
gary_posterMakyo I will make a release this evening or get someone else to do it tomorrow morning then.  Looking at it now...00:40
hatchgary_poster: are you able to edit benji 's post from the 18th? there is a few spelling mistakes and it doesn't look like I can edit.00:42
gary_posterhatch, beginning, what else?00:43
hatchat the bottom00:43
gary_postergot it thanks00:44
hatchI think that's all - my computer highlights more because not English (missing u's) ;)00:44
gary_posterthanks, fixed00:44
hatchI'm just writing a blog post about the release00:45
gary_postergreat!  put yourself on the spreadsheet, hatch (second page of https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At5cjYKYHu9odDFwb0gxQTROSzZOX0ZWUEMzZWtJTGc#gid=2)00:45
hatchwill do, should be up shortly, just building trunk so I can take a screenshot :)00:49
hatchjujugui http://fromanegg.com/post/53479366574/juju-gui-0-6-0-released00:59
hatchwoops didn't mean to ping everyone :)00:59
gary_posterhatch :-) 0.6.1 will be out soon hopefully...01:00
hatchwell then I guess I'll have to make another post :)01:01
gary_posterMakyo, hatch, 0.6.1 released01:15
hatchaww poop01:15
hatchwhen you said soon I thought like in a couple days01:15
Makyogary_poster, thanks, almost forgot I owed James a dinner01:42
gary_poster:-) cool01:42
benjigary_poster: did you get my spelling errors in the release posing fixed?  If not I can do that now.10:44
* benji remembers what time it is.10:44
gary_posterbenji, yeah.11:29
bachey gary_poster, i need to be out for an 11am appt so i'll miss the meeting.  sorry for the late notice.12:09
gary_posterbac ok thanks for heads up12:09
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
bacgary_poster: y'day joey was asking me about non-canonical folks being in ~juju-gui-charmers.  it seems there are several via ~inactive-charmers -> ~charmers -> ~juju-gui-charmers.  i sent him to mimms.  seems like a non-issue to me...12:22
gary_posterbac, thanks for forwarding to mims.  AIUI, charmers are supposed to include non-Canonical folks12:31
bacmy gut feeling as well.  i think joey has a mandate to at least document these things to show they didn't just happen12:32
gary_posterI see12:47
bacgary_poster: 'bzr tags' for juju-gui  doesn't show a 0.5.013:09
gary_posterbac :-( k looking13:10
bacand many have ? instead of a revno.13:10
benjiI'm sure I tagged it.13:12
gary_posterbac r67713:13
benjioh, 0.*5*.0  I did 0.6.013:13
benjiI also did 0.5.0 and aparently didn't tag it.  I don't know how that happened.13:14
gary_postermaybe you added it to checklist after that benji?  I only did it since you added it to checklist13:15
benjibac: revision 677 is 0.5.013:15
benjigary_poster: perhaps13:15
benjihatch: when you are around I'd like to get some ideas on the right place to wire up some code (http://paste.ubuntu.com/5786687/)13:22
rick_hbenji: I'd just stick the method in the widget with tests and call it manually from the views/editorial.js when the containers are created. Instead of Y.all, it'd be container.get('container').all(). The zoomplane bit shuold be an event that's setup when the .zoom-plane div is rendered. 13:24
benjirick_h: thanks, I'll try that13:25
rick_hit's the charm-containers job to be optionally draggable, the sidebar's job to tell the container to enable the feature, and the zoom-plane to handle being dropped on. 13:25
bacgary_poster: i've reverted to 677, the browser is gone...but there is no charm search on the right either, so there is no way to add a charm13:25
rick_hbenji: ^13:25
gary_posterbac, looking.  13:26
baci think i need to manually turn sandbox on13:26
gary_posterbac, never connects for me...yeah I think so13:26
gary_posterbac, add user and password also13:28
bacgary_poster: it is a mess.  i've reverted to latest and will test locally to get it working13:29
gary_posteradmin:admin should be fine13:29
gary_posterok bac13:29
bacso for right now we have charm browser back temporarily13:29
gary_posterbac you still should set user, password, and sandbox: true in config-prod.js13:30
rick_habentley: r=me on the short-url branch. 13:31
abentleyrick_h: Thanks!13:31
bacgary_poster: uistage should be happily 0.5.0 now13:42
gary_posterbac, perfect, thanks13:48
bacgary_poster: i didn't take into account local modifications before reverting to 677.  i've copied the local changes of app/config-prod.js to app/config-prod-mod.js13:50
bacthey are trivial, of course13:50
gary_postercool thanks bac13:50
gary_posterbac, how much work would it be to set up the old approach on another port, do you think?13:53
bacgary_poster: prob not hard, just some poking at the web server config13:54
bacgary_poster: i'll be glad to do it after lunch13:54
gary_posterbac, ok.  thank you, that would be great13:54
hatchbenji: did you have an updated version of that code? (after ricks comment)14:21
benjihatch: it's not done yet14:22
hatchokee np14:22
rick_hhatch: agree/disagree? /me is curious14:24
gary_posterluca__, thanks for wireframes.  you available for guichat to review?14:25
luca__gary_poster: not at this very moment, I think I'm going to be pulled into an impromptu meeting hehe14:26
gary_posterluca__, ok.  I have call in 34 minutes for an hour.  can talk before or after.  woudl very much like to talk before your EoD today14:27
luca__gary_poster: Ok, I'll definitely find time :)14:27
gary_posterthanks :-)14:27
luca__gary_poster: I'm free now, if you are14:39
gary_postercool, come on by guichat luca__ 14:39
teknicoI didn't know one could do such a thing so easily in Javascript, nice: this['handle' + data.Type + data.Request]()14:41
gary_posterjujugui call in 614:54
Makyojujugui call in 6, kanban now14:54
gary_posterkanban now 14:54
gary_poster:-) thanks14:54
gary_posteron call14:54
Makyojujugui call in 214:59
gary_posterhey luca__ , guichat?16:02
luca__gary_poster: coming!16:03
gary_postercool :-)16:03
hatchoh and fyi - dart is pretty cool16:04
gary_posterhatch,  cool :-)16:04
hatchit's being sold as the 'next javascript' and at least on the very limited hacking i've done with it, I agree16:04
hatchit's not even v1 though so it's still under heavy development16:05
hatchrick_h: you have your monitors mounted on an adjustable pole right?16:10
hatchnode 0.10.12 is out16:13
rick_hhatch: yes16:28
hatchare they adjustable? I'm thinking of grabbing some but not sure what kind to get16:29
rick_hhatch: http://goo.gl/NA7F316:29
rick_hhatch: they're semi-adjustable. Cheaper than the fully adjustable and enough movement for my needs16:29
hatchahh - don't think that one will work for my primary monitor unfortunately16:29
hatchMakyo: reviewing17:02
hatchMakyo: should the QA not be done on prod?17:03
hatchor both for that matter...17:03
Makyohatch, I suppose both, but the goal was to make this a quick run-through, which the sandbox gives us, right?17:04
hatchI remember issues which only happened in prod17:05
gary_posterabentley, rick_h , I see a couple of oddities in search right now.  (1) if I search for "ceph," on uistage (old interface) I get an IO error, and on trunk (new interface) I never get results.17:10
gary_poster(2) if I search for apache2, I get no icon for the charm17:10
gary_posterIs this known?17:10
gary_posterah wait I just got ceph from the new interface...17:11
rick_hgary_poster: looking. It's two diff api endpoints 17:11
gary_posterwell, it was hanging before17:11
rick_hgary_poster: yea, it's throwing a 500 :/17:11
gary_postermaybe I just didn't wait long enough, but apache2 results were very fast17:11
hatchrick_h: I searched for ceph in my local branch in the charmbrowser, now I can't get the real results, even after refresh and clearing the input box - known bug?17:12
rick_hgary_poster: oh, it's actually pulling the old site jujucharms.com?17:12
hatchi just get the ceph result list17:12
Makyohatch, okay, that's fair, just lets make sure to find a balance.  The impression I got from the call was a default-usage script with the 'actively breaking things' thing done by a dedicated QA person.17:13
hatchMakyo: definitely17:13
gary_posterrick_h, sorry, don't understand your question17:13
rick_habentley: can you peek at staging? http://staging.jujucharms.com/search/json?search_text=ceph17:13
rick_hhatch: what's the url from the network debug tools for your failed request with charmbrowser?17:14
gary_posterrick_h, fwiw, on uistage:17:14
gary_poster  charm_store_url: 'http://jujucharms.com/',17:14
gary_poster  charmworldURL: 'https://manage.jujucharms.com/',17:14
rick_hgary_poster: yea, I guess they must be pointed at the same place. Hadn't really thought about them being different now. 17:15
hatchrick_h:  it's not failing, it's persisting the search results cross reload, I can't get back to the original results with the featured charms and whatnot17:15
rick_hhatch: right, there's no "go to home" button in the UX and we've talked with the UX folks several times about it. I *think* they've got a new home button in the updated UI that huw is starting work on, but it's not there now17:16
hatchwell why does the X when I clear the search box not do that?17:16
gary_posterrick_h, oh!  I should point config charm_store_url to manage?  still doesn't work there but easy to do17:17
hatchand why does it persist cross reloads17:17
rick_hhatch: it does an empty search and you end up querying all charms17:17
rick_hgary_poster: I think it's ok to do that now. I've not verified, but assuming they're the same machine/dns now. 17:17
gary_posterok will check locally...later.  need some lunch. :-)17:17
rick_hgary_poster: right, I  ping'd abentley to see if he can check the error log. sinzui gets the error emails but isn't around. 17:17
gary_postercool thanks17:18
rick_hgary_poster: so probably some error/issues around the ceph charm causing it to puke 17:18
abentleyrick_h: just got back.  Looking.17:18
gary_postermakes sense17:18
abentleyrick_h: It appears our code isn't forward-compatible with raring: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5787391/17:21
abentleyrick_h: is there a bug number?17:21
rick_habentley: no, gary_poster just hit it and was asking me if it was a known issue. I'll file a bug now with that traceback. 17:22
abentleyrick_h: Cool.  I'll look at it soon.17:22
rick_habentley: ty much 17:22
hatchrick_h: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1193437 this is pretty critical imho but I left the importance open17:25
_mup_Bug #1193437: Cannot get back to 'featured' charm page after search <charmbrowser> <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1193437>17:25
rick_habentley: bug/card files17:25
hatchI'd like someone else to confirm that bug but then they will be stuck without a featured page17:27
rick_hhatch: I understand your point, it's design and it's been brought up. 17:27
rick_hhatch: it's getting handled in the updated design work17:27
hatchno persistence across reloads is a code bug not a design issue17:27
rick_hhatch: I"m confused then. You mean actual browser reloads? 17:28
rick_hhatch: the urls udpates, if you reload it should drop you back where you are. It's how it's supposed to work. 17:28
hatchyeah when I hit refresh on the browser, the charmbrowser shows it's spinner, then shows me the full list of charms17:28
rick_hhatch: right, because you just did an empty search17:29
hatchthat's the url17:29
rick_hhatch: right17:29
rick_hit's how it's supposed to work :)17:29
hatchso if I make a search then it will never show featured charms again for  every following reload?17:29
rick_h"hey hatch, go check out the list of charms available: http://xxx/sidebar/search"17:29
Makyohatch, Going to remove the second section then, since prod uses a backend by default, rather than sandbox.17:29
rick_hhatch: yes, and that is a known issue and will be addressed by adding a home button into the sidebar heading 17:30
rick_hhatch: so once you do a search, there is no way to get the default 'helpful' content back to you right now without url mangling.17:30
hatchohh ok now I see what you're saying17:30
* hatch still thinks an empty search should drop you at the 'home' page17:31
rick_hhatch: then there will be no way to get a list of all charms in the store on one screen. :)17:31
rick_hwhy for you hate my use case I might want :P (and my easy hack to find the total number of charms in the store)17:32
hatchif you go to google and search for blank do you get every site on the internet? :)17:33
hatchfyi - I have this argument on pretty much every project I've ever been on lol17:33
rick_hhatch: the url says search, I search :P17:33
rick_hhatch: sure, we can rework the patterns, provide a reall "all charms" endpoint and find a way to expose it in the UX. ...but we don't have it right now. 17:34
hatchok I'll cede my argument.....for now *shifty eyes*17:35
rick_hhatch: wait 3wks and bring it up with design if it's not there. I can't find the doc with the new UX now but I swear I had it and it had a real home house icon to help with things17:36
hatchcan do!17:36
hatchahhh ux debates, gota love em ;)17:43
abentleyrick_h: Since this bug affects only the original API, I'd love to just abandon the original API.17:48
hatchrick_h: how does your truck tow your trailer? pretty stable? it looks way outclassed in that pic :)17:53
rick_habentley: yea, I was hoping to get to that next week to audit the old calls. sicne they're leaving uistage up on old revs for now we can't remove the old api until that goes away now18:01
rick_hhatch: it's within spec :) 6k lbs max trailer weight and 7.7k max on the car18:01
hatchwow that thing has a 6k capacity? crazy!18:02
abentleyrick_h: Ack.  I'll fix it.  It's not a big change.18:02
rick_hhatch: well the trailer weighs 4800 empty I think. Add batteries/junk and you can take it up to 590018:02
hatchhaha that's funny18:02
hatchand it tows well?18:03
hatchdoesn't wag the truck?18:03
rick_hhatch: so far, only taken it home from the dealer. I've got to load it up in a bit for this weekend's test trial. 18:03
rick_hhatch: the big test will be in the fall driving it down to VA from MI for annual 'visit the family' trip18:04
benjibac: excellent choice of port number18:06
baci figured it would be memorable18:06
hatchrick_h: ahh well make sure to balance the weight out properly18:07
rick_hhatch: got a tongue scale in the garage ready to go :)18:07
hatchhaha well done18:09
benjialways remember kids, "1/8th the weight or your trailer you will hate"18:09
hatchyour more prepared than most lemme-tell-ya18:09
hatchbenji: HAHAHA18:09
hatchthat's awesome18:09
rick_hhatch: yea, I've been doing research for a while now. I'm kind of an over-research guy. 18:10
hatchyeah same here18:10
rick_hbenji: hah18:10
hatchbenji: do you have any objection to me adding typescript and dart to your coffeescript card? as they are sort of in the same 'ballpark'18:20
benjihatch: nope, that would be great18:20
benjialthough, I suspect it decreases the chance of choosing one ;)18:21
hatchhaha - maybe that's a good thing lol18:21
hatchso samsung came out with their new 9 series ultra book with a crazy high res screen18:28
hatchthen they gave it an hdmi out :/18:28
hatchso the 13" screen has higher resolution than anything you could hook up to it, what a waste18:28
abentleyrick_h: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/fix-old-search-sort/+merge/170894 ?18:33
rick_habentley: looking18:33
rick_habentley: should we add a test/check in import for a series we don't recognize from that list and toss an error to help catch new releases as they come about?18:35
abentleyrick_h: If we aren't done using the old API by the time the next series is announced, I will go on a killing spree.18:35
rick_habentley: ah, gotcha. Since this was hit with our api2 seearch I figured it'd still be an issue. 18:36
rick_habentley: r=me18:36
abentleyrick_h: No, gary_poster retracted that: ah wait I just got ceph from the new interface...18:37
abentleyrick_h: I've checked myself, and the new API isn't affected.18:38
rick_habentley: cool, thanks.18:38
rick_habentley: ah, my fault. I tried to manually build a search call and did /charms/search?text=ceph. 18:39
abentleyrick_h: I've filed bug #1193463 about the brittleness of result_sorter, but I don't anticipate we'll have to resolve it, since we'll remove the old API before Ubuntu T is named.18:48
_mup_Bug #1193463: Old JSON search API explodes when new series are introduced <charmworld:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1193463>18:48
rick_habentley: cool18:48
abentleygary_poster: We have a fix for the Ceph search issue.  Is Monday soon enough to deploy it?19:04
* gary_poster on call. abentley yes ok19:08
jcastrogary_poster: heya to tldr on the gui export json thing landing? is that "OSCON"?19:21
gary_posterjcastro, gui export might be July 1 or thereabouts.  I will get back to you/Antonio about it this afternoon.  gui import json is "OSCON" or thereabouts19:22
jcastrook perfect19:22
jcastrojust making sure I was at least -/+ the correct month. :)19:23
hatchwow this new ghost config is a lot less code hah19:29
hatchlike 1/419:29
* hatch thinks he must be missing something19:29
hatchbcsaller: are you around?19:36
bcsallerhatch: yes, on a call19:36
hatchalrighty ping me when free19:36
bachi Makyo, you i ask you about some stuff in test_sandbox?19:51
Makyobac, sure19:51
bacMakyo: i intended to add expose and unexpose.  in doing so, i think for testing it is easiest to do add_units at the same time.19:52
bacMakyo: so i'm trying to port the generateServices helper for Go.  but, i'm missing something and client.onmessage is not getting called19:53
Makyobac, oh, hmm... I had something similar happen, but it turned out to be a typo of Receive :/19:54
bcsallerhatch: off call, whats up?19:59
hatchIn order to do this ghost config properly I need to be able to bind events to functions in the viewlets20:01
hatchwas wondering if you wanted to chat about that20:01
bcsallerhatch: sure20:02
hatchguichat is open20:02
gary_posterhatch bcsaller sent you some wireframes that might or might not help with clarifying ghost inspector goals20:05
bcsallergary_poster: thanks20:05
gary_posterarosales, jcastro: tldr, we can have a GUI-based export for you by Wednesday morning of next week.  I'll coordinate with Kapil to connect some of the technical dots, but should work fine.  GUI import will still be tracking for OSCON.20:07
jcastrook so we can do everything we need20:08
jcastroand just slot in the workflow on wednesday afternoon20:08
jcastrotoooooo easy20:08
arosalesgary_poster, woot thank you sir20:08
gary_posterjcastro, arosales :-) welcome20:09
arosalesgary_poster, and to confirm this export should work with juju deployer?20:09
gary_posterarosales, yes20:09
arosalesgary_poster, perfect thank you20:09
gary_poster:-) happy to be a part of what you guys are doing20:10
gary_posterthanks for including us20:10
abentleyrick_h: Could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/charmworld/remove-bzr-ingest-job/+merge/170899 ?20:10
hatchgary_poster: thanks20:11
arosalesgary_poster, np more folks need to see wow'ed by the GUI :-)20:13
hatchgary_poster: after looking at the wireframe, it looks like everything here will be pretty straight forward, nothing really needs to change at the architectural level of how Ben and I did the various components20:15
gary_posterhatch, excellent20:16
gary_posterhatch, fwiw, separate from the architecture, one potentially tricky UX bit is the scrolling behavior he wants for the inspectors.  you know how the contact app on iphone works, when you scroll up through the letters, and each letter is a header as you scroll, but then when you get to the next letter it rolls that previous letter away?   that's how he wants to handle scrolling in the inspectors when the box size is b20:19
gary_posterigger than the content.20:19
gary_posterI figure we add that in gradually after we build the main pages :-)20:19
hatchOOoo pick me pick me, I wana write that20:20
gary_posterhatch, consider yourself picked :-)20:20
hatchbut yeah...later :)20:21
gary_posterbac thanks for sending out email about uistage changes, and for doing the work.20:33
bacwas trivial20:34
hatchlol 8080 and 8086 we r such geeks20:37
gary_posterhatch, please keep conversation going with Ant.  Seemed like a reasonable response from him, but it seems like we have an obvious reply (that he seems like he's even setting us up for) that we are building an app, not sites.  I imagine you can suggest a setup that works for both him and us?20:38
hatchwill reply shortly20:39
hatchwhenever I see 'Ant' I always think of the build system20:41
gary_posterbac, do you mind if I move our weekly  Thursday call to my 9:30 AM, 1330 UTC20:50
bacgary_poster: that's fine.  will be 830am for me 1/2 year20:51
bacnot too early20:51
gary_posterok thanks bac20:51
gary_posterbenji, do you mind if I move our Thursday call one hour earlier to my 2:30, 1830 UTC?20:53
benjigary_poster: nope, that's fine20:53

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