
excalibrHello. can someone explain me why locking an account doesn't stop a process from running with the account priv?00:19
sarnoldexcalibr: locking only prevents the account from finishing the PAM login stack00:21
sarnoldexcalibr: existing processes aren't affected00:21
sarnold.. and processes set to run as that userid outside the PAM stack won't be influenced00:22
=== goddard is now known as Guest24678
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antiheroHello, how do I find out what packages I have installed by repo (e.g. nonfree, contrib, etc)? As I want to trim down my sources.09:50
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tom[]is there a conventional place to keep a root crontab with jobs specific to the server's application (as opposed to its os)?13:01
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
_KaszpiR_seem I've got some issue with accessing samba share from win7 to ubuntu server14:01
_KaszpiR_the transter is ~ 16k/s to the server14:01
_KaszpiR_over wifi14:01
_KaszpiR_looks like the issue is when connecting to server using netbios name14:03
_KaszpiR_ipv6 tunneling problem?14:03
_KaszpiR_and now it works14:13
=== acrocity_ is now known as acrocity
Psi-JackIs it possible to install Ubuntu 12.04 onto a GPT style partition, instead of an msdos style partition?14:25
Psi-JackExcellent.  I'm going to be rebuilding my ceph servers from being Arch based, which is a maintenance nightmare, to Ubuntu, and I wanted to simply format the base partitions for the system, keeping the partitions exactly as they are, install ubuntu, and copy my ceph configurations back over and get ceph re-joined to the cluster.14:34
Psi-JackFun times. :)14:34
=== LanaDelRey is now known as DID
=== DID is now known as DID|Lana
RoyKPsi-Jack: I'm becoming somewhat hesitant to using ubuntu for servers after a few bugs I've reported hasn't been addressed much, or totally ignored. I think debian may be safer15:06
Psi-JackRoyK: Ceph officially supports Ubuntu the highest, and since they're dedicated to Ceph and nothing else, I'm perfectly fine using Ubuntu for it. I'm actually currently using a lot of Ubuntu-based servers, but I'm migrating a lot of them to CentOS, just because I want to and it'll give me an edge of the infrastructure of my company's infrastructure platform.15:11
Psi-JackReally, the only thing I really truly hate most about Ubuntu is upstart, and I can see that not going away, unfortunately. Oh, and Canonical's slap in the face of Wayland over Mir.15:14
RoyKupstart is proably the thing that broke nested raidsets15:17
Psi-JackHeh, probably.15:18
RoyKI filed an xfs bug a couple of weeks back, they just flagged it as "incomplete" although xfs developers have confirmed it15:18
Psi-Jackbut, I dunno. I hardly even care much about RAID, since mostly I use Ceph now.15:18
Psi-Jackxfs bug?15:19
RoyKwell, xfsprogs bug 118956715:19
RoyK!bug 118956715:19
RoyKhm - sad bot?15:19
Psi-JackAnd do you have confirmation from XFS devs somewhere that you can tack on to that to increase the severity up within reason? If so, I'd do so.15:22
RoyKsee the note about sandeen confirming it15:23
RoyKfixed in 3.1.8, but there were lots of fixes between 3.1.7 and .815:24
Psi-JackThat doesn't seem to be anywhere in the bug report that I see.15:24
RoyK<sandeen> on #xfs @ irc.freenode.net, apparently working for redhat, confirmed this bug on xfsprogs 3.1.7, but not on 3.1.1 or
RoyKfrom the bug report15:24
Psi-Jackyeah, that's not reasonable enough proof. You need to directly link to a reference point that proves it, such as potentially Red Hat's JIRA bug entry for it.15:25
RoyKcan you please test with your xfsprogs?15:27
RoyKthe dump is there15:27
RoyKit's pretty easy to reproduce15:27
Psi-JackI don't have a system i could just test that with right now.15:28
RoyKjust apt-get install xfsprogs and run xfs_repair against the dump15:28
Psi-JackI'm just trying to suggest hard references that can bump this bug to a show-stopper level bug that will help canonical put real effort into it, especially for LTS.15:28
RoyKPsi-Jack: well, it's easy to reproduce and the fix is in 3.1.8 somewhere15:39
patdk-wk_hmm, 12.04 has 3.2, so shouldn't it include that fix?16:15
patdk-wk_oh xfsprogs not kernel16:15
RoyKpatdk-wk_: right17:02
RoyKit's not a kernel issue17:02
patdk-wk_ya, sounds like something I would shove into my ppa17:03
patdk-wk_so many things in there to fix issues in ubuntu17:03
patdk-wk_I did a hole crapload of work to fix xtables17:04
patdk-wk_made a very nice patch for it and packaged it and everything ,and posted it to the bug report17:04
patdk-wk_haven't heard anything17:05
LargePrimeis there a way to know what the ubuntu package is named if i know the DEB name?17:15
LargePrimean app wants me to install "php-bcmath"17:18
LargePrimebut that not in ubuntu repo?17:18
LargePrimehttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/5.3.2-1ubuntu4  does this mean i already has it?17:21
patdk-wk_ The following extensions are built in: bcmath bz2 calendar Core ctype date17:25
patdk-wk_  dba dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gettext hash iconv json libxml17:25
patdk-wk_  mbstring mhash openssl pcntl pcre Phar posix readline Reflection session17:25
patdk-wk_  shmop SimpleXML soap sockets SPL standard sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer17:25
patdk-wk_  wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib.17:25
ScottKpatdk-wk_: What bug?17:27
patdk-wk_mainly that all dkms modules are broken for the enablement stack17:27
patdk-wk_but specifically one of the 10's of xtables enablement bugs17:27
LargePrimeThanks patdk-wk_  Sorry for the noobish question.  just double checking.  Is there a search tool to see if i already has a Lib in another thing?17:29
patdk-wk_bug #1166659 is the one I commented on17:29
patdk-wk_hmm, I guess that bug isn't specifically about the eneablement stack kernels, but same issue on both17:31
LargePrimeIs there a search tool to see if i already has a Lib in another package?17:37
ScottKpatdk-wk_: I thought you said you'd posted fixes that hadn't been uploaded?  I don't see any in that bug.  BTW, I've seen some DKMS + HW enablement stack bugs fixed, so it's not systematically being avoided.17:46
patdk-wk_scottk, I said I posted fixes into a package in my ppa, and posted that info to the bug17:55
ScottKI see.17:55
patdk-wk_atleast when I saw did that, just a few weeks ago, it wasn't fixed17:56
=== NomadJim_ is now known as NomadJim
ScottKIf you could attach a debdiff with the fixes and subscribed ubuntu-sponsors to the team, it will get looked at.17:56
patdk-wk_it's a bit more than that :(17:57
patdk-wk_it's a new version of xtables, with changes backported for older kernels17:57
patdk-wk_the changes to support the new kernel where much more than fixing it for older kernels17:57
ScottKI see.17:59
ScottKIn theory that could still be done.17:59
patdk-wk_ya, there is only two changes, one patch file, and orig source18:00
ScottKIt's a bit outside the normal rules, but sometimes it makes sense to bend them.18:00
patdk-wk_it served my needs well, and worked on 12.04 12.10 and 13.0418:00
patdk-wk_so offering it18:01
ScottKCould you write a mail to the ubuntu-server list describing the situation and why you think this is the right approach?  It does need a bit more visibility than a normal bug report.18:02
LargePrimehow do i install libstdc++.i68618:26
patdk-wk_use apt-cache search18:32
mojtabaHi, I have a spreadsheet with lots of hyperlinks, and I just want to keep the hyperlinks. Does anybody know what should I do?18:39
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I keep the hyperlink and remove the text from the spreadsheet?18:43
patdk-wk_mojtaba, use a channel that cares?19:00
patdk-wk_this is #ubuntu-server, not #officelibre or whatever it is called these days19:00
patdk-wk_there is no spreadsheet program in ubuntu-server19:01
mojtabapatdk-wk_: Do you know what is that?19:01
xulfWhat is going on19:10
thesheff17I'm trying to run qemu-system-arm -kernel kernel-qemu and I keep getting qemu: could not load kernel 'kernel-qemu' any ideas?19:18
thesheff17I have all the packages installed and I know this CPU works fine with the virtual machine stuff19:19
wo0fhow do i enter M-1 to M-5  Arrange panes in one of the five preset layouts: even-22:07
wo0f                       horizontal, even-vertical, main-horizontal, main-22:07
wo0f                       vertical, or tiled.22:07
wo0fwith tmux22:07
wo0f(wow sry for multi line!)22:07
patdk-wk_heh? panes?22:09
patdk-wk_ubuntu-server doesn't have panes22:09
wo0fyes panes, and yes it does work22:09
patdk-wk_oh, tmux isn't an x thing22:09
wo0fwhat do the M-1 and M-5 represent? whats the M key, how do i enter it22:10
wo0fno x :)22:10
qman__Mod, also known as the Windows key or DOS key depending on where you come from22:22
qman__I believe it's also called Super in some contexts, too22:23
wo0fqman__: thank you so much!22:26
wo0fstill at a loss, as to how to use the Mod key via putty!22:30
Will_hey all23:44
=== Will_ is now known as Guest98318
Guest98318so i've got ubuntu LTS server installed to a virtualbox machine and installed LAMP and setup all that....however i think i've redirected my servers intial page from the /var/www folder to /home/user/public_html folder....what might i type to revert this?23:46
=== Guest98318 is now known as eyezopen
=== eyezopen is now known as Will_w
Will_wso i've got ubuntu LTS server installed to a virtualbox machine and installed LAMP and setup all that....however i think i've redirected my servers intial page from the /var/www folder to /home/user/public_html folder....what might i type to revert this?23:46
Will_wSorry, name change ^^23:47
Will_wi know for a fact its directing to /home/user/public_html      just did a test for it. how can i change it so the IP address when entered into the browser will direct to the /var/www director?23:47

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