
racarrricmm: Last time that was00:26
racarrsurface flinger running00:26
racarrI think?00:26
ricmmyup, this was ssomething similar, wsomeone else was starting a qt process with qtubuntumir00:27
ricmmnot the main issue anyways00:27
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robert_ancellduflu, can you recheck https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/mir/vt-option/+merge/170476?01:49
duflurobert_ancell: Yeah no problem. It will be done today01:50
dufluAnd hopefully "done"01:50
RAOFAnd then I get to use the same infrastructure to make input not go to the VTs! Yay!01:59
duflurobert_ancell: Approved but you typically need a second review03:44
robert_ancellduflu, ta03:45
RAOFI'll do that one.03:46
robert_ancellI do believe I just did a cold boot, past plymouth, into a XMir greeter and into a session with acceleration04:04
robert_ancellRAOF, what was the command to check the /dev/drm permissions?04:04
RAOFgetfacl /dev/dri/*04:05
RAOFAlso, I'm not surprised. That's been working for me since your XDG_SEAT fix yesterday :)04:06
robert_ancellRAOF, the VT fix seemed to fix the last problem for me04:06
robert_ancellRAOF, did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-system-compositor/lightdm-conf.d/+merge/170730 btw?04:07
RAOFI did not.04:07
RAOFThat's not _quite_ the same thing as debconf, though?04:08
RAOFAlthough people can always delete the conf.d snippet, I guess.04:08
robert_ancellRAOF, yeah, I think that's the idea04:09
robert_ancellAnd it handles multiple packages fighting over the same setting04:09
RAOFThat's fine by me. Going to update the testing instructions?04:09
robert_ancellNot today, but can do when it's merged04:09
robert_ancellRAOF, duflu, are you subscribed to u-s-c merges btw? It would be handy to have a pool of us who can review them04:11
RAOFI think I am, but I think they get filed into a folder I don't regularly look at.04:12
robert_ancellok, coo04:12
duflurobert_ancell: Not subscribed but I can remember to look at the launchpad page04:12
RAOFWe're in the same timezone, so I think pinging will scale reasonably well.04:12
robert_ancellthere's some other low priority merges, just wanted to check someone will see them at some point04:12
dufluI tend to ignore the mail noise and go straight to the summary pages04:12
robert_ancelland some for lightdm04:13
robert_ancellRAOF, oh, you merged it - do you know where the instructions are to modify off hand?04:15
robert_ancellRAOF, do we consider system-compositor-testing PPA still broken?04:27
RAOFIt's broken for i386 because of hateful buildds, but I don't think it's broken outside that.04:28
RAOFIt should probably have a big ‘don't VT switch or try user switching’ disclaimer, though.04:28
robert_ancellThat second cursor is super annoying...04:33
robert_ancellbye all - last chance for anything that needs resolving before next week..04:40
robert_ancellRAOF, duflu?04:40
duflurobert_ancell, annoying but there was a request for a temporary watermark feature ;_04:40
robert_ancellduflu, not likely04:40
duflurobert_ancell: No in that document it was requested04:40
RAOFI think I'm most of the way through fixing that cursor, but other things have bumped it off the priority.04:40
dufluRAOF, robert_ancell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/119291604:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1192916 in Unity System Compositor "Mir's hardware cursor (arrow) is drawn on top, even though we're not using it." [Undecided,New]04:42
robert_ancellduflu, yep04:42
robert_ancellit's only cosmetic04:42
dufluRAOF: If you're working on it, please claim the bug04:44
RAOFHave done so, thanks.04:44
tvoss_RAOF, ping05:10
RAOFtvoss_: Pong.05:10
tvoss_RAOF, good morning :) any good news from the buildd or do I need to setup a vm with an ancient kernel and try to reproduce?05:11
RAOFNo good news from the buildd, sorry.05:11
tvoss_RAOF, I don't understand why it is failing only on i386 when it used to work before05:12
RAOFPossibly the buildds having their kernels upgraded? But that wouldn't be the case, because they've out of support.05:13
tvoss_RAOF, here is what webops were able to extract: https://pastebin.canonical.com/93178/05:14
RAOFThat's... annoying?05:16
tvoss_RAOF, attached to the hanging process via gdb and interrupted05:16
RAOFSomething in the free path has deadlocked?05:16
tvoss_RAOF, not deadlocked, the process is spinning even05:17
RAOFSo livelocked then.05:17
tvoss_yup, okay, ancient kernel debugging then *fun*05:18
RAOFCan there be any more desirable use of a Friday?05:18
tvoss_totally not05:21
tvoss_olli, ping05:38
ollitvoss_, wazzup05:39
tvoss_olli, good morning/good night :)05:39
ollijust read some backlog05:40
olliyay for working infrastructure05:40
ollitvoss_, I am about to log off, was there anything you wanted to ping me about?05:41
tvoss_olli, nope, sent you a pm, though05:41
tvoss_olli, wanted to check if you were able to install the ppa05:41
ollididn't get to it05:42
olliupdated to saucy though ;)05:42
ollibaby steps05:42
tvoss_olli, \o/ later then :)05:42
ollicya in a few hours05:42
jonoolli, working late?05:43
ollijust wrapping up05:43
jononight all05:48
ollicya all05:49
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dufluRAOF: Can you give my the idiot's guide to what kind of Mir surface XMir is?05:57
duflu-my +me05:57
RAOFWhatever is set by default.05:59
RAOFduflu: I don't currently explicitly set it to anything.05:59
dufluRAOF: I mean hardware or software?05:59
dufluBlitted by memcpy?06:00
RAOFOh, hardware.06:01
RAOFDirect access to the contents of the mir_buffer_package.06:01
RAOFBlitted by hardware.06:01
dufluRAOF: Hmm so XMir is technically GBM-native?06:02
RAOFXMir is very much GBM-native at this point.06:02
dufluRAOF: I was thinking it would be beneficial to configure Compiz to use its old buffer aging logic (circa 2012 and prior) because that's faster and all we need when another compositor is on top. But was also wondering if XMir itself is optimal06:03
duflu-on top +underneath06:04
RAOFXMir is not itself optimal.06:04
dufluI'm glad you say that06:05
dufluIt means it could get even faster06:05
RAOFFirst optimisation is to use the buffer_age field to do partial updates.06:05
RAOFSecond optimisation is to do GLX passthrough for fullscreen surfaces.06:05
dufluRAOF: Yeah Compiz can do that without the buffer_age extension, I mean06:06
RAOFBut it does it by not SwapBuffering, right? XMir can't do that.06:06
dufluRAOF: Yes I think XMir would have to translate that into buffer_age logic06:07
dufluJust trying to get Compiz closer to the hardware, even when Mir is in the middle...06:08
RAOFCompiz always outputs to a fullscreen GLX window, right?06:09
RAOFComposite-bypass for XMir gets you as close to the hardware as you can be.06:09
* RAOF heads out to get stuff for dinner before it gets dark and even colder.06:10
dufluRAOF: Yes Compiz _only_ supports fullscreen GLX composting06:17
duflu-composting  +compositing06:18
RAOFduflu: Then we should be able to hand the buffer from Mir all the way through to Compiz. Once Mir also does composite bypass, that'll have Compiz drawing on the framebuffer.06:30
dufluRAOF: Sounds quite awesome06:30
tvossdidrocks, ping06:59
didrockstvoss: pong06:59
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RAOFduflu: If you've got a moment would you kindly check that lp:~raof/mir/prober-drm-device-probe works for you?07:49
dufluRAOF: What's it do?07:49
dufluMeant to..07:49
RAOFIt's meant to actually probe the drm devices, rather than hope that one of {i915, radeon, nouveau} will bind to the right thing.07:49
RAOFAs a secondary benefit, it should also throw sensible errors if it *can't* find a drm device, unlike the current state of things which always returns EPERM on error.07:50
RAOFHeh. Misspelt branch name - that's meant to be *proper*-drm-device-probe :)07:51
dufluRAOF: Oh I was going to do something similar. Should then include vmware support?07:52
RAOFAssuming vmware does sensible EGL, this *is* vmware support.07:52
RAOFOr maybe I've misinterpreted what you've said.07:52
dufluNo, that's cool07:52
RAOFYes, this should include vmware support, assuming vmware can do EGL on their raw kms device.07:53
RAOFI'm not sure if that assumption holds, but it seems reasonable.07:53
dufluRAOF: You mean Mesa fully implements vmware support in its EGL... ?07:53
RAOFMesa certainly has support for vmware, and I don't _think_ it does anything fancy like needing help from it's X driver.07:54
RAOFPrf_Jakob will know!07:56
dufluRAOF: Well I hoped not07:57
dufluRAOF: Just tinkering with linker madness then I'll test it07:57
RAOFduflu: Oh, sorry. I should have fixed the testing PPA, shouldn't I?07:57
dufluRAOF: I was working on fixing the code so it builds. What would you "fix"?07:58
RAOFThe easy way to do that will be to create a new PPA, build Mir in it against the archive mesa, then copy that including the binaries into the testing PPA.07:58
RAOFBut if you're actually splitting out the libmirclient build then that's much more useful.07:58
RAOFPlease don't let me interrupt you from doing that!07:58
dufluRAOF: That's a workaround that's kind of specific to here and now. I'm trying to find a more permanent solution07:58
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dholbachhey hey08:20
dholbachso regarding the documentation improvements Jono mentioned on the mailing list - would it make sense to file bugs on mir about this? AFAIK http://unity.ubuntu.com/mir/ is generated from the docs in lp:mir? I could tag them with 'docs' or something08:24
RAOFdholbach: Yeah, that'd be reasonable.08:27
dholbachgreat - I'll do that and follow up on the mailing list08:28
alan_gduflu: about the "ProtobufSocketCommunicator::start()" - I'm not sure how to make it clearer. Any suggestions?08:39
duflualan_g: Not sure. I didn't spend enough time looking at it08:40
RAOFtvoss_: I'm not sure if we want further sabdfl testing right at the moment, but if we do, https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/mir/prober-drm-device-probe/+merge/170765 should at least generate a more useful error.09:22
tvoss_katie, ping09:53
katietvoss_, pong09:57
dufluGot to run. Sorry in advance for my merge proposal.10:04
tvoss_RAOF, for the build issue in the ppa?10:08
tvoss_RAOF, do you think it makes sense to disable i386 to make propagation working fine again?10:08
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sil2100Hi guys! hm,11:29
sil2100Can I get some status update on mir related work? Since currently we're not doing any daily-releases of mir and its components - do you think mir is ready for daily-releasing right now?11:31
sil2100What is the overall status?11:31
tvoss_sil2100, we are busy preparing a ppa right now11:33
tvoss_sil2100, I think once that is done, we can start working towards a daily release11:33
tvoss_say: sometime next week11:33
tvoss_makes sense?11:33
sil2100Excellent, thanks for the update11:33
sil2100Then I'll re-poke you guys in a week11:33
tvoss_sil2100, cool and thanks for asking11:34
sil2100Ah, guys/girls ;)11:34
* sil2100 has a habbit of using 'guys' to address everyone in the room11:34
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greybackhi guys, small question. I'm playing with mir_demo_server and clients. In VT1 I run the server. But then switching to another VT, I see just a blank screen. Ideas?13:04
greybacknote I'm on saucy13:06
tvoss_greyback, ?13:11
tvoss_greyback, what do you expect to see on another vt?13:11
greybacktvoss_: another login screen13:12
tvoss_greyback, hmm, that shouldn't be gone, I'm happily using it like that right now13:12
tvoss_greyback, if you don't start mirserver as root, you cannot switch vt's13:12
greybacktvoss_: aha13:12
tvoss_tvoss_, so you might think you have switched :)13:12
greybacktvoss_: talking to yourself again :)13:13
tvoss_tvoss_, sure, as always :)13:13
tvoss_tvoss_, it's great to always win all arguments, I'm a huge fan of myself ;)13:13
greybacktvoss_: which means all clients must run as root too13:14
greybackwhich is fine, just while I'm testing my work13:14
tvoss_greyback, not entirely sure, I would need to check with duflu13:14
tvoss_greyback, but yeah, all root right now will work13:14
greybacktvoss_: it segv on me, server as root, client as me.13:14
greybackbut not big deal right now. I've enough to work with13:15
tvoss_greyback, ack13:15
alan_galf: could I get you to review this? https://code.launchpad.net/~alan-griffiths/mir/dlopen-graphicsplatform/+merge/17079713:41
alfalan_g: sure13:41
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alfalan_g: all good :)14:12
alfalan_g: but jenkins doesn't agree :/14:12
alan_galf: thanks.14:12
* alan_g see it is that packaging stuff he's never understood properly.14:14
ollitvoss_: kgunn ping14:55
olliare we all good? Kgunn is presenting?14:55
kgunnolli: sure14:55
tvoss_olli, dialing14:56
kdubmorning, status, trying to get the n4 driver to release deleted buffers (eg, triple buffered to double buffered transition)15:02
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alf_status: wrapping up the mir part of session snapshots...15:14
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kdubalf_, so the basic idea for xmir multimonitor support is to negotiate the display information on behalf of xmir?16:10
kdubeg, xmir will ask to change the resolution, and we'll service that. or a hotplug will come in and we'll notify xmir16:11
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alf_kdub: right, that's the grand plan (C), as a first step we will let xmir handle event but we will implement the decision. So xmir will catch hotplug, read configuration, and send us the configuration to apply.16:13
kdubah, so the hotplug goes to xmir16:14
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kdubseems some resizing work is needed too16:16
alf_kdub: I guess, to begin with, we can destroy/recreate surfaces?16:16
kdubi mean, should be easy enough to pop a new swapper with new buffers in there16:17
kdubjust don't see the scenario we'd need for doing that atm :)16:18
alan_galf_: kdub: I'm off on vacation next week (back following Tuesday). Anything you from me need before then?16:30
alf_alan_g: no, enjoy your vacation!16:31
kdubyep, have a good time16:31
mterryracarr, heyo.  So do you have any pointers except for gdb tracing for trying to figure out my mir connection issue?  (client can't see demo server)16:32
mterryracarr, or is it expected that running with the nvidia hack would screw things up?16:33
alan_gIf anyone has time to double check the install/package changes in dlopen-graphicsplatform  before I go it would give me peace of mind. (As I'm not 100% sure what correct looks like.)16:33
racarrmterry: Not really, we hve some logging options, etc but if connecting isn't working16:36
racarrthey seemingly aren't16:36
racarrit seems like it must be the nvidia hack16:36
racarrNot sure how16:36
mterryracarr, I had hoped that our reference device would work better.  :-/16:38
mterrystupid nvidia16:38
* mterry kicks a pebble16:38
* kdub thought using the 'nvidia hack' was a thing of the past16:39
kdubmterry, iirc, the nvidia hack just skips over shared process mutexes, so the nvidia driver would explode if both server/client are hybrisized16:40
racarrThat could be it!16:41
racarrXD, I didn't know what the nvidia hack was ;)16:41
racarrmterry: You may be able to run the inprocess shell16:41
racarroh right but you cant :(16:41
mterrykdub, mir_demo_server crashes without the hack16:42
kdubmterry, are you still moving that hwcomposer.so file so mir can't find it?16:42
mterrykdub, um...  Shoot maybe I didn't this time16:43
kdubyeah, at the moment, i'd recommend no nvidia hack, and move the hwcomposer.*.so to force mir to use the fb device instead of hwc16:44
kdubapparently the n7 hwc doesn't hybrisize well16:44
racarrXD. I'm worried this will one day devolve in to16:48
racarrNVIDIA_HACK_0=0 NVIDIA_HACK_1=1 NVIDIA_HACK_2=0...16:48
kdubits probably okay to remove the "nvidia_hack" from hybris16:49
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alf_all: Have a great weekend16:54
racarrSee ya! you too16:56
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kgunnok...going to tread back onto trying xmir & figuring out why in the heck it wants old boost libs20:40

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