elfy | ochosi bluesabre - any idea as to what's happening with the greeter getting into saucy? | 09:18 |
ochosi | elfy: tbh no | 09:19 |
elfy | ok :) | 09:19 |
ochosi | i heard something about a sponsored upload, but that was all i heard... | 09:19 |
elfy | what do you want to do about testing it? I can write a testcase this weekend using the ppa etc if you want - then the test is there | 09:20 |
ochosi | yeah, i guess it wouldn't hurt | 09:21 |
ochosi | but theming won't work 100%, because my mantras for getting the artwork-package updated so far haven't been heard | 09:21 |
elfy | mmm | 09:22 |
ochosi | but let's see whether bluesabre shows up and has more infos | 09:23 |
elfy | ok - I'll wait for the moment - it won't take long to write - it'll take much longer to decide if and when we are going to test it :) | 09:25 |
* Noskcaj is away: I'm either at school or soccer. or i just don't like you. | 09:45 | |
Noskcaj | stupid xchat | 09:46 |
scottbomb | Hey all. I'm testing ISO for Saucy. Isn't Tumbler supposed to be installed by default? | 14:36 |
scottbomb | In Thunar, there is a picture of a black box with the letters "JPG" where it should show a thumbnail image. I'm just not clear on which package to file a bug against. Image thumbnails are appearing in Ristretto. | 14:42 |
scottbomb | Nevermind. I was browsing on a network share and there is a setting in Thunar one has to activate to make it show thumbnails for files in directories that are not local | 14:56 |
ochosi | scottbomb: indeed, i'd say that default setting makes sense (otherwise it can lead to a lot of latency when browsing remote stuff) | 15:10 |
Noskcaj | can someone confirm this for xubuntu bug 1193716 | 22:32 |
ubottu | bug 1193716 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Monitor turns off after 10 minutes of inactivity despite the fact that XScreensave has been removed from Suacy Build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1193716 | 22:32 |
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