
=== jea is now known as Addison
=== Addison is now known as jaddi27
=== jea_ is now known as jea
aladdinheyyoo people. how are you? anyone from Melbourne?11:13
jeaHi aladdin 11:14
jeaWelcome to Ubuntu-AU11:14
aladdinjea: hey jea! thanks. r u from there. i just moved here from Sydney.11:15
jeaI am from Brisbane11:15
jeaThere are a few from Melbourne11:15
jeabenonsoftware is there11:16
aladdinbenonsoftware: great. You should come here. It is awesomely beautiful here11:16
aladdinoops it was meant for jea11:16
aladdinbenonsoftware: you know it is :)11:17
aladdinjea: anyone travelled on country link trains?11:18
jeaI think I will stay in BNE for now. Still have 1.5 years of uni to finish11:18
aladdinjea: great, which course did you take up?11:18
jeaum, not sure about country link trains. I don't catch many trains around here, and certainly none interstate11:18
jeaI am doing Software Systems + Aerospace Engineering11:19
jeawhat about you?11:19
aladdini am sitting on python11:19
aladdinwill start another course on coursera.org11:19
aladdinwow, you are one hell of a geek, in a good way :)11:21
jeaYeah, computers and software is what I enjoy11:22
aladdinwhat language must you speak in aerospace engin?11:22
jeaum, we do several languages for this degree11:23
jeathe very first programming course is python11:24
jeaafter that everything is either C or Java11:24
aladdinyep, wow. so have you done anything cool to show off? :)11:26
jeaum, not too much really. my coolest stuff is at work, and I can't show it off11:27
jeaof relevance though is this:11:27
jeasorry, not that11:27
jeathis: http://joeladdison.com/ubuntu/translation/quantal/en_AU11:27
aladdintranslations of what?11:33
jeathat is translations of ubuntu into English (Australian)11:34
aladdinok, it is cool. it shows the progress that someone is working on aussie ubuntu :)11:35
aladdinwhat tools did u use to do it?11:36
jeathe graphing is a module I made for Drupal11:36
jeait fetches the data once a day, and then displays it on the website11:37
jeathe actual translations themselves are done via http://translations.launchpad.net11:37
aladdincool stuff mate.11:40
aladdinwonder when benonsoftware wakes up. I was just gonna meet new people here.11:43
jeaI haven't seen benonsoftware online recently - I suspect he has been busy with schoolwork11:45
jeathere will be more people speaking at different points in time - it is just a bit quiet at the moment11:46
aladdin:). i will keep this channel open ;). speak soon buddy and good luck with the projects.11:47
jeayou too :)11:49
NoskcajI have a translation question. is anyone online?20:18
=== jea is now known as jaddi27

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