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Doyle_Hey, is there a way to connect to powershell from linux?00:30
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ikhwan_cupumy acer laptop use ubuntu 12.10....the bluetooth always ON & i cant to off03:10
AethysiusIs 156 F too hot for a processor?04:16
tsimpsonAethysius: that's around 70C, I wouldn't be concerned until it starts to get around 80-90C ~180F05:01
tsimpsonmost systems will automatically shut down if the temperature gets dangerous, mine is apparently set to do that at 100C05:02
AethysiusWhat about GPUs and mobos?05:07
tsimpsonthey're similar05:07
tsimpsoncomputers can handle rather high internal temperatures, as long as it's not for too long (hours) and they have a chance to cool off05:08
tsimpsonC/GPU chips will be the most sensitive and will probably cut-off somewhere above 100C, the rest of the system can probably take 30-50C more without approaching danger point05:10
tsimpsonand most (modern) systems have built-in trip points to trigger an emergency shutdown before then05:11
AethysiusHow do I make myself root in the GUI?05:13
AethysiusHow do I make myself root in the GUI?05:30
valoriewhere in the gui, Aethysius?05:30
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> »  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why.05:31
valoriein general you can use kdesudo to run a gui application05:31
valoriebut most guis where you need to be root will present you with a dialog asking for your password05:31
lordievaderAethysius: What do you need to run as root?05:33
AethysiusThanks, y'all.05:50
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emil_Auuu :(10:52
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BluesKaj'Morning all11:32
FlowRiserBluesKaj, mornin`11:33
BluesKajhey FlowRiser11:33
FlowRiserBluesKaj, i`m having some problems with kde behaving properly with unity also installed11:34
FlowRisersometimes, the desktop background changes to the one unity has O.o11:34
BluesKajwhat kind of problems , FlowRiser?11:35
FlowRiserAnd it happens at random moments11:35
BluesKajwhat about the panel etc11:35
BluesKajjust the baqckground , like wallpaper ?11:36
BluesKajyou might have the unity screensaver enabled in kde11:37
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FlowRiserBluesKaj, ohhh, have not thought of that .... indeed, i have the unity screensaver enabled in kde; That explains lot of weird things happening on my installation xD11:38
AceKingCan someone help me with a choppy sound problem? I'm running 13.04 64 bit. Everytime I play something with sound, it's choppy, and pops from low to loud11:52
FlowRiserAceKing, did you try updating your kernel ? mine is 3.8.0-25-generic11:56
AceKingFlowRiser: I just installed, and did all updates11:57
FlowRiserAceKing, are you running pulseaudio ? if so, have you tried messing with its properties in the default manager ?12:00
AceKingFlowRiser: I haven't touched anything yet. I'm running it from a fresh install12:00
FlowRiserAceKing, i suggest before doing anything else that you install the pulseaudio manager and try setting the server up so that your primary device is the one you want12:02
FlowRiserAceKing, if that does not work, then you have a driver issue12:02
AceKingFlowRiser: Will do.. Do I need to uninstall anything before I install pulseaudio manager?12:03
FlowRiserAceKing, no, it should work out of the box12:05
AceKingFlowRiser: I see a couple to choose from in the Software Center... pulseaudio volume control, and pulseaudio preferences. Which one do I install?12:06
AceKingFlowRiser: I just went into "Package Manager" and found it12:08
AceKingFlowRiser: OK, it's installed. Do I need to restart?12:10
AceKingFlowRiser: I am going to restart and test it. Thank you for your help12:12
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lordievaderGood afternoon.14:31
kristjanis there any video player for kubuntu where is subtitle download option?14:37
geniikristjan: You want to download the subtitle files separately?14:39
kristjani mean when i start movie, it can find subtitles for the movie14:40
geniikristjan: Which player are you currently using for this?14:41
kristjani think it searches subtitles only from opensubtitles.org14:43
kristjanis there any way i can add sites?14:44
geniikristjan: Apologies on lag, work is requiring much of my time right now.14:48
kristjanno problem at all14:49
BluesKajkristjan, most players need a local file for subtitles ., vlc will use one if you find one and point vlc to it's path14:55
OerHeksAnd the name of the subtitle must match the movie, AFAIK14:57
BluesKajor yeah , usually subs are included and can be enabled or disabled in vlc in the dialog that comes up just by a right click on the vlc screen14:59
workingcats(s)mplayer will use an appropriately named file automatically i think14:59
workingcatsdidnt realise it has a feature to auto-search for ones from the net14:59
BluesKajcould never find a version of mplayer that fits my tv screen15:01
BluesKajincluding mplayer itself15:01
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kristjanwhen u start movie in smplayer, u can klick subtitles meny and there is find sbtitles from opensubtitles. org. That is very convenient.15:07
kristjanmy question is can i add other sites to search subtitles from15:07
kristjanor is there any other player wih similar option15:08
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OerHekskristjan, did you find VLsub ? http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/vlsub-vlc-extension-to-search-and.html15:17
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kristjanOerHeks where is the vlc /lua/extensions path in my computer ?15:46
kristjansorry im newbe15:46
kristjanhow can i hide join and quit messeges from this chat window?15:48
kristjanim useing quassel irc15:48
OerHeksIt is not yet, you have to make that folder yourself like the page shows you >> mkdir -p ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions15:49
OerHeksit is hidden, press alt + .  to show hidden files15:49
kristjanunder where it supose to be now?15:50
OerHeksin your /home/<your name>/  folder15:51
kristjanehh ,cant see it15:55
kristjanok i find it under root etc vlc lua15:58
kristjanbut i cant copy the files there15:59
SonikkuAmericazero_coder: Hey!16:03
zero_coderhow can I set shortcut key16:03
zero_coderhi SonikkuAmerica16:03
zero_coderSonikkuAmerica  its usually dead16:03
SonikkuAmericaHead for System Settings and check inside the Keyboard section.16:03
zero_coderSonikkuAmerica : Kubuntu is totally cool . just started using today :)16:04
SonikkuAmerica:) I've used it in the past; now I use Ubuntu GNOME, but I know a lot about the other DEs.16:04
zero_coderi have been using unity16:04
zero_coderbut its totally unproductive .maybe u can use it for tablets16:05
zero_coderSonikkuAmerica : I am in keyboard section16:05
zero_coderwhat next16:05
SonikkuAmericaIs there a "Keyboard Shortcuts" item in the menu on the left?16:05
BluesKajkristjan, play the video , right click on the screen in vlc , then the dialog should show subtitles . click on that , openfile then put the path in the addressbar at top.16:06
zero_coderSonikkuAmerica : there is something else called shortcuts and gestures16:06
zero_coderhow to create a new one?16:08
SonikkuAmericaOh crap... someone bail me out!16:08
SonikkuAmericaOK. Make sure "Plasma Desktop Shell" is selected from the drop-down menu, then hit "Add..." or click the + sign. (I forgot which.)16:10
zero_coderSonikkuAmerica : what is the command for launching terminal ?16:11
SonikkuAmericazero_coder: Usually Ctrl+Alt+T16:11
BluesKajme doesn't go near the shortcuts and gestures option , looks difficult to understand for some who almost failed 9th grade typing class :)16:11
zero_coderi mean the command not shortcut16:11
zero_coderi am trying to set it16:11
zero_coderI passed out of high school , still its difficult BluesKaj16:12
SonikkuAmericaBluesKaj: LOL!16:12
zero_coderSonikkuAmerica : what to do?16:13
SonikkuAmericazero_coder: Or hit Alt+F2 and type "konsole" and hit ETNER16:14
zero_coderSonikkuAmerica : done16:14
zero_coderits set16:14
zero_coderSonikkuAmerica : thank you16:16
SonikkuAmericaYou're welcome.16:17
zero_coderSonikkuAmerica : so what do you do for a living?16:18
SonikkuAmerica!ot | zero_coder16:21
ubottuzero_coder: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!16:21
zero_coderi didn't mean to offend anythin16:23
SonikkuAmericazero_coder: Oh no, just part of decorum. In other Linux distro channels, it's all jumbled as people are getting support and conversing at once. Not in Debian or Ubuntu,16:25
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mbnoimiI tried to add a new task (http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/3526/lyxi.jpg) to Task Scheduler but it didn't run when the time in came... that's wrong? do I configured it wrong?17:44
geniimbnoimi: Does:  sudo ls /var/spool/cron/crontabs/       show a file there with the name of the user ?18:00
mbnoimigenii: is shows my user name18:00
geniimbnoimi: Please use a pastebin to show the result of:   grep vlc /var/log/auth.log18:01
geniiIf no result for the command, let us know that too.18:02
mbnoimigenii: no need to pastebin... it shows nothing!18:02
geniimbnoimi: What is result of: crontab -l18:06
mbnoimigenii: http://pastebin.com/qF0ep4g918:13
geniimbnoimi: OK, that looks fine. I would suggest to put the full path for vlc in the Task Scheduler, like: /usr/bin/vlc     ...instead of just vlc18:15
mbnoimigenii: I did that... I may need to wait to see what if this will work within the coming 3min18:17
* genii makes more coffee and settles in18:17
mbnoimigenii: :)18:18
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mbnoimigenii: didn't work :(18:20
mbnoimigenii: by the way, recollindex works fine at Sunday but I didn't add it manually, Recoll add it through its configurations18:23
mbnoimigenii: Do you've any idea in your mind?18:28
geniimbnoimi: Nothing comes immediately to mind, unfortunately.18:29
mbnoimigenii: Thanks... I'll pass my question to the main stream. Guys I need your help18:29
geniimbnoimi: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=225&t=108385  mentions that cron needs to be told how to run graphical applications, they refer a user there to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto#GUI_Applications  where the basic method seems to be to add the display of your X server in the crontab file.18:36
mbnoimigenii: Strange!18:37
geniiYes, you'd think the Task Scheduler would automatically make those type of entries18:39
mbnoimigenii: Damn I could run my tasks by gnome-schedule while KDE Task Scheduler couldn't... see the new option of X Application http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/8869/iwxi.jpg18:54
mbnoimigenii: I think this is weak point. I've to tell KDE guys about it18:56
geniimbnoimi: This seems to me be a bug with Task Scheduler18:56
genii( or at least an omission not to have similar functionality as the gnome-schedule )18:57
ivo888how can i set up router with 1 lan card18:58
ivo888i try this http://linuxgazette.net/140/brownss.html  but other computers don`t have internet18:58
ivo888router, modem and other computers are connected to 1 switch18:58
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OerHeksYour "router-pc" must have 2 ports minimum, one to the modem, and 2nd to your switch with clients19:00
ivo888but there is options with 1 card....19:02
OerHeksNot that i know of, wifi + lancable or lancable + lancable19:03
ivo888too bad :)19:06
ivo888i don`t have other card (it is laptop)19:06
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OxDeadC0decan anyone maybe help me with a printing problem? Kubuntu 12.10 w/ cups and usn hplip printer. The printer works fine. I created an image 527x378@75ppi in the gimp (Which is 5.04x7.02 inches). I go to print on a 5x7 paper, disable margins, set the paper size to 5x7. What actually gets printed is quite a bit smaller than than 5x7 paper it should fill up21:45
* OxDeadC0de le sighs21:46
OxDeadC0des/than than/than the21:47
OxDeadC0dethen the? I don't know english very well.21:47
mr-richOk, just did the latest updates to 12.04 LTS and now thunderbird is crashing ... any ideas?22:32
valoriehi folks, I have a major problem on my newer laptop; I'm fortunate that I have an older one to fall back on23:02
valoriesince a fresh install the other day, I've had an odd problem: application windows disappearing off to the left and today the right side23:02
valoriein system settings, it shows two monitor windows, which I must turn off one to get things to work right23:03
valoriesince things were disappearing to the left today, I turned off the left one23:03
valorienow I have a black screen23:03
valoriethe KDE guys told me to delete .kde/share/config/kcmdisplayrc and krandrrc23:05
valoriebut they don't exist23:05
valorieany clues?23:05
valorieI do have a console, and I cat'ed the .xsession-errors file, some of which looks relevant23:06
valoriebut other than copying it to a thumbdrive, not sure how to get that information off23:06
valorieI can file a bug on launchpad, but against what?23:06
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com23:06
valoriegenii: is that for me?23:07
valorieah, I see23:07
geniivalorie: Yes, a way to get the xsession-errors into a pastebin from CLI23:07
geniivalorie: Although, I am leaving shortly and will not be able to look at it myself, someone else may take up the cause23:08
Unit193You may want to use one where you can set it private, or expire time.23:08
valorieinstalling it23:09
valorieok, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5788248/23:11
christopherhello. I just installed version 11 so I can install a working catalyst driver. Now GCC is undetectable even though software manger says it is. I als install the archive version 3.4 and all associated packages... still gcc -help  returns instructions for apt get (which do not work).23:25
christopher'ran into a stray statment in a possbly unrelaed forum post about gcc needing to be the same version that the kernel was compiled with.23:26
christopherI'm also confused because this version of 11.04 has the latest desktop with all the bells and whistles, but running uname confirms that it's the Kernel from version 11.0423:27
christopherwhy would gcc be a ghost like this?23:28
apacheloggervalorie: you'll want to catch afiestas, he knows all about screen stuff23:29
apacheloggerchristopher: 11.04?23:30
apacheloggerI am reasonable certain that is not supported anymore23:30
valorieapachelogger: thank you23:32
christopherit isn't but I should be able to install an old version?23:32
valorierenaming .kde did the trick, but I'll be da**ed if I know why23:32
christopherthe thing is niether is my hardware as a result23:32
apacheloggervalorie: possibly the config is called kscreenrc now23:32
christopherThis is the only know fix I know of for the fglrx incompatibility with new kernels23:34
apacheloggerwhat incompatibility? fglrx is supported on all supported kubuntu versions.23:35
christopher..fresh install gcc... gone? That's the "tool" that catalyst "can't find" now that I've "fixed" the genreic kernal files "tools"... "being missing"23:35
apacheloggersudo apt-get install gcc23:36
christopherdoesn't work23:36
christophersays "can't find"23:36
apacheloggersudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gcc23:37
apacheloggeractually it may refuse to find it because it is an unsupported release.23:37
christopher"[sudo] password for christopher:23:37
christopherReading package lists... Done23:37
christopherBuilding dependency tree23:37
christopherReading state information... Done23:37
christopherE: Unable to locate package gcc23:37
FloodBotK1christopher: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:37
christophersorry didn't know I was copying returns23:38
apachelogger11.04 is not on archive.ubuntu.com, neither will it be on mirrors23:38
apacheloggeruse a supported release.23:38
christopherI found gcc 3.4 debs and installed them all "successfully" still no gcc responding in the terminal23:39
apacheloggerinstalling random debs is not advised btw23:39
christopherwell I just need my graphics card to work.23:40
christopherthis is the only pc I got and the only way up23:40
apacheloggeryou have no graphics with 12.04 or 13.04?23:41
christopherI making 3dc haracter sprites for a 2d game with my only business partner. The chug has to go.23:42
christophervideos are slow otherwise as well. which while it's nice I can use it as a wordprocessor. a 2008 machine was made to do more.23:42
christopherI thought a given install could run without internet... and in theory... that's all I need23:44
valorieapachelogger: I don't see kscreenrc in the old .kde/share/config folder, and not the new one either23:46
valoriedo you know where i should be looking?23:47
apacheloggervalorie: exactly in that folder, well, anyway, just talk to afiestas about it23:47
apacheloggerhe'll know how to debug it23:47
valorieok, will do23:47
valorieit's pizza time, so maybe I'll send him an email23:48
christopherthat's a very on target link/answer :0]! thank you very much!23:48
valoriedanke schon23:48

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