-generic19:48
sjbnz(after I spent some time trying to reverse the updates)19:49
sjbnzthx. Signing off now. I'm blaming the "mainframe" i5 guys seing reverting this kernel at the Ubuntu cleint end didn't help.20:00
halvorsMy /etc/hosts says " server1. Should this be my real ip?20:11
halvorsHow can i set that from DHCP?20:11
guntberthalvors: no, thats ok20:14
zerickhalvors, I think is not necessary using DHCP20:14
zerickand yeah, it's ok, it's default value20:14
jamespageadam_g_, whats killing ceph?20:17
halvorsBut my other slave dns server isn't able to connect to it.20:17
halvorsIt connect's using the ip :(20:17
adam_g_jamespage, well, first i thought it was a segfault in liblockfile1 stopping ceph-mon from starting. after fixing that, ceph-mon still isn't starting.20:18
adam_g_jamespage, failed to bind the UNIX domain socket to '/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.server-78f8f3a8-d5c5-46f4-9e65-cfbf1deeff87.asok'20:18
adam_g_jamespage, trying to make sense of the upstart scripts to try to debug why its not starting20:18
jamespageadam_g_, whats the length of that path?  linux has a limit for opening sockets20:19
jamespage113 chars or something20:19
adam_g_jamespage, oh jeez, thats probably it20:19
adam_g_jamespage, the long hostname was causing the segfaul in liblockfile20:19
jamespageadam_g_, somewhere in the depths its probably throwing a ENOENT or suchluck20:19
* jamespage tries to remember20:20
jamespageadam_g_, 103 chars20:20
jamespageits possible to hack around it but its awkward20:21
adam_g_that path is only 72 chars20:21
jamespageadam_g_, odd20:26
adam_g_jamespage, in other news i get a ugly core dump if i run 'ceph-mon --cluster=ceph -i server-78f8f3a8-d5c5-46f4-9e65-cfbf1deeff87 -f' manually or with a shorter id20:27
jamespageadam_g_, are you using charms to deploy?20:27
adam_g_jamespage, yes. up until bootstrap_monitor_cluster()20:30
jamespageadam_g_, can I see directly?20:31
adam_g_jamespage,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784893/20:31
adam_g_im working locally here20:31
halvorszerick: What to do for setting the DHCP assigned address to /etc/hosts?20:32
zerickhalvors, well, you have to edit your /etc/network/interfaces20:33
zerickhalvors, set your ethX interface to "dhcp"20:34
zerickindeed, DHCP is not going to write to /etc/hosts, that file you can edit manually if you wish20:35
halvorszerick: I did.20:35
halvorsAh ok.20:35
zerickhalvors, all concerning to IP configuration goes on /etc/network/interfaces20:36
halvorsAnyway. anyone who knows how to set in /etc/network/interfaces that i want to receive a IPv6 prefix using DHCPv6 Prefix Delegation?20:39
jamespageadam_g_, hmm - looks like cuttlefish introduced some charm incompatible changes20:46
jamespagelooking now20:46
adam_g_jamespage, ah20:50
jamespageadam_g_, it would appear that /var/run/ceph and the mon directory itself must be present now20:51
jamespagefor the ceph-mon mkfs to actually work20:51
roaksoax/win 420:51
monokromeI am running Ubuntu server in VMWare. Is there a way to make it so that the TTY is resizable?20:52
monokromeI know that's probably baked into the kernel, but thought that there might be some fancy new thing for a resizable TTY. :)20:52
adam_g_jamespage, ill see if getting that created as part of install hook helps20:53
roaksoaxadam_g_: i don't think we can add a OSContextIncomplete error class and catch the error elsewhere20:54
roaksoaxadam_g_: at least catch that error in particular20:54
adam_g_roaksoax, why not?20:55
roaksoaxadam_g_: so i've been trying this: two.py defines Error and raises it. in one.py I do try: except Error: and the error is not being caught20:55
adam_g_roaksoax, in one, do you 'from two import Error' ?20:56
roaksoaxadam_g_: yeah!20:56
roaksoaxI'm going to change the approach and see what happens20:57
adam_g_roaksoax, im not sure, i dont have it in front of me but im sure it can be done20:57
jamespageadam_g_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784969/21:00
jamespageshould sort you out21:00
adam_g_jamespage, cool. testing the same thing right now. thanks21:01
adam_g_      ceph-havana/1:21:03
adam_g_        agent-state: started21:03
adam_g_jamespage, ^ \o/ thanks21:03
adam_g_jamespage, ill propose something to the charm21:04
roaksoaxadam_g_: ok IO'm hoping that this works: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784994/21:13
adam_g_roaksoax, thats what i had in mind.21:15
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raublogrotate question: can I have the postrotate command in the global area of the /etc/logrotate.d/whatever config file?21:19
lifelesshallyn: hey there.21:32
lifelesshallyn: ever seen lxc-create hang ?21:32
lifelesshallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5785045/ - want a bug? I've left it for 15m plus before ^C'ing it.21:33
Baribal_Hi. Am I in the right channel for support on cloud images? 'Cause I managed to get a VM with the nightly saucy build running, but I don't even have a clue how to log in, that is, either I need user/pass (user being ubuntu, I guess) or a way to drop an ssh public key somewhere.21:46
sarnoldBaribal_: this may be useful: http://ubuntu-smoser.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/using-ubuntu-cloud-images-without-cloud.html21:53
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