
Will_wgot it! sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite00:03
=== Will_w is now known as eyezopen
starsinmypocketsSomething is voraciously consuming my filesystem's resources... I installed gkrellm (no display - just command line usage) and am looking for some wisdom regarding setting up some monitoring so that I can determine what beastie is crippling my server00:30
starsinmypocketsWhat I'm really after is a a good command to use gkrellm to output top disk io activity00:31
starsinmypocketsAlso looking at sysstat / iostat00:32
=== Will_ is now known as Guest76082
GH0I just did a motherboard and cpu swap, and unfortunately, I didn't change the Date and Time to UTC on the motherboard prior to this. Is there a way to update the date and time directly from a running system?03:54
Frezehi all04:08
Frezethinking about getting a vps for hosting a website04:08
Frezeis it a headache to maintain a ubuntu server  vs just using a managed web host service (which are cheaper)04:09
agu10^what do you think of my site? http://potentialstudio.com/04:13
shankstaBytesi setup a little testing server for web dev and i am trying to make HTTPS work04:54
shankstaBytesanyone know of a good tutorial or some help?04:54
shankstaBytesi just installed apache2 from the package manager04:54
ubottuThe Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/05:17
vlad_starkovEmergency Question: just changed disk in RAID1 in Ubuntu 12.04 Server. After that mdadm recovered new disk. After reboot the system does not load. Only blinking cursor appears. Is it possible that it needs to reconfigure GRUB?05:31
vlad_starkovEmergency question: Could anyone look at this `boot-repair` output http://paste.ubuntu.com/5791662/ and point me why the system does not boot? (I changed failed HDD in RAID1 and after that the system does not boot)05:56
vlad_starkovEmergency question: Could anyone look at this `boot-repair` output http://paste.ubuntu.com/5791662/ and point me why the system does not boot? (I changed failed HDD in RAID1 and after that the system does not boot)06:22
nerdcustomshello :D11:33
nerdcustomsanyone willing to assist me in a possible apache config issue with ssl?  Getting 6 second load times11:34
lifelesswhat makes you suspect ssl?11:37
nerdcustomswell load times were only few hundred ms before I implemented it.11:37
nerdcustomsand server usage is 90% idle with I access the site11:37
nerdcustomsso not sure if config issue11:37
lifelessso, a quick look there shows everything is 'no-cache'11:41
lifelessall your javascript and assets, as well as actual dynamic content11:41
lifelessthat will play havoc with performance11:41
nerdcustomsso basically no content is caching?11:42
nerdcustomsooh that is a handle tool. Thank you11:42
nerdcustomsso I need to enable caching on the server?11:42
lifelessso, interestingly, some are cachable11:44
lifelessI must have picked odd ones to look at11:44
lifelessanyhow, I would do the following to get a handle on perf11:45
lifeless- check with a command line tool on a static page (like that js) to get a baseline including SSL handshake11:45
lifelessif the SSL handshake itself is slow, that might be apache config/ssl cert config11:45
lifelessif it's not slow, then it might be a front end thing - browser side - so break out chromium perf tools, or firebug or whatever, and see what a page load does and where the time is going11:46
nerdcustomsAlright, ty for the assist. I'll see what I can find :D11:48
sorenwin 2412:51
orogorgpt partition has to be fat32 /fat16 ?13:18
orogoror can it be ext3 ?13:18
RoyKorogor: you can have any type of partitions on gpt, just like mbr14:09
ThothCastelI amd getting the following error when adding an LDIF file to an ldap server : ldap_add: Server is unwilling to perform (53)  additional info: no global superior knowledge14:37
ThothCastelhelp pls14:41
swHi, what's the command to fix this error? http://pastebin.com/PLX6gJ4p15:21
andolsw: Unless I miss-read that you have a LANG environment refering to a locale not installed on the system, perhaps due to ssh passing it along from your work station. In most cases that is a harmless issue.15:23
andolsw: Instead of LANG=GB you might want to go with LANG=en_GB.UTF-815:25
swandol: Where is that set?15:28
BlackmanOMGave spec15:38
BlackmanOMGhi is this #nigga chat ?15:38
BlackmanOMG can i ask something im very confused...black people cum in black colour or white colour???????????????????15:48
BlackmanOMG can i ask something im very confused...black people cum in black colour or white colour?? OR IS IT THE BLACK SHIT MIXED IN THE CUM??????????????????????15:48
BlackmanOMG can i ask something im very confused...black people cum in black colour or white colour?? OR IS IT THE BLACK SHIT MIXED IN THE CUM??????????????????????15:48
kuweneuling in sachen ubuntu server (12.04) - suche sehr grundlegende howto zum einrichten eines jabberd2 servers - ist mir zu helfen :-)19:28
=== Aww is now known as EvilAww
yaksteranyone here good with autofs?20:32
chinnyHi all - am hoping someone can help me. I have an issue with intermediate cert and apache ssl config. IE and chrome work fine but firefox is missing the intermediate cert. I thought the config was correct and have specified the intermediate cert with SSLCertificateChainFile. Running openssl s_client -connect server.tld:443 -showcerts fails but if I add -CAPath /etc/ssl/certs/ it passes.21:45
chinnyanyone able to help me with an apache2 question?21:59
shankstaByteshow can i setup a ftp account for a specific directory?23:21
shankstaBytesis there a good gui for that?23:21
shankstaBytesif not a tutorial?23:21

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