
luiscinemais me00:00
FloodBot1luiscinema: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:00
luiscinematell me00:00
luiscinemayour world is beautiful00:00
matt_489Hi folks - I'm looking to buy a new laptop. Project Sputnik sounds awesome, but I'd like to know if there is something better. Is the thinkpad x-1 carbon compatible and better?00:00
luiscinemaor not00:00
FloodBot1luiscinema: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:01
Jeruvyluiscinema don't flood00:01
luiscinemaich dont flood00:01
luiscinemacongratulations by your new laptop00:02
luiscinemaist crazy00:02
Jeruvyluiscinema if you are looking to chat this is the wrong channel.  Feel free to ask you support question though.00:02
luiscinemaam sorry00:02
=== Nitrodex is now known as Guest81086
luiscinemawhat is it?00:05
luiscinemaubuntu studio or ubuntu00:05
luiscinemaI use ubuntu studio and you?00:06
luiscinemaahhh thi is  a  bored....00:07
matt_489If there is a better channel to ask this on, I'll go there.00:08
luiscinemaflood bot 200:12
TheUsDAnyone in here worked with HotBrick firewalls?00:12
TheUsDOr know of a good channel to get information about them00:13
=== BTCOxygen|1 is now known as BTCOxygen
wilee-nileeTheUsD, I doubt there is a channel, not here for sure.00:16
Nick119119Hello, All of you Ubuntu channel  goers! I'm having an instalation error, if someone could help me out I would be incredibly greatful00:22
fwe i was in project that was failing and as a result got my probation period extended. they said my programming skills were not that good. however an expert programmer was brought in and the project is still failing. the project manager and i had had an argument and that is why he tried to sabotage me. do you feel the boss knows the truth now?00:23
wilee-nilee!details | Nick11911900:23
ubottuNick119119: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:23
Nick119119It's just a weird error, I have it on disk and choose to install, but when I get to the part where it's supposed to ask if I want to install over or alongside win7, it just instead asks me to delete win7 or choose 'something else', and I'm trying to install ubuntu 13.04 64 bit00:24
FloodBot1badzavrza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:24
wilee-nileeNick119119, post a screenshot of gparted, sounds like you have 4 primary partitions already the limit in a mbr setup.00:25
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.00:25
Nick119119I do have ubuntu 12.04 installed, but I'm trying to install over that00:25
mfdlcan anyone help me out with a weird networking problem? My samba share activates only after a user logs in. However, my monitor died on me and I want to continue accessing my files via the share.00:26
wilee-nileeNick119119, Then use the something other option and point the install at that partition and mount is /00:26
mfdlactually, never mind the share just showed up after refreshing00:27
wilee-nileeNick119119, YOU lose what is there do you need anything in 12.04?00:27
Nick119119How can I tell which partition has my old Ubuntu? sda3 says windows loader, but the rest say nothing. And no, I already backed up all of my old data00:27
GabbozHi.  Ubuntu 12.04 server.  Is it possible to mount a location between two servers with ssh?  As I understand it sshfs is a FUSE item.  Thanks.00:27
psusiwilee-nilee, you don't if you don't check the format box00:28
wilee-nileeNick119119, Open gparted on the live cd take a screen shot and imagebin it, prtsc key takes a pic.00:28
psusiGabboz, so what if it's fuse?00:28
wilee-nileepsusi, Ah, would not do that myself.00:28
Gabbozcan fuse run on server version?00:28
psusiyou can run anything you want on server00:28
* Catalystic is listening to 03 - Highpersonic Whomen - Critical Moments (Daytripper Mix).mp300:29
Gabbozok. lets pretend I have somewhere.com port 600 as a ssh.  what cmd syntax would I use to mount a dir on the other server?00:29
muscayou can send anything through ssh tunnels00:29
Gabbozmusca, i agree i just dont know how to set as a mount00:29
psusiGabboz, not sure, never used sshfs myself... check the man page00:30
wilee-nileeNick119119, Did you install ubuntu from windows originally, I see no ext type partitions.00:32
Nick119119Yes, I didn't have a blank disk or usb at the time. That's why I installed 12.04 inthe first place, it had a windows installer00:33
wilee-nileeNick119119, YOu have 4 primary partitions you can not add another. You will have to deal with saving what you need from one there, then making a extended in its place for logical types for the ubuntu and swap.00:34
ccclipsssI'm trying to dual boot Ubuntu with Linux Mint but when I try to create a boot disk via DVD I can't boot from the CD no matter what route I go (adjusting bios settings and such), and a USB doesn't even show up.00:35
Nick119119Alright, newb question time then, how do I specifically see what is on one of the partitions?00:35
psusiccclipsss, how did you burn the cd?00:35
wilee-nileeNick119119,  You might want to check with the ##windows channel understanding the partitions you have and what is there.00:36
ccclipssspsusi Startup Disk Creater and unetbootin00:36
ccclipsssWhen doing the DVD I used k3b00:36
=== aaas_ is now known as aaas
Nick119119Okay, thank you very much!00:37
Gabbozpsusi, works well. syntax is odd with non-default port but works.. thanks00:37
wilee-nileeNick119119, I would also make sure this is a mbr not uefi gpt setup, I assume it isn't but ths is rather important00:37
psusiccclipsss, well then you have to figure out how to tell your bios to boot that drive00:38
ccclipssspsusi When I try to change the boot order, I make the CD drive the main priority and that doesn't work, and when I try to manually select it, it doesn't show up at all.00:38
ccclipsssIf it makes a difference this was originally a windows 8 computer.00:39
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Gabbozccclipsss, is secure boot involved?00:39
psusiccclipsss, which iso are you using?  you might go into the bios and see if there's an option to disable secure boot, it can cause problems00:39
ccclipsssI believe secure boot is enabled.00:40
Gabbozturn it off00:40
ccclipsssI will try to disable it.00:40
psusiit it came with windows 8 it had secure boot enabled... it's required for the windows 8 logo00:40
ccclipsssWhile I'm in the BIOS menu are there any other options I should look at and/or possibly adjust?00:40
Gabbozccclipsss, boot order is convenient but not necessary00:41
ccclipsssThanks guys, I'll give it a shot.00:41
* Catalystic is listening to 01 - Stereofeld - Zwirbeldrusenfunk.mp300:41
psusianother sticking point with windows 8 is that when you tell it to shut down, it really just hibernates, making booting another os a problem... disable "fast boot"00:41
Gabbozpsusi, interesting.  where is that setting in win8?00:42
psusidunno, I stopped using windows after xp00:42
* Gabboz still has to use win stuff.00:42
Gabbozahh its a common entry in blogspace00:42
Catalystica friend of mine tell me that windows svhost is a trojan00:43
con-manhow do I change/disable the alt hotkey for the sidebar?00:43
ccclipssspsusi I disabled secure boot and it still didn't work. When I go into the boot options it doesn't even show my CD drive. If I put my Ubuntu boot disk in it will load up the way it's supposed to, and it will show my CD drive in boot options.00:46
ccclipsssHowever, any other boot disk I try does not work.00:47
=== MistaMike is now known as MistaMike|away
ccclipsssI burned the Ubuntu disk in Windows 8. I have burned the others in Ubuntu.00:47
Gabbozccclipsss, is your machine a whitebox or a brand name?00:47
ccclipsssit's an HP00:48
Gabbozhave you googled your make model with install ubuntu?00:48
Gabbozsee if others went through same issue?00:48
ccclipsssI will try that now.00:48
GabbozHP what?00:48
Gabbozu tryin to install 12.04 or something newer?00:48
Tex_NickCatalystic:  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/what-is-svchostexe-and-why-is-it-running/00:49
ccclipssshp 2000-2b43dx00:49
ccclipsssI'm trying to dual boot Ubuntu 12.04 with Linux Mint 13 KDE.00:49
ccclipsssI already have Ubuntu installed.00:49
ccclipsssFor some reason I am unable to create a boot disk that works. I go through all of the procedures to create it, even using google to find alternate methods to create one, but it just doesn't work. But it puzzles me because the Ubuntu boot disk works just fine.00:51
wilee-nileeccclipsss, Not much difference between mint and ubuntu other than desktops, which are available in the ubuntu repos, and some codecs included on the mint install.00:51
ccclipssswilee-nilee Thanks. I'll look into that. It doesn't satisfy my curiosity of why boot disks aren't working though :\00:52
Gabbozccclipsss, have you MD5d the ISO you downloaded?00:52
psusiccclipsss, what?  you just said that it works, and that it doesn't00:52
ccclipssspsusi The Ubuntu boot disk works just fine. However, any other boot disk I create with any other OS on it does not work.00:53
psusiccclipsss, well, you'd have to take that up with the other OS then ;)00:53
wilee-nileeccclipsss, I am not up on W8 stuff so on that I can't help, the boot disk not sure, the usb's should show on a computer that new. There is a boot from menu outside the bios I use rather then the bios to boot other media...etc, I assume it is there in a uefi.00:54
ccclipsssGabboz I have not MD5d any ISO that I have downloaded.00:55
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:55
Gabbozccclipsss, i would verify what you downloaded is what was intended.. get the md5 from mint and cross reference00:55
wilee-nileemint should have the sums to compare00:55
foobArrrI have a strange problem since upgrading to 13.04. I'm using xfce with compiz. when I have several maximized windows, somtimes when I click the X to close a window, not the window in the front but a window in the back gets closed. I tried with both gtk-window-decorator and emerald, same result. any ideas?00:58
GabbozfoobArrr, have you tried this scenario in another user account?00:58
foobArrrGabboz: no, but I will now :)00:59
Gabbozjust to rule out userspace issue00:59
deviantintegralis there a way to back up an mdadm superblock before rebuilding with --create -- assume-clean? is it worth even trying?00:59
Gabbozdeviantintegral, might wana gloss over this for ideas.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/69086/mdadm-superblock-recovery01:00
rhizomemy usb key is not mounting well. i have pmount installed and nothing in fstab (and i'm pretty sure nothing relevant in udev)01:01
deviantintegralthanks Gabboz. google is failing because it keeps confusing ext superblocks with mdadm superblock01:02
psusideviantintegral, why would you try to recreate the array in the first place?  this is generally a bad move01:03
deviantintegralpsusi: i have 3 drives, 2 were throwing smart warnings. Got replacements, and started to swap / rebuild the drive that was closer to death. During the rebuild the other drive failed :(01:04
psusideviantintegral, time to restore from backup then01:05
deviantintegralso, now I'm trying to rebuild with the other drive. The main issue is, I can't --assemble them because the newer drive thinks the drive I've put back in is failed01:06
deviantintegralsince it's on the same device node01:06
deviantintegralyeah, this set might be toast.01:06
akurilinQuick question, what do you do if the ethernet card on one's motherboard is not detected by Ubuntu 12.04 at install?01:08
ccclipsssGabboz I checked the md5 and the one I download matches the one on the Mint website.01:08
Gabbozccclipsss, do you have another PC to test this disc with?01:08
ccclipsssUnfortunately I don't, but I could possibly get one tomorrow. I'll give that a shot.01:08
Gabbozfyi, i have seen some distros simply not boot to a PC and never did discover why01:08
MoonlightningEvery time I boot my laptop, it seems to take about half a minute to ready the swap device. I think that's because it's encrypted; is there anything I can do to make that faster? It's kind of annoying.01:09
spark_i need help ... i can't use my netbook at all i am using ubuntu 10.04 lts and got some weird beheviour like when i click it seams that i can't interact any thing it just grab it and move it , it is annoying. i tryed to reboot did nothing the problem  is still on, it was running fine this morning and now it just does that alt lock thing wich make my netbook unusable at all , some one knows about that ?01:09
wilee-nileeccclipsss, Have you checked the boot from menu outside the bios, sometimes computers wont boot a disc or usb otherwse.01:09
ccclipssswilee-nilee I have, and the CD drive doesn't even show up in the menu.01:09
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
wilee-nilee!10.04 | spark_01:09
ubottuspark_: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.01:09
wilee-nilee!eol | spark_01:10
ubottuspark_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:10
ccclipssswilee-nilee It shows up if I put the Ubuntu boot disk in, which I burned with Windows 8, but any image I burn in Ubuntu doesn't show up.01:10
ccclipsssPerhaps it is a problem with the way I am creating the boot disk?01:10
wilee-nileeccclipsss, Really, I wonder of uefi setups are different here, a tweak needed to see it.01:11
wilee-nileeccclipsss, YOu want to burn it as an image is all.01:11
ccclipsssI have an option in the boot menu to boot from UEFI, but all of the directories lead to dead ends.01:11
Gabbozccclipsss, i make ISOs with the gui, i right click on the .iso and choose write disc.  if you want cmd line you can go that way too01:11
spark_wilee-nilee thank's for that but since unity does not work with my cg at all i can't use the newer release01:11
ccclipsssGabboz I have attempted it that way as well.01:11
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
alexandergranase#join #frogatto01:12
foobArrrGabboz: I couldn't reproduce it in a quick test with a second user account01:12
wilee-nileespark_, Cool, there are about 50 desktops to choose from though, 10.04 is not supported here is all, just a heads up, I would get a supported OS.01:12
=== MistaMike|away is now known as MistaMike
ccclipsssMy only theory is that Ubuntu isn't burning the images properly, maybe because it doesn't agree with my hardware the way Windows 8 did. I will take your advice and attempt to see if it works on another computer in order to rule that out.01:13
GabbozfoobArrr, then you can either re-create your account or wipe the settings...unless you wish to track down the exact setting causing your issue01:16
Gabbozccclipsss, the write to disc option might work better for you too01:17
=== Gabboz is now known as Gabboz_AFK
FrazzledAnybody here know why an Ubuntu installation would crash?01:18
SDrhi guys, on linode dashboard, my ubuntu box shows extreme CPU, and outgoing traffic spikes around 8am, for which I can't see any relevant record in /etc/crontab .any suggestions on how to locate what's going on in there?01:18
ikoniaSDr: I suspect it's worth just asking linode directly01:18
ccclipsssGabboz is it possible that the issue is Ubuntu writing it to an -rw disc?01:19
foobArrrGabboz: I wish to track down the exact setting causing the issue, starting from scratch would be to much work. but I don't even know where to start. (If all else fails, I'll restore the 12.10 backups, I guess)01:19
ikoniaSDr: the linode builds are not ubuntu builds, but custom spins, and they are on potentially over subscribed hosts01:19
ikoniaSDr: also you won't be able to see "everything" that goes on , so ask linnode for help01:19
Gabboz_AFKfoobArrr, no need.. just copy/move your data to the new user account and move on01:19
JeruvyFrazzled how did it crash?  Can you review /var/log/messages?01:19
Gabboz_AFKccclipsss, shouldnt matter. .i STILL use cd/rw :P01:20
FrazzledOne sec!01:20
Gabboz_AFKback later01:20
Maple__Hi. On 12.04 LTS Desktop, the clock is persistently getting slow by a minute or a few after several days; in Time & Date settings, the time is retrieved automatically from the Internet, yet it's still a few minutes behind.01:20
Maple__I have to click it again to make it select the right time...01:20
FrazzledJust for further information, this is not the only Linux Distro I have had difficulty installing: I haven't been able to install Xubuntu 12.04 LTS or 13.04 either.01:21
ikoniaMaple__: what source are you syncing your clock from01:21
ccclipsssI think I will install a windows partition and see if it works that way before I go on the hunt for another PC to attempt this on.01:21
JeruvyMaple__ is this on a Virtual machine?01:21
FrazzledMaple__ You might be having an issue with that watch battery in the motherboard if the other OS has time issues as well.01:22
Frazzled@jeruvy: It's saying it's an issue with ubiquity 2.14.6; it's a Bug; 2.9.2-0ubuntu801:23
JeruvyFrazzled hmm, I no nothing about ubiquity sorry.01:24
FrazzledI have this Ubuntu install on a pendrive and installed it on another machine; it's working fine...01:24
FrazzledThis machine has not been able to install anything today.01:25
FrazzledXubuntu 12.04, Xubuntu 13.04, Linux Mint 15, Ubuntu 13.04....01:25
FrazzledThe difference here is that Ubuntu actually reports an issue while the other say there's a "read" error.01:26
JeruvyFrazzled read errors can indicate a bad/going bad HDD.01:26
MoonlightningEvery time I boot my laptop, it seems to take about half a minute to ready the swap device. I think that's because it's encrypted; is there anything I can do to make that faster? It's kind of annoying.01:27
ikoniaunencypt it ?01:27
FrazzledHmm... I ran UBCD and tried the Seagate utility and it said the HDD was fine though.01:27
ikoniawhy have you encypted it in the first place ?01:27
MoonlightningSecurity reasons.01:28
ikoniaMoonlightning: really..you have data that is THAT sensative in swap01:28
FrazzledLol, typical reason for encryption...01:28
* Moonlightning is paranoid. >.>01:28
mpsanHello ALL: Would UBUNTU 13.04 + KDE=KUBUNTU 13.04?01:28
ikoniaMoonlightning: what data do you think is beign held in swap that is that sensitive01:29
ikoniaencyption for the average user is just a waste of time and effort.01:29
Frazzled@mpsan: basically01:29
FrazzledAny ideas Jeruvy?01:29
gordonjcpencrypting swap is just silly01:29
gordonjcpdisk encryption generally is a waste of time01:29
gordonjcpit's a great way to lose data, but other than that01:30
JeruvyFrazzled I'd be suspicious of that disk.01:30
mpsanOK, My UBUNTU 13.04 works from DVD in trial mode. KUBUNTU 13.04 does not! It gets to a few icons and then the screen is garbage. KUBUNTU 12.10 is OK!01:30
gordonjcpFrazzled: read errors from the hard disk?01:31
MoonlightningEhh, I dunno, there are people around here that know how to take a hard disk out of a laptop…01:31
ikoniaMoonlightning: so ?#01:31
MoonlightningSo I don't quite trust them.01:31
Frazzledgordonjcp: No, my Ubuntu 13.04 installer crashed from pendrive and is saying it's a ubiquity issue01:31
ikoniaMoonlightning: yes, but really....what "secure" data do you have that's being held in swap ?01:32
gordonjcpFrazzled: tried another pen drive?01:32
gordonjcpwhy are you even using swap, anyway?01:32
MoonlightningAnything might end up in swap if I run out of memory01:32
gordonjcpwhat is this, 1983?01:32
ikoniaMoonlightning: yes, but really.....01:32
gordonjcpMoonlightning: two things01:33
ikoniaMoonlightning: you've chosen to encypt swap...there is an overhead for that01:33
Frazzledgordonjcp: I have tried, between 2 pendrives, Xubuntu 12.04 LTS, Xubuntu 13.04, Linux Mint 15, and Ubuntu 13.0401:33
gordonjcpMoonlightning: disk encryption causes way more problems than it solves01:33
gordonjcpMoonlightning: also01:33
gordonjcpyou're just not that interesting01:33
gordonjcpMoonlightning: sorry to have to break it to you like this, but no-one cares about your unencrypted data01:33
MoonlightningFair enough. My question is, can I make that overhead a little less noticeable?01:33
ikoniaMoonlightning: no01:33
gordonjcpMoonlightning: nope01:33
ikoniaMoonlightning: get a faster laptop01:33
gordonjcpMoonlightning: disk encryption will cripple the performance of your machine and there is no way round it01:34
Moonlightninghahaha, that's a good idea. :p01:34
gordonjcpMoonlightning: at best you'll lose 10%01:34
gordonjcpat worst, you'll *get* 10%01:34
gordonjcpMoonlightning: oh and if you ever have disk problems, all your data is gone for good01:35
FrazzledAnybody know anything about "ubiquity"?01:35
gordonjcpFrazzled: yes, it's the installer framework that Ubuntu uses01:35
ikoniaFrazzled: why don't you just askt he real question01:35
Moonlightninggordonjcp: isn't that true even if you don't use FDE? ;)01:36
FrazzledI did, but... lol.01:36
gordonjcpMoonlightning: no, because with many disk failures you can at least get some of the data back01:36
FrazzledMy Ubuntu 13.04 install crashed: the 4th Linux install crash of the day.01:36
* Moonlightning shrugs01:36
MoonlightningI'll keep that in mind. :p01:37
gordonjcpFrazzled: then you're doing something wrong01:37
ikoniaFrazzled: any more detail than that ?01:37
wheatthinis a compiz a must for gnome classic?01:37
gordonjcpFrazzled: it's impossible to say01:37
gordonjcpFrazzled: you haven't told us what's wrong01:37
FrazzledThe other 3: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS, Xubuntu 13.04, and Linux Mint 15 didn't give specific errors, stating there was a read error when trying to get more info.01:37
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz01:37
gordonjcpFrazzled: a read error suggests the disk may be failing01:38
jason__join xubuntu-devel01:38
gordonjcpFrazzled: without knowing what the error message was, it's impossible to say01:38
FrazzledUbuntu 13.04 stated that Ubiquity crashed due to a "bug"01:38
ikoniaFrazzled: so why is this "ubiquity"01:38
gordonjcpFrazzled: that's useless01:38
gordonjcpFrazzled: post the error message *verbatim*01:38
ikoniaFrazzled: so think it through, 4 different distros fail with a complaint on disk, one of them a more generic bug with "ubiquity" - what does that suggest to you01:39
FrazzledI figured, since I used this install on another machine and it is working fine.01:39
JeruvyFrazzled the read error is more telling01:39
gordonjcpFrazzled: what is common to all the attempts you've made to install?01:39
Jeruvywith read errors anything could fail.01:39
FrazzledI am already thinking it is a hardware issue, but I have already ruled out: memory, hard-drive, cpu and am left with PSU, motherboard01:39
ikoniaFrazzled: how have you ruled them out ?01:40
FrazzledBut I wanted to know if anybody could help me figure if this was at all a software issue.01:40
FrazzledVerbatim error message?01:40
gordonjcpFrazzled: have you tried the USB stick on another machine?01:40
ikoniaFrazzled: why would it be a software issue, 4 different versions of the distro are failing, 3 with specific warning about disk reads01:40
TheUsDwhat is a good channel for router/firewall support?01:40
ikoniaFrazzled: apply logic, 3 fail with a complaint about disk, 1 with a more generic failure that could be caused by lack of disk01:40
ikoniaFrazzled: where do you see the problem being....01:41
FrazzledYes, I have. And it worked. But a failed installation sounds like a HDD like you said earlier...01:41
JeruvyTheUsD you can try ##networking01:41
gordonjcpFrazzled: it wouldn't necessarily be reading from the drive it's installing onto...01:41
TheUsDJeruvy: thank you01:41
ikoniathats the whole point, it reads from the palce it's installing from01:41
FrazzledThat's what I was thinking...01:41
FrazzledThese are two different USB sticks that I have tried.01:41
gordonjcpFrazzled: so, have you tried the USB stick on a different machine?01:42
FrazzledAnd one is verified to work.01:42
TheUsDJeruvy: it takes me to ##overflow    same channel?01:42
gordonjcpTheUsD: you probably need to be registered on freenode01:42
FrazzledYes, I have.01:42
JeruvyTheUsD like gordonjcp said.01:42
gordonjcpFrazzled: and...?01:42
ikoniaFrazzled: ok so you then go up a level and look at the usb controller it's plugged into, or down a level and the data on the drive01:42
gordonjcpffff, this is like pulling teeth01:43
gordonjcpI'm off to bed01:43
FrazzledAnd it worked fine on the other machine.01:43
ikoniaFrazzled: ok so you then go up a level and look at the usb controller it's plugged into, or down a level and the data on the drive01:43
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gordonjcpFrazzled: right, then there is a fault with the machine you're installing onto01:43
FrazzledSorry gordon, I explained this in detail twice, lol, but I can do it again.01:43
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FrazzledI have come to that conclusion as well. I am merely here to see if anybody has any clue as to why Ubiquity to crash, aside from a hardware issue.01:44
FrazzledUbiquity would crash*01:44
ikoniaFrazzled why focus on Ubiquity when you are clearly looking at a hardware problem ?01:45
ikoniaFrazzled: your other distros are spelling it out clean and simple for you01:45
FrazzledBecause I don't know enough about the Linux installer to rule out the possibility of a software issue.01:45
ikoniaFrazzled: again, apply logic01:45
FrazzledHence, why I am here.01:45
ikoniaFrazzled: 3 of them are saying "we can't read from teh disk...."01:45
ikoniaFrazzled: a 4th is giving a genric error, which could be also caused by a lack of disk01:46
ikoniaFrazzled: why are you not looking at why it can't read from the disk....01:46
FrazzledWell, I came so that more experienced fellows like yourself could tell me, "No, it's clearly a hardware issue." So thank you.01:46
ikoniawhy are you looking at Ubiquity01:46
FrazzledI am simply trying to understand why it crashed. You are saying it is a HDD issue, so now I have to go run more tests on the HDD...01:47
ikoniaFrazzled: I'm not saying it's a hard disk error01:47
ikoniaFrazzled: I'm saying it can't read from the hard disk01:47
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FrazzledSo would that be the installer or the HDD itself, or is that too difficult to determine?01:48
ikoniaFrazzled: you have given us no information01:48
ikoniaFrazzled: however, again, apply logic01:48
ikoniaFrazzled: 4 distros have this problems01:48
FrazzledWhat kind of information should I provide?01:48
ikoniaFrazzled: different versions01:48
FrazzledI am rather new to this IRC chat. I usually solve  my problems myself, but decided to give this a try.01:49
ikoniaFrazzled: is it likely to be a bug in all distros or likely to be a problem with that hardware/interface ?01:49
ikoniaFrazzled: have you searched the bug database to see if this is a known bug ?01:49
FrazzledI understand that it is a localized issue. I am trying to determine whether it is specific to the installer or the HDD.01:49
ikoniaFrazzled: re-read what I just said01:50
owahiHi.  My touchpad has stopped working and I can't figure out why.  I have run xinput and determined that it is detected and enabled but it still doesn't work.  any ideas?01:51
FrazzledOk ikonia. May I ask what you are suggesting is the issue, specifically?01:52
ikoniaFrazzled: that's what you need to do, but the symptom is clear "I can't read this disk"01:52
ikoniaFrazzled: so why - is the data bad, is the disk bad, is the controller it sits on bad, is the controller it sits on supported, is there a known bug, have I searched for the bug,01:53
FrazzledOk. So it sounds like a hardware issue.01:53
ikoniaFrazzled: NO !01:53
ikoniaFrazzled: the problem is it can't read the disk01:53
ikoniaFrazzled: you have to work out why01:53
ikonialook at the suggestions I just made in 10 seconds of thought01:53
ikoniawork through them01:53
ikoniaapply logic, discount what you can PROVE works01:54
FrazzledBut the installer has worked elsewhere, so wouldn't that suggest that the data comprising the installer is functional?01:54
ikoniaand make sure it's "works in linux" not "I've tested it in windows"01:54
ikoniaFrazzled: it suggests the data is good yes, not %100, but certainly leans that way01:54
FrazzledRight... so... the other suggestion is the disk being bad: which I can assume it is not. Again not 100%, but it seems that way based on the UBCD tests.01:55
ikoniaagain no01:55
ikoniaFrazzled: think it through01:55
FrazzledThen the controller being supported. Are you referring to the USB controller?01:55
ikoniayou've JUST told me the installer works on another PC, so you know the disk is "ok"01:55
ikoniaFrazzled: come on - think about this01:55
FrazzledI meant HDD not Pendrive, sorry.01:56
ikoniaFrazzled: 1.) verify the usb / installer on another PC -so you know it is STILL a good disk with good data01:56
FrazzledI guess you are using Pendrive = disk in this instance.01:56
FrazzledSorry, my mixup.01:56
ikoniaFrazzled: 2.) once that is done and you can have a reasonable ammount of confidence both a re good, move up a level and look at the next step in the chain,01:56
ikoniaFrazzled: the interface between teh installers disk and the computer, the usb port01:56
FrazzledWell, the other computer with this "disk's" installation is still working without any issues, so far.01:57
ikoniaFrazzled: then move up another level, is there any known bugs with this controller in linux - if so what are they01:57
ikoniaFrazzled: are you kidding me ?01:57
ikoniaFrazzled: you've used a pen drive to install an OS onto another computer, that computer is still working so the pen drive must still be "ok"01:57
FrazzledOk, well, do you  have any ideas as to how I'd test if the USB controller is supported?01:57
FrazzledIs that faulty thinking?01:58
ikoniaFrazzled: massive !!!01:58
ikoniaFrazzled: you've installed from that pen drive01:58
ikoniathe install worked01:58
FrazzledHow so?01:58
ikoniais that current computer using the pendrive at all01:58
ikoniaafter the install01:58
ikoniaFrazzled: right - so why does that prove the pendrive is still good and the data is still good ?01:58
ikoniaFrazzled: you're machine has not crashed....so ??? it's not using the disk in question01:59
moyam01how do i make iptables show me a list of TABLES (not chains)01:59
GreekFreakhi all01:59
FrazzledThat isn't the only machine that the pendrive has installed to and both machines have worked.01:59
ikoniaFrazzled: you're not listening01:59
GreekFreakI have the following rights to a directory (I am the owner) "drw-rw-rw-" yet when I try to cd into it, it says permission denied02:00
ikoniaGreekFreak: it's actually missing x - you need execute to be able to "see" what's in the directory02:00
ikoniaGreekFreak: add the excute to the owner02:00
GreekFreakikonia, oh... thank you02:01
FrazzledBut if the disk installs correctly 2/3 times, with the 1/3 not working also giving issues for other installations, shouldn't the issue be localized to the 1/3 machine?02:01
ikoniaGreekFreak: it's a bit backward02:01
ikoniaFrazzled: ok - so the first install doesn't work, but the second 2 do ?02:01
FrazzledThe first worked, the second hasn't, the third has.02:01
ikoniaFrazzled: so you've verified the disk AFTER you hit this problem and got a good install ?02:01
FrazzledYes, on another machine.02:01
ikoniaFrazzled: ok, so you can have a good level of confidence the disk is valid02:02
FrazzledWell... I have reason to discount it as the issue, so, I suppose, lol.02:02
GreekFreakikonia, lol02:03
FrazzledSo now, you mentioned the USB controller...02:03
ikoniaFrazzled: you basically need to work backwards through the problem, you can discount physical media and data with a reasonable level of confidence, so apply logic, what's the next link in the chain02:04
Tex_NickLinux continues to rule supercomputers ... http://www.zdnet.com/linux-continues-to-rule-supercomputers-7000016968/02:05
ikoniaTex_Nick: that is nothing to do with this channel, please don't post that sort of thing02:05
Tex_Nickikonia: sorry posted to the wrong channel ... i'll watch it better02:06
followerwhat would be the best way to back up my data and perform a clean install?02:06
ikoniafollower: get external drive, copy data off, boot install meddia, do clean install02:06
FrazzledWell, now I've stepped into the broad world of electronic components and all that entails as being the issue, lol.02:06
followerif i have no external drive?02:06
ikoniafollower: buy one02:07
ikoniafollower: or use any spare disk media you have02:07
Frazzledfollower: how many GB are we talking?02:07
followeraround 25 gigs02:07
Frazzledikonia: I've performed Memtest86 on the machine in question and it found errors, so I took out a stick and it passed. So, I've ruled out memory as being the issue. At this point, I think I'll install a Windows OS and see if it runs stably or not, lol.02:09
ikoniaFrazzled: what good will that do ?02:09
Frazzledfollower: do you have any DVDs?02:09
ikoniaFrazzled: I'm going to stop progressing this now with you as it's clear you're not listening02:09
ikoniaFrazzled: I've advised you to NOT validate this with windows as it proves nothing02:09
Frazzledikonia: Well, what are you trying to tell me? lol02:09
ikoniaFrazzled: "lol" - I don't find it funny, you're wasting my time.02:10
CompyDoes ubuntu have any facility for emulating a USB device? For example, I have a USB serial device (arduino) that I want to record, unplug, and then "play back" into the system as if its connected.02:10
ikoniaFrazzled: best of luck, taking it forward, and I suggest you actually pay attention to the next guy that helps02:10
Frazzledikonia: I guess I am a bit dense. Just tell me what you want me to do.02:10
followeri have many dl dvds02:10
ikoniaCompy: not native as part of ubuntu but there is a program that can do it02:10
ikoniaCompy: I've seen it used, but I can't think of the name.02:11
Frazzledfollower: Do you have any individual files that exceeds 4.5 GB?02:11
Compyikonia: Well drag! I've been messing around with umockdev but it looks like it only supports storage devices.02:11
tkingi imported some c++ project file to ubuntu from mac but when i run the on the terminal i see "permission denied" but when i create a new project i don't get it. I imported these via code blocks02:11
followeri have none02:11
Frazzledfollower: Ok, then I suggest backing up your files to DVDs and then doing a clean install after that.02:12
ikoniaCompy: I'm certain there is one for usb and I've seen it used in less than 6 months ago, so I know it's still valid02:12
Frazzledikonia: Are you still mad at me? lol02:12
followerthanks Frazzled02:12
ikoniaFrazzled: again "lol" - I don't find it funny.02:12
Compyikonia: Yeah well that gives me some hope. I'll continue my googling and see what comes about. Many thanks for the response :)02:12
Frazzledfollower: Np.02:12
ikoniaCompy: I'm having a quick look myself,02:12
ikoniaCompy: I'm sorry I can't remember it quickly02:13
CompyNo sweat, I'm sure with the flurry of information that comes through here, it gets pushed out rather quickly.02:13
ikoniaCompy: ooh there is also a dummy usb host module, have you looked at that02:14
ikoniaCompy: (I've not tried it myself)02:14
CompyGot a link?02:14
ikoniaCompy: looks likt it's part of the kernel02:14
ikoniaCompy: http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/drivers/usb/gadget/dummy_hcd.c02:14
Compyoh, I also remember "gadget"02:15
Frazzledikonia: Well, I am sorry if I am upsetting you. You suggested that I follow the next step in the chain, but the only thing after the USB controller is an electrical issue, such as a power deficiency, voltage instability, motherboard misregulation and other hardware issues that I don't know how to individually attend to.02:15
ikoniaFrazzled: I explained many more steps earlier, thus backing up you are not listening/paying attention even further02:15
Compyikonia: Thanks for the link! I'll read up on it and see if I can get it compiled and loaded.02:15
ikoniaFrazzled: I suggest seeing if someone else in the channel will help02:15
ikoniaCompy: just having a look for the other thing I remember02:16
CompyThe more info the merrier, I appreciate you looking into it!02:16
Frazzledikonia: I may not have seen it, I am sorry. Would you mind repeating?02:16
ikoniaCompy I know the other one was good, hence why I'm trying to find it, the guy using it was very impressed02:17
ikoniaFrazzled: I've gone over it multiple times, I'm not progressing this futher, sorry02:17
Frazzledikonia: I am sorry for making this an undesirable experience for you. I appreciate you trying to help me.02:18
ikoniaFrazzled: no problem.02:18
Compyyeah, people keep suggesting USB IP for it, which is not really in the realm of what I need to do, though I guess I could sift through their client source code to see how they're setting it up.02:18
ikoniaCompy: just seen a few posts on lkml and the usb sub system lists that speak positive of gadget too02:18
ikoniaCompy: http://www.linux-usb.org/gadget/02:19
ikoniaCompy: again - not what I was looking for, but more detail on the earlier comment02:19
Compyikonia: yep, much appreciated there. I'm still looking myself. :)02:19
nerdtronwhen i create a pool, what is a good pgnum?02:21
nerdtronooppss sorry, wrong channel02:21
Dayofswordsnerdtron: when making a pool, always be sure to maintain it to avoid algae and scum.02:24
krztopic should include latest version of ubuntu!02:26
wilee-nileeHeh it says 10.04 supported.02:27
xlairehow to mount my memory stick in ubuntu? i know its automatic02:28
wilee-nileeserver is but not desktop02:28
wilee-nileexlaire, memory stick, this a ram or usb?02:28
xlairewilee-nilee, usb02:29
tkingi imported some c++ project file to ubuntu from mac but when i run the on the terminal i see "permission denied" but when i create a new project i don't get it. I imported these via code blocks02:29
xlairewilee-nilee, in terminal02:29
wilee-nileexlaire, you can add it to fstab if you want a mount at boot or just leave it plugged in or plug it in. Will it not mount?02:29
xlairei unmount it02:30
wilee-nileexlaire, That was 2 questions02:30
xlairebut i want to mount it again02:30
xlaireand i want to know the terminal command02:30
xlairehehhe two question?02:30
wilee-nileesudo /dev/sdXX /mnt  I believe02:30
xlaireok let me try02:30
xlairethx wilee-nilee02:31
wilee-nileeI believe that s wrong someone will tell you02:31
chaotixhi...   how do i make an application the default application, if it is NOT listed in the default applications in 'details'?02:31
somsipwilee-nilee: sudo mount /dev/sdXX /mnt (missing mount in wilee-nilee's)02:31
chaotixi forget, but i think there is a file somewhere02:31
xlairei see02:31
xlairethx somsip02:31
wilee-nileesomsip, Thanks I rarely mount from the terminal, I forgot it.02:32
somsipwilee-nilee: np02:32
xlairei think i understand now the command02:32
Frazzledikonia: I re-read what you have said and realized I accidentally skipped over a few things. Sorry about that.02:32
Frazzledikonia: But I won't ask you for more help, so don't worry about that.02:32
xlaireany tricks02:34
xlairehow to know what sdaxx number is my memory stick?02:34
somsipxlaire: sudo fdisk -l02:35
xlairewow you're good02:35
xlairethx man02:35
somsipxlaire: then you need to establish which one it is based on size02:35
xlairethx somsip02:35
somsipxlaire: np02:36
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parallelshello all02:43
parallelscan anyone tell me how to install ubuntu on MacBook Pro?02:43
ubottuFor PPC discussion, join #ubuntu-powerpc. For discussion on Mac software, or help with same, please visit ##apple.02:44
phong_hi guys02:44
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages02:44
wilee-nileeparallels, ^^^02:44
parallelsyes wilee-nilee02:44
wilee-nileeparallels, The bot has a link for you.02:45
parallelswilee-nilee how to download the driver to play dvd?02:46
chaotixwhere is the file located with the default applications to open files?02:47
SuperLagIs there a way to roll back to a previous version of a package you upgraded? In this case, it's google-chrome-stable02:54
DHRjust bumped into https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/980710.  Very confusing: a black-on-black terminal looks like it isn't working at all.02:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 980710 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "black font on black background in xfce terminal" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:54
SuperLagAs much as I can't stand Flash, I still need it... and today's update to version 28 broke Flash.02:54
nimbioticsI am using Ubuntu Studio 13.04; How do I install the Startup Application Manager?? TIA!02:57
somsipSuperLag: give me an example of a site that isn't working - I'll test on my v2803:02
nerdtronnimbiotics: is there no software manager in ubuntu studio?03:06
loganleehow to use ubuntu to browse the internet?03:07
nimbioticsnerdtron: yes, but I cant finf any application for "Startup Application Manager" or "Startup Application"03:07
nimbioticsnerdtron: do you know what that application is called?03:07
yvahey, is there a way to check whether fstab mounted a partition correctly? the disk was empty in the first place03:08
somsipyva: dmesg should have an error if there is a problem03:09
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins03:10
somsiploganlee: you come here often with very basic questions. Can you explain exatly what you are trying to do on the internet, given that you are already connected to the internet03:10
yvasomsip, no errors when I grep 'sda' so I guess everything is ok?03:11
somsipyva: it's a fair guess. Why do you suspect an error?03:11
yvasomsip, nope it's not. it's in fact giving me an error when I try to copy data (not enough space)03:13
somsipyva: output of df -h ?03:14
yvasomsip the line in fstab is UUID=XXX /data    ext4   users,noauto     0      003:14
nerdtronnimbiotics: i'm sorry, i'm using kde, and kde has its own manager03:15
yvasomsip, yep it doesn't show up when I do df -h03:15
somsipyva: seems fair but I'm no fstab expert. Output of sudo fdisk -l ?03:15
tkingi imported some c++ project file to ubuntu from mac but when i run the on the terminal i see "permission denied" but when i create a new project i don't get it. I imported these via code blocks03:15
nerdtronnimbiotics: ubuntu studio is XFCE right?03:15
D-coym4v o703:16
hikenboothello I easily got vnc server working on ubuntu 13.04 desktop version but am not having any luck getting it running on the server 12.04 version all I get is a grey screen it doesnt seem to want to load the gnome session I was curious as to how the desktop 13.04 works in this area I find no startup script under the name vncserver and no ~/.vnc directory03:17
hikenbootwhat file runs it under /etc/rc0.d .. /etc/rc6.d/ ?03:18
* payals tests03:18
somsip!test | payals03:19
ubottupayals: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )03:19
nimbioticsnerdtron: KDE03:20
yvasomsip, everythign looks normal. just tried to change the tabs and reboot but it still doesn't show up03:20
nimbioticsnerdtron: I'm using KDE also. Good thing is with the help from SunStar @ #ubuntustudio; I already found it under launcher -> settings -> settings manager -> Session and Startup Manager. Thanks a lot anyways!03:21
somsipyva: so it is present and working, but not auto-mounted? Can you mount it manually? Any dmesg errors when you try to do that>03:21
yvasomsip, when I mount it manually I cannot copy to it03:22
somsipyva: And is this the 'no room' message? Maybe it's something hardware on the drive. Is it old or dodgy?03:24
yvasomsip, ok I now got it to work (using defaults instead of auto,user) but I don't have permissions03:25
yvato copy03:25
loganleesudo cp03:26
somsipyva: is that when you mounted manually or from fstab and a reboot> so your fstab is now just 'defaults' and not '03:26
somsipyva: ..not 'user,noauto'?03:27
yvayep, it's mounted as root.03:27
Nautilus__I've booted to a 12.04 LTS Live CD and would like to save some of the files from the XP HD. Is there a DVD burner included in 12.04 LTS? Where to find it?03:27
yvafrom fstab changing 'user,noauto' to defaults03:27
somsipyva: so if your fstab is fixed, maybe unount and 'mount /dev/sda' might pick it up from fstab03:27
yvanope, I just rebooted. It works but it's mounted as root03:28
somsiploganlee: do you have a support question or will this just be more of your usual behaviour?03:28
somsipyva: what permissions did /data have before mounting? I'm not sure where I'm going with this, just trying to ask questions that make sense...03:29
akurilinQuick question: if I don't see eth0 under ifconfig, does that mean the ethernet controller isn't detected or that the drivers aren't there?03:29
yvano sure, thanks for trying03:29
loganleeakurilin: driver not loaded i think03:30
yvashould I specify uid & gid?03:30
akurilinloganlee, do you have any advice for how to deal with this situation? Is there a general approach?03:31
lotuspsychjeis there any way to hide a /home/user completely so another user cant even see the folder?03:31
loganleeakurilin: maybe lsmod03:31
somsipyva: You should set the permissions for what you want final access to be. Eg root:users and 77503:31
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yvasomsip, oups something is going out of control. just have bad swap file entry when I turn it on03:33
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Nautilus__does 12.04 LTS have a DVD burner built in? I'm not use to Unity at all, unsure where to look.03:33
yvamsg at startup: "panic occured, switching back to text console"03:34
loganleeNautilus__: k3b?03:34
somsipyva: so...have you been trying to write to a disk formatted as swap?03:34
Nautilus__loganlee: where to look for it?03:34
yvanope, just added uid and gid03:35
somsipNautilus__: xfburn is a fairly small install. Or brasero. k3b uses KDE so carries a lot of extra dependencies03:35
Nautilus__somsip: It's a Live CD environment, can I install things such as that ?03:36
somsipNautilus__: yes, but they will be lost on reboot03:37
Nautilus__somsip: where do they go? just ram?03:37
somsipNautilus__: long time since I used live cd. I believe the filesystem is mounted into a tmpfs in ram, so they will be installed there03:38
Nautilus__ok, thanks03:38
Tex_NickNautilus__: if you can try a persistent USB03:38
Nautilus__somsip: oh, add via Software Center?03:38
Nautilus__Tex_Nick: would that have to be a blank stick?03:39
somsipNautilus__: I don't use it, but I imagine it woudl work03:39
Tex_NickNautilus__: depends on size if stick ... and available memory ... blank would be easiest03:42
yvasomsip, ok it's now working. I had to do another chown on /data03:44
somsipyva: glad you got it sorted03:45
yvaanother question: the global menu don't seem to work for a number of programs (eg gedit). any idea why?03:45
jdownloadhelpplzevening all.03:45
somsipyva: I don't use it so no idea03:45
jdownloadhelpplzi'm needing help with jdownloader on 13.04... anyone with experience or java/ubuntu expertise?03:46
jdownloadhelpplzi've had to re-install jdownloader after updating to 13.04 and now my dl file is gone :@03:48
jdownloadhelpplzeverything else carried over... not sure why jdownloader failed on me.03:48
jdownloadhelpplzwhich is strange since i remember opening a file from that folder but after i rebooted it was gone.  the filename is still on my recently opened documents list.03:49
yvanobody for help with the global menu not working/being enabled in gedit?03:53
jdownloadhelpplzi'm not sure there's anyone really here tbh, yva03:53
ur0pli try to install ubuntu on my new gigabyte ud5 motherboard and when it installs it cannot mount my usb drive... it says "usb 2-4: nbew  high-speed usb device number 4 using ehci_hcd"  "device not accepting address 4, error -32... then it goes to device 503:54
loganleeyva: try alt-f203:54
ur0plit says "unable to find a medium containing a live file system" BUT i am booting off of a installation disk03:55
yvaloganlee, I don't see how this would help03:55
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ur0pli didn't have this issue until i got this new motherboard03:57
ur0pldoes it not like that my motherbaord has usb 3 and stuff?03:57
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wilee-nileeur0pl, Please do not swear in the channel or use acronyms doing so.03:58
ur0pli am sorry if i offended you03:58
ur0pli did not mean to do so03:58
ur0pli am an idiot03:58
S_soundsthat was weird03:59
S_soundssorry - had irc issue.  does anyone know how a folder might be lost during an update install?04:00
akurilinWhat do you do when a network card is "UNCLAIMED" according to lshw?04:00
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wheatthinakurilin, module not claiming a device?04:01
wheatthinI think that's what he meant04:01
S_soundsi updated, booted, i had a folder, was able to access a file, then after a reboot the folder and file was gone, although the file name is still listed in the media player.04:02
wheatthinS_sounds, hmm was it on the desktop?04:02
cyrano_I currently have sound, however no sound devices are showing up in the sound manager. So I am not able to change the volume or mute. While watching things in VLC the sound has no issues, however if I watch a youtube video th sound is very choppy yet the video isn't.04:02
akurilinwheaties, I guess so? I'm not sure what it means. The effect is that the network card isn't showing up at all under ifconfig.04:03
S_soundsit was in the home folder i made.  I want to say it was the update, but my other folders i made in home are still there.04:03
wheatthin<-- tis wheatthin :)04:03
akurilinwheatthin, sorry!! :)04:04
wheatthinakurilin, is the module loading?04:04
akurilinwheatthin, I'd love to check that, where do I start?04:04
S_soundseven more confusing, it was a 3rd party app, so i thought maybe the update got rid of it, but after installing other 3rd party apps their folders magically sprung back up.04:04
wheatthinakurilin, I believe   lsmod04:04
S_soundslike calibre found its files back.04:04
anthony123124hello there04:05
wheatthinS_sounds, odd04:05
wheaties466im that asshole, sorry guys04:05
akurilinwheatthin, which specific module should I be looking for?04:05
wheatthinakurilin, what device are you trying to locate?04:05
S_soundsif it's just gone i'd be at peace with it, but the fact that i was able to open it, then lost after a reboot and install... just confuses me.04:05
akurilinwheatthin, an ethernet controller04:05
mn2010#ubuntu is busy as ever.04:06
wheatthinakurilin, yes, but this ethernet controller has a name/model04:06
akurilinwheatthin, Intel I217LM04:06
utusanakurilin: best to do lspci first to id your controller04:07
S_soundsit's REALLY confusing because when i booted after my initial install all my firefox tabs and chromium tabs opened, after reboot, they were back to home pages.04:07
utusanops, never mind04:07
S_soundsso something really screwy happened w/o my knowing.04:07
akurilinutusan, It's at 00:19.p Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Device 153a (rev 04)04:08
utusanakurilin: do lsmod | grep ether04:08
wheatthinwell then module is loaded04:08
akurilinutusan, that return nothing unfortunately04:08
wheatthinlsmod | grep intel04:08
akurilinwheatthin, a bunch of hits, but all for snd_hda_intel04:09
ur0pli try to install ubuntu on my new gigabyte ud5 motherboard and when it installs it cannot mount my usb drive... it says "usb 2-4: nbew  high-speed usb device number 4 using ehci_hcd"  "device not accepting address 4, error -32... then it goes to device 504:09
ur0pl it says "unable to find a medium containing a live file system" BUT i am booting off of a installation disk04:09
S_soundsit's not like ubuntu to suddenly lose a folder/file that was there before.... i've done this before and it never deleted a hard file.04:10
wheatthinS_sounds, did you try finding it in the terminal?04:10
S_soundsnautilus but not terminal.04:10
wheatthinakurilin, well I know for sure it's loading04:10
wheatthinyes I knows this.. but if it's there in the terminal then you have it hidden04:10
S_soundsnever had to find a file through terminal - wheatthin:  % locate "qqqq" (w/o quotes) is that good?04:12
wheatthinS_sounds, if you've recently updatedb04:12
S_soundsi have.04:13
wheatthinthen yes04:13
wheatthinas long as it's your file name is qqqq04:13
wheatthinakurilin, yeah the net is returning that to be a snd device04:14
S_soundssweet will get back to you.04:14
wheatthinakurilin, paste me the output for lsmod04:14
wheatthinpastebinit rather04:14
=== jack is now known as Guest24826
akurilinwheatthin, yep, just a sec04:15
S_soundswhoa whoa whoa... wheatthin i know you're busy but check this: terminal found the files... but the folders aren't there in nautilus. o.O04:16
wheatthinS_sounds, try moving them to a different folder04:17
akurilinwheatthin, http://pastebin.com/QxqaAifc04:18
wheatthinakurilin, I believe it's a realtek usb dongle? or built in ethernet?04:18
akurilinBuilt-in ethernet into this specific motherboard http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Q87ME/#specifications04:19
S_soundsO.O... terminal says file doesn't exist even though it just found the file. :|04:20
distilledchaosi've been trying to get my displaylink adapter to play nice with ubuntu 13.0404:21
distilledchaosand i think i need xserver-xorg-video-displaylink04:21
distilledchaosbut it's not available from apt-get for 13.0404:21
jribS_sounds: have you put your exact input and output in a pastebin?04:21
S_soundsworking on in jrib04:21
distilledchaosso i guess i should try to build from source?04:22
yvanobody to help get the globalmenu etup?04:22
S_soundswheatthin: jrib: check this O.O http://pastebin.com/vLrqNHXL04:22
akurilinwheatthin, forgot to inline you, oops. Again: Built-in ethernet into this specific motherboard http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Q87ME/#specifications04:22
=== nathan is now known as Guest8315
wheatthinakurilin, Hmm ask ubuntu didn't come up with an answer yet either ;/ I'm thinking you'd have to recompile kernel or install a module.. someone else might have more info ;/04:22
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.04:23
jribS_sounds: ls -l /home/sibilance/.jdownloader/downloads/0614.wmv04:23
akurilinwheatthin, any suggestion for where to continue the search in these situations?04:23
akurilinwheatthin, ubuntu forums?04:23
tucemiuxis gnome the default is 13.04??04:23
distilledchaosunfortunately it looks like xserver-xorg-video-displaylink requires the xf86Resources.h header file04:23
distilledchaostucemiux: negative04:23
wheatthinakurilin, yeah unfortunately ;/04:23
distilledchaoswell sorta04:23
distilledchaosunity is04:24
tucemiuxdistilledchaos, then unity is still the default on 13.04 or XFCE ?04:24
S_soundsls: cannot access <...> no such file or directory jrib04:24
tucemiuxall right thanks! im going t install gnome then04:24
jribS_sounds: then the file does not exist.  Locate gives you results based on databases that were created in the past04:25
jribS_sounds: you can run « sudo updatedb » and try your locate command again if you wish04:25
S_soundsoh.  (._. )04:25
distilledchaosthis has been useful for me, jrib: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-get-complete-gnome-3-desktop-in.html04:25
akurilinwheatthin, no worries, thank you so much for looking into this.04:25
tucemiuxhow do I install gnome  on ubuntu? :-(04:25
jribdistilledchaos: why are you sending me this?04:26
S_soundsjrib... ty.04:26
reisiotucemiux: install gnome-shell04:26
reisiotucemiux: you already have most of GNOME04:26
S_soundsi guess the file is gone :/04:26
distilledchaossent to wrong person04:26
tucemiuxreisio, no i dont, gnome never crashed the way it is doing it and quite often04:26
distilledchaostucemiux that url was for you: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-get-complete-gnome-3-desktop-in.html04:26
tucemiuxi never used thunar!04:26
tucemiuxdistilledchaos, is gnome3 stable though????04:27
reisiotucemiux: you could be using Xubuntu I s'pose04:27
reisiotucemiux: not as stable as GNOME 2 had been04:27
tucemiuxreisio, no, im using ubuntustudio04:27
distilledchaostucemiux has been for me04:27
tucemiuxdistilledchaos, i dont want to go for gnome 3, I want stability with gnome 2 (classic)04:27
wheatthingnome classic is still gnome 3 isn't it?04:28
reisiowheatthin: yes04:28
distilledchaosanybody got any ideas about xserver-xorg-video-displaylink and xf86Resources.h?04:28
reisiotucemiux: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/pureubuntu plus sudo apt-get install gnome-shell should do you04:28
reisiodistilledchaos: ideas?04:28
DreadKnighthello, the record audio software is not usable for some reason; I did changed some input settings in order to make that work with some desktop recorders, but still haven't managed to this the audio one working, while audacity works fine, any suggestions?04:28
bigroomsmallhousi reccomend linux 12 (lisa) but that is later04:29
distilledchaosreisio: i'm trying to get my displaylink adapter to play nice with 13.0404:29
distilledchaoswhich as far as i can tell requires xserver-xorg-video-displaylink04:29
distilledchaoswhich isn't available via apt-get for 13.0404:29
distilledchaosso i'm trying to build from source04:29
distilledchaoswhich requires said header file04:29
tucemiuxreisio, i dont want pure ubuntu, i want whatever it is I have with gnome204:30
wheatthindistilledchaos, I'd look into what the newer release of xserver-xorg brings you04:30
reisiotucemiux: GNOME 2 is unmaintained04:30
wheatthintucemiux, you can get gnome 3 classic which looks and acts like gnome 204:30
reisiotucemiux: you could try http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/download#ubuntu but I'm not sure I'd recommend it04:31
wheatthinyou just have to install gnome 3 first and select classic via xsession04:31
reisiotucemiux: Xfce is the sanest choice for people who want something like GNOME 204:31
distilledchaoswheatthin: not quite sure what you mean04:31
wheatthindistilledchaos, when you install gnome 3 shell, it comes with gnome classic which looks and acts just like gnome 204:32
S_soundswell wheatthin and jrib, thanks.  it didn't work out well for me but now i know what really happened.04:32
tucemiuxreisio, I want ***stability***, xfce is crashing my pc04:32
zugaazhow do i install the official nvidia geforce driver in ubuntu04:32
reisiotucemiux: no it isn't04:32
reisiotucemiux: Ubuntu is04:32
S_soundsnight all.04:32
reisiozugaaz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:32
reisioS_sounds: night04:32
distilledchaoswheatthin: not quite sure what you mean in your comment about xserver-xorg04:33
distilledchaosnot gnome 3 classic04:33
wheatthinnewer versions of xserver might give you what you want instead of compiling something that didn't come in the ubuntu repos or ppa's04:34
tucemiuxreisio, all i know is that nowadays im using XFCE and the thing is crashing but Ill use the software installer, i dont think i want to install mate or find out what it is04:34
reisiotucemiux: MATE is the only remotely maintained version of GNOME 204:34
reisiothough efforts to make GNOME 3 _behave/appear_ like GNOME 2 are ongoing04:35
utusanakurilin: you should use e1000e drivers04:36
zugaazi have the nvidia.run file04:36
wheatthinyup best linux compadible04:36
zugaazbut i don't know how to install it04:36
tucemiuxreisio, i just used the software center and installed what they have there, hopefully my machine will then be stable otherwise I'll be forced to restart from scratch with 12.0404:37
wheatthinzugaaz, umm that's not supported here04:37
reisiotucemiux: I doubt it will be; like I said, Xfce is perfectly stable, so it's probably some other aspect of your distro acting up04:37
wheatthinzugaaz, as it's a proprietary driver04:37
reisioperhaps the extras that ubuntu studio installs04:37
akurilinutusan, what's the idea behind them? Are they supposed to work across most Intel ethernet controllers?04:39
utusanakurilin: not sure but try modprobe e100004:40
mythin #gentoo-chat04:40
wheatthintis #ubuntu :)04:40
suoreHi Why after instalation Nvidis drivers, during booting i cannot see ubuntu Logo, with 4  litter circles look like big dots, only i can see text Ubuntu 13.04, wih small dots.....04:41
wheatthin!ot | myth04:43
ubottumyth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:43
distilledchaosalright this has gone nowhere04:43
distilledchaospretty sure libraries are not the right version...04:43
distilledchaosgettings things like too many arguments when trying to make04:43
holsteindistilledchaos: confirm that they are incorrect, or not04:44
wheatthindistilledchaos, making them with sourced packages outside ubuntu repo's aren't supported04:44
wheatthinand I might add aren't recommended04:44
holstein^^ that too. doing that means that you are OK going out on your own, support wise04:44
distilledchaoswell i don't see any other options04:45
wheatthindistilledchaos, try a ppa that offers newer stuff04:45
holsteindistilledchaos: the xswat ppa? you have that installed?04:46
distilledchaosnope.  i take it i should?04:46
holsteini like ppa's, becuase its easier to remove the individual packages, or purge the ppa if things go wrong04:46
holsteindistilledchaos: its a way to get the newer packages that may or may not "fix" whatever issue you are having04:46
ur0pl ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------04:47
FloodBot1ur0pl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:47
AlexLikeRocksource : http://www.gnu.org/distros/common-distros.html04:47
AlexLikeRockUbuntu's trademark policy prohibits commercial redistribution of exact copies of Ubuntu, denying an important freedom.04:48
AlexLikeRockAs of October 2012, Ubuntu sends personal data about users' searches to a server belonging to Canonical, which sends back ads to buy things from Amazon.04:48
AlexLikeRock This does not, strictly speaking, affect whether Ubuntu is free software, but it is a violation of users' privacy. It also encourages buying from Amazon, a company associated with DRM as well as mistreatment of workers, authors and publishers.04:48
AlexLikeRockThis adware is one of the rare occasions in which a free software developer persists in keeping a malicious feature in its version of a program.04:48
holsteinAlexLikeRock: you have something support related you need help with?04:48
ur0plsorry, i went to antoher room, and something happened04:49
ur0plsomething hit my keyboard04:49
AlexLikeRockubuntu its a spy ?04:49
AlexLikeRockubuntu go to evil04:49
AlexLikeRocknow its friend of Micro$oft04:49
holsteinAlexLikeRock: ? ubuntu is free.. you can try it live and see if you like/want it. you can remove what you are linking above.. do you have a support question?04:50
distilledchaosx-swat doesn't have anything for displaylink04:50
ur0plUbuntu install recognizes and can "ennumerate" my two usb "3.0/2.0" but it cannot do that with my 8 usb "2.0/1.0"  slots on my gigabyte ud5 board04:50
AlexLikeRockhoschi,   Ubuntu's trademark policy prohibits commercial redistribution of exact copies of Ubuntu, denying an important freedom04:50
ur0pli do not understadn04:50
holsteinAlexLikeRock: you can redistribute what you want.. its all open. but, ubuntu is ubuntu04:50
AlexLikeRockwhat about the  " freedom."04:51
holsteinAlexLikeRock: if you dont have a support question, please go to the offtopic channel04:51
wheatthindistilledchaos, what release do you have?04:51
holsteinAlexLikeRock: canonnical is free to do what they are doing. and you are free to use it, or do *exatly* as ubuntu is doing, and make your own04:51
distilledchaosxserver-xorg-video-displaylink is only available for 12.04 and 12.1004:52
distilledchaosas far as i'm aware, that's the package i need04:52
holsteindistilledchaos: then you'll need to use 12.0404:52
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120404:52
AlexLikeRock policy prohibits commercial redistribution of exact copies of Ubuntu04:52
holsteinits still supported04:52
distilledchaosyep.  unfortunately, it doesn't have drivers for newer hardware i need04:52
distilledchaos13.04 is the oldest version that supports most of the hardware04:53
holsteinAlexLikeRock: so? whats the question? are you wanting to make a copy of ubunt and rebrand it? you can always ask for permission. but you can just build what you want from scratch04:53
holsteindistilledchaos: sounds like you'll have to make some decisions... maybe dual boot04:53
distilledchaosone piece of hardware is for the display, 13.04 required, and the displaylink doesn't work on it04:54
distilledchaosif i dual boot i don't get dual monitors...04:54
wheatthindistilledchaos, check xserver-xorg-core04:54
distilledchaosfor what...?04:54
wheatthinnewer versions..04:54
holsteini would add that ppa i mentioned as well, and test04:54
AlexLikeRockholstein,  i can not do a  project   with ubuntu , like tails , black track , etc, etc04:54
distilledchaosof something related to displaylink?04:54
wheatthindistilledchaos, yup04:54
holsteinAlexLikeRock: whats your question?04:55
holsteinAlexLikeRock: back track is not ubuntu.. it might use ubuntu as the base04:55
xangua!ot | AlexLikeRock holstein04:56
ubottuAlexLikeRock holstein: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:56
SuperLagsomsip: sorry, went away... now I'm back. plus.google.com is one04:56
ur0plUbuntu recognizes and can "ennumerate" my two usb "3.0/2.0" but it cannot do that with my 8 usb "2.0/1.0"  slots on my gigabyte ud5 board. I do not understand, i thought ubuntu would be up to day with technology04:56
holsteinur0pl: i would run lspci and see what the hardware id's are.. i would be open to the fact that not all hardware is able to be supported out of the box by linux04:57
distilledchaosi don't understand how to check xserver-xorg-core04:57
Ben64distilledchaos: what hardware do you have that is unsupported in 12.04?04:58
wheatthindistilledchaos, which version is currently installed, and check which is currently available as ppa04:58
distilledchaosBen64: apple hardware >.>04:58
distilledchaosi got a macbook pro as a work computer04:58
distilledchaosand i need to dual boot ubuntu04:58
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:59
Ben64distilledchaos: what specifically though? you can get the 13.04 kernel in 12.0404:59
distilledchaosfor display04:59
distilledchaoswouldn't 12.10 work too?04:59
distilledchaosxserver-xorg-video-displaylink is supported there was well, i believe04:59
Ben64you might want to try the new kernel with 12.04 then, dunno if thats a xorg thing or a kernel thing04:59
Ben6412.04 is supported till 201704:59
distilledchaosi'm pretty sure it's a kernel thing05:00
holstein12.04 is LTS.. i would use it instead of 12.10 if i had a choice05:00
holsteindistilledchaos: confirm that it is, or not...05:00
distilledchaosi don't need lts05:00
Ben6412.10 is supported for... a while but 13.04 stops in January 2014, so ... yeah05:00
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Ben64well if you want it to continue working properly, 12.04 is the best choice05:00
ur0plholstein, it is gigabyte ud5, it is a very popular board05:00
Ben64as long as it works with the newer kernel*05:00
distilledchaoshow would i go about using the newer kernel with 12.04?05:01
holsteinur0pl: sure.. but he popularity is not the key.. ubuntu cant ask for support for it. it might need to have information or support from the vendor in order to work properly..05:01
distilledchaosalso, why is it a better choice than 12.10, besides long-term support?05:01
Ben64thats the reason05:01
holsteindistilledchaos: because 12.10 is EOL *much* sooner05:01
distilledchaosi just need it to last the summer05:02
ur0plholstein, does ubuntu have better hardware support than xubuntu/ and this might work on that?05:02
ur0plor maybe i can try 13.04 instead of 12.04?05:02
Ben64why try to upgrade to 13.04, which doesn't support what you want, when 12.04 works till 201705:02
holsteinur0pl: xubuntu *is* ubuntu.. same kernel..05:02
reisiour0pl: and even GNU/Linux, all distros have the same hardware support, essentially05:02
ur0plmaybe 13.04 instead of 12.04 will support it05:02
Ben64what kernel do you have running? (uname -a)05:02
Ben64ur0pl: ^05:02
holsteinur0pl: the versions can matter.. 12.04 instead of 13.04..05:02
distilledchaosanyway, how do i get the newer kernel with 12.04?05:03
Ben64i think it does it by default on new installs of 12.0405:03
ur0plholstein, i bet i could try to change a bios setting to fix this05:03
ur0plmaybe it is uefi?05:03
Ben64!info linux-generic-lts-raring precise05:03
ubottulinux-generic-lts-raring (source: linux-meta-lts-raring): Generic Linux kernel image and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 27 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:03
xanguaBen64: last time i tried that lts-raring in 12.04 an update came and uninstalled xorg lol...then decided to upgrade to raring :)05:05
Ben64there is also linux-image-hwe-generic05:06
Ben64!info linux-image-hwe-generic precise05:06
ubottulinux-image-hwe-generic (source: linux-meta): Depends on the generic hardware enablement kernel image and headers.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB05:06
Ben64hmm... still 3.205:06
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jony_easyriderhow can be checked when was started phpmyadmin server or to show the running time?05:07
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holsteindistilledchaos: is this all for dual head support?05:07
distilledchaospretty much05:07
Ben64jony_easyrider: phpmyadmin isn't a server, its more like a web page...05:07
holsteindistilledchaos: you shouldnt assume that that is a function that can be implemented on that hardware with drivers in linux05:07
distilledchaosfor now i just want to get the displaylink adapter recognized05:08
=== BTCOxygen is now known as Guest71653
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distilledchaosi'll deal with dual head support later05:08
jony_easyriderBen64, ok, it would be similar help if I could check if cron it executes it's stored commands or not05:08
holsteindistilledchaos: you have no graphics?05:08
distilledchaosholstein: ...?  i do05:09
holsteindistilledchaos: im just not clear on what the issue is.. you have graphics on the internal GPU on a macbook? and that is "displaylink" ?05:09
distilledchaosdisplaylink is a type of usb display adapter05:10
distilledchaosbasically, this is my issue: http://askubuntu.com/questions/289018/how-do-to-install-the-display-drivers-for-a-displaylink-usb-monitor-on-13-0405:10
distilledchaosbut it's never been solved05:10
holsteindistilledchaos: so, that is for dual head, then, correct?05:11
wheatthindistilledchaos, in osx does it act as intel and nvidia?05:11
holsteindistilledchaos: according to what you linked, i might try the fedora live CD mentioned and make note of all the versions of everything relevant05:12
jeff____i'm using a regular version of g xchat and it doesn't give me an option to connect to a server other than the ones listed.  Does anyone know how to do that?05:12
distilledchaosholstein: one step at a time, just trying to get the adapter recognized first05:12
distilledchaoswhich is part of that question05:12
distilledchaoswheatthin: don't know?  i would imagine it switches between each depending on power05:13
holsteindistilledchaos: and, you tried the xswat ppa?05:13
holsteindistilledchaos: no luck?05:13
wheatthindistilledchaos, those still aren't supported by linux I don't think05:13
distilledchaoswheatthin: what, displaylink?05:13
user_anyone know how to save al live form to google drive05:13
distilledchaosholstein: i'm guessing i'd need to restart to see if it helped?05:14
wheatthinit's more than that05:14
distilledchaoswheatthin ?05:14
holsteindistilledchaos: so, you havent tried the pacakges from the ppa then?05:14
distilledchaosi upgraded after adding the ppa05:14
distilledchaoshaven't installed any packages05:14
holsteindistilledchaos: thats what i would do.. try the PPA.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade .reboot and try it05:14
distilledchaosi'll reboot then05:14
distilledchaosdid the first two steps05:14
holsteindistilledchaos: then, i would load that fedora live CD and see what they have in there by default05:15
wheatthinit acts differently than displaylink05:15
akurilin2wheatthin, utusan, apparently the new e1000e drivers seem to do the trick. Need to download them, build and replace the existing ones and it's good to go.05:17
wheatthinnoo.. you can modprobe e100e05:18
akurilin2wheatthin, I did, but it did nothing05:18
AlexLikeRockWhat if Microsoft bought Ubuntu?05:19
AlexLikeRock1st – All open source code would “mysteriously” self implode leaving no trace it ever existed.05:19
AlexLikeRock2nd – Integration of IE6.0 for all non EU downloads.05:19
AlexLikeRock3rd – Silverlight becomes the only supported media player.05:19
FloodBot1AlexLikeRock: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:19
wheatthinshould be in the kernel for a long while now05:19
akurilin2wheatthin, right, but what if this was a matter of versions of that driver?05:19
wheatthinakurilin2, then a newer kernel should be installed05:20
wilee-nileeAlexLikeRock, #ubuntu-offtopic is the channel you want05:20
AlexLikeRock* You have left channel #ubuntu-offtopic05:20
evilroots i need help getting the nidvida drivers for my card working manuly as addonal drivers dont show my card05:33
evilrootsi chmod 777 the files and then ran it05:33
evilrootsbut it said i needed to ne root so i went root then it said something else about an x server running and i need to shut it off05:34
evilrootsi doonoo want to do05:34
evilrootsi just wanna play games under unbutu05:34
wilee-nileeevilroots, what does lsb_release -a  say05:35
jony_easyriderhow can be checked if cron launch a stored command?05:39
wheatthinjony_easyrider, by checking your syslog05:39
evilrootswilee-nilee, lsb_release -a says05:41
evilrootsdj@dj-desktop:~$ lsb_release -a05:41
evilrootsNo LSB modules are available.05:41
evilrootsDistributor ID:Ubuntu05:41
evilrootsDescription:Ubuntu 13.0405:41
FloodBot1evilroots: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
jony_easyriderwheatthin, how can I check the syslog?05:42
wheatthinevilroots, then it should work05:42
wheatthinumm   cat /var/log/syslog05:42
wheatthinsearch through it05:42
wheatthinevilroots, you might need to generate an xorg.conf file first tho05:44
manjushhi, does anyone know data science analytics channel on irc05:46
wheatthinnope not ubuntu topic I don't think05:46
icerootwhat is the programname for the sound-applet in the systray? i need to restart it because its having errors but i cant restart my x-session06:00
sebellhello all06:00
GrivvelDoes anyone know why upstart might be respawning a process terminating during the pre-stop script? As far as I can tell from the documentation, terminating during pre-stop should be totaly legal.06:01
sebellcan anyone here help a n00b set up Vidalia?  I'm insecure about the terminal in ubuntu still, and don't know very many commands, makes it hard to set up and use tor.06:02
xanguasebell: or you can use the bundle provided at tor web, as themselves suggest06:03
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
Grivvelsebell: Is there a reason you aren't just using the browser bundle that does everything for you?06:04
sebellxangua: I did actually get that far.  :)  I don't know how to use the bundle with any other applications though.06:04
sebellor if I can06:05
benbloomIm getting input/output errors on /etc/mtab /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/resolv.conf.tmp. I think this is due to bad sectors on the microSD card being used as my root FS. is there a way to bypass these sectors?06:05
proozNooooooo....... James Gandolfini06:07
proozWhat? That's not ^^06:08
proozIt's :(06:08
sebelloops.  sorry, that was meant to be an agreement about what you said.  heard about it on public radio06:09
sebellnot ^_^  I agree.  T_T06:09
djapohello world, i have managed to pair my btheadset with my py but cant play audio out of it any help or advice06:10
djapoi have tryied an asound.conf but it trows an error libasound_module_pcm_bluetooth.so  no such file ...06:10
Ben64djapo: with your.... py?06:10
sebellGrivvel: I want to use tor with anything that connects to the web now lol.  recent events have got me paranoid and I feel the need to learn a bit more about anonymity.06:11
djaporewtraw: computer06:11
yva_hi, I just install 13.04 and I can seem to find a way to have alt-tab to not group windows together (the old alt-tab). Is there a way to change that?06:11
Ben64!tor | sebell06:11
ubottusebell: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl06:11
sebellthanks for the manuals.  :D  I shall now go read them.06:12
drparazitВсем привет. Русские есть?06:13
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.06:13
sebellwhat does ! mean when you use it thus: !russian06:17
Ben64sebell: its a trigger for the bot06:20
sebellBen64: thanks.  I have a lot to learn.06:22
xrfangI try to use kvm on command line with this: sudo kvm -curses -hda vdisk.img -cdrom precise-server-amd64.iso, but it just show me a black screen with 640 x 480 Graphic mode in the middle06:23
xrfangwhat's wrong?06:23
Ben64xrfang: you might want to try #qemu on irc.oftc.net06:26
benbloomIm getting input/output errors on /etc/mtab /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/resolv.conf.tmp. I think this is due to bad sectors on the microSD card being used as my root FS. is there a way to bypass these sectors?06:30
Ben64benbloom: you should start with fsck06:31
benbloomBen64: is there a way to do it without rebooting?06:32
Ben64benbloom: well yeah, just unmount the card06:32
xrfangBen64, #kvm let me ask the "Ubuntu people" :(06:33
xrfangthey said this problem is caused by "you are trying to install a graphics mode guest OS", but I am trying to install ubuntu server06:33
xrfangthe server disc is in graphics mode?06:33
Ben64xrfang: i'd recommend virtualbox or something for what it seems like you want to do06:33
benbloomit's my root FS Ben64 how would I unmount while running?06:34
xrfangalso, is it possible to install the so called SDL driver06:34
Ben64benbloom: how do you have a sd card as your root partition....? are you on ubuntu?06:34
xrfangBen64, my purpose is to setup a VM development environment in pure TEXT mode06:34
Ben64xrfang: ok?06:34
benbloomyup. I'm running 12.04 armhf on a trimslice microPC06:35
Ben64you might want #ubuntu-arm then... but you should take the card out and fsck on another computer06:35
DONKEEZhow do make my backspace key go back one page in firefox06:36
sebellBen64: if I already installed tor from the ppa:ubun-tor/ppa repository, should I uninstall it before getting it from the torproject repository?06:36
Ben64DONKEEZ: it's the first link if you google for ---- backspace back firefox06:37
xrfangBen64, I will try virtualbox06:37
Ben64sebell: dunno, i don't use it06:37
DONKEEZBen64 thanks06:38
Ben64come on, learn to use google. it was the first link on the first query i tried based on what you want06:38
benbloomk Ben64. thanks for pointing me to arm support channel. I'll just have to wait until I can power down the unit and run fsck.06:39
Asad2005When i issue date >> filename  the date in filename is displayed ok but when doing the same thing in cron the output is like this "خ يون 20 01:02:05 AST 2013" is this an encoding issue? and how can it be resolved?06:42
Ben64Asad2005: use a script06:44
Tex_NickBen64 : i think the ubottu factoid needs to be revised to reflect what you just stated ???06:44
Ben64Tex_Nick: clarification?06:44
Tex_Nick<Ben64> come on, learn to use google. it was the first link on the first query i tried based on what you want06:45
Asad2005Ben64: a secript for just one command that is to put time stamp of a log inside text file?06:45
Tex_Nickas compared to !google06:45
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:45
Ben64Tex_Nick: well that just says don't tell people to "google it", i said the exact query i used which gave the answer in the first result06:46
Ben64i'm just not going to do all the work06:46
Tex_NickBen64 : yes sir i just meant that i think ubottu should say something more like USE GOOGLE ... ;-)06:48
Ben64well i agree just telling people to google something without knowing the answer lies there is kind of rude06:48
Asad2005its only the month name is not in english06:51
jpdsAsad2005: date -R ?06:52
Tex_NickBen64 : ok and i have to say you're one of the most polite in this chan & most knowledgeable was a personal thought ... probably shouldn't have posted that06:52
Ben64Tex_Nick: no its fine, don't worry06:52
HyperiantI need some help getting good video drivers for my aging craptop; anyone willing to go to the trouble to help out?06:53
THE_DUDEZ0Rsuppose in the ddwrt  router im connected to, my  pc   appears as foo-pc, and I want to change that in my  system  so  the router displays someOtherName-pc, what exactly do i need to change?06:53
reisiowhat's the problem?06:54
HyperiantThe drivers I have don't seem to support OpenGL, and run very slow on things the laptop should be able to run well (it doesn't appear to use hardware acceleration in anything)06:54
th0rTHE_DUDEZ0R, probably the computer's hostname06:54
adam_I keep getting "could not find main class" in a java package that works on other machines :(06:55
energizerHow do I losslessly convert a png to pdf? "convert x.png x.pdf" seems to mess up some pixels or something06:57
Asad2005jpds: Thanks i will try it06:57
THE_DUDEZ0Rth0r, I already knew that thanks06:57
SmicheHello. I installed fglrx and now my graphic's got worse i used aticonfig to change the resolution but there are still some weird lines on the screen06:57
Smicheand Catalyst control center wouldnt start06:58
Smichedo I need to install any other packages except fglrx? Cause catalyst control center quits with an error saying that i have no gfx card drivers06:58
Slartenergizer: I'll have a look.. give me a sec06:58
SmicheAlso my compiz doesnt work anymore and the windows have weird buttons for minimizing resizing and quitting06:59
Ben64Hyperiant: what laptop, what video card, which ubuntu?06:59
HyperiantToshiba Satellite M115-S1061, the internal card (I couldn't tell you what the exact info is without running a command I don't remember), Xubuntu 13.0407:00
energizerSlart i can show you what i mean. where should i put the files?07:00
Hyperiantnot having drivers is a general ubuntu issue though, right?07:00
alexandergranaseI would not say drivers for ubuntu is an issue anymore07:00
alexandergranaseIt was a few years ago but it works a lot better nowadays07:01
HyperiantNon-open-source drivers that support OpenGL for legacy integrated cards07:01
Hyperiantor, heck, open source is fine, as long as it functions properly07:01
SmicheCan some1 help me with my problem :X?07:02
energizerSlart Files are here http://ge.tt/8elSErj07:02
energizerits a small difference, but nonetheless07:02
Ben64Hyperiant: lspci | grep -i vga07:02
HyperiantBen64: ATI RC410M [Mobility Radeon Xpress 200M07:04
Slartenergizer: ah.. I was just going to ask you for that.. so far I've tried with a test suite for png files and those all worked nicely using convert.. I'll try your image07:04
Ben64Hyperiant: :S not a very good chance of getting that working i fear07:04
HyperiantIt worked on Windows; the only reason I switched to Linux at all was because I'm told it runs faster07:05
distilledchaosI downgraded from 13.04 to 12.04, now the computer's internal display does not function, and the external monitor is at a lower, fixed resolution07:05
Ben64Hyperiant: ati doesn't support their old cards on linux07:05
reisiodistilledchaos: why'd you downgrade07:06
energizerSlart i put both the png and the pdf up there. I guess what I want is something that makes the text smoother in the pdf, because it looks weird when zoomed-out-- inconsistent line-widths, etc.07:06
Ben64Hyperiant: run "lshw -C VIDEO" and see which driver is in use07:06
distilledchaosreisio: xserver-xorg-video-displaylink is only supported on 12.04 and 12.1007:06
distilledchaosand i need it07:06
HyperiantBen64: driver=radeon07:07
reisiodistilledchaos: what is it?07:09
Ben64Hyperiant: from what i'm reading, that should do 3d07:09
Ben64Hyperiant: try pastebinning the outputs of the following two commands... "dmesg | grep drm" and "LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo"07:10
Hyperiantwhat's that command that creates a pastebin out of a command?07:10
kostkon!info pastebinit | Hyperiant07:11
ubottuHyperiant: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3-4ubuntu1 (raring), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB07:11
Slartenergizer: I can't really reproduce your results.. they look kind of the same when opened in an image-viewer and pdf-reader.. when I open them both in Gimp they look exactly the same so it might just be that your pdf-reader does something with the pdf07:11
sudheeraHi from where can I find feature request for ubuntu, I want to start contributing to ubuntu07:12
energizerSlart: oh holy shit you're right. In a different pdf viewer its way nicer...07:12
reisiosudheera: launchpad.net, methinks07:12
kostkon!contribute | sudheera07:12
ubottusudheera: contribute is To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu07:12
somsip!contributing | sudheera07:12
somsipkostkon: ah - close :)07:12
somsipreisio: hehe07:13
Hyperianthow do I use the pastebinit command in conjunction with a regular command?07:13
Smichecan some1 help me with finding the right drivers for my gfx card?07:13
reisioHyperiant: regular | pastebinit, possibly07:13
reisioHyperiant: or pastebinit $(regular)07:14
somsip!paste | Hyperiant07:14
ubottuHyperiant: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:14
reisioSmiche: ?07:14
energizerthanks slart07:14
THE_DUDEZ0RHyperiant, you issue pastebinit /path/to/file07:14
Smichethe open source driver gets me GPU lockup CP stall sometimes and when i install fglrx from terminal the screen goes blurry with weird lines on the same resolution and compiz quits working07:14
Smichenow im trying to install the fglrx driver from amd's site that is for linux but it says it works for kernel 3.4 and mine is 3.507:15
THE_DUDEZ0Rwhere file contains the text you want to pastebin. issue pastebinit --help for some options07:15
Ben64Smiche: don't use the site, use the repository07:15
Ben64!ati | Smiche07:15
ubottuSmiche: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto07:15
wilee-nileeHyperbyte, command | pastebinit  is correct07:15
Slartenergizer: you're welcome07:16
Smichemy graphic's card isnt in the supported list07:17
HyperiantBen64: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5782799/  LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo returns "glxinfo not installed"07:17
safridzalSmiche: paste here the result of this command: lspci -nn | grep VGA07:18
Ben64Hyperiant: well that looks good. can you run "glxgears" ? you'll probably need to install something for that to work07:18
Smichelspci -nn | grep VGA07:18
Smiche ATI RV670 [Radeon HD 3870] [1002:9501]07:18
safridzalon terminal07:18
safridzalafaik, you can use fglrx-legacy07:19
Smicheye i keep forgetting ctrl+c doesnt work on terminal07:19
safridzalSmiche: you can block the text using mouse, and paste that text using middle click07:19
safridzalSmiche: open synaptic, reload, then search for fglrx legacy.07:20
Smicheshould i first uninstall the driver i installed from amd's site?07:20
energizerCtrl+Shift+C also copies in the terminal07:20
HyperiantBen64: glxgears runs07:21
safridzalyes.. if you've install the *****.run, you have to uninstall it first07:21
Ben64Hyperiant: then you have 3d!07:21
Smichei think i have to restart first07:23
HyperiantBen64: The issue isn't the inability to support 3D, it's the ability to use hardware acceleration and support the versions of OpenGL that are used to run games ><07:24
Ben64Hyperiant: 3d = hardware acceleration07:24
HyperiantBen64: I was told radeon didn't support hardware acceleration, that's why fglrx is so much faster07:25
Ben64you won't be able to game on it anyway07:26
reisioyeah... because there's no such thing as games that don't require excessive 3d07:26
Ben64the Radeon Xpress 200M gets a benchmark score of 2107:26
reisioor is that all 'game' as a verb means anymore? 3d gaming? :p07:26
Smichehow to find broken packages?07:26
HyperiantI'm only looking to run stuff like Torchlight, which works at 30 FPS in XP, and Awesomenauts, which is a purely 2D game07:26
reisioSmiche: how do you know they're broken if you can't find them07:27
Ben64compare that to my video card... the GeForce GTX 650TI ---- 269007:27
reisioawesomenauts is 2d?07:27
Smichewhen i ran synaptic said theres one broken package07:27
Ben64my card got 128 times higher of a score07:27
reisiohrmmm, maybe it is07:27
Smicheautormove would fix it?07:27
reisioHyperiant: either it'll work or it won't, try07:27
Smichei havent installed fglrx legacy just restarted after uninstall ***.run file07:28
Smicheand synaptic comes up with this error07:28
kostkonreisio, it's 2d looking 3d game like most of the 2d games nowadays07:28
Hyperiantreisio: Torchlight runs at a smooth 8 FPS before crashing on character select, and Awesomenauts refuses to even launch, though I blame buggy clients and poor drivers considering they worked just fine in XP07:29
=== me is now known as Guest59643
reisioI was getting it confused with the other 'nauts07:29
Ben64Hyperiant: then maybe you should use windows xp?07:29
reisioHyperiant: that's one way to approach it07:29
reisiome, I'd blame manufacturers that don't release decent drivers07:29
Ben64ati cards aren't very supported07:29
reisiosure they are07:29
reisiobut not all of them are 100% perfectly supported07:29
Ben64old ones ati doesn't even want to hear about07:29
reisioyou've found one07:29
Ben64its like 10 years old07:30
reisionot all things are 100% perfectly supported on Windows XP, either07:30
Ben64the fglrx driver no longer supports it07:30
jpdsBen64: Well, of course.07:30
jpdsBen64: You have to move on at some point.07:30
alexandergranaseI have abandoned amd and ati a long time ago, always issues with those two07:30
alexandergranaseIntel and nvidia works a lot better i find always07:30
Hyperiantthing is, from the research I've done, fglrx worked for it a year or so ago; can't I use the old version of the driver to get decent drivers again?07:30
Ben64amd cpus work great07:30
Ben64you'd have to use an old version of ubuntu, which isn't supported07:31
Hyperiantmight unsupported ubuntu still run those games?07:31
reisioHyperiant: sure07:31
Ben64if xp works, why try to fix something that isn't broken?07:31
reisioit's probably broken in other ways :p07:31
Ben64well yeah, its windows xp07:31
reisioHyperiant: do you know which version of fglrx?07:32
HyperiantXP is a laggy, run-down, maniacal, bloated crapheap of an OS that takes 5 minutes to boot up on a clean install (and no, I don't know exactly the fglrx version, unfortunately)07:33
Smichereisio i tried to install fglrx legacy and i got this error E: /var/cache/apt/archives/fglrx_2%3a8.960-0ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 107:33
reisioHyperiant: might be your next goal07:33
=== marlinc|away is now known as marlinc
Hyperiantreisio: To the best of my knowledge, it looks like 8.543 is the version they dropped support in07:35
Hyperiantrather, they had support in that version, but dropped it in 8.607:35
HyperiantThough I'm reading from another source that 9.3 still supported my chipset07:36
Hyperianthttp://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.7&product= And lo and behold, my chipset is listed there; I assume I have to downgrade before I try using this, though07:37
=== kenneth is now known as Guest34321
reisiothat's pretty old07:39
reisiomaybe you should just get a new gpu for $2007:39
=== Guest34321 is now known as nerdtron
Hyperiantreisio: unfortunately, I have no PCI slot in my laptop07:40
Smicheheard of tweaks to make an external slot for a pci card but that would look bad07:41
SeanHosie54Am I in the right place for some support?07:41
reisioyou can open laptops, even though it's not always fun07:41
reisioSeanHosie54: quite possibly07:41
SeanHosie54Im having trouble going to sites in my web browsers07:41
HyperiantThe best thing this has is a PCMCIA slot and I don't think you can get GPUs that fit that07:41
SeanHosie54it wont let me check my hotmail07:42
HyperiantSeanHosie54: What happens when you try to check it?07:42
SeanHosie54just times out07:42
Hyperiantalso, hotmail was shut down by microsoft earlier this year07:42
Hyperiantalong with MSN messenger07:42
HyperiantOutlook.com replaced it07:43
SeanHosie54no I can check it with my windows8 computer07:43
k1lledhey guys, where i can ask for help for Router(wifi), i have a problem.07:43
Hyperiantk1lled: I know a teensy bit about networking, what's your issue?07:43
bazhangk1lled, ##networking07:44
k1lledHyperbyte: can we talk on private?07:44
SeanHosie54and if I go to isohunt.com and do a search it times out07:44
k1lledbazhang:  tnx <307:44
SeanHosie54it seems to be a issue with only my ubuntu machines07:44
SeanHosie54Im having trouble going to sites in my web browsers07:45
auronandaceSeanHosie54: what version of ubuntu and what version of browser?07:45
SeanHosie5413.04 and latest for all browsers07:46
auronandaceSeanHosie54: when you say latest do you mean ppas or what is in the official repos?07:46
SeanHosie54from there website it was downloaded07:47
auronandaceSeanHosie54: ppas are not supported here07:47
auronandaceSeanHosie54: we can only support stuff that was installed via the official repos here07:48
SeanHosie54it was downloaded from the ubuntu software center07:48
auronandaceSeanHosie54: you just said you got it from their website07:48
SeanHosie54only opera07:48
SeanHosie54chome and firefox from ubuntu software center07:49
auronandaceSeanHosie54: you mean chromium, not chrome07:49
k1lledchromium in software center07:49
Smichereisio: I installed fglrx as you told me but now my screen looks odd - has some vertical white lines, and compiz effects have stopped working07:50
reisioas I told you to?07:50
k1lledchrome is better, download from official website07:50
SeanHosie54is there a firewall Im unaware of?07:50
reisiochromium is better, use your package manager07:50
Smichewell you told me to install fglrx legacy from synaptic as a fix to my driver issues07:51
SeanHosie54so can anyone help here?07:51
auronandaceSeanHosie54: i'm using chromium now on 13.04 and i can login to my outlook (hotmail)07:51
Joe_DMSeanHosie54: Is this a home network?07:52
reisioSmiche: dunno if I did that...07:52
Joe_DMyou can try changing you dns to somthin like google public DNS07:52
Smicheokay :S07:52
Joe_DMedit /etc/resolv.conf07:54
Joe_DMany changes you make will be lost on reboot so its good for testing07:55
Joe_DMreplace the line "nameserver x.x.x.x" with "nameserver"07:55
Joe_DMwhen I say any changes made are lost on reboot I should add that is only if you have resolvcon installed07:56
Joe_DMwhich ubuntu does by default07:56
SeanHosie54I dont know this is giving me the shitts going to just re-install07:56
Joe_DMwhy reinstall07:57
SeanHosie54it was working fine before07:57
Joe_DMwhat exactly is the problem, I just got here?/07:57
SeanHosie54could conky cause browser probs?07:58
auronandaceSeanHosie54: no07:58
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
Twisterjust wondering if anyone could help me with ubuntu terminal command?08:25
somsip!anyone | Twister08:25
ubottuTwister: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:25
TwisterTrying to do a make; and I'm getting a few errors08:25
somsipTwister: so it's a compilation from source issue?08:26
Twisterapparently I am missing libcloog-pp1008:26
Twisterhowever I'm searching Google and cannot find that package to install?08:26
DJones!find libcloog-pp1008:26
ubottuPackage/file libcloog-pp10 does not exist in raring08:26
somsipTwister: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libcloog-isl-dev08:26
SlartTwister: it's libcloog-ppl0  L instead of 108:26
somsip!find libcloog08:27
ubottuFound: libcloog-ppl-dev, libcloog-ppl1, libcloog-isl-dev, libcloog-isl408:27
somsipTwister: so, possibly, one of those08:27
Twisterok so with that can I do "sudo apt-get libcloog-ppl-dev and so on"  to isntall the pacakge?08:27
somsipTwister: that;s the idea. Not sure how mit and miss this might be given there are 4 candidates...08:28
somsip*hit and miss08:28
Twisterhmm saying invalid operation08:29
somsipTwister: sudo apt-get install {package}08:29
llutzTwister: man apt-get (sudo apt-get install packagename)08:29
Twisterthx will try now08:29
Twisterit worked :)08:31
somsipTwister: cool08:31
Twisterthanks somsip, llutz, ubottu, DJones, Slart08:32
TwisterI appriciate your help :)08:32
BaribalHi. I've tried doing "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386", but dpkg says "dpkg: error: unknown option --add-architecture". Neither man page nor dpkg --help know of --add-architecture. I'm using and there doesn't seem to be an update for Precise. Any idea what to do?08:32
=== versi is now known as kalkov
somsipBaribal: what is leading you to need to do that?08:33
Baribalsomsip, the need to use Skype.08:34
llutzBaribal: according to dpkg changelog, it was added with 1.16.208:34
somsipBaribal: I've never heard of that. Most people just install the Skype package and it works (mostly). It did for me. How are you installing Skype?08:34
somsipBaribal: Note that the Ubuntu dpkg in natty (1.16.0~ubuntu7 (reports, oneiric and precise ( uses a different syntax: http://is.gd/osQeGA08:37
pikey5hallow!! i installed idle-python27 on my ubuntu 13.04,wondering howto make .py file right-click-open-with-idle possible ?08:38
Baribalsomsip, I assume that I have to add some repositories, 'cause by defaut there is no skype package in Precise.08:38
Biomechdhey guys, i'm trying to use an online program called audiotool but it says that i need flash player to view it. i have flash installed because i can watch youtube and stuff, though. how do i fix this?08:39
wsnipexskype is in the canonical partner repo08:40
pikey5why not just go to the official website and download it?08:42
somsipBaribal: like wsnipex says, just enable the Partner repo08:42
bathmananyone that can help me make a bootable install cd for ubuntu 8.04 ? to contain a tar file (with the distro ready to use) ?08:43
somsip!8.04 | bathman08:43
ubottubathman: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support ended on May 9th 2013. See http://ubottu.com/y/hardy for more details.08:43
k1l_!eol | bathman08:44
ubottubathman: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:44
bathmansomsip : i know, unfortunately 8.04 is the only choice - we have an outdated touchscreen driver08:44
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somsipbathman: then you may struggle to get someone who knows about it. Now is not the best time as this channel is usually busy when more of the western world is awake.08:45
bathmanand the 8.04 will be residing in the tar08:45
Ben64doesn't matter, 8.04 is still not supported08:46
bathmansomsip : ic, forgot about that08:46
Ben64it's over 5 years old08:46
somsipbathman: but likely  you'll hit the official response which is, !eol08:46
bathmanso in fact, all i need is a bootcd that can partition and format ext3, and untar to that ext3 partition - that's it08:47
domedagenNouveau is causing my fresh instal of 13.04 to crash. Is there a way to change driver without logging in?08:53
reisiodomedagen: crash how?08:54
=== puff` is now known as puff
somsipdomedagen: boot to text mode, login and fix using cli08:57
somsip!text | domedagen08:57
ubottudomedagen: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode08:57
Slartdomedagen: if you can boot to a terminal instead of X/Gnome you can blacklist the nouveau kernel module08:58
Slartdomedagen: I'm not sure what the backup plan is for X but it's worth a try08:58
Twisterhmm running into some libcurl problems, such as "LIBCURL_CHECK_CONFIG(,"   trying to look how to resolve now just curious if anyone had any ideas09:03
Twisterfrom what I can gather issue with the ./configure command09:04
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Zeeveclipse makes unity taskbar disappear on 12.04 how can I restart it (on windows it would be start->run->explorer)09:05
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reisioZeev: ls /usr/bin/*unity* might have a clue09:06
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reisioif 'unity' is actually in the executable name09:06
ActionParsnipit is09:06
reisiomight check bar / panel / menu09:06
ActionParsniptry:  unity --replace09:06
reisiothere's nothing for the task bar on its own?09:07
ActionParsnipno idea there09:07
reisiopersonally is the way I like it, baby09:07
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allanvany pptp vpn expert here?09:16
DJones!ask | allanv09:16
ubottuallanv: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:16
DJonesallanv: Just explain your question in detail, if anybody can help, they'll normally reply09:17
azertyuihello there09:18
azertyuiis it possible to install ubuntu on windows using qemu ?09:18
reisioazertyui: yup09:19
gordonjcpazertyui: should be, it'll run in any virtualisation container09:19
azertyuiif yes how reisio09:19
reisioazertyui: exactly as the qemu docs say09:19
reisioazertyui: why do you want to?09:20
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azertyuiwell let me explain what i have done i start download qemu from here http://lassauge.free.fr/qemu/release/Qemu-1.4.2-windows.zip then ubuntu server iso http://releases.ubuntu.mirrors.uk2.net//precise/ubuntu-12.04.2-server-i386.iso09:21
reisioazertyui: why do you want to use qemu?09:22
azertyuithen i put the iso on qemu folder09:22
Ben64uh, this isn't qemu support09:22
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo09:22
Ben64irc.oftc.net #qemu09:23
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo09:23
reisioit's unlikely he's got a good reason to use qemu for anything at all09:23
azertyuithen i start create a file called run.bat something like that http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783074/ but don't want work09:23
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reisioazertyui: not so much with the listening, are you?09:23
azertyuiyes of course09:23
azertyuitell me what you want ,09:23
reisioazertyui: why do you want to use qemu?09:24
mathnodevirtualbox on windows would provide you a faster Ubuntu Server Experience™09:24
Ben64azertyui: this isn't qemu support, that is located at irc.oftc.net #qemu09:24
azertyuiqemu is better known for emulator os09:24
azertyuithat's why i would like to use qemu09:24
reisioazertyui: mmm, I don't know that it is09:24
Ben64thats fine, just go to the qemu support09:24
reisioVirtualBox will be faster, as mathnode says09:24
reisioand also much simpler to use09:24
azertyuivirtualbox is for dummy09:25
reisioon a _Unix host_ qemu/kvm will be faster and easier to use, though :)09:25
reisioazertyui: even if that is so, it'll be faster than qemu09:25
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen09:25
azertyuiwell when you face with problem is find out solution not by pass with other one09:26
azertyuiwell what 's wrong with my config ?09:26
reisioazertyui: unless the other solution is far superior09:26
reisioazertyui: that's a question for #qemu09:26
azertyui http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783074/09:26
Ben64azertyui: go. to. the. qemu. support. channel.09:26
azertyuiare you there ? Ben64 reisio09:26
mathnodeMy Virtualisation Solution is better than Your Virtualisation Solution!09:26
azertyuii m allready there09:26
azertyuino one09:27
Ben64then stop asking here09:27
azertyuiactually there09:27
reisiowell it's 5:30am09:27
reisiomaybe let them wake up09:27
allanvUsing Ubuntu Natty 11.04 64bit. Installed pptpd just fine. I enabled the ppp module at my VPS but i encountered new error again "Jun 20 12:48:06 auckland pppd[448]: Please load the ppp_generic kernel module. " I tried to # modprobe ppp_generic09:27
allanvWARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.09:27
allanvFATAL: Module ppp_generic not found.09:27
Ben64allanv: 11.04 is no longer supported09:27
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llutzazertyui: 176 people in #qemu, not you09:28
azertyuihow to filter if there are online or idle ? llutz09:29
azertyuiseems there is no response to my question09:29
allanvBen64: Can you atlest provide a valid link please that pptp on 11.04 64bit is no longer supported?09:29
azertyuitell me first fi you are present there ?09:29
mathnodeI am going to make a note of this for the next meeting I have with colleagues, with an agenda focused on virtualisation. +1 for qemu because it's harder to use so it must be good. -1 for virtualbox because it's for dummies. Promotion here I come!09:29
gordonjcpallanv: 11.04 is no longer supported09:30
Ben64azertyui: stop asking here. this is not qemu support. this is ubuntu support. we can't help you with it.09:30
llutzazertyui: the channel is on  "irc.oftc.net", not on freenode...09:30
reisio'cept for the 115 people in #qemu09:30
Ben64allanv: you really really should upgrade, especially on a server you're leaving it vulnerable to attack09:30
azertyuithere is also qemu channel available on freenode09:31
azertyuiyou can join there llutz09:31
llutzazertyui: why should i09:31
azertyuihold on09:32
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mob001hi, how to get the last hour CPU statistics in ubuntu09:32
allanvBen64: Like apt-get upgrade? Or upgrade it to the latest e.g 12.04?09:32
Ben64allanv: 12.0409:33
vltHello git! I haven’t used you in a long time.09:35
vlt(Oh … gone)09:35
bpietrohi, anybody else has this problem: using unity w/ 9 wirt desktops, after some hrs of work some inactive app windows wander from destop to another (typical Skype window, but not only it, open on virt dtp 9, find on any else after 20 minutes) nothing I can't survive, but annoyng09:36
reisiobpietro: could maybe hack a fix with wmctrl09:38
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allanvBen64 gordonjcp Thanks! :)09:39
bpietroreisio: tnx09:41
reisiohi there Shubham_Rao09:44
bpietroreisio: see, it's frustrating, workin on dtp 1, skype alert shows, ctrl-alt-9 and stared with empty dtp. For now I want only know: it's only my problem or sbd else found it too?09:45
* reisio shrugs09:46
bpietromaybe unity bug database research helps09:48
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azertyuillutz: hello09:53
reisiollutz: hello09:53
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reisio'lo ash09:58
AshaelQ: how do I use jokcey to turn on a wireless module?09:59
* Ashael prods sere09:59
sereAshael: use the command line : sudo modprobe brcmsmac10:00
sereAshael: that should be all you need to get your wifi up and running10:01
Ashaelit doesn't seem to recognize the networks, but i need to check if they're not offline10:02
sereAshael: you should be able to pick up something in the scan10:03
subthalamuscan ubuntu be used with a wsd scanner?10:03
Ashaelsere: the networks here went down this morning, it's possible they're still offline (i'm connected through wired)10:04
reisiosubthalamus: wsd?10:04
reisiosubthalamus: some windows protocol?10:04
sereAshael: so you got it working and now it down again ?10:04
reisiosubthalamus: potentially10:04
Ashaelsere: i mean the wireless network here at work10:05
subthalamusreisio: oki mc342dn10:05
Ashaelthe module seems to be on, but it's not picking them up - and they are up.10:05
sweetteaGUYS! I updated to 13.04 and flash runs like crap now!! Any advice?10:05
Ashaelhave you updated flash?10:05
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DJonessubthalamus: There is a list of supported scanners at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Scanners Looking at that, there doesn't appear to much support for Oki scanners10:06
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mathnodeWhy do we have flash installed again?10:06
Ashaelhmm, now it found the networks10:07
Ashaelbut they are all very weak10:07
Ashael~30%, should be about 80% or more.10:07
sweetteaI believe I have updated flash yes10:08
sweetteamathnode: because this is a desktop machine?10:08
mathnodeI mean in general, the scope of media delivered through the intrawebs. I can't remember what provoked me to install it. Probably cat videos.10:08
sweetteaplenty of media comes in flash format10:09
mathnodeThere was a cool flash game that came with the last Humble Indie Bundle that was flash, and thus cross platform. Insidios 2 or something.10:09
Ashaelsere: any idea why the networks would be detected as low signal strength when I know it to be high?10:10
gordonjcpAshael: interference10:11
sweetteaI also noticed skype does now show up in the package manager now10:11
gordonjcpAshael: the "signal strength" display is showing signal to noise ratio, rather than RSSI10:11
sereAshael: yea one sec im looking for something10:12
Ashaelgordonjcp: doesn't sound right, it was fine before.10:12
gordonjcpAshael: uh-huh, and you know for certain that nothing has changed?10:12
Ashaelno, but my cellphone seems to find it in high signal.10:13
Ashaelwhich means something has changed with the comp10:13
gordonjcpAshael: your phone might be showing RSSI rather than S/N10:14
Ashaelwell, it always did, and since nothing has changed with the network, it means the comp is now showing S/N when in the past it showed RSSI - or something is b0rk with the driver.10:15
sereAshael: whats your iwconfig say10:15
vnc786can at a time both 3.5 and 4.04 version of LO can be run. i am having 3.5 installed but want to try LO4.0.410:15
Ashaelwlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any             Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=19 dBm              Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off           Encryption key:off           Power Management:off            lo        no wireless extensions.  eth0      no wireless extensions.10:15
sereAshael: heres my signal strength10:16
sere          Link Quality=67/70  Signal level=-43 dBm10:16
* Ashael confused10:17
sereAshael: try to connect to your server and then run iwconfig10:18
Ashaelmy server?10:18
sereAshael: sorry its 5:20am here.. im pretty tired :x isp networn / isp .. connect using your wifi card10:19
Ashaelnot sure i understand.10:19
sereAshael: you are still connect to the net with your ethernet i believe.. try to connect using your wifi card10:20
sereAshael: then we can go from there and test10:21
Ashaelwhich means disconnecting the wired?10:21
Ashaelsorry, i'm pretty clueless when it comes to networks10:21
sereAshael: no you dont have to disconnect.. your router will get you another ip10:23
sereno worries10:23
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Ashaelwhat exactly do you mean by "connect through the wifi"?10:23
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sereAshael: do you use your wifi card to get an internet connection? What I mean is enter your wifi info essid and wpa password or whatever you use to get to a connection10:25
Ashaelyou mean, connect to a wireless network?10:26
sereAshael: yea :)10:27
Ashaelheh duh10:27
Ashaelit no longer picks up any signal :(10:27
sereAshael: hmm10:27
N41Thello there, some one know how to do the log in to freenode?10:27
rravishaits /msg nickserv identify <password>10:28
N41Trravisha, Thnx!!10:28
rravishano problem10:28
SpeirosCan someone direct me where to go to get help with the webcam program "cheese" please.10:29
gordonjcpSpeiros: just ask in here..10:31
sereAshael: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ please pastebin..  sudo lshw -C network .. you might have to installed lshw. if so its sudo apt-get install lshw10:32
SpeirosOk, thanks gordonjcp.  Sometimes I go to open Cheese, and it doesn't open, just hangs.  Other times it says device can't be found.  But the time which I DO like, which happens, apparently randomly, is when it opens properly.  Why are there such discrepancies?10:32
SpeirosIt's opened up as a grey box, at present, and I'll have to force quit to close it.10:33
Ashaelsere: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783244/10:33
sereAshael: everything looks good to me.. try iwlist wlan0 scan10:36
sereAshael: that will scan through the console10:36
Ashaelwlan0     No scan results10:37
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casshernhi everyone!10:38
RarrikinsAt login, I am told system load and so on. It repeats the part about how many packages are ready to be upgraded. How do I fix it to show them only once?10:38
sereAshael: run lsmod and see if there is another broadcom driver loaded.. could be conflicting with current.. not really sure why it acting up though10:43
Ashaelsere" maybe b43?10:44
sereAshael: that could be it.. you dont need that10:45
sereAshael: sudo rmmod b4310:46
Ashaelk, what's the command to remove it? iwconfig -r b43?10:46
serecloe :D10:46
sereclose *10:46
Ashaelsere: I'm going to try and reboot. back in a few, thanks for the help so far!10:47
sereAshael: your welcome10:47
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Ashaelsere: i rebooted and the module is off again or something :(10:52
TakumoKatekariHi All,I have a problem where Gvim isn't working, it just brings up a grey square which I can't kill or do anything to...10:54
TakumoKatekariI happened when I upgraded from 12.10 to 13.0410:54
sereAshael: run lsmod and see if b43 is there10:54
Ashaelyup :(10:55
adeebnqoTakumoKatekari: you can't even kill it via the terminal?10:55
Ashaelthere are also bcma and ssb10:56
Ashaelwhich may also be part of it10:56
sereAshael: ok lets do this : sudo rmmod b43 && modprobe bmca && modprobe brcmsmac && modprobe brcmutil10:57
AshaelModule b43 is not currently loaded10:58
sereAshael: ok skip that then10:58
rravishahello there10:58
monomanI'm using Ubunut server here10:58
monomancommand line without X10:58
monomanit seems fun to use it that way!10:59
sereAshael: b43 is probably being started at boot because of the old driver.. in any case we can just blacklist it so it doesnt start on boot10:59
Ashaelsere: no change.10:59
monomanbut I still need to figure out some comman line commands10:59
vlt!enter | monoman11:00
ubottumonoman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:00
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monomanIs there a way to remove unneeded packages from apt-get other than the usual apt-get autoremove or apt-get purge?11:00
jribmonoman: apt-get autoremove is what you want. Before that feature was implemented, there was deborphan.  Why do you ask?11:01
monomanbecause I was messing with my ubunut server and I believe I installed a lot of unneeded dependencies11:01
sereAshael: go ahead and sudo rmmod ssd : from what im reading that could affect it too11:02
Ashaelssd or ssb?11:02
sereAshael: ssb :)11:02
BluesKajHiyas all11:02
monomanI've got another question, how can I play sounds on Ubuntu server? I installed alsa-utils and tried aplay but I got an error11:03
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Ashaelsere: no change. I'm afraid I have to log off now, so thank you very much for all the help. I'll come back when I have the time.11:04
monomanSo, does playing sounds needs X to be installed??11:04
sereAshael: ok have a good one.. your welcome :)11:05
monomanSorry if I repeat my question but I'm not sure it was sent in the first place: does playing sounds require X to be installed??11:06
jribmonoman: if you installed packages you no longer want, then just remove them.  If you install a package, apt will assume you want it11:06
monomanThanks jrib, I removed the packages that I installed myself, but will autoremove remove all the unneeded dependencies??11:07
jribmonoman: that is how it should work, yes11:07
monomanjrib: good. Thanks :)  So, do you know any way to play sounds (or even simple beep) using ubuntu server command line?11:08
gordonjcpmonoman: play11:09
jribmonoman: sorry, I haven't done that in a long time.  I don't remember needing to do anything special though11:09
monomangordonjcp: will that play audio files or beep?11:09
monomanand why the character /a (which should be bell) doesn't play any sound on ubuntu server 12.04?11:10
jribmonoman: your / is backwards :)11:11
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casshernhahaha very funny... do  you remember?11:21
casshernany app to record my desktop on Ubuntu 13.04?11:22
DJones!screencast | casshern11:23
ubottucasshern: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.11:23
casshernthank you11:23
casshernand one more question guys? do you know why all the time my wifi fails in any linux. on win7 i never had issues. my network card is rtl8187 realtek and ralink 539011:29
wasanzyI have a server which is having an Internet modem plug to it so it gets DHCP IP no public IP. and I want to setup  VPN on it so that, from my laptop I can ssh to the server, is it possible with openvpn?11:29
ActionParsnipcasshern: omgubuntu has a few, with reviews11:30
oalany ideas why suddenly I have to press ctrl first in any ctrl+shift/alt+... shortcut? Very annoying11:30
casshernon opensuse 12.3 also desconect me a lot11:32
alumnoola marica11:33
FloodBot1alumno: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:33
casshernque paso marica11:33
wasanzyI have a server which is having an Internet modem plug to it so it gets DHCP IP no public IP. and I want to setup  VPN on it so that, from my laptop I can ssh to the server, is it possible with openvpn?11:34
tutu puta madre m tioo11:34
casshernla tuya11:34
tutu puta mdre11:34
blue_steelyou whore mother uncle????11:34
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casshernBlue_steel had all the reason you're a ...11:35
* blue_steel *pouts11:37
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casshernwhat's my name? dime vequero!11:39
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casshernvaquero! XD11:40
LaykeIs there a command to "pause" terminal. Basically, I'm running something that pipe lots of output to screen11:41
LaykeI want to stop it so I can read momentairly, and resume every so often11:41
k1l_casshern: keep it to english in here please or join the spanish channel11:42
k1l_!es | casshern11:42
ubottucasshern: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:42
bgardnerLayke: Ctrl+S to pause, Ctrl+Q to resume11:42
casshernok thanks11:42
reisioLayke: pause key11:42
th0rLayke, haven't used it in decades, but ctrl S and ctrl Q used to do the job. And you know you can pipe to less as well11:42
trueifi have a Problem.i recently installed an nvidia driver from ppa(i don't know remember the version)and also installed the latest nvidia driver from nvidia website.i did that because i had problems with resolution.In adddition i modified /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log and now when i boot it comes with the logo but then it shows a blank screen and i can't do nothing!11:42
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MickSLayke: or run it in screen or script, so you can read/scroll back11:43
trueifalso my laptop is a sony vaio and it came with hybrid gpu,an intel + nvidia11:43
LaykeYeah, I thought Ctrl+Q would do it. For some reason it isn't when I am SSH'ed in to a remote host. (I assumed that suspend/resume would be to do with your local terminal, but I guess it's the actual environment.. *shrugs*11:44
LaykeI'll pip and less perhaps if that works.11:44
MickSLayke: for remote jobs I can advise screen... then the job will continue even if your ssh connection drops, and you can pick up the terminal window when you re-login11:45
cassherndanke, see ya11:45
MickSLayke: (just be sure to start the screen on the remote server of course)11:46
Maple__how do you prevent the creation of files in ubuntu with a certain name - i.e. asdfgh.log?11:47
trueifi have a Problem.i recently installed an nvidia driver from ppa(i don't know remember the version)and also installed the latest nvidia driver from nvidia website.i did that because i had problems with resolution.In adddition i modified /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log and now when i boot it comes with the logo but then it shows a blank screen and i can't do nothing!11:48
reisiotrueif: grep EE /var/log/Xorg*log11:49
trueifreisio, i am the guy from yesterday :D11:49
reisiotrueif: someone was bound to be that guy11:50
MickSreisio is not from yesterday11:50
trueifreisio, do you want the output from this?11:50
reisioI'm from yestermillennium11:50
reisiotrueif: not especially11:50
trueifthen what?11:51
trueifi believe that if i could unistall the nvidia drivers11:51
MickStrueif: the output might give you an idea what is wrong11:51
trueifthen the problem would be solved11:51
reisiotrueif: what's stopping you?11:51
trueifi can't log in11:51
MickStrueif: you know how to get into a terminal? (press ctrl-alt-F1)11:51
trueifi can't11:51
MickSthose are your text terminals, outside of X11:51
reisiotrueif: can you CTRL+ALT+F2?11:51
trueifi boot up then it shows me the logo11:52
trueifand then a blank screen11:52
reisiotrueif: can you CTRL+ALT+F2?11:52
trueifi did not tried11:52
trueifcan you tell me more combinations?11:52
trueifdon't boot up all the time11:52
ActionParsniptrueif: what GPU do you use?11:52
trueifnvidia gt 640m le11:53
reisiotrueif: X runs on tty7, (CTRL+ALT+F7), try using CTRL+ALT+F211:53
ActionParsniptrueif: is it a lapto pwith a hybrid / switchable GPU?11:53
ActionParsniptrueif: try the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=111:53
ActionParsniptrueif: you will need to look into bumblebee to manage that mess11:53
trueifexternal monitor did not work and i make the mistake to download the driver from website11:53
trueifyeah but i first i must go to the terminal11:54
trueifcan you tell me the command that removes all the nvidia related?11:54
trueifit's purge something..11:54
trueifi can't remember11:54
MickSapt-get purge <packagename>11:56
trueifso, sudo apt-get purge nvidia* ?11:56
trueifi want to remove all nvidia related11:56
MickSshould do the trick11:56
trueifit's true that 32 bit offers better battery compared to 64 bit?11:57
reisiotrueif: not that I'm aware of11:58
ActionParsniptrueif: sudo apt-get --purge remove `dpkg -l | grep nvidia | grep -v nvidia-common | awk {'print $2'}`11:59
trueifthat's a lot stuff :D11:59
trueifanyways thanks to all i tried and then i'll come back here12:01
trueiffor the progress12:01
TakumoKatekariSo yeah, anyone know why gvim doesn't work  after upgrading from 12.10 to 13.04 , killing the process doesn't kill the dead window.12:13
TakumoKatekariI just get the error (gvim:31666): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap" in my terminal12:13
MonkeyDustTakumoKatekari  ctrl-f2 xkill12:13
TakumoKatekariStill, I kind of need gvim for my work12:14
zetheroo cannot ping hostnames on the network ... only IP addresses ...12:14
zetherooI already added a line in /etc/network/interfaces like this "dns-search mt.local" and restarted the networking service ... but still no joy12:14
MonkeyDustzetheroo  that means it's a dns issue12:14
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TakumoKatekariMaybe I should uninstall and recompile gvim from source?12:16
MonkeyDustTakumoKatekari  gvim-gnome is in the repos12:17
TakumoKatekariMonkeyDust: It's too out-of-date for my needs12:18
TakumoKatekariAlso vim-gtk > vim-gnome12:18
dustinJust installed 13.04, new user here. I can't boot to the OS, unless I use "nomodeset" within the grub menu. How can I avoid this? I find using it, is causing very laggy graphic performance. I do have an nvidia card, with optimus technology. I have already installed updates / drivers for the OS, including the intel graphics driver and nvidia / bumblebee.12:18
zetherooMonkeyDust: I also have a line in /etc/network/interfaces for dns-nameservers ...12:19
bgardnerzetheroo: Show us your /etc/resolv.conf12:19
zetheroo bgardner: there is nothing in there ... it just says "DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN"12:21
bgardnerzetheroo: Using paste.ubuntu.com, show us the output of 'nm-tool'12:23
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nyx_Hi, I am desperate. I am on Ubuntu 12.04. I was using fglrx 12.9. I have installed the security updates, rebooted and now X doesn't want to load. I have uninstalled fglrx, installed radeon. No changement. When I try to start X from the terminal "startx" I get  "failed to load session ubuntu"12:24
TakumoKatekariMonkeyDust: gvim-gnome doesn't work either.12:25
TakumoKatekariMaybe I should just switch to Arch ;)12:25
zetheroobgardner: nm-tool is not installed ...12:25
reisioTakumoKatekari: maybe12:25
MonkeyDustTakumoKatekari  or learn vim without GUI :)12:25
bgardnerzetheroo: What's in /etc/issue12:25
zetheroobgardner: this is a server ... so no network manager12:25
TakumoKatekariMonkeyDust: I have the gui disabled, I just don12:25
TakumoKatekariI can't use a 256-color terminal because my backspace doesn't work12:25
zetheroobgardner: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l12:26
k1lledi have ati radeon 4530HD on my laptop video card and 13.04 ubuntu. How to install driver... this video is old .... :(12:26
k1lledfglrx or what?12:26
bgardnerzetheroo: Okay, then paste.ubuntu.com your /etc/network/interfaces12:27
skaIs there a way to cut and paste between ubuntu and tightvncviewers?12:28
zetheroobgardner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783506/12:29
compdocska, some vnc packages use vncconfig to enable the clipboard12:29
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bgardnerzetheroo: Try 'sudo resolvconf -u' and then examine /etc/resolv.conf and let us know if it has content.12:35
nbubuntuanyone here having problem loading youtube via flash support ?12:36
zetheroobgardner: resolv.conf now looks like this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783520/12:36
bgardnerzetheroo: Okay, try your pings now12:37
zetheroobgardner: still not working .. those dns entries in resolv.conf are not the right ones12:38
zetheroobgardner: those are for the DMZ network configuration ..12:39
nbubuntuFlash version 11.1 .Problem was fine last year but recent month, youtube load h alf way and stop , I need to wait for another 20 sec for it to start.even on the lowest 240p.12:40
ubuntivityI'm running ubuntu server 12.04, and I want to play a beep on a specific occasions within a script, how can I play a beep with predetermined duration and frequency?12:40
zetheroobgardner: I need resolv.conf to carry the other dns entries .. but it seems to be ignoring them ...12:40
nbubuntuUsing window xp works well smooth loading.12:41
bgardnerzetheroo: I get what you're asking, but I don't know off the top of my head if resolvconf does what you want.  I'm reading the man page now: 'man resolvconf'.12:41
gordonjcpubuntivity: didn't you ask that earlier?12:41
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gordonjcpubuntivity: did you investigate play or beep, like I said?12:42
ubuntivityyes, but got no answe and got disconnected from net12:42
gordonjcpubuntivity: oh12:42
gordonjcpubuntivity: well, like I said, investigate beep, or play12:42
gordonjcp!anyone | qwebirc6173912:43
ubottuqwebirc61739: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:43
qwebirc61739who are you12:43
ubuntivityI installed beep, it doesn't make any sound at all!12:44
qwebirc61739where can i get min install instructions12:44
ubuntivityI vaguely remember that I've read once that something is disabled in Ubuntu 12.04 that cause pc speaker/buzzer to stay silent, is that true? or a confabulation of my mind??12:45
bgardnerzetheroo: Show us the contents of /etc/resolvconf/interface-order12:45
qwebirc61739ok thanks12:45
qwebirc61739ubottu: thanks12:46
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:46
ubuntivityqwebirc61739: are you trying to install ubuntu?12:46
zetheroobgardner: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783546/12:46
bgardnerzetheroo: You can add your br0 and br1 interfaces to that file to control their processing order for resolvconf.  Put them below the line reading "eth*" with br0 first, then br1 after, one per line.12:48
bgardnerzetheroo: Then run 'sudo resolvconf -u' again and check your /etc/resolv.conf afterward.12:48
zetheroobgardner: well nothing changed in the resolv.conf file ...12:51
ubuntivityI've got beep working! I've commented the "blacklist pcspkr" line in /etc/modeprobe.d/blacklist.conf and then runned sudo modprobe pcspkr :)12:51
ubuntivityWelcome cosmen, reisio ^__^12:51
cosmenreisio,  what is a diference for Deterministic Read After Trim  and Read Zero after Trim12:51
reisiowelcome ubuntivity :D12:52
cosmenis a problem with controller ?12:52
reisiocosmen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TRIM#Hardware_support12:52
leo-the-manicHi all, I realized there are some services on my machine that start at boot but I don't need: tomcat, apache2, mysql, sshd. I see for apache there's an init script in /etc/init.d but can I disable it without deleting the script?12:53
leo-the-manicIn case I want to re-enable it in the future12:53
zetheroobgardner: now my interface-order file looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783572/12:55
bgardnerzetheroo: You might get away with having * on the end of those lines, you might not.  Try the 'sudo resolvconf -u' command and see.12:57
zetheroobgardner: I tried with and without the *12:57
ubuntivityone more question: After I removed pcspkr blacklisting, I'm getting a buzzer beep every time I use "tab" to complete the command I'm writing! How can I disable that without stopping beep from working?12:57
SuperLagTakumoKatekari: have fun with that Arch headache.12:58
bgardnerleo-the-manic: 'sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/filename' to disable, 'sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/filename' to re-enable.12:58
bgardnerzetheroo: And did those changes have any effect on the content of /etc/resolv.conf after running 'sudo resolvconf -u'?13:00
zetheroobgardner: none whatsoever13:01
phillustinei know i'm in the wrong place, but does anyone know of a python irc channel?13:02
Piciphillustine: #python13:02
reisiophillustine: #ohnoitsasnake13:02
bgardnerzetheroo: Have you tried commenting out the second 'dns-nameservers' line in your /etc/network/interfaces file?13:02
phillustinepici: nice. are they also on freenode?13:02
SuperLagreisio: smart *** :D13:03
reisiophillustine: check and see13:03
reisiophillustine: additionally: /msg alis list *foo*13:03
Piciphillustine: yes.  You'll need to be identified to join though.13:03
Pici!register  > phillustine13:03
ubottuphillustine, please see my private message13:03
phillustinepici: aha. now i see13:04
ubuntivitywhat does the file ~/.inputrc exactly control? and if I don't already have it, will making one work?13:04
phillustinepici: sorry. say the pm first13:04
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testtoorActionParsnip, hey i did what you guys told but with no luck,iam in live usb now and i have access to the folders can this help?13:06
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ubuntivityIt worked, I placed "set bell-style none" in ~/.inputrc and I get no more beeps with tab :) [mentioning the solution just for the record!]13:08
testtoori have a Problem.i wanted to connect my laptop with an external monitor but it does not work.so i installed nvidia driver from ppa(can't remember what version)this does not fixed the problem.so without remove the previous driver i installed the latest driver from the nvidia website.i had problems with resolution(640x480) and after that i edited the /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log when i boot it shows the logo and then a blank screen and i can't do not13:10
testtoorhing.iam using ubuntu 12.04.2 64 bit13:10
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ZenoArrowHi. Trying to boot Lubuntu into command line (no X). Have held down shift to get to GRUB. Where do I go from here?13:11
BluesKajtesttoor, can you boot into a tty , ctrl+alt+F1 to F613:12
testtoorwhen i'll do that?13:13
testtoori did that when i see the blank screen13:13
BluesKajat the balnk scrn13:13
testtoorno luckl13:13
testtoorcan the live cd help me?13:13
testtoori want to unistall all nvidia related things13:14
Kuroshitahey guys, just looking for a simple way to get scripts to start on startup in ubuntu server13:15
acerimmertesttoor, sounds like ubuntu is thoroughly confused with the display drivers.  My suggestion is to do  PPA purge and see if you can then reconfigure .  Try booting to the command line so you can get control.13:15
testtoorwhy can i do that13:15
testtoorrecovery mode does not work in graphical mode13:16
BluesKajtesttoor, purging nvidia is probly a good thing to do since you have conflicting drivers installed13:16
acerimmertesttoor, which is why I suggested command line13:17
testtooryeah,but how can i go to the command line13:17
BluesKajhe can't get to a tty13:17
acerimmerBluesKaj, can you advise him on this.  over my head13:17
BluesKajacerimmer, you're correct but he needs to reinstall ...it's the best course of action13:18
testtoori hate reinstall13:18
testtoorit must be a way other than that13:19
BluesKajtesttoor, as much as you hate a blank screen that doesn't respond13:19
testtoori can change that i can paint it bluie13:19
acerimmertesttoor, be a man/woman and take your medicine.  None of LIKES to reinstall but sometimes it's the only way ...13:20
testtooryou like blue eh? :D13:20
BluesKajhave you tried holding the shift key down after the bios screen , testtoor , to bring upo grub ?13:20
testtoori can go to grub but what can i do from there13:20
BluesKaj!nomodeset | testtoor13:20
ubottutesttoor: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter13:20
testtooryeah,i don't understand a thing13:22
testtoorBluesKaj, maybe a little13:22
BluesKajtesttoor, then you can remove the nvidia drivers that don';t work for you , and checj the recommended ones in additional drivers.13:23
testtoorBluesKaj, yeah the thing is that i did not have any drivers in addition drivers13:23
BluesKajtesttoor, then use nvidia-current driver , sudo apt-get install nvidia-current  , once you get to a tty or terminal13:24
testtoorBluesKaj, yeah the thing is i can't go to tty or terminal13:25
BluesKajif you use the nomodeset setting in grub , you might , testtoor..maybe even your desktop13:25
bmxscott1993i got a problem it when i boot up my computer the ubuntu logo not there just purple screen with like now how old tv have that static snow screen i get a line in the middle of the screen where the ubuntu logo meant to be13:27
testtoorBluesKaj, i'll go with me good luck13:27
BluesKajread the tutorial about nomodeset , a few times , you'll figure it out13:27
mjaykbmxscott1993: can you go to tty1?13:27
acerimmerbmxscott1993, new install?13:27
testtoorBluesKaj, i got it13:28
bmxscott1993but it login screen clean with not static but only on boot up and log off13:28
bmxscott1993yes newer install and what do you mean tty113:30
acerimmerbmxscott1993, boot to recovery mode and use the command line = tty  /// I suggest you reboot and try booting and older version of ubuntu at the grub menu.  Maybe a kernel upgrade scrambled things up13:32
bmxscott1993but just reinstalled the ubuntu using my own dvd and got the iso off the website13:33
bmxscott1993il try it but do not have the old ubuntu got the 12.04 lts13:34
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acerimmerbmxscott1993, every kernel upgrade means the "older" kernel13:34
bmxscott1993ow ok13:34
acerimmerbmxscott1993, it's still 12.04 but with earlier kernels.13:34
bmxscott1993did not no thank13:35
acerimmerbmxscott1993, no worries, mate.13:35
kraMHi there. I need to install linux-generic-lts-raring in a 12.04. Reboot. Need to mount an iso. mount -o loop /path/to/.iso /mnt -> mount: you must specify the filesystem type13:35
kraMDoes anybody know something about that?13:35
MonkeyDustkraM  try a chroot13:35
kraMWhat would that chroot be for?13:36
kraMchroot /mnt /bin/bash failes with no /bin/bash. which bash -> /bin/bash.13:36
MonkeyDustkraM  depends on what you want to do13:37
MonkeyDustok, or try furius, a GUI to mount iso's13:37
jlucHello all,13:37
ActionParsnipkraM: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?13:37
jlucHow can i switch off the CTRL+SHIFT+DRAG keyboard option that now brings a window close to the screen border ?13:37
jlucI want to use this shortcut for Gimp.13:37
ActionParsnipjluc: disable the grid plugin in compiz13:38
jlucthanks ActionParsnip i will look for that13:38
kraMComplete story: I need to build things using docker. docker requires at least uname -r >= 3.8. That needs to run in with Vagrant, and to support mount and port forwards I need to install VBoxGuestAdditions for the raring kernel. -- This is a iso file which I cannot mount after rebooting into the raring kernel (3.8.0-25).13:38
bgardnerkraM: 'sudo mount -o loop,ro -t iso9660 isoimage /mnt/wherever'13:38
kraMbgardner: Wrong filesystem. Same file mounts fine within Arch.13:39
ActionParsnipkraM: try a GUI app, just for laughs13:39
bgardnerkraM: I'm with ActionParsnip - did you MD5 test the ISO yet?13:40
kraMbgardner: No, one second.13:40
kraMHm. I introduced a stupid bug in the provisioning script. Thanks guys.13:43
erik__Hi. Is it possible to load grub instead of refit on a macbook pro?13:43
acerimmererik__, yes, but refit is probably better if your dual booting.13:44
erik__acerimmer, i can reach refit via alt13:44
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bmxscott1993get the recovery screen up do any one no how to get the options up in the login screen logo thing13:46
erik__Today, I tried to setup arch linux and during installation i had to setup grub-efi on the efi partition of the system. From then on the system started into the grub installation of arch (ubuntu and macos were already installed).13:46
bmxscott1993where you can click the little ubuntu logo to change to recovery13:47
bmxscott1993then login like that13:47
erik__But I could not reproduce this setup with ubuntus grub installation :(13:47
KeyboardNotFoundHow to check which DNS I use ?13:47
ActionParsnipKeyboardNotFound: nslookup   or cat /etc/resolv.conf13:47
somsipKeyboardNotFound: dig google.com and see what server responds13:49
ActionParsnipKeyboardNotFound: nm-tool | tail -n 813:50
KeyboardNotFoundsomsip, ActionParsnip, Thanks you very much13:51
ActionParsnipwell.....you have to know these things when you are king13:51
zeryuiois it possible to convert apt to wget ?13:55
andreashi there13:57
zeryuiois it possible to convert apt to wget ?13:57
somsipzeryuio: you could wget a deb and install it, but otherwise your question doesn't really make sense13:57
MonkeyDustzeryuio  or create an alias13:57
zeryuioalias for what ? MonkeyDust13:58
zeryuiook let me introduce my issue13:58
zeryuioi try to download something apt but not working but using wget it's working13:59
andreasi've installed active mq on an ubuntu machine using apt-get. Now i face the problem that i can not start it. I've already opened a stack overflow ticket at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17189053/how-to-start-activemq-on-an-ec2-ubuntu-machine . Has someone faced that problem before or a similiar one ?13:59
k1l_zeryuio: please pastbinit the problem13:59
zeryuioso what port is used by apt and port used by wget ?13:59
k1l_!paste | zeryuio13:59
ubottuzeryuio: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:59
MonkeyDustzeryuio  use apt to install from the repos, use wget to download from the internet13:59
zeryuioi said my proxy server blocking13:59
zeryuioapt install but allow wget14:00
zeryuioso my question14:00
zeryuiois may be how to change port of apt to give same as wget14:00
zeryuioto able to work with apt as usual14:00
bgardnerzeryuio: You're getting ahead of yourself.  Show us the error that apt gives you.14:00
zeryuiothere is no error14:01
zeryuioit just only say 0%14:01
zeryuioeach time try to install  something14:01
ActionParsnipzeryuio: what is the output of:  df -h14:02
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zeryuiodf -h14:03
bgardnerzeryuio: Then it sounds like you need to let apt-get know about your proxy.  See: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-configure-ubuntu-desktop-to-use-your-proxy-server.html14:03
zeryuioi got uubuntu server edition14:04
ActionParsnipzeryuio: do you have web acces? do you use a proxy?14:04
bgardnerzeryuio: Scroll down to the section that says "Terminal Proxy"14:04
zeryuiosimply tell me14:05
zeryuiohow i can able to download using wget and don't using apt ?14:05
ActionParsnipzeryuio: do you use a proxy for web access?14:07
bgardnerzeryuio: To make apt-get use your proxy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5783756/14:07
ActionParsnipzeryuio: then you need to specify it in /etc/apt/apt.conf14:10
ActionParsnipzeryuio: so that apt-get knows to use the proxy14:10
ActionParsnipzeryuio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/578377714:12
fungus304i have been having problems with video playback since installing lubuntu 13.04. i have the intell 855gm chipset and i simply cannot get the correct driver anywhere. videos show half size and in blue and green. when i try to install drivers i get a 404 not found and reverts back to old drivers? what gives? ran fine on windows xp runninf like shit on ubuntu14:12
hedinHi, I just updated a ubuntu-12.04 and rebooted, and now only lo is present in /etc/network/interfaces even tho I had conf'ed a br0 interface14:13
fungus304sorry purple and green video playback14:13
ActionParsnipfungus304: http://wiredrevolution.com/ubuntu/fix-blue-tinted-video-in-ubuntu14:14
fungus304is there not a simple way to install the intel 855gm video driver?14:15
auronandacefungus304: intel drivers are already in the kernel14:15
zeryuioActionParsnip: i don't have apt.conf have to create this file or existing one ?14:16
fungus304thats what they keep saying but i can assure u that they are not quite right14:16
fungus304this is a clean install with updates14:17
fungus304still fucked14:17
auronandace!language | fungus30414:17
ubottufungus304: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:17
fungus304g2g be back later for some help14:17
fungus304alright i apologize14:17
fungus304just very frusterated that i cant watch video14:18
ActionParsnipzeryuio: yes, make it14:18
dsathehey folks, there seems to be a load of change in the compiling mechanism for ubuntu kernels14:19
zeryuioif make it, it is not working14:19
zeryuioi just tested14:19
dsathewhat is the right way14:19
fungus304anyways dr appointment for wife ill check back later14:19
ActionParsnipzeryuio: did you change it to your configs....14:19
dsathei have got sources from the src package via apt14:19
auronandace!kernel | dsathe14:19
ubottudsathe: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)14:19
zeryuioyes of course14:21
sandeepranyone around who has used preseed to install ubuntu14:24
back_hello all is there somebody who have problem with power/reboot computer with 13.04 - My computer freeze if i click on Restart/Shutdown in gnome panel,14:24
sandeepri'm using the preseed sample for the 12.04 from ubuntu site14:25
sandeeprand it fails at apt stage complainging bad archive14:25
=== ubuntu is now known as randomname
randomnamewhat do you guys recommend 12.04 or 13.04?14:26
MonkeyDustrandomname  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff14:27
mJaykrandomname: 13.0414:27
sandeeprthe syslog says duplicate sources.list and 12.04.2 mirror does not support the specified release14:27
randomnamewhat do you guys say about the battery life of 13.04 compared to 12.04?14:28
mJaykrandomname: 13.04 gives me about 15% longer life than 12.04 did Toshiba satellite14:28
k1l_randomname: depends on your hardware and usecase. that is not comparable at all14:29
StarOnDhow do I install kosmo gis ? I have already done sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa14:29
stef1aUsing 13.04 and Chromium-Browser and IcedTea flash plugin. When I try to watch YouTube videos, I just get black boxes, no audio. YT works fine in Firefox. Help14:29
stef1aYT was working with Chromium Browser up until two days ago14:30
MonkeyDuststef1a  i have that too, try disabling html5, it's already reported in launchpad14:31
stef1aMonkeyDust: how do you disable html5?14:31
dsatheauronandace: What i want to do is modify some config options14:31
dsathewhat do i modify14:32
dsathethe usual way i just did make config14:32
modernbobstef1a: just use the normal chrome browser.. works fine14:32
dsatheor make xconfig14:32
dsathethis entire ubuntu way is confusing me14:32
stef1aMonkeyDust: doesn't work14:32
ActionParsnipdsathe: its just different14:33
modernbobstef1a: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/google_chrome14:33
MonkeyDuststef1a  restart the browser, maybe that helps14:33
dsathei guess14:33
dsatheone method is i dculd use the old fashioned way14:33
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dsathebut it would be nice to do it right14:33
ActionParsnipstef1a: isnt icedtea for java?14:33
dsatheany definitive guide14:33
dsatheActionParsnip: ?14:33
stef1aActionParsnip: idr14:33
ActionParsnipstef1a: can you please pastebin the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'14:35
BAMbandaI have the worst networking experience with Ubuntu14:35
ActionParsnipstef1a: http://pastie.org14:35
BAMbandaI am jealous of those who can use it with peace14:35
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: realtek cheapy gigabit ethernet, works out of the box14:35
BAMbandaI love linux, but I am furious over the past couple months with the new ubuntus14:35
dsathewhats the issue14:36
BAMbandai'm trying to use my asus wireless nic14:36
BAMbandait works fine with windows14:36
dsathecan you pastebin your lspci -vv14:36
dsatheill have a look14:36
dsatheBAMbanda: blam asus14:36
BAMbandaBut with linux, it keeps disconnecting on its own and when I try to do /etc/init.d/networking restart my unity crashes14:36
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ActionParsnipBAMbanda: what wifi chip does it use?14:36
BAMbandadsathe: gimme a sec, Ill paste it for u14:36
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: try disabling ipv614:37
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: also try disabling N speed on the wifi driver module14:37
dsatheBAMbanda: blame ASUS not ubuntu14:37
ActionParsnipdsathe: I bet disabling n speed si good :)14:37
stef1aActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/JW9dC8p514:37
dsathei find ubuntu as one of the best os ever for networking14:38
decciI have Ubuntu 12.04 machine under which I installed pt-get install postfix. I dint see any main.cf file14:38
dsatheyou will not believe the crazy shit you can do on it14:38
BAMbandadsathe: I'm a strong believer in its potential14:38
BAMbandathats why I want to cry when i see these garbage issues14:38
ActionParsnipdecci: try:  sudo updatedb; locate main.cf14:38
zacktuIs there a way to get CUPS to list all the printer drivers that it supports on my system?14:39
dsathesome insanly complex network stuff , ubuntu just works14:39
ActionParsnipstef1a: thats not ALL the output, please pastebin all the text14:39
dsatheBAMbanda: umm what have you pasted14:39
dsatheclicked wrong link14:39
BAMbandadsathe: lspci -vv14:40
dsatheyeah yeah ok gimme 5 mni14:40
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: try the ipv6 disable and disable N speed on the kernel module14:40
BAMbandacan you send me the cli commands for that?14:40
ActionParsnipthis can help with RTL8188CE chips14:40
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: add the boot option:  ipv6.disable=114:40
stef1aActionParsnip: how do i pipe all of the output to a file14:41
BAMbandaActionParsnip: am I editing /etc/networking/interfaces ?14:41
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: gksudo gedit /etc/dfault/grub     will get you the write access you need14:41
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: no, you set the boot option in /etc/default/grub14:41
dsatheOk BAMbanda i see it has a kernel module , what is the exact issue14:41
stef1aActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/mnbRb8fz14:41
stef1awhoever suggested just using google-chrome: thanks, it works.14:42
ActionParsnipstef1a: lsb_release -a | tee ~/output; uname -a | tee -a ~/output; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark' | tee -a ~/output14:42
ActionParsnipstef1a: chrome kicks ass14:42
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ActionParsnipstef1a: I'd just use chrome14:42
stef1aActionParsnip: i'll prob just do that14:43
MonkeyDustproblem is: i don't like google14:43
stef1aActionParsnip: the command keeps fucking flowing onto the next line14:43
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: if you run:  sudo lshw -C network    what is the driver=   bit for the wifi device?14:43
stef1alife is so hard ;_;14:43
dsatheBAMbanda: ??14:43
zacktujoin #cups14:44
dsatheActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/qmsH6S0J -> rtl8192ce14:44
bgardner!language | stef1a14:44
ubottustef1a: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:44
dsathethat is the active module14:44
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BAMbandadsathe: Sometimes when I connect to the internet it works fine, but all of a sudden it will disconnect from the network and give me problems until I restart the comptuer which then it works fine14:45
BAMbandaI have wlan0 on a static ip14:45
BAMbandasame subnet as my default gw, so it should work fine14:45
BAMbandabut when it acts funny, I can't even ping my gw!14:45
dsathehmm that is odd14:46
dsathelets see14:46
stef1aActionParsnip: how do i copy your command without the line breaks?14:46
dsathewhat kernel u on /14:46
stef1awhen i paste them into the terminal three commands get executed instead of one14:46
bazhanghe's gone dsathe14:46
dsathelol ok14:46
BAMbandadsathe: It just disconnected me!14:47
BAMbandai had to restart to come back on14:47
dsathenext time run sudo service networking restart14:47
StarOnDhttp://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/wiki/UbuntuGISRepository  I have followed these steps. is kosmo gis included in this ? how dO I install it?14:48
BAMbandadsathe: I did that, and it crashes my unity....14:48
dsatheyou dont need to restart the computer for that sort of stuff14:48
dsatheooh sorry i dont use unity :)14:48
dsathelets sort this14:48
dsathewhat kernel u on14:48
dsatheuname -r14:48
dsatheoh ok14:48
FloodBot1dsathe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:48
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: echo "options rtl8192ce ips=0 fwlps=0" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8192ce.conf > /dev/null14:49
BAMbandaActionParsnip: I entered that, what is it supposed to do?14:50
dsatheok so 3.8 hasd the modules14:50
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dsatheits to do with powerstates14:50
dsatheturn off flpws14:50
dsatheshould solve the issue14:50
dsathemay not like your battery too much14:50
dsathebut i doubt itll make too much of a diff14:51
BAMbandahmm how do I do that? sorry lol I'm a noob, but that should change over time14:51
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ActionParsnipBAMbanda: adds extra options to the module, can help14:51
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: reboot to test14:51
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: also14:51
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: make sure there are not lots of wii networks on the same channel as yours14:51
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: lots on the same channel will cause issues14:52
dsatheecho "options rtl8192ce fwlps=0" >> /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf14:52
dsatheor make it make more sense14:52
ActionParsnipdsathe: the file is owned by root, so that will fail14:53
dsatheecho "options rtl8192ce fwlps=0" >> /etc/modprobe.d/wifi-hack.conf14:53
vt102How can I find the scripts that the "service" command is actually running?14:53
ActionParsnipdsathe: users cannot write to the folder without sudo14:53
dsathesudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/wifi-hack.conf14:53
ActionParsnipvt102: read in /etc/init.d/name14:53
dsathepaste "options rtl8192ce fwlps=0" and reboot14:54
ActionParsnipdsathe: why not just use the command I gave and be done, why are more suggestions even needed when you are simply adding text to a file?14:54
dsathesorry i missed something14:54
dsathewhat command14:54
vt102ActionParsnip: I don't have /etc/init.d/name (12.04)14:54
ActionParsnip15:49 < ActionParsnip> BAMbanda: echo "options rtl8192ce ips=0 fwlps=0" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8192ce.conf > /dev/null14:54
OerHeksBAMbanda, use the line from ActionParsnip14:55
ActionParsnipvt102: yes, but 'name' is the name of the service....right?14:55
dsatheah i see BAMbanda yep ActionParsnip command works :)14:55
OerHeks& reboot14:55
dsathedidt look sorry folks14:55
BAMbandai'll be back in 2 min after my reboot :014:55
vt102ActionParsnip: Ah, sorry, yes.  But it is a "Symlink target for initscripts that have been converted to Upstart."14:56
RobOakesIs there a Ubuntu specific equivalent of oVirt (http://www.ovirt.org)14:56
dsathereboot isn't necessary but , yeah wth , go on :D14:56
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:56
ActionParsnipdsathe: you need to unload and reload the module, reboot is easier for casual users14:56
vt102It's not clear to me from there where the real scripts are located.  Man upstart gives me the init man page, which isn't clarifying it for me, either.14:57
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:57
arvutheya, is it possible to resize the partitions of an existing install? I need a bigger root and got plenty of space left on /home14:57
weecol!current lts#14:57
RobOakesI understand that oVirt can be configured to run on Ubuntu, but it's preferred environment is currently Fedora. I'm just wondering if there is a data center virtualization product that is designed to run on Ubuntu.14:57
arvutI imagine i must do this inside a live env14:57
ActionParsniparvut: could uninstall old unused kernels14:57
arvutActionParsnip: done14:57
weecol!current lts14:57
ActionParsniparvut: you cannot resize partitions in a booted OS of the same partitions14:57
ActionParsniparvut: the partitions must be unmounted to be manipulated14:58
ActionParsniparvut: you will need live cd14:58
BAMbandaOk guys, I'm back, so it's working now, like it always has after a restart, lets just hope it stays connected14:58
arvutthats what I thought14:58
dsatheBAMbanda: welcome back :) hope this does it14:58
ActionParsniparvut: or if you dual boot with another distro, that will do too14:58
BAMbandathanks for all the help. I really like ubuntu, tremendously. Its my OS of choice, I just want everything to go smooth :/14:58
arvutand in there I can resize them? will parted do the job?14:58
arvutActionParsnip: I actually don't. but i need to install win7 dual boot soon, so some maintenance is required14:59
BAMbandadsathe: do you guys use bitcoins by any chance? I want to start giving little compensation for help I recieve14:59
arvutwill the disktools included in ubuntu do the job? or should I work with fdisk/parted in terminal?15:00
ActionParsniparvut: liveCD for you then, be sure to run a full backup before you start in case of catastrophe15:00
ActionParsniparvut: gparted will do it15:00
dsatheBAMbanda: haha no, iv'e herad a lot never really botherd to check it out :)15:00
linguiniHow can I install mysql info files?  apt-cache search --names-only mysql | grep -i doc # does not show any...?15:00
dsathei got so much help here i owe it back :P15:00
DJonesarvut: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ResizingPartition has guidance on resizing partitions, the important thing is to make sure you have backups just in case something does go wrong15:01
BAMbandacool, positive momentum in this universe can't hurt :)15:01
arvutDJones: thx, backup of the system is not that important, but the personal files (not mine) must be backed up for certain.15:02
SteveBellhi all. how'd I partition a 3TB drive into a 2TB and 1TB partition?15:03
SteveBellit's a ext4 formatted drive15:03
arvutbtw, is ubuntu really supposed to take up 8.5GB? seems rather much for a / filesystem15:04
dsathehey jono15:05
prime_Hello all! I'm thinking of buying the sys76 galago. Is this a good idea or should I wait until we get reviews?15:05
xanguaprime_: if it's good for you good then ;)15:06
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:06
dsathexangua: I think its a valid place to ask about system76 based ubuntu laptops15:06
ActionParsnipBAMbanda: is it better?15:07
ActionParsniparvut: try:  sudo apt-get clean15:07
prime_sorry if it's ot, but I want to run ubuntu flawlessly, as opposed to my optimus mistake last time15:07
BAMbandaActionParsnip: so far so good :)15:07
ActionParsniparvut: also, install bleachbit15:07
BAMbandaI will not make a conclusion until i get 24 hours of productive work15:07
ActionParsniparvut: run it as user, then as root, watch settings or it will remove stuff you want15:08
linguiniTo answer my own question: visit http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ to download; ubuntu does not include the mysql documentation for licensing reasons.15:08
ActionParsniparvut: also avoid options which say they will take a long time15:08
dsatheprime_: i would definitelt avoid optimus for now15:08
BAMbandahow do I register my nick to get on the #python channel?15:08
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:08
dsatheBAMbanda:  any specific python query ?15:09
BAMbandadsathe: I just want to know how feasible it is to develop firefox extensions in python15:09
Mark____Does anyone in here use any boxes from system76?15:09
Mark____Wanted a second opinion if it's worth the money15:10
jonohey dsathe15:10
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dsathehow is it going , great stuff on the ubuntu device alliance ;)15:13
dsatheBAMbanda: depends on what you are trying to build15:14
dsatheBAMbanda: mostly its XUl15:14
sam_helpHi all. How do I install 32bit version of a libary?15:17
sam_help........./bin/as: error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1:15:17
sam_helpbut zlib is installed, so I wonder if it's looking for the 32 bit version15:18
SteveBellcan someone explain how to partition an ext4 drive?15:19
sam_helpSteve: do you mean create an ext4 partition?15:21
SteveBellI have an external ext4 drive (3TB) and want to get 2 partitions (1x 2TB, 1x 1TB)15:21
ActionParsnipsam_help: how did you install the app requesting the file?15:22
sam_helpSteveBell: well, I think you mean a drive that has an ext4 partition on it. What you need to do is resize the existing EXT4 partition to take up half the drive, which will make half the drive empty space. Then create an extra ext4 partition in the empty space15:22
sam_helpAction: I fixed this problem now by installing apt-get install zlibc:i386 etc15:23
sam_helpActionParsnip: how the program got into that VM is a horrible messy story15:24
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SteveBellsam_help: sounds good. but I can't find any options for that in disk utility15:24
ActionParsnipsam_help: cools, before the multiarch thing it was hell15:24
ActionParsnipsam_help: Ive done it by extracting files from debs and putting them where they are needed15:24
someonewhoknowsi get this error when i tried to boot the fresh installed 12.0415:24
sam_helpSteve: if you are booting from that drive, then it'll be tricky. if you are booting from it, I suggest you go burn a boot disk and partition from there15:25
someonewhoknowserror: invalid arch independent ELF magic15:25
sam_helpActionParsnip: it's nice being in 2012 now15:25
ActionParsnipsam_help: indeed15:25
ActionParsnipsam_help: even if it is 201315:25
sam_helpSteveBell: If that is the case try this http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:26
sam_helpActionParsnip: I don't like to run the bleeding edge year. better to stay a version behind until it's stable15:26
sam_helpI'll upgrade in october some time15:26
SteveBellsam_help: not booting from that drive15:27
SteveBellit's just for data storage15:27
someonewhoknowsi get this error when i tried to boot the fresh installed 12.04: error: invalid arch independent ELF magic15:27
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sam_helpSteveBell: oh, well I've got to go but apt-get install gparted, then use gparted to resize and create the partitions15:29
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ActionParsnipsomeonewhoknows: have you tested your RAM?15:30
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, no15:30
=== GrahamCrackers is now known as Grmcrkrs
ActionParsnipsomeonewhoknows: http://askubuntu.com/questions/72003/grub-invalid-arch-independent-elf-magic-after-11-10-install-on-macbook-pro-515:30
tobyjones8I have a question to ask.15:31
tobyjones8I'm running a server on Ubuntu Server.15:31
decciI am trying to follow http://oxpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Open-Xchange_Installation_Guide_for_Ubuntu_12.0415:31
tobyjones8Is it possible to get multiple scripts to run on its own tty when the server boots up?15:31
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, yeah this is what iam seeing but i don't know what to put in /dev/sdx15:31
angsI have a password protected rar file, how do I suppose to use the unrar command?15:31
decciWhile adding source.list and adding download.opensuse.org and running it shows Signature not verified15:31
ActionParsnipsomeonewhoknows: do you only have one drive?15:31
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, yes15:31
tobyjones8someonewhoknows, should be /dev/sda1 then15:32
angsunrar -p -x file.rar, why it does not work?15:32
tobyjones8unless you have Ubuntu on a different partition15:32
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, also it's uefi laptop15:32
ActionParsnipsomeonewhoknows: then it will be /dev/sda15:32
tobyjones8don't suppose anyone could answer my question?15:32
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip,  /home/ubuntu/Downloads/ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso15:33
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784017/15:33
weldantobyjones8, cron15:33
weldanref: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-execute-cron-job-after-system-reboot/15:34
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, wait a sec in /mnt should i put /dev/sda?15:35
phillustinecan sb give me code for searching irc channels15:36
phillustine e.g. i want to search for channels with "dog" in the title?15:36
auronandace!alis | phillustine15:36
ubottuphillustine: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*15:36
tobyjones8weldan, thanks15:37
someonewhoknowsi get this error when i tried to boot the fresh installed 12.04 error: invalid arch independent ELF magic15:39
ActionParsnipsomeonewhoknows: no idea, there are LOADS of web pages on this, have you searched the web any?15:39
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, yes but i am confused15:39
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, also i did install the same os without any problem15:39
someonewhoknowsi don't know what the ******** is happening15:40
ActionParsnipsomeonewhoknows: http://askubuntu.com/questions/127718/error-invalid-arch-independent-elf-magic-dual-boot-with-ssd15:40
ActionParsnipsomeonewhoknows: grub needs reinstalling to the mbr, basically15:40
ActionParsnipsomeonewhoknows: you can use this too, from liveCD http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video15:40
dgfghghghjghj(when) will there be kde 4.11 backports available for 12.04?15:41
ActionParsnipsomeonewhoknows: probably cause by UEFI15:41
someonewhoknowsit does not make sense15:41
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, how can i check the signature15:41
ActionParsnip!ppa | dgfghghghjghj15:42
ubottudgfghghghjghj: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:42
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, of the iso15:42
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:42
dayaany way to point do-release-upgrade to the local repo15:45
phillustinetips to improve my ubuntu performance?15:47
someonewhoknowsActionParsnip, in the previous link http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video what's the boot device?15:49
followerhey does anyone know if xfburn supports disc spanning?15:49
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angshow can I check if my ubuntu has a driver for the graphic card (amd E2-3200 APU Radeon)?15:54
SteveBellis there a UI way to create two partitions on an ext4 (non system) drive?15:54
legion59If you go to the reposatories go get the driver installer,...that should work for you IF you need a driver updaate15:55
legion59but be forwarned,...Ive had problems with the ATI drivers15:55
legion59Crash and burn15:55
tobyjones8ATI drivers suck on Ubuntu15:55
tobyjones8ATI drivers suck anyway15:55
legion59Best to use it as it is15:56
ActionParsniptobyjones8: newer ones are less problematic but I'm avoiding them too15:56
tobyjones8yeah, but they're not the most stable things in the world15:56
legion59Ive found that if it works,...Its Good,...15:56
tobyjones8not as bad as nvidia's drivers on Vista when it first came out15:56
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ActionParsnipvista was a mess anyway15:58
tobyjones8point taken15:59
phillustinecan anyone help me with ubuntu performance?16:02
ActionParsnipphillustine: details please16:02
phillustinejust slow16:02
phillustinedid i amuse you lebby?16:03
ActionParsnipphillustine: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue16:03
Lebby1yes :)16:03
phillustineja, i'm 12.04 LTS16:03
legion59whats yor system reqs?16:03
philinuxphillustine: what graphics card have you16:04
ActionParsnipphillustine: what is the output of:  lspci | grep -i vga16:04
phillustineLebby1, glad to have brought a smile to your face.16:04
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
legion59phull: whats yoru system reqs?16:04
=== ubuntu is now known as ohcomeon
Lebbyphillustine:  hehehe :D16:04
THE_DUDEZ0RLebby, u  woman? pm me, i got a big big distro i can teach u ifunowatime...16:04
phillustine00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 0c)16:04
ActionParsnipphillustine: is the OS fully updated?16:05
phillustineActionParsnip, no idea.16:05
=== akshay__ is now known as akshay_r
phillustinehow do i check?16:05
ActionParsnipphillustine: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:05
ActionParsnip!help l| pippo16:05
ohcomeonActionParsnip, tried the solutions from 2 websites the last one when i boot up it shows me the grub . http://askubuntu.com/questions/72003/grub-invalid-arch-independent-elf-magic-after-11-10-install-on-macbook-pro-5 in this what should i put in /mnt/boot?16:05
legion59Go get sysinfo16:06
ActionParsnip!help | pippo16:06
ubottupippo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:06
legion59its in the repository16:06
madpropshow do you install skype on ubonto?16:06
phillustinelegion59, is at his/her witt's end.16:06
legion59OH thats wasy16:06
ActionParsnipmadprops: ubuntu, not ubonto16:06
Lebbymadprops:  sudo apt-get instal skype16:06
madpropssudo apt-get it doesn't work16:06
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:06
ActionParsnipmadprops: grab the deb from the skype site o use partner repo16:06
legion59go to the skype site and get the ubuntu multiarch and just let it do its thing16:06
ohcomeonmadprops, http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-linux/downloading/?type=ubuntu6416:06
legion59it will load and run16:06
ActionParsnipmadprops: it is in the repos, you just have the partner repo disabled by default16:07
madpropsActionParsnip, the linux client is for 10.04/12.0416:07
geniimadprops: You need to enable the "partner" repository, then do: sudo apt-get update.... then the: sudo apt-get install skype ...will work16:07
ActionParsnipmadprops: still works16:07
madpropswho are these partners16:08
philinuxphillustine: you might have luck with the intel open source driver.  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/04/intel-release-graphical-installer-for-their-linux-drivers16:08
madpropssounds fishy16:08
ActionParsnipmadprops: its a repo you can enable using software centre16:08
phillustinelegion59, my cpu: model name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7100  @ 1.80GHz16:08
ActionParsnipmadprops: its a ot of proprietary stuff16:08
madpropsi enjoy my freedom16:08
ActionParsnipphillustine: is the OS fully updated?16:08
legion59OH nice,...have atelasst 2 gig of ram and y ou should be real good16:09
steve__does anyone have experience configuring request tracker, specifically 'RT_SiteConfig.d'?16:09
ActionParsnipmadprops: skype is proprietary, so not free16:09
phillustinephilinux, thanks.16:09
Lebbymadprops:  there is not a version of skype that is free16:09
madpropsi know16:09
Jayaranyone else having issues with 13.0416:09
madpropswhy can't people into free im clients16:09
legion5913.04,..just update the hell out of it16:09
madpropsand protocols16:09
ActionParsnipLebby: you can type to skype using pidgin, which is free :)16:09
legion59and it works flawlessly16:09
rclsilverhi... i don't know how but now i have to press mouse button to scroll with wheel... any way to revert this feature and scroll a page when i use the mouse wheel?16:09
madpropsi'll try pidgin16:10
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/16:10
madpropsor empathy?16:10
madpropswhich is best16:10
ActionParsnipmadprops: because its a proprietary protocol, so the only people who can make it is skype16:10
legion59LOVE PIDGON16:10
Lebbymadprops:  yes as im, not as "full featured skype"16:10
ActionParsnipmadprops: none are 'best'16:10
ActionParsnipmadprops: its like asking 'what is the best colour?' its nonsense16:10
madpropsin your opinion it might be16:10
ActionParsnipmadprops: doesnt make it the best16:10
philinuxphillustine: watch out for any gpg key errors after install. I had to manually sort that too. Although I have to say my acer 1410 was never slow so.16:10
madpropsi'm interested in opinioins16:10
ohcomeonhow can i find what /dev/sdx should my /mnt/boot is?16:11
ActionParsnipmadprops: you are using an OS that champions freedom and choice, yet you want a room full of strangers to tell you what to think?16:11
ActionParsnipohcomeon: run:  mount; df16:11
ActionParsnipmadprops: thats crazy16:11
philinuxphillustine: what are your pc/laptop specs and what do you mean by slow?16:11
ActionParsnipmadprops: I use pidgin, only because of long standing use. Doesnt make it best16:12
ohcomeonActionParsnip, i am on a live boot16:12
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Lebbymadprops:  i use pidgin, it has more protocols, but ... it has a basic gui16:12
Lebbymadprops:  empathy is more beautiful but it has less plugin and protocols16:13
Jayarmaybe cuz im runnin from a live usb then... cuz im gettin crazy freezing every few secs16:13
madpropscan empathy into skype?16:13
ohcomeonActionParsnip, about boot comes up16:13
ohcomeonActionParsnip, nothing about boot comes up16:13
phillustinemy cpu: 1.8 Ghz16:14
=== s is now known as Guest1107
Lebbymadprops: yes ... using pidgin libraries :D16:14
ActionParsnipphillustine: is the OS fully updated?16:14
Lebbymadprops:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/15358/can-i-use-skype-through-empathy16:14
X-Sleepy-XJayar: Ubuntu does tend to run a bit slower in a live-session.16:14
phillustineActionParsnip, just in the process of doing that. does it make a lot of difference to performance?16:15
ActionParsnipphillustine: have you tried the 2D session from the login screen (obviously let the updates finish and reboot if needed)16:15
phillustineActionParsnip, i never usually update. not sure why.16:15
ActionParsnipphillustine: updates fix bugs and issues, may also get newer drivers and even a new kernel16:15
Lebbyphillustine:  yes, updating can improve perfomance16:15
agresterHello all, I have a pretty serious issue, running 13.04 and the last kernel update seems to have knocked out my computer, I see the boot splash screen but it boots to a blank screen without any TTY access or anything...16:16
phillustinenever turn my nose up at a new kernel16:16
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phillustineLebby, thanks.16:16
Lebbyphillustine: i'm glad to help you!16:16
ActionParsnipagrester: if you boot the old kernel is it ok?16:16
agresterActionParsnip, how do I get to the GRUB screen?16:16
ActionParsnipagrester: hold SHIFT at boot16:17
Serpientewhat's the difference between `su user` and `sudo -su user`?16:17
ActionParsnipSerpiente: su user will need the user's pass you are su'ing to16:17
jribSerpiente: one is a valid command and the other is not16:17
ActionParsnipSerpiente: sudo su user will need your user's pass and assumes you are in the sudo group16:18
jribSerpiente: never mind, I misread16:18
agresterActionParsnip, the kernel is 3.8.0-26-generic, I think it's bad16:18
Serpientesu user will only require if I am not root right?16:18
ActionParsnipagrester: try the older kernel and we can progress16:19
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: isn't 3.8.0-25-generic the latest from regular upgrades?16:19
agresterActionParsnip, ok16:19
ActionParsnipSerpiente: if you are root and su to another user youwill become that user, as root is all powerful16:19
jribSerpiente: « su - user » (it is good practice to call it this way so env gets reset) is exactly the same as user logging in.  If however you do something like « sudo -i -u user » then you are acting using sudo.  It prompts for the password of your sudo user and you don't need tho password of "user"16:19
agresterX-Sleepy-X, it might be, but I don't know how it was updated, I think I might have used the proposed option in the Update Sources, I'll have to check, but then ActionParnsip will have to walk me through rolling back to the stable kernel16:20
jribSerpiente: and again, I modified your "sudo -su user" to "sudo -i -u user" because it is good practice to reset the environment16:20
madpropsActionParsnip, BECAUSE SEG FAULT16:21
ActionParsnipmadprops: take your finger off shift, pok?16:21
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angshow can I check if I have compositing video manager?16:21
Serpientejrib: thank you16:21
ActionParsnipangs: ps -ef | grep compiz | grep -v grep16:21
SerpienteActionParsnip: thank you as well16:22
ActionParsnipSerpiente: do you use proprietary video driver?16:22
angsActionParsnip, thanks16:22
agresterActionParsnip, X-Sleepy-X, the strange thing is that this problem happened after I tried to restart networking, I was attempting to setup a VirtualBox Ubuntu Server so I could do some development and testing, I restarted networking using one of the RC.D scripts and then the problems started happening16:22
SerpienteActionParsnip: what makes you think that? no video driver at all *gg* ubuntu 12.04 as a server16:22
ActionParsnipSerpiente: so no xorg ?16:23
Serpientewriting some doc on how to install and configure jenkins properly, and just wondered where the difference between those command were16:23
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ActionParsnipSerpiente: you could add boot options and so forth to set modes etc, may help16:23
SerpienteActionParsnip: I guess you are mistaking me with someone else16:24
agresterActionParsnip, confirmed the bad kernel is 3.8.0-26-generic16:24
ActionParsniplikely, its beena long day16:24
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agresterX-Sleepy-X, ActionParsnip, what do I do from here?16:25
angsI have amd e2-3200 APU radeon graphical card on my ubuntu and it works too slow on GUI related processes. how can I accelerate its working states?16:25
angslshw -c video shows that it uses "radeon" driver and I am using generic ubuntu image (3.5 kernel)16:26
agresterHow do I roll back the Kernel?16:26
=== mmrazik|afk is now known as mmrazik
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: Are you able to access the grub menu at boot? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#GRUB_vs_GRUB_216:29
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: 2. Hold down (right) SHIFT to display the menu during boot. In certain cases, pressing the ESC key may also display the menu.16:29
agresterX-Sleepy-X, yes I did and I successfully booted into 3.8.0-25-generic16:30
angshow can I disable compositing window manager?16:30
agresterIt's 3.8.0-26-generic thats bad or has a problem with my hardware, either way I need to roll it back, how do I do that?16:30
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: ok, good. now you will need to uninstall the 3.8.0-26-generic kernel.16:31
agresterX-Sleepy-X, how do I do that?16:31
skaPT down hard16:32
mah454I installed fglrx-13 package . now lightdm wont start ! this log : fglrx-1316:32
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: i will write some commands for you, but do not execute them just yet. And before confirming the execution read carefully what it will remove16:32
mah454sorry this log :http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784202/16:32
agresterX-Sleepy-X, ok16:32
adieis there some magical way to make ubuntu not try to access the internet through one of my two network connections?16:33
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: first run: uname -r16:33
adieI have two connections active at once, but only one of them has internet access, so I think if ubuntu tries to use the one without internet, it all kinda breaks16:33
agresterX-Sleepy-X ok16:33
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: make sure the kerner is 3.8.0-25-generic16:34
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: run that command now16:34
agresterX-Sleepy-X, ok done, confirmed16:34
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: ok, now run this command, but before pressing y make sure it DOESN'T REMOVE MORE THAN 4 FILES, ok?16:36
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge linux-headers-3.8.0-26 linux-image-3.8.0-26-generic16:36
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ripthejackerI'm using Ubuntu 13.04 . I noticed that gksu package is not installed because it is not a recommended way to use gui programs. So what is the recommended way to edit config files in Gui editors that require root access?16:36
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OerHeksripthejacker, gksudo16:37
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SonikkuAmericaripthejacker: OerHeks means just install gksu16:37
DJonesripthejacker: I normally use gksudo gedit filename for a GUI method, or sudo nano filename from a terminal16:37
ripthejackerOerHeks: it's not installed in 13.0416:37
SonikkuAmericaripthejacker: But use gksudo, NOT gksu16:37
HeyM-CldHello, I am dual booting ubuntu 13.04 and trying to resize the partition. I resized the partition but, there is no free space, it seems it only made /host bigger. Can anybody help?16:37
mah454fglrx driver not work in ubuntu 13.04 , please view this log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784202/16:38
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: when it uninstalls the kernel, make sure it says something about the current version of the kernel while it runs the update-grub part16:38
mah454How can fix this problem ?16:38
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ripthejackerSonikkuAmerica: yes they both are the same but I read an article that says it's not recommended and that's why it's not installed by default16:38
OerHeksSonikkuAmerica, no i didn't mean that, gksudo should be available standard16:38
SonikkuAmericaOerHeks: Although it's not with Unity.16:38
ripthejackerOerHeks: it's not anymore16:38
SonikkuAmericaNot in 13.0416:38
ripthejackerAnd i'm using 13.0416:39
OerHeksoh, bad decision to remove gksudo, it should not infringe16:39
SonikkuAmericaTell 'em put it back in 13.1016:39
matanya<matanya> Hello, I have a laptop that can boot cd/dvd only. i'd like to boot it using grub and than load an OS that resides on an mmc card. is this possible? if it is how?16:40
HeyM-CldI think its just a matter of changing it from "/host" to "/"16:40
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: how's it coming?16:40
matanyaHeyM-Cld: what do you mean?16:40
agresterX-Sleepy-X, it removed them and their associated kernel modules16:40
HeyM-Cldread my other post16:41
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: don't reboot until you have confirmed that you have a kernel16:41
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: do you see the ...-25-generic kernel if you run? : sudo update-grub16:41
matanyaHeyM-Cld: i see, sorry, can't help.16:42
agresterX-Sleepy-X, I saw GRUB update the latest kernel was 3.8.0-25, and 'uname -r' reveals the same16:42
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: ok, try rebooting now _without_ pressing shift16:42
HeyM-CldOk then16:43
agresterX-Sleepy-X, one more thing, I'm checking Software & Sources, should I uncheck raring-backports and leave proposed, updates and security?16:43
HeyM-CldCan anyone help??16:44
MonkeyDusta warning should popup if someone should enter 'gksudo nautilus'16:44
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: uncheck proposed leave the rest16:44
agresterX-Sleepy-X, proposed is for really super unstable stuff, like testing?16:45
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: it is pre-released upgrades16:45
servercbehello! I'm back!... Question... I have 25 imac  Mac OS X 10.1, 128 mb Ram, PowerPC G3 and i want to run with LTSP.. Is it POSSIBLE?????16:46
auronandace!ppc | servercbe16:47
servercbe25 imac  Mac OS X 10.1, 128 mb Ram, PowerPC G3 and i want to run with LTSP.. Is it POSSIBLE?????16:47
ubottuservercbe: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ16:47
jpmhI need a command line command that will give me the local ip address on the LAN through which I am connected.16:47
servercbeok.. I will read now...16:47
X-Sleepy-Xjpmh: ifconfig16:48
jpmhX-Sleepy-X: true - I was hoping for something by which I did not need to look through so much stuff - or is there a switch for ifconfig so this is all I get16:49
HeyM-CldX-Sleepy-X: Do you know how to solve my problem?16:49
agresterX-Sleepy-X, restart is normal so far, now logging in, everything is normal, thanks for the help that was super tricky, that's the famous Linux reliability for you!16:50
X-Sleepy-Xjpmh: perhaps: ifconfig | grep addr16:51
zero2XIIIjpmh: what info are you trying to display from ifconfig?16:52
oalFor some reason I have to press ctrl+shift+... and shift+ctrl+... doesn't work anymore. Happens in any application. If I press ctrl first, no shortcuts work. Any ideas?16:52
X-Sleepy-Xagrester: :) glad i could help16:52
jpmhzero2XIII: I just want the LAN ip address by which I am currently connected16:53
BluesKajjpmh, try route -n , that gives the gateway IP , not the machine IP16:53
zero2XIIIoal: jpmh, ifconfig eth | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'16:55
jpmhBluesKaj: yes - but I want my ip address16:56
oalzero2XIII, not for me, right?16:56
X-Sleepy-Xzero2XIII: i wonder if typing that goes faster than reading the output of ifconfig... :)16:56
jpmhzero2XIII: yep - that is what I was trying to awoid - but I guess that will work16:56
zero2XIIIoal: sorry hahaha.. No idea why that is still there I wanted to ask what version ubuntu you running16:56
SonikkuAmericaX-Sleepy-X: Doubt it :P16:56
BluesKajjpmh, web IP ?16:56
oalzero2XIII, :) Ubuntu 13.04 with Unity16:57
jpmhBluesKaj: not sire what you mean  - but I want the local address on the local LAN so the above ifconfig etc does work16:57
BluesKajjpmh, go to , whatsmyip.com16:57
zero2XIIIoal, what shortcut are you trying to use that has that issue?16:57
stfuAny devs available?16:57
zero2XIIIjpmh, X-Sleepy-X, sure but just do an alias for the command16:57
jpmhBluesKaj: no - that is what I do not want, that is the WAN address, I want the LAN address16:58
stfuNICK Jimmyk16:58
oalzero2XIII, lots of them, ctrl+shift+t to reopen a closed tab in Firefox, as an example, as well as lots of shortcuts in PyCharm/Intellij16:58
BluesKajjpmh, exactly how are you connecting to theinternet , pls describe your connection16:58
jpmhzero2XIII: I agree - was just hoping there was some command to do it16:58
X-Sleepy-Xzero2XIII: true, true16:58
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jpmhBluesKaj: always connecting through a local router/lan, sometimes that is on another LAN etc.  But I just need the local/LAN IP address of the machine16:59
zero2XIIIjpmh: X-Sleepy-X: No command to ONLY display the LAN address, doing an alias if you want this regularly is the best way in my opinion.16:59
zero2XIIIoal: hmmm16:59
zero2XIIIoal: give me a second, I recall something I did to fix this issue on my system... But cant find it right now.. Just a sec17:00
donvitoi am currently on Ubuntu 12.04.2LTS with gnome classic  due to low graphic card i want to upgrade to 13.10 but can i still use gnome classic?17:00
oalzero2XIII, something weird: When I press shift+ctrl in my terminal, the cursor turns into a bordered box, as if the terminal wasn't active/selected. When I do the opposite, it shows as normal17:00
HeyM-CldHello, I am dual booting ubuntu 13.04 and trying to resize the partition. I resized the partition but, there is no free space, it seems it only made /host bigger. Is there anyway I can make "/" bigger17:01
oalHeyM-Cld, try Gparted17:01
HeyM-CldIm using it now17:01
HeyM-CldThere is no way to change it17:01
jpmhX-Sleepy-X: I agree - thank you to all that offered suggestions17:02
oalI think you need to unmount the disk, HeyM-Cld17:02
BluesKajjpmh, ifconfig | grep inet17:02
demophobiaDoes Ubuntu have software to work with (e.g. annotate) PDF files? If so, can one manipulate text annotations to be left-aligned, center-aligned, etc?17:02
madpropsLebby, how do you get Empathy to skype?17:02
HeyM-Cldoal: I mean, there is no option for it17:03
donvitoi am currently on Ubuntu 12.04.2LTS with gnome classic  due to low graphic card i want to upgrade to 13.04 can i still use gnome classic?17:03
tgm4883probably worth mentioning that ifconfig if being deprecated17:03
bmxscott1993got a problem made a video to show you my problem need help fixing it https://www.dropbox.com/s/nf8yt7tc18gwa4n/20130620_164831.mp417:03
Lebbymadprops:  i used pidgin with skype ... but only as im17:03
zero2XIIIoal: have you played with settings in the compiz config manager before?17:03
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: what's the problem?17:03
jpmhBluesKaj: that will not work - since it gives all the interfaces - I do need to get the one that is connecrted - I was just hping that there may be a command,  it is easy enough to work around - so thatnk you all17:03
bmxscott1993boot up screen17:03
oalHeyM-Cld, not sure then. I haven't used gparted in a while17:03
oalzero2XIII, not much17:04
bmxscott1993the link is the video17:04
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: the video was too long17:04
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: what's the actual problem?17:04
zero2XIIIoal: oka cause there are some functions if you enable them, they grab key combinations they shouldn't17:04
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:04
BluesKajjpmh, route -n will give your internet gateway/router address if that's what you mean17:04
tgm4883jpmh, are you using network manager?17:05
bmxscott1993i got no ubuntu logo on boot up and it just purple and like static on the screen it the same when i turn it off17:05
bmxscott1993but it login17:05
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: CRT or LCD?17:05
bmxscott1993and all clear on the login screen17:05
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: wrong video mode, you're using a mode your monitor doesn't support correctly17:06
Kai_p_IEsome how if my pc locks on board starts and i dont know why i am running ubuntu 12.0417:06
benbloomso I uses dd_rescue to clone an ailing HD, now I have this enormous file but I'm not sure what I can do with it.17:06
MonkeyDustwhat's the purpose of  word 'complete' in that factoid?17:06
usr13!nomodeset | bmxscott199317:06
zero2XIIIoal: try opening compiz settings manager, then go to preferences, and export your current settings then reset to default and see if your shortcuts work properly17:06
ubottubmxscott1993: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:06
Kai_p_IEsome how if my pc locks on board starts and i dont know why i am running ubuntu 12.04LTS17:06
jpmhBluesKaj: No, what I want is what I get from the ifconfig - I just need to parse it.  I want the local/LAN ip address of the machine I am on17:06
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: bet it looks like the logo is in there somewhere but it's all diagonal stripy rubbish that moves across the screen?17:06
bmxscott1993but never had the problem when running 13.04 but needed lts so when back to 12.0417:06
usr13bmxscott1993: Or could be that 3d is broken on your system.17:06
oalzero2XIII, hmm, haven't changed anything lately. Will do that. Have to go for a bit. Will try when I'm back. Thanks!17:07
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: do you get as far as a grub prompt?17:07
usr13bmxscott1993: (You can opt for 2d at the login screen.)17:07
erle-SSH in nautilus is broken17:07
zero2XIIIoal: cool no worries, try that. you can import the settings again if it didnt do anything17:07
bmxscott1993no can not see it but it go to login screen17:07
erle-"ssh unexpectedly exited"17:07
usr13bmxscott1993: Try 2D17:07
bmxscott1993and it all ok there just on boot up17:07
erle-please try somebody and file bug17:08
bmxscott1993and log off screen17:08
tgm4883jpmh, I assume that was at me?17:08
BluesKajjpmh, what exactly do you mean by your LAN IP , that's the same as your router IP , which is the gateway IP , or route -n17:08
bmxscott1993read up that it called a splash screen17:08
X-Sleepy-Xjpmh: you gonna like this: hostname -I17:08
usr13bmxscott1993: What you really mean is that the desktop is not complete after login. Right?17:08
usr13X-Sleepy-X: -i  ?17:09
zero2XIIIBlueKaj, he wants to display his computers local IP (inetadr in ifconfig)17:09
bmxscott1993no it all good and fine  just when booting up it meant to come up with the ubuntu loading screen then to login17:09
X-Sleepy-Xusr13: capital i17:09
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: if it's just during boot, ignore it17:10
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: how much time do you spend staring at boot screens anyway? ;-)17:10
jpmhguys - what I want is EXACTLY what I get from the ifconfig as long as I parse it to the inet address.  We have it.  THANK YOU ALL17:10
usr13X-Sleepy-X: Oh, well, they both work, it's just that -i shows only the IP17:10
gordonjcpbmxscott1993: can you pick stuff from the grub menu, and see the desktop?17:10
Kai_p_IEsome how if my pc locks on board starts and i dont know why i am running ubuntu 12.04LTS17:10
BluesKajzero2XIII, I asked him that he said no , he wants LAN IP which I interpret as the router IP , gateway IP17:11
bmxscott1993but say if i need grubs up to fix it throue recover i can not17:11
bmxscott1993cus it all purple17:11
zero2XIIIBlueKaj: Oh, well seems he got it now with hostname -I... The result he wants17:11
usr13X-Sleepy-X: (Earlier versions of hostname did not have option I (only i).17:11
bmxscott1993no cus it all purple with static17:11
X-Sleepy-Xusr13: :)17:12
bmxscott1993so can not see ubunt logo or grubs17:12
sharifany one help me17:13
usr13bmxscott1993: Not sure, but sounds like nomodeset17:13
usr13bmxscott1993: Fresh install?17:13
Kai_p_IE!help | sharif17:13
ubottusharif: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:13
bmxscott1993il send a link of the video http://goo.gl/RGi3617:13
bmxscott1993can you see the link17:13
bmxscott1993i did to a fresh install with a dvd17:14
sharifubuntu 13.4 karnel update commend plzz17:14
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/17:14
BluesKajsharif, sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:15
followerdoes anyone know a program which i can span data over 10 dvd?17:15
sharifubuntu 13.4 karnel update commend plzz17:15
Kai_p_IEsharif, they gave you it17:16
usr13bmxscott1993: That's all?  Just stops with screen that says "Ubuntu 12.04"?17:16
anevappears my external is dying17:16
billy__hi is there anyway to dualboot a palm pre 2 with hp webos and a linux os17:17
anevanything i could try for the following: http://pastebin.com/yPwAzeLh ?17:17
billy__or just change it to a linux os17:17
usr13bmxscott1993: Are you sure you waited long enough?  (It just looks the system is not finished booting.)17:17
bmxscott1993yer that do not come up or grub it just purple when that meant to show the ubuntu17:17
usr13bmxscott1993: Not sure, but sounds like nomodeset17:17
X-Sleepy-Xmrguser: hi17:18
bmxscott1993no it did but then i turn it off then on to test but now it just purple and static like17:18
mrguserr u admin?17:18
X-Sleepy-Xmrguser: no17:18
usr13bmxscott1993: But the video you sent us does not show what you desribe.17:18
bmxscott1993then go static to the login screen17:18
X-Sleepy-Xmrguser: may i ask why you ask?17:19
usr13bmxscott1993: Sounds like nomodeset.  See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313217:19
Kai_p_IE!ask | mrguser17:19
ubottumrguser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:19
angeloalmightydoes anyone here still using 10.04?17:20
mrguserany 1 know about wifi hack?17:20
mrguserFrom mobile17:20
angeloalmighty@mrguser i dont think that's possible17:20
mrguserits possible17:20
usr13angeloalmighty: Well, those that are on ubuntu-server may still be....17:20
reisioangeloalmighty: why do you ask?17:20
DJonesmrguser: Hacking isn't an apprpriate topic for this channel17:20
reisiomrguser: about what?17:20
Kai_p_IEmrguser, Why do you want to do that via mobile17:21
reisioDJones: don't know what hacking is? :)17:21
mrguserM aneble to install mac2wepkey.sis17:21
Kai_p_IEi feel a kick comeing on L:17:21
usr13angeloalmighty: You should just ask your question. (polling the channel rarely does much.)17:21
bmxscott1993il try that thank17:21
Kai_p_IEsome how if my pc locks on board starts and i dont know why i am running ubuntu 12.04LTS17:21
DJonesmrguser: Do you have an Ubuntu support question? Please be aware this channel only deals with Ubuntu support issues17:22
ikoniaKai_p_IE: explain better please "my pc locks onboard" ????17:22
usr13Kai_p_IE: More details......17:22
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lurkerrrrExcuse my noobiness (and my english for that matter).17:22
lurkerrrrBut do you have any idea why my (ancient) jabber account is linked to one of my gmail accounts (same password/contacts etc). If I remember well I opened the jabber account I am talking about a few years ago, and now I do not seem to find the dashboard/page-settings, whatever is called to change the linkage to the gmail account, or to change the password (to be different from the gmail one). I have been looking on the net, for the last 20 17:22
lurkerrrrAny of you guys and girls ...... there's 1719 people here17:22
reisiolurkerrrr: what does that have to do with Ubuntu?17:22
lurkerrrrSorry to bump into17:23
lurkerrrriIIIIIIIIIII know17:23
benbloomso I uses dd_rescue to clone an ailing HD, now I have this enormous file but I'm not sure what I can do with it. I think there's something wrong with the superblock but I don't know what that means or how to fix it17:23
lurkerrrrI was wondering whether any of you might know about it. .... I have been looking for an answer to this.17:23
ikoniabenbloom: dd won't fix the superblock17:23
usr13lurkerrrr: Wrong channel.17:23
ikoniabenbloom: dd is a block by block copy of the damaged disk - I don't see any benifit to having it17:24
lurkerrrrI know17:24
lurkerrrrthank you17:24
reisiobenbloom: ffr use ddrescue, not dd_rescue17:24
benbloomso ikonia is there no hope for the data stored on that drive?17:24
Kai_p_IEsome how if my pc locks on board starts and i dont know why i am running ubuntu 12.04LTS (Thats it thats all that happens the pc sleeps and i seem to get the keyboard poping up and i dont know why)17:24
ikoniabenbloom: depends,17:24
ikoniaKai_p_IE: saying the same thing over and over doesn't help17:24
usr13benbloom: We don't know....17:25
ikoniaKai_p_IE: you need to give more info. What is "pc locks onboard starts"17:25
Kai_p_IEthe on screen keyboard <ikonia>17:25
usr13Kai_p_IE: Are you having trouble recovering from sleep mode?17:25
Kai_p_IEusr13, nope17:25
ikoniaKai_p_IE: why are you using an onscren keyboard17:26
ikoniaKai_p_IE: test it with a normal keyboard17:26
phillustinei'm trying to install conky, and i run make but it states there's no make file. what can i do?17:26
ikoniaphillustine: why are you compiling it ? it's in the repos17:26
X-Sleepy-Xphillustine: why not just install it with apt-get ?17:26
benbloomikonia: usr13 I'm really in past my depth here. If this isn't the right place to ask, please point me to where i should17:26
ikoniaphillustine: open the package manager, search for conky, install it17:26
Kai_p_IEikonia, i don't know i just came back from the pc and it poped up all the time as i go to unlock my pc17:26
ikoniaKai_p_IE: just reboot it17:27
phillustinegood point. i'll do it that way. incidentally. is it possible to search the repos from the command line?17:27
ikoniabenbloom: what's actually happened to y our disk ?17:27
ikoniaphillustine: apt-cache search $package17:27
Kai_p_IEikonia, i have but it seems to come back17:27
ikoniaphillustine: https://help.ubuntu.com - a guide on how to use ubuntu17:27
ikoniaKai_p_IE: I'm sorry, you're not making any sense17:27
X-Sleepy-X!cookie | ikonia17:27
ubottuikonia: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:27
ikoniaKai_p_IE: when you start your PC is the onscreen keyboard visible, yes/no ?17:27
billy__hi is there anyway to dualboot a palm pre 2 with hp webos and a linux os17:27
benbloomikonia: it just stopped mounting. system claims there's no partition table, but data is still there.17:28
ikoniabenbloom: ok it's stopped automounting, or it's stopped mounting totally17:28
DJonesbilly__: I think you'll need to find a dedicated Palm channel for that, its a bit beyond the scope of this channel17:28
usr13Kai_p_IE: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch17:28
Kai_p_IEikonia, nope but if it gos to screensaver it pops up17:28
Kai_p_IEusr13, your not helping i am not talking about that17:29
ikoniaKai_p_IE: ok - so the screen saver process is trigginer it, right17:29
ikoniaKai_p_IE: he is helping - you're not being clear.17:29
benbloomikonia: it's stopped mounting altogether17:29
ikoniabenbloom: what happens if you try to manually mount it17:29
phillustineikonia, many tanks.17:29
Kai_p_IEikonia, sorry yeah17:29
ikoniaKai_p_IE: ok, so the issue is "When I the screen saver starts, the on screen keyboard appears on screen"17:30
Kai_p_IEikonia, Yeah sorry17:30
ikoniaKai_p_IE: ok - so when it pops up, is it useable ?17:30
Kai_p_IEno ikonia i am on a laptop with a working keyboard so i have no need for it17:31
arminis there a way to define a keyboard shortcut to cycle through the windows of an open application without display the task switcher in that case?17:31
ikoniaKai_p_IE:  I didn't ask if you had need for it - I asked if it worked17:31
zero2XIIIarmin: for what application?17:31
arminlike you have a few terminal windows open and all you want is cycle through them and display them and not having to focus on the task switcher.17:31
arminzero2XIII: any application.17:31
arminthat feature would really increase the user experience i think.17:32
zero2XIIIarmin: I only know if the application supports it, eg firefox, some terminal emulators support that function17:32
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arminzero2XIII: you're thinking away from the origin.17:32
arminzero2XIII: but thank you.17:33
zero2XIIIarmin: explain?17:33
arminzero2XIII: i mean i really want that feature to integrate with the unity taskswitcher, not a workaround.17:33
zero2XIIIarmin: if you have multiple screens open of one application the unity switcher DOES allow you to switch between windows17:34
benbloomikonia: dmesg says "EXT4-fs (sdi): VFS: Can't find ext4 filesystem"17:34
arminzero2XIII: i never had any doubt to that.17:34
ikoniabenbloom: what command are you using exactly to mount it17:34
arminzero2XIII: what i'm looking for is simply switching to the other windows, WITHOUT displaying the switcher.17:35
arminzero2XIII: think of the behaviour that fluxbox has for example.17:35
benbloomsudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdi /mnt/HDHD217:35
ikoniabenbloom: that's a disk - not a partition17:35
ikoniabenbloom: you need to mount the partition17:36
ikoniabenbloom: eg: sdi117:36
arminzero2XIII: thing is, that you can create seperate keyboard bindings to switch through windows of just the current application and also for iterating through ALL applications. i use the former a lot to cycle through the terminal sessions i have open.17:36
benbloommount: special device /dev/sdi1 does not exist17:36
arminzero2XIII: so basically for me it is VERY disturbing to always end up in the switcher, having to find my terminal windows there, and so on.17:36
X-Sleepy-Xarmin: why not just use tabs?17:36
arminzero2XIII: it's WAY easier to remember where a terminal window resides on your deskopt, and simply switch to that.17:36
ikoniabenbloom: ok - so this is bad, it looks like there is no partitions/parttiion table on this device17:36
arminX-Sleepy-X: because it's a different feature.17:37
ikoniabenbloom: what has happened to this disk ?17:37
zero2XIIIarmin: I see, give me second, my system does exactly what you are saying when I do shift+tab17:37
arminX-Sleepy-X: there are PLENTY of situations where you need multiple terminals displaying their content at the same time, especially when coding.17:37
benbloomikonia: it's a bit old? according to SMART it has "184 End-to-End_Error"17:38
ikoniabenbloom: but has something actually happened to it ?17:38
ikoniabenbloom: or is it just failing because it's old17:38
arminzero2XIII: basically i would even use the "Static Application Switcher" plugin in ccsm if it wouldn't crash when trying to enable it, but the whole compiz stack is just one broken buggy mess.17:39
benbloomno. it just suddenly disappeared from my system and when i tried to mount it i got 'no partition table'17:39
benbloomikonia: no. it just suddenly disappeared from my system and when i tried to mount it i got 'no partition table'17:39
ikoniabenbloom: run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdi" check if there is a partition table, but it sounds like the disk is just failing17:39
zero2XIIIarmin: I was just about to suggest it, that is what I use.17:39
zero2XIIIarmin: however, mine is not really buggy?17:40
arminzero2XIII: hmmm.17:40
zero2XIIIarmin: also I set up window groups17:40
arminmaybe i get it to work with some weird combinations of clicking around in that weird ccsm thing.17:40
zero2XIIIso I can switch INSIDE a group...17:40
arminzero2XIII: yeah exactly.17:40
arminzero2XIII: that's precisely what i want.17:40
arminzero2XIII: but WITHOUT displaying the switcher at all.17:41
arminzero2XIII: it should just switch.17:41
zero2XIIIarmin: just change focus basicly?17:41
arminif that would possible i would really have no reason to ditch unity.17:41
arminbut it distracts me a lot when working.17:41
sharifubuntu 13.4 vmwera player a not full scerin17:42
benbloomikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784399/ someone here suggested I try dd_rescue but it seems to have copied the corruption. is there a way to try to recover the data from the disc?17:42
zero2XIIIarmin: well then you should enable the group and tab windows option in unity17:42
arminzero2XIII: the idea of having to find the window you're looking for in the switcher is just stupid.17:42
arminzero2XIII: i got that one.17:43
ikoniabenbloom: I didn't tell you to do fsck !17:43
usr13armin: I may be late in the conversation, but are you talking about the function of Alt-F2 ?  Or someting similar?17:43
ikoniabenbloom: I asked you to do "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdi"17:43
zero2XIIIarmin: maybe, but I like it again... And then after the groups are set up (super G i think is the default) then you can switch with the switcher of choice inside that group)17:43
usr13armin: Sorry, I meant to say Alt-Tab17:43
benbloomoops. my bad. i've been at this a while ikonia. 1sec17:43
fungus304alright ive been having trouble with my intell 855gm video card for about a week now. i have a freshly installed and updated lubuntu 13.04 i know that the video drivers are supposed to be pre loaded but something definatly is not right. youtube videos show up half size and in purple and green. any help would be greatly apreciated17:44
ikoniabenbloom: you have to be much more careful and pay attention17:44
donvitoi am currently on Ubuntu 12.04.2LTS with gnome classic  due to low graphic card i want to upgrade to 13.04 can i still use gnome classic?17:44
usr13armin: I use Alt-Tab and Alt-F2 alot.....17:44
ikoniabenbloom: commands like that can remove any chance of recovery17:44
usr13donvito: Short answer, yes17:44
donvitousr13:  is it better to stay on 12.04 than go to 13.04 ?17:45
BluesKajfungus304, which graphics ?17:45
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fungus304intell 855gm17:45
usr13donvito: Matter of opinion, but I prefer 12.04 for a number of reasons.  (I also use xfce.)17:45
BluesKajon board or pci . fungus30417:45
fungus304uhm... integrated?17:46
benbloomikonia: error of fdisk is 'Disk /dev/sdi doesn't contain a valid partition table' output is http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784407/17:46
ikoniabenbloom: ok, this is the root of the problem,17:46
ikoniabenbloom: getting a parttion table on this without damaging the data is key17:46
fungus304sorry not sure what u mean17:47
BluesKajfungus304, ok onboard=integrated , run dkms status and pastebin the result17:47
fungus304from my understanding its integrated into the motherboard...17:47
mreqHowdy. Anyone got a nice tutorial on how to install 12.04 server with RVM+nginx via passenger (system wide).17:47
mreqI'm willing to host a RoR website + one wordpress blog (can do the PHP setup...)17:48
fungus304alright open terminal sudo dkms?17:48
ikoniabenbloom: I suggest you read in great detail this page http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/linux-data-recovery.html17:48
BluesKajno ,just, dkms status, fungus30417:48
zero2XIIIfungus304: dkms status17:48
arminhm, seems like i should just live with the downsides of the static application switcher then.17:48
ikoniabenbloom: this really is your only real chance17:48
donvitousr13:  i like xfce now im going to install it:)17:48
fungus304says program currently not installed?17:49
benbloomthanks ikonia.17:49
zero2XIIIarmin: if you only use it to switch between temrinal windows, try ctrl z, and use fg to return to the different active applications inside the terminal... just a thought17:49
fungus304i assume i should install17:49
BluesKajfungus304, look in additional drivers17:50
zero2XIIIarmin: but yes.. Maybe unity it to "eye candy" rich to do that..17:50
fungus304shows none17:50
arminzero2XIII: that's again a workaround of thinking in a completely different direction. that's like suggesting to use screen when someone asks for a bug in the tab implementation of their terminal emulator.17:50
fungus304under preferences software and updates additional drivers17:51
arminzero2XIII: but, thanks.17:51
wheatthingrr stupid update broke my chrome install ;/17:51
zero2XIIIarmin: yea, well then grab some source and code in this ability you seek?.. since it seems there is no other way than "a workaround"..17:51
fungus304i tried the ppa glasen/intel blah blah and says 404 error not found reverting to older software17:51
zero2XIIIarmin: sure no worries17:52
iDrofoxhello, how i can convert a partiton from gpt to mbr using gparted in ubuntu so i can install win 7 ?17:52
arminzero2XIII: i might just live with the static application switcher plugin i guess.17:52
ikoniaiDrofox: you can't convert partitions17:52
fungus304furhtermore tried intels linux driver software same result 404 not found17:52
zero2XIIIarmin: last possible work around, super W, and select the screen...17:53
iDrofoxikonia: win 7 says i can't install it in gpt drive...so i want to change it to mbr so i can install win 7..?17:53
iDrofoxi am trying to do it with ubuntu..any tool i can download ?17:53
ikoniaiDrofox:  you can't "change it"17:53
fungus304when running xp i had no problems when installed ubuntu i cant watch video... tried xubuntu kubuntu now lubunt17:53
zero2XIIIarmin: click or arrows and enter.17:54
ikoniaiDrofox: you need to delete the partition table (and thus all partitions) and re-create a new partition table in the correct format17:54
iDrofoxwhich means loss of all data ?17:54
zero2XIIIarmin: but gtg.17:54
ikoniaiDrofox: not if you back it up17:54
iDrofoxikonia:ok thx17:54
fungus304W:Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/glasen/intel-driver/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found , E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.17:54
wheatthinreinstalling it worked. 0.o17:55
phillustineis ram usage of 41% normal?17:57
ikoniacan be17:57
wheatthinphillustine, depends on how much you have17:57
ikoniadepends on many things,17:57
ikonianot how much you have17:57
phillustineja, this, firefox, and a terminal17:57
fungus304is there no way to get my intell 855gm video card to function properly with ubuntu17:58
wheatthinfungus201, what does your xorg.conf file look like?17:58
Piciphillustine: How are you calculating that?17:58
phillustinePici, calculating what? my RAM?17:58
phillustinefrom conky17:58
Piciphillustine: Whats the output of free -m17:59
ikoniaso you're running more than you just said17:59
ikoniayou're also running conkey17:59
fungus304sudo xorg.conf?17:59
hackvier_hello friends,17:59
phillustineikonia, exactly. slipped my mind.17:59
hackvier_i have 12.04 and  want install  maliit17:59
wheatthinfungus201, pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:59
hackvier_but have error.17:59
ikonia /etc/X11/xorg.conf should not exist unless you have forced creation of one17:59
phillustinePici, Mem: 991 (tot), 874 (used), 117 (free)18:00
ikoniaso that's more than %4018:00
ikoniaand that's also bad numbers18:00
fungus304bash: /etc/x11/xorg.conf: No such file or directory18:00
wheatthinikonia, I find that forcing it to make one helps, especially with login prompts resolution18:00
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ikoniawheatthin: why ? what are you trying to force with it ?18:00
Piciikonia: conky could be doing the +/- buffers/cache calculation itself.18:00
ikoniawheatthin: what have you configured it18:00
ikoniaPici: I'd hope it is18:00
killerhey , how can I reduce ram usage in ubuntu 12.04 64 bit server18:01
wheatthinikonia, fglrx-updates drivers18:01
ikoniaoh dear18:01
BluesKajfungus304, that ppa is faulty and has been removed from launchpad18:01
fungus304so what now?18:02
usr13fungus304 lsb_release -r   #What version are you on?18:02
wheatthinikonia, so forcing   aticonfig --initial -f did the job for me to fix the login screen's resolution18:02
usr13fungus304: Fully updated?18:03
fungus304i think so i did the sudo apt-get update and upgrade and did software updater18:04
phillustineikonia, what would you expect it to be?18:05
usr13fungus304: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209102418:05
ikoniaphillustine: there is no set expectation18:05
qubit01how would I make a keyboard shortcut to select a certain Window ?  Like Ctrl+Shift+e goes to my eclipse widnow ?18:06
natrixnatrix89when I log into ubuntu, I get this informative greeting: http://pastebin.com/vTNfTgbx18:06
natrixnatrix89Is there a command to get such system information during runtime?18:06
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wheatthinphillustine, you can always try like i said to generate xorg.conf file18:06
wheatthinlol nvm18:06
qubit01natrixnatrix89, that looks like an AWS EC2 instance18:07
natrixnatrix89no. it's my computer..18:07
reisioqubit01: wmctrl18:07
reisioqubit01: or look into tiling window managers18:07
qubit01reisio, awesome!  looking it up18:07
wheatthinwhy after logging out, does X:0 switch to X:1?18:07
natrixnatrix89qubit01: But the question was.. what's the command to get system info?18:07
qubit01natrixnatrix89, that comes from the motd of the file18:08
qubit01so id look in there first18:08
qubit01message of the day, usually /etc/motd18:08
qubit01looks like there doingsomething cool with it18:08
natrixnatrix89wow.. really.. that's what it contains..18:09
natrixnatrix89how do they generate it then?18:09
qubit01look in that file and find out :)18:09
natrixnatrix89but it's just plain text..18:09
natrixnatrix89There must be a script generating this file..18:09
qubit01search for motd , there might be config files for it somewhere18:10
qubit01cd /etc/update-motd.d18:10
Bewbasaurushi everyone18:10
qubit01go to hell! ... oh sorry.  Hullo!18:11
BewbasaurusI was just looking for a channel where I could get some advice and tips I am very new to linux ubuntu18:11
reisioBewbasaurus: this well could be that channel18:11
natrixnatrix89qubit01: Thank's!18:11
meadhikarihi, any idea on where I can find the Ubuntu Dell ISO's that come pre installed? I mean with all the drivers18:12
qubit01ah where have you been my whole life wmctrl *reisio* :)18:13
pagios_hello i am trying to connect to a wpa/wpa2 PSK network i included this wpa_supplicant file, can anyone tell me if it is right or missing something? thanks http://pastebin.com/hDSd02mL18:13
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reisioqubit01: ikr18:13
pagios/join #linux18:13
SonikkuAmerica*/join ##linux18:14
reisioqubit01: devilspie is another, but more complicated18:14
* X-Sleepy-X enjoys some updates18:15
X-Sleepy-Xpagios: is it the /etc/network/interfaces file?18:19
pagiosX-Sleepy-X: no it is wpa_supplicant.conf18:19
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ironfroggyDoes anyone have experience with an issue between two machines that won't SCP? no errors, but the file is never written. -v indicates it does transfer, however.18:22
BeaniosI can't seem to view any windows PCs on my ubuntu 13.04 machine. How can I resolve this?18:23
X-Sleepy-Xpagios: are you going to have like a static connection to one wifi network?18:23
pagiosX-Sleepy-X: correct18:23
skorasaurusi have a ubuntu 12.04 live usb, I go to the install option but it takes me to the desktop without a install icon, it acts as if its in live mode only.18:23
skorasaurushow do i install ubuntu on the computer then ?18:24
ironfroggyBeanios, what does "view any windows PCs" mean?18:24
pagiosso i have a static configuration in /etc/network/interface for wlan4 so my laptop gets assigned the ip but doesn connect to the wireless network X-Sleepy-X18:24
BeaniosI am trying to see them on the network18:24
Beaniosbut I can't connect18:24
cstewartBeanios are you meaning samba or network shares if so you might need to install smb or samba18:24
fungus731god i just dont understand why video is purple and green18:24
X-Sleepy-Xpagios: how have you configured the /etc/network/interfaces ?18:25
BeaniosI have samba, maybe I didn't install it correctly18:25
pagiosX-Sleepy-X: http://pastebin.com/h8FsQTYg18:25
cstewartcan the windows computer see your ubuntu computer18:25
BeaniosI will reinstall it18:25
cstewartIts also suggest to reboot after installing since profiled will need to update apparmour profile18:26
BeaniosWait, I will just quickly install samba18:26
Beaniosok, I will reboot after18:26
pagiosanyone please?18:27
X-Sleepy-Xpagios: have you tried adding wpa-ssid MyNetwork and wpa-psk MyPassword123 in /etc/network/interfaces ?18:27
pagioshuh? never heard of that18:28
marcbiskupI have an error message like this: https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-mMG2oXIuuGI/UcMQyWIA-3I/AAAAAAAABAQ/_zRNHQX5CK8/w1021-h766-no/IMG_9779.JPG18:29
BeaniosOk, rebooted18:29
BeaniosI can see the ubuntu machine on my windows machine18:30
X-Sleepy-Xpagios: http://pastebin.com/ueyHtTap18:30
BeaniosI can't open "Network Servers"18:30
marcbiskupany help? or is it just X-Sleepy-X helping? ;)18:31
BeaniosI still can't connect to the windows network18:31
cstewarttry and install apt-get install smbfs18:32
Beanios"Failed to retrieve share list from server: Connection timed out"18:32
cstewartPagios I just added to your pastebin an example for you18:32
Beanios"Package smbfs has no installation candidate"18:32
BeaniosI si t cifs-utils?18:33
BeaniosIs it cifs-utils18:33
X-Sleepy-XBeanios: i use cifs-utils18:34
cstewartyes that would be the replacement in 13.04 sorry still sporting 12.04lts.....its mainly used for mounting smb and cifs shares18:34
BeaniosAh, ok, it's installing now18:34
BeaniosWill I need to reboot after?18:34
X-Sleepy-Xmarcbiskup: when do you get that error and when did it begin?18:34
cstewartno and add this line as well to your /etc/samba/smb.conf18:34
marcbiskupsome wekks ago. cannot reproduce it.18:35
BeaniosI only recently install ubuntu 13.04 on my laptop, I have it on my server, but that always worked18:35
X-Sleepy-Xmarcbiskup: so it was a one time error?18:35
cstewartbellow where the workgroup is defined add the following "name resolve order = bcast host"18:35
BeaniosDo I need to reboot?18:35
marcbiskupno, I got it several times.18:35
X-Sleepy-Xmarcbiskup: have you since then upgraded to a newer kernel?18:35
marcbiskupyes, I guess. Check this: http://pastebin.com/ZxjbBEDZ18:36
marcbiskupOh, it's gone :/18:36
Beanioswait, what line?18:36
marcbiskupX-Sleepy-X: Wait a sec, I create a syslog18:37
cstewartyou will need to add that line i provided bellow the workgroup = line18:37
d4rkn30I have a quick question, How can i remove grub from boot but keep lubuntu installed as i just installed grub onto a usb key18:37
Beaniosoh, wow how did I not notice that :/18:37
cstewartthen restart samba service sudo /etc/init.d/smbd restart18:38
Beaniosok done18:38
cstewartDo we have a winner??? LOL18:38
marcbiskupX-Sleepy-X: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5784571/18:39
budmanganyone here use ipmitool?18:39
c-toastIs there anyone here who would be willing to help a relative newbie? I asked a Q in the beginners channel. Thought maybe someone could help...? Should I ask here?18:39
Beaniosthank you so much!18:39
gordonjcp!ask | c-toast18:39
ubottuc-toast: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:39
Beaniosthis has been bugging me for ages18:39
cstewartCool no problem18:39
gordonjcp!anyone | budmang18:39
ubottubudmang: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.18:39
donvitoi just installed Nvidia accelerated drivers version 173, do i also need do install nvidia accelerated drivers post release 173-updates?18:40
c-toastHi! I'm having a miserable time with an HP Win8 computer and Ubuntu 13. I installed a side by side and it refuses to dual boot. I disabled the Secure Boot, shut down and by sheer chance I hit the right combination of 'enter's in the UEFI to boot into Ubuntu - Finally. But it's still not dual booting without a ton of dancing around in the BIOS. I don't even know if this makes any sense. How can I make this a simple dual boot?18:41
X-Sleepy-Xmarcbiskup: looks like you have upgraded the kernel to the latest so that's probably why the error hasn't occured again...18:41
budmangubottu: nice, ipmi is a bit specific but, Im just trying to setup ipmitool between 2 machines, I have the LANS setup, ARP from each machine shows they see eachother.18:41
donvitoi just installed Nvidia accelerated drivers version 173, do i also need do install nvidia accelerated drivers post release 173-updates?18:41
budmangbut I just cant seem to send any command via -l lan18:41
BeaniosCould you help me with one more problem? Sound doesn't work at all.18:41
BeaniosI found a command that fixes it temporarily, but I lost that command18:42
marcbiskupX-Sleepy-X: What does it mean then? I had the problem several times during the last weeks.18:42
cstewartHmm that might be interesting and after you saying that I recall a friend with similar issues18:42
cstewartif you disable apparmor will sound work temporary until reboot18:43
Danielc1234hi all, trying to install varnish but getting this error. W: Failed to fetch http://repo.varnish-cache.org/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release  Unable to find expected entry  varnish-3.0.4/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)18:43
Danielc1234any ideas?18:43
X-Sleepy-Xmarcbiskup: i'm not sure, haven't had many issues like that to learn from.18:44
donvitoi just installed Nvidia accelerated drivers version 173, do i also need do install nvidia accelerated drivers post release 173-updates?18:44
budmangipmitool or openipmi - doesnt seem to be listening on port 63218:44
Beanioshow do I disable apparmour?18:44
cstewartjust pulling up some notes one second...is this for pulse audio18:45
Beaniosok, I'm not sure18:45
X-Sleepy-X!patience | donvito18:46
ubottudonvito: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/18:46
rudolf_hi all18:47
chilukhow do I turn off nautilus searching with 13.04?18:47
chilukI want to launch nautilus and then be able to hit a letter like I used to.18:48
rudolf_What is the difference between wine and wine 1.4-i386 and which one should I install?18:48
cstewartTo disable apparmor for pulse audio it should be the following command "sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd" "18:48
cstewartsudo /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin restart18:48
DJThi, here is my pblm: libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work18:49
DJTwhat is the best to do?18:49
rudolf_The first one is meta package. :|18:49
aethelrickrudolf_: the i386 version is 32bit18:49
pagioscstewart: X-Sleepy-X do i also run  /sbin/wpa_supplicant -iwlan4 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dwext ?18:49
rudolf_aethelrick, and what is a meta package?18:50
cstewartshouldn't need to just /etc/init.d/networking restart18:50
aethelrickrudolf_: just install "wine"18:50
rudolf_ok...thanks aethelrick18:50
aethelrickrudolf_: a META package… a a package that simply contains a list of packages it depends upon… i.e. it's just a list of stuff to install18:50
cstewartbrb duty calls18:51
wilee-nilee!tmi | cstewart18:51
ubottucstewart: Um thanks... We *really* did not need to know that...18:51
niranjanHi there, I am on ubuntu 12.04. Have set up TOMBOY_PATH enviornment variable, but when I run tomboy using dash, its not picked up18:51
niranjanVariable is picked up when I run from terminal18:52
DJTno one for my problem18:52
wilee-nileeDJT, More detals would probably help, as in the context.18:53
niranjanSo the main question is are variables defined in .bashrc picked up by ubuntu dash18:53
Beanios"Error: Could not read profile /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd: No such file or directory."  "sudo: /etc/init.d/libvirt-bin: command not found"18:54
Danielc1234getting this error when trying to install varnish. Any ideas? W: Failed to fetch http://repo.varnish-cache.org/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release  Unable to find expected entry  varnish-3.0.4/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)18:54
belgianguyhi, is there something like cron that supports custom ranges?18:54
belgianguyI've looked at at, but that doesn't cover the case either18:55
Danielc1234using these commands18:55
Danielc1234curl http://repo.varnish-cache.org/debian/GPG-key.txt | sudo apt-key add -18:55
Danielc1234echo "deb http://repo.varnish-cache.org/ubuntu/ precise varnish-3.0" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list18:55
Danielc1234sudo apt-get update18:55
Danielc1234sudo apt-get install varnish18:55
FloodBot1Danielc1234: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:55
aethelrickniranjan: put your variables in ~/.profile and log out and back in again18:55
DJTwilee-nilee, my programme can't find pthread_cancel18:55
DJTwhat is the best way to upgrade libgcc_s.so.118:56
aethelrickbelgianguy: what do you mean "custom ranges" can you give an example18:56
niranjanaethelrick: machine is rebooted many times after setting the variable. I see .profile calling .bashrc18:56
niranjanIs that not taking effect?18:56
niranjanThis is defautl .profile18:57
belgianguyaethelrick: eg a 2 week holiday that changes each year, I don't want it to run then18:57
aethelrickniranjan: if you open  terminal and type export, can you see your variable set ??18:57
DJTi do the same (upgrade apt18:57
Stripehi all having probs with 12.04 copying files from an internal ntfs backup drive, any ideas?18:58
johnjohn101i saw an article about 64 bit steam for linux. how soon should it be available for ubuntu?18:58
niranjanIf memory serves right, variables are exported only if you source it, is that right?18:58
niranjanI mean if variables are set in another script and you just execute that script18:59
X-Sleepy-XDJT: dpkg -S libgcc_s.so.118:59
X-Sleepy-XDJT: apt-cache search libgcc118:59
belgianguyaethelrick: the easiest analogue would be a school bell, which doesn't sound on Wednesday afternoon, and not in the weekend or when it's a holiday19:00
aethelrickbelgianguy: easiest thing might be to wrap your task in a script and execute that daily, then inside the script bail out if the days falls within the excluded period19:00
belgianguyaethelrick: yeah, that was what I was thinking, any scripting language you'd recommend?19:00
NoizeI have an issue with my bluetooth19:01
belgianguyaethelrick: I was thinking of bash in combination with php, (the php part is because I'll need a web front end anyway)19:01
Noizei recently used sixad/sixpair to connect my ps3 controller to my nexus 4... now i cannot use bluetooth on my computer19:01
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Noizeany suggestions? The bluetooth manager doesn't recognize my bluetooth anymore19:02
rudolf_What do I do after saving the package download script from synaptics?19:02
aethelrickbelgianguy: if you're working in PHP you may as well do it all in there19:02
rudolf_I jst have to run it ?19:02
cstewartBack a few lbs lighter ....how you guys making out19:02
BeaniosI think I fixed it with sudo alsa force-reload19:02
Beaniosthanks for your help19:02
cstewartyea i know in the pass apparmor has been the culprit to check19:03
belgianguyaethelrick: yeah, but I don't know how to start mplayer from within php (and system calls feel a bit uncleanà19:03
wilee-nileerudolf_, synaptic s a installer, are you sure you have not already run it?19:03
Beaniosthanks, cstewart!19:03
donvitoi just installed Nvidia accelerated drivers version 173, do i also need do install nvidia accelerated drivers post release 173-updates?19:03
aethelrickbelgianguy: ust put your commands in `back ticks` they will be executed19:03
kostkondonvito, that package will keep your nvidia driver more up-to-date19:04
belgianguyaethelrick: could you explain about the backticks?19:04
rudolf_wilee-nilee, I want to download on other computer. So I generated the download script. What do I do next?19:05
aethelrickbelgianguy: the back ticks are the `quotes` I used here around quotes. PHP will shell execute anything in them19:05
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rudolf_wilee-nilee, there are several .deb files to download as written in the script. Whic one should i open first after download? I mean what i really have to do after downloading them all??19:07
wilee-nileerudolf_, Thanks for your additional information, I have no idea what you are doing, using synaptic this way I have never seen.19:08
angswhich one  has better performance on a computer that has a bad graphic card: ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu?19:09
rudolf_wilee-nilee, there is option in the file menu called "generate package download script".19:09
icerootangs: xubuntu and lubuntu should be the same for the vga19:09
angsI will use it to develop a GUI on eclipse, does it matter what distro (ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu) I am using ?19:09
aethelrickrudolf_: do you have a bandwidth problem? it's easier to just install on other machine using synaptic isn't it?19:09
icerootangs: no it doesnt matter19:10
angsiceroot, which one do you suggest me to install?19:10
rudolf_aethelrick, yeah i have a bandwidth prob and I want to download the softwares on other pc and then install them on mine.19:10
icerootangs: you can use all the ubuntu software on kubuntu, ubuntu, lubuntu and xubuntu. everything is availalbe for all versions19:10
wilee-nileerudolf_,  True, however that just pulls in packages and installs them I believe, so the computer you are doing this for has this access already or at least must to run it19:10
icerootangs: the one you like most, all are fine. maybe have a look with a live-cd which gui you prefer19:11
angsthank you iceroot19:11
rudolf_wilee-nilee, i have a bandwidth prob and I want to download the softwares on other pc and then install them on mine.19:11
rudolf_Wilee-nilee, now what should i do?19:11
belgianguythere's a spammer on the channel I think19:11
X-Sleepy-Xrudolf_: copy the already downloaded .deb files from /var/cache/apt/archives (or where they resolve) to the other computer and then install via synaptics19:12
icerootangs: no problem, you are welcome19:12
wilee-nileerudolf_, The problem here is this is a vague description, for example how many packages, how many apps...etc, honestly I'm not your best help here.19:12
NoizeCould anyone help me with my bluetooth issue?19:13
rudolf_hmm...ok...I will be back after downloading them all.19:13
wilee-nilee!ask | Noize19:14
ubottuNoize: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:14
X-Sleepy-Xrudolf_: i mean, they get downloaded to that path when you install them, so then you can use them again, either on the same computer or another.19:14
laurenhey everyone19:14
Noizewilee-nilee i did nobody responded :P19:15
laurenI was just wondering if someone could give me some pointers on ubuntu 13.04  and video playback19:15
aethelrickrudolf_: have a look at this… http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190055019:15
NoizeMy bluetooth will not work after pairing my ps3 controller to my N419:15
Noizei used sixad and sixpair to pair the 2 together, now bluetooth on my computer won't work at all19:15
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: please specify further19:16
wilee-nileeNoize, If someone knows they will probably answer, it takes awhile sometimes is all.19:16
DaughainMorning, all.19:16
X-Sleepy-XDaughain: Good evening... :)19:17
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DaughainHow goes the day, X-Sleepy-X ?19:17
laurenX-Sleepy-X, well I have a toshiba laptop that is new, 64bit with 4gb ram and radeon gfx, I have 13.04 installed wiping out W8 and I have done all updates and swappiness adjustment but in chromium, youtube video playback on fullscreen is super choppy and in system monitor it shows both cores at like 99%, I dont understand why the load would be so great19:17
* X-Sleepy-X wonders who that someone/anybody/nobody is which everyone mentions19:18
rudolf_aethelrick, yeah thats what i wanted..thanks :)19:18
=== stevechch is now known as sjbnz
aethelricklauren: have you installed the AMD drivers for your video card?19:19
X-Sleepy-XDaughain: Good, can't complain. How about you?19:19
sjbnzFun. Back on-line.19:19
laurenaethelrick, yes19:19
laurenaethelrick, using the proprietary, they seem to work well, HL2 on steam runs okay19:19
DaughainX-Sleepy-X, well, once the battery dies, hopefully it will be better. Trying to sort out the battery on the laptop.19:19
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: is it the same with firefox?19:20
benediktinstalled with mini.iso. Do i need to enable TRIM support for my ssd manually?19:20
sjbnzmtr say worst is 9.0 - avg is 0.5 (on the same segment, so should be fast)19:20
laurenX-Sleepy-X, good point let me check19:20
X-Sleepy-Xbenedikt: do you have ext4? if so, add discard in /etc/fstab19:20
benediktX-Sleepy-X: i have19:21
laurenX-Sleepy-X, yes it almost seems a little worse in firefox.. I just dont get why flash video playback would be so hard on the cpu19:22
laurenX-Sleepy-X, I mean I have 4gb ram19:22
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X-Sleepy-Xbenedikt: good, just add discard before errors=remount like: UUID=45cc6449-c2a1-4320-b1bc-9d57575dce39 /               ext4    defaults,discard,noatime,errors=remount-ro 0       119:22
DaughainX-Sleepy-X, The system has been showing 1 min remaining for ten min now. =) Trying to get it calibrated.19:22
benediktX-Sleepy-X: got it the first time :P19:22
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: and you have installed adobe-flashplugin ?19:24
laurenX-Sleepy-X, I dont know, I assumed so because it plays the flash?19:24
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: what do you find in about:plugins in firefox?19:25
dcopewas the unrar package removes?19:25
X-Sleepy-XDaughain: I think my system does the same sometimes. I choosed to ignore it.19:26
dcopewhy is apt-get not finding this? http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/unrar19:26
X-Sleepy-Xbenedikt: :) good19:26
sjbnzWell, my main concern was that the latest updates for 12.04LTS had introduced NFS bugs...19:27
trismdcope: do you have universe enabled? have you run apt-get update yet?19:27
DJonesdcope: Lucid is end of life, so the repo's have probably been removed19:27
dcopetrism: yes, i've run apt-get update19:27
DJones!eol | dcope19:27
ubottudcope: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:27
benedikti set up LVM with a minimal space to then add "partitions" (volume groups?) after install (the ncurses installer suggested it). What now?19:28
steve__Can Ubuntu help me get a girlfriend?19:28
sjbnz...sounds like that's not the case, so maybe ist the NFS on the i5/AS400.19:28
DJonessteve__: No, you probably you need to look in a different channel on a different network19:28
DaughainX-Sleepy-X, Since this laptop is 7 years old, I ned to know if the battery works, and for how long. =) Need to know if I need to buy a new one.19:28
steve__DJones: Thanks for the quick reply. :-P19:28
laurenX-Sleepy-X, checking19:29
X-Sleepy-XDaughain: i would guess that a battery that old isn't in it's best condition19:29
DJonesdcope: Is it server or desktop, just looking, server is still supported, so not sure why it wouldn't find it19:29
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DaughainX-Sleepy-X, My assumption as well.19:30
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X-Sleepy-Xdcope: do you have the multiverse pool?19:30
NoizeWhen i attempt to start bluetooth as a service it tells me "start: Job failed to start"19:31
cyan0hackHi all, I need an advice. I need to run an instance of mongoDB on a server with Ubuntu 12.10 every time the server is restarted. The support team of the hosted server told me that I need to create a watchdog script that runs on cron.19:31
DJonesX-Sleepy-X: He's dropped out of the channel19:31
Danielc1234Need some help, Trying to install Varnish but Ubuntu is giving me this error... W: Failed to fetch http://repo.varnish-cache.org/ubuntu/dists/precise/Release  Unable to find expected entry  varnish-3.0.4/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)19:31
Danielc1234can someone tell me whats up19:31
bekkscyan0hack: All you need is a startup script for upstart.19:32
benediktDanielc1234: the file you requested isnt there. try updating your cache with "apt-get update"19:32
X-Sleepy-XDJones: whoops... :)19:32
fungus058blah is there no end to the intel 855gm problems?19:32
laurenX-Sleepy-X, under Shockwave Flash it has x-shockwave-flash and futuresplash19:32
Danielc1234yes, that is when I get that error.19:32
cyan0hackbeaks, can you advice me a guide or tutorial to make this script?19:32
fungus058video plays in blue and green half size19:32
laurenX-Sleepy-X, and btw I appreciate your help19:32
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: and above it says "Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202" ?19:33
bekkscyan0hack: Never needed to do it on my own.19:33
bekks!upstart | cyan0hack19:33
ubottucyan0hack: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:33
fungus058banners on websites youtube...19:33
Danielc1234benedikt it also says it may have uploaded an older version of the file, but wanted to make sure I'm not going to screw anything up when I do a apt-get install varnish.19:33
laurenX-Sleepy-X, yes it says that19:33
cyan0hackthank you guys19:33
fungus058i keep getting told do thid do that all needing a bunch of code to no avail... i have lubuntu 13.04 all i want is a light fuctional system to watch movies on19:34
DaughainHey, does anyone know which exchange server will work with Evolution?19:34
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: what's the output of "lspci | grep VGA" without the quotes?19:34
DJTX-Sleepy-X, it works better but not at all19:35
fungus058used to play everquest on this com no problems and now with ubuntu im screwed and cant even watch a you tube video19:35
X-Sleepy-XDJT: how can it work better but not at all at the same time?19:35
readyjarAny idea how to send a shift + delete into the terminal?19:36
fungus058anyone out there with an 855gm chipset? (apparently not very uncommon)19:36
readyjarThrough an ssh session19:36
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laurenX-Sleepy-X, I am about to run that command, on a side not tho I also have Minitube installed and it plays fullscreen flawlessly, like absolutely perfect, let me get u that output19:36
readyjarShift backspace to be specific19:36
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leo-the-manicAre repos different for different versions of Ubuntu? Like if I upgrade from 12.04 to 13.xx can I download a newer version of VirtualBox?19:37
bekksreadyjar: Whats is that combination supposed to do in a terminal?19:37
bekksleo-the-manic: Yes.19:37
jribleo-the-manic: repos are different19:37
bekksleo-the-manic: For vbox, use the official version from the official vbox website.19:37
readyjarbekks: Supposed to delete. Brocade switches use shift backspace to delete19:37
laurenX-Sleepy-X, 00:01.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Wrestler [Radeon HD 7310]19:37
bekksreadyjar: To delete what?19:38
glynhello a nooobi here. wats occuring19:38
leo-the-manicbekks: Is there a way to browse the repo for Ubuntu 13 online?19:38
bekksreadyjar: I'm working daily with Brocade SAN switches.19:38
readyjarbekks: What I was typing. It's to backspace19:38
wilee-nileefungus058, Spreading your comments around rather then in one line makes it hard to follow you, gve details of what you have actually done, not to me but the channel.19:38
bekksreadyjar: At least on a SAN switch, backspace works like a charm.19:38
DJTX-Sleepy-X, it's hard to explain, i design a game whose working with sdl threads19:38
bekksleo-the-manic: packages.ubuntu.com19:39
readyjarbekks: We have several Brocade FSG and FWS, and a few VDX19:39
readyjarbekks: Backspace does not work on those. They use shift backspace for some reason19:39
readyjarWell it might on the VDX. I'm hardly messing with those19:39
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glynwat u guys chatting bout?19:39
DJTthat's now harder to make it bug, but it happends yet19:39
DJones!support | glyn19:40
ubottuglyn: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com19:40
readyjarBut yea, if there is a way to send a shift backspace through an ssh session that would be awesome19:40
wilee-nileeglyn, This is support not chat, if you have a problem state it to the channel.19:40
fungus058anyone know how to get the drivers for intel 855gm19:40
laurenX-Sleepy-X, even though minitube plays videos well it is sort of limited and I wanted in-browser support to be good as well for when I watch vids embedded on my fav websites19:40
glyntry google fungus19:41
fungus058been doing that for a week19:41
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: have you installed any drivers for the radeon card?19:41
glynwat bout intel official website19:41
laurenX-Sleepy-X, yes proprietary with AMD catalyst center, it runs half life 2 pretty well19:41
fungus058doesnt work... goes to 90% 404 not found reverting back19:42
fungus058but i have intel 855gm why would i download radeon?19:42
Hadihi, where can I get crypto-utils for ubuntu?19:43
glynis raedon for scsi drives?19:43
glyntry google hadi19:43
readyjarSO basically I need to see what the terminal actually generates during a shift backspace19:43
Hadiglyn: I tried Google, hence asking here19:43
DJones!google | glyn19:44
ubottuglyn: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.19:44
wilee-nileeglyn, Telling people to just google is against channel policy.19:44
fungus058thank u19:44
HadiI didn't find anything on Google anyway19:44
fungus058i was biting my tongue19:44
glynum go into applications on start bar then click ubuntu software center n search there19:44
fungus058ive literally been stuck for a week with an os i cant use19:45
Hadiglyn: there is no package called crypto-utils on any repository19:45
HadiI thought it might be called something else. or I can just compile it?19:45
DJones!find crypto-utils19:45
fungus058havent slept... simply cannot get video card working properly19:45
glynah ok. just as well cant use crypto stuff in uk19:45
ubottuPackage/file crypto-utils does not exist in raring19:45
fungus058been googling like a mad man been in these forums and just cant get it working19:46
DJonesHadi: I think the bot answered that question, doesn't look like its available as a default package19:46
gordonjcpglyn: you can't?  News to me...19:46
fungus058why can u?19:46
HadiDJones: is there any easier way other than openssl?19:46
readyjarActually I think it may be how ssh is handling shift backspace, and not an issue with the terminal19:46
glyndont u just hate oppresive governments19:46
gordonjcpglyn: fortunately, I live in the UK so I don't have one19:47
DJonesHadi: Sorry, I'd not heard of it before, maybe somebody else will know19:47
gordonjcpglyn: encryption is legal here, unlike the US19:47
DJones!find crypto-util19:47
ubottuFound: jenkins-crypto-util, jenkins-crypto-util-doc19:47
glynwell not if the bloody tories n other gov has n e thing to do with it tbh19:48
gordonjcpglyn: what are you trying to encrypt?19:48
glynthe whole hdd19:48
DJonesHadi: Maybe have a look at those two packages that ubottu just found, maybe one of those is what you're looking for19:48
wilee-nileeHadi,  don't see it in the repos or any debs on line, but availability for a handful of other linux like fedora, redhat, debian...etc, it may take compiling or a conversion from a rpm, not sure really.19:48
JawisarowUse truecrypt19:48
JawisarowOr bitcrypt19:49
readyjarbekks: ctrl + h will backspace how it should. That's annoying though. Know of a way to use plain backspace, or shift backspace?19:49
fungus058anyone with info on intel 855 drivers19:49
ubuntivityHello, I've got a physical problem with my monitor! how/where can I get help over irc?19:50
glynya ill dwn load it now n have a fiddle19:50
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: i've googled around but haven't found anything useful. all i can think of is that you could perhaps try to change some settings in catalyst. try to run unity in 2d. try to experiment with xorg.conf and some "greedy" settings. but i can't say if it will help19:50
wilee-nileeubuntivity, ##hardware  maybe19:50
ubuntivityI'll check that19:51
glynwhy cant i get vidalia n tork to work on my wirless internet connection19:52
fungus058intel 855gm drivers?19:52
glynrite time 4 spliff n cuppa19:52
KeyboardNotFoundHow to measure temperature of my processor ?19:52
fungus058i believe theres an app for tems in the center19:52
MonkeyDustmethinks glyn is a bot19:53
DeathJesterUKHey all, I am having a really big issue trying to get this OS installed on my PC. The OS runs fine from the Live CD, but, when I install it to the SSD, I have issues. At first it looks fine, then, when I open up a program, the program window freezes. I cant close it, operate it or anything, but the rest of the OS works fine.19:53
glynthere is fungi19:53
glynwats a bot19:53
wilee-nileeKeyboardNotFound, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto19:53
ubuntivityI can't type anything in #hardware, any other useful channel?19:54
Piciubuntivity: you need to register/identify to speak there.19:54
Pici!register || ubuntivity19:54
ubottu| ubuntivity: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:54
wilee-nileeubuntivity, YOu may need to be registered, you can do that at #freenode19:54
fungus058intel 855gm drivers?19:54
readyjarHow do I configure the terminal to send Control-H for backspace?19:54
HadiI basically want to encrypt squid traffic. otherwise I can't bypass internet censorship here. any suggestion?19:55
glynMonkey wat is a bot?19:55
DeathJesterUKI tried everything I can think of, but the windows keep freezing. I cant update, I cant use console, I dont know what is going on.19:55
iBatmanI too19:55
fungus058u try reinstalling?19:55
readyjarOR allow shift + backspace to send control h19:55
ubuntivityit has always been a nightmare for me to register/login in IRC!19:55
glyni know how u feel Death. thats why am trying to use tork n vidalia19:56
fungus058ive reinstalled about 8 times in the last week19:56
DeathJesterUKI have tried reinstalling. This is the second install and I am getting the same errors.19:56
Piciglyn: Please stop with the random comments. This is a support channel.19:56
laurenX-Sleepy-X, thank you so much, is it easy to switch to unity 2d?19:56
wilee-nileeDeathJesterUK, You might try a nomodeset boot to see if t is a graphic driver need.19:56
Piciubuntivity: well, if you need help, you can ask the kind folks in #freenode19:56
DeathJesterUKHow do I boot that.19:56
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | DeathJesterUK19:56
ubottuDeathJesterUK: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:56
glynha ha ha  ark at her. do u lot just specialise in ubuntu or other OS systems19:57
wilee-nileeDeathJesterUK, One could also from a tty run a update upgrade and see if this gets you up and running.19:57
DJonesglyn: The channel is called #ubuntu, that sort of gives it away19:57
DeathJesterUKOkay, can I edit the boot from the livecd? Because the windows all freeze instantly when I boot from SSD19:59
glyntruecript doesn work for sum reason19:59
MonkeyDustDJones  i think glyn is a bot that generates comments based on what's said in the channel19:59
X-Sleepy-Xreadyjar: http://www.ibb.net/~anne/keyboard.html19:59
X-Sleepy-Xreadyjar: perhaps that's what you're looking for?20:00
readyjarX-Sleepy-X: It may be... I'll look it over20:00
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: i guess u need to install unity-2d20:01
X-Sleepy-Xlauren: then select it at the login screen20:01
wilee-nileeDeathJesterUK, The nomodeset has a edit boot for the live cd or at the grub prompt on a install, these are in that link. NOt sure if this will help, but without exacting details form you we have to knock out varibles.20:02
fungus058my video is half sized purple and green... intel 855gm20:03
DeathJesterUKWhat would you need details wise to help bug hunt this?20:04
kilonux_Hello, I want to copy a dvd, my 12.04  reads it well, do I need  libdvdcss?20:04
fungus058does anyone have any experience with the intel 855gm cjipset?20:05
wilee-nileeDeathJesterUK, Because the there are thousands of installed packages, think about it20:05
DeathJesterUKWell, let me go see if I can do this from the terminal and gedit first. Ill come back and let you know.20:05
X-Sleepy-Xkilonux_: apt-cache show dvdrip20:06
iBatmansudo apt-get install restricted-extras20:06
wilee-nileekilonux_, Probably, and you can use brasero to image discs20:06
DaughainLet the charging begin.20:06
X-Sleepy-XDaughain: Good luck!20:07
DaughainX-Sleepy-X, Thanks.20:07
fungus058unable to locate extras20:07
wilee-nileeI believe libdvdcss is not in the restricted-extras20:08
X-Sleepy-Xit is in medibuntu20:08
fungus058unable to locate20:08
zambastupid ubuntu.. how can i remove the default key bindings? for instance that alt+f1 is open main menu and alt+f2 is run dialog?20:09
wilee-nileeyep, but medibuntu is basically defunct now20:09
zambathose settings are completely hidden20:09
kilonux_thanks , I'll try20:09
wilee-nileelibdvdcss is in the repos20:09
wilee-nileelibdvdcss2 actually20:10
zambaand how do i disable the animation when switching workspaces?20:10
X-Sleepy-Xwilee-nilee: pool/free/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss2_1.2.12-0.0medibuntu1_amd64.deb20:10
zambanow the switch takes some ms too much, because it wants to animate the switch20:10
MonkeyDustzamba  unity-tweak-tool20:10
bpromptyou can find libdvdcss2 from medibuntu's site ---> http://packages.medibuntu.org/20:10
zambaMonkeyDust: i think i'm running gnome shell, actually20:11
wilee-nileelibdvdcss2Is in the ubuntu repos20:11
bpromptyou could also add their PPA to your sources.list20:11
zambaMonkeyDust: or gnome-session-fallback or whatever the package is called.. which should give me ubuntu classic20:11
fungus058tried 404 not found20:11
MonkeyDustzamba  guess you can select fallback (no effects) in the lightdm menu20:11
fungus058its like the intel 855gm doesnt exist20:12
fungus058 Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/glasen/intel-driver/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found  E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.20:13
=== steve_ is now known as snori74
fungus058 Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/glasen/intel-driver/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found  E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.  any help?20:14
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:14
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: go to http://ppa.launchpad.net/glasen/intel-driver/ubuntu/dists/ and you'll see that there is no raring directory20:15
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0420:15
X-Sleepy-X!cookie | wilee-nilee20:15
ubottuwilee-nilee: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:15
wilee-nileeDoh I mixed up saucy and raring20:16
fungus058hmmm and no raring20:16
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:17
fungus058so this chipset will not work with 13.0420:17
* wilee-nilee gives free ignores to passive aggressive nicks.20:17
fungus058alright 12.04 is called what20:20
X-Sleepy-XI'm stuck on step 7 and would need some help: http://www.strangehorizons.com/2004/20040405/badger.shtml20:20
fungus05813.04 is raring ringtail...20:20
MonkeyDustfungus058  precise20:20
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X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: lsb_release -c20:21
fungus058based on http://ppa.launchpad.net/glasen/intel-driver/ubuntu/dists/ quantal is the latest version that supports intel 855 gm chipset correct?20:22
fungus058based on http://ppa.launchpad.net/glasen/intel-driver/ubuntu/dists/ quantal is the latest dist to include intel 855gm chipsets correct?20:23
fungus058sorry... was scrolled up20:23
fungus058didnt see i posted20:23
jribfungus058: why would you base that on the content of a ppa?  Are you sure that ppa is required?20:23
wzqualcuno sai xke : Encountered a section with no Package: header20:24
wzE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_videolan_stable-daily_ubuntu_dists_quantal_main_i18n_Translation-it%5fIT20:24
wzE: L'elenco dei pacchetti o il file di stato non può essere letto o aperto.20:24
Pici!it | wz20:24
ubottuwz: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:24
fungus058i have lubuntu 13.04 and i cannot get my intel 855gm drivers... my video is green and purple half sized20:25
jrib!info xserver-xorg-video-intel | fungus05820:25
ubottufungus058: xserver-xorg-video-intel (source: xserver-xorg-video-intel): X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.21.6-0ubuntu4 (raring), package size 681 kB, installed size 1838 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)20:25
jribfungus058: are you sure that driver doesn't support i855gm?20:25
fungus058however based on what sleepy pointed out quantal is the latest version to support intel 855gm chipsets20:26
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chachanhi guys, is there a shortcut to send a process to background?, something like Ctrl+Z20:27
jribfungus058: I don't see why you come to that conclusion20:27
fungus058im 32 bit20:27
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: err, no. what i pointed out was that raring wasn't supported by that ppa20:27
xjohnthomasxCan someone help me get into my system - I'm experiencing a graphical login loop. I can enter in cli and guest account, but not my main account.20:27
fungus058im soooooo lost20:27
kilonux_X-Sleepy-X: learning things here from you20:27
fungus058i just want to watch video20:27
guntbertchachan: you start it with   command &20:28
Slartchachan: ctrl-z will get you the terminal prompt back.. then there's bg and fg  ... or %1 &20:28
xjohnthomasxI tried a few different approaches chown my Xauthority and other files20:28
Slartchachan: %1 &    will send job number 1 to background20:28
fungus058ive been fuckin around with this for a week with very little sleep20:28
xjohnthomasxAs recommendedin research, but can't seem to get it to work20:28
jribfungus058: explain what your actual issue is with this purple and green stuff (and please mind your language)20:28
xjohnthomasxNeed some new ideas20:28
fungus058sorry i am soooo agrivated20:28
jribxjohnthomasx: create a new user and see if that works20:29
xjohnthomasxfungus058, sounds like a graphics card or flash plugin issue20:29
X-Sleepy-Xkilonux_: :)20:29
xjohnthomasxjrib, I can login with the main user acct in cli20:29
guntbertfungus058: then its maybe time to cool down now and ask for support later :)20:29
jribxjohnthomasx: create a new user and see if the new user can log into X20:29
xjohnthomasxjrib, I just can't get in from the lightdm graphical menu20:29
chachanSlart, the same process?, or is it a new execution?20:29
jribxjohnthomasx: I understand20:29
fungus058alright... youtube shows half screen in green and purple cannot get full screen cannot access settings in player20:29
xjohnthomasxjrib, What will a new user do? Why?20:29
kilonux_wilee-nilee:  On earlier ubuntus It was so simple to copy an .img, now I am sitting with AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS20:29
jribxjohnthomasx: if the new user works, then we've narrowed it down to an issue with your old user.  If a new user does not work, then it's some sort of system-wide issue.20:30
X-Sleepy-Xchachan: or you can use screen20:30
fungus058ive been asking for support for a week20:30
fungus058im cool...20:30
X-Sleepy-X!info screen20:30
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu9 (raring), package size 584 kB, installed size 885 kB20:30
xjohnthomasxjrib, It's not system wide. It's the old user tmp or xsession somewhere, but I can't find the problem.20:30
marlincAnyone who can help with some open-source license issues in a project channel?20:30
Slartchachan: the same process.. it gets stopped/paused when your press ctrl-Z   and if you just type %1 it will continue running in the foreground.. ie you don't get the prompt back.. %1 &  will continue running it AND send it to background20:31
jribxjohnthomasx: how have you determined that?20:31
fungus058sorry sleepy a little more specific...20:31
fungus058in the terminal sudo !info screen?20:31
jribxjohnthomasx: you can just create a new user and try this in about a minute so we can move on20:31
xjohnthomasxjrib, I read through the xerrors -tailed - and it seems the last shutdown shut down faster or erroneously which didn't allow all programs to close out and write their states.. There are a bunch of errors that a device was unavailable at the end of previous session..20:31
chachanSlart, cool, that's what I want20:31
bekksfungus058: Nope.20:31
fungus058or just !info screen20:31
chachanX-Sleepy-X, yeah, I already know about screen, thanks20:31
bekksfungus058: Just "info screen" or "man screen".20:31
X-Sleepy-Xchachan: :) sry20:32
xjohnthomasxSo it affects only the graphical login of the main user. I tried uninstalling lightdm and xubuntu-desktop, and then reinstalling.. No luck either.20:32
chachanX-Sleepy-X, no problem, thank you!20:32
xjohnthomasxGuest account works graphically. Guest and Main work cli login.20:32
jribxjohnthomasx: well my first step in troubleshooting the issue with you is to see whether or not a freshly created user can log in through lightdm20:32
fungus058and what am i looking for20:33
xjohnthomasxFreshly can as well as Guest can.20:33
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: no, just screen20:33
MonkeyDustxjohnthomasx  i had that too, it turned out that my HDD was 100% full... check something in that direction20:33
fungus058not installed20:33
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jribxjohnthomasx: pastebin ~/.xsession-errors for the new user and the main user then20:33
DJonesfungus058: Be careful with the commands you're entering, it sounds as though you're also entering commands that are aimed at other people in the channel, and not ones directed at you.  The screen command doesn't appear to have be directed at a question you asked, but was for somebody else20:33
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:34
xjohnthomasxMonkeyDust, 'tis not the case here20:34
xjohnthomasxWhat's the cli to paste to pastebin?20:34
jrib!pastebinit | xjohnthomasx20:34
ubottuxjohnthomasx: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com20:34
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: is the whole screen affected by the issue or is it just when playing flash videos?20:34
xjohnthomasxOne sec20:34
MonkeyDustxjohnthomasx  [command] | pastebinit20:34
fungus058just flash20:35
p30arenais it possible to have a dns server without domain name? :-/20:35
fungus058i dont think 3d games work either20:35
fungus058tried downloading one in the center and it crashed20:35
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: you have installed adobe-flashplugin?20:36
BluesKajfungus058, open the software center and find this driver and install it , xserver-xorg-video-intel20:36
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fungus058no packages found20:38
fungus058lubuntu software center... i have lubuntu20:38
wzqualcuno sai xke : Encountered a section with no Package: header20:39
wzE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_videolan_stable-daily_ubuntu_dists_quantal_main_i18n_Translation-it%5fIT20:39
wzE: L'elenco dei pacchetti o il file di stato non può essere letto o aperto.20:39
jribwz: stop pasting here.  And use #ubuntu-it for help in Italian20:39
wzok: jtib20:40
fungus058typed it in terminal says i already have20:40
xjohnthomasxjrib, paste.ubuntu.com/578491820:41
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: have you installed any other video drivers?20:42
fungus058in the ppa precice penguin is there... if i just go with 12.04 should i be fine?20:43
fungus058quantal is there to wich version is quantal20:43
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xjohnthomasxjrib, see the pastebin?20:44
fungus058ive just been hunting for intel drivers to no avail20:44
bgardnerfungus058: Quantal is 12.1020:44
jribxjohnthomasx: no, it won't load20:44
Hadihow can I encrypt connection between squid and user?20:44
xjohnthomasxit will. give it  second. the taildidn't work for some reason. gave a stdin error. so i pasted thewhole file.20:44
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jribxjohnthomasx: ok so which one is this and where's the other one?20:44
marlincAnyone who can help with some open-source license issues in a project channel?20:44
xjohnthomasxwhat other one? this is .xsession-errors20:44
bekksHadi: By settings up a https proxy.20:45
jribxjohnthomasx: pastebin ~/.xsession-errors for the new user and the main user then20:45
jribxjohnthomasx: (the one for the fresh user)20:45
Guest58635anyone ever heard of a ubuntu botnet?20:45
xjohnthomasxi didn'tmake a newuser, 'cause I know it's not system wide already20:45
fungus058on ubuntu website theres 12.04 and 13.04... precise and raring. 12.10 is quantal i assume quantal isbetter than precice?20:46
jribxjohnthomasx: good luck with your issue.  It's impossible to help you if you *lie* to me20:46
xjohnthomasxwhat are you talking about?20:46
xjohnthomasxdood, i just followed the various google descriptions to troubleshoot. it's definitely not system wide.20:46
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: it seems that they found a fix/workaround here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/117898220:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1178982 in linux (Ubuntu) "Flash on Dell Dimension-series with Intel integrated graphics causes purple/green and distorted image unless acceleration method is changed" [Medium,Confirmed]20:46
Guest58635anyone ever heard of a ubuntu botnet?20:46
gordonjcpGuest58635: yeah20:47
jribxjohnthomasx: you don't have to do what I asked.  But I asked it for a reason, and it wouldn't take very long.  In any case you told me earlier you did it and now admit you did not, so I'm not wasting more of my time20:47
gordonjcpGuest58635: at a prompt, type "sudo apt-get install botnet"20:47
xjohnthomasxno I never said I did it20:47
xjohnthomasxI said I didn't need to do it because I knew it was already not system wide!20:47
xjohnthomasxs' the reason youasked?20:48
xjohnthomasxI asked you that - because I could help answer for you either way20:48
jribxjohnthomasx: you did.  Feel free to scroll up where you claimed a fresh user could login.  In any case, let's not clog up this channel anymore.  Repeat your question and someone else may be able/willing to help you20:48
Guest58635<gordonjcp> really?20:48
bekksGuest58635: Its a joke.20:49
fungus058lol yeah ive read that page... doesnt make sense and i cant seem to get the xorg.conf file20:49
gordonjcpGuest58635: no, not really20:49
gordonjcpGuest58635: it would save a lot of time though20:49
fungus058i hate to sound like a noob but i literaly need step by step instructions20:49
gordonjcpGuest58635: also, be careful when people tell you to type stuff into a terminal20:49
fungus058most of these "support" pages assume u know linux programing20:50
xjohnthomasxThe problem is that I'm encountering a graphical login screen loop with main account - but am able to login with cli or with guest graphically or cli... It's been described numerously in google pages, a few different possible fixes, including chown the xauthority, the xsession in tmp, and uninstalling/reinstalling lightdm and xubuntu desktop andothers.. tried them all, and haven't figured it out yet. The last thing was doing was an20:50
xjohnthomasx update and then letting gparted live resize the home partition to fit a larger swap partition at the end of it.. seemed to work, said successful.20:50
Guest58635gordonjcp: i know, i've heard of windows ones but i'm looking at the feasibility of a ubuntu one20:50
BluesKajfungus058, that's totally untrue , typing commands into terminal is not programming20:50
gordonjcpGuest58635: Linux is generally not so susceptible to being broken into in ways useful to people who run botnets20:51
fungus058well that shows just how noob i am20:51
=== Thor is now known as TheDudeFormerlyK
fungus058how do i Edit (or create) /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:51
gordonjcpGuest58635: there are far more Linux machines out there connected to the Internet than Windows ones, remember20:52
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=== FormerlyKnownAsT is now known as Thor
xjohnthomasxAnyone have any ideas?20:52
BluesKajfungus058, also when ppl are helping you , please use their nicks when answering their questions ...makes it easier for all20:52
fungus058how do i do that20:53
hackvier_t5/QtCore -I.moc -o .obj/xcbplatform.o xcbplatform.cpp20:53
hackvier_xcbplatform.cpp:22:42: error fatal: qpa/qplatformnativeinterface.h: No20:53
hackvier_existe el archivo o el directorio20:53
hackvier_compilación terminada.20:53
gordonjcpxjohnthomasx: definitely can't log in?20:53
bpromptfungus058:    xorg.conf is a plain text file, just sudo to edit it, since it requires root access20:53
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: have you tried searching google for? how to create xorg.conf20:53
gordonjcpxjohnthomasx: make a copy of your home directory somewhere safe, then start nuking .directories until it works?20:53
xjohnthomasxmain account can login via cli. guest account can login via graphical (lightdm) or cli. main account can NOT login via lightdm/graphically - and that's the problem.20:54
xjohnthomasxgordonjcp, that's a bit drastic. i'm not nuking anything.20:55
bekksxjohnthomasx: So check the .xsession-errors and the Xorg.0.log20:55
gordonjcpxjohnthomasx: you've got a copy of it20:55
xjohnthomasxI posted the .xsession-errors earlier20:55
X-Sleepy-Xxjohnthomasx: create a new user from cli "sudo adduser newusername" then try loggin in as that user, if successful, copy precious files from the disfunctional account, then delete the disfunctional account and recreate the user and the copy process if you want to reclaim the username for the account.20:56
bgardner!es | hackvier_20:56
ubottuhackvier_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:56
fungus058Fatal server error: Cannot open log file "/var/log/Xorg.1.log"  (EE)  Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support   at http://wiki.x.org  for help.  (EE)20:56
bekksxjohnthomasx: And what about the X log?20:57
bekksxjohnthomasx: Thats a nice number, I'd prefer 749243620:57
fungus058i think im gonna just reinstall and try 12.04 there really doesnt seem to be anything to fix this problem20:57
fungus058time for reinstalation number 920:58
gordonjcpfungus058: there comes a point when you've spent enough time trying to unbreak it20:58
gordonjcpfungus058: set up an install server ;-)20:58
xjohnthomasxbekks, there - does that help?20:58
fungus058whats that?20:58
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gordonjcpfungus058: a server that will provide PXE boot information and all the packages, locally20:59
PlasmaSheepI'm trying to install linux-headers-3.4.0 in order to use virtualbox, but I can't seem to find them anywhere20:59
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gordonjcpfungus058: because all my spare USB sticks are quite old and crappy, and I'm on gigabit ethernet, it's quicker for me to netinstall than install off USB ;-)20:59
fungus058it just seems completly stupid that ubuntu would do this with the intel 855 chipset20:59
gordonjcpfungus058: just tell the machine to netboot, then pick various Ubuntus, Centoses and other OSes/distros from the menu20:59
fungus058so sudo netboot21:00
gordonjcpfungus058: no, bios prompt21:00
gordonjcpfungus058: isn't the 855 chipset a) ancient, and b) very very proprietary?21:00
fungus058i dont know21:00
fungus058is it?21:01
fungus058worked great on xp21:01
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: you're using lubuntu aren't you?21:01
fungus058uh huh21:01
gordonjcpfungus058: XP is 12 years old now21:01
fungus058cuz its supposed to be lightwieght and all that jazz21:01
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: does the problem exist in ubuntu?21:02
bgardnerfungus058: Check out XP: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/products/lifecycle21:02
deathjesterukOkay, so, nomodeset didnt work.21:02
deathjesterukHowever, Its something to do with my mouse. The buttons arent working.21:02
fungus058im looking for max performance out of an old toshiba satelite s155 40 gig hdd 1gig ram and this god forsaken intel 855 that works great with windows but not linux21:02
xjohnthomasxbekks, does that help?21:03
deathjesterukI am using a RAT9 wireless mouse. The mouse works fine, but, the buttons do not.21:03
fungus058so lubuntu seemed smart21:03
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: try installing a newer kernel21:03
Spr1ngAnybody upgraded RT from 4.0.4 to 4.0.13?21:03
deathjesterukCorrection, the left hand mousebutton will not work.21:03
fungus058i have the newest kernel21:04
deathjesterukI have fully updated Ubuntu.21:04
fungus058sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:04
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: uname -r gives you what?21:04
deathjesterukBut there is still no left mouse button functionality.21:04
PlasmaSheepI'm trying to install linux-headers-3.4.0 in order to use virtualbox, but I can't seem to find them anywhere21:05
fungus058go to vbox website and download worked for me21:05
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: and accordingly to the link i posted earlier they installed a newer version21:05
fungus058sorry whats that21:06
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/117898221:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1178982 in linux (Ubuntu) "Flash on Dell Dimension-series with Intel integrated graphics causes purple/green and distorted image unless acceleration method is changed" [Medium,Confirmed]21:06
X-Sleepy-Xxjohnthomasx: did you try with a new user?21:07
wilee-nileeSpr1ng, It is in 13.10, and the channel is not for polling, if you want help, state your problem.21:07
wilee-nileePlasmaSheep, What release are you running?21:07
fungus058how is that newer... thats -19 i have -2621:08
Spr1ngwilee-nilee: So under 12.04 LTS there's no pkg for 4.0.13?21:08
X-Sleepy-Xfungus058: "I did find the following workaround. When booting, I choose the Advanced Ubuntu options and pick either Linux 3.5.0-27-generic or Linux 3.2.0-40-generic. With either, the video/flash is fine. The default kernel is Linux 3.8.0-19-generic, and that is the version where it does not work"21:08
PlasmaSheepwilee-nilee: precise21:08
wilee-nileeSpr1ng, not in the repos I believe.21:08
wilee-nileeSpr1ng, YOu might check ppa's21:08
fungus058oh sorry21:08
deathjesterukInteresting, for some reason, the secondary mouse button will not work.21:09
fungus058alright... so reboot hit f12 boot from cd and go to advanced options pick updated kernel21:09
deathjesterukOkay, Im having all sorts of mouse issues. Anyone got any ideas?21:09
X-Sleepy-Xdeathjesteruk: get a cat?21:10
schultza<Comedic> Find a cat. <Serious> What's going on!?21:10
Spr1ngwilee-nilee: aight thx for the info.21:10
deathjesterukThats not at all helpful.21:10
X-Sleepy-Xsolly... :)21:10
xjohnthomasxjrib, ok, you're right - i should have just tried and made the new user. i thought the google/stack exchange had already walked me through that troubleshoot step. i just made another new user, and it doesn't log in either. but the cli logins do still work, and the guest account does still login graphically.21:10
wilee-nileeSpr1ng, NO problem I looked on the web to see what I could.21:10
schultzadeathjesteruk: no, seriously, what is going on with the mouse1?21:11
folornSo I've got a question is it possible to just do a straight install from a .Iso image??21:11
deathjesterukThe buttons arent working, the OS isnt recognizing when its hovering over an icon and so I cant get menus up or press any icons or the buttons on the left.21:11
folornwithout having to run around find dvds etc to burn the thing to ??21:12
bgardnerPlasmaSheep: Can't you just install virtualbox from the repos?  That would bring in the dependencies for you.21:12
fungus058err those r still downgraded kernels... oh well guess i have to downgrade. cant run 13.0421:12
deathjesterukThe keyboard and OS are working fine, but, my mouse is screwed and I have tried with another mouse, that isnt working either.21:12
SonikkuAmericafolorn: Using a VM, yes; also, check out ISOBoot21:12
schultzaAnd what version of GNU/LInux Ubuntu are you using!?21:12
SonikkuAmericafolorn: i.e. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot21:13
X-Sleepy-X!who | schultza21:13
ubottuschultza: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:13
PlasmaSheepbgardner: I did, I got an error during installation: http://pastie.org/806438021:13
deathjesterukI am using 13.04 is it? Ubuntu21:13
deathjesterukI had this with 12.04 too.21:13
SonikkuAmericadeathjesteruk: Unity?21:13
xjohnthomasxX-Sleepy-X, the new user doesn't graphically login either21:13
deathjesterukIm not sure.21:13
folorni mean ive got the distro sonikkuAmerica but just sick of wasting CDS21:13
deathjesterukHow do I find that out?21:13
deathjesterukIm new to linux.21:13
SonikkuAmericadeathjesteruk: The thing with the top menu bar and the launcher on the left?21:13
X-Sleepy-Xxjohnthomasx: my bet is that there is something wrong with your filesystem21:14
xjohnthomasxyes probably21:14
deathjesterukYeah, I cant activate the top menu bar of launcher.21:14
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:14
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors21:14
xjohnthomasxbut why would that stop only the graphical login21:14
xjohnthomasxnot the cli login21:14
SonikkuAmerica!desktop | deathjesteruk (GNOME is now ubuntu-gnome-desktop)21:14
ubottudeathjesteruk (GNOME is now ubuntu-gnome-desktop): please see above21:14
SonikkuAmerica!unity | deathjesteruk, this is what "Ubuntu" comes with.21:14
ubottudeathjesteruk, this is what "Ubuntu" comes with.: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity21:14
deathjesterukWell, Ubuntu-Gnome-Desktop is broken.21:14
wilee-nileePlasmaSheep, Check this kernel stack info out, read carefully I believe it is 32 bit only, or at least was. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#LTS_Hardware_Enablement_Stack21:15
deathjesterukI cant CLICK ANYTHING!21:15
evilytwistedwould any of you know the channel for recordmydesktop? or know where i could get help with the program?21:15
deathjesterukLinks are no good to me.21:15
SonikkuAmericadeathjesteruk: What does your desktop have on it.21:15
wilee-nileePlasmaSheep, As a friendly reminder, always be backed up in general. I did the stack upgrade on my 64 bit and it bricked, however I have all my OS's cloned, so no biggie.21:16
deathjesterukI have the menu bar at the top, the launcher to the left, I have system icons in the top right and thats it. This is a new install today, from one of the images on the Ubuntu website.21:16
X-Sleepy-Xxjohnthomasx: perhaps not all the sectors are affected21:16
SonikkuAmericadeathjesteruk: That's Unity.21:16
deathjesterukThats interesting, but, how does knowing its unity help me?21:16
X-Sleepy-Xxjohnthomasx: i would boot a live session and do a backup of important stuff and then reinstall21:17
readyjarOk so still can't get shift backspace to send ^H21:17
PlasmaSheepwilee-nilee: I'm not sure I understand what this means. I need to run the stack update to run virtualbox?21:17
SonikkuAmericadeathjesteruk: Hmm... I would ask you to pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... but since you have no mouse... did you have it when you used your Live image?21:17
deathjesterukIt worked fine on the Live Image.21:18
wilee-nileePlasmaSheep, No, possibly for higher kernels, why you need it for virtualbox I have no idea, that sounds wrong21:18
wilee-nileePlasmaSheep,I have vbox running in precise with the stick kernels.21:18
bgardnerPlasmaSheep: Do this: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`21:18
ActionParsnipsonikkuamerica: use pastebinit in terminal, who needs a mouse....21:19
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: Point.21:19
allgood38deathjesteruk, Any chance the cursor is just invisible? Could you try clicking somthing in the corner?21:19
PlasmaSheepbgardner: that's right, I'm trying to do that21:19
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: is the OS fully updated?21:19
bgardnerPlasmaSheep: Is that working for you?21:20
wilee-nileePlasmaSheep, YOu have dkms installed?21:20
PlasmaSheepbgardner: no, those packages don't exist21:20
PlasmaSheepbgardner: yes21:20
PlasmaSheepwilee-nilee: yes21:20
deathjesterukI can see the mouse cursor fine, its just not working and yes, the OS is fully updated. I managed to do that at least.21:20
kostkondeathjesteruk, tried rebooting?21:21
deathjesterukYou are joking arent you?21:21
kostkondeathjesteruk, nope21:21
bgardnerPlasmaSheep: Could you paste.ubuntu.com the result of that apt-get command so we can help you troubleshoot?21:21
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: which release are you using?21:21
deathjesteruk13.04 64bit21:21
folornsorry sonikkuAmerica got disconnected21:21
folornand had to do  a reboot21:21
Ben64deathjesteruk: sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms linux-headers$(uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g)21:21
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: if you install the xfce4 package, then log off, you can use the xfce session to at least get a usable OS21:22
Ben64do that21:22
Ben64oh wait, wrong person, sorry21:22
allgood38Ben64, prepping him to install video drivers?21:22
Ben64PlasmaSheep:  sudo apt-get install build-essential dkms linux-headers$(uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g)21:22
deathjesterukOkay, talk to me like I am a total noob...because I am!21:22
PlasmaSheepwilee-nilee: and I do get errors when I try to run the virtual machine: http://pastie.org/806439721:22
PlasmaSheepbgardner: I already did: http://pastie.org/806438021:23
Ben64PlasmaSheep: do the command i gave you21:23
PlasmaSheepBen64: I did. like I said, the header packages for 3.4.0 don't exist.21:23
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: sudo apt-get install xfxe4; killall -u $USER21:23
Ben64PlasmaSheep: i gave a different command21:24
PlasmaSheepBen64: You also missed a dash, it should have been linux-headers-$(uname -r | sed s/^.*[0-9]\-/-/g)21:24
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: run it as given :-)21:24
Ben64PlasmaSheep: ok, then do that21:24
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: sorry, xfce4 not xfxe421:24
PlasmaSheepBen64: this is exactly what I already did... http://pastie.org/806440521:25
Ben64PlasmaSheep: wait, no, its correct without the dash21:26
* X-Sleepy-X pours water on kostkon's computer21:26
PlasmaSheepBen64: I don't think it is http://pastie.org/806440921:26
kostkonX-Sleepy-X, :(21:26
Ben64PlasmaSheep: what is the output of uname -a21:26
DeathJesterUKWell holycrap...my mouse appears to be working.21:27
Baribal_Hi. It seems I just spun up a virtual machine with sucy salamander, based on the server .img; what are the login credentials?21:27
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: in xfce?21:27
PlasmaSheepBen64: Linux localhost 3.4.0 #1 SMP Thu Apr 11 12:06:00 PDT 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:27
=== away is now known as twss
DeathJesterUKSo far anyway.21:27
Ben64PlasmaSheep: you're not running an ubuntu kernel!21:27
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: no compiz, no problem :-)21:27
DeathJesterUKThank you. Now, in the interests of furthering my understanding of Linux, what is XFCE?21:28
ActionParsnipplasmasheepuk: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue21:28
PlasmaSheepBen64: what do you mean?21:28
Ben64PlasmaSheep: you aren't running an ubuntu kernel. i cannot simplify that any more21:28
k1lPlasmaSheep: which ubuntu is that exactly?21:28
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: a different desktop to gnome and uses a simpler window manager21:29
PlasmaSheepk1l: 12.0421:29
xjohnthomasxjrib, did you have other ideas?21:29
DeathJesterUKSo, its a different Kernel or just a different manager?21:29
PlasmaSheepBen64: it's not like ubunut uses a different kernel from, say, debian21:29
ActionParsnipplasmasheep: the exact output please21:29
Ben64yes it does21:29
allgood38PlasmaSheep, How did you get 3.4 installed on 12.04? Did you grab a debian package or something?21:29
* X-Sleepy-X laughs21:29
PlasmaSheepActionParsnip: didn't see your last message: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS \n \l21:29
k1lPlasmaSheep: can you pastebin the output from the command "lsb_release -a" please21:29
PlasmaSheepallgood38: I'm running ubuntu in a chroot on a chromebook21:30
allgood38Oh, cool!21:30
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic precise21:30
k1lah a chroot21:30
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB21:30
elisa871hi i don't know why I count umount the /mnt/linux folder umount: /mnt/linux: device is busy.         (In some cases useful info about processes that use          the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1)) here's the result of lsof I killed those process but when I lsof again the same processes show up again http://paste.ubuntu.com/5785033/21:30
PlasmaSheepk1l: http://pastie.org/806441721:31
DeathJesterUKParsnip, you are a scholar and a gentleperson. :)21:31
ActionParsnipplasmasheep: you arent using the kernel for your release21:31
F40PHHey, I'm having issues with my GMA95021:31
PlasmaSheepActionParsnip: do you mean it's newer?21:31
karen_Hi, I'm fairly new with Linex, and am using Xubuntu. I want to put some pics from my camera onto my computer. I plugged it in, but heck if I know what to do. Linex isn't set up like Windows. Can somebody help me/21:31
k1lPlasmaSheep: is this a ARM chromebook?21:31
PlasmaSheepk1l: no, it's x86_6421:32
ActionParsnipplasmasheep: its not the one from the repos for your release. You are using a kernel from a 3rd party21:32
F40PHkaren_: open your home folder and it should show up on the left21:32
PlasmaSheepActionParsnip: so what can I do?21:32
ActionParsnipkaren_: if you open shotwell, do you see the device21:32
karen_hang on21:33
DeathJesterUKActionParsnip: THANK YOU!!21:33
ActionParsnipdeathjesteruk: simple days :-)21:34
oceanbreezeHello guys how to access my /var/www/http/wordpress/wp-content/themes dir using ftp server? I already install vsftpd but it is asking me for user and password while trying to connect which i dont know how to specify21:34
DeathJesterUKYeah, Im looking at a few things to tweak now.21:34
F40PHoceanbreeze: just type in your username and password21:34
DeathJesterUKIs there  a way to adjust the EQ of my headset.21:35
DeathJesterUKI need more bass.21:35
oceanbreezeF40PH: root?21:35
PlasmaSheepDeathJesterUK: try alsamixer21:35
karen_No, i don't see shotwell21:35
modernbobDeathJesterUK: everyone does21:35
DeathJesterUKI take it I have to download that. :)21:35
F40PHoceanbreeze: no, it should have a disk for an icon21:35
oceanbreezeF40PH: i am using server edition21:36
oceanbreezeF40PH: 13.0421:36
PlasmaSheepDeathJesterUK: err, alsaequal21:36
karen_o.k. I plug my camera in and open my home folder. Then what do I do?21:36
PlasmaSheepDeathJesterUK: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=8871921:36
darrenhi all, sorry, i know this is an ubuntu chat but does anybody have experience install redhat/cent os via kickstart script?21:37
k1ldarren: come on :/  ask in redhat or centos channels or in #linux21:37
ActionParsnipoceanbreeze: which ftp server ate you using?21:37
bekksdarren: You'd better ask in #redhat or #centos then.21:37
DeathJesterUKAlso, the windows are kinda laggy when I minimise and maximise them.21:37
=== whoever is now known as Guest26139
ActionParsnipdarren: try in #centos21:38
oceanbreezeActionParsnip: vsftpd21:38
F40PHHey, I'm having issues with my GMA950, I can't do any 3d rendering.21:38
karen_Is someone still there to help me load up pics from my camera to my computer. I'm new with xubuntu (linex)?21:39
ActionParsnipoceanbreeze: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-set-up-vsftpd-on-ubuntu-12-0421:39
DeathJesterUKOh wow!!! STEAM!!!!21:39
Ben64karen_: its "linux"21:39
F40PHkaren_: did you open your home folder?21:40
ActionParsnipkaren_: do you see the storage in the file browser?21:40
ActionParsnipkaren_: when you last unpluged it from a PC, did you use the safe remove feature in your OS?21:40
karen_I have no idea how to do this.21:41
Ben64karen_: plug in camera, pastebin the last 20 or so lines of the command "dmesg"21:42
DeathJesterUKWow...STEAM really is working hard to get normally DX games working on linux huh?21:42
contrapunctusubottu: ping21:42
DeathJesterUKPong was awesome. :)21:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:43
k1lDeathJesterUK: is there a support question? for chat we have #ubuntu-offtopic21:43
karen_I do not know what you mean. Do I go to the terminal, write in "dmesg" and then what?21:44
Ben64go to pastebin.com and paste the output there21:44
Ben64then give us the url21:44
oceanbreezeActionParsnip: Thanks, i have setup everything already,  but my user is not accepted21:45
karen_I am so new to this linux and have no idea what you want me to do. I have my camera plugged in right now even though I unplugged it from my computer two times in the last few minutes thinking I had no idea what to do.21:46
ActionParsnipoceanbreeze: have you considered sftp? it installs with openssh-server and uses your system accounts for auth. Plus it is secure. Is there a particular requirement for ftp?21:47
=== gbyers[Away] is now known as g_byers
F40PHHey all, I'm having issues with my GMA950, I can't do any 3d rendering which is quite troublesome.21:48
benbloomikonia: photorec seems to be doing the trick. it's slow going but so far has recovered 4 massive video files. the testdisk suite from cgsecurity.org seems to have all the tools I need21:49
oceanbreezeActionParsnip:Yes i need to upload WP themes21:49
SonikkuAmericakaren_: " I do not know what you mean. Do I go to the terminal, write in "dmesg" and then what?" ... hit ENTER, then select the text that comes after it, hit Ctrl+Shift+C, then open http://paste.ubuntu.com, click the text window, right-click, hit "Paste" and hit the button below the text box! Then copy and paste the link.21:50
litropyHow can I tell what's making my system load average so high upon bootup? Via indicator-multiload, All other stats: CPU, disk, RAM, are less than 40%.21:52
litropyLoad, however is way up there.21:52
=== Yuki is now known as Guest4742
oceanbreezeActionParsnip: Ok i have root, and other default user i created, how to set up password for that user so i caould access my ftp?21:52
ActionParsnipoceanbreeze: tried youtube for vsftpd guides?21:53
DeathJesterUKOkay, I cant seem to get Alsaequal working.21:53
ActionParsniplitropy: try: top21:53
litropyActionParsnip, I've got htop. What column am I looking for?21:54
mnemondo people actually find the video guides useful? in most cases a short writeup/tutorial seems like a much better source of information to me ...21:55
ActionParsniplitropy: load or cpu usage, i only use top personally21:55
ActionParsnipmnemon: in some cases yes21:55
jiffe98start-stop-daemon seems to not work correctly when using --chuid given a username that begins with a number21:56
=== karen is now known as Guest24853
jiffe98it sets the uid to that number instead of the uid of the user21:57
F40PHHey all, I'm having issues with my GMA950, I can't do any 3d rendering which is quite troublesome.21:57
Guest24853In my folder, there are a few things, whatever they are, that have a box with an "x" next to them. Should I do anything with those? I'm new to Linux.21:57
ActionParsnipguest24853: what does the 'file' command say they are?21:58
Guest24853hang on, let me see21:58
Guest24853o.k. the ones in my folder that have a white box with an "x" next to them are these four:  Lost and Found, Root, vmlinux, and vmlinuz.old22:00
Guest24853oops I mean vmlinuz22:00
ActionParsnipguest24853: you dont need to worry about those, they are system files22:01
PlasmaSheepActionParsnip: so is there something I can do to run virtualbox?22:02
Guest24853Now, I was on a few minutes ago asking about puting pics on my computer from my camera. I just don't get how to do that. Can you help me again. I'm sorry.22:02
Guest24853The camera is unplugged right now.22:03
gordonjcpGuest24853: plug it in, for a start22:03
Guest24853hahaha o.k.22:03
Guest24853plugged in22:03
gordonjcpdid anything happen?22:03
zykotick9F40PH: if you "lspci | grep -i vga" does it say something about ploubse,pulsbse,or-similar?22:04
Guest24853it says, "6164-6461" And it has a folder in it that says DCIM22:04
F40PHzykotick9: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)22:05
F40PHzykotick9: thats it22:05
Guest24853On the left, it seems to have a new thing that says,"1 GB filesys"22:06
F40PHGuest24853: thats probably it22:07
Guest24853o.k. so now what?22:07
F40PHGuest24853: click it22:07
Guest24853click the file that says "DCIM"?22:08
Guest24853o.k. now it came up with three folders; "100 MEDIA", "101olymp", and "MISC"22:10
F40PHGuest24853: go through them all, one of them should have your pictures in it22:10
Guest24853o.k. hang on22:11
F40PHzykotick9: so, no it doesnt, it just says:  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)22:11
F40PHzykotick9: its a DVI graphics card with a VGA adapter hooked to it as I don't have a DVI monitor22:12
Guest24853Dang, now I lost the whole thing when after I tried to open the first one. O.K. camera is still plugged in. How do I get back in there?22:13
F40PHzykotick9: I can give you a teamviewer session if you would like22:14
F40PHGuest24853: did you hit the back button?22:14
Guest24853there wasn't one to hit that I saw anyway.22:14
Andy80hi guys22:14
F40PHGuest24853: there usually is22:14
Guest24853so, how do I get back in there to DCIM?22:15
DeathJesterUKOkay, I just had a glitch again.22:15
Andy80I've a Nvidia 640GT and I'm running Ubuntu 13.04. If I go on System Settings --> Software & Updates --> Additional Drivers, I can't see any Nvidia driver available. How can I fix this? How can  verify if I'm using a Nvidia driver?22:16
DeathJesterUKOkay, can someone explain how I install tars?22:17
heewanyone here know where I can set bindings for swapping to workspace 1-4 I have set them under keybindings - however <Control><F1-4> does not swap workspaces?22:17
zykotick9F40PH: <sorry for delay> seems to be several "issues" with that card, this is probably closest http://askubuntu.com/questions/125443/how-can-i-get-my-intel-82945g-gz-video-card-to-support-more-resolutions - i don't have any direct experience with that chipset...  best of luck.22:19
Guest24853I'm stuck here with my camera plugged in, and am so lost in finding how to find where the pics are.22:19
suyaseHow can I locate an NFS server on my local network and mount a directory on it?22:20
F40PHzykotick9: thanks for your help22:20
=== cubix``819 is now known as cubix`
suyaseIt's all already set up - I know it works, the box I ssh into to get most of my work done has the directory mounted already, but I'm not sure what the hostname is for the box or what the ip for it is22:20
F40PHGuest24853: does the window look anything like this? http://imgur.com/wts1TKj22:20
Guest24853no, I'm totally out of my home folder. Tell me again, where should I look?22:21
bertiebDoes anyone have (up-to-date) experience with getting pulseaudio to work over a network? I'm trying to send audio from a headless server to a client sink but most guides are out of date (refer to padevchooser) or assume a desktop. THe problem I'm running into at the moment is that pacmd and pavucontrol are complaining about a not running (as session) daemon, although 'service pulseaudio status' confirms pa is running. Any help on what to try n22:21
F40PHgo to the home folder and click the 1GB filesys22:21
oceanbreezeOmfg please help, vsftpd,i created user, i set the password, and i still cant access my ftp server22:22
F40PHGuest24853: go to the home folder and click the 1GB filesys22:22
Guest24853k hang on22:22
F40PHGuest24853: I was just asking, does the file manager window look anything like that link?22:23
Guest24853it doesn't say 1GB filesys anymore even though my camera is still plugged in. Should I unplug and plug it back in?22:23
ActionParsnipbertieb: i do similar but with samba, the files are decoded as they stream rather than the aidio itself22:23
OerHeksGuest24853, turn the camera off first22:24
F40PHGuest24853: yes22:24
bertiebActionParsnip: cheers, but I'd like to get audio from an application sent across the network :)22:25
pr0n_how can i change the ubuntu's searching algorithm in the OS. please give me some basic helps22:25
ActionParsnipbertieb: could try in the pulseaudio channel22:25
icerootpr0n_: ?22:25
icerootpr0n_: and please change your nick22:26
bertiebActionParsnip: good call, I'll have a try there too- this places tends to be knowledgable and friendly so I thought I'd try here first!22:26
pr0n_iceroot: like i want to know if changing such things are possible in the OS. suppose i want to make those kind of editings. is it possible?22:26
Guest24853o.k. now I'm back to the folder that says "DCIM". Now what?22:26
icerootpr0n_: what you want to edit there exactly22:27
icerootpr0n_: and the search-feature is not part of the os, maybe its part of nautilus, dash-board or whatever search you are using22:28
pr0n_like right now the ubuntu search is somewhat like ill put something in the search bar and il press the enter key and then il get the results. but suppose il make a file directory list, and ill do some kind of dynamic searching to make it better and fast22:28
BrewskiHas anyone tried a preseeded/usb install with 13.04 yet? I'm having a ridiculously hard time. "cdrom-retriever: warning: unable to find {main,restricted,universe,multiverse}/debian-installer/binary-amd64/pPackages.gz in /cdrom/dists/raring/Release. The Release file is there but no references to 'debian-installer' in it22:28
F40PHGuest24853: open the next folder22:28
Guest24853hang on22:29
Brewskithe graphical end of the installer gets stuck in "[!!] Load installer components from an installer ISO": "failed to copy file from CD-ROM. Retry?". Syslog confirms that the ISO was mounted correclty and I can access /cdrom from a shell22:30
proneeticeroot: nautilus is the file manager ofr ubuntu, right?22:30
icerootproneet: yes22:30
Manju  I am using Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Server with PHP Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.19 Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu).  I am login to the server via putty. I want upgrade to php 5.4. I could not find the correct code for it from Google. I am not expert in Linux. Please help me step by step.22:31
Brewskimanju: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade22:31
Brewskior just apt-get update && apt-get install php22:31
Brewskicorrection: php5, not php22:32
proneeticeroot: https://git.gnome.org/browse/nautilus/ how can i look into how this things works, and understand its searching technique.. sorry but i am beginner, so asking these basic questions22:32
suyaseIf I have my_dict = {'this_my_key' : 0 }, and would like to access a key in this dictionary (my_key = 'this_my_key') and I have identifier = 'my_key', how can I basically do my_dict[identifier] but match the KEY to the identifier on (identifier == key[6:])22:32
Guest24853o.k., now, when I hit the "DCIM" folder, it takes me not to three folders, but to something that says, "Media" "6164-6461" "DCIM"22:33
F40PHhit DCIM22:33
icerootproneet: apt-get source nautilus22:34
Guest24853Hitting DCIM doesn't do anything and there's not an "open" box to hit either.22:34
icerootproneet: then you will have the source package with the source code22:34
proneeticeroot: oh. thank you!22:34
=== marco is now known as Guest15853
blzHello.  I tried restricting access to the compilers with a "compiler" group with the instructions here:  http://hastebin.com/rerurobihu.hs  Now when I try to run g++, I get the following error:  http://hastebin.com/cikojajemo.hs22:35
blzhow can I fix this?22:35
ablegreensometimes when i boot ubuntu, i get this message and it hangs: http://i.imgur.com/m0alIUI.png -- any ideas?22:36
F40PHGuest24853: double click22:37
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
Spec-Chumblz: try chmod 755 *++* and try again a sec22:38
Spec-Chumblz: looks like a group issue22:38
blzSpec-Chum, will do22:38
kfankhaufrom shell, how would I move all files from one directory to another, but not subdirectories? I think 'mv * /target_dir' will move everything.22:38
blzSpec-Chum, g++: error trying to exec 'as': execvp: Permission denied22:39
F40PHGuest24853: ?22:39
Guest24853so back to   media 6164-6461 DCIM22:39
uBuNtzAny of you heard of anyone successfully installing ubuntu server on an archos tablet?22:39
Guest24853Nothing seems to open, sorry.22:39
F40PHtry 6164-646122:40
blzSpec-Chum, which is odd because I added my user to /etc/group22:40
Spec-Chumkfankhau: cp is non recursive, do that then rm the original22:40
trismblz: did you log out, back in between adding yourself to the group?22:40
blztrism, I did not22:40
OerHeksuBuNtz, try #ubuntu-arm22:40
Spec-Chumblz: ^^22:40
trismblz: you won't be in the group until you do22:40
kfankhauI don't want to cp because many GB of data22:40
blztrism, ah okay thanks22:40
Guest24853hitting that takes me back to the picture of the folder DCIM. Hitting the folder, takes me back to the other. Hitting one or the other takes me around again.22:41
F40PHtry media then22:41
Guest24853that takes me to a folder that says, 6164-646122:43
nintet!help ftp22:43
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd22:43
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP22:44
Spec-Chumkfankhau: only way I can think off :/22:44
usr13nintet: proftpd is my pic22:44
F40PHclick that22:44
ninteti just want something quick and dirty22:44
usr13nintet: proftpd it is22:45
benedikti just installed fglxr-updates and i'm pretty sure that it is actually slower than radeon. Can that be true?22:45
=== kristopher is now known as madk
Guest24853It won't double click, but if I open it, it sends me back to DCIM  hummm22:45
F40PHgo back to your home folder and click the 1gb filesys'22:46
Spec-Chumbenedikt: I can't see if being slower, but the radeon driver is rather good theses days :)22:47
kfankhauSpec-Chum: okay, thanks22:48
benediktSpec-Chum: seems so. too bad i need the propitary one for a while :(22:48
Guest24853it says, "media 6164-6461" on top, and the folder, DCIM, is underneath that.22:48
F40PHGuest24853: reboot your machine\22:48
Guest24853if I do that, I'll loose you, right/22:49
F40PHGuest24853: you can reconnect to the irc, i'll still be here22:49
nintetproftpd didnt install right22:49
nintetpiece of crap22:49
usr13nintet: Why didn't it?22:50
usr13nintet: (It's never failed me.)22:50
nintetProFTPD warning: cannot start neither in standalone nor in inetd/xinetd mode. Check your configuration.22:50
usr13nintet: How did you try to start it?22:51
ninteti didn't start it22:51
nintetjust typed sudo apt-get install proftpd22:51
usr13nintet: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?22:52
nintetjust installed Xubuntu 12.04 LTS22:53
DeathJesterUKOkay, my desktop is running painfully slowly. Any ideas why? Open windows are fine, but, when opening something or switching programs, its very slow.22:53
usr13nintet: uname -r22:53
karen_F40PH I was the guest who had to reboot with camera issues. Here I am. Should I connect my camera?22:53
Spec-Chumuname -a might be better22:54
usr13nintet: Sorry, I meant, lsb_release -r22:54
F40PHkaren_: yes22:54
diabel232how can i change fastest mirror for apt-get in console?22:54
usr13nintet: You must be on 12.04?  (You need to do updates.)  sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade22:55
k1ldiabel232: edit the sources.list in /etc/apt22:55
k1ldiabel232: but be aware of the changes you make22:55
F40PHkaren_: I am really sorry but I must leave for now, I'm sure some of the people here will help you, plus there are alot of resources on the internet22:55
karen_thanks for your help, F40Ph!22:56
DeathJesterUKAnyone got a idea why my desktop is running so slowly?22:56
Molochhi every22:56
Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: er, a little more info?22:57
laurenhi everyone22:57
Spec-Chumhi lauren22:57
holsteinDeathJesterUK: i would start ruling things out.. try commands from TTY, try as another user.. try a live CD to take the OS out of the equation.. test the hard ware22:57
laurendoes anyone know how to auto start Pidgin 2.10.7 on boot22:57
Spec-Chumlauren: add it to startup apps?22:58
DeathJesterUKIts just slow? When I open up the top button and search for something, its just very slow. Hardware is fine I can assure you. Dont know what TTY is, I dont have any other users, this is a fresh installe.22:58
OerHekslauren usually you run those apps on login.22:58
laurenSpec-Chum, OerHeks  okay I opened up startup apps, what do I put in for the command?22:59
holsteinDeathJesterUK: you need not assure me, but if you havent tested, just now, the hardware *can* be bad, and you should assure yourself.. take a note of the few steps i gave to isolate issues22:59
holstein!tty | DeathJesterUK22:59
ubottuDeathJesterUK: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution22:59
Spec-Chumlauren: just pidgin should be fine23:00
laurenSpec-Chum, thank you I am going to try it, will it also log me in auto?23:00
DeathJesterUKTTYs run fine.23:01
casshernanyone knows how to close entirely the apps like xchat, when i don't need it (Ubuntu 13.04)23:02
casshernim new on linux23:02
ManjuThis is my result Please check23:03
Manjuroot@moodle /# apt-get update Err http://archive.turnkeylinux.org lucid-security Release.gpg   Temporary failure resolving 'archive.turnkeylinux.org' Err http://archive.ubuntu.com lucid-security Release.gpg   Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com' Err http://archive.ubuntu.com lucid Release.gpg   Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com' Err http://archive.ubuntu.com lucid-updates Release.gpg   Temporary failure reso23:03
holsteinDeathJesterUK: what are you using in tty?23:03
k1l!paste | Manju23:03
ubottuManju: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:03
jribxjohnthomasx: did you sort out your issue?23:03
OerHeksLicid desktop is EOL23:04
holsteincasshern: you can just close them, like normal..23:04
DeathJesterUKholstein: Talk to me like a noob, this is the first time I have used Linux of any distro. I am wondering if I need to activate 3d aceleration or something.23:04
casshernyeah but its normal that remain on the top bar23:04
Spec-Chumcasshern: are you sure you're not just minimising them?23:05
holsteinDeathJesterUK: what did you type into the terminal when you went to tty?23:05
casshernill try with ctrl-Q too and nothing23:05
DeathJesterUKMy user name and then my password.23:05
holsteinDeathJesterUK: you might need to install a graphics driver to support 3d better23:06
DeathJesterUKI am using the X.Org one at the moment.23:06
k1lcasshern: can you make a picture of what you mean? when i clicked on the little x on the window xchat closes down23:06
holsteinDeathJesterUK: what graphics hardware do you have?23:07
DeathJesterUKATI 7970 3GB Special Edition23:07
Spec-Chumnice card!23:07
holstein!ati | DeathJesterUK23:08
ubottuDeathJesterUK: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:08
Spec-Chumthe xorg drivers are fine, and actaully quite good23:08
Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: you'll be fine23:08
Spec-Chumholstein: assuming they're working OK of course23:09
holsteinSpec-Chum: DeathJesterUK says the desktop is slow.. any suggestions?23:09
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Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: type 'glxinfo'23:09
holsteinDeathJesterUK: first thing i would do is look for and apply upgrades and reboot23:09
Spec-Chumlets make sure the drivers are installed and running OK23:09
DeathJesterUKOkay, I typed GLXINFO and got a wall of text. :)23:10
k1lDeathJesterUK: look into syslog or dmesg and make sure the driver modul gets loaded propperly23:10
Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: yeah, my bad, try glxinfo | grep direct23:10
DeathJesterUKDirect rendering yes.23:10
Spec-Chumfirst line should be direct renderin: yes23:11
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Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: do you have inxi installed?23:11
Spec-Chumtype inxi -Gx23:11
casshernhi its me again23:11
DeathJesterUKCommand not found.23:11
Bewbasaurusanybody know the thunderbird command for running at startup23:11
Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: no worries, ignore that for now23:12
Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: your gfx drivers are running fine23:12
Spec-Chumit's not that23:12
=== newbie|4 is now known as holaxd
DeathJesterUKJust so you know, I am running on XCFE as Unity 2 was messing with my mouse.23:12
DeathJesterUKAs in, my mouse wouldnt work. Dont know if that helps.23:12
cassherni check the process and everything work fine (i dint realize that just the icon remain, but the process don't) thank you guys!23:13
holsteinDeathJesterUK: how did you get to xfce?23:13
DeathJesterUKThrough Terminal.23:13
Skymont"Thousands of technology, finance and manufacturing companies are working closely with U.S. national security agencies, providing sensitive information and in return receiving benefits that include access to classified intelligence, four people familiar with the process said."23:13
holsteinDeathJesterUK: have you tried as another user? since this is *not* a fresh install?23:13
DeathJesterUKSomeone else here helped me get it.23:13
Skymontis Ubuntu one of these companies providing back doors to the government?23:13
DeathJesterUKI dont have any other users. There is just this one.23:13
Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: I can't really think of anything that would cause Xfce to go slow23:13
holsteinDeathJesterUK: how exactly were you helped to get it?23:13
DeathJesterUKI cant remember the commands now.23:14
holsteinDeathJesterUK: i hear you. *create* a new user, and test.. or try the guest account23:14
holsteinDeathJesterUK: please confirm the commands that have beed run on your system23:14
DeathJesterUKHow do I do that?23:14
Skymontin particular is financial company Canonical Ltd, one of the companies working with government just like Microsoft?23:14
eoin_windows 8 ftw23:15
ManjuMy result check here23:15
holsteinDeathJesterUK: if someone else ran commands on my system, and i had issues with the system, i would ask them what they had ran, and make a note for the volunteers here to further understand what could be the issue23:15
=== karen is now known as Guest8358
suyaseSo if I have a massive dict that needs to be initialized, is there a way to put it in the code somewhere where it is both easily accessible, but also doesn't take up a massive amount of screen space and make you scroll past it to get to functional code?23:15
holsteinDeathJesterUK: i am not trying to be combative, but whoever rane whatever on your machine could have changes things drastically from the deafualts that the volunteers here and able to support23:16
DeathJesterUKI couldnt use it at all before. And the lag was still there then so I didnt think anything of it.23:16
eoin_i need help installing osx23:16
holsteineoin_: try an apple support channel23:16
kostkon_eoin_: wrong channel23:16
eoin_but that costs money23:16
DeathJesterUKYou wouldnt have been supporting anything to be honest if he hadnt, I would have reinstalled windows nad never looked back at linuix.23:16
k1leoin_: keep this channel clear for ubuntu support please.23:16
DeathJesterUKLet me try a new user. I dont think it will help though.23:17
eoin_ok, i need help installing freeBSD23:17
Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: mouse input is handled by xorg, it shouldn't matter what DE you're using23:17
Spec-Chumkil: aww :D23:18
AwwDon't kill Aww D:23:18
Spec-Chumoh, sorry Aww haha23:18
casshernin matters of security and  stability wich would be your option: 1-Ubuntu 2-OpenSuse 3- Other23:18
Spec-ChumAww Aww?23:18
AwwIts fine :P I love messing with people :p23:18
=== guest-WSARYy_ is now known as deathjesteru
deathjesteruNo, this is just as bad.23:19
k1l!ot | casshern23:19
ubottucasshern: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:19
Guest8358I was trying to get help with getting pics off my camera and on to my computer. I'm new with xubuntu, an don't know how. The girl who was helping had to leave. Now, I see, my camera is void of all the pics, so they must be on my computer somewhere, right? I see in my filesystem a brown folder that says, "initrd.img" with an arrow pointing to the left. Next to it, is a box that says, "imitrd.img.old" with the arrow pointing to the left23:20
Guest8358. What in the hey ho should I do/23:20
Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: is the whole thing slow, like moving windows is slow too?23:21
Spec-ChumDeathJesterUK: you just mentioned searching before23:21
deathjesteruMoving windows is slow, opening programs is slow, searching for programs is slow. ONce open, its fine.23:21
holsteindeathjesteru: what are the specs of the machine?23:22
deathjesteruAMD 8 core 3.5GHz, 12 GB RAM, AMD 7970 3GB GPU.23:22
holsteindeathjesteru: when you say "this is just as bad" are you refferting to having made a new user? and tested?23:22
deathjesteruYeah, Im on a guest account right now.23:22
daftykinsGuest8358: you're looking in the wrong folder, you want to be in /home/<username>/Pictures/23:23
wilee-nileeGuest8358, I would ask your helper, without us having a file or pc name all we can say is look in home and the folders in the left sd of the panel there.23:23
holsteindeathjesteru: do you have a live CD?23:23
deathjesteruYes, it was just the same on that.23:23
Guest8358k let me look23:23
holstein!nomodeset | deathjesteru this is what i would try.. i would try it from the live CD23:23
ubottudeathjesteru this is what i would try.. i would try it from the live CD: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:23
holsteindeathjesteru: sure.. try it with the nomodeset option please, and report. thanks!23:24
Spec-Chumholstein: I can't see KMS doing that to be fair23:24
Spec-Chumhe's on xorg drivers23:24
Spec-Chumwell, says he is23:24
deathjesteruIn the additional drivers section it says I am using XORG drivers.23:25
Guest8358There is nothing unusual or different in the list on the left in "home". I have looked in all of those thinking they went somewhere like in pics or doc or downloads, but not, I guess.23:25
eoin_hi im from the NSA give me all your metadata23:25
holsteindeathjesteru: you can try the ones at the wiki page i suggested23:25
holstein!ati | deathjesteru23:25
ubottudeathjesteru: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto23:25
eoin__can a qt quick 2 program run without xorg? anyone know23:26
George_Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm trying to recover my root password but Recovery Mode gets stuck on a black screen of death and using Escape to edit the boot menu doesn't allow me to boot with root permissions after I add "init rw /bin/sh"23:26
ManjuI am using Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Server with PHP Version 5.3.2.  I want upgrade to php 5.4 via putty. Pls help me.When I run #apt-get upgrade check here http://paste.ubuntu.com/5785298/ my result23:26
wilee-nileeGeorge_, User password? There is no root password unless you made one.23:27
George_II can't make one without root lol23:27
Spec-ChumManju: um, you have a net connection, right?23:27
holsteinManju: says "Temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'" also says maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing23:28
wilee-nileeGeorge_, Can we get to the point here, ubuntu does not have a root password nor advises making one.23:28
Spec-ChumManju: on the target machine, I mean23:28
wilee-nileeGeorge_, What s it you are trying to recover exactly.23:28
George_root permissions for my user.23:28
holstein!root | George_23:29
ubottuGeorge_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:29
eoin__try root or toor23:29
* compdoc hopes George_ understands the Matrix-speak23:30
wilee-nileeGeorge_, You can reset it in recovery http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword  You want to be careful with the wording syntax, if I understand you it is the admin users password.23:30
George_Thank you.23:31
George_I have major trouble with that23:31
daftykinssudo is good.23:31
holsteinGeorge_: when you say "that", what are you referring to?23:31
wilee-nileeGeorge_, Heh, me to at times, we just want to point you in the right directon is all. ;)23:31
George_Ubuntu won't boot into recovery mode23:31
George_It black screens23:32
wilee-nileeGeorge_, Recovery is in the grub menu23:32
George_You hit return23:32
holsteinGeorge_: tap shift to try and show grub23:32
DeathJesterUKWAY too much command line stuff. :(23:32
DeathJesterUKBut, Im getting there.23:32
George_tried that23:32
George_trying again23:32
BAMbandahey everyone I'm trying to install the addon-sdk on my ubuntu. It has a program called "cfx" which I can  run using ./cfx, but I need to run that command in a different directory where I want to create my project ("cfx init"), but it won't recognize it unless in in the addons folder, what do i do?23:33
George_I also tried to boot from Ubuntu Live CD, however, it also gets stuck on the Ubuntu loading screen with white and orange dots.23:33
Spec-ChumBAMbanda: add it to the path?23:34
eoin__how old is that distro on the cd23:34
daftykinsBAMbanda: either add the path where that program is to your PATH environment variable, or give it the full path to invoke it e.g. /place/where/it/is/.cfx init23:34
BAMbandayeah, true, thanks23:35
eoin__can a qt quick 2 program run without xorg? anyone know23:35
George_holstein: what do you mean tap shift? in the boot menu or during the black screen? Because both didn't work23:36
wilee-nileeGeorge_, Start tapping the shift as soon as you power on.23:38
George_just to clarify i'm getting into the boot menu fine23:38
George_its after i hit return and try and boot into recovery mode23:38
eoin__qt quick programs, can they run without x11?23:38
wilee-nileeGeorge_, Cool do you see the recovery choice it will be from the second line, which is a little different from the links picture with grub 2 is all.23:39
k1l!patience | eoin__23:40
ubottueoin__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/23:40
Spec-Chumeoin__: a quick google says not23:40
wilee-nileeGeorge_, So if you get to the recovery choice and choose it what happens?23:40
b3lialI have a question about switching DE's and updating/upgrading23:40
Spec-Chumeoin__: ^^23:40
Spec-Chumeoin__: well, actually it says maybe :p23:41
eoin__qt quick 2 draws everything using opengl es but does it still need x11 to draw the initial window23:42
Nick119119Hello, ubuntu goers! I'm having a weird problem right now, I have a rar file and an unrarred file on my usb drive called .techniclauncher, and for some reason it's made the files hidden and read only. I can't change anything about them or make anything inside them executable. How can I change their hidden status?23:42
th0rNick119119, they are hidden because they start with a .23:44
Nick119119I need them to start with a . otherwise the launcher can't detect them, so I can't play modded minecraft23:46
eoin__press ctrl + H23:46
Nick119119I still can't launch the stuff inside when I press ctrl h23:47
k1lNick119119: did you set the file +x ?23:48
k1l(give it the right to execute?23:48
Nick119119I tick the box that sets it to an executable, but the box un-ticks itself :(23:48
th0rNick119119, the usb drive is fat format, you won't be able to control the file attributes like in linux23:48
Nick119119Oh. Hm. I tried copying the folders to my desktop, but I have no idea where they went23:49
eoin__sudo nautilus /home/name/morenames/morename23:49
th0rNick119119, they are still hidden....they are probably in ~/Desktop/.???23:49
daftykinseoin__: *gksudo23:50
Nick119119~/Desktop/.??? Hmm.... How do I get there? I'm a total Linux newblet, I only switched yesterday because I ggot sick of windows sucking23:50
eoin__whats the gk for?23:51
daftykinseoin__: it's the safe practice for using sudo on GUI apps23:51
k1leoin__: for grafical programs23:51
th0rNick119119, ~ is shorthand for /home/<username>23:51
Nick119119Found it and got it working, thank you guys very much!23:53
cobra-the-jokerHey guys ... how can i enable vesa ?23:53
daftykinsNick119119: both OSs work for me :(23:53
Nick119119daftykins: I like windows on my desktop, but on my laptop it was rather awful23:54
daftykinshow odd23:54
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
HyperiantI just installed fglrx; fglrxinfo runs fine and everything works smoothly, but the bottom right corner of my screen is filled with an obtrusive "AMD Unsupported Hardware" logo even though it's supposed to support my device23:57
daftykinsHyperiant: you got a very new card or something?23:58
Hyperiantdaftykins: Radeon 7770; it's at least 2 years old, and it didn't have this problem before I upgraded my mobo23:58
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
daftykinsand you're getting the driver direct from AMD, or?23:59
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
HyperiantI used sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle23:59
daftykinsHyperiant: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2130982&s=e0978849c690f9387cbc24f42ca0bc02&p=12582495#post1258249523:59

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