
nimbioticsI am using Ubuntu Studio 13.04; How do I install the Startup Application Manager?? TIA!02:57
SunStarthat is no longer compatible with ubuntu after 11.10. use GRUB Customizer instead: https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/grub-customizer03:00
nimbioticsSunStar; I mean the applications I want to run after login in, say for example, firefox. Please forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I don't think that is what GRUB is meant for03:03
SunStarYou can use Session and Startup Manager in launcher -> settings -> settings manager. if you dont have that installed, you need these pakages:  gnome-session, gnome-settings-daemon, gnome-session-properties, gnome-session-quit, x-session-manager03:09
nimbioticsSunStar; Thanks a lot!03:14
nimbioticsSunStar; Everything is alrady there, I just did not know it had been moved, long time not using ubuntu & 1st time with ubuntu studio, one more time .THANKS!03:16
ShapeShifter499opps wrong chan sorry10:05
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