
ollythis electricity stuff is surprisingly useful, it turns out01:07
ajmitch_have you been lacking it at times?01:12
ollysince about 7:45pm last night01:14
ajmitch_that's a pain01:14
ollywe were watching tv on an old laptop turned PVR, so the picture went but the sound continued, which was confusing01:15
ibeardsleeveebers: I believe so01:35
veebersibeardslee: ah thanks :-) I ended up moving it (as backup) and having to `touch` a replacement file as apt-get/dpkg complained that the file didn't exist01:36
veebersseems to be working fine now01:36
* olly is surprised to get a mail about a vulnerability he apparently found but has no recollection of01:45
ollywow, it actually was me: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=69207601:47
ollysenility encroaches01:47
ibeardsleeblame the lack of power overnight?01:49
ollydidn't sleep all that well thanks to trees banging on the roof01:53
ibeardslee.. .. I thought they used bees or something01:53
ibeardsleetrees .. banging each other .. on your roof01:54
mwhudsonolly: in a small world thing, the other guy participating in that bug report (codehelp) now works on the team i left at easter01:55

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