
=== space is now known as Guest18915
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Guest18915 is now known as Spaceghost
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
magespawngood morning06:25
superflyguten morgen06:41
Kiloshi superfly and others06:49
Kilosyo HawkiesZA 06:49
superflyhi Kilos06:53
magespawngood morning superfly HawkiesZA Kilos06:57
magespawnthat was getting very strange06:57
Kiloshi there magespawn 06:57
Kiloshi trender 07:00
magespawncome in say good morning and no response, and nobody else show up for the nest 20 or min07:36
magespawnfelt like i was in a ghost town, i was thinking the whole net was broken or something cause there was no activity on any of the channels i am in07:37
kookamoerpeople in this channel dont talk much07:37
Kilossometimes im away by the sheep or cooking or something07:37
Kiloshaha i often check to see the connection still up07:38
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:38
* Maaz washes some mugs07:38
Kilosis a good way07:38
kookamoersmall channel this07:39
Kilosya and everyone working mostly07:39
kookamoermy last irc channel was pumping at least 100 mense or  more07:39
kookamoeron a bad day07:40
Kilosits because this is a basic ubuntu help channel not a hangout07:40
kookamoeri never had a hangout either man07:41
kookamoerwe where punting tech wares before you new the net existed on 33k modems07:41
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:42
KilosMaaz, ty07:42
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:42
tonberryE352IRC is a dying medium07:42
superflykookamoer: a pity you didn't learn how to spell07:42
kookamoer( | ) <<<KMA07:43
kookamoersuperfly jerks like you with your smart alek pissing contest remarks really make irc special for everyone....take your ego elsewhere jerkoff07:47
superflykookamoer: I suggest you take your ego elsewhere. I correct everyone, you can ask the others. You were the one that pulled the finger.07:48
kookamoerjust try and get along mate...i never yanked on your chain to begin with07:50
Kilossuperfly, is our built in spell checker07:53
Kilosno fighting here07:53
kookamoerhehe its all good man07:53
Kiloshi psyatw 08:37
psyatwhi Kilos08:39
Kilosyou got a workaround psyatw ?08:39
psyatwKilos, a workaround for what?08:44
psyatwI am using SSL to connect with Windows Pidgin here at work08:44
Kilosbeing online from work 08:44
psyatwyes, they haven' t blocked this yet08:45
psyatwbut they are restricting me in any way they can08:45
psyatwI don't have rights to install software on my laptop anymore08:47
Kilosthey want all your time08:47
psyatwso I can't even run virtualbox on my desktop anymore08:47
psyatwoh, right08:47
psyatwsoon when I find another job they will get none of my time, they can be sure of that08:47
Kilosmaybe that was a bad move to there hey08:48
Kilospeeps dont understand that a happy employee gives more of himself to the company08:49
psyatwno, it wasn't a bad move08:49
psyatwbecause I came here for myself08:49
psyatwin order to succeed in whatever way I can08:49
psyatwthis job is just a way to get there08:49
Kilosstepping stones are good08:50
inetproGoeiemôre 09:01
Kilosmôre inetpro 09:01
psyatwhi inetpro09:02
Kilosvrek koud09:07
inetproKilos: eintlik redelik vandag as jy my vra 09:10
inetpromaar miskien het ek nie vanoggend kwaai gevoel nie omdat ek met die kar gery het 09:11
Kilosnee man al die buite water was ys09:11
Kilosya dis hoekom09:11
inetproongelukkig kon hulle nie daai band vir my met 'n gator regmaak nie. So ek kry seer vandag. 09:13
inetproSal maar moet brood met water eet vir die volgende paar maande 09:14
Kilosdis nie lekker nie09:14
Kiloshi mazal 09:25
mazalMore oom Kilos 09:38
Kilosinetpro, did they show you why they cant gator it?10:17
inetproKilos: it will not be safe in the long run, was a big hit10:18
Kilosif its only a small bubble the damage cant be bad10:18
inetprothe rim also needed repair10:18
Kiloswhere is the damage10:19
Kiloshow far up the sidewall10:19
inetproactually, what I didn't see was the inside10:19
inetprowas much worse10:19
inetproKilos: well it's fixed now and I got a new tyre10:20
Kilosya but at crippling cost10:21
inetprowas not worth taking the risk10:21
inetprolifes are more valuable10:21
Kilosas long as youre sure they didnt just want to sell a new tyre thats ok10:21
Kilospeace of mind is good10:21
inetprothe tyre was only 6 months old, so a new one won't make a massive difference10:22
inetprojust the bank balance taking a big knock, again10:22
inetprowill have to work out ways to survive10:23
inetpromaybe you can offer me a sheep herding job or so :-)10:23
magespawni trade my services for other peoples services instead on money sometimes11:34
magespawngot  a set of tyres for the golf for computer for the local spares and tyre place11:35
Kilosbarter system11:39
Kilosgolf tyres 1/4 price of the pros11:39
magespawnnot even i think11:40
magespawnabout R800 per tyre11:40
magespawni know those tyres, the safari company uses them11:41
Symmetriahrm, afrinic agm starting, this is gonna be rough, god I havent felt this tense in years 11:58
mage_mobilehowdy power is off here.12:19
mage_mobileone of those things12:21
Kilosyeah power sucks in za12:21
mazalI rediscovered this little gem:12:23
mazalProofe that graphics isn't everything12:24
mazalHi everyone btw :-)12:24
mage_mobilehi mazal12:27
mazalHow are things mage_mobile ?12:27
mage_mobileeskom is off, so not brilliant12:29
mage_mobileotherwise peachy12:38
mazalHave a good weekend guys12:44
mage_mobilepower is back13:01
magespawnpower up and down like a yoyo13:52
Squirmprefects vs. staff hockey14:00
Squirmalways good fun14:00
KilosMaaz, announce Early warning. monday meeitng all of you14:02
MaazAnnouncement from Kilos! Early warning. monday meeitng all of you14:02
Kilosinetpro, you gonna warn the twits?14:03
Kilosand G+14:03
magespawnlater all15:21
Kilosgo safw magespawn 15:21
Kiloshi kookamoer 15:21
Kilossafe as well magespawn 15:21
KilosJoTraGo, have you joined our mailing list? and you SilverCode ?15:26
Kiloshttp://bit.ly/MCOujZ 15:26
HecticZAEvening :)16:15
Kiloshi HecticZA 16:16
Kiloswhats news16:16
HecticZAInstalled 10.04 and if there is time would like some help to share files and auto mount harddrives?16:17
Kilosautomount should be working16:18
Kilosanyway go this route16:18
Kilospres ctrl+alt+t16:18
HecticZAI have 2 harddrives 16:18
Kilosboth in the pc?16:19
HecticZAyes. Ubunto 0n 80 Gb and then 2TB16:19
Kiloshave you updated first of all?16:19
Kilosthen the other one is there ill show you how to find it16:19
Kilossecond icon down on the launcher panel16:20
Kiloswiat i just gotta look16:20
Kilosyou will see all drives and partitions on the left16:21
HecticZAI don't?16:21
Kiloswhat you see there?16:21
HecticZAHome, Desktop, Downloads, Music, Pics, Vids, File system, Trash and Network16:22
Kilosi see all my drives there and partitions16:23
Kilosok ctrl+alt+t opened a terminal16:23
Kilostype in there sudo apt-get install synaptic aptitude16:24
Kiloscopy paste it in16:24
Kilosthat will install 2 things16:25
Kilossynaptic is a package manager16:25
HecticZAIt is busy with install16:25
Kiloshi Cantide 16:25
Kilosok you know the top left icon is called the dasgh16:26
Cantidehello :)16:26
Kilosthats where you select what you want to open16:26
HecticZAHi Cantide :)16:27
Kilosonce install finish type synaptic in the dash16:27
Cantidehi HecticZA :)16:27
HecticZAOkay it is open Kilos16:28
Kilosok in top right type in auto16:28
Kilosi forget the right stuff to use16:28
Kilosbut it will show you all the auto packages there16:29
Kilosscroll down one will be auto connect to drives or usbs or something16:29
Kilosi think what you need is udisks16:33
HecticZAusbmount? 16:33
Kilosbut i remember i saw some automount thing some time16:33
Kilostype in usb at the top16:33
HecticZAmount unmount usb mass storage devices16:33
Kilosya trick that16:34
Kilosthen type in udisk and tick that16:34
Kilosthen tick apply16:36
HecticZAthere is a "udisks" with a red button next to it?16:36
Kilosright click it16:37
HecticZAlooks like ubuntu pic I think16:37
Kilosupgrade or reinstall16:37
Kilosred button on the left?16:37
HecticZAokay busy with install and reinstall16:38
Kilosactually while you there just tick mark all upgrades16:38
HecticZAIt looks like the ubuntu logo and it was to the right of the package name. I think it indicated that i was already installed16:39
Kilosthat will show if something isnt upgraded16:39
Kilosoh those with that red ubuntu logo are official packages16:40
HecticZAare all of them upgrades? or do I click on them to check?16:40
Kilosits stuff you only tick if you use that program16:40
HecticZAOkay there are no upgrades16:40
Kilosyou know about your 4 workspaces?16:41
HecticZAI have seen it yes16:41
Kilosyou can leave stuff working on one and do other stuff on others16:42
Kilossaves the minimising thing16:42
HecticZAEverything is open in 1 work space. Can I move it somehow or do I have to close and open again?16:43
Kilosi havent worked that out yet on old ubuntu you could drag them to other space16:43
Kilosjust open next job on another one16:44
Kilosi use 10 workspaces16:44
Kiloshad to sukkel a while to sort that out16:44
Cantideif you use the workspace switcher you can drag them to other workspaces16:45
HecticZADoes not look like I can drag, but not a problem atm16:45
Kilosdoes yours work?16:45
Kilosya this new one dont do it anymore16:45
HecticZAI does, but not the dragging16:45
Cantidemine does :o16:46
Cantidei'm on 12.04 though...16:46
Kilosi have found how to move things from one to the other yet16:46
Cantidewhat version is everyone else on?16:46
Kiloshe is also 12.0416:46
Kiloscantide help him a bit more please16:47
Cantideor another DE?16:47
Kilosfresh install16:48
Cantidewell, mine works with the dragging once in the workspace switcher16:48
Kilosmine dont16:48
CantideHecticZA, press the windows key + s16:48
Cantidethen click on a window and move it to another workspace..16:48
Kilosonly shows one block with something in16:48
HecticZAyeah if you right click an app, you ca send it o a space16:49
Kilosand he dont see his second drive Cantide 16:49
Cantideoh yeah, you can do that, too16:49
HecticZAI don't see any drive16:49
Cantideare you sure that's not a hardware problem?16:49
HecticZAProbably looking at the wrong place16:49
Kilosi see all drives when i click home16:50
Cantidetry the Disk Utility app16:50
Cantideyou will see all drives in there even if they're not mounted afaik16:50
HecticZANot sure. In Peppermint there was utility app, but I don't see it here16:50
Kiloswhere is the automount thing16:50
Cantideoh, maybe you need to install it16:50
HecticZAokay I typed in the dash area and it is there16:51
Kilostype disk in dash16:51
Kilosdisk utility will show if its installed16:51
HecticZAI see both drives and both rom's16:51
Kilosok so then its hidden for some reason16:52
KilosCantide, fix it16:52
Kilosoh there is show hidden16:52
Cantidehey, i am a n00b myself :'(16:52
Kilosin that home window16:52
Kilosactually above it in the top taskbar16:53
HecticZAIt shows my 2TB as free unallocated space? It is full off data?16:53
Kilosunder view there should be a show hidden goodie16:53
KilosCantide, when i open home i see all my drives and partitions on the left16:55
Cantideso do i16:55
Kiloswhy dont he?16:55
Cantideidk :(16:55
Cantideit could be that it is not mounted16:55
Cantidewhich can be done through the disk utility16:55
Kilostell him how please16:55
HecticZAMy 80gb with ubuntu shows mounted, but it says my 2TB  has no partition :(16:56
Cantideselect the drive on the left16:56
CantideHecticZA, is the drive working? 'o'16:57
HecticZAIt was before I installed ubuntu?16:57
Cantideah... no -.-16:57
HecticZAThat doesnt sound good16:57
Kilosfsck it maybe16:58
Cantidei don't know exactly, so i don't want to give the wrong advice16:58
Kilossudo fsck -p i think it was check first16:58
HecticZAUnfortunately I have to go now. Will check on the net tomorrow16:58
Kilossuperfly, can you give advice please16:59
Kilosok tomorrow16:59
CantideHecticZA, good luck :/16:59
Cantideadvise is the verb16:59
Kilosoh ya16:59
Cantideadvice is the noun16:59
Cantideyou're correcting Kilos, not me :p16:59
superflyCantide: yes16:59
HecticZAI really don't hope that info is gone, but I  was carefull not too touch it16:59
Cantidebut he was also right :)16:59
HecticZAAnyways thx guys. See tom rrow16:59
Kiloshe has to gonow but he installed ubuntu and it doesnt show whats on second drive17:00
Cantidebye HecticZA :)17:00
Cantidei wanted to ask what file system is on it17:01
Cantidebut Ubuntu picks up pretty much everything >.<17:02
superflyif Ubuntu doesn't, try partedmagic17:02
superflyyeah, what Cantide said17:02
Cantideis that the same as gparted?17:02
superflyit's a partitioning live cd17:02
Cantidethat's handy17:03
Kilosi also lost what was on a drive once when installing and i think crashkid gave me a fsck command and it found everything again17:06
Kilosfsck -p or -p17:06
Kiloshe has lotsa data on there he dont wanna lose17:06
Cantidei usually disconnect all drives except the one i am installing on, just to be safe17:06
Kilosya me too now17:07
Kilosgparted can lose stuff quick too if you tick wrong place17:08
Cantidethat's why i don't like to offer advice on such matters17:08
Cantidei would feel terrible if i caused someone to lose their data17:09
Kilosthat fsck command fixed mine17:09
Kilosjust can remember the  goodie to use17:09
Kilosfsck -f /dev/sdb117:11
Kilosthere yo go17:11
Cantidetell HecticZA that >.<17:12
Kilosdunno where i got p from17:12
Kilosi had to hunt for that17:12
Kiloswas lying in maverick on desktop17:12
Kilos-p or -P means something in some command17:13
Kilosi got advice saved all over17:14
Kiloshey Cantide maybe he hasnt got permissions to see that drive17:22
Cantideis that possible?17:22
Kilosi only know the chown way to take control17:22
Cantidei don't know about it17:22
Kilosnormally not a whole drive i think17:22
Kilostrain probs again monday superfly they say its gonna rain17:29
superflyi hope not17:29
Kiloshi nlsthzn 17:44
nlsthznhiya uncle Kilos 17:44
Kiloshi jmagunduni 18:25
jmagundunihi ,kilos .i have a problem with my network manager applet. It disappear  sometimes . please help :-(18:26
Kilosoh my18:26
Kiloslemme see what google says18:27
Kilos13.04 hey?18:27
Kiloswhen does it disappear18:29
=== Cantide is now known as CanAFKish
Kilosjmagunduni, look at this link18:31
Kilosi hope thats it18:31
jmagunduni1Kilos: whenever i am connected to the internet.I tried goggling but couldn't find any solution , so i was thinking perhaps someone in this group have came across the same problem and resolved it.The other problem is that i occasionally get disconnected from the internet.I am using my cellphone to connect to the internet"via Bluetooth".18:38
Kilosmaybe try reinstall nm-applet too18:39
Kilosjmagunduni1, do you have synaptic installed18:43
jmagunduni1Grrr >:-O how will I connect to the internet if I re-install/un-install nm-applet  :-(.Anyway thanks Kilos,  i will have a look at the forum and probably get back to you if the problem persists .Thanks18:43
Kilostry with synaptic18:43
kbmonkeyhello hello18:44
Kilostype in network at the top and right click reinstall all thats installed there18:44
Kiloshi kbmonkey 18:44
jmagunduni1thanks kilos,will try that.18:44
jmagunduni1hi Kbmonkey whats up?18:45
kbmonkeyjmagunduni1, if you use the -d option with apt-get it will download nm-applet packages beforehand so you can reinstall it while offline :)18:46
kbmonkeysynaptic has this option too18:46
jmagunduni1kbmonkey :give me an example , I am not a tech geek , I'm just a normal end user 18:47
kbmonkeylet me look at synaptic... 18:50
kbmonkeyhmm, strange, did that option fall away? :P18:50
kbmonkeyah okay here is how it works jmagunduni1 ...18:52
kbmonkeywhen you do a system update it will download the latest version of all your apps as installers (.deb files)18:52
kbmonkeythose live on your pc for a while, so you dont need to re-download them next time18:52
kbmonkeyso if your system is up to date, you will already have a copy of the nm-applet installer :)18:53
jmagunduni1oh ok , how do i fix it then.:-)18:53
kbmonkeydo you want to reinstall nm-applet?18:54
kbmonkeyno problem. removing it wont disconnect you because your connection is handled by network-manager18:55
kbmonkeywhy not try to reconfigure it first: sudo dpkg-reconfigure nm-applet18:56
kbmonkeythat does the same as removing + reinstall it18:56
kbmonkeyyou run that in a terminal window by the way :)18:56
jmagunduni1oh ok , let me try then .:-$18:57
kbmonkeyI scrolled up but am not too clear on what your problem is jmagunduni1...18:58
kbmonkeyis it that you keep getting disconnected, or something to do with vpn?18:58
jmagunduni1kbmonkey: i got the following message. dpkg-query: package 'nm-applet' is not installed and no information is available18:58
jmagunduni1Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,18:58
jmagunduni1and dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.18:58
jmagunduni1/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: nm-applet is not installed18:58
kbmonkeyokay, you are on a latest version of ubuntu then? Perhaps the latest ubuntu uses something else instead of nm-applet, and if that is the case I cannot help you there :(18:59
kbmonkeyfor what it is worth, I am on 3G and also get disconnected at least every hour :p19:00
jmagunduni1kbmonkey: dont worry thanks for trying , I will try to Log a call at the Ubuntu forums.19:01
Kilosjust use synaptic to reinstall every network related19:02
superflyheh. the ubuntu forums are even less helpful, and full of people who don't know what they're talking about.19:02
kbmonkeyI never got bluetooth working either, guess yu got further than I did with that. I use usb cables for that :)19:02
jmagunduni1superfly: hehe19:02
kbmonkeyis there not a setting for your connection to reconnect when if drops?19:03
Kilosya its in nm19:03
jmagunduni1Guys last week i struggled to get my Skype video to work, and then i went through some forums ,got the solution and now its working perfectly :-). so i am sure that the answer to my problem is lying somewhere in the internet , I guess I have to dig deeper.:-(19:10
Kilosyou will find in synaptic most packages have small downloads still to get19:11
Kilosupdates most likely19:11
Kilosso first do sudo apt-get update19:11
kbmonkeyhow is the connection quality jmagunduni1 ?19:14
Kilosand reinstalling does all the configuring for you19:14
jmagunduni1kbmonkey:very good I download large files , Skype etc .19:15
kbmonkeybut it disconnects randomly?19:17
jmagunduni1kbmonkey: after an Hour or so.. 19:18
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:18
kbmonkeynite Kilos 19:18
Kilosjmagunduni1, good luck19:18
jmagunduni1kilos: Thank you for giving me a helping, you are the reason i love/use open source software.the spirit of Community . 19:18
Kilosyou welcome soory i couldnt help more19:19
kbmonkeysame happens to mine jmagunduni1. it is usb but also a simcard. It's the phone networks, it can't be helped :(19:19
jmagunduni1Kilos: cheers!19:19
jmagunduni1kbmonkey: yes maybe i should start using ADSL..19:20
kbmonkeyI wish for that too :)19:21
jmagunduni1kbmonkey: hehe :-D.which version of Ubuntu are you using?19:23
kbmonkeythe last version I have is 12.04 jmagunduni1, but currently I am using crunchbang linux19:24
kbmonkeyIt is essentially Debian with the Openbox window manager19:25
=== Spaceghost is now known as Guest7993
jmagunduni1mm , i haven't heard of that before.i am using Ubuntu 13.04. very cool . except of some few flaws.Dude ,have you ever tried WPS office?19:28
superflyI installed it.19:29
superflyit's interesting, pretty, but I'm actually perfectly happy with LibreOffice19:29
kbmonkeynever heard of it19:29
kbmonkeyI spend most of my time in text editors, for the rest abiword suits me well :)19:30
kbmonkeyso many options... beautiful19:31
jmagunduni1superfly : but its cool.I like it.19:31
jmagunduni1Guys got to sleep,it was a long week ,Cheers!19:34
kbmonkeynite jmagunduni1, come back soon19:35
inetprogood evening19:35
kbmonkeyello inetpro 19:36
kbmonkeyoh man this dunst notification popup is sweet19:36
inetprokbmonkey: dunst?19:36
kbmonkeyits a notification popup for tiling window managers19:37
inetproMaaz: google dunst19:37
Maazinetpro: "Kirsten Dunst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirsten_Dunst :: "Kirsten Dunst - IMDb" http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000379/ :: "Dunst - A customizable and lightweight notification-daemon" http://www.knopwob.org/dunst/ :: "knopwob/dunst · GitHub" https://github.com/knopwob/dunst :: "Kirsten-Dunst.Org 1998 – 2013"19:37
Maazhttp://www.kirsten-dunst.org/ :: "Kirsten Dunst & Garrett Hedlund Go House Hunting!! | PerezHilton…19:37
kbmonkey... or any wm for that19:37
kbmonkeyha ha. no not that.19:37
kbmonkeyhere: http://www.knopwob.org/dunst/19:38
* inetpro reading19:40
kbmonkeythe screen shots is probably the most interesting page :)19:41
inetprowell actually before I read... lemme switch networks again19:41
* inetpro on somebody's insecure wifi19:41
kbmonkeyif you've logged into irc its already too late inetpro ;)19:42
kbmonkeybwhahaha. pulls your legs19:42
inetproback on me own network19:43
inetprokbmonkey: hmm19:55
* inetpro is perfectly happy with kubuntu19:55
* kbmonkey has to be different XD19:55
superflyinetpro: I see your friend likes clicking on spam on Facebook19:57
superflyinetpro: http://www.ehackingnews.com/2013/06/facebook-spam-she-went-inclusively-nuts.html19:57
inetprosuperfly: you also noticed?19:58
superflyinetpro: you were tagged in19:58
inetprosuperfly: but how come you get notified about my friends?19:59
inetprostrange fb20:00
inetprofunny fb world we live in20:01
inetproI hope many people are starting to wake up with all the latest cloned accounts20:01
inetprosuperfly: good to see you have interwebs again20:02
superflyinetpro: it depends on his privacy settings20:02
superflyhe has set his settings to "friends of friends"20:03
superflyinetpro: yeah20:03
inetprosuperfly: so you get a notification when I get tagged, or was that just because you were looking in the sidebar?20:12
superflyinetpro: no, it came up in my news feed20:12
inetprosuperfly: marked as spam20:19
inetprothanks for the heads up20:19
inetproI'll talk to him tomorrow20:19
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za

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