
OvenWerksLubuntu comes without dialog, I can't believe it.00:38
OvenWerksactually so does server, which is even more amazing.03:03
OvenWerksanyway, feel free to look at:03:03
micahgOvenWerks: ok, I'll have a look03:20
OvenWerksmicahg: Thank you03:22
zequenceOvenWerks: Why are you making a script to install Ubuntu Studio metas?08:36
=== contrapunctus-i is now known as contrapunctus
zequenceNoskcaj: about the sticker. madeinkobaia is our art lead. he could probably make one for you, if you asked him22:09
zequencehe's not in right now, but if you want to email him, his email is madeinkobaia@gmail.com22:10
Noskcajzequence, when the build is closer to done, i will.22:10

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