
Noskcajjea, how do we translate https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+pots/app-install-data/en_AU/+translate?show=untranslated03:52
jaredNoskcaj: In those rare instances I find google translate to be useful04:08
jaredThat one is actually "Theme Settings" apparently. Although I have no idea how it go there in Chinese04:08
jeathat is unusual04:13
jeamaybe it somehow came through from the new mylin build they are making04:13
NoskcajIt's from the Chinese weather indicator, i believe04:14
jeai guess that explains it a bit04:15
jeaNoskcaj: are you using chrome or firefox?04:36
Noskcajjea, chrome. 04:44
jeaNoskcaj: ok. I have a couple of scripts to make translations easier. I will dig them out and give you links to them04:47
Noskcajsounds useful. i'm surprised that translations haven't been automated yet04:47
jeathey can't really be automated04:49
jeafor AU english, you probably could, due to only having a few things to change04:50
jeabut for most languages, the online translators are not good enough04:50
Noskcajthat's what i meant. only the english to english ones could be automated, even partly04:50
jeaI actually enjoy doing them manually, because I have found a few mistakes in things before04:50
NoskcajI can't help but feel that you get too much LP karma for translations. i tripled mine in two days04:52
jeayep, you do get a lot of karma04:53
jeajpickett and I were around 100000+ at one stage04:54
jeabut it drops off quickly04:55
Noskcaji wonder if it's possible to integrate the karma system to the iso tracker04:55
jeato do what?04:59
jeaoh, so you can get karma for the testing04:59
jeaI suspect that would be possible05:00
* Noskcaj make a note to ask balloons05:01
Noskcaji would be in the millions if it was. soooooo many iso tests. 05:01
jeaOk. Here are the two scripts05:16
jeain firefox, i suggest using Scriptish instead of greasemonkey05:17
jeabut chrome should use these without an additional extenstion05:17
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=== elk is now known as elky
aladdinbenonsoftware: hey Ben, r u there? ;)08:39
* Noskcaj is away: I'm either at school or soccer. or i just don't like you.09:46
Noskcajstupid xchat09:46

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