
ozysimpsonI am new to ubuntu so please excuse my question, I have a hardware raid 1 on a 250G disk, I am trying to install ubuntu 12.04 LTS, installation goes smoothly and comes back with message saying ubuntu has installed sucessfully but after reboot i cant see grub the machine goes into what is called a black screen with curser blinking could some please help me here00:51
holsteinozysimpson: does the live cd boot ok?03:30
holsteinwilee-nilee: i do what i can :)04:32
wilee-nileeYes you do, and a fine job.04:32
holsteinwilee-nilee: im just tring to keep up with you. you are great in there...04:33
wilee-nileeholstein, Lol, as long as I have actually had the problem, otherwise I have to scour the web.04:35
newuserI am planning to settle down on  stable linux laptop system which will help me get more comfortable with linux from sys admin/LAMP (P as in Perl) perspective+be user friendly enough for my wife to use for general computing requirement12:16
newuserAnyone here uses Ubuntu 12.04 for professional web/scripting development?12:16
newuserKindly let me know.12:16
newuserI ran it off the USB, and man is one slick looking OS....Contrary to what I read, Unity is quite user friendly12:17
PenyulapI have ubuntu server 12 I think on one computer, and I talk from this main ubuntu computer, I use ssh on the command line to talk to use commands onthe server, I want to add a small file, I am pretty much sortof beginner with command line, i use it some, but what of a text editor that I can dump text into, so it comes out as a file over the other end ?14:00
Penyulapi think i will ask in server instead14:10

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