
=== space is now known as Guest14136
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Kilosmorning all06:23
Mezenir morning kilos07:07
Kilosmorning kbmonkey 07:49
kbmonkeyhow are you mister Kilos ?07:49
Kilosolder today master kbmonkey 07:49
Kilosjust gotta work on the wiser07:50
jmagunduni1Kilos: hi07:50
Kiloshi jmagunduni1 07:50
jmagunduni1Kilos: whats up buddy?07:50
Kilosjust cold man07:50
Kilosneed a tropical island07:51
kbmonkeyI am sure you are wise enough Kilos 07:51
Kilosno man so much to try learn07:51
kbmonkeyoh you know me, never sleep much on weekends. did some coding till midnight, had a power nap and continued til 5. napped, up again at 7..07:52
kbmonkeywash rinse repeat07:52
kbmonkeyI got me some strawberries and a banana jungle bar. it is goood.07:53
Kiloshaha grow your own strawberries man07:54
Kilosoh you inna flat?07:54
Kilosand bananas are cheap atm at fruit and veg city07:55
kbmonkeydo strawberries grow in the cold season Kilos ?07:57
kbmonkeyI can't imagine they stand up to frost though07:57
Kiloswhole year07:57
Kilosbare in summer only07:57
kbmonkeyso how come fruit & veg has a special on strawberries the past 2 weeks, they have mountains of them.07:58
Kilosmine are outside in pots right throuh the frost and ice season07:58
Kilosmust be from okes with heated tunnels methinks07:58
kbmonkeymaybe I should grow. they have a lot of vitamin c.07:58
jmagunduni1Kilos: kbmonkey: got to go ,something came up. cheers.07:58
Kilosor down there by you peeps where it dont get cold07:59
kbmonkeybye jmagunduni1 07:59
Kiloscheers jmagunduni1 07:59
Kiloschillis are tops for vitc07:59
kbmonkeythat is strage. cos everfresh was known to sell seasonal stuff, but since the merge with fruit & veg I wonder if they force grow these things08:00
Kilosive had some good laughs at chefs on tv08:00
kbmonkeyoh ya? tell us...08:00
Kilospeeps like nigella even add chilli to chocolate dishes and cakes08:00
Kiloswell my chliis dont even have flowers on now08:01
Kilosonly bare here in summer08:01
kbmonkeyyes chillis are very good. most of vit c, but fresh ones. powerdered or chilli sauces do no count ;)08:02
kbmonkeythe capsicum extract from chillis is what they make pepper spray from.08:03
Kilosbut im sure you could grow strawberries there in pots as well08:04
kbmonkeyI most certainly could :)08:04
kbmonkeyI have an outside balcony, it is very very windy though, so perhaps some shade-cloth box for protection08:04
kbmonkeyI mean the kind of wind that blows bins over08:05
Kilosi just dunno if they need serious change of seasons like here to bare fruit08:05
kbmonkeyit blew my chilli plant right out the pot :/08:05
kbmonkeythe roots tore some, and it was too young to bare the damage. oh well.08:05
Kiloslike peaches dont get fruit down there08:05
Kilosthey need to die down in cold weather and frost08:06
kbmonkeyit was even secured to a support (soesatie stokkie) in the ground. lol.08:06
Kiloscolder the winter the better the next years crop08:06
Kilossouth wind?08:07
Kilosjust build some kinda skerm on the wind sides08:08
kbmonkeyit blows inland in the day, and switches seabound at night when it cools down08:08
kbmonkeysome days though, it comes from all directions! 08:08
Kilossoutherly makes for lekker waves08:08
Kilosnorth wind makes for yucky sea with large swells08:09
kbmonkeyKilos, you have heard of these things called 3D printers? 08:10
Kilosyou can grow chillies indoors till they strong08:10
kbmonkeyI got one bedroom and one lounge here, but I can make a plan for some pots on the balcony :)08:11
kbmonkeyI watched this video of this engineer who printed a gear bearing. it is so clever.08:11
Kilosprint some strawberries08:16
Kilosdunno if you can flavour the ink or not08:16
kbmonkeydon't joke. nasa is researching using it to print food :p08:16
Kiloshi Mezenir 08:16
Kilosoh my08:16
kbmonkeyhello Mezenir 08:17
kbmonkeyI'll give the link to that gear bearing, in case anyone wants to watch it. it is 2 mins08:17
Mezenirhey kilos08:23
Mezenirand kbmonkey08:23
kbmonkeyKilos, I am making leek and potatoe soup today. good stuff.08:32
Kiloshi georgelappies 09:02
georgelappieshi Kilos, how are you09:05
Kilosgood ty georgelappies and you09:05
Kilosim even more of a ballie today09:06
georgelappiesgood thanks, is it you birthday today?09:06
Kilosya im old man09:06
georgelappiesHi Kilos, very happy birthday! May you have many more great blessed years09:09
georgelappiesif you don't mind me asking how old are you today?09:09
Kilosty georgelappies only 6309:09
Kilosno maybe 6209:10
georgelappiescool, congrats on being 63 years young today!09:10
Kilosborn 5109:10
Kilosya must be 6209:10
georgelappieslol, :) easier to remember the year of birth then the actual age ;)09:11
Kiloslol yeah :-)09:11
Kilosmaybe i must use some smileys today09:11
Kiloshi psychicist 09:12
georgelappieswell Kilos, one is only as young as one wants to be and feel, and given your choice of tech to use I would derive that you are still young!09:13
Kiloshahaha ya its not such hard work09:14
georgelappiesso what are your plans for the day Kilos?09:15
Kilosmight try fluxbox again09:15
HecticZAMorning :)09:38
Kiloshi HecticZA 09:38
HecticZAKilos, you are my hero :D09:38
Kilosoh my 09:38
Kiloswhat did i do?09:38
HecticZAThe complete partition was recovered09:39
Kilosubuntu rocks hey09:39
HecticZAyay indeed09:39
Kilosim happy for you09:39
Kilosour recovery tools find stuff on drives that have been formatted over and over09:40
HecticZAI honestly did not think it was gonna happen. After all the hours, it asked me to select files and when it did, my only option was to copy to my 80GB and obviously that was to small09:40
HecticZAI then went out and di the short process to analyse and then chose write, with  the mindset of okaya I lost everything and wham the drive was restored.09:42
HecticZAEverybody in the house is so glad :D09:42
HecticZANow I must come back to my original question. How do I get the drive to automount on reboot?09:43
HecticZAIt shows on reboot, but I must click on it before it will mount for shares, etc09:44
Kilosthere are auto mount tools but im not sure which they are09:45
Kilosalso what do you want it to do09:45
HecticZAin the repository?09:46
Kilosdont you see it in home09:46
HecticZASee what?09:46
Kilosya everything is in the repos09:46
Kilosthat 2tb drive09:46
HecticZAI see it, but when I hover over it, it say I must click to mount.09:47
HecticZALet me explain quickly09:47
Kilosthen it should open and shows whats on it if you click09:47
HecticZAI use a program called PS3 media server to stream movies, pics and music to my Playstation, tv and other pc's. The PS3 media server must load on start-up and it is linked to the folders that contains the media. However that 2TB need to be mounted before the PS3 media server can read the folders. So the 2TB does not auto mount at this stage.09:50
Kilosoh i see09:51
Kiloswhew hang here im sure one of the guys can help with that09:52
Kiloswhen they get here that is09:52
HecticZAK thx. I'm looking through the software packages as well09:52
Kilostumbleweed, morning, are you here?09:52
KilosHecticZA, look at ^^09:54
Kilosmaybe the answer is there09:54
HecticZAAh okay will check it out. I'm busy dl udisks-glue09:56
Kilosand maybe install this http://www.unixmen.com/how-to-add-medibuntu-repository-in-ubuntu-via-terminal-and-gui/09:58
HecticZAHmm that seems to be what I want and the basic config seems easy enough? Not sure if I need the variables.09:59
HecticZAI see they have GUI software as well09:59
Kilosthat ppa makes medibuntu upgradable10:00
Kilosmedibuntu helps with media i think10:00
HecticZAOkay thx. Will dl now10:00
Kilosalso HecticZA when you have every thing working as you want it you can use remastersys to make a dvd of you working setup for in case your 80g crashes10:10
HecticZAThat is great advice. Thx. I can't pickup my new dl's in Dash. Maybe I must reboot?10:13
HecticZAMorning Squirm 10:13
Kiloshi Squirm 10:13
Kiloswhats dl's10:13
HecticZAudisk-glue and pysdm10:14
Kilosthere is a downloads place10:14
HecticZAah okay. 10:14
SquirmHecticZA: you may have to speak in full words here10:14
Kilosthey most likely installed already 10:14
HecticZASorry will do10:14
Squirmsome people can be a little... touchy ;)10:15
Kilosnp its only me that forget what things are10:15
KilosHecticZA, if you use synaptic it downloads and installs then10:16
Kilosso they wont be in downloads10:16
HecticZAOkay will try that Kilos, because there is nothing in the Download folder either. Weird10:16
HecticZAAh okay10:16
SquirmHecticZA: Synaptic is good10:16
Squirmdoes all of the work for you10:17
Squirmalong with only supplying safe - virus free application10:17
Kilosyou can also do upgrading from synaptic10:17
HecticZAI do not understand the difference bewteen Synaptic and the Ubunto Software center?10:17
Kilosyou tick reload then mark all upgrades and then apply10:17
HecticZAOkay let me have a look10:17
Kilosthey are basically the same but synaptic is easier for me10:18
Kilosif apply is grayed out there are any10:18
Kilosarent any upgrades10:18
Squirmthey are probably the same10:18
HecticZAIt shows installed and now upgrades.10:19
Squirmdifferent interfaces for the same thing(I don't use Ubuntu) and just use the command line10:19
HecticZACan I launch pysdm from command line?10:19
KilosHecticZA, is new to ubuntu Squirm 10:19
Kiloshes the peppermint chap10:20
HecticZAand new to that as well :)10:20
HecticZAokay got it going via the command line10:21
HecticZAOkay just going to reboot to see if it worked10:23
Kiloswith ubuntu/linux you dont need to reboot with every new app installed10:23
Kilosok good luck10:23
HecticZAI'm referring to the mounted Ntfs drive Kilos10:24
HecticZASee now10:24
Kiloswe had good news from him this morning Squirm 10:25
Kilosrecovered all lost data on a 2tb drive10:25
Kilosusing testdisk10:26
Squirmthat is a good program10:36
Kilosgreat tool10:36
Squirmand if that fails10:36
Squirmlast resort10:36
Squirmand I mean last10:36
Squirmuse foremost10:36
Kilosand scalpel10:36
Kiloshe has all three installed but luckily testdisk did it all10:37
KilosSquirm, can you tell me what testdisk-dbg does10:48
Kilosis it debugging only and not needed?10:48
Kilosor does it enhance testdisk10:48
magespawngood day11:36
CantideKilos, 35 people here :o11:53
Kiloshi magespawn Cantide 11:54
Cantidehello '<11:54
magespawnHey Cantide Kilos11:54
Cantidemagespawn '-'/11:55
Kilosmagespawn, hectics data is all there11:55
magespawnNice work Kilos11:55
Kilosty im happy for him11:55
Cantidesweet :)11:55
Cantidehow did he solve it?11:55
magespawnKilos testdisk?11:56
Kilosthe write function11:57
Cantidecool :)11:57
Cantidei will try to remember that if i ever have trouble11:57
Cantideor i will come here and ask Kilos :)11:57
Kiloswas luck man11:58
magespawnNo it was not, no such thing as luck11:58
Kilosnow he needs pro help to get auto mounts sorted12:00
Cantidei think i installed something for that12:00
Cantidecan't remember now..12:00
magespawnI am sure we can find something on the met for that12:03
magespawnMaybe even on the net12:03
magespawnMaaz google quto mount in ubuntu 10.0412:21
Maazmagespawn: "Tips and Tricks for Ubuntu after Installation [Ubuntu 10.04 to 11.4]" http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/ubuntu-tips-and-tricks.htm :: "10.04 - USB Storage Device Automount - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/3872/usb-storage-device-automount :: "How to auto mount a flash drive with root and read ... - Ask Ubuntu"12:21
Maazhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/14863/how-to-auto-mount-a-flash-drive-with-root-and-read-write-execute-privileges :…12:21
magespawnlater guys12:27
Kilosok magespawn 12:27
Kiloshi superfly 13:01
Kilosya but muffit looking some csi or something on mnet so no sport channel for me13:08
Kilospoor tara no rugger to share13:11
somaunnHello Nation !13:47
Kilosyo somaunn 13:47
somaunnHi Kilos 13:48
Kilosbad connection?13:49
somaunnKilos, not really was busy learning packagekit and yum14:39
somaunni just moved for minutes14:39
Kiloshi psychici1t 14:57
Kiloshi stegreen 16:07
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za16:07
Kilosnight all. sleep tight16:23
=== jeandre is now known as theblazehen
theblazehenhi all, Kilos. Happy birthday16:28
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos Happy birthday!16:47
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode16:47
smile4everGood night :D18:34
smile4everthanks :)18:35
=== space_ is now known as Spaceghost
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=== Spaceghost is now known as Guest30637
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