
pleia2knome: btw http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/06/20/ubuntu-donations-and-community-funding/17:50
pleia2flavors budget!17:50
elfypleia2: where is this xubuntu calendar thingy ? 17:51
elfyand I saw that donation stuff a short while ago - looks good 17:51
pleia2elfy: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=383qgn907l43kd425bteqjg850@group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles17:52
pleia2er, https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=383qgn907l43kd425bteqjg850@group.calendar.google.com :)17:52
* pleia2 removes her time zone17:52
elfypleia2: who can add things to it? 17:53
pleia2looks like me and knome 17:53
elfyand do people look at it I wonder - except me - I know I didn't :p17:53
pleia2I can add you as an editor too if you want17:53
elfywell if we use it then it's useful :)17:54
pleia2what's your google account?17:54
pleia2there you go17:55
elfythanks 17:55
Unit193elfy: I do.17:55
knomepleia2, ahem, ok.19:41
Unit193So the answer for the random donations question in #xubuntu could technically have a different answer.19:46
pleia2there's no way to earmark it for a specific flavor19:47
pleia2so they can give money to canonical in the flavor bucket if they want, but it's not guaranteed to get to us19:47
Unit193Heh, so Xfce is still the answer.19:47
pleia2if they want to specifically to go to help us, probably19:48
pleia2but we should talk about it, whether we do want to request anything19:48

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