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pittiGood morning04:20
jibelgood morning06:56
pittijibel: I'm trying to understand why my adt VMs don't have "autopkgtest" defined in /etc/hosts07:00
pittijibel: I guess the "local-hostname:" argument should already do that in cloud-init, but apparently that's buggy, right?07:00
pittiso you have this:07:00
pitti - [sh, -xc, "echo ' $LOCALHOSTNAME' >> /etc/hosts" ]07:00
pittibut that doesn't seem to work07:00
jibelpitti, I remember local-hostname was not working originally, then I added the "echo" then local-hostname worked but I kept the echo just in case, so it might stop working again, I'll have a look07:03
pittijibel: I guess something in cloud-init overwrites /etc/hosts07:03
pitti/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cloudinit/config/cc_update_etc_hosts.py or update_etc_hosts() in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cloudinit/distros/__init__.py, checking07:04
jibelpitti, yes, it is possible07:04
pittimanage_hosts = util.get_cfg_option_str(cfg, "manage_etc_hosts", False)07:05
pittiperhaps this is needed07:05
* pitti tries07:05
pittijibel: don't worry for now, I'll have a look07:06
jibelpitti, okay, thanks. I'll analyze data we collected this week to measure memory usage during autolanding tests then.07:08
pittijibel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5786117/ indeed works07:17
pittijibel: want me to commit and deploy?07:17
jibelpitti, great, thanks. Go ahead commit, I can deploy if you want, I've a script to do it on all the hosts07:19
pittijibel: done07:21
jibelpitti, deployed07:23
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DanChapmanGood Morning11:18
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balloonssmartboyhw, so what time is good for you to try writing an autopilot test?15:19
smartboyhwballoons, next week.15:19
balloonssure.. got a specific day in mind?15:19
popeyooh, can i join in?15:21
balloonspopey, of course!15:21
smartboyhwballoons, anyday next week. Probably Monday though....15:21
popeygreat, monday is great for me too15:22
smartboyhwAh no Monday...15:22
balloonsI was going to make a video specific to the QML autopilot stuff I think to help folks. But it's not a bad idea to have some 1 on 1 training sessions i don't think15:22
balloonssmartboyhw, ok so not Monday after all? I can do Weds I believe. It would be like 1400 UTC I think15:23
smartboyhwballoons, yeah sure.15:23
smartboyhwI should be free that day.15:23
balloonsyea Monday I have the classroom stuff at that time15:23
balloonspopey, weds work for you?15:24
smartboyhwballoons, you reminded me of my ISO class next-next Monday (1st Jul)15:24
smartboyhwHmm wait, I might need to install ubuntu seperately...15:25
smartboyhwballoons, do I must need Qt5 or that sort of thing?15:25
popeyballoons: tbh I'm keen to get going asap, so if you have time on monday..?15:26
balloonspopey, hmm not Monday morning at all I'm afraid.. I'm got a small 30 min window at 1500 UTC15:27
balloonsshall we squeeze something in therE?15:27
popeyi have two meetings at that time ☻15:28
popeyso tuesday?15:28
balloonsYes I can do Tuesday what time?15:30
popeyoh, actually, i misread, 15:00 UTC on monday is fine by me15:31
popeysilly timezones15:31
balloonslol, ok..15:31
popeyadded to calendar15:32
balloonsargh.. is google calendar lying to me15:32
smartboyhwMonday 15:00 UTC?15:32
smartboyhwballoons, wait: Have you told the classroom team about our classroom schedule?15:32
balloonsit is.. it's 1530 right now15:32
smartboyhwpleia2, JoseeAntonioR ^15:32
balloonspopey, the timeslot I'm referring to is 1400 UTC apparently.. I forget google calendar lies during EDT time15:33
pleia2we have already added the things phillw told us about15:33
popeyok, so tuesday then15:34
popeyballoons: 14:30 Tuesday?15:34
balloonsyes Tuesday it is..15:34
balloonspopey, yes I can do that15:34
popeyboom, can't back out now15:35
smartboyhwpleia2, great:) Have you promoted through the Ubuntu Classroom Blog?15:36
smartboyhwballoons, popey OK:)15:36
smartboyhwballoons, do I need Qt%?15:36
pleia2smartboyhw: phillw is supposed to get me text to post15:37
pleia2hopefully soon :)15:37
balloonsa least it shows sanely on the calendar :-)15:39
balloonssmartboyhw, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/CoreApps/Testing/ContributeAutopilotTestcase15:39
balloonsyou know most of that stuff already :-)15:39
balloonsHaving the ubuntu sdk installed should be sufficent15:40
balloonsit's helpful to have the coreapps ppa installed too so you can run the apps and see how they work easily15:40
smartboyhwballoons, that's the problem.15:40
smartboyhwI'm not supposed to install qt5 since then I can't build Kubuntu packages...15:40
balloonssmartboyhw, ahh, gotcha15:42
balloonsdon't you build packages in clean chroots?15:42
smartboyhwballoons, I don't. But now I will:P15:42
smartboyhwI really like debuild -j4:P15:42
balloonssmartboyhw, ohh my! that needs to happen anyway, lol15:42
smartboyhwballoons, :)15:45
smartboyhwballoons, popey: See you guys:) I am looking forward to the tutorial (maybe I can finally get my hands dirty with python:))15:57
balloonsindeed! see you smartboyhw !15:57
phillwpleia2: with the exception of automated bugs and the laptop sessions which will be held later, all the dates / times etc, should be on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy/16:02
pleia2phillw: can you doublecheck the current calendar to confirm they are correct? http://people.ubuntu.com/~nhandler/classroom.html16:03
pleia2phillw: and we would like something for http://ubuntuclassroom.wordpress.com/ if you can draft some kind of announcement and pastebin (or whatever) it for me so I can post it16:03
smartboyhwpleia2, um for my session can you add phillw and balloons as helpers too? So they can be voiced.16:04
pleia2smartboyhw: when is your session?16:04
smartboyhwpleia2, 1/7 13:0016:04
smartboyhwThe longest one:)16:04
phillwpleia2: they all look okay :)16:05
smartboyhwpleia2, thanks:)16:05
* smartboyhw sleeps.16:06
phillwpleia2: I think just something along the lines of 'following the successfull classroom sessions held in raring, the testing team are delighted to announce another set of classroom sessions for saucy, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Activities/Classroom/Saucy/ for requirements.16:14
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