
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
=== marlinc is now known as marlinc|away
=== marlinc|away is now known as marlinc
brobostigongood morning everyone,07:47
diploMorning all07:53
brobostigonmorning diplo07:53
MartijnVdShey, the G+ indicator changed!07:56
MartijnVdSit's no longer a number but a little bell07:57
diploA few days ago I think07:57
MartijnVdSdiplo: it just happened for me. Yay gradual rollouts ;)07:58
diploI still don't understand that, why it takes so long to roll out but Iguess I've never played with an infrastructure that large07:59
MartijnVdSdiplo: if there's a bug, you don't want it to affect everyone at once (you want to be able to roll back :)08:00
MartijnVdSdiplo: so you do it over the course of several days08:00
MartijnVdSwhile monitoring all kinds of statistics to see if it's actually working08:01
MartijnVdS(improving click-throughs, etc.)08:01
popeyheh, i have a bell on one account, and not on the other08:05
popeydamn you google and your slow rolloutts08:05
MartijnVdSpopey: maybe you logged in as the wrong Alan (Bell)08:06
diploMartijnVdS: I understand a few days, theirs can take a lot longer though at times08:09
popeymorning btw08:10
brobostigonmorning his popey'ness.08:10
mungbeanrealised that if i put salt on this chocolate eclair then i get in the red zone for all categories08:18
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JamesTaitGood morning all, Happy Friday and Happy World Music Day! :)09:08
MartijnVdSJamesTait: http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1D100.pdf09:08
JamesTaitMartijnVdS, very topical!09:09
MartijnVdSJamesTait: exactly :)09:09
ali1234warning: delegating constructors only available with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 [enabled by default]09:44
ali1234what does ths mean?09:44
MartijnVdSali1234: it means delegating constructors are a feature of the 2011 standard of C++09:45
ali1234i know09:45
MartijnVdSwhich is enabled by default09:45
ali1234but what is a delagting constructor09:45
MartijnVdSali1234: http://www.stroustrup.com/C++11FAQ.html#delegating-ctor09:45
ali1234oh i see09:46
ali1234i'm surprsed it took until 2011 for something so obvious to be supported09:46
MartijnVdSI'm surprised they haven't run out of ways to expand C++ yet09:48
ali1234does anyone know how to expand the comments stream on sound cloud?09:56
MartijnVdSali1234: click on the "comment count" number, on the right side of the song's page09:56
MartijnVdSali1234: under the waveform09:57
ali1234ok and now how to sort them by track time?09:57
MartijnVdShttp://developers.soundcloud.com/ :)09:58
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:01
mgdmC++ is 'orrible10:01
bigcalmHas anybody here put CM onto their SGS3?10:01
MartijnVdSbigcalm: I guess people must have.. but I don't know anyone who has10:03
bigcalmI'm getting fed up of my phone freezing on me which causes me to reset the phone by taking the battery out10:04
mgdmMS Office for the Mac is also 'orrible10:04
MartijnVdSthe Mac is also 'orrible10:05
mungbeanhave a legit visio key but no media :(10:05
MartijnVdSmungbean: you can download those from MS I guess10:05
mungbeanMS don't let you download do they?10:05
MartijnVdSmungbean: they will, if you register the key to your "Live" account10:06
mgdmMartijnVdS: That's a matter of opinion, Office being 'orrible is a fact10:06
MartijnVdSmgdm: true10:06
mungbeantop link is TPB so i guess no10:06
shaunohttp://www.microsoft.com/office/downloads/  looks promising (for 2007 values of promising)10:07
mungbeanvisio aint office, but nice try10:07
davmor2Morning all10:07
mgdmIt's part of office, so it's a reasonable place to look10:07
mgdmHungarian notation is also 'orrible10:08
shaunowas curious if it'd break out the part you're entitled to when you feed it your key  (they chomp on your key before the d/l stage)10:08
MartijnVdSmungbean: you can log in on office.microsoft.com I think, then add the product code to your account10:08
MartijnVdSand THEN download the ISO you need10:08
MartijnVdSor .ex10:08
mungbeani think they are for office apps, and visio is not part of office pro plus10:09
MartijnVdSmungbean: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/products/download-back-up-restore-microsoft-office-products-FX103427465.aspx ?10:10
MartijnVdSmungbean: at the bottom, enter the 2007/2010 product key10:10
mungbeanvisio was not part of office :(10:10
MartijnVdSit was and is!10:10
MartijnVdS(or: what happened when you tried? :)10:10
mungbeantrying now10:10
MartijnVdSmungbean: the sidebar claims "Applies to: [lots of products, including Visio 2010]"10:11
mungbeanThe Office 2007 Product Key provided is not recognized as an eligible product for free download. Please re-enter your Product Key and try again, or check the list of eligible products.10:12
MartijnVdSah it's 0710:12
MartijnVdSno idea :(10:12
mungbeanmy code was for 0710:12
mungbeanlooks again10:12
MartijnVdS\o/ free software10:12
ali1234mungbean: you need MSDN subscription to download media10:14
mungbeanyeah, dreamspark etc10:14
mungbeani could go and rummage in my old office but that will end in frustration10:14
ali1234someone actually asked me to find office 2007 iso for them but i could not find a verifiable one10:15
directhexwhich office 2007?10:19
MartijnVdSali1234: I might have MS Works (for DOS!) on floppies around here somewhere10:19
directhexpro? ultimate? home & student?10:20
ali1234yeah i have that10:20
ali1234i found it in a box the other day while cleaning out junk10:20
kaushalWe have around 100 Servers which are colocated. Any open source software to draw rack elevation diagram and populate it with all asset details viz IP, hard disk and memory sizes?10:34
diploThere are I believe but all a bit ahem, not very good10:55
* diplo trying to remember names10:55
diploVisio is still much better at it :/10:55
ormiretIf you're looking for something visio like then possibly dia (though it is a bit primitive by comparison).10:56
mungbeanyeah, they all suck a bit10:56
diploYep :/10:57
mungbeancannot install 64 bit visio because 32bit office was oinstalled on your pc10:58
diploSounds like you're having fun mungbean11:00
MartijnVdSmungbean: mug for you: http://www.zazzle.com/say_raah_mugs-16878395603079678411:09
AlanBellooh I like the weather integration in Saucy unity11:47
AlanBellerr, whut, maybe I don't11:47
shaunonow that's what I call divisive11:49
MartijnVdSshauno: left brain/right brain11:49
AlanBellah, it shows you the weather in "termoloi, italy" if you type term in the search box11:49
AlanBellI thought itwas going to be 32 degrees tomorrow, which had me all excited11:50
popeyyou running saucy?11:50
AlanBellso you have to search for london to find weather here11:50
popeyor farnborough?11:50
AlanBellyes, I got unity running on a spare laptop, my upgraded saucy laptop won't start unity properly11:50
MartijnVdSoh I disabled on-line searches11:51
MartijnVdSso no weather for me \o/11:51
MartijnVdSI only use Alt+F2 anyway ;)11:51
popeyyeah, i have disabled all online stuff on mine11:51
ali1234firefox has a bug where it just stops making connections11:52
MartijnVdSfd leak?11:52
ali1234requires a restart before it will load any web page11:52
AlanBell17 degrees tomorrow11:52
ali1234that will be annoying for anyone trying to use webapps11:53
AlanBell"weather in a city that sounds like the application you are trying to launch" is an interesting feature11:53
ali1234AlanBell: well that could be more accurately summed up as "a load of irrelevant rubbish that you don't care about every time you try to do anything"11:53
ali1234that way it covers gnome shell too11:54
Laneyunfortunately for me the weather comes below files, music and amazon results so I can't see it without scrolling11:56
AlanBellwell in theory the smart scopes should figure that out and eventually realise that nobody typing "weather" wants to scroll down to find the weather in weatherford, US11:56
ali1234yeah, not gonna happen11:57
MartijnVdSit's "smart scopes" though, not "SkyNet Scopes"11:57
LaneyI suspect it only learns when people click on stuff, not when they scroll down to look at it11:57
ali1234basically the only way you could make the dash even slightly good is to give control of the entire thing to google and let them decide what should appear in it11:58
Laneyif I could get the server to never enable More suggestions for me I might leave that option on11:58
mungbeansynapse seems to get it right for me11:58
mungbeanlocal search , but has plugins11:59
ali1234google gets it right about 40% of the time for me11:59
MartijnVdSGoogle Now gets it right for me11:59
ali1234everything else is so bad that i end up having to specifically modify queries just to get what i want12:00
* Laney is getting an "at800 filter" because of 4G12:00
MartijnVdSLaney: why though?12:01
ali1234because 4G interferes with DVB frequencies in the UK12:01
MartijnVdSoh, they cleared those frequencies of DVB here12:01
mungbeanonly some areas affected12:02
ali1234they only just cleared them *for* freeview here12:02
ali1234the corporate branding on that site is awful12:04
ali1234someone decided that the site needs to be clear12:04
ali1234they have ensured that this is the case by using the phrase "let's be clear" every third sentence12:04
AlanBellwhat is a fast way of transferring lots of stuff over gigabit ethernet?12:35
AlanBell100GB or so of stuff between two laptops12:36
ali1234tar | nc12:37
dogmatic69not quite right http://i.imgur.com/zADSnKX.png12:38
dogmatic69icon counter things are skew ^12:39
dogmatic69left / right monitor12:39
mungbeanrealised that pencil app is better than any dia, etc12:42
AlanBellmungbean: yeah, but PNG export is a bit busted at the moment12:43
AlanBellit drops a .svg in /tmp but fails to convert it to a raster png image12:43
AlanBellI was debugging it the other day, but lost the will to live halfway through12:44
mungbeanAlanBell: http://askubuntu.com/questions/270836/pencil-export-page-as-png-does-not-work12:48
mungbeaneasy fix12:48
mungbeanrevert to 2.0.212:48
mungbeanor manually use xulrunner12:48
AlanBellthat isn't a fix12:48
AlanBellI was going to fix it12:49
mungbeanah ok12:49
mungbeanthere's a few dupes for that bug, i wonder if it's been patched unofficlally12:49
AlanBellI don't think so (I did look)12:49
mungbeanit's certainly easier than other alternatives to use, so you'd be doing a service to the community :D12:50
AlanBellsomewhere in /usr/share/pencil/content/pencil/common/svgRasterizer.js12:52
AlanBellI think12:52
AlanBellI couldn't figure out quite how to debug xul applications12:53
AlanBellheh, going out on a limb here, but a hard coded export path of     var path = "/home/dgthanhan/Desktop/tmp.png"; might not help12:57
AlanBellcan't quite figure out where that gets used but line 164 of /usr/share/pencil/content/pencil/common/svgRasterizer.js looks very very wrong12:58
mungbeanpng export has a black baground..weird12:58
AlanBelloh, he commented out the wrong line12:58
AlanBell    //this.saveURI(dataURL, path); shoudl not be commented out12:59
mungbeanmust have been drunk12:59
mungbeandoesn't fix the prob though13:03
AlanBellnope, it doesn't13:04
mungbeani have it working with v16 of xulrunner but not v2213:05
AlanBellhmm, how would it work with xulrunner if that was the bug . . .13:05
AlanBellmust be going through some other codepath because that one can't work13:05
mungbeanandroidSupports.js:    var output = "/home/dgthanhan/Desktop/foo.png";13:06
mungbeanhas a habit of it13:06
mungbeanhas anyone heard of xCAT?13:13
directhexmungbean, ibm xcat?13:17
bigcalmFeline species realignment?13:17
mungbeanyes directhex13:17
directhexi used it around... 2005, i guess?13:17
directhexon a cluster of dual pentium 3's running red hat 713:17
mungbeanit appears to do mass deployment of VMs and nodes etc13:18
directhexyes. although i expect it's changed a bit in 8 years13:18
mungbeanso what can't it do vs open/cloudstack?13:18
=== dwd_ is now known as dwdorig
directhexmungbean, in 2013? i have no idea. when i last used xcat, the cloud didn't exist13:20
directhexhell, nobody was talking about "grid" yet either13:20
mungbeanallegedly it (now) stands for xtreme cloud admin toolkit13:22
mungbeanour workplace gets a lot of IP infringement emails to the security team13:29
mungbeane.g someone downloaded star trek into darkness via BT13:29
aquariusgnaaaah. Virtualisation makes no sense to me. Every guide in the world assumes that you know what you're doing :(13:29
mungbeanFrom: paramount@copyright-compliance.com13:30
dwdorigaquarius, You don't *actually* do anything, you only *virtually* do things. I think that's the idea, anyway.13:30
aquariushahaha. Funny. :)13:31
dwdorigaquarius, Indeed. I'll bet your virtually laughing.13:31
popeyaquarius: whats the goal?13:31
davmor2aquarius: what's up dude13:31
dwdorigpopey, Thing with a net at the end of the pitch.13:31
aquariuspopey, run a downloaded IE8+WindowsXP OVA virtual machine with virt-manager (not VirtualBox).13:32
davmor2dwdorig: a driving range?13:32
aquariuspopey, I'm not trying to do anything complex here ;)13:32
popeyuhm, okay13:33
popeyso kvm, right?13:33
popey(i.e. kvm, not virtualbox)13:33
aquariusthis OVA file seems to be a tarball of an OVF file (a definition file for the VM) and a vmdk disk image. So I started virt-manager and told it to create a new VM and pointed it at the VMDK as the disk image, and... it says it's not bootable :(13:33
aquariusyep, kvm.13:33
aquariuswell, I think so13:33
aquariusI do not understand this stuff. Am I running kvm? qemu? qemu-kvm? I don't think I get it ;)13:34
popeydoes kvm support vmdk these days?13:34
popey(I don't think it can)13:34
aquariusthe internet seems to think that it can13:34
popeyok, I bow to the Internet's superior knowledge13:35
aquariusbut I think maybe it is full of lies13:35
aquariusand i need to convert it to this qcow thing13:35
popeyand that is hassle13:35
aquariusI am trying to avoid converting an 800MB vmdk file if I can avoid it, because I am really short of disk space ;)13:35
popeyuse virtualbox then?13:35
popey(which does support vmdk files)13:35
shaunoqemu-img is getting pretty good at vmdk, I don't believe kvm is natively13:36
aquariusvirtualbox just flat doesn't work :( It hangs the whole machine, or it won't boot the Windows VM except in safe mode and *then* hangs the whole machine.13:36
aquariusthat's what the previous two hours were about :)13:36
AlanBellit can do vmdk, just not the multiple chopped up 2gb vmdk things13:36
mungbeanaquarius: just install vmware player13:36
AlanBellbecause FAT13:36
mungbeanfile -> open OVA13:36
mungbeanjob done13:36
davmor2aquarius: you could just install vmware viewer  it should be in the partners repo13:36
aquariusI never thought of that13:37
* aquarius checks USC13:37
MartijnVdS*sigh* neighbors who can't drive13:37
mungbeanalso there's command line apps for it if you want to start them from CLI without a console running13:38
mungbeanso you can rdp into it instead13:38
aquariuscan't see vmware player in USC :(13:38
aquariusthere is a VMware View Open Client but that seems to not be it13:38
popeyaquarius: out of interest where did you get virtualbox from?13:39
aquariuspopey, the repo.13:39
popeyright, the one from virtualbox.org may be better13:39
popey(I use it daily)13:39
aquariusI do not like installing things from random third parties which require compiling some sort of kernel module13:39
popeyit doesnt13:39
aquariusbecuase I don't understand wtf I am doing :(13:39
MartijnVdSdkms does it for you, I guess13:39
popeyits a deb, you install, job done13:39
aquariusvirtualbox needs kernel modules for, like, everything13:39
popeyi found vmware on ubuntu to be pain13:39
popeyits a deb13:40
popeyyou install it13:40
MartijnVdSkvm + virt-manager works fine though13:40
MartijnVdSit's a bit bare-bones, but for dev work it's fine13:40
popeykvm doesn't support vmdk MartijnVdS13:40
aquariusMartijnVdS, well, that's what i planned to use, because it's all there in the repository. So: I have an OVA file. How do I use kvm+virt-manager to run it?13:40
MartijnVdSpopey: http://opentox.github.io/installation/2012/08/02/converting-ova-images-to-kvm/13:40
popeythats convert, not open13:41
popeyread upwards13:41
MartijnVdSpopey: after conversion, you can open it13:41
popey14:35:32 < aquarius> I am trying to avoid converting an 800MB vmdk file if I can avoid it, because I am really short of disk space ;)13:42
MartijnVdSah, that above ;)13:42
MartijnVdSnot top of the web page13:42
shaunoeverything converts ova, it's a tarball13:42
AlanBellit *can* use vmdk, just not splitted vmdk13:42
aquariusI will convert if I have to. However, as far as I can tell, qemu-img can convert vmdk files by itself. Which suggests that that page, MartijnVdS, is out of date. I mistrust out of date pages.13:42
MartijnVdSaquarius: good point13:43
aquariusAlanBell, I used virt-manager to create a new VM, and told it to use the existing VMDK disk. When I then boot that VM, it says that the hard disk is an unbootable device.13:43
shaunoova is an archive format, it's a tarball containing config files, vmdk, manifests, etc.  so unpacking it is going to demand disk space no matter what route you choose13:44
AlanBelldid you change the type to vmdk in the xml file?13:44
aquariusAlanBell, I have no idea whether that's because I've done something wrong, or because whatever i'm doing doesn't read vmdks, or because this is a weird vmdk. And the documentation all assumes that you know what you're doing, hence original complaint.13:44
aquariusAlanBell, er! no.13:44
aquariusAlanBell, what xml file?13:44
aquariusshauno, right, and I have unpacked it to a vmdk file and an ovf definition file.13:44
shaunoah, gotcha13:45
AlanBellxml file in /etc/libvirt/qemu aquarius13:46
aquariusAlanBell, I saw that, but... it seems to be owned by root ;(13:46
AlanBellerm, yeah, they will be13:46
aquariusthere is an advanced disk option in virt-manager!13:47
aquariuswhich I have now used to set the type to vmdk. Victory.13:48
* aquarius watches machine start to boot.13:48
AlanBell(that will change the xml file in /etc/libvirt/qemu)13:48
aquariusnow, it does a text boot for a bit, then you get a windows textual BSOD for a microsecond, and then it restarts :)13:49
aquariusbut this is progress!13:49
aquariusperhaps the vmdk got screwed by my earlier attempts to use it in virtualbox. I'll unpack it again :)13:49
MartijnVdSaquarius: are these the MSIE tryout images?13:49
AlanBellsounds like the authentic windows experience13:49
aquariusMartijnVdS, they are13:49
MartijnVdSaquarius: is this a*13:49
MartijnVdSaquarius: I've spend 2 days getting those to work in KVM, somehow Windows doesn't like the (virtual) hardware13:49
MartijnVdSaquarius: Never got them to work though :(13:50
aquariusoh really?13:51
aquariusI'll give it a brief try, then, and then I'll download virtualbox from the site as popey suggests.13:51
MartijnVdSI *think* it's the disk controller driver13:51
popeyif you do that, remove all trace of virtualbox first13:51
aquariuspopey, I have tried to do so13:51
AlanBellaquarius: there are an assortment of virtual graphics cards it can present, cirrus is the default bit vit-manager can do several others13:53
aquariuswhich should I choose?13:53
AlanBellno idea which is better/worse, but that is something I would tinker with if you are not getting a desktop13:54
MartijnVdStry each one in turn13:54
* aquarius tries with clean disk and cirrus13:54
dwdorigaquarius, Always wondered how to get one of those on Linux. Now I know what virtualization is for.13:55
ali1234the bluescreen probably isn't caused by the graphics card13:56
ali1234it is more likely to be caused because you did/did not enable io-apic13:56
popeyyeah, windows should have drivers for the base cirrus stuff13:56
popeyits well old13:56
mungbeanpurple screen on vmware i see a lot13:56
mungbeangonna try and ask the bank about paying off my mortgage \o/13:57
aquariusoh, brilliant. I changed the video card from cirrus to qxl (which also failed) and now I can't change it away again because virt-manager put a "ram" option in the xml and doesn't know how to take it away. Sigh.13:57
aquariusAlanBell, um, what is an io-apic?13:57
* AlanBell directs aquarius to ali1234 :)13:57
ali1234io-apic is a piece of hardware found on motherboards13:58
ali1234it is something to do with plug and play13:58
popeyyeah, you do need that turned on.13:58
ali1234in virtualbox you can enable or disable it13:58
aquariusOK. This is a thing that I need to turn on in the virtual machine configuration?13:59
aquariusor a thing that I need to turn on on my actual computer?13:59
ali1234or turn off if it is turned on13:59
popeyit needs to be on13:59
AlanBelloverview, machine settings14:00
AlanBellin virt-manager14:00
aquariusenable APIC is ticked.14:00
aquariushave now tried booting with apic ticked and not ticked, and with all the different video cards, and I get the same thing: textual progress bar, followed by bsod, followed by automatic power cycle.14:03
aquariusoh well. so much for kvm, then.14:03
* aquarius downloads virtualbox.14:04
ali1234this is why nobody uses kvm14:05
MartijnVdSlack of working apps?14:05
ali1234no, because it is just impossible to make it work for anything other than an incredibly small number of specific set ups14:06
popeyor servers14:07
directhexvirtualbox has never worked right for me14:09
directhexwell, that's a lie. it worked as packaged as part of the webos sdk14:09
AlanBellvirtualbox on the desktop, kvm on the server for me14:09
directhexbut i've had every imaginable issue with virtualbox, right down to hand-editing /var/lib/dpkg/status to obliterate it from my system14:09
ali1234i once tried to use kvm and it not only didn't work, it also made virtualbox not work14:09
directhexaquarius, virt-manager is pretty dumb14:10
AlanBellvirt-manager is pretty good for remote management of VMs14:11
AlanBellsomewhat poor if it is local14:11
davmor2ohhh update to torchlight means your character has a head still when he has a headgear on14:14
ali1234lol they finally fixed that one eh?14:15
Laneywhy is it poor?14:16
aquariusdirecthex, yeah -- but ideally I wouldn't need smartness. I don't need clever things, I just want to run this existin vmdk of a Windows XP image in a window on my Ubuntu desktop. Now, I'm sure there's all sorts of clever things that *can* be done, and reasons why this is more complex than I would like it to be...14:18
popeyaquarius: http://popey.com/~alan/vm.png worked first time in virtualbox14:18
popeyaquarius: https://gist.github.com/magnetikonline/5274656 followed those steps14:18
aquariusali1234, er... I now have kvm installed. Is having that installed going to sod up virtualbox?14:18
mungbeanif you are a noob then vmware player is v friendly14:19
ali1234yes, it will if you don't unload the kvm kernel module14:19
ali1234although ironically it will only affect windows guests14:19
aquariusali1234, oh. Should I uninstalll kvm, then?14:19
ali1234linux guests will run correctly in virtualbox whether kvm module is loaded or not14:19
popeyi would unload the module14:19
aquariuspopey, that's *really* useful. Thank you. not sure why I didn't find that in searching!14:20
popeysudo rmmod kvm-intel14:20
ali1234kvm-amd in my case14:20
ali1234or something14:20
aquariuspopey, well, I should uninstall whatever package provides it, right? (I'm not using it, and I don't want to have to remember to rmmod it on every boot?)14:20
directhexi use kvm for my desktop virtualization, since my experiences with virtualbox are dreadful and vmware doesn't support your kernel version ever14:21
directhexplus, kvm works fine for me to run a company's it on it14:21
directhexincl. windows14:21
* aquarius installs virtualbox14:21
popeyaquarius: sure, uninstall if you're not using it14:22
aquariusyeaaah, and it starts14:31
aquariusnice one popey. thank you :)14:31
bigcalmMy SGS3 is freezing on me randomly several times a week. Do I take to t-mobile or put CyanogenMod on it?14:34
bigcalmIf I take it to t-mobile, I imagine that I'll have to pay them something and be without a phone for weeks if it goes off for repair14:34
aquariusblimey XP is weird and annoying.14:36
mungbeanAlanBell: i also can't seem to do curvy lines in the 2.0.3 pencil14:44
mungbeani also didn't realise you can use it for mockups14:52
mungbeanhas gtk widgets etc14:52
directhexxp is 11 years old at this point, i don't know why anyone would expect it to behave like a modern os14:53
popeyso is GNOME ☻14:54
ali1234i don't know why anyone would want it to behave like a modern OS. i mean, have you seen them?14:54
popeycomedy gold, he's here all week ladies and gentlemen14:55
scott_bigcalm: mine was doing the same. I took it back to my provider (three) and they ""fixed"" it for free because it was in its two year warranty. First day it came back it crashed.14:56
scott_When asked what was done, they said updated the software that was not available to us. To which i though "Bull!". Ive had Cyanogen on it since and its running fine.14:57
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directhexsmartphones suck and the software is terrible15:12
mungbeaneveryone's grumpy today cos of the weather15:13
MartijnVdSnah directhex is always like that ;)15:13
mungbeani thought that was ali123415:13
directhexali1234 is differently grumpy15:13
Laneyhe hasn't said anything about bees yet so it can't be that bad15:13
directhexali1234 pines for a byegone era, much like http://xkcd.com/1227/15:13
MartijnVdSdirecthex & ali1234: the new Waldorf & Statler15:14
directhexwhereas i just think everything is terrible now, and was terrible before, and will likely be terrible in the future15:14
ali1234y'know, just because it took from 1871 until now for letter writing to completely die doesn't mean every quote in that comic isn't absolutely correct15:16
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DJonesHmmh, twitter spam email, Do you know.....  Er, yes I do, I blocked them and reported them for spam some months ago17:09
daftykinsi keep getting automated phone calls on my mobile from 0845 and swansea numbers of late =/17:11
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diploevening all17:25
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daftykinsdiplo: hi o/17:28
diploHow's things daftykins ?17:30
daftykinsnot bad ty sir17:31
daftykinsi've started getting all these small flying brown/black bugs in my house17:31
daftykinsno idea what they are17:31
diploStill working, or at home now ?17:31
daftykinsbut other than that ok :>17:31
daftykinsi'm at home yep17:31
daftykinshow are thee?17:32
diploNot had many bugs luckily, and one big benefit since the wife left... I never have spiders anymore, we used to be overrun when she was here17:32
diploThey followed her to her new house \o/17:32
daftykinsthat's weird17:32
diploNot to bad thanks, just picked my kids up and they went straight out so thought i'd do some web work17:32
daftykinssounds like a win win!17:32
daftykinsactually not requiring pick-up probably would've qualified as that17:33
diploWell would be nice to see them.. but if they're happy17:33
diploI always seem to do drop off/pick up but it's not that bad17:33
diploBeen playing with ISPConfig 3 today, it's not that bad tbh17:39
daftykinshow far is it from home to the schools?17:41
daftykinsah yeah? i've got a BigV VPS from bytemark, their 'symbiosis' system is pretty neat for simple admin17:41
diploAh yeah, was going to try that as well17:43
diploWill have to get some vm's set up to test other ones17:44
diploAh it's pick up from the ex's house at 5 after work, not school, only pick up/drop off to school monday and tuesday morning17:46
daftykinsah right17:46
diploand about 1/4 mile from the house but 3 /12 miles from work17:46
diploSuppose I better find them actually, getting a little late now :D17:47
daftykinsi feel kinda proud of always getting myself to and from school cycling since primary school over the years17:47
daftykinsi'd want to force the same on any blighters i might have - perish the thought XD17:47
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diploI'll let the boys walk in a year or so18:10
diplodefo more dodgey now18:10
daftykinsi still remember the funny things my parents would say to try and keep you away from harm as a youngster18:14
daftykinsin the local park 'don't go in the hedges back there, strange people are there that will hurt you'18:15
zleapdiplo, take em to basic self defence classes,18:16
diplozleap: Just about to sign eldest up to karate lessons, biggest issue is the ex... lazy :)18:17
diploSo have to find something running when I have them to take them18:17
diploBut self defence won't stop someone in a van picking up one of the boys, only 5 & 618:19
directhexas predicted, 75% off crusader kings 218:20
zleapdiplo, i guess,  but isn't 5/6 kinda young for walking to school on their own anyway18:21
diploI was replying to daftykins about walking to school since primary :)18:21
diploThey don't walk anywhere on their own atm18:21
popeyalthough our kids school is miles away so that would be hard18:22
daftykinshe's easing them into society18:22
popeywell 3.3 miles18:22
diploThey're allowed to play out the front, all the houses point in on grassed walkway on my estate so kids are fairly safe out the front18:22
diploIt's why I moved here18:23
popeyours play in the road18:23
daftykinswith the cars18:24
daftykinsGuernsey style, that :)18:24
daftykinsare there any log files worth looking in after a server's seized up? granted it'd be impressive for an OS to write about its' own failure before curling up into a ball, but i figured it worth asking :)18:26
diplosyslog/kern.log are the only two I guess, grep -i error * ? :)18:27
diploMight have some noticed of something happening before it locks up18:27
daftykinsty sir18:28
daftykinsAustrian guy reckons the weather's hotting up so who knows how he lost his 1U beastie :)18:28
diddledan_WEEEE FRIDAY18:42
daftykins-1 "Social Media"18:46
daftykinsi had to hop on facebook to message a friends sister about laptop fixing i was doing for her18:54
daftykinssaw my brother and his wife having a publicised domestic18:54
daftykinsi didn't know such things had gone multiplayer18:54
DJonesdaftykins: Isn't that called IRC18:55
daftykinsif married types are on it i suppose, yes18:56
daftykinsright time to depart and get some things done i expect18:56
diploNot a great fan of social media, but I do like G+, more for news / info18:56
daftykinsi've not tried18:57
diddledan_I like facebook for randomly useless memes18:59
MartijnVdSdiddledan_: you need more reddit in your life19:00
MartijnVdSdiddledan_: it's WAY better for useless memes ;)19:00
diddledan_I have never read reddit in earnest19:00
diddledan_I've occasionally been there as a result of a search but quickly found dross and left19:01
MartijnVdSit is full of rubbish19:02
MartijnVdSbut you can just disable the "subreddits" that suck the most19:02
zleapi use g+ but gnu social looks interesting19:05
MartijnVdSzleap: except nobody will ever use it19:05
zleapwell we are looking at setting up a gnu social page for the dclug mainly to play around but it could be useful19:06
MartijnVdSooh - http://googlesystem.blogspot.nl/2013/06/google-mine.html19:10
popeythat makes no sense to me ☻19:15
popeyI need to read it 3 more times19:15
MartijnVdSpopey: Google is adding sharing of real-world things to G+ :)19:15
* DJones puts on his tinfoil hat and thinks its a way of google finding out what 'stuff' you have at home/to hand so they can target adverts based on non-web based information19:19
* AlanBell wonders if it works for chickens19:22
MartijnVdSDJones: you mean like census data, what kind of people live in what areas etc.?19:23
MartijnVdSDJones: "Oh you live in a rich neighborhood, better advertise expensive things"19:23
MartijnVdS"Poor neighborhood? Lots of loans!"19:23
DJonesMartijnVdS: That probably sounds believable19:23
MartijnVdSDJones: "Ooh lots of families with young/newborn children in your area. *ad for diapers*"19:24
brobostigonor if you live in bachelor towers it advertises other kinds of stuff.19:26
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: "single women in your area"?19:26
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yeah, that kind of thing.19:26
DJonesMartijnVdS: I thought they were advertised on business cards in phone boxes19:28
MartijnVdSDJones: sure but if you live in an area full of potential clients.. why not have google advertise?19:29
MartijnVdSDJones: who uses phone boxes!19:29
DJonesI was just trying to think where my nearest phone box is... And can't think of any19:29
MartijnVdSCornwall is full of them19:31
MartijnVdSevery town has one19:31
brobostigonconcept, now that would be an interesting google glass app, "google glass, launch gooogle plus dating app please."19:36
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: the real-world sharing bit isn't out yet19:37
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yes, but some ideas, like that at a singles party, or a speed dating party, could be interesting.19:38
brobostigoncopyright brobostigon, 2013.19:41
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mungbeanAlanBell: happened to notice there is a 2.0.4 version of pencil19:45
mungbeanjust no deb for it.19:45
mungbeanmight have those bugs fixed19:45
mungbeani think fedora has it OOTB19:45
mungbeanhave a baby in one hand so let me know if u try it :D19:46
* AlanBell is baby free19:47
mungbeani'm preferring to visio atm19:48
mungbeanif only the page creation was a bit easier, but it has nice features like fit to diagram+padding19:49
diploNever tried it, will have to take a look19:50
mungbeanhas features for mockups too19:51
mungbeanlike balsamiq19:51
diploInstalling now19:53
diplo2.03 from the website19:56
mungbeanbeware of the png export bug19:57
mungbeanhaven't got enough hands free to look at whats involved wuth installing from the 2.0.4,tar,gz19:57
diploheh, something just locked the laptop right up, had to unity --reset20:01
diploHmm, still not right I don't think20:01
* diplo gets work laptop out 20:02
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mungbeanabout to blow away a win8 laptop - will win7 installer ask me about keeping original partitions?20:16
mungbeani.e the factory reset one20:16
directhexmungbean, yes.20:17
diploYou can go through disk partitions with win720:17
diploNeed to click a link first though20:17
diploFrom memory20:17
directhexmungbean, when you load the installer, you can do an upgrade or a custom. it will likely grey out the upgrade option in this instance since it's a downgrade20:17
directhexthen it'll ask you which partition to install onto, allowing you to delete existing ones and create new ones20:17
mungbeansweet ,ta20:18
mungbeandont have win8 disk so in trouble if the drivers on win7 dont work20:18
directhexyeah, annoying that you can't just download a win8 iso easily20:19
directhexwin7 isos are downloadable by all20:19
directhexfwiw, MSDN win8 media works with OEM keys20:20
mungbeanthere's a win8 iso at work but i'd have to wait20:23
mungbeanand its a full on fail either way :D20:23
mungbeanshame cos mother in law only uses for gmail and openoffice, but not really my place to offer ubuntu20:23
mungbeanthis laptop is massive20:26
mungbeanfirst time looking at win8,within 1 sec i accidentally moved a tile somwhere20:29
mungbeanhelp me out guys - how to get to desktop?20:29
mungbeanah, win-D20:29
diploaobut to say, not tried it but it used to be win-d20:30
mungbeanno start menu tho20:30
zleapthere is in 8.1 aparently20:30
mungbeantouchpad clicks seem unrepsonsive20:31
mungbeanthis is hideous20:35
mungbeanits going20:35
mungbeanin the bin20:35
directhexstart menu you press the windows key, or move the cursor to the bottom-left corner and left click20:39
directhexthere's no start *button*, but there is a start menu20:39
mungbeandirecthex: brings the tile display up20:40
mungbeanno way to actually run notepad20:40
mungbeanok, started tpying blindly20:41
mungbeanpops up with a thing20:41
directhexmungbean, typeahead find exists in the start screen20:42
mungbeanyep, was expecting a launcher, but just type20:42
mungbeaneven gnome3 is better than this tripe20:42
directhexwell, if you want to get technical, you can get the full apps list without typing by bringing up the start screen, then clicking on the search charm20:43
mungbeanhave two pages of complaints about this20:45
mungbeangmail not working in firefox, etc ,etc20:45
mungbeanseems to work but she's probably not doing what i'm doing (win-D run firefox)20:45
mungbeanno reboot button..20:46
mungbeangonna stop making obvious observations now...20:49
mungbeanexcept that the win7 installer has hung :(20:54
mungbeancould be a bad dvd/iso..21:02
diddledan_mungbean, methinks you're doing it wrong21:07
diddledan_here: www.ubuntu.com/download21:07
mungbeandefinitely agree21:09
mungbeanhate windows with passion21:09
mungbean"I ran into the same problem with a Toshiba laptop that had Windows 8 on it. I had to change a setting in the BIOS under Boot Mode from UEFI Boot to CSM Boot. As soon as I did this, I could boot from any of my CD/DVDs and USB devices.21:10
mungbeanbtw ubuntu would have been same21:10
diddledan_ubuntu supports uefi boot21:10
mungbean"Wouldn't boot off the USB, wouldn't boot Ubuntu with the cd.21:11
diddledan_windows 7 _should_ support it21:11
mungbeanWas going to try and format the drive with Linux but couldn't get it to boot."21:11
mungbeantosh hobbled it21:11
diddledan_sounds like my half-assed BIOS from gigabyte - hybrid-efi my arse!21:11
mungbeangonna tackle this tomorrow21:11
mungbeantoo hot and sweaty for windows21:12
diddledan_sexytime with a hot sweaty ubuntu?21:12
diddledan_ooh yeah baby!21:12
diddledan_uuuu .... buuuuuun .... TUUUUU :-p21:13
mungbeangonna create a forum account to thank that internet stranger21:19
diddledan_must have been an awesome post :-p21:19
dogmatic69oh man, what has happened to rhythm box in 13.04?23:07
dogmatic69Tried playing music on my NAS and now my HDD is full :/23:07
dogmatic69though it was strange it was taking long to load the songs, in 12.04 it took around 30 seconds to load 8k songs23:08
dogmatic69now it literally imports them23:08

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